How to recognize a witch in our time. Free online testing "Am I a magician or what"

There are ways to determine whether a person is a magician or a witch. To do this, you need to carry out some calculations with the date of birth and the Devil's number - 666. Thanks simple method You can not only determine some, but also find out to what extent a person has magical abilities.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth?

To make it easier to understand the calculation, let's look at an example. Take the full date 07/31/1963 and add 6 to each digit, the result is 97.73.8629. After this, you need to analyze the result. If there are 3, 6 and two 9s (the sequence does not matter), then the calculation of the witch by date of birth should be continued. Otherwise, the person does not have any magical abilities and we can end there. It is important to remember that the numbers 3996 were chosen for a reason, the whole point is that this number, when divided by 6, gives 666 - the number.

The next step in calculating how to identify a witch by date of birth is to add up all the birth numbers one by one: 3+1+0+7+1+9+6+3 = 30. It is important that the final number is divisible by 6. If the result does not correspond to this condition, then the calculation ends, and you can rest assured that a person with such a date of birth does not have magical abilities. After this, we need to sum up the numbers that we got when adding the date of birth with 6: 9+7+7+3+8+6+2+9 = 51. This number must also be divisible by 6. In our example, this condition is not met and the calculation stops. You can understand that you are a witch by your date of birth if all three conditions coincide, since this is an indication of a connection with the Devil’s number. Most often, people with magical abilities are born on days close to the new moon in the following months: April, May, December, January and February. Another important condition- A witch is born only between midnight and dawn.

As children, we had a kind of game for calculating the date of birth, which showed whether the person (the date of birth being calculated) was a vampire, a witch or a donor. If anyone knows what we are talking about, please respond. If you add up all the numbers of the date of birth, you get the sum. Well, for example: 01/06/1931=21=3. Yes, good system, someone I know thought so - it really fits...

How do you know if there is a witch in front of you?

The behavior of a witch in almost any life situation will be different from the behavior of an ordinary woman. Many women, who do not want to be suspected of having abilities, deliberately hide them, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide. Love for animals is another sign of a modern witch by which one can recognize her. Speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize a witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset. I started calling this guy to warn him (I realized that I had done something), but my wife kept saying that he was gone. In the morning I found out that the car was stolen. It was the 90s. There were other cases, but I just felt that I couldn’t control it.

Find out if witches exist in the 21st century real life and how to recognize them. Many people are interested in whether witches exist in our time, because many centuries have passed since their Inquisition and what is the likelihood that they passed on their gift to subsequent generations. For witches, the Destiny Number should be odd; it is this that determines the composure, stubbornness and one-sided attitude towards life, which is typical for those who have the gift of a witch. First of all, you need to trace your family tree, find out whether there were hereditary witches in your family, this is what most often determines the possibility of manifesting a talent for witchcraft.

How to find out if there were witches in your family? Maybe your parents will tell you about a healer, a witch, or just distant ancestors with unusual talents. The fewer children in the family, the greater the likelihood that the gift went to you. True, brothers and sisters often compensate each other by studying completely different methods. Ask your parents, maybe you also liked to amuse them with stories about life in a different time period?

If the weather outside your window has changed dramatically, think about whether it’s about you. By the way, bad weather rarely displeases the sorceress; she loves nature in all its manifestations. Maybe your friends noticed that after you wished them luck, they were having a very pleasant day. Wishes you make for yourself also often come true. If you believe in miracles and are still asking yourself the question - am I a witch, the answer is most likely yes. Another way that will tell you how to determine that you are a witch is intuition and dreams. By the way, if you dream of a witch who gives a book or teaches the sleeping person something, this dream indicates the presence of magical abilities.

The talent for witchcraft can lie dormant for decades, occasionally making itself felt through prophetic dreams or wishes that come true. It will definitely lead you to its development, because those with witchcraft talents always have an interest in the otherworldly. Understand magical and near-magical currents and try to understand which attracts you more than others. If you don't do this, you're unlikely to get any Negative consequences, but you should keep in mind that such a gift could serve you well in the future.

