How to assemble a frame summer kitchen. How to build a summer kitchen in a private house with your own hands

For relaxation and the like. If you don’t know how to build a summer kitchen with your own hands, then you should pay attention to studying next material, which will introduce you step by step to this difficult process. Before starting construction, let's highlight the advantages of a summer kitchen.

What is the purpose of the summer kitchen?

Summer cuisine is an ideal assistant for every housewife in spring, summer and autumn time of the year. You can prepare food in it, make twists, fry, boil. All couples will be outside your living space, and this is a huge plus, for example, in the heat. A summer kitchen is a suitable area for relaxing, eating, and installing some furniture, including a stove and shelving. Of course, this is an optional building; it does not have to be present at absolutely every dacha. But if you strive to create coziness and comfort, then its presence will be quite logical.

Types of outdoor kitchens and where is its best place

Depending on the material used, summer kitchens are divided into several types:

  • Wooden summer kitchens. They are made from laminated veneer lumber, rounded logs and the like.
  • Summer kitchens made of metal. In this case, simple frame structures are used, which are very easy to assemble. Their advantage is the ability to move from one place to another.
  • Budget summer kitchens. In this case, available materials are used, for example, wood or metal.
  • Brick summer kitchens. They can also be combined with metal and wood.

Such a structure can be open or closed. If you plan to use it in winter time years, then glazing and insulation will be required. If not, then it will be enough to carry out a simple construction without performing finishing work.

When it comes to choosing the location of the summer kitchen, it is important to take into account some factors. For example, you should decide how much space it will take up. What shape will the building be: square, round, oval, rectangular or irregular in shape? Based on this, you select a suitable place, while taking into account the following points:

  • Distance from the farm yard, house, garden and other buildings.
  • Warmability of the selected area. For example, a summer kitchen can be in the shade of a garden or, conversely, in an open space.
  • Presence of drafts. This is important, since it is undesirable for a draft to constantly flow along the legs and back in the chosen place; resting in such conditions can provoke some diseases.

Equally important will be the study of the terrain. For example, you should determine the presence groundwater, namely how high they lie. The nature of the soil. Surrounding plants. It’s very good if you transfer your entire idea onto a piece of paper, thereby making a project for your future summer kitchen.

Construction of a summer kitchen made of bricks

A summer kitchen built of brick will be a reliable structure that can be used during the cold period. But for it to last for a long time year, the first thing you should do is make a reliable foundation.

Making the foundation. You should not assume that the foundation for a summer kitchen should be as strong as for a house. If the building consists of brick walls and a wooden roof, then you should not drive piles and deepen the foundation too much. Such a building will not exert much pressure on the ground, so a combined foundation can be made. If you have chosen rectangular shape building, then six pillars will be enough, three on each side. If the pillars are chosen wooden post and brick, then the trench will be made as follows:

  • Following the markings of the wall, a trench is dug under the masonry. Its depth will be 0.5 m and width 0.4 m. As for the length, it must correspond to the dimensions of the future building.
  • In the places where the support will be installed, a hole 0.7 m deep is dug. The size of the hole can be 0.4 × 0.4 m.

At the next stage, the pillars are mounted in the dug hole. They should be aligned with the strip foundation, which must be connected to the pillars. When the pillars and tape are ready, you can begin making the platform.

Production of the site. As for the site, it must be level, since furniture, accessories, equipment, etc. will be installed on it. For example, it can be made from paving slabs. To do this, remove the soil from inside the foundation to a depth of 0.2 m. But this must be done only after the foundation has completely dried. Next, sand is poured evenly into the pit, which should preferably be compacted well. The backfill layer should be 70 mm. During the compaction process, the sand can be slightly moistened so that it settles as best as possible. When all preparatory work You are done, you can start laying paving slabs.

Note! To speed up the process of laying tiles and not wait for the foundation to dry completely, you can build a blind area around the perimeter that will hold the entire structure in a stationary and strong state.

After laying the paving slabs, the top edge should rise above ground level by an average of 50 mm.

Making a blind area. Thanks to the blind area, the structure can become somewhat decorative. Moreover, it will protect the foundation from excess moisture. To do this, along the perimeter of the summer kitchen you should retreat 0.5-0.7 m from the wall. This distance is enough to make a blind area. Next, you make wooden formwork. In this case, the blind area should have a slight slope from the foundation, such that water falling on it flows freely and does not stagnate. The blind area is poured with concrete and leveled using the rule.

Laying the walls of the summer kitchen. When building a summer kitchen, half a brick will be enough. Before starting work, you first need to prepare mortar and brick, which can be laid directly on an already made site. During work, the masonry must be regularly checked for level. If you plan to install a door frame or windows, then during the brick laying process you will need to install beams or lintels in specially designated areas. Once the walls are laid out, you can begin next stage. The mauerlat is made from wooden beams; it will connect the entire structure into a single whole and will serve as an excellent basis for installing the roof.

Roof installation. It is not recommended to choose heavy and fragile material as a coating. You can, for example, use a corrugated sheet of metal. In any case, you must first make the roof frame and sheathing. As for the type of roof, it can be, for example, single-pitch or gable. However, there are no restrictions. The most important thing is to maintain the appropriate angle of inclination. To make the sheathing, you should use wooden beams and bars. The design features of the roof directly depend on the roofing material you choose.

Interior decoration of the summer kitchen. When all the major work on installing the walls and roof has been completed, you can begin finishing work from the inside. There are also no strict rules in this matter. For example, brickwork can be made for jointing. If you wish, the walls can be plastered and then puttied. Check the condition of the paving slabs. Each seam must be filled with grout.

Conducting communications

Special attention must be paid to such an important process as the installation of utility networks. Their number will directly depend on how you want to use the summer kitchen. You may need to install gas, electricity, sewerage, and water supply.

