How to plant daisy seedlings correctly. Daisies - the “pearls” of our garden: planting, care and propagation in open ground

Daisies are very pretty and cute flowers that can decorate any area. Their beauty is simple, like that of daisies, but at the same time so familiar and sweet that it is impossible to take your eyes off them. These flowers feel great in flower beds next to other plants. In addition, it is worth noting that daisies do not require special care, and therefore very convenient - plant and enjoy flowering. In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that daisies are very easy to plant - with seeds. Let's take a closer look at the process of growing daisies from seeds, as well as the process of caring for these beautiful and delicate flowers.

How to grow daisies from seeds?

As mentioned earlier, growing daisies is a fairly simple process, so even those who are not yet particularly strong in gardening and are just beginning to master their basics can take on growing these flowers. Daisies are most often grown from seeds, although dividing the bush can also be used. But the second method is more complex, so it is much easier and more effective to resort to the first option.

  1. Time. Daisies are planted with seeds from the beginning of May to the end of June. The deadline for sowing is early July.
  2. Place. So, daisies love good lighting, so the place for planting them should be sunny, maximum light partial shade. In general, daisies bloom more profusely in the sun, and in partial shade they are taller, although they do not bloom so luxuriantly. You can sow daisy seeds directly in a special bed or in greenhouses, and you can also sow daisies for seedlings in boxes, since anyway, when the first leaf appears, the plant will need to be pruned.
  3. The soil. The soil for planting daisies must contain a sufficient amount of organic matter, as well as good drainage. In general, daisies can grow on any cultivated soil, but they still prefer loam.

In principle, we have decided on the main criteria for choosing a place to plant daisies. Now you can go directly to the description of the landing process itself.

How to plant daisies with seeds?

It would seem that everything is very simple - put the seeds in the ground and that’s it, wait for the shoots. But every process has its own secrets, knowing which you can achieve greater success in the enterprise. Growing a perennial daisy from seeds also has some of its own characteristics, so let's get to know them.

Before planting, the bed must be moistened, the soil leveled, and lightly compacted so that the seeds do not fall too deeply. The holes for sowing daisies should not be deep - you can simply walk lightly on the ground with a hoe, or you can simply scatter the seeds on the surface of the ground and compact them a little with your hands. The distance between the rows of daisies should be about five centimeters. After sowing, it is necessary to water the seeds, but carefully so as not to wash away the soil from the seeds, leaving them lying on surfaces. In addition, since the seeds are not very deep underground, the garden bed must be constantly maintained good level moisture so that the daisy seeds do not dry out under the rays of the summer sun.

Picking is done with the appearance of the first leaf. They plant the plant with a distance between the rows of twenty centimeters, and between the plants themselves - five.

Further care for daisies is very simple - good watering and fertilizing, and these flowers don’t need anything else. But in the spring, your beds will be decorated with their delicate pink flowers.

The perennial daisy (bellis perennis) belongs to the Asteraceae family, genus Asteraceae. The homeland of the plant is considered to be the Southern and Central Europe. But because of its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness, it has become widespread throughout the world. Africa, North America, Australia, Europe - this flower culture is cultivated everywhere.

And a wild flower form - the annual daisy (bellis annua), which is affectionately called the “pearl”, can be found in wildlife. She prefers to grow in forest clearings, along roadsides. Small flower with small flowers white or pinkish tint.

Daisy is a correspondingly perennial crop, grown as a biennial, with a compact rosette of oval elongated leaves. The height of the bush is 15-30 cm. The shoots end in inflorescences with a diameter of 4-8 cm of white, soft pink or dark red color. The structure of the flowers can be reed or tubular in the form of daisies, buttons, buboes. The flower is used in landscape design for group plantings and as a greenhouse or balcony plant.

Planting daisies in open ground

Since the daisy is a biennial plant, if it is grown using seeds or cuttings, lush flowering You can wait only for the second year. To flower this year, gardeners use methods: seedlings or division.

