How to add shine to dishes and clean a thick layer of burning from a frying pan: several effective ways to clean kitchen utensils. How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease at home: a review of store-bought and folk remedies for different materials and coatings

Carbon deposits on a frying pan or saucepan not only spoil the appearance of the dishes, but can also affect taste qualities prepared dishes. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out proper cleaning of such complex contaminants, based on the type kitchen utensils.

Cleaning a Cast Iron Frying Pan

Eat various options cleanings, which can be found below.

#1: Sand

This method has been used since ancient times:
  • Fill the cast iron frying pan with sand.
  • We calcinate it thoroughly until the outdated contaminants begin to “peel off.”
  • We arm ourselves with a sponge with stiff bristles and thoroughly clean all dirt.

The heating procedure itself can be performed not only directly on the stove, but also in the oven.

In a similar way, carbon deposits can be cleaned using blowtorch, but this activity is not pleasant in terms of “aroma”, so it is advisable to do this in an open space or in a well-ventilated area.

No. 2: Soap + soda

Next method:
  • Boil enough water to cover almost the entire cast iron skillet.
  • Add grated laundry soap (or washing powder) in the volume of half a glass, the same part of soda with calcium and one tube of office glue.
  • Cook the mixture for at least two hours (if the stains are dense and old).
  • Clean the stains with a steel brush, and then be sure to rinse with detergent.

Carry out such cleaning in a ventilated area, since when cooking the cleaning solution there will be bad smell.

#3: Vinegar

A cast iron frying pan with old stains can be cleaned using the most “gentle” method of cleaning dishes:
  • Pour a large number of vinegar in a bowl that will comfortably fit your frying pan.
  • “Forget” about her for a few days.
  • Rinse the dishes and use a rigid or iron mesh to remove any remaining dirt.

No. 4: Salt + soda + vinegar

You can “construct” the following solution, useful for combating soot, grease and soot: for 5 liters of water you will need 300 g of table salt, 250 g of soda and 500 ml of vinegar. This mass must be boiled and your cast iron product should be lowered there for at least an hour.

The result will pleasantly surprise you, but after such cleaning, be sure to rinse the pan with detergent several times afterwards.

No. 5: Citric acid

This is an assistant in cleaning grease deposits inside a cast iron frying pan, which can be used using one of two methods:
  • For 2 liters you will need to use 4 teaspoons citric acid, boil the mixture directly in the bowl for about half an hour and cool in it. Then wash off all grease and residue with dishwashing detergent or a strong solution of laundry soap.
  • For 2 liters of water you will need 150 g of lemon and 200 ml of vinegar of any percentage. This solution can be used to clean entire dishes by dipping the pan into the solution and boiling for half an hour. Then cool in the same liquid and rinse as usual under running water.

The second cleaning method is used if the plaque inside the cast-iron frying pan has acquired destructive proportions.

#6: Hydrogen peroxide

The product is in no way inferior to soda and vinegar in cleaning procedures:
  • Mix baking soda and peroxide in such proportions to form a paste.
  • Apply to the inner surface of the pan.
  • Heat the dishes and leave the mixture to “work” for literally 15 minutes.
After this, all that remains is to use a brush and available detergents to wash the pan from carbon deposits.

No. 7: Washing powder + vegetable oil

If the carbon deposits have not yet reached their peak, then to clean the frying pan you can use a combination of washing powder and vegetable oil:
  • Pour enough liquid into a wide bowl so that you can completely immerse the pan in it.
  • Add here (in proportion to 2 liters) a handful of washing powder (preferably for hand washing or containing laundry soap) and 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer for at least half an hour.
Then you can use an iron brush and completely clean the pan from any remaining carbon deposits.

No. 8: Schumannite

This is an old, proven “drug” for combating old fat and soot. When working with it, it is better to use a mask and thick gloves, because its main cleaning property is acid. Schumanite should be sprayed, left for 30 minutes and cleaned with a metal brush.

How exactly this tool is used is demonstrated in the following video:

No. 9: Ammonia

This is a chemical “hard” method of exposure:
  • Mix ammonia (literally three drops) and 10 grams of borax with a glass of water.
  • Pour this mixture onto the bottom of the pan and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water and wash with standard dishwashing detergents.

How to Clean an Aluminum Frying Pan

If aluminum frying pan has lost its presentable appearance, you can clean it from carbon deposits using the following means.

No. 1: Ammonia + soap

If carbon deposits have not yet reached the maximum, then you can try gentle methods of combating pollution:
  • tablespoon ammonia mix with a strong soap solution (the solution must be “prepared” from natural laundry soap).
  • Thoroughly wipe the aluminum frying pan with this solution or even “soak” it in it for half an hour.
This will help the “young” carbon deposits come off the frying pan before your eyes.

No. 2: Sorrel decoction

In a gentle fight against dirt, a strong sorrel decoction will help, which can also be used to wipe the pan. If this procedure does not help much, then boil it and then soak it, even overnight. In the morning you will see a brilliant result.

No. 3: Soap + vinegar

Make a solution of laundry soap, grated into flakes, and 6% vinegar in a volume of 100 ml or the juice of half a lemon. This mass must be boiled together with the frying pan for at least half an hour, and then washed with standard detergents.

No. 4: Activated carbon

Great for fighting fat:
  • Crush 10 tablets of coal and, adding a little water, prepare a slurry.
  • Apply the paste to the surface of the pan and leave overnight.
  • Rinse dishes as usual.

#5: Salt

You can use one of two methods:
  • Dilute 270 grams of salt into 9 liters of water and dip an aluminum frying pan into the solution. Boil it for at least a couple of hours, and then rinse under running water as usual.
  • Fill an aluminum frying pan with 1 cm thick salt and heat it, then wash it with dishwashing detergent. The result will not take long to arrive.

No. 6: Soap solution with soda and glue

Mix silicate glue and soda in equal proportions (about half a glass of both per 10 liters of liquid), plus a bar of 72% grated laundry soap. Bring the mixture to a boil, immerse the frying pan in it and cook until the impurities are completely detached (about two hours). Then rinse with detergent and enjoy cooking in clean dishes.

#7: Tooth powder

Carbon deposits inside an aluminum frying pan can be removed as follows:
  • Turn tooth powder into paste.
  • Apply it evenly onto a hot frying pan.
  • Leave overnight.
  • In the morning, wash off the paste and admire the glossy shine.

