How to make a wind generator with your own hands: useful tips. How to make a wind generator yourself; description of a wind turbine; Homemade wind power station

Wind power generators continue to gain popularity. They are most often interested in people living in rural areas and having the opportunity to install such impressive structures on their plots. But, given the high cost of this equipment, not everyone can afford to buy it. Let's see how to make a wind generator with your own hands and save money on creating your own alternative source of electrical energy.

Wind generator - source of electricity

Tariffs for public utilities are raised at least once a year. And if you look closely, in some years the price of the same electricity rises twice – the numbers in payment documents grow like mushrooms after rain. Naturally, all this hits the pocket of the consumer, whose income does not show such sustainable growth. And real incomes, as statistics show, show a downward trend.

Until recently, it was possible to combat rising electricity tariffs in one simple but illegal way - using a neodymium magnet. This product was applied to the flow meter body, causing it to stop. But we strongly do not recommend using this technique - it is unsafe, illegal, and the fine if caught will be such that it will not seem small.

The scheme was simply great, but later it stopped working for the following reasons:

Increasingly frequent control rounds began to identify unscrupulous owners en masse.

  • Control rounds have become more frequent - representatives of regulatory authorities are visiting houses;
  • Special stickers began to be stuck on meters - under the influence of a magnetic field they darken, exposing the offender;
  • The counters have become immune to magnetic field– electronic accounting units are installed here.

That's why people started paying attention alternative sources electricity, for example, wind generators.

Another way to expose a violator stealing electricity is to conduct an examination of the level of magnetization of the meter, which easily reveals facts of theft.

Windmills for home use are becoming commonplace in areas where wind blows frequently. A wind power generator uses the energy of wind air flows to generate electricity. To do this, they are equipped with blades that drive the generator rotors. The resulting electricity is converted into direct current, after which it is transferred to consumers or stored in batteries.

Wind generators for a private home, both home-made and factory-assembled, can be the main or auxiliary sources of electricity. Here is a typical example of the operation of an auxiliary source - it heats water in a boiler or powers low-voltage household lamps, while the rest home appliances works from the main power supply. It is also possible to work as the main source of electricity in houses not connected to electrical networks. Here they feed:

  • Chandeliers and lamps;
  • Large household appliances;
  • Heating appliances and much more.

Accordingly, in order to heat your home, you need to make or purchase a 10 kW wind power plant - this should be enough for all needs.

A wind power plant can power both traditional electrical appliances and low-voltage ones - they operate on 12 or 24 volts. A 220 V wind generator is made according to a scheme using inverter converters with electricity stored in batteries. Wind generators for 12, 24 or 36 V are simpler - they use simpler battery charge controllers with stabilizers.

Homemade wind generator for home and its features

Before we tell you how to make a windmill to generate electricity, let's talk about why you can't use a factory model. Factory wind generators are indeed more efficient than their homemade counterparts. Everything that can be done in production will be more reliable than that, what can be done in artisanal conditions. This rule also applies to wind generators.

Self-manufacturing of a wind generator is advantageous due to its low cost. Factory samples with a power from 3 kW to 5 kW will cost 150-220 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Such a high price explains the inaccessibility of store-bought models for most consumers, because it also affects the payback period - in some cases it reaches 10-12 years, although some models “pay off” much earlier.

Factory-built wind power plants for home use are more reliable and less likely to break down. But each breakdown can lead to huge costs for spare parts. As for homemade products, they are easy to repair yourself, since they are assembled from scrap materials. This justifies the far from perfect design.

Yes, it will be very difficult to make a 30 kW wind generator with your own hands, but anyone who knows how to work with tools will be able to assemble a small wind turbine of low power and provide for themselves required quantity electricity.

Diagram of a homemade wind generator - main components

Do homemade wind generator at home it is relatively easy. Below you can see a simple drawing explaining the location of the individual components. According to this drawing, we need to make or prepare the following components:

Scheme of a homemade windmill.

  • Blades - they can be made from a variety of materials;
  • Generator for a wind generator - you can purchase a ready-made one or make it yourself;
  • Tail section – directs the blades in the direction of the wind, allowing for maximum efficiency;
  • Multiplier – increases the rotation speed of the generator shaft (rotor);
  • Mounting mast - all of the above components will be held on it;
  • Tension cables - hold the entire structure and prevent it from falling from gusts of wind;
  • The charge controller, batteries and inverter provide conversion, stabilization and accumulation of the received electricity.