Note! Communications must be connected not at the end, but as the summer kitchen is being built. Some communications will be carried out under the foundation, others will not. For this reason, it is important to take this stage of work into account and plan its sequence during the manufacturing process of the project.

So, we found out in what sequence the process of building a summer kitchen takes place. Of course, there are many other options for its construction technology. You should adhere to your own taste and wishes, and most importantly, financial capabilities.


Construction of a frame summer kitchen:


In order for the food to be tasty, and the process of preparing it not to be tedious, you need it. If in an apartment or private house there is a specially designed room for cooking, then in a dacha, which is usually a small building, you have to resort to various tricks. You can set aside a small area in the house for the kitchen, but in the heat it’s quite uncomfortable to cook anything in a cramped room. That is why many people prefer to set up summer kitchens in their dachas, projects and photos of which we will consider in this review. We will also talk about some of the nuances self-construction, design and materials used.

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What is a summer kitchen and its types

A summer kitchen at a summer cottage is a free-standing kitchen designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the type of construction, it can be used only during the warm period or all year round. An outdoor kitchen can be open or closed.

Open summer kitchens

Open-type country kitchens, or, as they are simply called, summer kitchens, are a structure of 1-3 walls with a canopy and look very similar. This type of kitchen has its advantages:

  • simplicity of design, which allows you to build it within 1-2 days;
  • low cost;
  • absence of stuffiness, odors and burning, typical for kitchens located in the house.

The disadvantages include:

  • use only in the warm season;
  • equipment and furnishings have to be removed during cold weather;
  • You can’t leave food out for a long time.

Combining a summer kitchen with a veranda or terrace of the house

​The simplest option at the dacha is to equip it on. It is ideal if the extension already exists, otherwise you will have to build it first and only then arrange a place for cooking, eating and relaxing. Ideally, the veranda and the main building will have a single glazed wall.

Open structure attached to a building

You can arrange a kitchen on a site adjacent to the “blank” wall of the building. To do this, you first need to level the soil, lay it and install an awning. Having prepared the place, you can place a grill or barbecue on the site.

You can protect yourself from drafts by installing removable or sliding ones, as well as using roller blinds or tarpaulins. Also, large decorative pots are often installed in the openings, which provide additional coolness on a hot day. This kitchen option is much simpler and cheaper than the others, but if the soil subsides, the kitchen may tilt.

Open kitchen-gazebo for a summer residence

A good option open kitchen, especially if installation is planned, or for a pleasant pastime with family and friends. This design is also convenient for processing the harvested crop.

Since this is a stationary structure, it will require arrangement - columnar or strip. The type of base depends on the material from which the gazebo will be constructed. The supporting structure can be made of metal profiles, stone or brick, and the roof can be made of ondulin. One wall must be closed, preferably on the side of the prevailing winds. Openings can be closed with roller blinds, curtains or lattice panels.

Closed summer kitchen in the country: projects and photos

An enclosed kitchen is a permanent structure, built separately, attached to a house or any building located on. In such a building you can cook, eat or relax with friends at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside. Closed summer kitchens have, and. They can have regular fireplaces, barbecues or barbecues. The pavilions with kitchens are also equipped with utility rooms. In principle, this is a full-fledged house in which guests can even stay overnight.

Where to start building a kitchen in the country

Before building a summer kitchen on your site, you need to decide on a number of issues. In particular, you need to decide for yourself:

  1. How often will the building be used: only in summer or all year round(the type of construction depends on this).
  2. Dimensions. This parameter determines whether the room will be used only for cooking, family dinners, harvest processing, or for evening gatherings by a large group.
  3. Will it be installed, grill or barbecue?
  4. What kind of exterior and interior design is expected?
  5. Kitchen location. Will it be a free-standing structure or attached to the main building? How far will it be from communications and the roadway?
  6. Budget.

Choosing a kitchen design in the country: photos of projects

Mainly design country kitchen is determined not by some norms, but by a personal idea of ​​its appearance and functionality. However, few people can clearly imagine whether the chosen project will be comfortable and successful. That's why we've put together a collection of the most good options summer kitchens, photos of which are presented at the very end of our review. Like any room in the house, the summer kitchen has its own functional areas: working and dining room. In accordance with this, the design is developed.

Summer kitchen design: dining area

When arranging the dining area in the summer kitchen, you must first take into account maximum amount people that can accommodate for , and not on weekdays, but on holidays. Minimum dimensions dining area should be 3 × 3 m 2. Standard set furniture includes, benches or. For an open-type kitchen in the dining area, it is better not to use it, since dampness will quickly ruin the upholstery. Ideal option There will also be sofas.

Summer kitchen with barbecue: work area

Since the work area is designed for comfortable cooking, it must include the required elements:

  • or gas stove;
  • cabinet for cutting food and cooking;
  • cabinets for kitchen utensils.

This set can be supplemented with either a barbecue or a fireplace in the dining area.

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country: deciding on the material

Depending on the design and type of summer kitchen, the material is selected. If this is a simple open building, then you can make a frame from a metal profile and an awning. If the kitchen is located in a pavilion, you will need brick, stone or wood. For capital structures, you will need to build a foundation, which means you will have to fork out money for pouring. Let's consider several options for summer kitchens made from different materials.

Brick summer kitchen

During the construction of a summer kitchen, it can be used for the construction of support pillars, a protective partition (open type), walls, a stove, a fireplace, a barbecue, fences, etc. (semi-closed and closed type). For the main structure, ordinary or is used, and for fireplaces - fireproof. In some cases, the material is specially coated with a transparent protective layer.