It is more correct to grow daisies as a biennial crop. But growing a flower by dividing the bush rejuvenates the plant, while maintaining varietal characteristics and decorativeness. So, let us once again list the methods of plant propagation: using seedlings, cuttings, dividing and sowing seeds in open ground. And now more details about each method.

Growing daisies from seeds When to plant seedlings

When to sow daisy seedlings? If you want the flower to bloom earlier, you need to sow the seeds in February-March. It is better to plant seeds in separate containers. Pots made of paper, plastic or peat are suitable. In this case, if one or two plants have sprouted in a pot, you don’t have to pick them. If you use a large container for planting seeds, the grown plants will dive.

It grows well and does not get sick if the soil does not dry out and daylight hours last up to 14 hours. That is, it is necessary to ensure that the “young animals” are illuminated. Two weeks after the sprouts appear, reduce the temperature at the location of the plants to +15ºC. And the middle or end of May (7 days before planting seedlings in the ground) is the time to harden the plant.

  • You need to sow in a common container on top of moistened soil as little as possible, lightly sprinkle sand or earth on top. Don't forget to do it on the day drainage holes so that the plants do not get sick.
  • The container is covered with a transparent lid or plastic bag for creating greenhouse effect, ventilate daily.
  • After the shoots appear, the cover is removed.
  • Continue care with moderate watering and provide good lighting.
  • Seedlings are planted when a pair of true leaves appear in separate cups.
  • They begin to harden off a week before planting, leaving the seedlings outside for a short time at first, then more, up to a full day in the last days.

You can plant daisies in April-May, when there are no night frosts.

The video will tell you how to sow daisies for seedlings:

Propagation of daisies by cuttings

Daisies from cuttings will bloom only next year. Reproduction in this way is carried out in the middle and end of May. A young shoot with an axillary bud is separated from the mother specimen with a sharp knife.

Shoots treated with Kornevin are planted in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. The place for planting is a cold greenhouse. After half a month, the young plants take root. But drop off on permanent place They can only grow at the beginning of autumn, when the temperature is cool.

You can plant the cuttings on the windowsill, in separate cups, and simply monitor the moisture content of the substrate. It is best to plant in special soil for flowering plants so that the soil is nutritious and breathable. Rooted plants are planted in a permanent place in early September, not forgetting to cover them for the winter.

Reproduction of daisies by dividing the bush

This procedure is carried out in early spring or after flowering. For division, take healthy two- or three-year-old bushes. They are carefully dug up, trying not to damage them. root system, and divided into 5-10 parts. Of course, each part must have a root. Flowers and buds on new plants are removed, the roots are shortened to 10 cm.

Dividing a daisy flower bush makes it possible to rejuvenate plants, obtain new specimens, while maintaining varietal characteristics and decorativeness.

Sowing daisy seeds in open ground

When sowing daisies in a garden bed, they will only step on next year. Seeds are sown in open ground when the soil is ripe, at the end of March - April and until the end of summer.. They use the method of sowing on the soil surface, i.e. the seeds are not buried in the soil, but scattered over the area and mulched on top with humus or prepared sifted soil. If you do not immediately cover the seeds with soil, but first cover them with dark film and leave them for two days, their germination will speed up.

The soil with the planted seeds is regularly and carefully watered, avoiding drying out. To create greenhouse conditions, you can cover the area with the seeds with agrofibre. It will protect tender shoots from the bright spring sun and protect against nighttime drops in temperature.

Sprouts appear in two weeks, and after another two weeks they are planted in a garden bed or nursery. Daisies are planted densely. The distance between them should be no more than 5 cm.

Grown plants are planted in a prepared area at the end of summer. And next year in early spring they will delight us abundant flowering.

Young plants that have sprouted as a result of the so-called “self-seeding” are weeded, removing weak and damaged ones. Plants grown in this way lose their decorative properties and characteristics of the variety: brightness of color, flower size, doubleness.

