How to make a plan for life. How to competently draw up a personal plan for the year

let's consider 5 year plan, which is different from the task lists you previously created to form short-term, medium-term and long-term plans. This plan differs from the others in that it requires more concentration in deciding what you need or don’t need to do in order to bring your plans to life. A plan listing specific tasks will act as a measuring stick that will control the necessary changes in your life so that you can build the future you want. Now you need to use your imagination and paint a picture of the life you want for yourself in five years. Go to the virtual cinema and watch yourself a movie where you are in the leading role. So what do you look like now? Where are you? What are you wearing? What do you do? Where and who do you work for? Who's next to you? How do you feel? What kind of house and car do you have? Try to work out this whole picture in as much detail as possible, so precisely that you can feel the pleasure of your future life.

Now describe everything that you saw in the present tense, as if everything that you pictured in your imagination has already happened to you. Something like this: “Five years have passed, and I... and I have...”

Ask yourself what exactly you need to do to make the plan a reality? How do you acquire the skills needed to do this? What should you not give up in order to make your envisioned future come true? And write down the sequence of actions that appear to you, adding to them all the new steps that will arise in your brain.

Once you have a plan necessary types activities aimed at recreating the future you want, you can add information from your list of tasks to the use, which will serve as a support for your life plan. And remember that absolutely everything is taken into account, and if in your virtual future you saw yourself in great shape, slim and, say, eloquent, then now you need to control your diet. And do not put off your affairs for later, and engage in self-development both in the physical and intellectual spheres.

What will ours look like? 5 year plan? We make it as a commitment:

Plan life achievements for five years:

Five years have passed and I...

To make the future a reality, I...

To make such a future possible, I will avoid...

I accept all responsibilities to implement this plan.

Date of. Signature.

Position this life plan for 5 years so that it is always before your eyes, and make notes in your diary every thirty days to monitor its implementation. As you review, make specific changes and note your progress. This action will help you focus and direct your efforts towards defining new, deeper goals whenever you are close enough to completing any current goal, guiding you towards the right decisions.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

How do you live: do you strictly follow the plan or go with the flow? You can make your dreams come true and get what you want from life only through planning. Of course, it is not a fact that everything planned is being implemented. But having a plan greatly increases your chances of success. So here are some rules for drafting global plans, which increase the efficiency of life.

1. Start small
Planning your life should start with making plans for the day. Life consists of days, and each of them has 24 hours. Your future largely depends on how productively you spend this time. We recently wrote about how to make plans for the day. Read it.

2. Looking to the future

Where do you want to see yourself in the future? In personal life, in business sphere, V financially, externally? Some people want a family, while others dream of being free and independent. Some dream of career heights in the metropolis, others dream of a quiet life in the lap of nature. What do you want?

3. List of tasks

Based on your desires, identify areas that need to be developed. Under each block, write down a list of actions necessary to obtain the result. Put them in order. These actions are intermediate goals and objectives.

4. Parts of a whole

From the draft, make several plans - for six months, a year, 5 years, 10 years, your whole life. At the top of each plan are the names of priority areas. In the columns below are lists of tasks. Hang your life plan on the wall. Take a plan for the next six months to work. The rest go to the table.

5. Analysis of results

As you complete tasks on the list, cross them off. Upon completion of a certain period of time, you will be able to compare what you want with what you actually have. This should be done so that you can make appropriate adjustments and not get frustrated.

6. Maximum specificity

It doesn't matter whether you plan for the day, for the year or for your entire life. Any plan should be as specific as possible. Not “lose weight,” but “lose 5 kg.” Not “earn a lot of money”, but “earn 100 thousand euros to buy an apartment.” And so on.

7. Not in your head, but on paper

All goals and objectives for achieving goals must be recorded on physical media. Memory is not such a carrier. You can do this by hand on paper or type it in Word. Electronic variant more convenient to edit.

8. Nothing lasts forever

Life is an unstable thing, just like us, however, too. Perhaps your current priorities will change in 10 years or even sooner. This is not to say that planning is a fool's errand. This only means that you must change your plan - make adjustments to it. Usually only some parts of the overall plan require adjustments, and it is extremely rare for a person to reverse the direction of all priority areas of life.

