How to plant juniper in open ground in spring. Juniper planting and care in open ground

The showy juniper (Juniperus) is an evergreen plant (tree or shrub) belonging to the Cypress family (Cupressaceae). In the wild, its growth is observed throughout the entire Northern Hemisphere (from polar to tropical regions).

There are many types of juniper, on the basis of which scientists have developed many varieties suitable for growing at home. By planting this plant in a flowerpot and providing it with proper care, you can count on getting a beautiful tree or bush that is guaranteed to add a unique “zest” to any interior.

Conditions for growing juniper at home

As practice shows, growing magnificent juniper indoors is not so difficult. The main thing is to create the most suitable microclimate for it. The greatest danger to the plant is hot, dry indoor air.

Recommended lighting for the plant

Having planted indoor juniper, you need to immediately provide it correct lighting. The plant likes light, but it needs protection from directly directed rays of the sun. A bush that grows in the shade in summer and in the sun in winter can die. To prevent this, in the cold season it is advisable to place a pot of juniper on a window oriented to the south. In the warm season, the plant needs to be shaded and placed on a northern window sill.

Temperature regime for culture

Evergreen juniper - indoor plant Many people strive to grow. To guarantee success, you will need to pay attention to creating a comfortable temperature regime.

It is very important to prevent air overheating. Recommended temperatures should not exceed + 20 ° C. At the same time, the bush reacts negatively to excessive hypothermia. IN winter period it is necessary to control temperature fluctuations, values ​​of which below + 13 ° C can negatively affect the health of the plant.

In the summer, taking the flowerpot out onto the balcony or street is encouraged. It is necessary to take into account that juniper is homely, loving Fresh air, reacts negatively to drafts.

Selection of landing capacity

The pot provided to the bush should be fairly free, since representatives of the Cypress family grow well if their root system has enough space for development. It will be necessary to install a drainage layer (broken brick, gravel, expanded clay) at the bottom of the planting container.

The choice of containers for the manufacture of which are used is encouraged. natural materials: ceramics, clay, porcelain. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the flowerpot, the presence of a beautiful pattern on its surface that is in harmony with the appearance of the plant.

Soil quality requirements

It is best for juniper to grow at home in a pot in a planting container filled with porous soil. This will ensure uniform access of moisture to the root system.

Despite the prevailing opinion that this representative of the Cypress family is undemanding in terms of soil quality, preference should be given to planting it in soil mixture with the following composition: turf soil, sand, peat. It is also welcome to add nitrophoska or any other universal fertilizer purchased in a specialized store to the soil.

Juniper propagation: basic methods

The most widespread are two methods of juniper propagation: the seed method and cuttings. Each of them has its own nuances, advantages, and disadvantages.

Seed propagation method

When studying information on how to propagate juniper at home using seeds, you need to take into account the low effectiveness of such a procedure due to the poor germination of planting material. In most cases, this method is chosen by breeders.

If you decide to grow juniper from seeds at home, it is advisable to hold this event in the fall. For containers, you should choose boxes that are taken outside during the cold season and left for 4 months. outdoors. The preserved hardened seeds are planted in pots at the end of spring.

The containers are placed in a well-lit place. Seedlings need timely watering to prevent the soil from drying out. You can count on the emergence of seedlings next year.

Cuttings of indoor juniper

In comparison with the method described above, propagation of juniper by cuttings is simpler. Plants that are at least 8 years old should be used as “donors”.

Cuttings about 10 cm long are made in the spring. Next, they will need to be placed in a mixture of sand and peat. The container with cuttings is installed in a shaded place and covered with film. The seedlings are constantly sprayed. After 2 months they form roots. Stronger, rooted specimens are transplanted into flowerpots.

Planting juniper in a pot

Having decided to plant juniper in a pot, you need to make a hole in the ground in advance, the depth of which will be 2 times the height of the bush. It is best to use planting specimens with roots covered with a layer of soil.

The seedling is positioned so that the top of the root ball of earth is 8 cm above the bottom of the excavation. When filling the hole with soil, you will need to carefully hold the plant. Next, the top layer of soil is carefully compacted and sprinkled with a mulching layer of peat or humus.

Juniper care

Competently managed care for indoor juniper implies compliance certain rules. The tips below will certainly help you avoid many annoying mistakes.

Watering and spraying the plant

It is worth noting that moderate watering is recommended for junipers. In summer, the soil in the flowerpot is moistened every two days after drying out of the top layer of soil is detected. During the cold season, the irrigation procedure is carried out twice a month.

The main condition is to prevent the soil from drying out. You will need to ensure that the soil in the flowerpot does not dry out, and be sure to drain excess moisture from the pan. In addition, it is necessary to spray the plant (daily in summer, every other day in winter).

Fertilizing for crops

When growing juniper at home, you will need to fertilize it every 14 days during its active growth period (April - September). For this purpose, organic matter is added to the water used for irrigation. The use of humus has proven itself well. But the addition of mineral complexes should be done in very small doses.

Juniper pruning procedure

Juniper growing at home requires annual pruning to ensure that it remains compact. As a rule, this event takes place in February. This procedure involves removing deformed, dried branches.

In order to form the plant, the young shoots, the apical part, are pruned. This will help give the bush the necessary splendor, an original shape (pyramid, cone), and strengthen its health.

Transplanting a plant into another pot

Young decorative juniper is replanted annually.