If you catch the gaze of a woman with powers, you may feel as if he is penetrating your body and reading information from you. Therefore, many people feel discomfort from the gaze of witches. But real professionals do this completely unnoticed by others, so you may not feel anything. You are unlikely to see a witch in big company with a drink. 5. There is another very important sign by which you can recognize a sorceress - energy. Great ones, you will also add something so that all women do not think that they are WITCHES! Because WITCHES actually exist. Let little people understand this and stop thinking that they are WITCHES!

The easiest, but at the same time unreliable way to recognize a witch is by her eyes. Look carefully into the eyes of the supposed witch.

A method for mathematically calculating a sorcerer by his date of birth and name

Numerology will help us with this - a science that allows us to predict a person’s fate, life attitudes, inclinations and abilities, advantages and disadvantages based on the days, months and years of his birth. We say this quite seriously because it is also necessary to take into account the astrological date and time of birth. You can recognize a sorcerer not only by his date of birth, but also by calculating the numerical values ​​of his name, surname and patronymic. Of course, our assumptions are on the verge of the unknown, but do not rush to deny what you cannot explain. Only in this case can we say that the initials being studied actually belong to a black sorcerer.

These could be cemeteries, for example, or places in nature remote from civilization. Witches, whose connection with nature is strong, do not remain indifferent to plants. Animals reciprocate your feelings; birds often fly into the witch’s house. If she knows signs about birds, they may be useful to her.

Many people have psychic abilities, but not all people know how to use them.

Soon the witch herself will come to you and ask for at least a tiny bit of this cheese. But you should not give in to her requests, otherwise illness and death await you. 3. To recognize the witch in Maundy Thursday, go to church wearing your clothes inside out. Then wait for the first woman who comes to the fire from the other side.

After this, you need to analyze the result. If there are 3, 6 and two 9s (the sequence does not matter), then the calculation of the witch by date of birth should be continued. It is important to note that the numbers 3996 were chosen for a reason, the whole point is that this number, when divided by 6, gives 666 - the number of the Devil. It may not only be magical abilities, but also highly developed intuition, or, for example, the power of thought. This article will tell you how to become a witch in real life and what is needed for this.

In the Mysticism, Esoterics section, to the question Calculation by date of birth, who a person is - a vampire, a witch or a donor, asked by the author Gx, the best answer is, to be precise, this is according to the Pythagorean system. Answer from Ksyusha If you look at the date of birth of my son (11/13/1994), then he is very scary man. I know exactly who he will be. But this will not diminish my love for him.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Mysterious Isis, guardian secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing m "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately! Human superpowers include not only the obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance.

The meaning of this unit of speech and its sound are sometimes associated by contemporaries with something disgusting and sinful.

The witch is great woman, mother of the earth. Every woman by nature must inherit the power of the earth, its ability to transform, heal, and give birth. One way to identify witches is by looking at their date of birth.

For ease of understanding this process needs to be taken into account practical example. The next step in the calculation is the alternate addition of all birth numbers. To do this, you need to create a sum of numbers that were obtained by adding the digits of your date of birth with a six. Since this example is not valid in our condition, it is necessary to stop the calculation actions.

A witch cannot be recognized by her date of birth; this quality is influenced by the level of education, social upbringing and many other problems. This does not depend on the date of birth, it is given to people with strong energy and will, which is often passed down by family (it is the power of energy that is passed on, not magical abilities). An accurate calculation by date of birth can be made by following this link.

You need to immediately understand that this is enough attractive women. Modern witches love nature, as it is very important to them. But they are not at all friendly with technology. The look of a witch can bring any person out of a state of calm.

However, the Middle Ages left its mark on the interpretation of the concept of “witch” and left in history a whole set of rules according to which one can supposedly recognize such women who were considered wicked. As for behavior, witches live a solitary life, since they do not have serious relationships. It turned out that in this way witches pass on their gift before death. In my village, with my grandmother, there lived a real witch and everyone was afraid of her, her heavy gaze.

