How to paint a radiator. Painting heating radiators with your own hands How to paint cast iron radiators black

Painting radiators to improve their appearance is a pressing issue today. Of course, it would be easier to install new radiators, but this is not always technically possible due to the characteristics of new brand radiators, which simply “do not fit” into some heating systems. And then the problem arises: how and with what to paint radiators? After all, the range of materials from which they are made is very wide: cast iron and aluminum, steel and copper... Each of these metals requires an individual approach when painting - our article will be devoted to these subtleties.

Convectors and “batteries”

From the very beginning it is worth mentioning one nuance. In many modern houses installed as a heating device convectors- pipes with fins. How to paint them? No way. These devices (especially those with frequent aluminum fins) are not painted, since painting can negatively affect their heat transfer. The design of the convector, in addition to the heat source, includes a removable casing - a convection chamber - this is what you can paint to refine it general form device. If the convector is already completely “morally obsolete”, then it is better to simply replace it with a new one.

Most often, the good old “batteries” need painting - cast iron radiators-veterans of the domestic heating front. They have proven themselves in operation, and people often do not want to replace them with new appliances, not only because of lack of finances, but also simply because they do not see such a need - after all, these radiators heat regularly, and it is also convenient to dry small things on them.

Very often, old metal heating devices are covered with numerous layers of paint, and the first layers have already turned into “ancient fossils” that must be removed before repainting. How to do it?

Surface preparation

There are two ways to properly prepare the surface of the radiator: either by completely removing all old paint, or by treating the old coating in a special way before applying a new one. Let's take a closer look at both of these methods.

1. Cleaning from old “layers” produced using chemicals(washes) from both domestic and foreign manufacturers: B52, SP-6, ACE, Dufa, etc. Solvent and fatty acid strippers soften old paint, separating it from the base. The product should be applied to the entire painted surface and left for some time, different for different types washes (from 15 minutes to 3-5 hours). After the paint has completely softened, it is removed with a stiff brush or scraper. The more layers of “vintage” paint are applied to the radiator, the more times the remover will need to be reapplied. When cleaning the radiator, be sure to ensure good air circulation in the room, and in some cases (when using particularly “powerful” compounds) even a respirator may be useful.

Keep in mind that some of the metals used to make radiators may react with the cleaner. The exception here is cast iron - an inert alloy that is not afraid of solvents. If your radiator is not cast iron, consider the risk of getting a less than ideal surface after cleaning.

And one more thing to note: most modern washes do not work well with oil paints made before the 60s. XX century. This is due to the use of natural ingredients in their formulation (which is why such paints are often called “real”).

After removing the old paint, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper. Domestic cast iron appliances initially covered with “pimples”, so for a more aesthetic appearance it is better to try to clean at least the “facade” of the radiator, although this work is very labor-intensive. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because the most durable part of cast iron castings is the surface layer, and if you start cleaning too zealously, you can make the radiator too fragile. By the way, after removing the paint, pockets of rust may be found that will need to be treated with a corrosion inhibitor.

After cleaning the surface, it must be prime- for example, the domestic primer GF-021 or its analogues, which fit well under the domestic paints of the MA or PF series. And if you want the most durable result, then you shouldn’t save money - choose an imported primer, brands ACE, Sigma Coatings, Dulux and others like that.

2. The second method of surface preparation is used before painting over the old coating. If there are no “age-old layers” on the radiator, and the previous paint adheres well, don’t philosophize, paint directly over it. First you only need to thoroughly wash the surface, degrease it and let it dry thoroughly. In this case, most often, even a primer is not required.


You should know that when applying oil paint to a primer, the heat transfer of a cast iron “battery” increases by 3-4%.

Two or three layers of applied paint do not have any effect on heat transfer, but each subsequent (fourth, etc.) layer reduces thermal power by 1%.

Let's move on to coloring

Before painting the radiator, you should turn off the heating system. The heat of the radiator being turned on and heating pipes contributes to the paint drying too quickly, and it does not have time to spread normally, which as a result leads to the appearance of unevenness on the surface (frozen drips and “wrinkling” of paint, brush marks). If it is not possible to turn off the heating, you can try to apply the coating very thin layer, however, this is not advisable.