The optimal period for holding such an event is considered to be spring (mid-March). It is very important that the height of the plant does not exceed 1 m.

Initially, you will need to carefully separate the soil in the area of ​​the walls using a garden shovel (with the tool deepened to the middle of the pot). Next, you should remove the bush, carefully holding it at the base, with a lump of earth. Then it is placed in a new pot (in a prepared hole in the soil).

The dug hole should have dimensions twice as large as the dimensions of the earthen ball with the root system. At the end of the procedure, the resulting voids in the excavation are filled and the soil is carefully compacted. The surface of the earth is covered with peat and crushed pine bark. The plant is watered.

Wintering juniper at home

Winter care for juniper at home has its own specifics. It should be noted that the plant is contraindicated from being near central heating devices. It is best to place the pot on a cool windowsill or insulated loggia.

If there is hot, dry air in the apartment, the representative of the Cypress family needs to be provided with effective protection by wrapping the flowerpot in polyethylene film. It is permissible to attach the edge of the transparent material along the window sill, and the other side is fixed to the upper window ledge. Not welcome complete closure plants that prevent air from reaching it.

Diseases and pests of crops

Having planted juniper in a pot at home, you should not discount its possible damage to various diseases and pests.

In particular, by spring the bush may be significantly weakened due to exposure to dry air in winter. In summer, it reacts negatively to sunburn.

These factors are often the reasons negative impact pathogenic infections, pathogenic microflora, pests. First of all, this is evidenced by yellowed, dying needles, after which the branches are damaged, and then the entire plant. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save a bush with numerous obvious signs of disease.

Affected branches must be pruned and destroyed, the remaining specimens must be thoroughly sprayed with fungicides. During the work, you need to use pruners disinfected with alcohol.

The impact of the scale insect and its larvae is detrimental to the needles, branches, and fruits of the plant. The juniper sawfly eats away the tissue of the bush from the inside. To get rid of pests, digging is done in the area around the tree trunk. For young branches, shoot moth caterpillars pose a danger. To destroy them, you will need to spray the juniper with insecticides.

Benefits of the plant for humans

People have long paid attention to the beneficial properties of this representative of the Cypress family. The presence of juniper in the apartment will help create a unique atmosphere of comfort. Household members inhaling it pine aroma, they will certainly feel calm, and their sleep will become pleasant and sound.

The berry-cones of the plant contain a huge amount of healing substances, due to which they are used to prepare various healing decoctions and potions. In particular, correct usage drugs based on them help improve the functioning of the urinary tract.

With the help of juniper resins, a whole list of skin diseases can be cured.
Taking medicines based on the branches and needles of the plant will help in the fight against a number of ailments of viral origin.

Taking fresh berries alleviates the condition of a large stomach suffering from stomach ulcers. Drinking a decoction prepared from them makes it possible to cure liver diseases and rheumatism. Since ancient times, nursing mothers have used juniper tincture to increase milk lactation.

Juniperperennial with soft, beautiful needles, which is valued not only for its decorative appearance, but also for its medicinal qualities.

Variety of species allows you to choose the most suitable one for each gardener. Unpretentiousness to living conditions adds advantages to the desire to grow one of ancient plants cypress family.

To obtain beautiful healthy plant, it must be planted by choosing the right place, soil and planting time.

Planting in open ground

Planting juniper in open ground requires observing all the nuances - the right choice time and place of planting, soil and planting material.

Boarding time

The most best time landings juniper in open ground - early spring.

Moreover, there is no need to wait for warm weather; the plant can be planted immediately after the snow melts.

At a later date spring period You can also plant young animals, but there is danger burning of pine needles.

When planting juniper V autumn period, there is a possibility that the plant will not have time to take root and acclimatize.

A plant purchased with a closed root system can be planted Anytime, even in the hot summer months. True, shading from the sun's rays during the daytime is required.

Selecting a location

Juniper grows well only in open sunny places. Access to sunlight it should be during the whole day. Some shading is allowed only when growing common juniper, but also to a small extent.

From lighting intensity depends on the decorativeness of plants, the density of branches and needles. A juniper growing in the shade will have few branches, they will be random, forming a shapeless loose mass. Variegated needles will lose their original color.

Soil for planting

Soil reaction depends on the type of plant. Alkaline is necessary for common, Central Asian and Cossack juniper. To obtain such a reaction, dolomite flour or slaked lime is added to the soil.

Other species prefer acid reaction. This is achieved by adding peat and sand to the soil, mulching using wood shavings and peat.

Siberian juniper requires sandy and sandy loam soil, Virginia requires clay soil, into which it is advisable to add compost.

Into the landing pit you need to add drainage from broken bricks, large pebbles and sand. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 15-25 cm.

Planting material

The best thing
plant young plants growing in containers up to 5 liters. They are easier to plant and take root. Especially if the root system is closed(i.e. the plant is placed in the ground along with a lump of earth).

For landing large plants Some experience and skill is required. Such seedlings are grown in the ground; before sale, they are dug up, wrapped in burlap or placed in special containers and plastic bags.

Planting mature plants Not recommended at all. This is explained by the peculiarity of the root system, which is pivotal and goes deep into the soil. It is almost impossible to dig up a specimen without damaging the main root. This will lead to almost inevitable death of the plant.

Try to plant adult juniper can only be grown in winter, with a frozen soil coma. It has been noticed that the closer to spring the planting is done, the greater the likelihood of plant survival.