We will try to make a simple rotary wind generator with you.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a wind generator

Make a windmill out of plastic bottles even a child can do it. It will spin merrily in the wind, making noise. There is a huge number of different schemes for constructing such wind turbines, in which the axis of rotation can be located both vertically and horizontally. These things don’t generate electricity, but they do a great job of driving moles away. personal plots, which harm plants and dig their burrows everywhere.

A homemade wind generator for your home is somewhat similar to this bottle windmill. Only it is larger in size and has a more serious design. But if you attach a small motor to such a windmill, it can become a source of electricity and even power some electrical thing, for example, an LED - its power is not enough for more. By looking at the diagram of such a “toy”, you can understand how to make a full-fledged wind generator.

Making a generator for a windmill

In order to assemble a wind power plant, we need a generator, and one with self-excitation. In other words, its design must contain magnets that induce electricity in the windings. This is exactly how some electric motors are designed, for example, in screwdrivers. But you won’t be able to make a decent wind generator from a screwdriver - the power will be simply ridiculous, and will only be enough to operate a small LED lamp at most.

It’s also not possible to make a wind power plant from a self-generator - it uses an excitation winding powered by a battery, so it’s not suitable for us. From a household fan, we can only make a scarecrow for birds attacking the garden. Therefore, you need to look for a normal self-exciting generator of suitable power. Better yet, splurge and buy a store-bought model.

It is really more profitable to buy a generator than to make it - the efficiency of a factory-made model will be higher than that of a home-made one.

Let's see how to make a generator for our windmill with our own hands.

His maximum power is 3-3.5 kW. For this we need:

  • Stator - it is made of two pieces sheet metal, cut in the shape of circles with a diameter of 500 mm. On each circle along the edge (slightly retreating from the edge) 12 neodymium magnets with a diameter of 50 mm are glued. Their poles must alternate. We prepare the second circle in a similar way, but only the poles here should be shifted;
  • Rotor - it is a structure of 9 coils wound with copper wire with a diameter of 3 mm in varnish insulation. We make 70 turns in each coil, although some sources recommend making 90 turns. To place the coils, it is necessary to make a base of non-magnetic material;
  • Axle - it must be made exactly in the center of the rotor. Moreover, there should be no beating; the structure must be carefully centered, otherwise it will quickly be broken by the wind.

We place the stators and the rotor - the rotor itself rotates between the stators. A distance of 2 mm is maintained between these elements. We connect all the windings according to the diagram below so that we get a single-phase source alternating current.

We make blades

In this review, we are making a fairly powerful wind generator - its power will be up to 3-3.5 kW in strong winds or up to 1.5 or 2 kW in moderate winds. Moreover, it will turn out to be quite silent, unlike generators with electric motors. Next you need to think about the location of the blades. We have decided to make a simple three-blade horizontal wind generator. One could also think about a vertical wind generator, but in this case the wind energy utilization factor will be lower - on average 0.3.

If you make a vertical wind generator, then it will have only one advantage - it will be able to work in any wind direction.

The easiest way to make simple blades at home. For their manufacture, you can use various materials:

  • Wood, however, over time it can crack and dry out;
  • Polypropylene - this type of plastic is suitable for low-power generators;
  • Metal is a reliable and durable material from which blades of any size can be made (duralumin, used in aviation, is good).

A small table will help you estimate the diameter of the blades. Check the approximate wind speed at your local location and find out what diameter the wind generator blades need to be made.

Making blades for a wind generator is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to ensure that our entire structure is balanced - otherwise strong gusts of wind will quickly break it. Balancing is performed by adjusting the length of the blades. After this, we combine the blades with the rotor of our wind generator and install the structure on the installation site to which the tail section is attached.

Startup and testing

The most important thing in the future is to choose right place to install the mast. It must be positioned strictly vertically. The generator with blades is placed as high as possible, where the wind is stronger. Make sure that there are no forest plantations nearby, separately standing trees, houses and large structures blocking air flows - if there are any obstacles, place the wind generator at a distance from them.

As soon as the wind generator starts moving, you need to do the following - connect a multimeter to the generator outlet and check for voltage. Now the system is ready for full operation, all that remains is to decide what voltage will be supplied to the house and how this will happen.