Paints from various manufacturers (for example, Dufa) are available for sale, positioned as specially designed for heating radiators. However, domestic finishing professionals consider this only marketing ploy, since the temperature of radiators usually does not exceed 80 degrees Celsius, and such heat is well tolerated by all high-quality paints and varnishes.

In general, it is recommended to cover radiators alkyd enamels, which “behave” well even at temperatures up to 90 degrees, maintaining strength and abrasion resistance. Such enamels are produced by the brands ACE, Dulux, Sigma Coatings and other manufacturers. In addition to alkyd, you can also paint radiators acrylic and acrylate enamels, which dry faster and have a less pungent odor. By the way, it is worth noting that Sigmaferro Primer ZP can also be used as a topcoat.

If, according to the owner's intention, the color of the “batteries” must match the color of the walls, then there are two options for solving this problem. The first (most optimal) is to buy paint for radiators in the same color as the walls, or tint it when purchasing. The second option is to paint the radiator with the same paint as the walls, after first covering the device with an appropriate primer. However, when choosing the second option, you should remember that wall paint loses its durability when heated. And it is not recommended to dry wet things on radiators painted with wall paint - the coating may chip (or peel off).

We paint bimetallic and aluminum radiators

Such radiators are initially powder-coated in the factory, and their “home” painting usually involves either a complete change of the unsuitable color, or painting over scratches that appeared during transportation or installation of the device. It is quite difficult to achieve the same smooth coating using improvised means. Therefore, if the problem is only in choosing a shade, it is better to immediately buy a radiator of the desired color.

If this is not possible, then there are two ways to solve the problem. The first is to paint the radiator with a good alkyd enamel (ACE or Dulux) over the factory one. Before this, you can treat the device with one of the special primers (for example, Dulux). The main thing here is to thoroughly pre-clean the base from dust and degrease it.

The second option concerns cases when there are peelings and chips on the factory paint - then it would be better to clean the surface of the device to bare metal using grinder. Then the radiator is primed using primer for non-ferrous metal, after which it is painted with alkyd paint (you can also try water-based paint).

As a painting tool, you can choose a good professional brush or an aerosol. However, when using an aerosol, certain difficulties arise - it is difficult for them to paint the internal cavities of the device. In addition, the back wall must be covered to avoid staining with paint. Yes and financial issue It’s also worth taking note - aerosols are more expensive than enamel. The aerosol method is convenient for painting removable casings of convectors, and you can even use barbecue aerosols that can withstand constant temperature up to 400 degrees.

By the way, some manufacturers of heating devices (for example, Zehder and Global) additionally sell branded aerosol paints for them different colors(including shades according to the RAL catalogue). This proposal is very convenient for further independent touch-up of scratches, chips, etc.

If you don't live in an African hut or an old hut with stove heating, then you probably have batteries in your home. This means that sooner or later there will be a need to paint them. This process must be approached with all responsibility, because the careless appearance of heating radiators can ruin any interior - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

First you need to decide on the choice of paint. If you are a supporter of traditional solutions, then most likely your choice will be classic white or silver color. However modern designers suggest not limiting your imagination and choosing a color scheme for the battery that is in harmony with general design premises. These can be delicate pastel colors, repeating the color of the bedroom walls; bright floral motifs for a children's room or a light, unobtrusive pattern for the living room.

You should know that not every type of paint is suitable for coating a battery. The paint must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to high temperatures (up to 80° C);
  • do not release toxic substances into the air;
  • protect the battery surface from corrosion;
  • don't change your appearance and not peel off.

Several types of paints satisfy these conditions: acrylic enamel, water-dispersion emulsion, alkyd and oil paints. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Eg, alkyd paint provides the consumer with a wide range of color shades to choose from. It lays smoothly and beautifully on the surface to be painted and is highly wear-resistant. Unfortunately, this paint has a specific odor, which often appears after drying - when the battery is heated. Acrylic enamel also has a sharp, unpleasant smell of solvent. However, after it dries completely (this process takes several days), it disappears. Leaves a beautiful glossy shine that lasts for for a long time. Dries quickly and does not have a strong odor water-dispersion paints. When purchasing such paint, you should pay attention to the presence of the marking “for heating radiators”.