The dark side of creation can be safely attributed to a powerful area in which not only negativity and destruction can exist, but also positive aspects. You can find a lot of options. It’s not for nothing that women throughout large quantities centuries have always strived for everyone to gain abilities possible ways. If you want to become a witch, then you should understand that you may have a powerful source of energy in your hands, which will be used for your purposes at your discretion.

IN certain days appear at secret meetings called covens. They fly there on brooms, dressed in white decorations or completely naked. There is also a belief that a powerful witch can saddle a person and carry out her unclean adventures on him.

In ancient times, the word "witch" had a completely different meaning. It comes from the Old Slavic Russian word “ved”, which means skill, knowledge. At that time, witches were experienced, wise women who knew how to cure various ailments.

But over time, the church instilled in people its vision of such a gift. Women with magical abilities began to be called witches, attributed to them a connection with Satan and burned at the stake. At this time, special signs appeared that indicated how to recognize a witch.

You can recognize a witch by her behavior

IN Everyday life a witch is not much different from other people. But under certain circumstances it can give itself away, especially in holy places. You can easily recognize a witch by the following signs:

  • On the last Thursday before Easter, you need to go to church with your clothes turned inside out. If you don’t touch anything in the church, after a while you can see a naked witch - she will stand with her back to the priest.
  • You need to take a candle that was blessed in Palm Sunday, bring her in Holy place and light it up. This method has great strength and is able to force the witch to expose herself by instantly turning upside down.
  • A rowan twig will help distinguish a witch from others. You need to take it with you to church and hide it under your clothes. This powerful talisman will protect you from the energy of the witch and will not let you know who is watching her. This is how you can see a witch standing with her back to the altar and pretending to pray.
  • The witch is also given away by the fact that she also leaves the church with her back facing forward. And this can be explained simply - the witch’s spinal cord cannot stand the holy spirit that emanates from church icons and the altar.
  • You should be especially wary if a stranger walks around you in a counter-clockwise direction and then pushes you slightly. This is a secret gesture of a witch who wants to steal your energy and vitality. In such a situation, the main thing is not to be afraid, and to respond to the witch in kind by pushing her with your left hand. She won't come near you anymore.
  • You can recognize a witch by looking closely into her eyes. If this is a witch, she will immediately turn away from you, and her eyes dart angrily.
  • A real witch can be exposed in a barn where livestock are kept. You need to hide there for a while and wait for her to appear in the form of a black cat or a frog. If you injure a witch in a visible place, the next day it will be clear who is doing unclean things - she will have a bruise or wound there.
  • It is believed that a witch has places on her body that do not have nerve endings. If you prick these areas with a needle, the witch will not feel pain.

Recognizing a witch by appearance

The behavior of a witch may not reveal her secret identity in any way, but if you are more careful, you can notice special features in her appearance that are unique to a witch.

  • True witches have a magical gaze - tenacious, heavy, piercing to the bones, directed deep into a person’s consciousness. It makes you feel uneasy, you want to run away, and your body is frozen by chilling fear.
  • Witches are attractive in appearance, with charming facial features, and very self-confident. But this beauty is permeated with something truly devilish. It is impossible to understand what exactly attracts, attracts and beckons in her.
  • In the image of a witch there must be some masculine quality- it could be rough voice, tall height or well-developed physical characteristics.
  • Real witches have very beautiful hair - thick and long. It is in them that it is concentrated Magic force, and if they are cut off, the witch completely loses her power.
  • To find out how to recognize a witch, you need to pay attention to her clothing. Her outfit is dominated by dark colors, she likes to wear long skirts, bright ones unusual accessories.
  • Witches have brilliant, light eyes, mostly green or gray-green in color. But the main evidence of a hereditary witch is eyes of different colors.

Witches have strong magnetism, after communicating with her a common person feels depressed and empty. Its power is especially felt by animals and people with a weak aura, who are easily hypnotized.