9. Pleasant bonus

Having drawn up a life plan, do not forget about the bonus - a mini-plan of personal “wants”. For example, learn to paint in oils, go to Paris, try foie gras, learn Chinese, and so on. Look at it periodically, cross out what you have done and add something new.

10. Now, not later

And, most importantly, do it now, today. Banish the lazy thought “later” or “a little later” immediately. Did you take the time to read this article? You will also find it necessary to draw up a plan, without which you will probably be marking time in the same place for a long time, without understanding why. Good luck!

In the world around us, there are more successful and less successful people. There are those who have realized themselves in many areas and understand what they want to achieve in the future. And there are those who. And all this is our own choice.

Meanwhile, you can learn to control your destiny. To do this, we need to master the art of correctly setting priorities and realizing ourselves in all areas of life that we need to be happy and move forward. How to learn this?

The first secret: there are no universal recipes that suit everyone! But this does not mean that you cannot use the experience accumulated and tested by other people. On the contrary, this is where you need to start. And you can adjust and adapt the advice of coaches, business trainers and psychologists to your needs later.

Main and secondary goals

Do you have the most important, main goal in life? And the most important goal this year? Surprisingly English word Priority, which arose in the 15th century, did not exist for more than five hundred years plural! It seemed right and normal to people to have a single, most important goal. This situation continued until the twentieth century. Now, in any company and at any meeting, employees are given ten or more priority tasks just for the current day.

If you let this principle into your life, then the feeling of being a squirrel running in a wheel will remain with you until retirement. Learn to reduce the number of priorities and clearly understand what your main task is - at least for today.

At the same time, immediately try to understand whether this is your goal, or one imposed on you from the outside - by friends, relatives, management, and so on. In our society there is so much contact with other people that it is difficult to distinguish between what we ourselves want to do and what society imposes on us. Therefore, often more than half of our time is spent on matters that are not important to ourselves, but are urgent and important to others.

This does not mean that you should refuse to help other people. But it is important to realize that these are not your tasks, and you are doing them, voluntarily putting off your own affairs for later.

Five steps to manage your time

The principles of time management are extremely popular now, which make life more meaningful, organized and harmonious. Volumes have been written about time management, but still great amount psychologists and coaches continue to teach people how to properly manage their time.

Please note that it is much more important not to talk about it, but to start implementing at least some principles of time management into your own life, and you yourself will understand which techniques are suitable for you and which are not. These principles are quite simple, but it is important to implement them systematically.

First What needs to be done is to highlight the same priorities that have already been discussed. In practice, this is difficult, so you need to make a list of the most important, global goals. And then filter it by importance and urgency. This must be done. Here's what consultant psychologist Victoria Timofeeva told a Mir 24 correspondent about this:

“If you don't plan for your future, if you don't have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat drifting aimlessly on the ocean, hoping to end up somewhere good location. Agree, it’s stupid to wait for this. Just like GPS guides you to your destination, you need your own internal GPS to guide you.”

Second step is to break down large plans into a list of smaller tasks that can actually be accomplished. Don't delay starting the big work! When the idea is voluminous, it scares you, but as soon as you start doing the first of the steps, the path to the final appears as a list of quite feasible tasks.

Third step- this is a refusal to do non-essential things. Focus only on the main thing! This is called the Pareto principle. It says that we get 80% of positive results by putting in only 20% of the effort. And all the rest of our energy is spent on completing the remaining small list of tasks. Therefore, we need to do only what we can be effective at. And what remains is better to outsource, delegate, or even discard as not the most important.

Fourth- be sure to complete one or two pending tasks a day.

And finally fifth- evaluate your effectiveness and improve it all the time. Don’t give up long-term tasks halfway, but bring them to their logical conclusion and set new goals.

That's all. Although each of the points can be expanded into several lectures. But instead of endlessly studying theory, it is better to take the techniques invented by other people and try to apply them yourself. You will quickly understand what suits you and what doesn't. At the end of the day, managing your time is just a skill. But it makes our lives much more meaningful and structured.

Plans for the year, for the week, for the month

In parallel with long-term planning, which still needs to be matured, it is worth starting to create more understandable and realistic plans for the day and week. Ideally, you should have interconnected plans for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day.