Having decided on the choice of paint, we move on to the most difficult and time-consuming part of the work - preparing the batteries for painting. At this stage, it is necessary to remove the old paint and get rid of rust (if it appeared on the battery during operation). We carefully wipe the radiators with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. To facilitate the process of removing old paint, you can use the following technique: thoroughly treat the batteries with any washing solution and cover with film (it is important to remember that the solution is applied to a dry surface). After some time, namely an hour and a half, the paint can be easily removed with a spatula or a sander. Some home craftsmen use a metal brush attached to a drill for this purpose.

When conducting repair work Don’t forget about your health - protect your hands with construction gloves and your respiratory tract with a respirator.

The next step is leveling the surface to be painted. Using sandpaper, carefully clean the batteries, paying special attention to Special attention in places where rust has formed, it must be completely removed. We degrease the prepared surface with a slightly alkaline solution and coat it with an anti-corrosion primer. You should know that many modern paints contain a primer and rust protection elements in their composition. You can find out about this from the labeling on the jar. When using this paint, no pre-treatment of the battery is required.

Your radiators are now ready to be painted. It is important to remember that paint can only be applied to cold batteries. Otherwise, all the effort you expended on cleaning the surface will be in vain - the paint will not lie smoothly and may become covered with bubbles or uneven spots. Therefore, to work with batteries, choose the time between heating seasons. If possible, it is recommended to first disconnect the battery from the pipes - this will greatly facilitate the painting process. Don’t forget to take care of the safety of the floor - cover it with newspapers, unnecessary paper or cellophane.

The most in a convenient way is spraying paint from a spray bottle or a special can. By performing simple manipulations described in the instructions for using the spray paint, you can achieve even application of the paint over the entire surface of the radiator, including hard-to-reach places.

Soft brushes and small diameter foam rollers are also used to paint heating radiators. It is advisable to start painting from the least accessible surfaces, using brushes with curved handles. It is convenient to apply paint to the front side of the battery using a roller. To avoid smudges, you should start painting radiators from the top, gradually working your way down to their bottom. Make sure that the paint is distributed in a thin, even layer, this will ensure an even color over the entire surface. After the first coat is applied, allow the batteries to dry thoroughly. Then cover them with a second coat of paint, following the same recommendations.

Thus, with a little effort and skill, you can turn your old battery into a new worthy piece of furniture.

Heating radiators are an inconspicuous element of our home and fit harmoniously into its interior if they are new, shining with fresh paint. But if the batteries are already old, the paint on them is faded and swollen, then in this state they are striking and are unlikely to decorate the house. The problem can be resolved by replacing the batteries. But this is expensive and not always justified, so there is another option - to repaint the batteries. For this purpose, special paint for heating radiators is used. Its purpose is to protect the surface of the batteries from corrosion, giving them the desired color, as well as a decent appearance. And if previously pipelines were painted only in White color, then currently they are painted in the color that best suits the design of the room. Our article will discuss what paint to choose for heating radiators and how to paint them correctly.

Rules for choosing the right paint

From the right choice The paint depends on the final result. Here you should take into account the requirements for paint for radiators and heating pipes. This:

  • high heat resistance (at least 100°C);
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • no toxicity.

Paints specifically designed for painting heating radiators are of the following types:

  1. Acrylic enamels. They are produced using organic solvents, so their drying is accompanied by the release of a characteristic solvent odor. But the result is a pleasant glossy shine that lasts for many years.
  2. Alkyd enamels. The surface painted with this paint is resistant to high temperatures and abrasion. This paint is available in a fairly wide range color scheme, it is possible to choose any color you like, so it is very popular among consumers. Another disadvantage is the unpleasant odor, which persists for several days after painting, but when high temperatures may resume.
  3. Water-dispersion paints. This choice is considered optimal, since these compositions do not have a specific odor and dry much faster. You just need to pay attention that the packaging is marked: for painting heating radiators and pipelines.