Wooden summer kitchen made of timber

Just like brick, it is used for the construction of open, semi-closed or closed summer kitchens. This material is mainly used to make support posts and harness. Sometimes summer kitchens are made entirely of timber, but this option is good if other buildings in the country house are made of the same material. Such structures look massive and are not cheap.

Kitchen attached to the bathhouse

Nuances of using other materials for construction

For walls, in addition to brick and timber, it can be used a natural stone, polycarbonate, glass, corrugated sheets, metal-plastic panels, etc. As finishing material use or lining. When arranging the floor they use paving slabs, wood or stone. It all depends on the interior design and budget.

Combination of glass, metal, polycarbonate, wood and plywood

How to build an indoor summer kitchen with your own hands: main steps

To build a kitchen without problems, you need to break the work into several stages and follow the recommendations given. First of all, a place is selected and clearing is carried out. Next you need to create . Once the base is ready, you can begin building the walls and installing the last stage - completing the interior decoration.

Summer kitchen plan

Choosing a site for construction

In order for the kitchen to look harmonious in the territory of the dacha, you need to choose the location wisely. The building must meet the following requirements:

  • optimal distance from the main entrance to the house;
  • maximum distance from the street, cesspools, places of detention, etc.;
  • the distance from the kitchen to the roadway should be such that noise and exhaust gases reach it;
  • accessibility for water supply, and.

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Team leader of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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« When building a country kitchen, you need to take into account the proximity of groundwater to the surface of the earth, the topography, the presence of trees nearby and the wind prevailing in the area.”

Site clearance and foundation installation

Once the construction site and the design of the dacha have been chosen, you can proceed to clearing the site and constructing it. It depends on the design what kind of foundation will have to be made. It is possible to build a country kitchen without a foundation, for example, if it consists of four supports with an awning installed on a concreted area. For closed type kitchens made of stone or, as a rule, they arrange strip foundation, and the lungs or wooden structures erected on a columnar foundation. We will consider for a closed kitchen:

  1. First, we clear the selected area of ​​grass and bushes, carefully removing all roots.
  2. We make markings according to the size of the future kitchen (drive pegs in the corners and stretch twine between them).
  3. Dig holes around the perimeter with dimensions of 300×300×700 mm or a trench 300 mm wide and 700 mm deep.
  4. Creation of sand and crushed stone 200 mm thick.
  5. Preparation concrete mortar and pouring the pillars and platform (hardening of the concrete can last from a week to one month). If you decide to build a strip foundation, then you need to make it from boards or OBS slabs, place it on both sides of the trench, and fill it with concrete.

For your information! When constructing a light open kitchen, it is recommended to raise the floor level above the ground to a height of at least 70 mm so that during rain there is no flooding of the room.


Regardless of whether there are walls or not, support pillars will still have to be erected, since the roof of the summer kitchen will be installed on them. For supports, use metal profiles, bricks, stones, or rounded logs. You can build capital walls with and doorways, and it will be a full-fledged house in which you can spend time even in winter, especially if you make it. The summer kitchen also looks beautiful, in which metal-plastic frames with double-glazed windows are placed between the supports. You can make frames and sheathing from clapboard (wooden or plastic), corrugated sheets or siding.

Installation of a summer kitchen roof

The lid is a very important element of any structure, since it protects from wind and various precipitation. For a country summer kitchen, you can choose a flat or lean-to kitchen, which is an inexpensive and easy-to-install option. A gable roof is more durable and reliable. There is another option - a hip roof.

For your information! A long roof overhang will well protect the walls and base of the building from the destructive effects of precipitation.

Interior decoration and decor

After the box or frame is made and the roof is installed, you can begin to decorate the interior of the room. Wooden walls and the ceiling must be impregnated with a special antiseptic and moisture-repellent composition, after which it can be coated with varnish or The comfort of staying in the room largely depends on the interior decoration Cushioned furniture comfortable, but not the best option for open summer kitchens

Don't forget about the surrounding area. Along the perimeter of the kitchen you can place tall or climbing plants, arrange paths made of sand or stone, and also install garden lanterns ( good idealighting on solar panels).

Construction of a very simple summer kitchen design with your own hands

Let's look at how to independently build a simple but functional closed summer kitchen at your dacha. First you need to draw up a drawing indicating all dimensions, prepare the material and the appropriate tools.

Illustration Description of action

First of all, we clear the area for construction, make markings using pegs and string, and determine where the foundation piles will be located. In our case, there are 12 of them. Using a garden or homemade drill, we make holes for the piles.

Next, we make “glasses” (galvanizing waste, old plastic buckets, etc. will do) and a reinforcing lattice or mesh. We insert them into the drilled hole and fill them with concrete. The depth of the pit for the pile is made in the range of 700-800 mm, and the diameter is 300 mm. For the base to last a long time, it must harden from a week to a month.

Lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing on the finished pillars. Next, we make the bottom frame of timber on the piles.

We install vertical supports, fasten them together with cross beams and make the top frame of the pillars. Next, we install a gable roof on the finished frame. We install door and window frames. We make the windows semi-hinged.

In order for the building to last for a long time, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds. You can give a beautiful external and internal appearance to the structure by covering it with stain and varnish for external use.So, our summer kitchen is ready. We install a bench nearby, lay out paths and you can decorate it with plants.

As you can see, it is quite possible to build a kitchen in your dacha. If you have little experience in construction, then it is better to choose a pitched roof option.

The cost of a summer kitchen for a turnkey cottage

After reading this article, many people will have a question: a summer kitchen in the country is good, but what is the price of the issue? The cost of construction depends on which option you prefer - to do everything yourself with your own hands or order a ready-made collapsible structure from a construction company. If the choice is made in favor of the latter option, then the simplest summer kitchen made of timber and measuring 3x3 m costs at least 45,000 rubles. To determine the cost of a structure built independently, you just need to calculate the cost necessary materials, delivery and time costs.