Planting daisy seedlings in open ground

In order for the flower to grow and not get sick, it is necessary to choose the right site and soil composition. Daisy loves bright lighting. An area near the trunk of a tree, in partial shade, is also suitable for her. Only the Cape daisy prefers bright sunlight, and in the shadows it fades and loses its colors.

The plant prefers soil that is light, drained, and moisture-permeable. Loam with neutral acidity is best suited. If the soil on the site is sandy, then it is mixed with manure, leaf soil, humus, ash, and peat.

Daisies are perennial, planted in a prepared area 30 days after picking. Transplantation is performed with a clod of earth to preserve the root system of the seedling. The distance between young daisy bushes is up to 20 cm.

It is not worth planting less often, as the effect of group planting will be disrupted. Also, flowers planted strictly in a line will not look interesting. After planting, you need to water the plants with plenty of water.

Interesting fact. Perennial daisy loves transplants. They activate the growth and development of the plant even at the stage of flowering and bud formation.

Caring for daisies in the open ground

Daisies planted densely do not need to be weeded. But regular watering is a must: in hot weather - every day, at other times up to three times a week. Excess moisture is detrimental to the flower. Its roots may rot. To reduce the frequency and volume of watering, mulch the soil between plants.

In spring, during the period of snowmelt and after heavy rains, the soil is loosened to improve aeration.

Interesting fact. During growth, the perennial daisy choke out almost all weeds. This property of the plant is highly valued by gardeners. After all, there are almost no weed seeds in the soil after daisies.

The flower responds well to feeding. There are several of them per season:

  • 1 time in spring (complex flower fertilizer);
  • in summer 3-4 times with an interval of at least 10 days (potassium chloride, Amofoska).

To add decorative value to the flower and lengthen the flowering time, faded inflorescences are cut off.

Diseases and pests of daisies

The daisy is unpretentious and many diseases are not scary for it. But she is susceptible to diseases such as: gray mold, rust, powdery mildew. The plant can also be damaged by rodents and insects.

1. Gray rot

The cause of the disease is damp, cold weather.
The appearance of the bush is watery leaves with a gray coating.
Prevention - reducing humidity.
Preparations for treatment - “Skor”, “Chistotsvet”.

2. Rust

The cause of the disease is fungal infection.
Appearance of the bush - leaves with rusty red or brown spots.
Disinfection is the removal of the infected part of the plant.
Preparations for treatment - 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

3. Powdery mildew

The cause of the disease is oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen fertilizers and lack of moisture.
Appearance of the bush - the leaves darken, appearing above and below white coating.
Prevention - destruction of plant residues, thinning.
Preparations for treatment - “Chistotsvet”, “Fitosporin”, “Trichodermin”.

4. Brown spot

The cause of the disease is damage to the plant by bacteria.
Appearance of the bush - the leaves are covered with light spots with a border.
Disinfection - removal of the infected part of the plant or destruction of the entire bush.
Prevention - destruction of plant residues, loosening.
Preparations for treating plants - “Kuprotox”, “Hom”
Soil preparations - solution iron sulfate, 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

To protect flowers from animals- rodents: mice, shrews, moles - poisoned bait is left on the site. Make sure that pets are not poisoned by it.

Insects that can harm daisy plantings (spider mite and thrips) are destroyed by repeated spraying of the plant and soil. Solutions are used for spraying laundry soap, celandine, “Aktary”, “Iskra”.

How to collect daisy seeds

Since when proper storage The germination of daisy seeds lasts up to three years, so it makes sense to collect and save the seed material. One condition is that the seeds are collected from non-hybrid plant varieties.

The rules for collecting seeds are as follows:

  • seeds are collected only from faded inflorescences;
  • the flowers, laid out in 1 layer, are dried on a paper mat;
  • dried until the seeds fall out easily from the inflorescences;
  • They store the seeds in paper or fabric bags, which indicate the year of collection, the name and variety of the flower.

Preparing daisies for winter

This important stage which should not be neglected. Failure to comply with wintering conditions can lead to partial rotting of the roots or to the complete death of the plant.