Connecting consumers

We have already managed to make a low-noise windmill, and quite powerful one at that. Now it's time to connect the electronics to it. When assembling 220V wind generators with your own hands, you need to take care of purchasing inverter converters. The efficiency of these devices reaches 99%, so losses in converting the supplied direct current in alternating current with a voltage of 220 Volts will be minimal. In total, the system will have three additional nodes:

  • Battery pack – accumulates excess generated electricity for future use. These surpluses are used to feed consumers during periods of calm or when there is very little wind;

Having looked at foreign sites how wind generators are made ordinary people, I also wanted to do something similar. On the Russian Internet at that time there was no special information on these windmills, only circulated information about Hugh Pigot’s windmills and all sorts of scraps of information. But still, I wanted to make such a simple windmill for myself.

The business began with a search for neodymium magnets, but prices in online stores were very high, and in regular stores I didn't find them. But soon I managed to order cheaper magnets. 25 round magnets measuring 20*5mm cost only 1030 rubles. While the magnets were moving, I began making the blades.

Wooden blades for wind generator

For the blades, I purchased a spruce board 110cm long, 120*35mm, then I measured it according to size and cut out the blanks using a regular hacksaw.


I first removed the excess wood from the blades with an ordinary large knife with a wide blade since I didn’t have a stapler.



Afterwards the finished blades were polished sandpaper until completely smooth. Then the blades were soaked in drying oil three times.


I also cut out circles from plywood to mount the blades. I cut the blades at the butt at 120 degrees using circular saw. The diameter of the screw is exactly 2m.


The parcel with magnets arrived, even a little earlier than I expected. It was the first time I held such magnets in my hands; they are very powerful, despite the fact that they are so small, and cannot be compared with ordinary ferrite ones. Here is the parcel itself, carefully packed, all the magnets are in place and intact.


The rotor disks were made of 4mm thick iron. First, two blanks were cut out, in them drilling machine Holes for the studs were drilled and then the central holes were cut out on a lathe and the edges were processed.


To keep the magnets on the disks securely, I filled them with epoxy resin. To fill it, I made a mold from plywood and covered it with masking tape. I marked sectors for magnets on the disks and arranged the magnets alternating with poles. To make it easier to check the poles, I used a compass needle. Here is a disk with magnets before pouring.


Here are the finished rotor disks with filled magnets.



Total 9 coils.


To fill the coils, Starota made new uniform. First I laid a piece polyethylene film, then a piece of fiberglass on top, and then a form on the fiberglass, and then in the form of a coil. Next, I prepared the resin and began to fill the stator.


I poured a little more epoxy resin than necessary, this was done specifically so that the second piece of fiberglass that covered the stator from above would be saturated. Then I pressed this thing on top with a piece of plywood and put a weight on it, leaving it there until the resin hardened.


Finished stator.


The mount for the stator was cut from the same 4 mm steel.


The turner also turned out a rotary axis for me. Then everything was welded together, using available parts, or rather those lying around in scrap metal. The wind generator is protected from strong winds using the folding tail method.


Once all welding work was completed, the product was cleaned and prepared for painting.


After assembly, it was discovered that one hundred magnets on the disks are attracted to the pins that hold the stator, because of this there is a kind of sticking and a slight vibration is observed during rotation. Since I couldn’t find non-magnetic studs, I had to lengthen the mounts so that the studs were further away from the disks with magnets.


The brush assembly was also made. The rings are made from epoxy resin, first the square blanks for the rings were poured, then I inserted them into the drill and ground them to round shape. I cut strips out of aluminum and glued them onto epoxy.


I poured the foundation and made a mount for the mast from connecting rods.


After all preparatory work I did a test lift of the mast to immediately tighten all the guys and check everything before lifting the wind generator.


Before lifting, the wind generator was painted again.


Preparing to lift the wind generator.


And finally the wind generator is raised to the wind.


As a result, the generator did not justify itself in generating electricity; on average, it generates only 2-5 volts, and only occasionally in gusts of up to 10 volts, a current of up to 1A. But still, the main goal of this work was achieved; the wind generator turned out to be cheap and made mainly from free scrap materials. Well, it looks good and is pleasing to the eye. Photos and short description from here >>source


Air masses have inexhaustible reserves of energy, which humanity has used since ancient times. Basically, the force of the wind ensured the movement of ships under sail and the work windmills. After the invention of steam engines this type energy has lost its relevance.

