How to stylishly decorate your home for the New Year: current ideas. New Year's interior: beautiful DIY decor New Year's room interior

A Christmas tree, tinsel on the furniture and paper snowflakes on the windows are a standard set of New Year's decorations. But if you put in a little effort and use our ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019, you can turn it into a real corner of magic. Celebrating the New Year allows you to experience many happy moments with family, friends and loved ones, so it is important to prepare your home for this event.

This is a great opportunity to get creative. You don't have to spend a lot of money; you can make most decorations yourself or repurpose common items.

Window decoration requires special care. On the one hand, an excess of snowflakes, garlands or designs interferes with the penetration of sunlight, which is already scarce in winter; on the other hand, you will soon need to wash off or remove all this beauty.

Openwork snowflakes made of paper or colored drawings on glass glued to windows using soap are the most common way to simply and inexpensively decorate an apartment for the New Year.

If you want something out of the ordinary, try these ideas:

  • Transparent window stickers . When PVA glue dries, it forms a film - flexible and transparent; on glass, such a film creates the effect of frosty patterns. To make stickers, make stencils out of paper; the patterns on them should be large, since the glue tends to spread. Cover the stencils with cling film, place them in a bag or file folder, then put glue into a syringe and carefully fill in the designs. After the glue has dried, remove the stickers from the film and apply to the glass.
  • Volumetric drawings . To create snowflakes and any other shapes on glass, you can use volumetric paints. They are sold in stores, but there are several ways to make them at home using salt, water, flour, and food coloring. Such designs on the windows look embossed and unusual, but you should not get carried away with them, otherwise the room will become dark during the day.
  • Vertical window garlands . Shiny threads with voluminous stars or snowflakes, circles made of foil and thick cardboard, or thin garlands of fir branches and red ribbons have a spectacular look. You can give such decorations a finished and neat shape if you use pieces of different sizes - large at the top and small at the ends.
  • Frame with toys . Take a large photo frame, paint it a bright color and zigzag the ribbon inside to resemble a Christmas tree. Attach Christmas decorations to it and hang the frame in the window opening, and then fix it by gluing it directly to the glass.

If the width of the window sill allows, then you can also place various decorations on it, but the best option is lush pine branches intertwined with ribbons, or paper figures cut out along the entire width of the lower edge of the window.

When decorating an apartment for the New Year, interior doors are often left unattended. The maximum that is used for their decoration is “Christmas trees” made of tinsel, small wreaths or plastic snowflakes. To some extent, this is justified - the main festive mood is created by the accessories and decorations in the room, but it is the door that guests and owners see before entering the room. The interior door decor should support the overall style, but not distract attention from it.

How you can decorate the doors of your apartment for the New Year:

  • Big snowflake . Take thick cardboard and cut out strips, triangles, circles and other shapes of different sizes from it. Using glue, connect them into a large voluminous snowflake. Attach spruce branches on the reverse side so that their ends fit between the rays of the snowflake. Hang the design on a satin ribbon on the door.
  • Delicious wreath . Make a base for the wreath out of cardboard and glue the halves of large foam balls onto it. Cover them with shiny paint and insert toothpicks at a distance of 1–2 cm, onto which you then place colorful marmalade or soft candies. It is better to hang such a wreath on December 31, otherwise it risks not surviving until the New Year.

Finally, doors with glass inserts can be decorated in the same way as windows - with drawings or garlands, and the doorway can be decorated with fir branches.

How to decorate a room

It would seem that taking a Christmas tree from the mezzanine, hanging several garlands on the furniture and walls, laying out tinsel on the shelves - what could be simpler? But it’s easy to cross the line when New Year’s decorations become excessive and out of place. How to decorate an apartment for New Year 2019 so that it does not turn into a warehouse for tinsel and Christmas tree decorations?


Classic New Year's color schemes are snowy white with a splash of metal and gold, red and green with silver details, and pastel with lots of sparkles. If your soul requires bright colors, it is important not to overdo it - multi-colored decorations look best in rooms with a minimalist design. Choose one primary color and use it in at least half of your decor.


New Year's decorations are not only toys and tinsel. Candles in a beautiful candlestick, a tablecloth with embroidered snowflakes and even a refrigerator stylized as a snowman will bring their own touch of holiday to the apartment.


To decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2019, it is enough to festively decorate an open shelf on the wall or two or three small objects, such as a mirror, a lamp or a clock. As an option, decorations can be unobtrusively “fitted” into the interior, for example, in a room with predominant white and metallic shades, put a light artificial Christmas tree with silver balls.


Unique homemade decorations will attract the attention of guests, and creating them is a great way to spend family time on cold winter evenings.

A few general ideas on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year with your own hands:

  • Personalized Home Decor . An art poster dedicated to the history of your family or New Year's traditions, a poster with the lyrics of your favorite New Year's songs, stories and poems, a thematic collage is a great way to bring a special atmosphere of comfort and family celebration.
  • Ordinary jewelry in an unusual design . A Christmas tree made of wire, tinsel or other improvised materials, Santa Claus, Snowman and reindeer made of cotton wool, paper or papier-mâché, and Christmas decorations made of beads or fabric create a feeling of a warm homely touch that cannot be achieved with store-bought decorations.
  • Magic paper . You can create real works of art from white or colored paper. Stars folded using the origami technique, paper lanterns, voluminous and elegant carved snowflakes do not require much effort and time, but are always appropriate.
  • Edible decorations . Creating Christmas tree decorations from sweets and tangerines, garlands from candies and figurines from sweets and nuts should be left for New Year's Eve, especially if there are children in the house. You can use silver or gold food coloring to decorate them.
  • Natural materials . Real, twigs or dried flowers, covered with gold or silver paint, dusted with “snow,” almost always look advantageous and unusual.
  • Use children's creativity . Let Santa Claus, drawn by a 4-5 year old child, be more reminiscent of Freddy Krueger, and in the broken figures one can more easily recognize the work of the impressionists than the image of a Christmas tree. Use handprints, footprints, crafts made from plasticine or paper - this will add spontaneity to the interior, and guests will be able to appreciate the creativity of the young designer.

Beautiful jewelry doesn't have to be complicated to make. A simple snowflake made of white paper, after being coated with silver paint, takes on a noble appearance, and candles or a photo frame with attached metal flakes become real designer works.

So, let’s decorate the house for the New Year with crafts with minimal investment of time and effort:

  • Refrigerator snowman . You will need acrylic paints in black, orange (or red) and two or three other colors. At the top of the refrigerator draw eyes, a carrot nose and a mouth, a little lower - a striped scarf across the entire width of the door and buttons. After the holidays, the paint can be washed off with a special solvent.
  • Mini-trees made of pine cones . Paint the tips of the scales of the fir cones with silver, gold, or even better - green with glitter paint, place a small foil star on top and place it in a small candlestick. These Christmas trees can also be used to decorate a New Year’s table.
  • Shiny dandelions . Using large foam balls (available at craft stores), toothpicks and glitter paint, you can create amazingly beautiful spiked balls. They can be used as Christmas tree decorations or for room decoration.
  • Calendar "with a secret" . Do you remember how, as a child, you counted how many days were left until the New Year? An unusual calendar will reduce the waiting time for the holiday. Take a strip of fabric or wallpaper - this will be the basis for the craft. The width depends on where you place it, such as the side of a cabinet or a door. And the length depends on who the gifts are intended for - it is unlikely that a child will reach a height of two meters. Divide the base into sectors according to the number of days left until December 31, and attach a beautiful pouch or small decorated paper bag to each with a pin, hook, Velcro or ties. Place sweets, souvenirs, fun tasks in them and open one bag every day.

How to decorate the front door in an apartment and the outside of a house

Most often, if the owners decorate the front door or the house itself, they use the residual principle - they hang up things that are not useful or do not mind: tinsel that has lost its presentation, standard pictures with holiday symbols, garlands in which, at best, half of the light bulbs have been preserved.

The following ideas will help you simply and originally decorate your home for the New Year with your own hands.

