How to decorate a window from the street. The best way to finish street window slopes

After replacing the windows, the external openings look unaesthetic, which means they need to be brought into proper shape. It is necessary to finish the window slopes from the outside to make the window look really good.

Why is it necessary to carry out external finishing of slopes?

Do not think that after installing new windows, the renovation work in the apartment will end. Alas, few builders finish the outer part of the opening, and more than 70% of consumers of construction services never finish the work they start, considering this a waste time and money.

But external finishing of window slopes will prevent serious problems from arising.

Slopes left unfinished are not only unsightly. Over time, untreated slopes will have a detrimental effect on the sealing of openings. Polyurethane foam, even if carefully trimmed, will begin to deteriorate over time under the influence of UV radiation and wind. In a few years, the sun will turn the foam into crumbs, which will slowly but surely fall out of the opening.

As a result, this will lead to strong drafts “settled” in your house. Birds are often interested in polyurethane foam, biting off small pieces of material to create nests. To prevent such serious damage, you need to know how and with what to finish the external slopes of windows.

Options for finishing external slopes: choosing material

There are various ways to give a finished look to external slopes. Each of them has its own characteristics, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages; finishing options differ in the time of work and the cost of implementation.

Possible finishing options:

  • The oldest and most economical option is plastering slopes. The work is quite simple: we dilute the dry mixture with water and finish it. After the mixture has dried, it is sanded and sanded, then painted. This finishing of exterior window slopes is cheap, which is a decisive factor for many. True, there is also a minus here - the duration of the work. On average, finishing slopes using this method takes up to 10 days. The disadvantages include the “coldness” of the slopes: the junction of the slopes with the frames can freeze, which causes condensation to form, leading to the appearance of fungus. If we are talking about plastic windows, then a mismatch between the plaster mixture and PVC profiles can cause a weak connection. As a result, the plaster may soon peel off from the window, which means the work will have to be done again.
  • Using drywall. Drywall is considered more modern material for finishing window slopes. Its main advantages include ease of operation and good result in the form of a smooth surface that can simply be painted. However, it should be borne in mind that they will last a long time only if you properly prepare the surface: treat it with antibacterial impregnation. also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage in this case is the lack of moisture resistance and the need for periodic repairs.
  • Usage plastic slopes. Most modern way– use of PVC slopes. Due to the wide selection of colors and technical features, such products will help you effectively design slopes of any shape, including bay windows and arches. In addition, the material of the slope will fully correspond to the material of the window profile (if we are talking about PVC windows), having a similar expansion coefficient at different temperatures. In addition, the material does not develop microcracks over time, fungus will not appear in it, and dirt is easy to remove. Finishing the external slopes of windows by PVC applications panels has a disadvantage - the rather high cost of the products. However, if you want guaranteed quality, then it is better to choose them, despite the cost.
  • Siding panels are also often used for finishing external slopes. They are easy to clean and do not accumulate dust on the surface, and are resistant to aggressive influences. external environment, are not afraid of severe frosts and do not fade in the sun. In addition, siding panels can last quite a long time if they are installed correctly.

Having chosen how to finish the outside window slopes, you can begin the work itself.

Finishing window slopes from the outside using plaster

As we have already said, the use of plaster is the most economical option, making this method accessible to absolutely everyone. The work is also quite simple, the main thing is to follow our instructions exactly.

How to finish window slopes from the outside - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Surface Preparation

First you need to clean the window openings - remove all dirt, dust and excess foam. To prevent the solution from getting on the glass, they must be covered with film, and if there are cracks, it is better to seal them.

To apply the mixture you need to use a medium-sized spatula - it is much more convenient if it is no smaller than the width of the slopes. Apply the mixture from top to bottom, carefully pouring a small amount onto the surface and smoothing it, not forgetting to monitor the level according to the previously installed beacons. In order for the solution to lie on the surface efficiently, try to hold the spatula perpendicular to the surface of the slope. Such actions are performed in several approaches with stops, due to which the surface of the slopes will be smooth and without cracks. If suddenly during the process of work you develop several bumps, it’s okay, because after the plaster has completely hardened, you will need to go over the surface with a grater or sandpaper, which will easily remove errors and unevenness.

Step 4: Apply Putty

But finishing window slopes from the outside with plaster does not end there. To remove any imperfections that may occur during plastering, use putty. The main thing is to apply it after the mixture is completely dry. On average, one centimeter of plaster takes about 5 days to dry, but to be safe, you can wait a couple more days. You should not make a layer of putty too thick - 0.5 cm is enough to smooth out unevenness. Carefully apply the putty with a spatula and level it.