Only in modern conditions wind energy has again become in demand as a driving force applied to electric generators. They have not yet become widespread in industrial scale, but are becoming increasingly popular in the private sector. Sometimes it is simply impossible to connect to a power line. In such situations, many owners design and manufacture a wind generator for a private home with their own hands from scrap materials. Subsequently, they are used as main or auxiliary sources of electricity.

Ideal windmill theory

This theory was developed in different time scientists and specialists in the field of mechanics. It was first developed by V.P. Vetchinkin in 1914, and the theory of an ideal propeller was used as a basis. In these studies, the wind energy utilization factor of an ideal wind turbine was derived for the first time.

Work in this area was continued by N.E. Zhukovsky, who derived the maximum value of this coefficient equal to 0.593. In the later works of another professor - Sabinin G.Kh. the adjusted coefficient value was 0.687.

In accordance with the developed theories, an ideal wind wheel should have the following parameters:

  • The axis of rotation of the wheel must be parallel to the speed of the wind flow.
  • The number of blades is infinitely large, with a very small width.
  • Zero value of wing profile drag in the presence of constant circulation along the blades.
  • The entire swept surface of the windmill has a constant lost speed of air flow on the wheel.
  • The tendency of angular velocity to infinity.

Wind turbine selection

When choosing a wind generator model for a private home, you should consider required power, ensuring the operation of devices and equipment taking into account the schedule and frequency of switching on. It is determined by monthly metering of electricity consumption. Additionally, the power value can be determined in accordance with technical characteristics consumers.

One should also take into account the fact that all electrical appliances are powered not directly from the wind generator, but from an inverter and a set of batteries. Thus, a 1 kW generator is capable of ensuring the normal functioning of the batteries powering a four-kilowatt inverter. As a result, Appliances with similar power are provided with electricity in full. Great importance It has right choice batteries Special attention You should pay attention to parameters such as charging current.

When choosing a design wind turbine the following factors are taken into account:

  • The direction of rotation of the wind wheel is vertical or horizontal.
  • The shape of the fan blades can be in the form of a sail, with a straight or curved surface. In some cases, combined options are used.
  • Material for blades and technology for their manufacture.
  • Placement of fan blades with different inclinations relative to the flow of passing air.
  • The number of blades included in the fan.
  • The required power transferred from the wind turbine to the generator.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the average annual wind speed for a specific area, as specified in the weather service. There is no need to specify the wind direction, since modern designs wind generators independently turn in the other direction.

For most areas Russian Federation most the best option will horizontal orientation axis of rotation, the surface of the blades is curved and concave, which the air flow flows around at an acute angle. The amount of power taken from the wind is affected by the area of ​​the blade. For an ordinary house An area of ​​1.25 m2 is quite sufficient.

The speed of a windmill depends on the number of blades. Wind generators with one blade rotate the fastest. In such designs, a counterweight is used for balancing. It should also be taken into account that at low wind speeds, below 3 m/s, wind turbines become unable to absorb energy. In order for the unit to perceive weak winds, the area of ​​its blades must be increased to at least 2 m 2.

Wind generator calculation

Before choosing a wind generator, it is necessary to determine the wind speed and direction that are most typical at the location of the proposed installation. It should be remembered that the rotation of the blades begins at a minimum wind speed of 2 m/s. Maximum efficiency can be achieved when this indicator reaches a value from 9 to 12 m/s. That is, in order to provide electricity to a small Vacation home, you will need a generator with a minimum power of 1 kW/h and a wind speed of at least 8 m/s.

Wind speed and propeller diameter have a direct impact on the power produced by a wind turbine. Calculate accurately performance characteristics one or another model is possible using the following formulas:

  1. Calculations in accordance with the area of ​​rotation are performed as follows: P = 0.6 x S x V 3, where S is the area perpendicular to the wind direction (m 2), V is wind speed (m/s), P is power generator set(kW).
  2. To calculate the electrical installation based on the diameter of the screw, the formula is used: P = D 2 x V 3 /7000, in which D is the diameter of the screw (m), V is the wind speed (m/s), P is the generator power (kW).
  3. For more complex calculations, air flow density is taken into account. For these purposes, there is a formula: P = ξ x π x R 2 x 0.5 x V 3 x ρ x η ed x η gen, where ξ is the coefficient of wind energy use (an immeasurable quantity), π = 3.14, R - rotor radius (m), V - air flow speed (m/s), ρ - air density (kg/m 3), η ed - gearbox efficiency (%), η gen - generator efficiency (%).

