How to exchange bitcoins for rubles quickly and profitably: the best ways to cash out cryptocurrency. Shopping for bitcoin: how to exchange cryptocurrency for rubles and where to spend it

If the money is torn, dirty, dilapidated or has signs of marriage, then most often they do not want to accept it in stores, pharmacies or public transport. What to do with such money, where can you turn it in and how to exchange torn money for full ones?

How much money can you pay

Cash, which can be paid in all trade and service enterprises of the country, is rubles and kopecks. They are legal means of cash payment, including those withdrawn from circulation. Money should not have signs of forgery.

Minor mechanical damage is allowed for coins. And for banknotes:

  • small holes, punctures;
  • tears, stamp imprints;
  • different stains (from paint or oil and others);
  • wear, dirt;
  • inscriptions, lack of corners and edges.

If the money is more seriously damaged and they are not accepted in stores or other trade and service points, then they must be exchanged at any bank, in a branch where there is a cash service for the population.

The bank teller, having ascertained the authenticity and solvency of the banknote or coin, immediately makes an exchange. Money can be received in cash or to a bank account. The bank has no right to take a commission for the exchange, the amount of exchanged money is not limited. Passport is not required.

What money cannot be exchanged

The following insolvent banknotes are not subject to exchange:

  • Banknotes with the inscription "Sample".
  • Banknotes colored with special paints used to prevent theft.
  • Banknotes that have survived less than 55% of their original area.
  • Stratified banknotes that have completely lost one of the sides.
  • A banknote consisting of more than 2 fragments belonging to different banknotes of the same denomination. At the same time, the area of ​​each fragment is less than 55% of the original area of ​​the bill.

It is impossible to exchange coins that have completely erased the image, and if the coin consists of 2 parts: a ring and a disk. Separate parts of such a coin cannot be changed.

All of the above on how to exchange torn money applies only to rubles. Banks charge a commission for the exchange of damaged foreign currency.

Nina Polonskaya

Almost everyone faced the need to change the currency. There are many situations in which you may need to pay with the money of a foreign state. Among the most common: holidays and business trips abroad, the purchase of expensive goods or real estate, the repayment of loans taken in foreign currency, the opening of foreign currency deposits. However, not everyone knows how to change the currency correctly, and what pitfalls await customers near the “exchanger” window.

Currency exchange at home

Those who are going to change the currency, being in the territory of their country, usually do not have any problems. Now in any city there are a large number of banks and operating cash desks where you can make all kinds of transactions with major currencies (US dollars, yens, euros, British pounds sterling).

The only problem that customers may face may be an unfavorable conversion rate. Therefore, before going to the bank to change the currency, you need to find out its official rate. In addition, you should carefully study the offers of banks for currency exchange, which can be found on specialized financial portals in your city or on the websites of credit organizations.

Foreign exchange transactions

Many businessmen and tourists, having arrived in the country of destination, re-commit conversion operations, exchanging dollars or euros purchased at home for the local currency. Unfortunately, when exchanging convertible currency for local money, the risk of running into scammers increases significantly.

For example, when you change currency at the airport, remember that it is almost always overvalued when buying and undervalued when selling. But it is safe to make conversion operations here, in addition, you can exchange large bills for small ones.

When exchanging currency at a bank branch, you need to pay attention to the amount of the commission fee and be sure to check with the cashier how much money you will receive during the conversion. Please note that in any city there is usually the following pattern: the farther from the center and popular tourist routes, the more profitable the exchange rate.

In hotels, the exchange rate is often unfavorable, in addition, sometimes you may be required to pay additional commissions or tips. However, it is still better to change money at an unfavorable rate than to run into "black" money changers or scammers on the street.

With a problem I am looking for a currency exchange almost everyone has encountered. After all, in our country there is a special attitude towards foreign currencies, especially dollars and euros. Most of our compatriots make savings in these currencies.

The great demand for foreign currencies is associated with the unstable exchange rate of the national currency and high inflation, which so far does not give a reason to consider the ruble a "hard" currency and does not contribute to the growth of its popularity.

Currency - this is the monetary unit of the state, which is a key element of the country's monetary system. Each state has its own currency, and some countries even combine their economies and use one monetary unit. We are talking about the European Union and the euro.

The most popular currencies in Russia are:

  • dollar;
  • Euro.

Less popular, but also in demand: Swiss franc, pounds sterling, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen.