The strength and durability of a building depends on many factors, including the high-quality finishing of window slopes. Facing attaches beautiful view not only to the windows, but to the entire building as a whole.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

External finishing of plastic windows

Finishing plastic windows outside - not only an aesthetic need, it can significantly reduce heat loss from windows and walls. Slopes, in addition to decorative, also perform a protective function - they protect windows from harmful atmospheric influences, moisture, prevent the formation of fungus or mold on the windows, and also increase the insulating properties of plastic windows. By insulating the slopes, you can completely eliminate the possibility of moisture on the surface of the window. Each of the existing window insulation technologies allows you to take advantage of the entire range of modern, high-quality materials, which not only have affordable price, but also excellent performance.
If you have recently installed plastic windows, do not delay finishing them, as unlined slopes will make the openings leaky; the polyurethane foam quickly collapses under the influence of rain, wind and sunlight. After installing windows, you should take care high-quality finishing slopes outside. High-quality slopes protect plastic windows from negative impact atmospheric phenomena and possible deformations (distortion) during operation.

Decorative window covering

Decorative window cladding can be very diverse thanks to a wide selection of modern finishing materials, and the ability to install colored double-glazed windows allows you to combine external finishing with almost any exterior. For window cladding, in addition to directly finishing material, various additional elements are used.
If you wish (and have certain skills and a minimum set of working tools), you can do the work of insulation and finishing of slopes with your own hands.

Among the popular options for facing openings are:
1. Plastering slopes.
2. Cladding with sandwich panels.
3. Slopes made of plasterboard.
4. Wood finishing.
5. Metal finishing.
6. Stone finishing (natural, artificial).
7. Foam finishing.
8. Finishing with plastic panels.

Most of them can be installed with your own hands, which not only gives the openings an aesthetic appearance, but also saves your budget.
Let's look at each option in a little more detail.

Plastering window slopes

Plastering slopes is the simplest and most economical way to finish their exterior. The plastered surface combines perfectly with the design of plastic windows, and the simple technology will be within the power of a beginner doing repairs with his own hands.
Window finishing with plaster includes:
— thorough preparation of surfaces - cleaning from dust, removing excess polyurethane foam. To avoid staining the frame and window sill, they must be covered;
— installation of beacons (special metal profile);
- application with a spatula plaster mortar(the surface between the beacons must be perfectly flat and smooth);
— leveling the surface and filling the resulting voids with solution, repeating the steps if necessary;
- applying a second layer of plaster (after the first has dried), the total thickness should be at least 1-1.5 cm;
— surface grinding;
- coating finishing putty;
— preparing the surface for painting;
- coloring.

Finishing window openings with sandwich panels

Finishing window openings with sandwich panels - perfect option for finishing windows outside. Sandwich panels are a multilayer structure consisting of several sheets of plastic and polyurethane foam (foam), which is located between them. These panels have a number of positive qualities: They are easy to install and clean. Thanks to their unique design, they protect windows from freezing and blowing, and the variety of colors will not leave anyone indifferent.

Finishing with waterproof plasterboard

Finishing with waterproof plasterboard is perhaps the most quick way cladding of window slopes. The installation principle is similar to the installation of plastic panels - the sheathing is installed, and pieces of drywall are screwed to it, the cracks are filled with polyurethane foam. For additional thermal insulation, the internal space of the slopes can be filled with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. To ensure that the cladding is airtight, the surface of the plasterboard slopes is pre-treated with a special antibacterial impregnation, and after installation they are covered with a layer of putty that hides the joints. Then the slopes are sanded and painted. The advantage of this material is the speed of work, because only with its help can you get smooth, beautiful, perfectly even slopes in the shortest possible time.

The wooden window trim will be appreciated by fans of the natural style in decor. This one is environmentally friendly pure material it looks very beautiful, especially if the facade of the house is also made of wood. The disadvantages of this option include the high price and the need for pre-treatment (to protect against negative environmental influences).

Finishing window openings with metal

Finishing window openings with metal is one of the most reliable and practical ways. At correct installation metal slopes guarantee long-lasting, hermetic protection of windows. They are made of galvanized steel with a polymer colored coating that protects the material from corrosion and rust. Metal slopes - universal option, they go well with any windows and any facades, the main thing is to choose the right color scheme. As a rule, they are made to order, according to individual measurements and attached using self-tapping screws. For greater tightness, the seams are treated with silicone sealant. If desired, the color of such slopes can be easily changed using paint.

Stone finishing of window openings

Stone finishing of window openings is superior to all of the above types of cladding in terms of aesthetics - it has a unique design and harmonizes perfectly with other external decor. For example, part of the slope can be covered decorative plaster, and attach small stone tiles to it. Specifications stone coatings are impressive: moisture resistance, frost resistance, resistance to sudden temperature changes, durability, combustion resistance. Stone surface does not absorb dirt, so this type of finish is almost ideal.

The most popular option is:
- granite;
- gravel;
- sandstone.

However, a natural stone- this is an expensive and rather difficult to install material that is heavy, so it is not very often used for cladding slopes. Artificial stone has a more affordable price and lighter weight, but has characteristics similar to natural stone.

Finishing slopes with foam plastic

Finishing slopes with foam plastic is one of the most cost-effective ways to process and insulate slopes.
Foam finishing technology includes:
1. Surface preparation: thorough cleaning of dust, dirt, foam residues, filling holes, cracks or potholes with cement mortar (or adhesive cement). It is mandatory to apply a deep penetration primer layer.
2. Cutting blanks from a sheet of foam plastic with a thickness of at least 5 mm that are suitable in size for the slopes. Applying an adhesive-cement solution with a spatula and then applying it to the surface of the slope. The sheet must be carefully leveled (using a level), and after the adhesive solution has dried, secure it with dowels.