No. 8: Bow

Onions can also handle a little soot:
  • Cut 6-7 onions in half and boil for 2 hours.
  • Then steam the pan with soda for half an hour.
  • Rinse in the usual way under running water.

#9: Mustard

You can use the product in the following ways:
  • Make a mustard paste by mixing mustard powder with a little water and a soft brush. Rub the mixture into the aluminum surface. If the carbon deposits are not old, this method is effective.
  • Make a paste of equal proportions of baking soda, mustard powder and vinegar. Wear gloves and rub this “sauce” on an aluminum frying pan. You can leave it overnight, and in the morning, use a soft sponge to wipe off any loose grease and soot. If the carbon deposits are old, this method is optimal.

No. 10: Incandescent

You can clean off small deposits on the outside of the pan by trying the following temperature difference method:
  • Get a basin with cold water to the edges so that your frying pan can fit comfortably in it. This can be done in the sink, but then you will have to clean off the carbon deposits in the sink.
  • Heat the frying pan very well, and when you realize that the “heat” has reached its climax, quickly transfer it to a prepared basin with cold water.

    You need to heat it in a well-ventilated area and carefully, because the fire from soot can spread to the sides of the cookware.

  • When the aluminum frying pan has cooled down a little, you can already take a brush and clean off the resulting detachments.

Cleaning a frying pan with a delicate coating (ceramic or Teflon)

The delicate, namely non-stick coating is both ceramic and Teflon. This frying pan is beautiful, but requires gentle care. So, you will have to abandon the iron brush, as it will damage the dishes. When cleaning, you can use the following methods:
  • Mustard powder. Depending on the density of the deposit, pour in from 2 tablespoons to 100 grams of mustard powder, pour boiling water over it and leave the pan for half an hour to 12 hours, depending on the contamination. This way you can easily remove old fat from the inside of the Teflon-coated pan.
  • Steam bath. For the bottom of the pan with non-stick coating you can make a steam bath: in an old saucepan, on which you can place your frying pan on top, we make a solution - add 4 tablespoons of soda and a teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. Next, put a frying pan on top, and this entire structure on the fire. We boil for as long as it takes to remove all the fat (from 30 minutes to 2 hours) and clean off all excess with a soft sponge.
  • Baking powder. If there is only a little soot, you can clean the “inside” of the frying pan with baking powder: add 30 grams of baking powder, pour water to the top of the non-stick frying pan and let it boil. Once the dishes have cooled down a little, you can remove all dirt with a soft sponge.
  • Soda Ash. Used in the same way as baking powder. If you add planed laundry soap without fragrances, the procedure will be even more effective.
  • Coca Cola. Pour Coca-Cola into the pan and let it simmer for half an hour. Then turn it off, wash off the remaining fat and soot with a special rag.
  • Soap solution with glue and soda. If the dirt is old, it is better to “soak” it in the following mixture: add 180 ml of laundry soap solution, 60 ml of silicate glue and 250 g of soda ash to 3.5 liters of water. Let the mixture boil and leave the pan in it for 24 hours, longer if possible for complete cleansing. Then rinse thoroughly under the tap with soapy water and use to your satisfaction.
  • Liquid glass with soda. The following procedure will help with heavy greasy stains on dishes with such a delicate coating: for 3.5 liters of water you will need a couple of tubes of liquid glass and 250 grams of soda. Heat this mass and lower the frying pan into it. Boil over low heat for 60-80 minutes to achieve maximum results, and then clean it in the usual way or with a solution of laundry soap.
You can learn about the secrets of cleaning a non-stick frying pan from grease and soot without chemical “aggressors” in the following video:

Having considered so many cleaning methods, each of you will be able to find your own method and always use it. It is best to use a paste of soda or mustard powder mixed with laundry soap flakes. These products are suitable for pans with any coating and will help prevent severe contamination.

It’s nice to start cooking and open the kitchen cabinet and pull out clean, shiny dishes from its depths. But achieving such a result is not so easy. The “mix” of fat and soot forms an extremely corrosive brown soot, which not only spoils the appearance of frying pans, but is also dangerous to humans.

Are there ways to deal with this trouble? How to get rid of a thick layer of burning in a frying pan? What folk remedies and household chemicals can be used? The answers are in the article.

How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits: general rules

Both store-bought cleaning products, the assortment of which on store shelves is expanding year after year, and tricks passed down from mothers and grandmothers will help you cope with carbon deposits.

However, before you roll up your sleeves and start scrubbing the frying pan with the first powder or gel you come across, you should determine what material it is made of. There is no single universal remedy, and if you choose the wrong composition, the vessel can easily be damaged.

On a note:

  • Products made of cast iron, heavy and bulky, have still not lost their popularity. This dish, inherited from a mother or grandmother, is still very much loved for the special taste it gives to cooked dishes. However long years use and improper care turn a once neat frying pan into something covered with such a thick layer of soot, grease and dirt that not every popular tool can handle it the first time.
  • Teflon pans equipped with a non-stick coating are non-stick and easy to clean. However, there is no guarantee that the remains of burnt plaque will not remain outside.
  • Ceramic frying pans and frying pans made of of stainless steel require special handling and careful selection of household chemicals.
  • Titanium is the most durable. They are not afraid of temperature changes, falls from heights and detergents of any degree of aggressiveness.

You need to wash dishes immediately after preparing food, and not put it off until later. “Later” it will be much more difficult to do.

Folk remedies

The older generation willingly passes on to the heirs their experience in managing household. There are dozens of ways to give pans a nice appearance.

Proven recipes:

  • The first recipe is suitable for a frying pan made of any material. It consists of 72 percent laundry soap (1 bar), table soda (500 grams) and silicate glue (or liquid glass- 2 packs). The soap is grated on a fine grater, mixed with glue and soda, and added to a bucket of water standing on the fire. The water should be well heated by this time. Mix everything thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, put the frying pan in a bucket and bring the liquid to a boil. It is enough for the dishes to “boil” for 15-20 minutes, then the fire can be extinguished and the bucket tightly covered with a lid. The carbon deposits will easily come off after 2-3 hours.
  • Pour water into a suitable container, bring it to a boil and add half a glass of table vinegar and 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid. Then the fire can be extinguished and the soiled vessel can be placed in water. In an hour, a mixture of acid and vinegar will corrode the most old soot.
  • You need to pour 9-10 liters of water into the pan, put the frying pan, add 150 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 100-120 grams of silicate glue. Boil for 20-30 minutes, remove carbon deposits after complete cooling with steel wool.