Depending on the form, the currency can be:

  • cash;
  • non-cash - to be on a card, deposit or other account;
  • electronic - a type of currency popular in our time. Calculations with its help are carried out in electronic systems: Webmoney, PayPal, Yandex.Money, QIWI and others.

Also, the so-called cryptocurrencies. This is a virtual currency that exists in the form of encrypted information. Its most famous varieties are: Bitcoin, Ethereum.

It is worth considering that the Central Bank does not define the ruble equivalent of cryptocurrencies in any way. Their value is set based on the ratio of supply and demand on the trading floors.

Currency exchange rate

Control over the exchange rate of foreign currencies in Russia is entrusted to the Central Bank. He daily on his website posts the official rates of other monetary units in relation to the ruble.

However, the rates set by banks and other market participants do not match the data of the regulator. This is due to the fact that the Central Bank determines exchange rates based on the average quotes on the Moscow Currency Exchange in the period from 10:00 to 11:30 Moscow time.

However, they begin to act only from the next day. However, trading on the stock exchange does not stop at 11:30, but goes on. And the rates set by the regulator quickly become obsolete.

Other market participants determine the value of currencies based on the current data of the currency exchange. Banks and other market participants indicate two marks on their plates:

  • purchase rate;
  • selling rate.

The first data will be of interest to people who want to buy currency, the second - to those who want to hand it over. The difference between these courses is called margin and in fact is the profit of a participant in foreign exchange transactions. After all, he buys dollars at a lower rate, and sells at a higher rate.

Methods of cash currency exchange

So, where to exchange currency at the most favorable rate? Cash transactions with currency are easiest to carry out in:

  • banks;
  • exchangers;
  • the Internet.


It is easiest and most secure to exchange currency in banks. Here, no one will deceive the client, the cashier will not slip counterfeit money on him.

After all, all such actions affect the reputation of a financial institution, and any violation during foreign exchange operations is strictly punished by the regulator.

Banks post current rates on screens and signs near branches, as well as on official websites on the Internet. Given the large number of financial institutions, it is difficult for a person to bypass all of them and find the best offer. But today, this is no longer necessary.

There are many sites on the Internet that collect data from all banks and publish them on one page. For example, on the portal, you can find out which bank is the most profitable to deposit or purchase currency.

Most sites have special filters with which you can sort data by growth or decrease, select the nearest branch, and of course you can see contact details and work schedule there.

Terminals, ATMs

Special devices designed for currency exchange are not yet widely used by banks. However, they can already be found in the branches of financial institutions, airports, train stations. The principle of operation of ATM is simple, you need to put money in a special compartment for exchange. And then pick up currency or rubles from another window.

When contacting ATMs, it is worth considering that they only accept banknotes with a face value that is a multiple of 5 or 10. They issue money in the same way. For example, at Sberbank ATMs, you can exchange currency with a denomination multiple of 100. At the same time, currency exchange is not carried out with denominations of less than 100 rubles.

Therefore, if the amount to be withdrawn is not “round”, the terminal will ask where to credit the difference: to a payment card (if available) or to top up a mobile phone account. The second important point when exchanging through an automatic device that you need to know about is the presence of a restriction: one exchange operation cannot exceed the amount of 15,000 rubles.


Exchangers are special outlets established by banks, the main task of which is currency exchange operations. You can also find out what exchange rates of major currencies are in exchangers and where it is more profitable to exchange currency using the Internet. All relevant information is posted on the websites of the banks that own the exchanger, or on special websites that collect information about rates.

The main problem of the exchanger that customers face and which is actively discussed on the Internet is the discrepancy between the actual rates of buying and selling currencies with those indicated on the information board.

Often, in order to attract customers, exchanger employees can place incorrect values ​​​​on the plate, and carry out the operation itself at current rates. Therefore, before making an exchange, you need to ask the cashier about the transaction rate, and even better, check the information on the Internet.

  • exchangers must perform not only currency exchange operations, but also other banking services;
  • they must be located in a capital building;
  • there must be detailed information on the stand about the bank: name, address, phone number, list of ongoing operations.

Non-cash currency exchange

Today, you will not surprise anyone with a payment card in foreign currency. The client may need it to receive transfers, travel abroad or to accumulate funds. And accordingly, for holders of currency cards, the question of where to exchange currency is more profitable is also very relevant.

But their situation is somewhat different. This is due to the fact that banks often charge a large commission for withdrawing cash in dollars, euros or other currencies. Plus, then they need to change this currency in exchange offices or at the bank's cash desk.