Thus, the electricity produced by the wind generator increases quantitatively in a cubic ratio with the increasing speed of the wind flow. For example, when the wind speed increases by 2 times, the generation of kinetic energy by the rotor will increase by 8 times.

When choosing a location for installing a wind generator, it is necessary to give preference to areas without large buildings and tall trees which create a barrier to the wind. Minimum distance from residential buildings is from 25 to 30 meters, otherwise noise during work will create inconvenience and discomfort. The windmill rotor must be located at a height exceeding the nearest buildings by at least 3-5 m.

If connecting a country house to shared network is not planned, in this case you can use the options combined systems. The operation of a wind turbine will be much more efficient when used in conjunction with a diesel generator or solar battery.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands

Regardless of the type and design of the wind generator, each device is equipped with similar elements as a basis. All models have generators, blades made of various materials, lifts that provide the desired level of installation, as well as additional batteries and an electronic control system. The simplest to manufacture are rotor-type units or axial structures using magnets.

Option 1. Rotor wind generator design.

A rotary wind generator design uses two, four or more blades. Such wind generators are not able to fully provide electricity to large country houses. They are used primarily as an auxiliary source of electricity.

Depending on the estimated power of the windmill, they are selected necessary materials and components:

  • Generator from a car for 12 volts and car battery.
  • Voltage regulator that converts alternating current from 12 to 220 volts.
  • Capacity with large sizes. An aluminum bucket or stainless steel pan works best.
  • As charger You can use a relay removed from the car.
  • You will need a 12 V switch, a charge lamp with a controller, bolts with nuts and washers, as well as metal clamps with rubberized gaskets.
  • A three-core cable with a minimum cross-section of 2.5 mm 2 and a regular voltmeter removed from any measuring device.

First of all, the rotor is prepared from an existing metal container - a pan or bucket. It is marked into four equal parts, holes are made at the ends of the lines to facilitate division into component parts. Then the container is cut with metal scissors or a grinder. Rotor blades are cut from the resulting blanks. All measurements must be carefully checked for proper sizing, otherwise the design will not function properly.

Next, the side of rotation of the generator pulley is determined. Typically it rotates clockwise, but it's best to check this. After this, the rotor part is connected to the generator. To avoid imbalance in the movement of the rotor, the mounting holes in both structures must be located symmetrically.

To increase the rotation speed, the edges of the blades should be slightly bent. As the bending angle increases, air flows will be more efficiently absorbed by the rotor unit. Not only elements of the cut container are used as blades, but also individual parts connected to a metal blank shaped like a circle.

After attaching the container to the generator, the entire resulting structure must be installed entirely on the mast using metal clamps. Then the wiring is installed and assembled. Each contact must be plugged into its own connector. Once connected, the wiring is secured to the mast with wire.

Upon completion of assembly, the inverter, battery and load are connected. The battery is connected with a cable with a cross-section of 3 mm 2; for all other connections, a cross-section of 2 mm 2 is sufficient. After this, the wind generator can be operated.

Option 2. Axial design of a wind generator using magnets.

Axial windmills for home are a design, one of the main elements of which are neodymium magnets. In terms of their performance, they are significantly ahead of conventional rotary units.

The rotor is the main element of the entire wind generator design. For its manufacture, a car wheel hub complete with brake discs is best suited. A part that has been in use should be prepared - cleaned of dirt and rust, and lubricated the bearings.

Next, you need to correctly distribute and secure the magnets. In total you will need 20 pieces, measuring 25 x 8 mm. The magnetic field in them is located along the length. The even-numbered magnets will be poles; they are located along the entire plane of the disk, alternating through one. Then the pros and cons are determined. One magnet alternately touches other magnets on the disk. If they attract, then the pole is positive.

With an increased number of poles, it is necessary to observe certain rules. In single-phase generators, the number of poles coincides with the number of magnets. Three-phase generators maintain a 4/3 ratio between magnets and poles, and a 2/3 ratio between poles and coils. The magnets are installed perpendicular to the circumference of the disk. A paper template is used to distribute them evenly. The magnets are first secured with strong glue and then finally fixed with epoxy resin.