Identifying a witch by moles

Every witch must have the “Mark of the Devil” - a mole or a kind of spot on the body. During the Inquisition, it was believed that Satan marked his servants by running a hot claw over their bodies. Taking into account his cunning and insidiousness, only those moles that were located in hidden places of the body were considered “marks of the unclean”.

Indeed, most often these marks were located on hidden areas of the body, in the hair, on the inner mucous membranes of the lips, in the mouth on the palate, in the eyebrows, and on the genitals. Any changes to the skin inside the thighs, on the folds or under the arms were attributed to the marks of Satan, and the woman was recognized as a witch.

A witch’s mark can be either regular or huge in size, light brown or brown in color. To the touch, the spot is rough and dense, with an irregular, peculiar shape. When recognizing a witch birthmark need to be pierced with a sharp needle. If a woman does not feel pain and no blood comes out of the wound, this is the main sign of a real witch.

Most witches have very large moles, their size exceeds the size of a 5-kopeck coin. These spots may be blue or reddish in color and concentrated on the left side of the body. This arrangement of the “Mark of the Devil” creates a powerful negative energy field and brings the witch remarkable strength and magical abilities.

Calculating a Modern Witch

The modern witch bears little resemblance to the hunched old woman who takes milk from cows and makes it rain. Now this image is firmly attached to a woman who has magical abilities by nature. She can look into the future, tell about the past and influence the course of events in reality.

How to recognize a witch in the fickle modern world? Just take a closer look and many revealing features will be revealed.

  • The witch changes little with age, causing perplexed envy among her friends. The reason is the skillful management of one’s own energy, knowledge of the secrets of nature and the carrying out of mysterious conspiracies.
  • Such a woman has powerful sexuality and attracts men like a magnet. A witch can get any man and have complete power over him.
  • The witch often leads a lonely life, since she does not develop strong connections. Many men are wary of this femme fatale and are afraid to link their fate with her.
  • IN psychologically The witch is a very unbalanced person. She especially doesn’t like it if a person comes up from behind and touches her on the shoulder - she will immediately recoil and get angry.
  • Modern witches have many fickle acquaintances who appear out of nowhere and then simply disappear from her life.
  • The witch can talk to herself. From the outside it may seem that she is not herself, but in fact the witch is conducting a dialogue with her invisible interlocutor.
  • If a person has been in the company of a witch for some time, he may experience short-term memory loss.

The witch's house is always in disarray and chaos, although she often buys new things and furniture. Old books covered in dust, strange bottles with liquids and dry grass - all this is adjacent to candles and strange rare things.

To recognize a witch in reality, you need to trust your inner voice. They often go out into crowded places in order to feed on the energy of others, to suck them out vitality. You should be wary of a conversation with an unfamiliar woman who peers intently into your eyes and asks strange questions on abstract topics.

Exposing a Witch

If you suspect a person of unclean deeds, there are many ways to check whether this is actually the case.

  • If a witch comes to your house, you need to quietly stick a knife or needle into the corner of the door. She will not be able to leave you until all sharp objects are removed.
  • You can put the knife under the tablecloth on the table. The witch will circle, rush around, come up with something, but until you remove the knife, she will not leave your house.
  • At the entrance, you can stick two needles crosswise. While they are there, the witch will not cross the threshold of your house.

It is very difficult to recognize an experienced witch. She can appear as a modern lonely lady of Balzac's age, a dazzling beauty or a beggarly old woman. Vicious people thirsting for wealth, gigolos and womanizers, spendthrifts and libertines fall into her network. But very often good, decent people also fall into the traps of evil spirits.

A person who is in the power of a witch always pays the maximum price. Both for dubious wealth and for vicious desires - for everything in this world you have to pay, and the price can be very high. Receiving his whims, he sells his soul to the Devil, although often, until his death, he does not even know about it.

Witches have long been respected and feared. If you have the feeling that you know much more than others and can even guess the future, perhaps you are endowed with magical abilities. Identifying a witch is not difficult; it is enough to have some knowledge about them.