Before planting specimens in a hole, they are prepared generously wetting the clod of earth 2 hours before landing.

How to plant juniper correctly?

For landing
you need to dig a hole. Its dimensions depend on the size of the seedling. For young junipers, a hole is made one meter square. They dig about half a meter deep. In any case, the hole is made in 2-3 times larger than a soil clod.

The bottom of the pit is lined with a drainage layer. The remaining space is filled with cultivated soil suitable for each type of juniper. The plant is placed in a hole, being careful not to damage the soil ball and roots. In young seedlings, the root collar should be located at the very surface of the soil; in adult plants, it should rise to 6-12 cm.

After planting, the plant is watered with plenty of water. The tree trunk circle is mulched various materials - peat, pine bark, wood chips, sawdust, crushed cones, pine nut shells. The layer thickness should be 5-10 cm.

If several specimens are planted at once, the correct distance between them should be maintained. For small species it should be at least half a meter. In tall and spreading ones - from 1.5 to 2.5 m.

Planting juniper from the forest

If the rules are followed, such a landing is quite possible. In some cases, even more reliable, since you choose planting material.

Need to replant small young plants that still have a small root system. When you find such a tree, mark sunny side before digging it up. At home, plant on the same side.

The seedling is dug up together with a lump of soil, immediately placing it in polyethylene film or burlap, wrap it tightly and tie it.

Plant in the garden in the same way as purchased material.

Planting bush species

You can plant such a juniper before it grows in breadth and depth. The root system of mature shrubs is strongly intertwined and grows downwards, deep underground. That's why only planted young specimens under two years of age.

Growing juniper from seeds

Not all types and varieties of plants can be grow from seeds. Decorative hybrid plants They reproduce only by cuttings. Pollination occurs with the wind, so very few full-fledged seeds from which it is possible to grow juniper ripen.

Planting material can be collected from plants two years old, during the period of darkening of berries, but before this process is completed. Seeds from completely dark fruits “go” to rest and go into “hibernation”, so they take a very long time to germinate.

After collecting the seeds you need stratify. To do this, take a box and fill it with a moist substrate of peat, sand, moss, into which the seeds are placed. Cover the top with another layer of filler.

For the winter, these boxes are taken outside and remain under the snow for the entire cold season. up to 150 days. In this way, cold stratification is carried out naturally. It is needed to speed up germination. Seeds that have not undergone this procedure will be able to sprout only in a year after sowing into the ground.

In May, stratified planting material is removed from the substrate and planted in prepared beds. Further care no different from other plants. Watering, timely weeding, loosening row spacing. Ready seedlings are planted in permanent places.

Reproduction by cuttings

In this manner can be propagated absolutely all types of plants. Low-growing and common juniper take root most easily.

In the spring, cut off young annual branches from a tree you like, always with a piece of the main plant. The length of the cutting is about a decimeter. Material clear the needles and place for a day in a solution that stimulates root formation. After the expiration date, the cuttings are placed in a light substrate (sand, peat or a mixture of both). It is moistened, covered with film or cut plastic bottles and left to take root in a shaded place.

Periodically, the “greenhouse” needs to be opened for ventilation and ensure that the substrate does not dry out. In a favorable situation in 30-50 days roots will appear.

After successful root formation, the cuttings are planted in open ground, having previously prepared the beds. To prevent young plants from freezing, they are covered with spruce or pine branches for the winter.

Transplanted to a permanent place after 2-3 years.

Rules of care

Unpretentious and unpretentious juniper does not require much attention. However, by following some rules, you will preserve the beautiful appearance of the plant and ensure long life.

Watering and feeding

Plant able to withstand without watering for a long period. However, in hot, dry summers it is recommended to water it at least once a month.

Also periodically arrange a shower using a spray bottle or other sprayers. The procedure is carried out every week in the early morning or evening, when the sun is not as active as during the day.

In spring, apply to the soil under the plant nitroammophos based on 45 g per square meter. During the summer you can fertilize juniper with organic or mineral fertilizers no more than once a month. Such fertilizing is carried out if the tree grows slower than expected.


It is carried out only in case of emergency, because there is no guarantee that the juniper will take root in the new place.

Replanting juniper absolutely doesn't like!

If you still decide, prepare optimal soil . It is best to mix coniferous soil, peat, sand in equal parts. After placing in a new location, water the tree thoroughly.

Pruning and care in winter

The plant itself is perfect does not require pruning. All that is necessary is to remove dry branches at any time. However, when forming a beautiful crown, you can cut off excess branches using a sharpened tool.

You cannot cut many branches at once - a tree might get sick.

Young plants cover in the first couple of years lutrasil or other similar material. Older plants with a spreading crown are tied with rope or twine to prevent branches from breaking due to snow. You can also periodically shake off the snow from the tree.

Juniper care in spring

When the sun becomes active and the snow slowly melts, it becomes very dangerous period for all types of junipers. They may die, if you don't take action.

The sun can literally burn the pine needles, previously under the snow or simply unaccustomed to the burning rays. To prevent this, it is necessary to shade the plants using burlap, thin cloth or other covering material.

After the snow melts, the covering material is removed, the tree trunk circle is cleared of fallen leaves and other organic debris. The mulch layer is removed, as it can lead to rotting of the roots. The soil is dug up or loosened. When the soil dries out and the threat of rotting goes away, add a fresh layer of mulch.