There is also oil paint, but Lately it is rarely used for this purpose; this option has become obsolete. Which paint is best for radiators? Each of them has its pros and cons, so the choice ultimately remains with the consumer.

Paint for heating radiators must be heat-resistant, abrasion-resistant and free of harmful substances

Preparing batteries for processing

To achieve high-quality painting batteries must be properly prepared for painting. Preparatory work Before painting they take longer than the painting itself.

Preparing batteries for painting is carried out in the following order:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface before painting: remove the old layer of paint, and clean the places where rust has appeared to a metallic shine. Dust and dirt are wiped off with a wet cloth, and old paint is removed using a spatula and special wash-off solutions.
  2. The washing solution is applied to the surface of the battery and covered with a film to soften it. After this, the paint can be easily removed with a spatula, grinder or wire brush, put on the drill. In this case, it is advisable to put on construction gloves and protect the respiratory tract with a respirator or gauze bandage.
  3. Next, the surface of the battery is sanded with sandpaper, then degreased with white spirit or any slightly alkaline solution.
  4. An anti-corrosion primer is applied to a well-cleaned surface, which will not only protect it from corrosion, but also increase the adhesion of the paint to the surface of the battery. An alkyd-based primer is best for this.

It is imperative to choose a primer that has anti-corrosion properties (this is usually indicated on the can), otherwise after a while rust will appear again. The paint will adhere perfectly to a well-prepared surface.

In order for the battery to be painted with high quality, it is necessary to carefully prepare its surface - wipe off the old paint, remove rust, wash off dust and dirt

Modern construction stores offer big choice paints that already contain a primer and a rust converter. They are convenient because they are applied to heating batteries without preliminary preparation basics.

Painting process technology

Now let's look at how to paint a radiator to achieve a good result. This must be done with the heating turned off, otherwise in some areas the paint will dry too quickly, lay down in an uneven layer, and smudges will form that look unsightly. Of course, there is a special paint on sale that is intended for use on hot radiators, but it can also go unevenly if the heating is not turned off.

Currently, heating radiators are painted in colors that best suit the overall design room interior

If there is no other way out and you have to paint the heating device during the heating period, then you need to at least turn off the supply hot water yourself or make this request to the housing office employees. In this case, the temperature at the radiator will drop significantly.

So, if you have already decided which paint is best to paint radiators, you can proceed directly to the painting process:

  1. First of all, you need to take care to protect the floor from contamination with paint stains. To do this, lay unnecessary paper or fabric under the batteries.
  2. Choose small brushes with soft bristles, one straight and the other curved, to paint hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Apply paint first to the top of the battery and move towards the bottom. Paint the battery on all sides: first the internal ceilings, then the external ones, to avoid staining hands and clothes. After the 1st layer of paint has dried, apply the second. You need to remember the rule that two thin layers of paint are better than one thick one. After all, only in the first case will a uniform and smooth paint coating be guaranteed.

The radiator can also be painted with a spray gun or from a spray can.

Painting a heating radiator with heat-resistant paint from a spray can is convenient and quick, while the paint lays down in a thin, uniform layer

When using a spray gun, it is recommended to remove the battery so that you can paint all hard-to-reach areas. Painting using a can filled with heat-resistant paint is done very quickly and efficiently. Usually detailed instructions Information about painting surfaces with a spray can is given on its packaging. The basic rule: perform zigzag movements from top to bottom at approximately a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted.

Before painting heating radiators, it is important to study the technology of this process, because compliance with it will ensure the attractive appearance of the heating device and its reliability.

There are quite a lot of reasons why you simply need to paint radiators: major or redecorating premises, replacing or updating an old heating battery, or, for example, old color does not fit the new kitchen interior. In addition, chips often form on batteries that need to be painted over. In general, the reasons may be different, but how to properly paint batteries and not lose their thermal conductivity, read our article.