To avoid inhaling the specific smell of soap, you should take care of ventilating the kitchen in advance.

Household chemicals

The most popular means for cleaning pans are:

  • "Khimitek Chudodey-Antinagar". A concentrated, alkaline-based liquid degreaser designed specifically to remove carbon deposits. Affordable (from 216 rubles) and effective.
  • "Domestos"- a universal detergent that is diluted in water and is inexpensive - 170 rubles per bottle.
  • Grease remover Unicum Gold. 500 ml of the product costs about 240 rubles. It lasts a long time. Active nanoparticles in the composition quickly remove even old carbon deposits, but for aluminum cookware or with an obvious defect in the Teflon coating is not suitable. It is highly toxic and has a pungent, unpleasant odor.
  • Means "Mr. Muscle" has long established itself as a high-quality and affordable product. Suitable for any pans.
  • Cillit Bang has a huge number of positive reviews. It contains anionic surfactants and linalool (there are no abrasives), which are suitable for both frying pans, shower cabins, and window sills. The bottle is equipped with a convenient spray, but the product should not be inhaled, nor should it come into contact with the skin.
  • Spray "Shumanit" based on alkali, removes carbon deposits almost instantly and without a trace. Not suitable for Teflon coated or aluminum cookware. The most expensive product on the list is 450 rubles for 750 ml, but the contents are enough for for a long time. Since the composition contains special alkaline substances, you need special measures precautions: protect eyes and mouth areas, remove food items and rinse thoroughly with cold water (not hot or warm).

When using cleaning products, we must not forget about safety rules. Move small children and animals away, prepare thick clothing, a respiratory mask to protect breathing, and special eye glasses.

Important! After using both household and folk recipes, the frying pan must be rinsed under running water, or even better, boil it for half an hour.

How to clean cast iron pans

The most popular cleaning methods include the methods described below.


A dense layer of fat and soot melts well under high temperature. Therefore, the frying pan can be burned on all sides over an open burner (after filling the container with sand or salt). After that, you need to carefully tap the frying pan so that the carbon deposits fall off, and remove its remains with a stiff brush for dishes.

A fire is also suitable for these purposes. The third option is a blowtorch, but it’s better not to try this at home.

One more nuance: if the frying pan has a wooden or plastic handle, you need to be as careful as possible during the process. Or remove it for a while.

Be prepared for the fact that when heated, a very unpleasant odor arises. Therefore, it is worth opening the windows in advance or creating a draft.

Drill with metal attachment

It is best to do this outside the house, otherwise soot flakes will scatter throughout the apartment.

Grinding machine

Vibrating, eccentric or tape are suitable. The equipment requirements remain the same as when using a drill, but this is strictly forbidden to do at home - small particles will certainly scatter throughout the room.

A mixture of borax and ammonia

It eats away carbon deposits well, but it is important to maintain the proportions: dissolve 10 grams of borax in a glass warm water, add 2-3 drops of ammonia there, mix and apply to contaminated areas. Then pack the pan in plastic bag, close it and leave it in a warm place until the morning.

Aluminum utensils

When washing aluminum pans, do not use products containing abrasive particles or metal brushes. Oxidation of aluminum after such harsh cleaning is fraught with health problems in the future. Chalk and chalk-containing substances are also not suitable.

The vessel must be cooled, otherwise it will become deformed when exposed to cold water on the walls.

The best option is baking soda and a soft cloth. A small amount of carbon deposits can be removed by first soaking the pan in a soap solution (half a bar of laundry soap in 3-4 liters of warm water) for 30-40 minutes. Another recipe: boil a frying pan for 10-15 minutes in a solution of table vinegar, lemon juice and water (2 tablespoons per 3-4 liters)

Teflon coated cookware

Teflon is easily damaged by powdered products that contain abrasive particles. Therefore you can buy mild remedy in the shop:

  • "Aromika antinagar"
  • "Magic Powe"
  • Amway Dish foam.

On the page you can find out where spiders come from in your apartment and how to get rid of arthropods.

You can use more readily available ingredients. Several variants:

  • Mustard. It is poured onto a sponge and methodically rubbed into contaminated areas. Copes well with a small layer of soot. Regular toothpaste gives the same effect.
  • Coca Cola. Pour into a frying pan and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  • A mixture of hydrogen peroxide (5 tbsp) and soda (3 tbsp) is applied generously to the contaminated areas for half an hour.
  • Pour 7-8 liters of water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, add 2 packs of baking soda and 2 pieces of laundry soap, and submerge the pan. Boil for at least an hour.
  • In a frying pan placed on fire, you can add a couple of glasses of water and a tablespoon of soda ash or rock salt, and boil for 20-30 minutes.


  • To save quality characteristics dishes, it needs to be looked after regularly. Use regular laundry soap for washing, and hard waffle towels for drying.
  • Abrasive products, like metal sponges, are best used as a last resort - after all, the more scratches remain on the surface, the more and faster soot will form, and the more dangerous it is to cook in such a frying pan.
  • Aluminum frying pans should not be washed in water, but ceramic frying pans should not be filled with cold water immediately after cooking and food from the refrigerator should be placed in it if it is hot.
  • You cannot leave food and water in them for a long time, as some do. The metal oxidizes quickly.

Smoke is very dangerous for human body: heat provokes the formation of carcinogens, which, in turn, serve as a “springboard” to the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and cancer.

By following a number of rules for caring for kitchen utensils, the housewife will not have to spend money on buying new ones for a long time. Porcelain, glass, stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron - there are all sorts of dishes on the kitchen shelves, and different materials require their own special care. However, if you get into the habit of regularly tidying up your shelves, your kitchen and its components will be pleasing to the eye for a long time with a minimum of effort.