A few words in conclusion

Every dacha should have a summer kitchen, because you can not only comfortably cook food in it on a hot day and dine with the whole family, but also gather in the evenings in a close company of friends. We told you what types of summer kitchens there are, what can be used for construction and how you can build them yourself. We hope our article will help you when you decide to start building a kitchen in your dacha. If you still have any questions, ask our experts and they will be happy to answer them. We invite you to look at photos of kitchens in the country, made with your own hands, perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself and want to implement it on your site.

It is more convenient to do kitchen chores in the middle of summer in a separate, well-ventilated building. Then the excess heat and fumes released during cooking or preservation are quickly removed outside. The solution was invented a long time ago - a separate or adjacent summer kitchen is built from any available materials - timber, foam blocks, bricks. The simplest frame structure can be made with your own hands.

Outdoor kitchen projects

First you need to select the appropriate type of outbuilding from the following options:

  • free-standing capital building with all engineering networks (except heating);
  • separate open gazebo with wood stove, grill or barbecue;
  • attached covered terrace;
  • a combination of different options, for example, a permanent building + an open veranda, a glazed gazebo + a platform under a canopy where the dining table is located.

On the left in the photo separately standing kitchen, on the right - attached with a veranda

Note. Often kitchen spaces are made under one roof, as shown in the drawing.

Any outdoor kitchen is divided into at least 2 rooms - a compartment for cooking and a dining room, the partition between them is purely conditional or absent altogether. When combined with a bathhouse, appropriate rooms are added - steam room, shower, dressing room. In a separate closed building, you can additionally fence off a utility room, even install a bathroom with a sink and bathtub.

View and layout of a bathhouse combined with a kitchen and veranda

The choice of project depends not only on financial capabilities, but also on the size of the land plot:

  1. Due to lack of space, a summer kitchen in a dacha is attached to the house or made in the form of an open gazebo with a canopy. There is a barbecue oven inside.
  2. Near a private cottage located on a large plot, it is customary to build a capital kitchen with all communications - gas supply, water supply, sewerage. The building should be located away from the septic tank ( cesspool) and a yard toilet.
  3. In a village, most of the land is usually allocated for vegetable gardens. The kitchen room will have to be attached to the country house or fit into the free space.

The simplest solution is to adapt a wooden shed left over from construction into a kitchen. A lightweight “booth” is installed in the right place and improved, with a canopy added to the side.

Comment. Building a kitchen is not going to be very cheap, unless you got the materials for free. Even a light open gazebo will require investment - you will need boards, fasteners, roof covering and other consumables.

Construction order

Regardless of the option chosen, construction works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Marking and preparing the construction site.
  2. Laying the foundation, waterproofing.
  3. Construction load-bearing structures– walls, ceilings, canopy posts.
  4. Installation of roofing, filling of window and door openings.
  5. Interior arrangement.

Laying communications and construction brick oven carried out in parallel with the main work. If the stove complex is located under a canopy, then it is better to lay out the stove and chimney before installing the roof.

Typical layout of a closed kitchen with large windows in the dining area

Advice. Calculate the amount of building materials in advance and purchase everything you need, otherwise unforeseen delays will arise. Use the only technological break during the hardening of the foundation to bring in the missing consumables.

Marking the construction site

The purpose of the event is to project the outlines of the future structure on the ground, knowing the dimensions. How to mark an area:

  1. Determine the position of the first corner (any), drive a peg into the ground.
  2. Use a tape measure to mark the position of the remaining corners, install the stakes and measure the lengths of the diagonals between them. The distances must match, otherwise rearrange your marks.
  3. Remove upper layer soil (turf) and stretch the twine between the stakes.
  4. If construction is planned on a slope, the site must first be leveled. For measurements use building level. When excavating soil, apply it to a long plank and check the slope of the site.
  5. After removing the turf, lightly compact the soil and remove any visible unevenness.

Site marking scheme

The external dimensions of the building are not at all equal to the internal ones usable area. For example, to get a kitchen 4 x 4 m, you need to add to the dimensions the thickness of the future wall plus 5 cm to the outer cut of the base. Let’s take an external brick fence (250 mm), then the dimensions of the building spot will be 4300 x 4300 mm. If you plan to install formwork, allow an additional 10 cm in each direction.

Construction of the foundation part

The type of base for the kitchen is selected as follows:

  1. For light construction for a frame structure on dense soils, it is enough to lay stone pillars at the points where the columns are installed.
  2. For heavy buildings made of blocks or bricks, pour a strip foundation. The width of the base is 100 mm greater than the thickness of the wall.
  3. If you want to build a small wood-burning stove weighing up to 1 ton, allocate a place for it in advance and pour a slab 15-20 cm thick on a gravel-sand bed. A heavier structure will require a full foundation resting on a layer of dense clay.
  4. In an area with subsiding wet soils, a solid foundation slab is made or screw piles of the calculated length are screwed in.

Reference. To determine the length screw piles, it is necessary to know the depth of the stable soil horizon.

Columnar foundation in section - diagram with dimensions of elements

Let's take a very simple kitchen design - a frame made of beams followed by wood paneling. A columnar foundation is laid under each rack using the following technology:

  1. Clearly determine the position of the pillars, dig holes measuring 500 x 500 mm. The depth depends on the occurrence of the non-subsidence layer of soil.
  2. Compact the bottom, add 150 mm of gravel-sand mixture and compact again.
  3. Prepare concrete M150 and fill the base with a thickness of 10-15 cm. When the solution hardens, perform waterproofing - lay 2 layers of roofing felt on top of the monolith.
  4. Lay out pillars 380 x 380 from red brick, as shown in the photo. On side surfaces apply bitumen mastic and fill the sinuses.