Why paint the radiator

In our harsh climate, we cannot do without additional heating sources. Of course, modern technologies do not stand still and more and more often systems are installed in houses, but the batteries we are used to can still be found in many houses.

It’s not easy without radiators in our climate. Such cast-iron, bulky structures are only appropriate in an industrial loft style.

Batteries, no matter how useful they are in winter time years, are constantly subject to criticism. Their design rarely fits into the interior of the room.

Alternatively, they can be hidden behind false kitchen panels, but in this case you risk “losing” some of the heat.

In addition to their bulky and awkward design, batteries are not easy to care for. Firstly, they perfectly collect dust, which needs to be periodically “swept out” using all sorts of tricks. But periodically they need to be painted, which is even more difficult. Let's look at how to do this correctly step by step.

Painting the battery outside the heating season


The first step is removing the old paint. Due to the fact that the design of the battery makes many of its places difficult to reach, it is not possible to clean it the old-fashioned way using a metal brush.

A soldering iron or hot air gun will not work. Since in the first case the structure can be damaged, and in the second it is simply useless.

The best way to clean a battery from old paint is a variety of chemical removers.

Paint remover can remove paint even in hard to reach places Oh

Of course, this method also has its drawbacks, but it still gives the best results. The remover works on the principle of a solvent. It penetrates the paint layer, softens it and then scrapes off the old paint quite easily with a putty knife or metal scraper. Among other things, the remover does not damage metal or wood, so it can be used before batteries.

When working with the substance, hold the bottle with the neck away from you so as not to accidentally inhale aggressive vapors of the liquid. The room must be well ventilated.

How to paint batteries:

The process of painting radiators

  • apply wash;
  • remove old paint;
  • rust must be sanded off;
  • treat the battery with a degreaser (white spirit or slightly alkaline solution);
  • if necessary, apply a primer;
  • After drying, you can apply the main color.
  1. Batteries should only be painted when they are cold.. Therefore, it is better to postpone all work to a time when the heating season has already ended. If the need arises in the autumn-winter season, turn off the valves and wait until it cools completely.
  2. If you have to apply paint to warm batteries, use a spray can or apply a very thin layer. The whole difficulty of applying paint to a hot surface is that brush marks remain. In addition, if the paint is changed, the batteries will become stained.
  3. Radiators can only be connected after the paint has completely dried.

Interesting colored batteries will become a highlight of the kitchen

The room must be ventilated. If this is not possible, use a respirator.

How to choose the right paint for heating radiators:

Choosing the Right Paint

When choosing paint for heating radiators, you should take into account several requirements that the product must meet:

  1. Heat resistance. Since batteries are basically heating device, the paint must be heat-resistant. Keep this in mind when choosing paint that is resistant to high temperatures.
  2. Non-toxic. When heated, paint can emit an unpleasant odor as well as toxic substances that can cause allergies, headache and even poisoning.
  3. The shine of the paint is provided by acrylic, but it is worth remembering that when painting the room there will be a rather pungent odor. Unpleasant smell may not ventilate for quite a long time - the room must be ventilated for several days. Comply with paint

It is worth noting that acrylic paints are among the most durable and resistant. Besides acrylic paint wear-resistant and not subject to abrasion.

How to choose a beautiful color for painting or drawing

Classic color for radiators: white or silver. But if you wish, you can paint it in any other color.

Classic white batteries can be decorated in interesting ways

A battery painted with bronze or copper paint will look very interesting in the kitchen.

Dark-colored batteries dissipate heat better

Batteries give off heat best dark colors. As an option, you can finish the back wall, which gives off heat perfectly. If the radiators in your apartment are not too hot, choose a dark palette for them. Chocolate, dark gray or marsh batteries will look good. You can draw a still life or landscape on the batteries, or make one. The most interesting thing will be the flow of the pattern onto the battery.

Interestingly designed batteries will become the highlight of the kitchen

If you approach the coloring of batteries creatively, you can turn this awkward element into an interesting design move.