Juniper diseases:

  • Rust. The needles become dirty orange and then dry out. The reason is that a lot of salts are concentrated in the soil. This can happen if animals choose a tree as a toilet.
  • If the needles first turn yellow, then dies, which means the plant suffers from excess moisture. This occurs due to heavy rains or floods, waterlogging due to natural causes, increased levels groundwater. Lack of moisture in the ground and air manifests itself with the same symptoms.
  • Red growths on the trunk and branches. In dry weather they are no more than 0.5 cm, after rain they increase 3 times. The tree was attacked by rust fungi. To get rid of the scourge, it is recommended to promptly remove the affected branches and shoots. Increase the resistance of juniper using immunostimulants and microfertilizers.
  • Schutte mushroom attack. At the beginning of the season, last year's needles turn orange or brown, but do not fall off. Subsequently, small black round growths appear on it. The fungus attacks weakened plants in the shade. It especially loves humidity and is not afraid of cold weather. Damaged branches must be immediately cut off and burned, and the juniper should be sprayed with sulfur and copper preparations.
  • Drying of branches and bark caused by various fungi. Because of them, growths form on the tree in the form of red warts and longitudinal wood ulcers. To prevent diseases, copper preparations are used, which are used to treat plants in spring and autumn. All open scratches and cuts are disinfected with copper sulfate.


Juniper is affected by the following pests:

Growing trees in the country is not particularly difficult, with the exception of lack of space for small areas. Still, juniper requires enough large area– up to 2 m in diameter.

Cossack juniper - poisonous tree, therefore it is undesirable for a summer cottage.

Caring for juniper in the garden

Caring for it is no different from growing conditions in other places, but the plant brings considerable benefits. Highlighting a large number of phytoncides, he protects surrounding trees from invasion of pests and diseases.

Many people notice an improvement in the quality of fruits after planting juniper trees.

Juniper - home care

You can grow tree-style juniper at home. The most suitable types are:

  • Daursky;
  • Virginia;
  • Cossack;
  • Recumbent;
  • Scaly;
  • Solid.

To care for an indoor tree, the same recommendations are used as for an outdoor one. The place should be sunny, watering should be moderate, periodically spraying required from a spray bottle.

Bottom of the landing tank filled with a drainage layer, then with soil suitable for your type of juniper. In the warm season, it is advisable to take the plant out into the fresh air.

Domestic trees for the winter needs to be cleaned V unheated room with a temperature of no more than 10º. Keep it in the light. In cold conditions, watering is rarely required.

The transplant is carried out only if necessary in spring or November. At the same time, cut off excess branches. To form a bonsai, the branches are wrapped for the correct direction from October to April. Pinching can be done in the summer - from May to August.

Watch the video for tips from professionals on caring for juniper:

Juniper blown by the wind, and full-fledged seeds ripens a little with good germination. Collect seeds in the second year of the plant's life, when the berries just begin to darken. This usually happens in September. After the berries darken completely, the seeds will go dormant and will not sprout quickly.

Find suitable site where you will plant the juniper. The soil should be fertile and loose. Make furrows two centimeters deep in it and compact their bottom. Sow seeds into these furrows and cover with humus. Mulch this entire bed with peat or sawdust in a one-centimeter layer. Such procedures will prevent the seeds from drying out and will help them sprout at the time of germination.

You can pre-seed juniper in boxes with fertile soil. In winter, store the boxes outdoors under the snow. The seeds should remain there for about 130 days. In the spring, plant the seeds that have overwintered in this way in the area intended for them. Wait for shoots only next year.

Behind the crops juniper care for them in the same way as you care for other seedlings. Weed the weeds, loosen the soil and water it so that the soil with the crops is slightly damp. 3-4 years, before planting in a permanent place, seedlings juniper must sit in one place. Every autumn, mulch the soil with the sprouts with humus so that its layer is four centimeters thick.

Juniper bears fruit after 5-10 years of life. Collect berries using a piece of cloth spread under the bush of the plant. Just shake the juniper and the berries will fall off. Dry the harvest in the shade and use it in the preparation of kvass, beer, liqueur, syrup and other dishes.

Related article


  • How to grow juniper in the country

Juniper- small evergreen trees or shrubs with scaly or needle-shaped needles. Genus of this plant has more than 70 varieties. Such a spectacular and fragrant shrub will decorate the facade of any suburban area, especially since it is absolutely unpretentious in care.


When planting a plant, leave a distance of 1.5-2 m for tall forms, 0.5-1 m for short and medium-sized shrubs. Keep the earthen ball of juniper directly in water for about 2 hours, to which you can add a little potassium permanganate.

Prepare the planting hole 2-3 times larger size earthen coma and root system. Be sure to make a drainage layer at the bottom. To do this, mix sand and broken brick in equal proportions and fill the resulting mixture 15-20 cm thick. Cover the juniper roots with special soil. To prepare it, mix 1 part sand, 1 part turf land and 2 parts peat. Juniper plant so that the root collar is slightly higher than the hole itself. If the plant is very young, then it should be at the same level with the ground.

When caring for juniper, remember what benefits this plant will bring you. An adult shrub evaporates beneficial phytoncides, which has a beneficial effect on environment And fresh air. And the cones (berries) of the plant have been widely used in folk art since ancient times. Branches and roots are also used in the preparation of various decoctions and tinctures. Juniper is no less popular in cooking - it is used as a spice.