A trench is dug under the strip foundation, the bottom is well compacted. Next, a sand cushion is arranged and the following work is carried out:

After a week, proceed with waterproofing, having first removed the formwork. With absence construction experience use coating materials (bitumen mastic, primer). Further work loading the foundation can begin after 21-28 days, depending on the weather. Watch the video to see how the insulated strip base is poured:

The introduction of sewerage and water supply into the kitchen is also provided for at this stage. The pipes are laid in a trench up to the building and raised to the desired point.

Frame installation

Work begins with waterproofing the upper plane of the foundation with two layers of roofing felt. Then the floors are installed - on a columnar foundation - wooden, on a strip foundation - mortar screed on a gravel bed. For a light frame building, the technology looks like this:

Note. If you want to insulate the floors, then nail them to the joists before installing the flooring. cranial bars, lay second-rate boards and mineral wool slabs on them. Do not forget to provide a vapor barrier (above the insulation) and waterproofing (below) from a diffusion membrane.

Preparing the base for concrete floors - filling with expanded clay

A light wooden kitchen can be built in two ways:

  1. Frame technology. The “skeleton” of each wall is knocked together from beams and boards on the ground, then raised and attached to the frame, supported from the sides by slopes. Then the installed sections are connected with dowels.
  2. A summer kitchen with a gazebo is built sequentially - first the racks are installed, then the top harness. Next, openings for windows and doors are formed, on open terrace railings are installed.

If we are talking about an extension, then the adjacent pillars and the strapping beam are attached to existing wall. The height of the racks is taken depending on the slope of the pitched roof.

It is better to attach the vertical supports to the bottom frame by cutting into a groove, only then adding a steel corner. Upon completion of the installation of the walls, a ceiling lathing is made, lined from below with a 20 mm board or OSB boards. You choose the external and internal finishing to your taste - lining, profile “under a log” (block house), plywood and so on.

Roof assembly

For normal precipitation drainage, a gable roof must have a slope of at least 30°, a pitched roof - 10°. To assemble the rafter system you will need timber:

  • rafters, purlins – board 150 x 50 mm;
  • racks, struts - board 100 x 25 mm;
  • for walls made of foam blocks, you will need a 15 x 15 cm beam to make a mauerlat (can be assembled from boards).

The table will help determine the pitch of the rafters and the amount of lumber:

Most quick way assemblies - knock together trusses on the ground, move them upward and fix them in the designed position with slopes. But this work cannot be done alone; it is necessary to use traditional technology for installing a canopy and roof:

Advice. Before installing slate or metal tiles, do not forget to screw the drainage system brackets to the rafters.

The shed roof of the extension is easier to assemble - the beams are laid on the frame beams and fixed with corners. Then proceed according to a similar scheme - lay down the waterproofing, nail down the sheathing and install the finishing coating.

Kitchen arrangement

The final stage of construction is the installation of windows and doors, interior decoration in accordance with the chosen design. Before arranging furniture, you need to do the following:

  • hem the ceilings inside the building;
  • lay a finishing coating on top of the subfloor - linoleum, laminate;
  • varnish all wooden structures;
  • install electricity, sewerage and water, install plumbing fixtures;
  • organize an exhaust hood from the kitchen stove.
  • Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
    Graduated from the East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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IN On a hot day, cooking in the house is inconvenient: hot and stuffy. But it is precisely at this time that the housewife spends more time at the stove, because in addition to the usual cooking, she also has to prepare homemade canned food. Light construction and a summer kitchen in the country will help make the task easier and turn the chore into pleasure. Projects, photos and various ideas for decorating this cozy corner will help home handyman make your dream come true on your own.

For a seasonal structure, a canopy and a concrete platform are enough

It’s not difficult to build a temporary dining room yourself, the main thing is to approach its location on the site and choice wisely building materials.

We are preparing a project

The first step is to study the site plan and determine the location for the optimal location of the building. This site must meet the following requirements:

  • be close to the main house so that you can bring dishes and food;
  • have convenient access routes so that there are no obstacles to moving from home to building;
  • It is advisable to provide for the proximity of the site to the main communications: water, sewerage and electricity.
Helpful information! The ideal option would be to have a natural or artificial reservoir near the building.

Having decided on the construction site, you need to measure its area. The dimensions of the temporary structure are a separate issue. If it additionally serves as a dining room, you will have to provide additional space for installing a table and placing chairs or benches. The presence of a stove or barbecue in the dining room also dictates the need to add square meters to separate the hot shop from the dining group.

Even with a complete lack of artistic skills, it is not difficult to draw a plan for your future kitchen using a ruler and squared paper. To scale, you need to depict all the main objects that will be located in the building: sink, work surfaces, stove or oven, table. If the housewife has assistants, it is better to make the room elongated so that it is convenient for several cooks to work at once.

Seating at the dining table should be comfortable; chairs need enough space to move out.

Helpful advice! If the area of ​​the site does not allow you to place a temporary kitchen with a dining room, you can abandon this idea and move the dining group onto or into the gazebo.

Open or closed summer kitchen in the country? Projects, photos, advantages and disadvantages

A light building can be with or without walls, have a roof or be located in the open air - it all depends on the wishes and imagination of the owner.

Important! It is better to refuse the option of an open-air kitchen in Russian latitudes. Hot sun, rain and hail can bring unpleasant surprises.

In principle, the walls of a country dining room are not needed. Its main task is to make it possible to cook food on outdoors, so a canopy and supports are quite enough. It’s another matter if the building will be used in the autumn-winter period. In this case, to protect from bad weather and cold, you will have to provide walls and glazing. Advantages open building:

  • access to fresh air;
  • ease of movement;
  • the ability to cook food not only on a stationary, but also on a portable grill;
  • low construction costs.