How to clean a frying pan, saucepan and any other utensils from a thick layer of soot and fat? This can be done in the most different ways. One of them is discussed in the next video.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Achieve perfect cleanliness and shine kitchen utensils It's not always easy. A frying pan is one of the most essential items in the kitchen, and keeping it clean is essential. Black deposits on frying pans are known to contain carcinogens and are not in the best possible way affecting health. To clean carbon deposits and grease from the bottom and walls of these kitchen utensils, housewives resort to special means, because easy washing not enough. It is important to choose an effective and effective way so as not to damage the accessory and harm your health.

Ways to Clean a Pan

Each type of pollution requires different types cleaning. The frying pan is often splashed with fat, which gradually turns into a dense layer of soot. It is easier to clean it if you wash the dishes immediately after stains appear on them. Otherwise, you can use one of two methods for removing scale - mechanical or chemical exposure.

Mechanical cleaning

You can clean frying pans from carbon deposits and grease with a knife, scraper, steel wool, or sandpaper. Rules:

  • Cleaning movements should be made from yourself, and with a washcloth you need to scrub the dishes clockwise.
  • This method is only suitable for cast iron or metal products. Accessories with Teflon or ceramic coating cannot be scraped in this way - the non-stick surface can be damaged.
  • The outside of the utensil is sometimes covered with enamel or paint - in this case it is not advisable to clean it with a knife from the outside.

Dry cleaning

It’s a little easier, but not always safer for the dishes, to use special means. There are a lot of folk recipes that can be used to prepare a composition for cleaning kitchen utensils. These methods are easy to use, time-tested, and all components can be found in pharmacies, supermarkets, and grocery stores. If you don’t want to prepare the mixture yourself, you can buy household chemicals for cleaning pans at a hardware store. Some of them are universal - these are gels for cleaning grills, barbecues, gas stoves, hoods.

How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease

Household chemicals intended for cleaning carbon deposits are made on the basis of acid and alkali with the addition of auxiliary ingredients. Alkaline compounds are softer; they do not always cope with old scale and grease. Acid-based products work more efficiently, but they can damage the delicate coating of the product and burn the skin of your hands. Using the same principle, you can prepare a frying pan cleaner at home - on an acid or alkaline base.

Household cleaning products

In the hardware departments of supermarkets you can find a colossal assortment of cleaning products for kitchen utensils - Mr. Muscle clean, Frosch, Master Cleaner, etc. To choose the right product, it is important to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to the composition and purpose:

  • Bugs Shumanit. Quickly removes stubborn, burnt traces of fat. It can be used to clean stoves (gas and electric), grills, barbecues, pots and pans. Contains a complexing agent, surfactants, solvents, sodium hydroxide (alkali), flavorings. Advantages - equipped with a sprayer, there are different volumes - 0.4, 0.75, 3 liters. Disadvantages - it is an aggressive substance and can cause a burn if it comes into contact with the skin.
  • L.O.C. Plus from AmWay is a cleaner for metal products. A drop of concentrate will quickly and effectively help wash off the remains of burnt food and grease, and polish the surface. The tube contains 200 ml of thick creamy mass, which is easy to apply using a dispenser. Advantages: it contains less than 5% anionic surfactants, which guarantees no hand irritation. Disadvantages – small volume (200 ml).
  • Helper liquid for cleaning grills (dry fryers, pots, ovens, etc.). The product is a professional cleaning product containing alkali, surfactants, and water. Copes well with burnt food residues and soot. Alkali dissolves fat, a complex of surfactants activates the washing ability of the concentrate. Its duration is 40–60 minutes, and when the surface being treated is heated, it lasts only 15–20. Plus - it's inexpensive. The downside is that it is not the most environmentally friendly product.
  • Oxyday. Unique formula chemical composition based on the action of probiotics, which break down fat and dirt. Oxyday is an environmentally friendly product that can gently clean any surface. In addition to probiotic components, it contains sodium lauryl sulfate and alcohol. Advantages - the liquid not only cleans carbon deposits, grease and works in microcracks, but also destroys harmful types of bacteria. Disadvantages - not suitable in advanced cases.
  • Carbon remover Dr. Beckmann. This product will effectively clean kitchen utensils from fat deposits containing less than 5% asurfactants, flavorings (hexyl cinnamal, limonene). Plus - the gel is environmentally friendly, almost completely harmless. The downside is that it's not cheap at all.

Prices for dish cleaning products depend on the composition, container volume, and brand. Cost of popular products in Moscow that can be used to wash grease and scale from frying pans:

The product's name

Volume, ml

Price, rubles

Bugs Schumanit

Helper for cleaning grills, fryers, frying pans, ovens

Oxyday for cleaning carbon deposits and soot

Carbon remover Dr. Beckmann

L.O.C. Plus from AmWay for metal products

Mister Muscle Expert for the kitchen

Improvised and folk remedies

It is not always possible to purchase a special descaling agent. Traditional methods will come to the rescue to help remove carbon deposits and grease. Methods that are still relevant today:

  • Laundry soap. This universal remedy, and its main property is fat dissolution. Soot on kitchen utensils consists of 90% burnt oil and animal fat, and under certain conditions, soap shavings can soften it. The mixture is activated by heating, adding glue or soda to the composition.
  • Salt. Our grandmothers used table salt to clean the pan and give it non-stick properties. When heated, white crystals react with fat and other organic deposits, softening them. After calcination with salt, kitchen utensils can be easily washed.
  • Baking soda and caustic soda. Alkalis perfectly destroy the dense layer of burnt splashes of fat. To enhance its effectiveness, soda is diluted with water and the contaminated product is immersed in the solution for a certain time. Another way to stimulate the “work” of alkali is to add hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. The effervescent substance will make the soot layer porous - this will help the soda solution penetrate deeper into the surface more intensively.
  • Acids. Vinegar essence and citric acid have strong destructive properties. Aggressive substances quickly penetrate microcracks in the scale, partially dissolve layers, and “undermine” entire layers of burnt fat.
  • Two-stage cleansing - using alkali to soften deposits, then acid. By interacting, these components help loosen caked-on areas of carbon deposits and dissolve fat. Wash metal product After exposure to these substances it will become easier.