Video on the topic

If you have visited Crimea at least once, then, most likely, you have caught yourself thinking how easy and free it is to breathe when you are near an evergreen coniferous shrub called juniper. But it turns out that you can make your breathing easier at home. Fortunately, there are a great many varieties of this plant (about 70 species), and due to natural weather disasters, the average annual temperature allows you to grow juniper, as they say, without leaving your home.

You will need

  • - juniper
  • - soil
  • - wood shavings or peat
  • - water
  • - place to land
  • - shovel


To get the best results from transplanting juniper, you need to choose the right place in which your “inhaler” will grow. It should be sufficiently lit, and should not have other plants in your garden nearby - juniper does not really like closely huddled neighbors. Optimal distance from other plants - this is from 0.5 to 2 m. The place should be chosen taking into account the future growth of the plant and be permanent place habitat for it, since juniper does not tolerate frequent transplants.

The plant itself can be purchased at special landscape design stores, but there is an easier way: simply dig up a plant you like in the forest, meadow or forest edge. In this case, the plant must be dug up, taking some of the earth around it for better acclimatization in the new place.

If a teenage plant is being transplanted, it is better to carry out the planting procedure at the end of winter. Since the rhizome of juniper is taprooted, it is impossible to dig up the plant without touching the root. But in winter, a frozen clod of earth will prevent damage to the root system. It is still not recommended to replant large, mature plants - there is a high probability that their acclimatization will not occur and they will simply die.


Juniper is resistant to many pests and diseases, but one type of rust fungus can still develop on the needles. To combat this pest, it is necessary to spray the plant with fungicides immediately after rust appears on the needles, repeating the procedure twice after 15 days.


When creating a landscape design, planting juniper often allows you to create optimal landscaping of the area. In addition, this plant literally makes the air fresh and healing due to the evaporation of phytoncides.

IN winter time this plant stands out against the background of snow because it is an evergreen conifer. But even among other trees and shrubs, it is not difficult to notice juniper; it has very characteristic scaly needles, long or short, depending on the species, and in terms of decorative forms, also on the variety. Today in natural conditions About 60 species of this plant grow and at least 150 forms have been bred, each of which is divided into a number of varieties and hybrids.

Exist Various types junipers, from spreading tree-like and pyramidal ones, to creeping and dwarf ones, there are even separate varieties of bonsai. The color of the needles can be either golden or dark green. In some forms, the needles may not be scaly, but needle-shaped, but otherwise the structure of the branches is very similar in all species. In June, during flowering, you can recognize male and female plants, the former have practically non-opening spherical buds in the form of cones, and the latter have earring-like flowers with up to 4 stamens.

Juniper "Bonsai"

Juniper fruits are more reminiscent of berries, but they are dense, indehiscent cones with a waxy surface. Inside there is a somewhat resinous fragrant pulp, which contains a lot useful substances and among other things essential oils. Under natural conditions, juniper grows in a wide variety of habitats. There are species that prefer the subtropics, many are distributed up to the northern mountainous regions and are even found in latitudes bordering the Arctic. In forests there are most tree and shrub forms. On the plains, taiga and tundra there are both shrubby and creeping species.

Creeping junipers mainly grow in the mountains; they can also be seen on sandy coastal slopes near rivers and lakes, or simply in hilly areas. They have been planting in gardens for a long time decorative varieties most species growing in natural conditions, and they do not require special care. Tree-like trees provide good shade and at the same time remain green even in winter, since their needles practically do not fall off.

Shrub forms do not take up much space on the site and become a good background for beautiful flowering crops; in addition, they perfectly purify the air. The low-growing one can be used as a green hedge, which requires constant care in the form of pruning the crown, or, if planted dwarf varieties, will be great evergreen border. Creeping species good as independent plantings, in particular for rock gardens or rockeries.

We mentioned earlier that various forms There are a lot of this coniferous plant, but this does not mean that you have to consider each one in order to give preference to several. It is enough to get acquainted with the most popular species and their most common varieties so that you can choose a couple of the most interesting forms for your site.

First of all, of course, you should pay attention to the common juniper or, otherwise, Juniperus communis; planting and caring for it is not associated with great difficulties. It can be either tree-like, up to 10 meters high with a trunk thickness of about 20 centimeters, or shrubby, up to 5 meters with powerful shoots. The first type has a cone-shaped crown, the trunk is almost completely hidden by needles, the second type has an ovoid crown, casting a fairly wide shadow.

Very interesting is the common juniper of the Scandinavian variety Suecica, which on light and even somewhat rocky soil can reach 10 meters in height with high air humidity. Its crown is pyramidal and has a grayish-green color. The only drawback is very slow growth. The Meyer variety is very unpretentious and grows up quite quickly, and it is distinguished by beautiful silver-green needles. The crown is columnar, reaches a height of 5 meters, on poor soils it can only grow up to 3 meters, but it practically does not need care.

Scandinavian juniper variety "Suecica"

The common juniper Hibernica is initially medium-sized and rarely grows to 4 meters, but its winter hardiness and shade tolerance are undoubted advantages. It is better to plant it on light soils in slight shade (the hot sun can cause burns); it may require care in the form of pruning dried shoots.