3. After the foam is securely fixed, a layer is applied to it starting putty, onto which, in turn, a reinforced mesh is attached, as if pressing it into the putty layer. To protect the corners, it is necessary to install special metal corners.
4. Applying a layer of finishing putty, sanding with a grout mesh and painting (if necessary).
As you can see, there are no difficulties when exterior decoration windows, so this work can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of expensive craftsmen.

Window finishing with plastic panels

Finishing windows with plastic panels is a practical solution. Such panels are designed for a long period of use, have a beautiful appearance, and the process of their assembly is extremely simple and takes a minimum of time (finishing can take only a few hours). When choosing a material, you should focus on panels intended for outdoor use - they are more durable and do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
There are several types of plastic panels that are used for window finishing:
- leafy (most popular look, is characterized by increased thermal insulation properties, resistance to temperature changes, various acids and alkaline substances, high humidity).
- cellular (used very rarely due to the increased fragility of the finishing coating and poor color stability to ultraviolet radiation).

Knowing the basic rules for selecting materials and the technology for finishing slopes and covering plastic windows, you can avoid many mistakes, especially if you are doing home renovations yourself. For example, installation and finishing of plastic windows is best done in dry weather at above-zero temperatures, since frost and high humidity can have a detrimental effect on structural elements.
Attention to details and their careful elaboration gives the interior a finished look. External slopes on windows are a mandatory element, so you don’t need to be content with just the installation and interior finishing of double-glazed windows.

Today at residential buildings, almost everywhere, old, outdated ones are being replaced, replacing them with modern plastic ones.

This pleasure is not cheap, and some people, when replacing windows in a house, refuse to install external slopes in order to save money. But finishing the window slopes from the outside is an important component of the repair, and today we’ll talk about it.

They have excellent heat and sound insulation; they do not need to be insulated or painted. However, in order for a plastic window to serve for a long time, all installation operations must be carried out in strict accordance with technical requirements.

When installing a window into an opening, the gap between the frame and the wall is filled with mounting foam, which is resistant to direct sunlight and moisture. Under the influence of these factors, the foam may lose thermal insulation properties and collapse. That is why it is unacceptable to leave the installation seam open for a long time.

Do-it-yourself finishing of external window slopes

It's best to fix it right away problem areas after installing the window. There are several ways to do this. The most common in finishing window slopes from the outside are:

  • plastering;
  • use of sandwich panels.

1. Plastering, more cheap way and besides, it does not require special skill from the performer. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

The main thing is to do everything carefully, without spoiling or staining the profile. True, this operation will have to be performed more than once. After all, it is not very securely attached to the plastic profile and has different expansion coefficients.

Under influence external factors, it will definitely crack and will need to be restored.

You can plaster slopes plaster mixture. The walls are pre-cleaned and then a rough layer of cement or gypsum-based mixture is applied. After the rough layer has dried, a finishing layer is applied, which can then be painted.

2. Due to the fragility of the plastered layer, for modern plastic windows it is more acceptable to finish window slopes with sandwich panels.

The window looks aesthetically complete and harmonious. The sandwich panel consists of two plastic sheet, with a layer of polyurethane foam between them.

Using this method, the thermal insulation properties of the window are significantly increased, the material does not collapse and does not change its color when exposed to external factors, it is easy to clean, and is very durable. The disadvantage is the rather high cost and complexity of installation.

Sometimes cellular plastic is used for exterior finishing of window slopes. However, this option does not justify itself, since this material is very fragile, short-lived and fades in the sun.

3. In addition to the above methods for finishing external slopes, there is another method that involves using sealing polyurethane tape.

It perfectly protects the installation seam from environmental influences and removes moisture. This method has proven itself well in Western European countries, but is still used very rarely in Russia.

Video: how to finish the external external slope of a window.

Video: decorating windows outside with polystyrene foam with your own hands.

P.S. Conclusion, pay attention to the qualifications of the craftsmen who will finish the external windows with slopes. I think it’s worth paying more, but you’ll get decent quality and save your nerves.

Or you can try to do this type of work yourself. Good luck!

Hello, my dear subscribers!

I noticed how often Lately questions began to be received related to the fact that long-installed plastic windows are gradually losing one of their functions - protection from drafts.

People whose apartments had PVC windows functioning properly for several years began to note with bewilderment that noticeable air movement had appeared in the area of ​​the internal slopes.

It is characteristic that in many cases an examination of the window itself does not reveal any visible reasons: sealing rubber is in good condition, and the window sash pressure is adjusted according to all rules.

What's the matter?

With a high degree of probability I can say: it’s all about the exterior decoration of the window, that is, in the construction of external slopes.

External slopes for windows made of PVC profiles

Our citizens are accustomed to the fact that everything should be done by itself, and there is no need to go into deep details in every matter. But practice shows that this approach is fundamentally wrong. Let's take, for example, the question of finishing a plastic window after its installation that interests us.