It’s best to write plans for the next year at the end of the previous year, but in January, of course, it’s not too late to think about it. First, formulate the main goals and mark the main events. When will they happen? Now start planning your vacation! Include in your annual plan your vacation and where you will spend it, as well as all vacations, trips and trips. Now decide when you should start organizing them in order to buy the best and cheapest tickets and book hotels.

Your annual plan should also include something new that you plan to do, be it learning a language, losing weight or training, changing jobs or renovating an apartment. Designate important dates, and not only related to work or study, but also to hobbies and personal life.

Monthly plans are written in the same way, but with more detailed deadlines. They must be written at the end of the previous month, and then they can be corrected, as, indeed, annual plans- This is fine!

Make sure that the first monthly plan reflects the global goals that are in the annual plan. The sooner you start implementing them, the better! It is better to immediately assess the “scale of the disaster” and understand what approximately a tenth of the disaster is that needs to be done in the first month. Precisely the tenth, and not the twelfth, since there will still be vacations and vacations, during which you will be busy with relaxation and not with business.

Don't forget friends' birthdays, trips to relatives and other visits. Write down all plans on the calendar. Find out which scheduling apps you're comfortable using. Try some electronic and paper organizers or other planning tools.

Plans for the week are made on Sunday evening, or, if it is more convenient for you, on Friday. This is where you need to clearly filter out unimportant matters! How to fill your week is not a question. But how to find time for the main thing? Therefore, start with the main thing. Write in the plan what moves you towards the priority goals that you formulated in the annual plan.

Decisively include in your weekly plan what you were going to start, but put off or were afraid of. Want to exercise three times a week? It's time to set training days and times!

It’s better to reflect in your weekly plan everything that will require your time and mental resources in order to properly distribute them and weed out everything unnecessary or unnecessary. Don’t forget to leave time in your plan for communication with children and family, for meeting friends, pleasure and relaxation!

Daily planning is the most important. After all, our lives are made up of days. This means that it is at this stage that we project all our future successes and failures. The best time to plan your day is the evening of the previous day. So you already set yourself in advance that you will cope with everything and will accomplish everything planned, and you wake up immediately with this knowledge.

Photo: Alan Katsiev (Mir TV and Radio Broadcasting Company)

Place the tasks on your list in order of priority and do only the most urgent and important first. If you leave the hardest part for later, it will plunge you into a state of stress. It’s better to quickly deal with everything difficult or unpleasant and breathe out.

True, some psychologists argue that this strategy is not suitable for everyone. After all, you need to take your own biorhythms into account too. If you are a night owl and your peak activity occurs in the second half of the day, then perhaps the tactic of gradually increasing the complexity of the tasks you perform will be more effective for you. One way or another, your daily to-do list should always be at your fingertips. If at the end of the day all your to-dos were crossed out, it means your efficiency was at its best!

SMART - a technique that works wonders?

Life coach from Rostov-on-Don Dana Doronina shares her secrets with Mir 24 readers. One of the most effective, and at the same time simple, in its practical application she considers the SMART methodology, which is used in management, goal setting and, of course, planning. Here's what it's all about: Once you start managing your time and prioritizing, it's important to stay on top of the five aspects behind the acronym SMART.

S (Specific) – specificity . When making plans, you must clearly understand what the end result you want to achieve will look like. For example, the goal “lose weight this month” is a vague goal. A more correct formulation is “lose 5 kg this month.”

M (Measurable) – measurability . You must define for yourself the criteria by which you will judge the implementation of your plan. Additionally, you can set lower and upper limits for yourself - minimum indicators (below which you cannot fall in fulfilling the plan) and maximum (your best result).

A (Attainable) - reachability . At the stage of determining achievability, it is necessary to answer the question: “Is the task set realistic for me?” For example, if you suffer from overweight and set a goal to lose 20 kg in a month. – then this goal falls into the category of unattainable. In this case, it is necessary to adjust it and replace it with a more achievable and realistic one. For example, lose 8 kg.

When working through the point of goal achievability, you also need to identify the tools and methods with which you can achieve this goal. In the example of losing weight, these could be the following options: visit a nutritionist, start running in the morning, change your diet, take certain medications, sign up for a massage. Your task is to evaluate all the resources that you can theoretically use to achieve your goal. Once you have analyzed them, you will need to choose the ones that you can actually put into practice.