  • If seven females were born in a family, then one of them will be a witch by birth.
  • A girl whose mother has been cursed can be born a witch.
  • The born witch will have a characteristic appendage in the area of ​​the coccyx.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth

Witches are usually born on strong dates. Each sign of the Zodiac belongs to a certain element and gives the sorceress certain abilities:

  • Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) get along well with animals and see the future.
  • Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) - have the ability to tell fortunes using Tarot cards, runes and the book of destinies.
  • Air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini) - excellent at meditation, vision prophetic dreams and can enter into lucid dreams.
  • Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) know how to manage the energy of cash flows.

Signs of how to recognize a witch

  1. Eyes green, brown, gray or eyes of different colors.
  2. A look that is difficult to withstand.
  3. There are imperfections in appearance: lameness, hump, hooked nose, too large lips.
  4. Birthmarks or large moles in the genital area, lower back, hairline.
  5. For many years, the appearance of the witch practically does not change.
  6. The witch needs unity with nature.
  7. Often her words are prophetic.

How to find out if I'm a witch by date of birth

  1. Necessary to your full date birth, add the number 6. For example, you were born on 03/02/1990. When you add six, you get 68.69.7666.
  2. If the combination contains the numbers 6, 3 and two nines, you need to continue further.
  3. Add up your birth number one at a time. Based on the example, we add 0+2+0+3+1+9+9+0 = 24.
  4. If the resulting number can be divided by 6, continue. It is not divisible by 6 - there is no ability for magic.
  5. We add the sum of the numbers when adding with 6 from point 1 one by one: 6+8+6+9+8+6+5+6 = 54.
  6. If the number is divisible by 6, you have magical powers.
  7. If all 3 values ​​match, the woman is a witch. If there is a coincidence on two points, then the abilities are inherent, but not developed.

How to find out if there were witches in your family

  1. Ask your relatives about this. A person with unusual abilities does not go unnoticed, and the abilities themselves can be inherited by subsequent generations.
  2. If you have Gypsy or Jewish blood, certain abilities may be passed on with it.
  3. The presence in the pedigree of a lonely relative who was unlucky in family life.

Quiz, choose a broom, find out what kind of witch you are

Choose a broom that would belong to you if you were a witch.

  1. An ordinary witch. You are dangerous in moderation; you can easily take on the appearance of an ordinary person.
  2. Witch by conviction. We are not used to standing out from the crowd. At the same time, you are not happy when people consider you plain and mediocre. You can distinguish yourself!
  3. Promiscuous witch. Your energy is uncontrollable and splashes in all directions. Be careful and don't fall into your own trap.
  4. Professional witch. Everything is orderly and according to the template. There is an amulet, a cat, a book and a charm. You take a traditional approach to magic and look just as traditional.
  5. Dangerous witch. You love animals and dislike people. And people avoid you. Your energy brings destruction and evil.
  6. Concentrated witch. You have the ability to restrain your ardor and enviable willpower. You know what to do and how to do it, the information is organized and sorted into shelves. That's why everything works out.
  7. Overweight witch. Yes, she herself is aware of her problems and the burden that has fallen on her. She may offer some wise advice, but it’s better not to anger her.
  8. A witch with a twist. No one can guess what's on your mind. First impressions of you cannot be trusted. There is the ability to surprise and amaze others.
  9. A weird witch. You cannot understand why there are anomalies near you. Controlling abilities can be quite difficult and often things don’t go the way you want.
  10. Classic witch. You clearly control your abilities in magic, are well-read, and witty. You combine classic images of witches and are a subject to be imitated.

How to recognize a witch nowadays

  1. A woman is a witch if you feel a strange fear when you are near her. Or you want to tell her all your secrets under her piercing gaze, even when she doesn’t ask you anything.
  2. Clear and convincing speech, every word is thought out in advance.
  3. Beautiful, long and thick hair.
  4. A woman attracts men to her, even if she has an extraordinary appearance.
  5. She is often lucky in small matters.

How to recognize a white witch

  • Loves animals and often communicates with them.
  • Draws its strength from nature.
  • He does not refuse help, he tries to help and heal everyone.
  • He goes to church and doesn't stand out from the crowd.
  • She always has healthy herbs at home.
  • Quickly restores strength, is vigorous and cheerful.