What does the average consumer pay attention to after the installers have installed the window and the finishers have made the internal slopes? Usually, it depends on how the opening sash works, whether the plastic or glass is damaged, how smoothly and professionally the internal slopes are arranged.

In cases where these items meet the customer’s expectations, he happily signs the acceptance certificate for the finished product

Meanwhile, before making a full settlement with the installer, it would not be out of place to pay attention to the external finishing of the junction points window frame to the facade of the building.

If mounting foam is visible between the structure of the window block and the window opening, this indicates a violation of the technology for arranging the junction points.

Means, such a window cannot be used, otherwise not much time will pass, and the customer will again have to turn to specialists for help to eliminate this shortcoming.

And the disadvantage in the form of polyurethane foam that is not protected from atmospheric influences will manifest itself quite soon - the internal slopes of the plaster will begin to freeze and even the appearance of drafts under the slopes finished PVC panels or any other piece material.

Polyurethane foam

You should know that Spray foam is not a sealant. Its main purpose is sound and heat insulation, fixing door and window blocks, filling various voids and junction points of installed mounting structures.

WITH similar work foam copes “excellently” if it is not subject to the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays and wind erosion, that is, if it is protected by other finishing materials that are resistant to such influences.

Polyurethane foam is necessarily present in a multilayer slope insulation system.

But it should not be visible, because when installing a window unit in compliance with all the rules, the outer junction of the frame and the opening must be covered with a self-expanding sealing tape.

Technology for arranging an external slope in the video:

Protection for polyurethane foam

PSUL (abbreviation for self-expanding tape) is glued to the frame before it is installed in window hole. Within about half an hour (depending on the ambient temperature), it increases in volume, filling the space at the outer junction of the edge of the opening with the window frame.

PSUL tape serves as reliable protection for polyurethane foam from all possible destructive processes, because it:

  • does not rot;
  • moisture resistant;
  • does not deteriorate from exposure to sunlight;
  • has good vapor permeability;
  • when expanded, it perfectly fills small protrusions and irregularities;
  • retains its protective functions at temperatures from -50 0 to +90 0.

The service life of the self-expanding tape is 50 years and, in theory, its protection is sufficient for external slopes. But, unfortunately, there are no ideal finishing materials.

The PSUL tape also has a minus. It lies in the increased deformation component of this tape. Simply put, it can be easily damaged by simply pressing lightly with your finger.

Therefore, the self-expanding tape also needs protection, and such finishing protection can be the installation of external slopes.

Conditions for finishing external slopes

Some customers, having installed a window and finished the internal slopes, postpone the installation of external slopes “for later” and thereby contribute to a rapid decline in the performance characteristics of the entire window unit.

In fact, we can confidently say that External slopes should be installed first. This is especially true in cases where the window is installed at a height, and all work on its exterior decoration can only be carried out from inside the room.

In this case, the finisher will have to work while in the window opening, and such conditions may well lead to damage to the window sill and already finished internal slopes.

Imagine that the design of your plastic window from the street side will consist of plastering the plane of the window opening. How long will the finisher have to work with the liquid solution? And even with the highest qualifications of the worker, the solution, especially if applied to the upper slope, no, no, will end up on the windowsill, no matter how you cover it, and from there on the floor in the apartment or on the sides of the internal opening.

My practice shows that in a situation where in an apartment (where it is impossible to design a window from the street side) the internal slopes were first made “to zero”, and only after that the finishers were engaged in arranging the outer part of the window opening, after all the work was completed, the internal slopes had to be repair.

Therefore, when making a decision on installing slopes around plastic windows, do not ignore my recommended sequence of actions:

  • installation of a window unit;
  • device for connecting the window structure and the walls of the window opening;
  • finishing of external slopes;
  • insulation of the surface of internal slopes;
  • finishing of internal slopes.

If you follow this plan, you will probably save a certain amount of money, which would have to be spent on repairing already finished, but damaged due to a violation of the order of finishing the internal surfaces of window slopes.


The construction of external slopes has a completely different specificity, different from that used when constructing slopes indoors.

When finishing slopes from the outside, you cannot:

  • use drywall, because it will quickly get wet and fall apart after the first rains;
  • install PVC panels, because Sun rays And low temperatures have a destructive effect on this type of finishing materials;
  • use wood parts not treated with a special protective compound;
  • use plaster compositions based on gypsum and putty, not intended for outdoor use.

The same as with interior decoration, when, for example, it is impossible to plaster the slope if inside the room around the window opening - wooden frame, the choice of exterior finishing largely depends on what building material the building’s facade is made of.

Finishing material

There are practically no questions when installing the external slopes of a building on the facade of which plastic or metal siding is installed.

In these cases, the slopes are decorated with special shaped elements (sloping strips, window drains, complex finishing corners), which are included in the set of external façade finishing with these materials.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with the choice of finishing material for the installation of external slopes log house, because there are already different options here, and you need to choose one that will not spoil all the charm of natural wood.

If a plastic window is installed in the same plane with the outer surface of the facade wall, then its design does not present any particular difficulties. A casing of the required width is installed at the junction, and this is enough to preserve the aesthetic appearance, and protect the place that may be negatively affected by atmospheric phenomena.