If we compare single-phase and three-phase generators, the performance of the former will be slightly worse compared to the latter. This is due to high amplitude fluctuations in the network due to unstable current output. Therefore, vibration occurs in single-phase devices. In three-phase designs, this disadvantage is compensated by current loads from one phase to another. Due to this, the network always ensures a constant power value. Due to vibration, the service life of single-phase systems is significantly lower than that of three-phase systems. In addition, three-phase models have no noise during operation.

The height of the mast is approximately 6-12 m. It is installed in the center of the formwork and filled with concrete. Then it is installed on the mast finished design, on which the screw is attached. The mast itself is secured using cables.

Wind turbine blades

The efficiency of wind power plants largely depends on the design of the blades. First of all, this is their number and size, as well as the material from which the blades for the wind generator will be made.

Factors influencing blade design:

  • Even the weakest wind can set the long blades in motion. However, too long length may cause the wind wheel to slow down.
  • Increasing the total number of blades makes the wind wheel more responsive. That is, the more blades, the better the rotation starts. However, the power and speed will be reduced, making such a device unsuitable for generating electricity.
  • The diameter and speed of rotation of the wind wheel affects the noise level generated by the device.

The number of blades must be combined with the installation location of the entire structure. In the most optimal conditions Properly selected blades can ensure maximum output from a wind generator.

First of all, you need to determine in advance the required power and functionality of the device. To properly make a wind generator, you need to study possible designs, as well as the climatic conditions in which it will be operated.

In addition to the total power, it is recommended to determine the value of the output power, also known as peak load. She represents total devices and equipment that will be turned on simultaneously with the operation of the wind generator. If it is necessary to increase this figure, it is recommended to use several inverters at once.

DIY wind generator 24V - 2500 watt

Manufacturing technology for a home wind power plant (simple wind turbine).

Homemade manufacturing technology wind power plants (simple wind turbine) . The need for electricity appears immediately as soon as we become owners garden plot or houses in the countryside. In this case, individual power plants can come to the rescue, both operating on petroleum products and using wind, water energy, etc., but there is nowhere to buy such power plants - they are not on sale. The most environmentally friendly source is wind. One of these power plants can be made manually, for example a wind power plant (WPP). Using a propeller, an electric generator that charges the battery through a rectifier. A wind farm uses a renewable and free source of energy and does not require constant supervision. However, electricity is generated extremely unevenly - only in windy weather. However, small wind power plants (wind turbines) connected to battery, this shortcoming is almost compensated.

Wind power plants As a rule, bladed propeller motors are produced in factories. Unlike rotary bladed wind power plants have the advantage of higher efficiency. But blade motors are much more difficult to make, so if you want to make a wind power generator with your own hands, or, more simply, a home-made wind power station, experts advise making rotary motors.

Rice. 1. Scheme of a rotary wind power plant:

1 - blades
2 - cross
3 --- shaft
4 - bearings with housings
5 - coupling
6 - power rack (channel No. 20)
7 - gearbox
8 - electric generator
9 - stretch marks (4 pcs.)
10 - stairs.

Important: the rotary engine must be raised at least 3-4 meters above the ground. Then the rotor will be in the free wind zone, and interference from nearby buildings will remain below it. , raised above the ground will perform another function - the function of a lightning rod, and for areas with low buildings this is important.

In the design developed by V. Samoilov, the rotor consists of 4 blades, this provides it with more uniform rotation. The rotor is one of the most important parts of a windmill. Its design and dimensions of the blades play a special role - the power and rotation speed of the shaft driving the gearbox depend on their location and design wind farm. The larger the working area of ​​the blades, which form a streamlined surface, the lower the number of rotor revolutions.

Rice. 3. Double deck rotor wheel:

1 - bearing
2 - bearing housing
3 - additional shaft fastening with four braces
4 - shaft.
The rotor rotates due to aerodynamic asymmetry. The wind blowing across the rotor axis “slides” from the rounded part of the blade and enters its opposite “pocket”. The difference in the aerodynamic properties of the round and concave surfaces creates thrust, which rotates the rotor. This engine has more torque. The power of a rotor with a diameter of 1 m exceeds the power of a propeller with three blades with a diameter of 2 m.
When there are gusts of wind, rotary wind turbines operate more stably than screw ones. And another important fact is that the rotors operate more smoothly, make less noise, operate in any wind direction without additional devices, but the downside is that their rotation speed is limited to 200-500 rpm.
But the increase in speed asynchronous generator will not increase tension. Therefore, we will not consider automatically changing the angle of the rotor blades for different speeds wind.
Eat different types rotary wind power plants which you can do yourself. Here are some of them:

Examples of rotary wheels.