R (Relevant) - significance . When determining the significance of a goal, ask yourself: “Do I really want to get this result?” Maybe this is not your goal and you will only waste your time and energy. Also analyze how this goal is consistent with your other plans, those that were set earlier. Doesn't it conflict with them, won't it disturb the spiritual comfort of your loved ones?

T (Time-bound) - time indicator. The difference between a project and a dream and a simple desire is that the project has a clearly defined period of time in which you will implement it. This means that you need to indicate the start date of work on the project and the date of its completion.

According to Life coach Dana Doronina, her clients who used this technique short time received results that led them to new round personal growth.

Tatiana Rubleva

Are you tired of wandering through life without a goal? Then it's time for you to start planning. Life is very interesting, and you can live it in a million different scenarios. It’s good when this thought occurs to young people. They have the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and transform their activities in accordance with their desires. How to write a life plan that works? Read about it below.

True Desires

A person who decides to start living more meaningfully must sort out his desires. Life planning - difficult process. A person should give himself an hour of time, sit in a comfortable chair and write on a piece of paper everything that he wants to get from this life. At this stage, you should write everything indiscriminately and without any system. You can write about what you want to buy, where you want to go, or what you want to achieve. Have many items on your list. The more desires you have, the more interesting it will be to fulfill them.

When the writing stage is completed, you need to start filtering your goals. Many people cannot distinguish true desires from imposed ones. What is the difference? For example, you want to buy a new phone. Why do you need it? old phone is broken and you can't make calls on it? Then the desire to acquire new model smartphone will be justified. If you have a working phone in your hands, but you want a new one, since all your friends have already purchased the 10th iPhone model, and you only have the 8th, in this case the desire is not true. You only need a phone to improve your status. You should understand that such expensive toys will not make you happier. All desires should be considered in a similar way. Perhaps you want to get into music. If you have no hearing or voice, but you want to become a musician in order to conquer women’s hearts, then nothing will work out for you. If you have loved music since childhood, but until today you did not have the opportunity to buy a guitar and start practicing, then your desire is true and you can begin to realize it.


Don’t be surprised, and especially don’t take this advice as cynicism. People rarely can understand the purpose of their life. To understand why you came into this world, you need to do one simple exercise. Write your epitaph. Do not perceive such an exercise as some kind of sacred action. This is just one of the stages of life planning. When a person thinks about death, his thoughts become clearer and he can clearly understand what he wants to achieve. You work as a salesperson in a store and think that you are absolutely happy. What will your grandchildren read on the monument? A woman lived a worthless life and left nothing in this world except her only child? There is nothing wrong if a woman wants to become a good wife and mother. But even in order to achieve this goal, you need to put in a lot of effort. A woman should create comfort in her home, raise several children and support her husband in everything. Then on her monument it will be possible to write: “She was an excellent wife and a wonderful mother.”

Think about what you would like to see on your monument? Perhaps you want to become an artist, writer, actor or director. It's never too late to start developing your potential. And you should start opening it with a couple of words written on a piece of paper that will help you understand what you want to achieve in this life.

Setting goals

Have you decided on your true desires and written an epitaph? Now is the time to set your goals. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? And in 20? One of simple techniques life planning is to write down all your goals in detail. These should not be desires, but goals. At this stage, there is no need to tie plan items to a specific date. Just describe everything you want to achieve. For example, you want to lose 10 kilograms, start jogging in the morning, buy a house by the sea, or go on vacation with your whole family to Turkey. Where do you get inspiration for setting goals? From your desires that you described above.

Do you have a large list that you want to start implementing today? There's no need to rush. First, you should assign to each item the exact date, which you plan to complete this or that project.

Life plan

A person must be aware of when and what exactly he wants to achieve. This is the basis of life planning. You cannot set goals in isolation from the date. If a person does not have a strict deadline, he will not try to complete the project on time. As a result, a task that could have been completed in a week ends up taking several months. To prevent this from happening, you must have a clearly formed How to start compiling it? For each goal you set earlier, you must assign a start date and an end date for a particular project. For example, you want to learn English, but you understand perfectly well that you are stuck at work right now. If you expect that there will be less work in a month, plan to enroll in a language course for the next month. You should do the same with the rest of your projects. For example, let's say you have a passion for learning to play the guitar. But you can't start classes now, and your English courses start next month. So, postpone your guitar lessons for six months. By that time, you will already be able to speak English tolerably, and you will have free time to implement a new lesson. Feel free to push back some goals by a year or three. If you really want something, then you can achieve it within the time allotted for a specific lesson.