But usually a plastic window is installed in a recessed slope to prevent freezing of the walls of the opening surrounding it. Such an installation entails other requirements for the design of external slopes that appeared as a result of moving the window unit indoors.

The finishing of such openings in a log house can be done using plastic moldings, the edges of which are closed: at the window - the initial one, and outside, at the point of contact with the facade - with F-shaped strips.

But the best option for arranging a wooden opening would be to install a box made of a wooden L-shaped board.

However, it should be borne in mind that Such design of a slope will cost a pretty penny, because such a board should be made according to individual order and according to certain sizes. Yes, and qualitatively slaughter each other corner connections boards are not at all a simple matter and require professional skills.

However, with competent installation actions, the result will undoubtedly please you, since only natural wood can look 100% organic with a natural wooden facade.

In houses made of concrete, brick or gas silicate blocks, there will be slopes made from a plaster composition used for external work, puttied and painted in desired color(usually this is the color in which the entire facade is painted).

To give external window slopes a pronounced individuality, you can use ceramic tiles for exterior use or decorative finishing stone.

You can often find brick or monolithic houses, the basis of the façade finishing of which is an external plaster insulation system.

The principle of this type of insulation device is that external wall First, foam or mineral wool is glued and then additionally fixed with disc-shaped dowels, which are subsequently covered with a special mesh and plastered.

If in a house with an external plaster system the external slopes are not insulated before finishing them, they will become cold bridges through which heat will escape from the room.

This may also lead to uninsulated places will become conductors of high humidity, which will subsequently result in the formation of condensation, both on the internal surfaces of the glass and on the internal slopes.

Rules for insulating slopes from the street in the video:

How to arrange external slopes

The beginning of finishing slopes from any material you choose should begin with sealing the installation seam between the frame and the wall.

As I already said, there should be no polyurethane foam in the seam; it must be covered with PSUL tape. All other options are a violation of the technology for installing plastic windows.

But although the owners installed windows and it’s not your fault that you encountered illiterate installers, nothing can be done anyway - the situation needs to be corrected.

After the window block is fixed in the opening, it will be impossible to install the PSUL tape in the mounting seam, even theoretically, since this tape is mounted immediately before installing the window on the outside plastic frame– using an adhesive base applied to one of its sides.

In addition to the PSUL tape polyurethane foam not as high quality, but you can still protect it by applying a couple of layers to it oil paint or by sealing the seam with construction tape.

After this, you can continue the process of finishing the external slopes, for which you need to install an external window sill drain.

This seemingly simple stage, as well as the issue of protecting the polyurethane foam, is worth considering in detail.

External window sill flashing cannot be attached to the outer part of the window frame, as some would-be installers do. The ebb tide has its own regular installation location. The upper protrusion should be in the groove located at the lower end of the plastic frame.

The edges of the flashing should be trimmed and bent so that they can be pressed tightly against the side slopes. Subsequently, these curved parts should be plastered on top or covered with piece side slopes.

External flashings are made of thin sheet metal, which in good rain can act as a drum, so before installation you should inner part low tide, apply noise-absorbing tape. AND It wouldn’t be at all out of place at low tide with inside stick PSUL tape, which, just like between the frame and the slope, will cover all the potholes and the ledge.

So, the installation seam is closed, the ebb is installed according to all the rules. Now you can safely begin finishing the top and side slopes.

Slopes on a vinyl siding façade

To decorate a house whose walls are covered with vinyl siding, standard joints for connecting shaped parts around a window opening have been developed.

When installing these parts, be aware that they are installed after the load-bearing frame, but before finishing panels begin to be attached to the frame.

First of all, the initial strip is attached to the window along the entire perimeter, then the lower ebb, upper and side slopes are inserted into it in turn, which are cut together and secured with screws to the building's skin.

There are practically no difficulties when installing slopes made of vinyl moldings.

The exception, perhaps, is the need to take special care when cutting the joints of connecting shaped elements. Carelessness or unprofessional actions at this stage can lead to water getting under the casing, and this, in turn, threatens serious damage to closed areas of the external slopes.

How to plaster external slopes

The process of plastering the outer part of a window opening differs from plastering the part that is located inside the room only in the composition of the materials used.

For comfortable application of plaster on internal slopes, a gypsum binder is often added to the plaster composition. This additive makes the plaster more elastic and adheres better to the surface, which is especially important when constructing an upper slope.

If you are sure that the internal slope will not be in an area of ​​high humidity, then the cement-sand plaster can be safely completely replaced with acrylic or gypsum.

For finishing external slopes, only a cement-sand composition with the addition of the necessary additives that improve its adhesive characteristics is suitable. This plaster is not afraid of any weather conditions.

To ensure that the applied composition holds better and does not crack when applying a large layer, it can be applied to metal plaster mesh– such plaster reinforced with reinforcement is guaranteed to protect the junction of the frame and the wall for a very long time.

The plastering solution is prepared according to the instructions indicated on the package. It is very important that it is developed during the time it is in working condition. This period is also necessarily indicated in the recommendation for use.