How to recognize a black witch

  • They always leave the church with their backs backwards; on Easter they try to be the first to touch door handle The gates that the priest opens are baptized incorrectly.
  • You can often hear swearing and cursing from her.
  • It is very difficult to hold your gaze; psychological discomfort appears when you are nearby.
  • Constantly tries to touch a person, especially their hair or shoulders.
  • Comes in the evening with requests to borrow food or household items.

Intuition will help you feel your magical abilities and understand whether you are a witch or not. Remember that it is always better to help people and do good deeds. After all, evil always comes back.

Many people are interested in the question of how to recognize a witch. Have you asked? We answer!

Recognizing a witch is both very simple and difficult at the same time. These women live among ordinary people, in houses and apartments (very rarely in forest huts), they can have a family. What distinguishes real witches from other women is that they have supernatural (paranormal) abilities and can do wonderful things: hail, catch up or disperse clouds, communicate with the spirits and ghosts of the dead, heal from illnesses without drugs, make love spells and lapels, and also sometimes have intimate dialogues with the Devil himself.

According to folk legends, women are very beautiful in appearance, have dark skin and long hair, but they prefer not to take care of their appearance. They wear, as a rule, nondescript, unattractive or even repulsive outfits and do not have their hair combed. All this is necessary for witches in order not to attract unnecessary attention to themselves, especially male attention, which will prevent them from doing their business.

However, when the witches have their Sabbath time, they turn into written beauties, so men should be extremely careful when meeting at night with immensely attractive girls.

There is also a legend among the people that if seven girls are born in a row in a family, then one will certainly be a congenital witch. Sometimes witches are born to mothers who were previously cursed. You can recognize a born witch by characteristic feature, namely by the presence of a “tail” - a small process in the area of ​​the coccyx. In the Middle Ages, female newborns who had such an atavism were mercilessly killed by inquisitors.

There is no need to be afraid of inborn witches - they usually do not cause any harm to others, other than benefit (unless, of course, life forces them). But trained witches or those who have received the gift of witchcraft as an inheritance (whether by their own free will or not is no longer important) can and do do evil deeds, although they can also do good.

How to recognize a witch by her eyes?

The easiest, but at the same time unreliable way to recognize a witch is by her eyes. Look carefully into the eyes of the supposed witch. Usually they are green or red in color, their gaze is piercing, deep, their eye shape is almond-shaped, their gaze does not look away. But this method can only serve as an indirect sign. They need to be used along with others.

How to recognize a witch using folk methods

1. Go to the house where the deceased is being reprimanded. When the priest sings the ten psalms of David, the witch woman will certainly become gloomy and bow her head to her chest.

2. On Saturday, take a piece of cheese, wrap it in cloth and keep it near your body for three nights while you sleep. Then tie the cheese to your shirt and wear it like that. Soon the witch herself will come to you and ask for at least a tiny bit of this cheese. But you should not give in to her requests, otherwise illness and death await you.

3. To recognize the witch on Maundy Thursday, go to church wearing your clothes inside out. Do not touch anything in a sacred building. Then you will be able to see among the parishioners the one who is a witch (the fact that witches do not go to church is a myth, a myth and again a myth) - she will stand with her back turned to the clergyman and in the nude.

4. On a full moon, take a black cat and go to the crossroads of four roads. Light a fire, draw a circle around it and stand in it. Release the black cat and notice which direction it runs. Then wait for the first woman who comes to the fire from the other side. This will be the witch. The circle on the ground is needed so that the witch will not be able to reach you and cause harm.

5. On Easter, go to morning service. When the clergyman opens the church doors from the inside, the first woman to grab the door handle will be the witch.

6. As a rule, witches always take helpers such as black cats, rats, owls, the bats- they certainly take part in covens with their mistresses. If your friend is a lover of such living creatures, it is quite possible that she is also a witch.

Now that you know how to recognize a witch, it will be easier for you to cope with her attacks.