Another interesting species is the rock juniper, known among experts as Juniperus scopulorum. This plant can be either tree-like or shrub-shaped, the crown is conical, spherical or teardrop-shaped, as a rule, depending on the variety. The tree rarely reaches 8 meters in height, and the shrub - 6 meters. This juniper is very good as group and single plantings; it is also convenient to plant alleys from tall plants. Ideal conditions for him - light and well-moistened soils in open sunny areas. It is characterized by high winter hardiness, so it does not require shelter.

If you need short ones ornamental crops, That the best option there will be a Blue Haeven variety with blue needles and a beautiful pin-shaped crown, it rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. This plant is very unpretentious and does not tolerate heavy, viscous soils. The advantage of the Moonglow variety is its rapid growth; in a few years the plant reaches its maximum height of 2.5 meters. The disadvantages include the small shade area, since the crown of this juniper is very narrow, columnar, but it should be noted its aesthetic appearance along with blue pine needles

If you need a plant for planting in conditions of a short growing season and very cold winters, it is better to choose the Skyrocket variety, which also has a very narrow crown up to 5 meters high, but is also very frost-resistant.

Let's take a closer look at some garden forms juniper, which enjoy the greatest success among owners of suburban areas. As a rule, the choice depends on the purpose of the plant: if for shade, then preference is given to spreading crowns, if for general landscaping, then to vigorous shrubs. Sometimes low-growing and creeping varieties are planted for zoning the site (as green hedges) or to decorate the landscape design near the fence and paths. A bush with a spherical crown can become the center of a flower bed. Let's find out which individual varieties can be chosen for a particular type of planting.

Let's start with spreading shrubs or trees that are planted to create shade. These include the Cossack juniper Femina; it reaches 2 meters in height and can well serve as a shelter from the sun for a garden bench. The needles of this variety are scaly, grayish-green in color, and, remarkably, in winter they acquire a beautiful bronze tint at the ends. But its cones are very poisonous. Grows on almost any fertilized and drained soil, tolerates winter very well, no care required.

Cossack juniper "Femina"

Mas, which belongs to the same species, is similar in its spreading nature, as well as its undemanding nature to the soil, but its needles are needle-shaped and deep green in color. The cold tolerance of this plant is also very high. U Chinese juniper there is a variety called Plumosa Aurea, about 2 meters high and up to 3 meters wide. This one is spreading ornamental shrub in summer the needles have a golden-green color, and with cold weather it turns yellow with a bronze tint. He gains only 8 centimeters in height per year. The only thing this variety cannot tolerate is excess moisture, so the soil should only be slightly moistened with regular watering, otherwise the soil can be anything. It is preferable to plant in well-lit areas. Plumos Aurea tolerates winters very well; the main care is pruning dried branches.

For single plantings and placement in the center of a flower bed, varieties with columnar or conical crowns are best suited. We talked about these earlier, but for a wider selection we will list a few more. In particular, among the forms of the Cossack species there is Erecta, beautiful pyramidal bushes rise to a height of up to 2 meters, attracting attention lush green needles of scaly type. To the ground these coniferous shrubs not demanding, able to withstand quite strong air pollution, minimal maintenance required.

In the same group there is also a columnar variety Fastigiata that grows 6 meters, the same dark green, which makes it look great as a single planting of tapeworm. A very light-loving plant, it has good frost resistance and can be planted on any soil.

Almost all ornamental species can be purchased at nurseries, where seedlings of many varieties are grown in special plots. In this case, the plant will have an already formed root system, and for transportation it is dug up with a lump of earth and also placed in the ground. This increases the survival rate of juniper in a new place. For planting in spring, the place is selected based on the characteristics of the selected variety, since there are both light-loving forms and those that prefer partial shade.

In any case, it is preferable to plant where the plant will not experience strong winds and cold winter drafts breaking through between buildings, and also in a place where it is convenient to provide care. When transporting or storing before planting, be sure to ensure that the earthen ball around the roots does not dry out; it is better if the seedling is grown in a container, it is easier to transport. The distance between juniper bushes or trees is selected based on the purpose of planting. If it is a tapeworm, then for several meters around there should be no large plants at all, only lawn grass or creeping varieties up to 20–30 centimeters high.

Planting a juniper seedling

Group plantings of spreading shrubs should be spaced at intervals of 1.5 meters. If the crowns of the plants are spherical or columnar in shape, they can be rooted at intervals of about a meter, especially when forming a green hedge. It is important to take into account the diameter that the juniper reaches as it grows, so that eventually the bushes close together into an impenetrable wall and at the same time do not interfere with each other. For a seedling that must be at least three years old, you should prepare a hole about 60 centimeters deep and up to 80 wide, depending on the size of the earthen clod covering the roots. The hole may be smaller; for example, for dwarf and creeping varieties, a diameter of up to 45 centimeters and a depth of up to half a meter are sufficient.

A drainage layer of sand is placed at the bottom, then the top fertile layer is poured, which must initially be folded back separately when digging a hole. Place the root ball in the center of the hole. The bottom layer of soil is mixed with sand and peat, and then poured on the sides of the underground part of the seedling. In this case, there is no need to completely fill the hole; the earthen ball around the roots should rise slightly above the ground, and a small groove will remain around, which after abundant watering is covered with mulch.

When planting in the ground, it is advisable to add nitrophoska (about 300 grams), as well as preparations to activate the accelerated growth of the plant, this will allow it to quickly adapt to a new place. The most popular growth stimulants are Epin and Heteorauxin. From organic fertilizers you can use 0.5 kilos of compost, as well as peat mulch. Planting of juniper seedlings is carried out in the spring, but for the winter young plant You definitely need to cover it with spruce branches or install a greenhouse over it. In the first year, care consists of quite frequent watering until the root system develops, but you should not over-moisten the soil. It is better to add crown sprinkling to a small amount of water under the bush.