The application of plaster depends on the professional skills of the finisher: some use a trowel, applying the mortar to the falcon and throwing it onto the slopes, others use different types of spatulas for these purposes.

If you want to carry out this work for the first time and on your own, I think that you will have difficulties with both the first and second options, because the main thing in this matter is having experience. But after spending a few hours training and listening to the recommendations experienced craftsman, it’s quite possible to sketch a couple linear meters plaster covering the side slope.

Another day of training - and you can begin constructing a horizontal upper slope, which is a more complex task than applying plaster to the vertical surfaces of the side parts of the window opening.

After plastering, allow the slope to dry completely.(drying time must be indicated on the product packaging).

After this, the slope is puttied with putty, the composition of which is suitable for use for external finishing works. If you made the slope yourself, and not everything turned out the way you wanted, that is, evenly and smoothly, then you can hide small flaws made during the plastering process by applying decorative finishing plaster or putty to create textured coatings.

Before puttying mandatory conditions, without which this process cannot be started, is the complete drying of the plaster composition and priming of the entire plastered surface.

The final and most simple step is painting the finished surface. To deal with it without problems, you need, as in the previous stage, to wait for the surface to completely dry and prime it.

For an example of installing slopes on window openings of buildings covered with corrugated sheets, see the video:

Slopes on window openings of buildings trimmed with corrugated sheets

For residential buildings, facade finishing with profiled sheets is practically not used - this is the prerogative of household and production premises. But since we are talking about all external slopes, we will briefly consider this material for decorating window openings.

Installing metal slopes is not a difficult task.

To do this, you only need sheet metal coated in the color of the facade, two types of corners, rivets (preferably matching the color of the metal), short screws and a special tool:

  • drill or, better yet, a screwdriver;
  • metal scissors, preferably electric;
  • a set of drills with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the rivets.

First on window profile Along the entire perimeter, a corner is screwed to the very edge with self-tapping screws, the size of the shelves is usually 20x20mm.

Then from sheet metal a blank is cut corresponding to the width and height of the closed slope. This blank is riveted on one side to a corner mounted on the frame.

The next step is that To outside the second corner is riveted to the workpiece, which is manufactured according to custom sizes in such a way as to cover the junction of metal sheets installed on the wall and on the slope.

How to make insulated external slopes

It is especially necessary to insulate the surface of external slopes when the entire building is insulated from the outside.

If insulation is carried out according to the principle of a ventilated facade, and the slopes are covered with the same material that is on the facade (it does not matter, porcelain stoneware, metal profiles or vinyl siding), then, as a rule, a layer of mineral wool twice as thin as the insulation layer is glued under the cladding the remaining walls of the building.

If the building is insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool, which are covered with protective finishing plaster, then the slopes must be insulated with similar materials and finished with the appropriate plaster composition.

To finish slopes without being tied to an external insulation system, you can use extruded polystyrene foam - penoplex. This material can serve as an analogue of drywall when it is used for interior decoration window opening.

It, like plasterboard, can be glued to brick, concrete or other material framing the plastic window from the facade. After gluing to fully guarantee its reliable fixation Each side can be additionally secured with disc-shaped dowels. Then a fiberglass plaster mesh should be glued to the surface of the penoplex and filled with façade putty.

After drying, the putty is cleaned with fine sandpaper, primed and painted, again with façade paint in the desired color.

Characteristics of external metal slopes in the video:

The need to comply with technology

The construction of internal and external slopes in accordance with all construction rules has many aspects and details. It makes no sense to consider them all, because such knowledge is needed only by a limited group of theoretical builders.

You need to know the basic conditions, without which the operation of window products, as well as the comfortable atmosphere in the room where they are installed, will be at risk.

The main requirements for modern filling of a window opening are a well-made connection to the wall openings, as well as correctly selected components of the window structure itself.

To begin with, from all the proposals, you should choose the profile that is perfect for working in the conditions of your climate zone. That is, it must have the required width and such a number of internal chambers that it fully meets building regulations for heat and sound insulation.

After deciding the issue of choosing a profile for a window unit, the question of choosing a double-glazed window immediately arises. As a rule, customers leave the solution to this problem at the discretion of the manufacturer.

But it’s better to think for yourself and choose one of the proposed options:

  • double-chamber heavy double-glazed window, the weight of which (for a large sash) will eventually affect the operation of the fittings;
  • single-chamber with low-emissivity glass and gas-filled chamber with the same sound and heat insulation, but with less weight and, therefore, more reliable functioning of the fittings.

When the window unit is ready for installation, in order for it to provide a truly high-quality thermal effect in the room, you should not only know the basic principles of design and installation, but also strictly follow them.

Therefore, the responsibilities of the customer for the installation of new plastic windows should include monitoring compliance with all installation rules.

You should ensure that:

  • the size of the window block's indentation from the surface of the opening walls did not exceed 10-20 mm;
  • when sealing the installation seam, temperature deformations and thermal changes in the window structure were taken into account;
  • on the street side, a pre-compressed self-expanding tape must be installed;
  • On the side of the room, a vapor barrier was installed in the form of a continuous contour along the entire perimeter of the window block.