In order for the plant to grow well, remove dried leaves and flowers around the bush, cover the roots that are on the surface of the soil with soil.

Then mulch the ground around the bush. Suitable mulch is: humus, rotted sawdust, pine needles, peat. The mulch layer should be at least 5-10 cm. It is not advisable to use fallen leaves as mulch and covering material.

They can serve as a breeding ground for fungal spores or shelter for insect pests. In this case, fallen leaves placed in compost heap, an excellent component for compost.
Plants overwinter best under a snow “blanket,” but if your winters are not snowy, you should cover your daisy bushes with spruce branches or other covering material.

Daisies in landscape design What to combine with

The perennial daisy is a crop in demand by gardeners, designers and florists.
This is facilitated by such perennial qualities as:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • long flowering period;
  • variety of flower shapes and a wide range of colors;
  • good compatibility with other plants.

When planted alone, daisies are not very interesting, so it is better to use them as a companion crop for cultivating more tall plants, for example, spring flowering bulbs: tulips, daffodils. Or in combination with primroses, lilies of the valley, hyacinths.

There are a number garden compositions, which will lose greatly without daisies.
Daisies are planted:

  1. Near natural ponds and streams, artificial reservoirs, thanks to the love of moist soil.
  2. On lawns that are not cut (urban, Moorish, meadow) as a ground cover crop.
  3. In group plantings (up to 10 bushes at a time). Here you can show your imagination and use both plants of the same color and variety, or completely different ones.
  4. Daisies with small flowers are suitable for borders, on alpine roller coaster.
    Here you should pay attention to the regularity of watering.
  5. Cape daisies, which reach a meter in height, are used for the “back wall” of ferns, hostas, brungers, and bodans.

Perennial daisy is also used in group plantings in flower beds, ridges, balconies, in separate containers, as well as for cutting and forcing.

Florists love this versatile culture. Low compact bushes of the plant look beautiful in ceramic vases, pots and containers. Such flower arrangements can decorate your favorite corner of the garden, greenhouse, terrace, balcony, patio, garden gazebo.

A small round bouquet of white or soft pink daisies can even be used as a wedding bouquet. A pot with bright button flowers against a background of green leaves will be a pleasant gift.

Types and varieties of perennial daisies with descriptions and photos

There are about a hundred species perennial daisies. They differ in the following ways:

  • according to the height of the crop. Height varies from 2 to 30 cm;
  • according to the structure of the flower. It can be reed or tubular;
  • according to the shape of a flower. It comes in the form of a ball, daisy, pompom, rose;
  • by the type of petal color. There are single-colored, with varying degrees color of the upper and lower sides, with stripes and spots. The color varies from snow-white to bright red;
  • by the appearance of terry. There are plants with simple, double and semi-double flowers;
  • according to the size of the inflorescence. Flowers are small from 1.5 cm in diameter, medium from 4 cm in diameter and large from 6 cm.

In addition, varietal daisies differ in the time they begin to bloom: early and late flowering.

Among the abundance of varieties and species flower culture Still, we can highlight the most popular among gardeners. Thus, double and semi-double varieties and hybrids of perennials are mainly cultivated.

The most beautiful varieties of daisies with names and photos:

“White ball” - plant height 15 cm, double flowers, pure white.

“Pink ball” - plant height 15-20 cm, double flowers, carmine pink.

“Red carpet” - plant height up to 20 cm, double dark red flowers.

“Etna” - color of flower petals: orange middle and dark purple edges.

“Robella” - color of flower petals: coral combined with red.
Balcony varieties with abundant and long flowering. "Early Etna", "Dresden China", "The Pearl" are compact plants suitable for forcing in winter and early spring.

African daisy or Cape daisy Osteospermum ecklonis

The so-called Cape daisies or African daisies (osteospermum) also belong to the Astrov genus. These are evergreens perennial shrubs or subshrubs. They grow up to a meter in height and have flowers similar in appearance to daisies or daisies.