Like many other crops, this plant reproduces well by rooting green cuttings, and some varieties also by layering. We could call the third method - seeds, but it is known that when sowing fruits ornamental plant it loses most of the properties of the variety, and in the next generation it becomes indistinguishable from wild ones. Therefore, we will consider it as the main method.

Conifer propagation by cuttings

Young shoots that have already begun to grow woody are suitable as planting material. We cut them off with a small part of the base so that a piece of bark with a cambium separates from the trunk, this is where the roots will appear on the new seedling. Next, you need to prepare the soil in a container or box, for which we mix sand and compost 1:1, and pour coarse soil on top river sand, a layer of about 3 centimeters. It is in this layer that the bark shield cut from the donor tree will be located, that is, the cutting is planted to a depth of only 2 centimeters. In this regard, it is advisable to install something like a small trellis in a box or container, or simply stick 3 sticks into the ground at the edges, inclined inward and connected by a hut.

Cuttings should be tied to them so that they do not tilt or fall, and we stretch a greenhouse film on top or place a plastic bottle with the top cut off. Now all that remains is to make sure that the sand is constantly wet, but you should not oversaturate it with water. A rooted cutting can be replanted only after 2 years, and until then it is necessary to keep the future seedling in a warm room and regularly water it, slightly loosening the soil surface. As for propagation by layering, it is possible at any time of the warm season, and directly at the place of growth of the creeping variety of any type of juniper.

To do this, it is enough to clear the young shoot of needles, then press it to the ground with a metal or plastic clamp, after loosening, moistening and fertilizing the soil. After a short time, the layering will produce small roots, and then above-ground shoots will appear. Now you can carefully cut off the shoot from mother plant and together with a lump of earth, trying not to damage the thin roots, move it to a new place and plant it in the prepared hole. The hole should be such that the earthen ball fits perfectly into it; a thin layer of compost can be placed under the roots and a small amount of mineral fertilizers can be added.

One of the popular solutions for landscaping a summer cottage is conifer tree. Among the decorative conifers, juniper stands out: this plant has many varieties and adapts well to unfavorable conditions. Planting and caring for it is not difficult, but the plant has several preferences for its location, heat and humidity.

Features of the plant

The genus juniper is a representative of the cypress family. Among the species of this genus there are both trees and shrubs. The height of trees reaches 30 m, bushes - up to 1.5 m. The shape of the crown of a tree is usually cone-shaped or pyramidal, while that of a bush is creeping. It is formed by flexible branches densely covered with scaly or needle-like needles. This is why a tree or bush appears lush.

The variety of juniper varieties allows you to choose a tree for any composition, taking into account the capabilities of the site. Of interest is not only the various shades of pine needles, but also the fruits of juniper - cones. They are painted dark blue and have both beauty and beneficial properties. The needles of the plant release phytoncides into the atmosphere - substances that disinfect the air and saturate it with a pleasant aroma. The smell is also released by juniper wood.

Types and varieties for summer cottages

The variety is selected according to the growing region. There are decorative forms of junipers that will withstand prolonged frosts in the Urals and Siberia. Most representatives of the genus are not demanding on watering, wintering, fertilizing and do not need pruning. At the same time, junipers are little susceptible to diseases and pests.

There are about 70 species of juniper, 15 of them are cultivated, but the most popular are scaly, rocky, common, Chinese, horizontal, middle and Virginia. For growing in open ground more often used frost-resistant varieties. The most unpretentious species are rock and Virginia.

Popular decorative species and varieties:

  1. Common - a cone-shaped type of juniper. The tree grows up to 10 m, but develops very slowly. The lifespan of the plant is approximately 200 years. The species is frost-resistant, not particularly demanding, grows well in partial shade and in drought conditions.
  2. The rock variety Blue Arrow is a representative of the rock juniper species. They are very hardy and can cope with drought and frost. This is a tree of medium height, usually no more than 5 m. Blue Arrow has a narrow cone-shaped crown and rich blue needles. It looks most decorative on rocky areas.
  3. Chinese juniper Stricta is a tree up to 2.5 m tall with vertically growing branches. The prickly needles have a blue-green tint in the spring, and become steel by winter.
  4. Meyeri - evergreen shrub. The needles at the tips are silver-blue. An excellent mixborder participant.
  5. Horstmann is a tall shrub with drooping branches, which gives it a resemblance to a weeping willow. The shoots reach a diameter of up to 2 m. The needles are small, prickly, dark green.
  6. Juniper scaly Holger is a spreading bush, the decorativeness of which lies in the combination of dark green old needles and young golden ones.
  7. Prince of Wales is a variety of horizontal juniper. One of the most popular species, it forms dense dark green thickets.
  8. Scaly juniper Blue Sweet is a shrub with blue needles, which acquire a metallic hue by winter. The bush has a compact cushion shape. Its height does not exceed 1.5 m.
  9. Old Gold is a representative of the medium juniper species. This species is a hybrid of common and Cossack juniper. The variety is a shrub with golden needles.
  10. Mint julep is another variety of medium-sized juniper. This is a shrub with a spreading crown, its needles are rich green. Demanding of light.
  11. Andorra compact is a variety of horizontal juniper. This shrub does not exceed 0.4 m, but has a diameter of 1.5 m. The needles are scaly, blue-silver.
  12. Repanda is a creeping evergreen shrub of the common species. Easy to care for, can withstand frost. Suitable for creating a coniferous lawn.