Remember that work on the installation of internal and external slopes is aimed at reducing heat loss through external enclosing structures, which in this case are window blocks. It is through windows that 40 to 70% of the total heat loss of a building can occur.

Even if the window unit itself complies with all thermal engineering standards, heat will still leave the building freely due to air infiltration through the frame’s connection to the opening, which was made in violation of the rules.

Problems associated with improper finishing of slopes

Due to the specifics of my work, sometimes I have to deal with situations and resolve issues related to the consequences of illiterate installation of window structures.

As a rule, such questions arise when a person independently decides to install plastic windows in his home, deciding that there is nothing complicated about it.

Or the second, often encountered situation - the customer hired the guys without recommendations, guided only by the fact that when discussing the work they “threw their fingers wide” and assured that they were doing renovation work in Pugacheva’s own house.

It’s a strange thing, for some reason all the “shabashniks” try to introduce themselves as the favorite builders of popular celebrities. Like, they have a couple of weeks while the team moves from the site they built for Galkin to the construction of Kirkorov’s dacha. During this time, they can, so be it, help you out, and perform complex tasks for “two pennies.” construction works. And what’s surprising is that many people believe them.

But this is just me, not the topic, you just really see this quite often, and so I expressed that it hurts.

“Great builders” leave, leaving behind heaps of garbage and promises: if anything happens, they will immediately return and fix everything. But when all the negative consequences of their “professional” work appear, neither the promised guarantee nor themselves can be found in the daytime.

And what should I do when people come (now understanding what their mistake was) and ask to eliminate the defects that have appeared?

You have to maintain your resume as a decent specialist and, after a little suggestion, which is to instruct the customer not to repeat such mistakes again, still send a team to eliminate the causes of discomfort for customers.

And there are plenty of reasons like this:

  • uninsulated internal slopes. The result is freezing and condensation from frequent temperature changes;
  • cracks on the surface of internal and external plastered slopes. The result is the penetration of moisture from the street, the formation of fungus and mold;
  • water leakage and blowing under the window sill due to incorrect installation external low tide;
  • the appearance of a draft in the area where the frame adjoins the internal slopes. As a rule, this occurs due to the destruction of the mounting foam due to improper installation of the slope insulation system;
  • shedding of plaster or putty from the external slope due to violation of the technology for working with plaster compositions or the use of materials not suitable for external work;
  • failure of the external finishing of the slopes. This occurs in cases where finishing materials that are not used for outdoor finishing are used to construct external slopes (for example, PVC panels that are used for interior work).

Elimination of the above defects is, of course, possible. But, for example, in order to properly connect the window frame to the opening, it is necessary to dismantle both the internal and external slopes.

Such work takes a lot of time and costs twice as much as initially correct insulation and finishing of slopes.


Compliance technological features when installing window units, this is a primary task, but not the only one. At the same time, we should not forget that the installed window blocks should not stand out in color, violate the geometry of the building and spoil the appearance of the facade.

External window slopes are only considered a professionally made part of the window structure when they are made in compliance technical standards and are part of the decoration of the facade of the building.

It is important to know that for those buildings that are finished with decorative stone, metal frames or vinyl moldings cannot be installed on the external slopes.

It is possible to clad the outer parts of openings with finishing stone where the following materials are used for facade finishing:

  • a natural stone;
  • ceramic tile;
  • clinker or polymer panels.

On buildings finished with vinyl siding, vinyl shaped parts that come complete with the main façade trim will look most organic.

For a facade on which metal cladding coverings are installed (profiled sheets, metal siding, as well as metal cassettes), best choice The finishing of the external slopes will be a metal sheet, painted in the main color of the building and installed in the opening using finishing metal corners.

When considering options for constructing slopes for buildings made of brick and concrete, the natural choice would be to finish the window opening with a plaster compound, followed by puttying and painting.

The most difficult thing will be the choice of external arrangement of a window in a wooden frame. A wooden building can easily lose its attractive naturalness if you try to mix several styles in its exterior decoration. Therefore, the profile of plastic windows must have a lamination corresponding to the wooden finish, and it is best to cover the external slopes with a frame made of natural wood.

As a result, I would like to note that when installing a window unit, you should always consider the entire range of work: installing the window, installing connections, installing external and internal slopes. Only in this case will you receive the expected pleasure from the long-term and reliable operation of the installed plastic windows.

Technology for finishing windows outside with polystyrene foam in the video:

After the window is installed, it is necessary to process everything around it - seams, joints, slopes. Otherwise, the polyurethane foam will be destroyed by rain and ultraviolet radiation, and water, frosty air, noise and insects will begin to penetrate into the cracks. Not to mention that untreated slopes and seams look untidy. External window decoration is waterproofing, insulation and aesthetics at the same time.

The main finishing materials are siding (PVC or metal), plaster, plastic panels, wood, stone, ceramics. If the windows face glass balcony, you can sheathe the slopes with plasterboard. Foam plastic is suitable for insulation, stucco molding is suitable for aesthetics.