Precautions and safety rules

Regardless of what product is used to remove carbon deposits, it is important to follow safety precautions when working. Work with aggressive substances according to the following rules:

  1. Protect the skin of your hands. The most effective household means of protection against acids and alkalis are rubber gloves. It is advisable to use dense products with cuffs covering the hands and part of the forearm.
  2. When working with boiling water or boiling dishes, it is necessary to remove children and pets from the kitchen, or better yet, from the apartment.
  3. Using ready-made compositions For cleaning, you should prepare even more thoroughly - put on a respirator or gauze mask, open the window. Volatile substances in aggressive products can cause intoxication of the body, dizziness and vomiting.
  4. The remainder of the concentrates, even those that the manufacturer positions as harmless, must be thoroughly washed off so that their components do not get into the food. It is recommended to hold the product with the detergent composition under running water for at least 20 seconds.
  5. When sanding dishes using sandpaper It is necessary to ensure that small fractions of carbon deposits do not get into your eyes. It is advisable to use safety glasses for this.

How to clean a frying pan at home

Cookware for frying on the stove is made of different materials - stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron. In addition, there are all kinds of coatings that provide the product with non-stick properties. It is necessary to clean kitchen utensils, taking into account the material of manufacture, the presence additional elements– plastic or wooden handle, Teflon, ceramic coating.

Cleaning a cast iron frying pan from carbon deposits

A heavy, thick-walled cast iron frying pan, which our grandmothers used, can be cleaned of plaque in several ways. It is important to check whether it has a non-stick coating, the presence of which implies some restrictions. Good way Wash dishes made from a metal alloy with carbon from carbon deposits - heat them over a fire for 40 minutes, after pouring 2 cm of table salt or sand onto the bottom.

A cast iron frying pan can be cleaned mechanically using sand, a knife or steel wool. Such utensils can be cleaned well by heat treatment: the product can be heated over an open fire - gas burner, take it on a picnic and heat it over the fire. In some cases, using a blowtorch is effective. Less extreme means of cleaning cast iron - household chemicals - will be reliable helpers.

Non-stick frying pan with Teflon coating

Aluminum or steel products (and sometimes cast iron) may have a non-stick coating. More often it is made from a polymer with special properties - Teflon or fluoroplastic. Teflon is afraid of mechanical stress and all kinds of abrasive particles. In this regard, it is recommended to use silicone or wooden spatulas when preparing dishes.

You can wash a frying pan coated with carbon deposits using special care products containing Teflon. Dishes can be washed by boiling soda, vinegar, or wiping with mustard powder. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a nylon washcloth or sponge to care for polymer-coated dishes. The outer side is cleaned mechanically if there is no paint or enamel on the product.

Cleaning aluminum cookware

Inexpensive and convenient aluminum frying pans “live” on many modern kitchens. It is not recommended to clean dishes made of this metal mechanically - scraping with a knife or cleaning with a steel wool. The walls and bottom may become deformed, scratches and dents will appear on the surface. You should not use soda for cleaning - light metal is not “friendly” with alkali.

Oily stains from the walls can be washed with citric acid, vinegar, salt, and laundry soap. Aluminum products can be treated with household chemicals. A gentle and effective cleaning method is water with the addition of grated laundry soap. It is necessary to lower the frying pan into a concentrated soap solution, bring to a boil and remove from heat after an hour.

Folk remedies

If you have time, you can use improvised means to clean kitchen utensils. Since it is not always possible to wash a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease, laundry soap, soda, salt, dishwashing detergents, non-traditional ingredients - Coca-Cola, medical supplies. Traditional methods softening scale on the walls of dishes is economical, almost harmless, but not always effective. Many of them only work when the utensils are heated, so they require compliance with safety rules.

Laundry soap

To prepare the detergent, you will need a bar of 72% laundry soap, a large pan of water, and 100 g of PVA glue. You need to boil water (about 5 liters), add grated soap to the boiling water, and pour in glue. Lower the frying pan into the boiling mixture and turn off the burner after an hour. After the concentrate has cooled, you can begin cleaning. Wash off the softened carbon deposits:

  • a stiff brush;
  • scraper;
  • steel wool.

Using office glue

A mixture of soda ash (300 g) and silicate glue (65 g) gives a good effect. Add the ingredients to boiling water (4-5 liters), stirring until the soda granules are completely dissolved. Then place the dirty frying pan in the pan and boil for at least an hour. After the procedure, fat and carbon deposits will begin to peel off from the dishes and can be easily washed off with a steel wool. The mixture of glue and soda can be reused for other dishes - the cleaning efficiency will remain high.

Salt and soda

A simple and unpretentious method of thermal cleaning is extremely effective. For it, you need to pour a layer of baking soda and salt into a frying pan and heat it on fire for 2-3 hours. After this, the dishes need to be cooled and the carbon deposits washed off with a brush under running water - fragments of carbon deposits will fall off before your eyes. This method cleans well and gives shine to the product from the inside, but it is impossible to remove corrosion around the handle and wash away carbon deposits from the outside of the frying pan.

Soda and vinegar

For this recipe you will need a large saucepan in which to boil water. Then add 1 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and place the pan in the solution. Boil for half an hour, pour in 1 glass of 9% vinegar, turn off the burner. Leave for 1-2 hours, let the carbon deposits dry off, then wash it with a hard sponge or brush. This type of cleaning is effective for minor stains – a layer of grease that has grown over many years may not budge.

Citric acid with baking powder

This method is suitable for any cookware, including those with anti-stick coating. You will need one packet of baking powder and citric acid (20 g each), which you need to pour into the frying pan, add 1 tbsp. l. Dishwashing liquid (Fairy). Pour the resulting mixture with water and place the dishes on the stove, turning on the heat for half an hour. After this, wait until the metal has cooled and wash off the carbon deposits with a dishwasher or scrape off with a knife.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can wash off the layer of burning and grease from the outside of the dishes with your own prepared paste. Work order:

  1. You need to take half a glass of baking soda and add hydrogen peroxide to it, mix, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the walls and bottom of the dish, leave to soak for half an hour, covered with plastic wrap.
  3. Wash off the softened carbon deposits using a brush and sponge under running water.
  4. A frying pan with a ceramic coating can be heated on the stove by pouring a couple of tablespoons of vinegar into it. Another way to regenerate ceramics is to apply a thin layer of vegetable oil. It must be rubbed into the surface, and the dishes must be left for several days so that the fat is absorbed. After such manipulations, the dishes will not only become shiny, but will also restore their non-stick properties.