How to choose a seedling

The best planting material is purchased in special containers. Such conifers develop well after transplantation. Another option is a tree with a lump of earth, which is wrapped in damp burlap.

  1. It should be 3-4 years old; such a plant tolerates transplantation better.
  2. The root system is closed, but open is also allowed.
  3. The color of the needles is uniform, corresponding to the variety.
  4. There should be no cracks or other damage on the trunk bark.

Where and when is it better to plant juniper on the site?

Growing juniper begins with the correct choice of planting site. These conifers prefer good light and usually do not tolerate shading well. Particularly important sunlight for varieties with unusual needle color.

Other requirements for the landing site:

  1. It should not be waterlogged or close to groundwater.
  2. Protection from drafts is required - junipers react poorly to constant exposure to direct air currents.
  3. The plant is planted at a distance from buildings and other plants.

The soil for growing should be light, loose and fertile. Junipers grow well on sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils. For dwarf specimens, soils with an average content are better suited. nutrients. Their abundance negatively affects the decorative properties of conifers.

Junipers are usually planted in the spring, when it gets a little warmer. The time of planting depends on the type of root system. It is better to plant with open roots in April or September, with closed roots - at any time from April to October.

How to plant ephedra correctly

Planting and caring for juniper is easy. You just need to follow a few rules, and then the plant will develop healthy and strong. When a good place for planting has been selected, you need to prepare a planting hole. Its size depends on the size of the root system; it should be approximately 2.5 times larger than a clod of earth with roots. On average, a hole is dug 50x50 for small seedlings, and 70x70 for large seedlings.

How to plant juniper correctly:

  1. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the planting hole so that the plant does not suffer from stagnation of moisture at the roots. Expanded clay, broken brick, and sand are used as drainage. Drought is not as bad for conifers as constant waterlogging of the soil.
  2. If the soil on the site is too clayey and heavy, then a mixture of garden soil and coniferous soil, sand and peat should be added to the hole. An example of a substrate for planting: 2 parts peat, 1 part sand, 2 parts humus and 2 parts turf soil.
  3. For tall varieties, it is a good idea to add fertilizer to the planting hole. “Kemira universal” is suitable in the amount of 150 g or 300 g of nitrophoska.
  4. Seedlings grown at home are moved from pots by transshipment - that is, together with a lump of earth on the roots. This will minimize possible damage to the root system. The plant must be planted quickly so that the roots do not have time to dry out. This especially applies to purchases with an open root system.
  5. The seedling is sprinkled with the remaining substrate and compacted a little. The root collar should remain above the soil level.
  6. All that remains is to water each hole generously with warm, settled water and mulch the tree trunk circle. This is necessary to retain moisture. Mulch also prevents the development of weeds. Mulch composition: peat, wood shavings.
  7. After planting, you can apply fertilizer for growth - "Epin".

Advice! When planting a group of plants, maintain a distance of 0.5 to 2 m between seedlings, depending on the type of planting and the size of the adult plant.

Rules of care

To properly care for ornamental junipers, you need to know their preferences. Many varieties love light and moderate humidity, but not all tolerate drafts and polluted air.

Young plants require protection from the midday rays of the sun, since fragile needles and bark are afraid of burns. Mature bushes and trees do not need shading, since the plant is generally light-loving.

Junipers are prized for their drought tolerance, but that doesn't mean they can be left without water for long periods of time. During periods of extreme heat, one bush uses an average of 10-20 liters of water. For some varieties great importance has spraying. This way the needles are cleaned of dust and saturated with moisture. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in dry weather in the evening or morning, when the sun will not actively evaporate the drops. If you spray the top of the juniper during the day, there is a risk of burns.

To allow air to flow to the roots, the soil is slightly loosened after each watering. More often this is required for young animals while they are actively developing. If mulching is carried out, it is not necessary to loosen the soil.

Fertilizing is not necessary for junipers. Only during dry periods it is advisable to apply complex fertilizing or fertilizers with nitrogen to the soil, 2-3 times per season.

Every spring, hygienic pruning is carried out: all dried and damaged branches must be removed. Trimming to give shape is rarely done, since junipers do not differ in growth rate. Shoots should be shortened by no more than a third. Solitaire plants do not need to be formed, but bushes in hedges are necessary.

In order for a young juniper to successfully overwinter at the dacha, it must be protected from frost and bright sun. Shelter is usually only required during the very first winter after planting.

How to cover young seedlings for the winter:

  1. Cone-shaped trees are tied with ropes to prevent branches from breaking under the weight of snow.
  2. Plants are covered with material that allows air to pass through. It is allowed to use burlap, cotton fabric, and craft paper.
  3. To cover young bushes with spruce branches, it is placed from bottom to top in two layers.
  4. In especially cold winters, a double shelter is made.
  5. The fabric or spruce branches are not removed until March, so that the bush or tree does not suffer from the bright spring sun. Common juniper varieties are especially susceptible to scorching.

Regardless of the type and variety, juniper works on summer cottage as a natural air purifier. Planting an ephedra will not take much effort, nor will caring for it, but decorative properties a growing tree or bush will never cease to amaze gardeners.