Daisies are perennial ornamental plants. They have beautiful double inflorescences. There are plants with flowers of red, white, Pink colour, as well as in several different shades. These flowers reproduce well by seeds, division and cuttings.

Daisies are most common in Western Europe and Mediterranean countries. In nature, there are about 15 species of daisies, but only 2 species are used for gardening. These are perennial plants that are grown in gardens, while the latter are annual plants that grow in pots. The height of an adult plant reaches approximately 20 cm.

Collecting Daisy Seeds

In Russia, the following varieties are most widespread:

  • Robella,
  • Rob Roy
  • Daisy,
  • Pomponette,
  • Tasso,
  • Speed ​​Star,
  • Rominette.

Planting these flowers does not take much time. They take root well with any planting: seeds, etc.

Growing daisies

The most suitable time for sowing seeds is considered to be mid-summer. Having previously fertilized the soil with humus in the fall, seeds are added to it. This plant feels equally good in a lit space and in dark places.

But most suitable place there will be one that does not fall on midday Sun rays . When planting flowers this way, the daisies will bloom the following year.

Planting seeds

Sowing of daisy seeds is carried out around the end of June - beginning of July. To do this, seeds are added to the prepared loosened soil, having previously made grooves in it. The depth of the grooves should be no more than 2 cm, the distance between the grooves is approximately 10 cm. The seeds are poured out as if salting food.

After this, the seeds are sprinkled with earth and watered with a spray bottle so as not to wash the sown seeds. After about 10-12 days, the first shoots appear. After another week, they can be picked up and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Further growth

The following year these plants begin to bloom. Flowering time occurs from April to July. With high-quality plant care, you can see autumn bloom these flowers.

According to its qualities, the daisy is considered unpretentious plant, you just need to occasionally feed it with fertilizers and pinch off fading flowers in time. Thanks to this, the plant will bloom longer.

Daisies can be used not only as solitary plants. From these, you can make living flowering mats of various colors in flower beds, which will delight the human eye for a long time.

The daisy, despite the fact that it is quite small in size, requires a lot of attention from gardeners.

Description of the plant

They are distinguished by a short rhizome and an equally short stem. The leaves are palmate, obtuse, crenate, basal. Ground stem without leaves, but with one complex flower.

Distinctive feature Daisies have an abundance of color variations. They can be white, pink, red, yellow. Small but fluffy inflorescences are distinguished by their special aesthetic value and attract the attention of flower growers.

This plant has long been introduced into cultivation, but wild daisies are still preserved in their homeland, in the Mediterranean. All the many varieties of daisies originate from a wild ancestor: the perennial daisy. However, most gardeners prefer to cultivate it as biennial plant. This is mainly due to the fact that old plant specimens begin to move away from their cultural standards and exhibit wild characteristics.

Where is the best place to plant daisies?

Since these plants are very small, they are usually planted on lawns as beautiful borders, in flower beds, along paths, between tiles on terraces. These flowers look best in the foreground of various color compositions. They can also be used as ground cover plants. They are especially good as a spring decoration for borders and the foreground of lawns.

Demanding conditions

In addition to the aesthetic needs of gardeners, there are also the needs of the plants themselves. Daisies realize themselves best in following conditions.

  1. At good lighting. IN mild conditions shade, they reduce the abundance of flowering, and in the shade they do not bloom at all and, in the end, die.
  2. On loamy, loose soil with a high organic content. Acidity should fluctuate within a small range around neutral levels.
  3. At high level hydration. In dry weather, these flowers need to be watered. Otherwise, the inflorescences first become smaller, lose their doubleness, and then completely fall off. However, in lowlands where water lingers for a long time, plants may die from rotting or freeze out in winter.

The main condition for the successful development of daisies is sufficient lighting.

Planting daisies

These plants reproduce both by seeds and by dividing the bush.

Each of these methods has its own advantages. Growing daisies from seeds allows you to have young and beautiful plants. Transplanting adult plants allows you to form a daisy flowerbed faster and with the least amount of effort.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in early spring, preferably in March-April, as soon as the snow melts and the ground warms up to the first 10 cm.