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To be honest, cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease can often be very difficult, especially if it is old or badly burnt. But there is also good news: Most stubborn stains can still be dealt with with cheap products that you already have at home (or at least make the task significantly easier). The main thing is to choose the method that is suitable for your frying pan. After all, what a cast-iron saucepan will save, a Teflon pancake maker can hopelessly destroy.

In this article you can find almost all traditional and non-standard methods cleaning pans of any type: cast iron, stainless steel, aluminum with non-stick coating (Teflon, enamel, ceramic, marble) and without it. Just choose the recipe that suits you.

12 ways to clean a frying pan

Method 1. How to clean a frying pan with vinegar and soda (universal method)

This method is the fastest and most effective, and in addition, universal - it is suitable for removing most contaminants (carbon deposits, soot and old fat) from any type of frying pan except those with a non-stick coating. It doesn't require the use of harsh chemicals, so you don't even need rubber gloves. Just relax and follow the instructions!

You will need:

  • 1 cup water (or more if the pan is large and deep);
  • 1 glass of 9% table vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda.


Step 1. Place the frying pan on the stove, then pour a glass of water and vinegar into it.

Step 2. Bring the solution to a boil (at this stage, some of the carbon deposits should have already been removed).

Step 3: Remove the pan from the heat and add baking soda. The mixture should sizzle!

Step 4: Empty the pan and wash as usual using a sponge.

  • Areas with super stubborn stains can be treated with additional soda or soda paste (soda + a couple drops of water) and left for a while.
  • Sometimes the reaction of soda with vinegar solution is strong and the contents of the frying pan can “escape” behind its walls and stain the stove. To avoid this, you can first drain a little of the solution and only then add baking soda.

Method 2. How to clean a frying pan with vinegar and soda, outside and inside, without boiling

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on the contaminated area.
  2. Pour 9% vinegar over the baking soda and let the resulting effervescent foam cook for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Wash the pan as usual using a stiff sponge.

Method 3. Boiling with soda (for cleaning all types of pans, except aluminum without non-stick coating)

In most cases, you can clean the pan inside and out by boiling it with baking soda. This recipe is very simple and suitable for any type of utensil.

  1. If you want to clean the inside of the pan only, pour about a liter of water into it and add about 100 g of baking soda. If you want to clean the dishes both inside and outside, then use a large metal basin or bucket and fill it with soda solution at the same rate - 1 liter. water/100 g soda.
  2. Place the frying pan/basin with the frying pan on the fire, bring the solution to a boil, and then forget about cleaning for another 20 minutes.

  1. Remove the utensil from the heat and let it cool, then wash it as usual, using a hard sponge or scraper in difficult places (if there is no non-stick coating). While cooking the pan, the soda solution will soften and remove most fat, soot, remains of burnt food.

Tip: The boiling time for the pan can be increased to one to two hours.

Method 4. Boiling according to the Soviet recipe: laundry soap + soda + silicate glue (to remove carbon deposits from a cast iron, steel, aluminum or duralumin frying pan)

This old and proven method works in the most hopeless cases, when you need to remove a long-term layer of soot from the outer part of a cast iron or aluminum / duralumin frying pan.

You will need:

  • A metal basin or bucket of a suitable size (for example, 10 liters);
  • 1 piece of laundry soap 72% (optional);
  • ½ cup of silicate glue (also known as stationery or school glue and liquid glass);
  • ½ cup soda ash (available at hardware stores) or half a pack of baking soda;
  • Scraper (can be a table knife);
  • Grater (medium) and metal sponge.


  1. Fill a basin/bucket with water and bring it to a boil over high heat.
  2. While the water is heating up, grate the laundry soap (optional).
  3. Once the water boils, lower the heat, pour all the soap shavings into the bowl, stir them, and then add half a mug of glue and half a mug of soda ash/baking soda. At this stage, do not forget to open the window and turn on the hood!

  1. Finally, lower your frying pan into the resulting solution, after removing the handle from it. If the handle is not plastic/wooden, then lower it into the basin. Now all you have to do is be patient and cook the pan for 1-4 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. During this time, some of the soot and fat will fall away from the pan, and the rest will soften.

  1. After boiling, rinse the frying pan, transfer it to a sink or clean bowl (plastic can be used), then proceed to remove any remaining carbon deposits using a metal sponge/scraper/knife. Do not overdo it with tools so as not to remove the enamel on the outer walls - if you remove it, the frying pan will quickly become covered with a new layer of soot.

Tip: you can carry out the boiling procedure in several approaches (cooking time can be reduced to 30 minutes), updating the solution and removing the softened coating with a scraper and a metal sponge.

Method 5. Boiling with washing powder and oil

According to many users, this method is more effective than others in removing carbon deposits both outside and inside.

  1. Fill a large basin with water, add a few spoons to it sunflower oil and some washing powder.
  2. Place the basin on medium heat and immerse the dirty utensils in it. Bring the solution to a boil, then wash the pan as usual.

Method 6. How to clean a burnt frying pan by boiling (except non-stick frying pans)

  1. Place the pan on the stove and turn on medium heat.
  2. Once the pan is hot enough (test with a drop of water), pour 1 cup of water into it and cook a little more (add a little dishwashing liquid if you like).
  3. Then use a wooden spoon or silicone spatula to scrape away the burnt areas.
  4. Wash the utensils as usual.

Method 7. Soaking with a cleaning solution for light and medium stains

  1. Squeeze a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the pan, add hot water and let it sit for a few hours or leave it overnight.
  2. Then clean the utensils as usual using a sponge.

Method 8. “Scrubbing” with baking soda (not suitable for Teflon and aluminum frying pans!)

  1. Make a paste of equal parts baking soda and warm water.
  2. Treat carbon deposits, soot or greasy deposits with paste.
  3. Rinse warm water and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Method 9. Boiling with laundry soap (for all types of pans except aluminum)

This method is well suited for removing fat and carbon deposits from any type of pan.

  1. Grate a quarter of a bar of laundry soap (72%) on a medium grater.

  1. Place soap shavings in a frying pan and add water, then heat the mixture without bringing to a boil.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and leave it to soak for another couple of hours.
  3. Rinse the pan, then wash it with a sponge and dish soap.

Method 10. How to clean rust from a frying pan

Rust can be easily removed dry table salt. Just rub problem areas, then wash and dry.