There are also disadvantages:

  • inconvenience of preparing and eating food in windy weather and cool time of day;
  • accessibility of storage space for utensils and food for domestic and wild animals.

Closed building


  • the ability to use the kitchen in any weather;
  • equipment sensitive to atmospheric moisture can be placed in a closed area.


Open summer kitchen in the country: projects, photos, materials

The open dining option can be temporary or permanent. A temporary structure is more mobile; it can be erected every year in a new place and stored in a utility room for the winter. All equipment will also have to be dismantled each time and a place to store it must be found.

Indoor and outdoor summer kitchens in the country: projects, photos - all these materials give a reason to roll up your sleeves. Such a building can easily accommodate a Russian stove, barbecue or cauldron.

You can choose a wide variety of building materials for such a project:

  • forged openwork elements are expensive, but will please the eye for a long time.

Examples of closed structures

Glass and wood are the most popular materials for building indoor summer kitchens in the country. Projects and photos of similar buildings created by professionals and amateurs are available to everyone. Brick in combination with, which can be opened wide, is a practical and durable solution. Such a structure will reliably protect from bad weather. It can be used all year round.

For your information! You can fully appreciate the advantages of a closed country house with a barbecue or stove during the New Year holidays. A fabulous view of a snow-covered garden and a fire in the barbecue - what could be better for a Christmas evening?

Related article:

Over the past decade, log buildings have been breaking demand records. A summer dining room in the Slavic style, with a stove and appropriate furniture, will be a favorite place for parties with close friends.

The list of building materials for such projects is very wide: OSB boards, lining, stone. Photographs and projects of closed kitchens in the country show the imagination of home craftsmen. They suggest using improvised, waste materials - glass containers, plastic bottles and even firewood.

Video: photo ideas for summer kitchens

Step-by-step construction of a summer kitchen at the dacha with your own hands

  • Preparation of the drawing. You can do it yourself or take a ready-made one.

  • Site preparation. The site is cleared of debris and vegetation, and markings are made.

  • Construction of the foundation. The foundation for summer construction must correspond to the project. For an open structure, it is enough to fill it with sand and reinforce metal mesh and fill the area with concrete with a layer of 10 centimeters. Before pouring the base, the canopy posts are installed. A closed dining room made of brick or stone requires laying. They are installed under a building made of timber or logs.

  • Installation of the frame. For an open dining room or installation of vertical supports will be required. Their location depends on the project. The main thing is that the pillars are reliable enough and can withstand the weight of the roof and wind load.

  • Construction of walls. In closed dining room options, the walls are made of different materials. Without experience, it is better not to take on it yourself. Laying timber and logs requires less construction skills, but also has its own characteristics. If a seasonal building is purchased as ready product from the manufacturer, you can try to assemble it yourself. Frame walls Even a novice master can master it.

  • For a stationary stove you will need solid foundation. The masonry is made of refractory bricks. To avoid accidental fire, the space around the barbecue is laid out with ceramic tiles. for the stove it is better to order from a specialist. He will tell you what height the pipe needs to be installed for good traction.

Photo projects of a summer kitchen in the country with a barbecue grill:

  • Accessories and space design. Every kitchen is the housewife’s calling card. For summer construction, any fantasies and experiments are acceptable.
  • In order for a seasonal building to become a favorite place to spend time not only for the housewife, but also for all household members, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    What type of summer kitchen building to choose?

    Do-it-yourself kitchen in the country, photo examples of which could be seen in this review, are a reason for inspiration. It is not difficult to choose any format for yourself. A closed or open structure with a barbecue or cauldron will be both a place for cooking and a favorite corner of the garden for friends and family. You can build the dining room yourself or invite professional craftsmen. In the first case, you can save a lot, in the second, you can achieve a guaranteed result.

    No matter how convenient and thoughtful the design of a country house is, rarely country house building does without setting up a summer kitchen with your own hands. WITH early spring Before the deep autumn cold, most of the cooking, preparation, processing and preservation of the harvest takes place in the summer kitchen. Here they prepare food for the whole family, relax in the summer evening hours, so the kitchen can rightfully be called the central place in the country house.

    How to find the right solution for a summer kitchen

    There are about as many projects and options for summer cottage kitchens as there are cottages themselves. Often, to save money, owners choose the most simple circuits open summer kitchen in the form of a rebuilt gazebo or terrace. A summer kitchen is usually used as an auxiliary room in order to rid the house of odors and streams of hot air from the stove, and the owners and guests from the suffocating atmosphere of the summer. Most of the room is protected from rain and sun by awnings and false walls, but still, open summer kitchens, very beautiful and elegant in the pictures, actually remain inhabited only three to four months a year. In cool and rainy seasons, the open summer kitchen turns into country canopy for equipment, and the owners have to move into the house, forgetting about outdoor recreation.

    From a practical point of view, closed summer kitchens in the country are more convenient. Properly selected dimensions and space arrangement will ensure comfortable conditions in the kitchen room is no worse than in the open version. The kitchen area at the dacha is a living organism in which everything is important, from the location of the building to the nuances of the interior; every detail must be thought through, drawn on paper and even look at photos of projects for a closed summer kitchen at the dacha given in available sources.

    Initially, before putting the main idea of ​​the project on paper, formulate for yourself options for solving the most fundamental technical problems:

    • The nature of the construction of the closed summer kitchen, its size and the location of the building relative to the dacha and the site;
    • How and from what materials it is most convenient to build a summer kitchen;
    • Arrangement of drainage and water supply systems, power supply lines, ventilation;
    • How to arrange a closed summer kitchen, arrange the main kitchen attributes - stove, refrigerator, hood and kitchen furniture.