The sowing holes should not be deep. It’s better not to do them at all - you can simply scatter the seeds on the surface of the ground, and then loosen them with a wooden rake or compact them with your hands.

The distance between the rows of seeds should be about 5 cm. After sowing, the seeds should be watered from a watering can so as not to wash them away, then it would be a good idea to mulch the soil with dry leaves.

After germination, you need to pick, keeping only those plants that are located at a distance of 5 cm from each other. The distance between the rows should be at least 20 cm.

If these flowers have been cultivated on the site for a long time, then plants from seeds can appear on their own, as a result of self-seeding. This, of course, relieves the gardener from having to solve the problem of how to grow daisies from seeds. However, self-seeding is a disordered process, as a result of which plants appear in places completely different from where a person would like them.

However, every cloud has a silver lining. Daisy seeds, self-sown scattered throughout the site, germinate in early spring, thus providing the owner of the site with specimens for planting. Such spontaneous daisy seedlings only need to carefully pick up the seedlings with a shovel and plant them in the right place.

If you don’t yet have the opportunity to easily form beds of small flowers, but want to have early flower beds, then you can first grow daisies with seedlings. This will make it possible to get the first flowers by June.

This can be done in a greenhouse, greenhouse or at home. The roots of this plant are small, so you can plant the seeds in boxes with a small layer of soil. Daisy seedlings form quickly, so you can sow the seeds in February-early March, depending on the climate of your region.

The seedlings must grow in good light, otherwise, after planting in the ground, the daisies will begin to get sick and may die.

By the way, these plants can be planted in flower pot. In the summer, they will develop in the sun, and in the winter they can be brought indoors, where they will continue to delight the eye with their cheerful colors.

Daisy: growing from seeds (video)

Caring for young plants

Despite the fact that these plants are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, they still need to be looked after. If you planted daisies with seeds directly into the soil in early spring, you need to not only weed, but also be sure to loosen the soil.

As soon as the young plants produce leaves, they need to be fertilized. It is recommended to add a mixture of ammonium nitrate (15-20 g), superphosphate (30 g), potassium salt (15 g). You can add a little manure to the solution. In this case, even fresh cow dung will not harm, if, of course, you follow the measure.

If you want your daisies to delight you with abundant blooms longer, remove periodically fading inflorescences. This will encourage the plant to produce new flowers.

Daisies are considered frost-resistant. However, if the winter in your region is harsh, with little snow and winds, then cover the flowers for the winter with fallen leaves or plastic film.

How to grow daisies (video)

Nature, as always, did its best. In addition to the fact that our World is beautiful and multifaceted, it is also multi-colored and occupy a special place in this spectrum.

There are so many of them that you can drown in shades and incredible shapes! Small, modest, but graceful and delicate daisies contribute their part to color scheme planets. We will tell you how to grow daisies from seeds in this article.

There are 14 types of this flower culture. She is a representative of perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. In nature, daisies are small and white, which is why the name translates as “pearl.” The flower is also called the “eye of the day” because the inflorescence blooms at dawn. Daisies are very popular, and a flowering bed of the plant is a charming sight.

According to the growing season, the crop is divided into perennial and annual varieties. The difference is that annual daisies are used for residential design. Perennials, are more popular in gardening, so selection was carried out in this direction.

Choosing a place and soil for sowing

Daisy loves well-cultivated and drained soil. Loams are most suitable; they remain moist for a long time. In the fall, when preparing the bed, you need to add manure and peat.

The culture prefers sunny beds, but grows well in partially shaded ones. In this case she blooms less, but grows higher. Does not tolerate midday sun well. This must be taken into account when choosing a bed.

Daisy seeds are sown at the beginning of summer on a prepared surface, sprinkled with a little sand or humus on top. At sufficient quantity light and heat (20ºC), sprouts appear after 10 days. To speed up the germination process, the bed can be covered with film or agrofibre. After removing the cover, it is advisable to sprinkle the crops with soil. Seedlings grow quickly. Two months later, in August, they are seated at a distance of 20 cm on all sides. Such plants bloom only the next year.