Four-blade rotor wind wheel, efficiency up to 15%. A double-tier rotor wheel is easier to manufacture, has a higher efficiency (up to 19%), and also develops larger number revolutions compared to a four-blade one. But, in order to maintain the reliability of the installation, it is advisable to increase the shaft diameter. The Savonius rotor has a lower number of revolutions compared to a two-blade rotor. Its efficiency does not exceed 12%. Such an engine is mainly used to drive piston units (pumps, pumps, etc.). A carousel wind wheel is one of the simplest designs. This rotor is capable of developing relatively low speeds and, having a low power density, has an efficiency of no more than 10%.

We'll consider wind power station that you can make yourself, assembled on the basis of a four-blade rotor. Wind energy can also be used as wind pump for water, as a separate installation or combined with a power plant.

The blades of a wind wheel can be made from an iron 100, 200 liter barrel. It must be cut with a grinder; it is not recommended to cut the barrel using any welding, since the properties of the metal along the cutting seam change greatly. The edges of the manufactured blade can be strengthened by attaching reinforcement bars or strips of metal with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm to them.
We fix the blades of the first rotor on two crosspieces with two M12-M14 bolts. The upper cross is made of steel sheet 6-8 mm thick. A gap of 150 mm is required between the sides of the blades and the rotor shaft. The lower cross needs to be made more durable, since it bears the bulk of the weight of the blades. To make it, we take a channel with a length of at least 1 m (this depends on the barrel used), with a wall of 50-60 mm
Mast and main shaft.
In the proposed wind power plant a frame made from a corner for mounting an electric generator is fixed on a stand, which is made of a channel. The lower end of the stand is connected to a square driven into the ground. It is more expedient to assemble the rotor shaft from two components; this will give you convenience when boring its ends for bearings. Bearings (in housings (axleboxes)),
corresponding in size to the shaft, they are mounted on the channel with bolts. The shaft parts are connected to each other. The shaft diameter must be at least 35-50 mm.
To one of the channel shelves homemade wind farm We weld pieces of pipe 500 mm long and 20 mm in diameter, which will serve as a ladder. We dig the stand into the ground at least 1200 mm, and also secure it with 4 guy wires for additional stability. To protect against corrosion, the power plant must be painted with paint based on drying oil.

Rice. 4. Possible schemes for attaching rotors to a vertical shaft:

a, b - carousel wheels;
c - Savonius rotor.
Bottom part of the drawing. Windmill blade made
from 1/4 barrel and cut diagram:
1 - hole for fastening to the crosspiece
2 - side reinforcement
3 - contour of the blades.

Do-it-yourself vertical wind generator, drawings, photos, videos of a wind turbine with a vertical axis.

Wind generators are divided according to the type of placement of the rotating axis (rotor) into vertical and horizontal. We looked at the design of a wind generator with a horizontal rotor in the previous article, now let’s talk about a wind generator with a vertical rotor.

Scheme of an axial generator for a wind generator.

Making a wind wheel.

The wind wheel (turbine) of a vertical wind generator consists of two supports, upper and lower, as well as blades.

The wind wheel is made from sheets of aluminum or stainless steel; the wind wheel can also be cut from a thin-walled barrel. The height of the wind wheel must be at least 1 meter.

In this wind wheel, the bending angle of the blades sets the rotation speed of the rotor; the greater the bend, the greater the rotation speed.

The wind wheel is bolted directly to the generator pulley.

To install a vertical wind generator, you can use any mast; the manufacture of the mast is described in detail in this article.

Wiring diagram for wind generator.

The generator is connected to the controller, which in turn is connected to the battery. It is more practical to use a car battery as an energy storage device. Since household appliances run on alternating current, we will need an inverter to convert 12 V DC to 220 V AC.

Used for connection copper wire cross-section up to 2.5 square. The connection diagram is described in detail.

Video showing a wind generator in operation.