Method 11. Clean the pan with powerful chemicals - top 3 super effective products

In our opinion, powerful household chemicals are indispensable if you need to quickly and with minimal effort clean a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease. The main thing is to take precautions, use rubber gloves, work with an open window and not handle dishes for too long. They say that if you cover a frying pan with Schumanite and leave it overnight, a hole may form in it.

  1. Amway oven cleaner- is expensive, sold only through the Internet or dealers, but it removes even old carbon deposits and grease in a few minutes, while being used economically, it washes off more easily than its analogues and practically does not stink. If you have animals and children, then this product is indispensable in the household.

  1. Shumanit Bagi is cheaper than Amway and is sold in many hardware departments of hypermarkets. Slightly less effective than Amway (for example, it may not always wash very old pans), but still very effective. The main disadvantages are the pungent odor, which can be felt even with the window open, and the difficulty of washing off the product itself.
  2. Sparkling cauldron– of the inexpensive means, the Sparkling Cauldron is the most powerful.

And here are the general instructions:

  1. We treat the problem areas with the product, wrap the frying pan in a bag (this will prevent the smell from spreading throughout the room) and leave it for 15-60 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.
  2. Remove dirt and thoroughly rinse the dishes two or three times. To be sure, you can wipe the pan with vinegar to remove any remaining product.

Tip: You can also use cling film instead of a bag.

Important! All of the grease removers listed are not intended for cleaning aluminum and Teflon pans.

Method 12. Mechanical cleaning method

Mechanical cleaning methods are relevant for old steel, aluminum and cast iron frying pans, when traditional methods and chemicals do not help remove many years of soot and grease. But everyone mechanical methods there is one significant drawback– removing a layer of dirt from the outer walls of the dishes almost always removes upper layer(enamel, anodized layer), which means that in the future the frying pan will become more quickly and more covered with fat and soot. After such a radical cleaning, the bottom of the cast iron/aluminum frying pan needs to be heated with salt and oil.

Here are some traditional mechanical methods for cleaning pans:

  1. Cleaning by sandblasting. To update your hopeless assistant, you need to take it to the nearest tire shop for a small fee. The auto mechanic will place the utensils in a special chamber, where, due to compressed air and sand, carbon deposits will be removed in a matter of minutes.
  2. Cleaning with a grinder. You can do this cleaning method yourself at the dacha using a grinder or grinder with a flap end wheel.

Rules for cleaning frying pans depending on the material and tips for prevention

Different types of metals and coatings react differently to acids and alkalis, prolonged soaking and heating. When starting to wash your frying pan, find out the contraindications (if you are looking at the table on your smartphone, turn it to a horizontal position - this way the entire table will fit on the screen).

Cast iron cookware Teflon cookware Stainless steel Aluminum cookware without non-stick coating and enamel
Dishwasher safe Not possible (the pan will become rusty) Can Can It is forbidden
Using abrasive cleaners, brushes, scrapers and hard sponges Can It is forbidden Can It is forbidden
Using baking soda, laundry soap and other alkaline cleaning products Can Can Can It is forbidden
The use of acids (vinegar, citric acid, etc.) Can Can Not allowed (short-term exposure is acceptable)
Long soaking It is forbidden Can Can Undesirable
  • Aluminum frying pans (without coating) can be washed with cleaning products for glass and porcelain dishes, soap solutions with the addition of ammonia.
  • Any dishes should be washed only after they have cooled naturally. If you suddenly transfer a hot frying pan into cool water, it may become deformed. This is especially true for cast iron, aluminum (coated and uncoated) and ceramic frying pans.
  • Before soaking or boiling the pan, be sure to remove the wood/plastic handle or simply do not submerge it in water.

And one more very important point...

After washing a cast iron, steel or aluminum pan, it should be seasoned with oil and salt to restore the natural non-stick film. Heat a Teflon frying pan over low heat for about 30 seconds, then turn off the heat and grease the bottom and inner walls with a teaspoon of vegetable oil using paper towel or clean rags.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Not every housewife succeeds in washing dishes immediately after cooking. But even with timely washing, an unpleasant black residue forms on the surface of the pans. It not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of dishes and the kitchen as a whole, but is also harmful to health.

How to remove it, what products to use, and what to remember?

5 effective ways to clean pans from carbon deposits

Soot is a “mix” of soot and old fat.

It would seem, so what’s wrong with not cleaning the pans until they shine after each cooking? Many people even consider carbon deposits to be the secret to preparing especially tasty food.

But cleaning carbon deposits is still important and necessary. And the main reason is the release of carcinogens that occurs when exposed to high temperatures.

According to numerous studies, soot often becomes a “springboard” to the development of oncology due to slow intoxication of the body.

Therefore, you should clean your pans as often as possible. The main thing is to choose the right method.

The following are recognized as the most effective methods for cleaning cast iron frying pans from heavy carbon deposits:

  1. Apply oven and roasting pan cleaner to the pan, wrap tightly in plastic, and leave for 12 hours. Remaining carbon deposits are removed using a melamine sponge or a regular metal sponge. Next, all you have to do is wash the dishes with a sponge and regular dishwashing detergent.
  2. Carefully heat the frying pan on the stove, in the oven or over a fire, after pouring salt or sand inside. Next, remove from the heat (with an oven mitt!) and tap the dishes so that the carbon deposits fall off. Remove the residue with a metal sponge. You can also use a blowtorch for these purposes.
  3. Grinding. Using a drill and a metal brush attachment, we remove carbon deposits, as if “grinding” the pan. The result is 100%, but this work is not for women. It is also important to protect your eyes and face from flying metal shavings.
  4. Ammonia and borax. Great way, which is even suitable for cleaning the grate from the stove. Mix a couple of drops of ammonia and 10 g of borax in a glass of warm water, apply the solution to a frying pan, pack it in a sealed bag, shake and leave overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to thoroughly rinse off the used product.
  5. Soviet method. Heat water in a large container (enough to fit the frying pan), add a bar of grated ordinary laundry soap, 2 packs of silicate glue and half a kilo of soda. Dissolve the ingredients and mix, lower the frying pan into the solution and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the gas, close the container with a lid and leave the frying pan in it for 3 hours. Then all you have to do is wash the dish with a regular sponge. Important: the smell from the glue is very unpleasant, without exhaust and open windows not enough.