To obtain blooming daisies in the same year, use seedling method. Seeds are placed directly into pots at the end of winter to avoid unnecessary planting.

Soil can be used from flower shops. The rules and conditions for sowing seeds are the same as in open fields. Availability of light and set temperature Necessarily. Additional lighting may be needed to increase daylight hours.

Seedlings should be planted at the beginning of summer in a properly selected and prepared bed at a distance of 20 cm from one another. Place the daisies with the contents from the seedling pot in holes, sprinkle with soil, compact the soil near the bushes and water well.

To understand whether the sprouts require additional lighting, you need to pay attention to their appearance. If the plants look weak, yellow or pale green, or thin and elongated, then measures need to be taken to improve the lighting.

We would like to note that with insufficient lighting, especially in combination with low temperatures, the plants’ immunity decreases, and then they begin to suffer from fungal diseases.

Basics of flower care

The root system of daisies is small, the plant sits shallow. For this reason, it should be watered regularly. If there is a lack of moisture, the flower stalks are small and lose their doubleness.

After watering, the row spacing needs to be loosened and mulched. Loosening saturates the soil with oxygen, and mulching helps retain moisture.

To obtain full-fledged plants, they need to be fed several times a season. Initially, for the growth of stems and leaves, urea is added to the soil. Next, at the beginning of summer, nitroammophoska is introduced in order to obtain young shoots. It is advisable to remove faded baskets for more abundant and long-lasting flowering.

As for diseases and pests, the plant is sometimes affected powdery mildew and gray mold for the following reasons:

  • Dense sowing and lack of flowerbed ventilation
  • Excess of chemicals
  • High humidity soil
  • Sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures
  • Powdery mildew. Topaz or biofungicides.
  • Gray rot. Drugs Skor, Euparen, Fundazol. The plant must be dry.

Slugs and cutworm caterpillars can damage the crop. Insecticides are used for this.

The chemical industry is developing in this direction, so you need to keep an eye on new products that solve the existing problem with the least harmful consequences for the environment.

Since the plant is perennial, it needs to be prepared for winter. There are no special recommendations. Daisies should not be cut; the buds should be left intact and insulated.

The tips outlined will help you create conditions for the plant, avoid mistakes and be rewarded with a luxurious garden bed and an abundance of positive things.

When attacked by slugs chemicals may not be enough. And if you increase the concentration or frequency of treatments, you can directly harm the flowers. Therefore, we recommend preventing the presence of weeds, and also sprinkling the soil near the daisies with ash.

Be sure to carry out mechanical removal of pests. A little loosening of the soil will help with this. The fact is that in the process you can find an incomprehensible depression, which turns out to be a nest of slugs.

It definitely needs to be destroyed. Since pests in such numbers can completely destroy even a large plant by eating its roots. Typically, nests are located in a damp and cool place.

As for fungal diseases, if the plants on the site are often affected by them, despite preventive measures, then it is worth disinfecting the soil before planting. To do this, you can pour it with a solution of manganese or boric acid. Avoid excessive use of nitrogen mixtures.

Collecting daisy seed material

Obtained from wilted inflorescences. Not all seeds ripen at the same time. Therefore, they remove the inflorescences several times a week, shaking out the dried seeds from them. If this is not done in time, the seeds will be washed away by rain or irrigation water. Dry seed material is poured into a paper bag.

It is important to note that daisies from self-seeding lose their varietal qualities. Seeds from them should not be collected.

Proper collection and preservation of seeds will allow you to obtain strong, developed daisy plants and enjoy the creation of Nature.

We are responsible for the world in which we live. It becomes blooming, beautiful and well-groomed when active participation person. You can also grow weeds or a luxurious flower bed in your shower. Man is given the intelligence and willpower to strive for the second option. Material and spiritual success is achieved only through labor.