    Advice! The most rational solution would be to plan the summer kitchen premises at the design stage country house and the location of the main buildings.

    In this case, two buildings can be built on the same foundation and even with common wall, which significantly simplifies and reduces the cost of construction estimates.

    Where to build an enclosed kitchen

    Unlike open version kitchen space, which can be placed under a canopy or in a gazebo, without much regard for its location, a closed scheme assumes the presence of an insulated foundation, ceiling and walls, which means it needs to be placed on the leeward side, closer to the well, away from the septic tank or drainage pit .

    There are few options for the location of a closed summer kitchen:

    Important! A closed kitchen, unlike an open version, will require a full foundation that supports the relatively massive structure of the building.

    The construction of an outdoor closed kitchen is a little more expensive, but there are no problems with leveling the foundations and roofs of two buildings; moreover, the design of the summer catering unit can be made completely different from the main building of the dacha.

    In such a room you can install a small gas stove with a propane cylinder, which will be enough to warm the room and prepare food for the family.

    We build a closed kitchen with our own hands

    Summer device kitchen room closed type is selected depending on the climate and whether the dacha is used from November to March. For middle zone and northern latitudes, it is advisable to build an enclosed kitchen space in the form of an extension to the dacha made of foam blocks, on a solid foundation. Walls made of foam concrete perfectly retain heat in a room, even with a significant temperature difference, and during the summer heat they work like a thermos.

    For the southern regions, a frame structure made of wood with large area glazing and, importantly, - high ceilings. This arrangement of a closed kitchen provides excellent ventilation, even if the walls are lined with plasterboard or OSB boards. Besides, in summer heat It’s much more pleasant to be in a house made of wood than in a building made of concrete, stone or corrugated board.

    Summer kitchen made of foam block

    The technology for adding a closed summer kitchen made of foam concrete is practically no different from the scheme for constructing any other small extensions made of foam concrete. The material for the kitchen box will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and with proper design, you won’t even need independent heating; a small cast-iron stove-stove will be enough.

    It will be possible to start working on a closed kitchen no earlier than in the fourth or fifth year of completion of the construction of the dacha. We make the foundation for the kitchen according to the same scheme as for the dacha. Most often, this is a shallow strip foundation, reinforced with steel reinforcement, which will need to be connected to the steel frame of the foundation of the dacha. At the same time, it will be necessary to lay channels under sewer pipe and plumbing.

    The floor in a closed kitchen must be insulated by backfilling expanded clay under a concrete screed or by laying EPS sheets. If the dimensions of the closed kitchen box do not exceed 3x4 m, then the number of reinforcing rod belts can be reduced to two, one each in the upper and lower wall frames.

    In about six months, the box will settle, and it will be possible to lay the roof, install windows, and perform decorative finishing. A closed summer kitchen of this type can be used as an additional room for flowers and seedlings in the autumn-winter period. In a similar way, you can build a closed kitchen, located separately from the main building of the dacha. But in practice, such projects are implemented less often, since they cost much more than an extension.

    Interior walls can be coated sand-cement plaster, and cover the ceiling with plasterboard and paint it with water-based emulsion, as in the living quarters of a dacha, but not everything is so simple. Any experienced summer resident will confirm that the interior design of a closed summer kitchen is seriously different from a regular kitchen:

    Important! In the stone room of a closed summer kitchen, you can easily build a fireplace or wood-burning stove. Often, for the sake of being able to use a brick or stone wood-burning stove in the summer, a summer kitchen is built in the country.

    Considering the fact that in a relatively short period of harvesting, preparation and conservation, it is simply spent great amount gas and electricity, such a solution will help seriously save on energy resources.

    In addition, the extension to the house can be made on a pile or columnar basis; by connecting it to the load-bearing wall of the dacha, the necessary rigidity of the box can be ensured without the use of traditional reinforcing belts for foam concrete. If you assemble an extension from steel profile, then the walls can be made entirely of glass, or in this case from double-glazed windows, as in the photo.

    Combined and wooden closed summer kitchens

    The summer kitchen box does not have to be built entirely from stone and foam concrete. Often a full-fledged foundation and part of the walls are built from concrete and brick to the level window openings. The rest of the walls from the middle is done according to frame technology from metal profile, steel pipes or wooden beam. Such designs allow you to build a brick oven or install a cast-iron firebox, abandon the ceiling, and make the roof with a large slope of the gable roof.

    High ceilings guarantee comfortable living conditions in the kitchen at any time of the year, in the summer heat and winter cold.

    The designs of closed kitchens are not limited to stone and combined buildings. There is no point in building a closed catering unit from stone and brick if the dacha is used only in the spring and summer. It’s easier and cheaper to assemble a frame or completely wooden version, it will be cheaper and more convenient.

    One of the most popular solutions is to use ready-made projects and designs of closed wooden gazebos for summer cottages. This simplifies the development of a summer kitchen layout and reduces the cost of designing a building. One can cite as an example one of the most popular Finnish buildings designed by the Villa Albatross project, often used as a summer wooden house, a closed wooden gazebo, and of course, a summer kitchen.

    The advantages of using such a scheme are obvious:

    1. The structure of the summer kitchen building is almost entirely made of pine boards and timber. This simplifies construction and allows you to assemble a room box in a matter of days;
    2. The closed kitchen has a huge glass area. In good weather, open windows allow you to achieve the atmosphere and conditions in the enclosed space of the summer kitchen at a level comparable to open areas and canopies;
    3. The foundation is made of piles and asbestos-cement pipes. In one fell swoop, the problem of waterproofing and insulating a closed building is solved by filling it with expanded clay and laying a sheet of extruded polystyrene.

    For your information! The octagonal shape of the building was chosen very well. In addition to optimal use of the interior space, the rounded side walls provide additional stability frame structure even in open, well-ventilated areas of the dacha.