Video “Window decoration from the outside”:

Regardless of the chosen finishing option, you need to level the walls of the opening with plaster and seal it assembly seams(except slopes wooden houses). On plaster slopes, this can be limited to just sanding the walls and covering them with façade paint.

Important: the plaster must completely cover the mounting foam and extend onto the frame by about one and a half centimeters. If, when processing slopes, the layer turns out to be very thick, reinforcing mesh should be used.

Plaster slopes

Wet finishing of windows from the outside (as in the photo) is the cheapest, although the most energy-intensive method. Suitable for stone, concrete, brick, plaster facades.

The disadvantage of plaster is poor adhesion to PVC. A crack may subsequently form between the window and the slope. To eliminate this drawback, a strip is laid between the plaster wall and the frame silicone sealant about 5 millimeters.

Before starting work, the opening is cleaned of dirt and primed. Plastering is done according to the beacons. It is recommended to install temporary wooden planks: they will serve as formwork. The maximum thickness of the plaster layer is 7 mm. Before applying the next layer, the previous one must be dried. If there are several layers, a reinforcing mesh is used.

For aesthetics, you can stick false foam trims on the windows. They are put on cement mortar, reinforced with fiberglass mesh, covered finishing layer plaster. After hardening, the entire opening is sanded, primed, painted or decorated with decorative plaster.

A good option for finishing a simple plaster opening is decorating it with stucco. There are ready-made elements made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, and gypsum on sale. It should be remembered that the use of gypsum for external work is limited, because This is not waterproof material.

Plastic panels

For PVC windows, a suitable cladding option is vinyl siding or plastic panels.

External window finishing with siding is done as follows:

1. Cut off the foam protruding beyond the edge of the frame.

2. Secure the starting U-shaped profile around the perimeter of the frame.

3. Strengthen wooden slats along the outer edge of the slopes.

4. Cut plastic blanks according to the dimensions of the slopes.

5. Insert the workpiece into the profile, lay insulation under it.

6. Secure the second edge with self-tapping screws to the rail.

7. Cover the outer edge of the slopes with an F-shaped profile or platband.

8. Seal the joints in the corners with silicone sealant.

Plastic sandwich panels are installed in a similar way. A sandwich panel is a sheet of thermal insulation (usually polyurethane foam) located between two sheets of plastic. Additional insulation not required.

Siding is used to process slopes when the façade is covered with it. The material set includes shaped elements for processing the corners of the house, window and door openings and other non-standard parts of the structure. Color range vinyl siding quite large, but white is more often used: it does not fade.

Video “Trimming windows outside with siding”:

The technology for finishing siding depends on the characteristics of the opening. The siding package includes shaped parts that can be used for different options installation

IN general view finishing of windows with siding from the outside looks like this: along the inner perimeter of the slope - a starting profile (chamfer, J-profile, depending on the range of shaped parts from a given manufacturer). By outside– plastic outer corner. The panels are inserted into the profile on one side, and placed under the corner on the other.

The panels are installed from bottom to top. The top panel is snapped to the bottom with a special lock. The panels are fastened to the walls of the opening using galvanized self-tapping screws, strictly in the center of the mounting hole.

If there are no slopes, platbands are installed around the window, and facade panels are placed under them. To design arched openings you will need a flexible J-profile.

Attention: when installing siding, the fasteners are shortened by about a millimeter, and gaps are left on all joining lines between the parts for thermal expansion. In addition to arched windows: on them rigid mount, no gaps are left.

Metal panels

It is possible to finish a plastic window on the outside with metal panels. Manufacturing material – galvanized steel with a polymer outer shell. A metal extension is a profile element that covers the entire slope and the edge of the wall around the opening. Such extensions are secured to the frame with roofing screws.

Installation technology metal siding similar to PVC siding.

Stone and tile

An opening lined with artificial or natural stone, clinker, porcelain tiles. To treat slopes, you need to select frost-resistant grades of finishing material. The cladding technology is the same as that of tiles for interior work. For gluing and grouting, either cement mortar or façade varieties glue.


It is possible to decorate the outside of plastic windows with wood using lining, ready-made trims and carved platbands, planed boards, bamboo planks. Wooden window trim will look organic in combination with a facade made of logs or timber. Boards can be secured with galvanized nails or wood screws.

Plaster is not used to seal cracks in wooden openings and it is highly undesirable to use polyurethane foam. Preferred Materials for processing - tow and jute.


Finishing the outside of plastic windows with foam plastic is the cheapest way to insulate slopes. The procedure is as follows:

1. Prepare the opening: clean it, seal the cracks with plaster.

2. Prime the surface.

3. Place glue on the wall of the opening and on the foam blank, carefully spread it over the entire surface with a notched trowel.

4. Glue the blanks, starting from the bottom corners. After installation, coat the joints with glue.

5. Remove excess glue with a wet sponge.

6. After drying, cover the entire surface with another layer of glue and place a reinforcing fiberglass mesh.

7. External and internal corners covered with perforated corners. They are also planted on glue.

8. Dry the surface and prime. Masking tape is placed around the perimeter of the glass so as not to stain it when painting.

9. The finishing of the windows from the outside ends with painting the walls acrylic paints or covered with decorative plaster.