Plan for the year

Once you have a list of life goals ready, it will be easy for you to choose those activities that will be implemented, studied and done this year. Why write down goals separately if they are already written down in one list? IN large volume information it is very easy to lose sight of something. And when the list fits on one A4 page, it will be easy to review every week. What does an example of life planning look like?

  • Learn to skate - 1.01-1.03.
  • Speak on English language - 1.01-1.06.
  • Run twice a week.
  • Build a yurt.
  • Relax at a mountain resort in Sochi.
  • Visit mom twice a week.
  • Watch 10 films from the list.
  • Read 5 books from the list.

You can have such a plan divided by seasons, or you can link it to each specific month. Remember that you need to calculate your strength soberly. Don't plan too much so that you can achieve everything you plan. You should always take into account force majeure situations and the fact that things may not go according to plan.


In addition to goals, a person will always have desires that are difficult to include in life planning. There may be a lot of time to implement small projects, but in order to correctly fulfill this or that desire, you need a successful coincidence of circumstances. What does this mean? For example, many people have the following desires:

  • Ride a camel.
  • Swim under a waterfall.
  • Pet the tiger.
  • Swim with dolphins.

If you live in the north, you are unlikely to be able to achieve such dreams in hometown. Therefore, you need to take into account that you can implement your plans, for example, on vacation or on a business trip. Therefore, when you plan to leave the city again, open your list and think about what you can do to tick the next item.


If you are serious about setting goals and planning your life, then you need to write a list of what you would like to buy. Without such a list, it will be very difficult to plan your future expenses. Of course, you don't need to plan all your purchases. The list should include things that you cannot afford to buy with one salary. This could be expensive equipment, branded clothing or accessories, as well as vouchers and subscriptions. Think in advance about what and in what month you will buy. This way you will be able to live within your means, without going into debt and not squandering your savings aimlessly.


When planning your life goals, you need to Special attention prioritize. Sometimes a person wants to do everything at once. If a person chooses such a policy for himself, then nothing will work out for him. If a person focuses on one or at most three big things, then he will be able to achieve great success in his chosen areas. So think about what you want to achieve first. There are always things that can be put off, and there will always be projects that should be completed today.

A person must be able to distinguish between important and urgent matters and find a balance between them. For example, your job urgently requires you to undergo advanced training, but you are also required to submit an annual report. First of all, you should make a report, and only then think about how to improve professionalism.

Planning tools

To organize and plan your life, you need to use either a paper notebook or notes on your phone. The second option is more convenient for those who always carry their smartphone with them. You can enter your affairs on paper, but it will be inconvenient to carry it with you all the time. For example, at a meeting with a client, you promised the person to find out or see something. It will be easy to record this information in an electronic diary. And your personal notebook with a schedule for business meeting definitely won't. You can write everything down on a piece of paper, but there is a very high chance that you will lose such information before you get to your office or home. Therefore, switch to taking notes on your phone, it’s convenient and practical.


Are you visual by nature? Then a vision board will help you in planning your life. Such a board is often made by those people who lack internal motivation to achieve their goals. If you are used to giving up halfway, then be sure to make yourself a board. You need to attach clippings from magazines or pictures printed on a printer that will personify your dreams. For example, if you want to buy a car, print out a photo of it and pin it to your board. If you want to become a leader, print a photo of a confident leader and place it in the center of your board. Looking at bright pictures every day, you will strive to achieve your goals with great desire.

Planning a person's life is big job which every person living in this world must do. But writing a plan is not the same as making your dreams come true. What should be done to ensure that the goals are achieved?

  • Review your annual plan once a week and your life plan once a month. This will allow you to stay on top of your desires and get a boost of motivation to achieve your goals.
  • Summarize the day, week, month and year. When you focus on what you have achieved, you will be able to find internal motivation to work on yourself.
  • Don't tell your friends and family about your plans. Let your friends be proud of your successes, but don’t bother with advice on how you should build your life.