You can avoid additional expenses if you transfer money from a foreign currency card to a ruble card or to another account opened in the national currency.

Each bank, in addition to the official exchange rates, daily sets the currency purchase / sale rates for payment cards. It should be noted right away that they are different from cash.

For example, the official dollar purchase / sale rates at the Russian Agricultural Bank are as follows: 55.55 - 58.55, and for plastic cards the following quotes apply: 56.2708 - 58.1292. Also, this rate is used when paying with ruble cards for the purchase of goods or services in foreign stores.

It is worth considering that each bank sets such rates only for its payment cards.

Online currency exchange

To date, currency exchange can be done on the Internet. However, here the conditions are dictated not by banks, but by virtual exchangers. Their number is very large, and the work is practically not controlled by the Central Banks.

Sites that collect information from all the most famous virtual exchangers, for example: or, will also help you find the most profitable buying / selling rate on the Internet.

Virtual exchangers work with all types of electronic currencies, as well as with cryptocurrencies. And the larger it is, the more different currencies it represents and the more banks it works with.

Their exchange rates are more profitable than in banks, but they charge a commission for their work, plus the client pays another commission to the electronic system or exchange from which the currency is withdrawn.

Their principle of exchange boils down to the fact that the client transfers to their account the money that they want to exchange, for example, WMR for cash rubles, which must be credited to a Sberbank payment card. After sending a transfer from Webmoney to the account of the exchanger, the robot sends the amount in rubles at the rate from the exchanger's account opened in Sberbank to the person's card. All deal completed.

There are also online exchangers such as . On this service, you can buy euros or dollars by paying with a bank card. To get cash currency, you will need to go to the partner bank of the Golden Crown for it.

The main danger that a client may face when exchanging currency on the Internet is scammers.

They can create special sites that are very similar to well-known exchangers, or simply set a very good rate to attract customers. However, after sending their money to their account, the client will receive nothing in return.

Today, it is very difficult to say exactly where it is profitable to exchange currency. It all depends on the amount of the transaction, the level of risk that a person can take, the type of currency, its form.

Regarding electronic and cryptocurrencies, the situation here is slightly different. Domestic banks do not work with them, so they can be exchanged either in the electronic system itself in a special section, or you can use one of the virtual exchangers on the Internet.

However, before initiating an exchange, it is recommended to check the site of the exchanger, it may have been created by scammers. To do this, it is recommended to use special sites, for example, . With the help of the latter, you can determine when the exchanger was created. If he "lives" only a few days, then it is better to look for another site for the exchange.

Alexander Babin

Has your piggy bank finally filled up, has your wallet become heavy from iron money, or does your income come to you in the form of coins? In such a situation, you will certainly someday ask yourself the question: "Where can I exchange change for paper money?" We will reveal to you a few secrets to help you do this quickly and without any problems.

Opening a deposit

Naturally, most of us will first of all carry a bag of accumulated change to the bank. And they will be surprised to find that the cashier has every right not to provide you with exchange services! However, do not rush to leave the bank in anger. You can go for a little trick - contact the operator with a request to open a deposit "on demand". And then - replenish the account for the amount that you brought. In this case, at the checkout, your money simply cannot be accepted, even if you brought coins of 10 kopecks.

And then you can terminate this deposit at least on the same day, having received the deposited amount already in normal paper bills. However, we do not advise you to rush into this - nothing prevents the cashier from giving you money back in your own coins. Therefore, it is better to come for savings on another day, when the shift will work or when the employee’s annoyance at you for the dreary counting of coins subsides.

You can also divide your wealth into several parts and open similar deposits in different branches, so as not to overburden the cash desk workers. An alternative way is to pay off the loan debt with a change, pay utility bills at the cash desk or issue a so-called "instant issuance" card. Remember that under Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as according to Federal Law No. 318-P, in this case, you should not be charged any fee for counting coins.

bank exchange

No matter what the cashier tells you, but, according to Art. 5.8 of the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2008 "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions", banks still provide services for exchanging money of small denomination for large, and vice versa. But it's not all that simple. For the owner of iron wealth, this is associated with a lot of inconvenience. We will tell you how to exchange change at Sberbank (and other banks work on a similar principle):

  • The bank is authorized to make such an exchange with a commission - usually it is 3-5% of the total amount (Article 29 of the Federal Law No. 395-1).
  • The applicant must present a passport or other document proving his identity.
  • Accumulations must necessarily lie not in a common heap, but be sorted by dignity. Without this, the cashier may not accept money - counting machines break down from counting coins of different denominations.
  • It is necessary to draw up a written statement in free form, which indicates:
    • FULL NAME. applied;
    • the total amount of money brought for the exchange (in figures and in words);
    • a detailed transcript of what was brought (1 kopeck - 123 pieces, 5 rubles - 10 pieces, etc.);
    • signature.