Scratches that appear after radical cleaning are removed using fine sandpaper.

These methods are not suitable for ceramics, Teflon and even aluminum.

Removing carbon deposits from a frying pan using folk remedies - the best ways

  • Vinegar (for cast iron frying pan). Dissolve vinegar in water (1:3), pour the product into a frying pan and heat it over low heat, sometimes adding a little water. Afterwards, you will have to boil the frying pan in a soda solution to remove the smell of vinegar.
  • Laundry soap (for almost any frying pan). We grate it, dissolve it in boiling water and lower the frying pan into the solution - let it cook for 30-40 minutes.
  • Oil with powder (for any frying pan). Pour 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil into the container, add a few tablespoons of washing powder, add water and after boiling, lower the frying pan into the solution to soak.
  • Citric acid (for cast iron frying pan). Dilute 1 tsp of acid in 1 liter of water, then soak the pan in it for 1 hour. If the deposit is old, the procedure may have to be done twice.

Video: How to clean a frying pan, burners, saucepans and other utensils from years of carbon deposits and old fat?

5 Safe Home Remedies for Cleaning Pans at Home

Unlike cast iron frying pans, which can be cleaned simply by placing them over the fire, non-stick cookware requires extremely gentle care.

  1. Digestion. Dissolve a glass of detergent and 50 g of soda (preferably soda ash) in 3 liters of water, lower the dishes into a container with this solution and boil for 30-35 minutes over low heat.
  2. Coca Cola. Pour a glass of soda into the vessel and boil for 30 minutes. To remove carbon deposits from the outside, you should boil the entire frying pan in the drink.
  3. Dishwasher. Option will do for dishes with light carbon deposits. Important: carefully select the temperature and detergent. The use of abrasives is prohibited. And one more thing: pay attention to whether the manufacturer allows you to wash a particular frying pan in the dishwasher.
  4. Food baking powder. Mix a glass of water and a couple of spoons of the product, pour the solution into a bowl and boil. After the liquid has cooled, remove carbon deposits using a regular sponge. For external soot, make more solution and lower the entire pan into it.
  5. Melamine sponge. An option that is suitable for any frying pan. Naturally, thick and old carbon deposits will not yield to the sponge, but if you have not yet managed to bring the frying pan to this state, then a melamine sponge is in your hands! More precisely, wear gloves, because this product is not safe for health. The melamine sponge itself is ideal for cleaning deposits, rust and other contaminants, but the dishes should be washed thoroughly after using it (it’s better to do it twice and pour boiling water over it to be safe).

7 best store-bought products for cleaning frying pans from soot and old grease

The chemical industry never ceases to delight customers, and today there is great amount various means for the kitchen, helping the housewife keep her nerves - and hands - intact.

Among the most effective remedies for soot, grease and soot, buyers highlight the following:

  • Domestos. Average price: 200 rub. An effective product with a powerful scent. Work with gloves and with the window open.
  • Unicum Gold. Average price: 250 rub. High-quality grease remover from an Israeli company. Ideal for cleaning dishes from carbon deposits and old dirt. Not suitable for aluminum or scratched surfaces.
  • Mr. Muscle (approx. – Kitchen Expert). Average price: about 250 rubles. This product has already proven itself with the best side. It will easily clean grease from frying pans, stove grates, ovens, and baking sheets. Action time is about 30 minutes.
  • Schumann. Average price: about 500 rubles. The product is expensive, has a “thermonuclear” smell, but is fantastically effective. Impeccable cleanliness can be achieved in a matter of minutes: no grease or residue! The downside is that you need to wear gloves.
  • Cillit. Average price: about 200 rubles. This remedy also does not smell of roses and requires open windows and a respirator, but it removes even the oldest and most powerful contaminants that have not succumbed to any folk remedy. The product is not suitable for enameled and other delicate surfaces.
  • Miracle-Antinagar from Himitek. Average price: 300 rub. Domestic, effective remedy for quick and easy removal of food deposits.
  • Any pipe cleaner. Average price: 100-200 rub. Although such products are aggressive in their effects, they still remain the most effective for cleaning the most difficult stains. Naturally, such a product is not suitable for Teflon, but a cast iron frying pan can easily be subjected to this cleaning method. With the help of such a product, carbon deposits will come off from the frying pan, even with its thickest layer. For 5 liters of water, use ½ liter of product. Important: we do not add water to the product, but the reagent itself - to the water!

Video: How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals?

Top tips for cleaning and caring for different types of pans

The most important tips cleaning pans concern, first of all, the health of housewives. Why do you need clean pans if you can, at a minimum, get poisoned by inhaling fumes from toxic household chemicals?

Therefore, the most important thing...

  1. Use rubber gloves. Remember that household chemicals can also act through the skin.
  2. Wear a respirator, if you use “vigorous” household products. As a last resort, you can use a cotton-gauze bandage.
  3. Clean dishes thoroughly after using household chemicals. Perfect option- boil so that not even a hint of the use of “chemistry” remains.
  4. Open windows while cleaning, and if possible, do it on the street.
  5. Remove children and animals from the premises when using household chemicals. Unless this is the kind of eco-chemical that can even be used to wash apples. But you can’t wash away the carbon deposits with such chemicals.

What should you remember about cleaning pans?

  • Wash the pan thoroughly immediately after cooking . This will make your work much easier.
  • If the outside of the frying pan is covered with a layer of fat and soot after cooking, put it in a bowl of boiling water - let it soak. You can boil it for 15 minutes, and then easily clean it with a simple sponge. It is easier to clean light carbon deposits than thick and old ones.
  • Avoid using metal scourers and abrasive cleaners for washing pans. The more scratches, the more unsafe it is to wash the pan with chemicals, the stronger the carbon deposits stick, the more dangerous it is to cook in such a frying pan.
  • Cast iron pans should be heated as hot as possible before cooking with them. How better frying pan warms up, the less soot there will be.
  • Wash aluminum pans without abrasives – warm water, sponge and soda. Aluminum oxidizes after hard cleaning, and this oxide, if ingested, is severely harmful to health. Therefore, such pans should be washed only with gentle products and tools.
  • Use regular laundry soap when washing – it is more effective than even the most modern means for dish washing.
  • Wipe pans after washing hard waffle towels.
  • Teflon cookware should be changed every six months.