Decorate your batteries in a beautiful style

How do you like this Khokhloma

Simple but tasteful

If during the renovation of the room it is not possible to replace the old heating battery, you can improve its appearance by applying fresh paint. This can only be done with cast iron heating devices or old-style radiators. More modern aluminum radiator It is not advisable to paint ribs yourself - you need to apply a thin and even layer to them powder paint, it is quite difficult for a non-specialist to achieve a smooth coating at home.

To avoid mistakes, before starting work you should study the recommendations and watch photos and videos of the process.

Any paint will not work for painting an old battery.

The following requirements apply to the product:

  1. It must be heat resistant. Since the radiator temperature during heating season reaches about 80 °C, the paint should not crack under such conditions.
  2. Possess anti-corrosion properties.
  3. Will not fade over time, be resistant to wear and tear.
  4. Contain a minimum of toxic substances or be non-toxic.

Coating cast iron radiators oil paint not recommended - it emits a strong odor, takes a long time to dry, has a toxic composition, and is therefore considered obsolete.

Suitable types of paints:

Preparing the work surface

Before painting the radiator, you should prepare it for paint application.

Even if you plan to paint new battery, it is necessary to properly process it: clean it from dust and dirt, sand it and degrease it. This is necessary so that the applied coating lies flat and adheres to the surface as firmly as possible.
If you neglect these recommendations, there may be problems later: the dried paint will begin to crack, its integrity will be compromised, and the surface will be uneven. In addition, the heat transfer from the radiator will decrease.

Together with heating appliances they usually paint and cast iron pipes, then they also need to be properly prepared.

Action plan:

  • Remove dust and dirt from surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • get rid of the remnants of old paint;
  • areas of the radiator damaged by corrosion are thoroughly cleaned;
  • Using sandpaper, the working surfaces are sanded and then degreased with alcohol;
  • A primer is applied to the cleaned surface (it is advisable to use an anti-corrosion primer to protect the batteries from rust).

All unclear points can be clarified if you watch a video with advice from professionals.

You should work with gloves, open the windows and protect your respiratory tract with a respirator.

Ways to remove old paint

You can get rid of the remnants of the previous coating using two methods.
The first is mechanical - use a spatula, sandpaper or grinding machine. Even with the help electrical appliance The process will turn out to be very labor-intensive, so the second method is often used.

It involves applying a chemical remover. Apply the solution generously to all painted surfaces, cover the battery with film to increase efficiency, and leave for the time indicated on the package specific means. Then, using a brush with metal bristles and a spatula, remove the easily removed old layer of coating.

General rules

You can only paint a cold radiator - applying it to a heated surface will cause the liquid to bubble, distribute unevenly, and the dried battery will become covered with drips and stains.

It is correct to do this before or after the end of the heating season. If necessary, stain in winter period, access to hot water to the radiator is blocked using valves, and work begins after it has completely cooled down. The valves are opened again only after the paint has completely dried.

Dyeing process

Start applying paint from the top, otherwise the lower painted parts will be damaged by drips. Cover the entire radiator with paint, including its rear part. For quality and durable coating It is necessary to apply 2 thin layers, taking a break between them so that the first has time to dry.

To make the process of painting the radiator with your own hands easier, you can remove it - this way there will be fewer hard-to-reach places and it will become more convenient to work. In this case, it is better to use a spray gun. You can study the photo showing the process of applying paint with this device to evaluate the ease of working with it.
It is recommended to dilute the paint to a thinner consistency if you plan to paint with a spray gun. This is done taking into account its type: water-based ones are diluted with water, and white spirit is added to alkyd enamels and varnishes.

When working, you should apply the jet from top to bottom, holding the device at a distance of approximately 30 cm from the surface to be treated.

You can also get a smooth and evenly distributed layer of paint using a small diameter foam roller. For places where they are inconvenient to work, it is worth using a brush with a curved end, designed specifically for this purpose.

The paint is applied sequentially, without skipping, without putting too much on the brush at once. large quantity liquids. Thick layer will look uneven and will worsen the heat transfer of the battery.

Viewing step by step photos the painting process, a video in which experts talk about the nuances of the work, and taking into account the recommendations outlined above, you can easily and efficiently update the old coating on batteries with your own hands.