Some branches of Sberbank are also equipped with special machines where you can exchange change for banknotes, as well as terminals that can accept change as payment for services. However, finding such devices is rare, so you should call the hotline and ask where such terminals are located in your immediate vicinity.

Exchange in "Russian Post"

Where else can I donate change? Post offices still perform operations, the cost of which is specified to the penny, so a trifle is in use there. There is a high probability that the operator will exchange your savings very willingly. However, he is not obliged to do this and may well refuse if there is a line of visitors behind your back, there are already a lot of little things in his cashier, or he simply does not want to bother with recalculation. Therefore, it is best to visit the branch on a weekday morning, when there are not so many customers, and bring a small bag of coins with you.

At payment terminals

We continue to list the places where it is possible to exchange change for paper money. Pay attention to terminals like QIWI with holes for accepting coins. Paying through them for purchases on the Internet or utilities, you will get rid of your iron savings after a certain period of time. In Moscow, for example, there is a network of terminals, which just accept coins for payment. However, the commission for such a payment is appropriate - more than 10% of the amount.

Self-service checkouts

In many large hypermarkets, payment for the purchase is made not at the cashier, but with a special coupon in the terminal. The latter have the option of accepting for payment not only paper money, but also small things.

Where to exchange change for paper money in this way? In a number of chain stores:

  • "Auchan".
  • "Crossroads".
  • "Magnolia".

In vending machines with food and drinks

In this case, you need to go for a little trick:

  • Load the change into the device, and then click on "Undo". The machine will return you loaded in a larger denomination.
  • Not all machines have a Cancel button. But many give change. Therefore, where to hand over a trifle is already obvious. Throw your coins into the device and choose the cheapest product. It is highly likely that the change will be counted in "ten rubles" or "five rubles".

Pay with coins

The easiest way is to slowly, every day, get rid of your little things, buying something you need with it. Where can I exchange change for banknotes? Pay for the fare with it - taxi drivers often do not have enough change for change. You will not lose if you go to the pharmacy with coins - in some departments there is an acute shortage of them. However, in these cases, you need to carry small handfuls of iron money with you so that the worker does not spend a lot of time counting them.

Well, that's, in fact, all that we wanted to tell you about where to exchange change for paper money. You just have to choose a convenient way for yourself and get rid of the accumulated coins.

We recommend changing a small amount for current expenses. Recall that only dirhams are accepted when buying a ticket. You can pay in dollars or euros, but you will have to negotiate the rate with the driver, often they ask you to pay at a ratio of 3 dirhams to the dollar.

There is a way to change money in the Duty Free shop. You need to buy something, and ask for change to give in dirhams. But watch the exchange rate in the store, it may not be profitable.

Bank exchange

Changing money in a bank is profitable, but inconvenient. When exchanging, documents are always required. Banking hours: from 8 (or 9) in the morning to 13 (or 14) in the afternoon. Some banks are additionally open from 16-00 to 18-00. Banks are closed on Friday, which is a holy day for Muslims.

Hotel exchange

Rates in hotel exchangers are unfavorable: 3.5 - 3.6 dirhams per dollar. But this method is the most convenient, you do not need to go anywhere, the work schedule is from 8 am to 10 pm.

Exchange offices in the shopping center and on the street

Look for such items by the inscriptions “Money Exchange” or “Exchange”. In shopping centers, the role of exchangers is performed by bank branches, which work from morning to evening. The exchange rate in the shopping center and on the street is the most profitable.

Exchange offices provide a wide range of additional services. Here you can cash travelers checks, accept Western Union transfers, make photocopies of documents or buy a local SIM.


Theoretically, there are no restrictions on the export of UAE dirhams from the country, except for the amount - 100,000 dirhams (details in our article ""). But it will be very difficult to exchange them outside the United Arab Emirates, they will be useful only as souvenirs. We strongly recommend that you change any remaining dirhams into dollars or euros before flying back home.

We wish you a pleasant communication with money in the UAE, and read useful articles about this country for tourists ( links below).