    The unusual shape of the walls requires the use of a special form of strapping and joists for the plank floor, such as the one shown in the diagram. The roof of the structure has to be assembled from eight separate slopes, but using the original dome technology, as in the video:

    The floor inside the enclosed space of the summer kitchen can be left plank or laid with laminated OSB plate or linoleum. If wooden beams and boards treated with an antiseptic and preservative are used for a summer kitchen, then there are no problems with removing excess moisture from the atmosphere of the room. Otherwise, after a few months the wood will begin to rapidly absorb water and deform with the formation of cracks and crevices.

    If necessary, a closed summer kitchen can be insulated along the outer surface of the walls using traditional technology shown in the diagram. Mineral felt is laid on the walls and secured plaster mesh and a layer of primer and decorative plaster is applied. Angles and basement part lined with artificial stone.

    In a similar way, you can perform decorative finishing in the style of a Danish house, when the surface of the kitchen walls is finished with waterproof plasterboard, and the elements of the planks and beams of the frame and ceiling are left open, as in the photo.

    Interesting solutions for building an enclosed kitchen

    Often when building a summer kitchen you have to look for original solutions the most painful problems associated with the arrangement and layout of the premises. Perhaps, from a design point of view, such buildings are not masterpieces of design, but in practical terms, without a doubt, these are the most convenient and thoughtful solutions.

    Optimal location of the stove in a closed kitchen

    For example, the rules fire safety it is necessary to remove barbecues, barbecues, and Finnish braziers from open flame fireboxes at a distance of at least two meters from wooden and flammable materials. If you need to install a barbecue with a hood in your summer kitchen, the easiest way to do this is according to the diagram shown in the photo.

    The design of the closed kitchen is made in the form of an extension to frame dacha. This solution allows summer construction to be very light and rigid. Installed on pile foundation The strength of the frame is enough to make one of the side walls in the form of a glass panel for the entire height of the ceilings. The main problem is that the heavy stove or fireplace wall with a chimney was taken outside the summer building and lined with natural stone and painted corrugated steel sheet.

    Traditional wood stove requires some modification interior design in a summer kitchen, for example, the walls and ceilings are usually lined with wood in the style of a log house made of logs or timber. The area around the stove in the project must be lined with non-combustible materials, especially in the adjacent area chimney to the floor beams and in front of the ash pit and firebox.

    An excellent option would be to install a summer kitchen in your dacha. electric stove and an oven. The availability of electricity is critical for processing and storing food, but the light in the country can go out for many hours, so the interior often contains a gas stove with a cylinder along with a microwave and a conventional electric stove. In addition, experienced summer residents know that it is difficult to preserve and process harvested crops into salads and jams with an electric stove in the country due to the low thermal power.

    Glazing and interior options for a closed summer kitchen

    In the summer heat, a closed kitchen in a country house can turn into a real hell if the size of the windows and the operation of the ventilation systems leave much to be desired. The simplest solution involves installing four to five windows for a wooden frame building instead of the traditional two window openings.

    The doors can be opened in ventilation mode or swung wide open, depending on the weather conditions and air temperature in the country house.

    In addition, the traditional stone closed kitchen has always been inferior to the open plan in terms of illumination and the amount of sunlight penetrating into the room. Today, for a modern dacha and summer kitchen, the maximum amount of natural light is becoming an unrecognized standard in the construction of summer country houses.

    Regardless of whether the closed kitchen is attached to the cottage premises or is designed as a separate building, the larger the windows, the higher the comfort inside the building. In this case, it is important not just to glaze the closed kitchen, but to correctly position the window openings in the structure of the building.

    Traditionally, a closed summer kitchen in a country house is divided into two main zones - dining and working. The place where family members sit for lunch or relax with a cup of tea must be as open as possible for sun rays. It makes no sense to equip the work area with large windows, since due to high humidity and temperature changes, the glass will regularly fog up with condensation and fumes from everything that is being cooked on the stove.

    In addition, it is important to correctly install the window for brick stove, if there is one in the summer room. Such a window is installed to take in air from outside the kitchen during cold times to avoid drafts and heat loss inside the room.

    For small-sized summer kitchens, often combined with closed veranda, as an exception, the size of windows can be increased to the maximum.

    For a summer kitchen room combined with a gazebo and dining room, the size of the windows is increased to the maximum; the larger the room, the more difficult it is to achieve good level illumination The window can reach the basement and occupy more than half the surface of the walls.

    The interior is very nice and interior design summer kitchen, decorated with stained wood and natural stone. Often, such solutions are resorted to if the summer kitchen is part of a summer house building, built from timber or rounded logs.

    For more traditional stone and frame buildings, interior finishing with clapboard or decorative plaster is used. Part of the walls adjacent to the stove or stove can be lined tiles or ceramic mosaic.

    To get rid of the shortcomings inherent in closed and open schemes of a summer catering unit, they often build combined options, which have part of the walls and window frames are made removable. At the same time, the walls, floor and ceiling are insulated, and after the removed glazing is returned, such rooms can easily be converted into a closed or winter version.


    The most unusual and practical of all closed summer kitchens can be called a building in the country, assembled from a 20-foot sea container, photo. It is difficult to stay in such a room in the heat, but in spring and autumn the construction fully lives up to expectations. If the site for the future dacha has just been purchased and does not have full-fledged buildings suitable for temporary use, such as a kitchen, such a closed building can simultaneously serve as a storage place at the dacha for equipment and some accessories, even a scooter or walk-behind tractor. Subsequently, it is enough to cover the room with bricks, make a full-fledged oven and sewer system, and you can perfectly prepare dinners and preserve fruits and vegetables in the country for many years to come.