Congratulations from scrap materials. The usual phrase “Happy New Year!” can be designed in such a way that it will attract the attention and questions of guests:

  • Using a thick cardboard template, cut out a phrase from green felt and glue them together to add density. You can use red ribbons as decoration, for example, attach bows or make a border.
  • Use jute rope to decorate the template, tying it tightly around the letters. For decoration, take pieces of bright red or green felt - cut them in the shape of a Christmas tree, a star, or a bag of gifts.
  • Take a children's chalk board and decorate its frame as your imagination tells you - with paint, ribbons, pine cones, paper snowflakes. Write a congratulation with regular chalk, and you can change the inscription if desired, for example, add the phrase “Welcome” if you are expecting guests.
  • From an ordinary large photo frame you can make a background for a congratulatory inscription. If the frame is beautiful and unusual, then you can simply cover it with glitter and add a couple of decorative details - twigs, bells, Christmas tree decorations. Hide a simple wooden frame under silver paper snowflakes, tie it with colored ribbons or attach fir cones. Attach a congratulation cut out of colored paper inside the frame.

Figures of Santa Claus, Snowman and Pig to decorate the apartment for the New Year 2019. The easiest way is to make them from colored felt and decorate them with shiny elements - beads, seed beads, buttons. You can assemble figures from cardboard parts tied with colored jute threads.

Openwork bells . Roll the paper into a cone to form a bell. Cover it with glue and then wrap it with white or colored threads, do not forget to leave a hole at the top for the tape. Wait for the glue to dry and remove the paper form. You can spray the bell with shiny varnish and decorate it with small details.

Garland of fir branches . If the doorway allows, then you can make an amazingly beautiful design from branches, light bulbs, pine cones, red ribbons and silver snowflakes. A voluminous garland made of lush pine branches and large details looks best, so this is a great option for decorating a house for the New Year 2019, but it may not be suitable for an apartment in a high-rise building.

Your home is a reflection of your soul, mood, inner essence. That's why it's important to welcome 2019 in an environment that suits your tastes and sets a successful momentum for the whole year. Unique handmade Christmas decorations not only add personality to your home, but also allow you to choose a decor theme that is close to you. You can choose a chic, romantic, natural theme or focus on colors and shades.

Useful video on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year

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The main holiday of our country, beloved by people of all ages, is rapidly approaching. I want to go back to childhood and live in anticipation of a miracle. How to immerse yourself in this magical state? Surround yourself with holiday! How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Apartment decor ideas 100 interior photos in our article.

Why do you need to decorate your home?

Family traditions and values ​​are very important. They make a family a family and give a feeling of confidence and security. Joint preparation for the holiday will be an excellent foundation on which a strong building of family traditions will be built.

Bright and beautiful New Year's decorations define a special festive time of year, separated from routine and everyday life. What a joy it is to come home and find yourself in a peaceful, slightly fabulous atmosphere!

Here you will want not to quarrel and argue, but to drink tea and New Year's cookies over a friendly conversation. Therefore, we are preparing for the New Year, decorating the apartment!

The feeling of magic is especially important for children who look at everything through the prism of family. A house in which harmony and comfort reigns unites the people living in it.

When children participate in family life, they feel important and needed. The ideal way to make you feel this is to decorate your apartment together for the New Year 2019.

It’s not for nothing that New Year is considered a family holiday. This is the best time to pay attention to your family and friends, invite friends and good acquaintances to visit. And the festive mood of waiting for guests will appear along with the festive surroundings.

We decorate the apartment for the New Year with our own hands

You can decorate your house for the holiday yourself:

  • decide on an idea
  • decide what color scheme the decor will be made in,
  • select and buy jewelry.

Many people wonder how to decorate an ordinary apartment for the New Year? When choosing a color, it is customary to be guided by the symbol of the upcoming New Year according to the eastern calendar.

For example, the coming 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, the main color is yellow. It goes well with other colors.

  • The decor, made in the color combination of yellow and blue, will be joyful and positive.
  • Yellow and green are an ideal natural combination; the decor will be rich and bright.
  • The combination of yellow and purple looks very impressive.
  • The hottest and most festive combination is yellow and red.

Pay attention to how the colors of the holiday decorations match the colors used in the interior of the apartment. They should not introduce dissonance or cause a feeling of discomfort.

If the interior of the apartment is made in pastel colors, bright and contrasting decorations will become excellent accents.

Ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is the Christmas tree. Often, with all the effort to decorate it as beautifully as possible, the end result looks cute, but ridiculous.

Especially when children are involved and try to hang all the available decorations on the tree. The main thing is not to overdo it, but to maintain symmetry when placing toys.

How to decorate an apartment with a garland for the New Year, to plunge into the festive atmosphere from the doorstep, decorate the doors. A New Year's wreath is best suited for this.

They are made from fir branches and decorated with cones, balls, and bows. A wreath decorated with:

  • nuts,
  • tangerines,
  • artificial or dried berries on branches.

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2019

And don't forget about the windows. Elegantly decorated windows and window sills give the joy of the holiday not only to the inhabitants of the home, but also to passers-by who see the beauty. Garlands and glowing New Year's toys look great.

You can create a design using a template cut out of paper by spraying dry snow onto it. An inexpensive and super fun way for kids is to paint windows with toothpaste. Decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo examples:

A variety of garlands will help transform the room. They are made from:

  • paper,
  • snowflakes,
  • New Year's socks for gifts,
  • balls,
  • branches and cones.

When decorating an apartment before the New Year, a great technique is to place a garland around a chandelier, especially if the garland is made of light-reflecting parts. Alternatively, place it evenly throughout the room, if possible, attach it to the ceiling.

New Year's decorations are sold in any shopping center. Another thing is that their quality, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. It is difficult to achieve an individual and original look.

Exquisite premium decorative elements can be purchased at branded home furnishings stores. Online stores offer a wide range of New Year's products. Place your order online in advance so as not to worry whether it will arrive in time for the New Year 2019.

How to stylishly decorate an apartment for the New Year? Design problems

Tinsel and garlands are not a holiday yet. It is important to combine all aspects of the design and create a single harmonious space. Choose the right color combination and composition style.

How to inexpensively decorate an apartment for the New Year - do not overdo it with the number of decorations. Maintain proportions and create a complete picture. This requires a lot of time, which is always in short supply with the modern schedule of life.

The Internet provides many options for beautiful New Year's decoration of an apartment, but it is not always possible to combine the example with the real situation. It's hard to imagine the end result. And it’s easy to get confused by the number of bright, beautiful pictures.

Hand-made jewelry is very popular, but making a truly interesting, beautiful, elegant item is not easy.

High-quality and stylish jewelry is not a cheap pleasure. There is a risk of spending a lot of time, effort and money without getting the desired result, but you just want to decorate your apartment for the New Year.

Unusual ideas for New Year's apartment decoration

If you want to decorate your apartment easily and without wasting extra time, contact a designer. He will help you professionally and turn barely formed ideas into reality.

The designer is familiar with the latest design trends, understands the options for color combinations and will add a “zest” even to a simple New Year’s interior.

At the same time, it will maintain a sense of proportion and keep the house from cluttering with decorations. The designer sees the big picture, understanding how every small detail affects the ideal image.

Involve children in discussing the project; they will be delighted to participate in such an important “adult” activity.

Free up more time for yourself, your family, loved ones and friends by entrusting the New Year decorations of your home to a professional. Eliminate the need to spend hours in stores or on the Internet looking for the right decorative elements.

It’s better to spend it relaxing on winter activities: sliding down a slide or skating rink, walking around an ice town or a colorfully lit evening square.

A beautiful and elegant house improves the image of its owners. He tells guests about their impeccable taste and sense of style. And the compliments of others will lift the mood of the hostess of the house and add another spark to the fireworks of festive emotions.

How to decorate your home for a New Year's party to make it a real holiday? If you know for sure that your friends will gather at your place, then you need to think through the interior of your home down to the smallest detail in advance.

Primary colors

For the New Year's interior, the colors of the winter forest are traditionally used. Green, white, and brown are usually chosen as the background, and bright and rich spots such as red or gold are added to them.

The interior trend for the New Year 2020 is terracotta and dark green colors, which very much coincides with the New Year theme and the Chinese horoscope. A tablecloth, furniture bedspreads, pillows in gold or orange tones will lift the mood and be remembered by guests for a long time.

In order not to change the usual atmosphere, but at the same time add a solemn note, buy fragrant candles, several fir branches, and red napkins. All these accessories combine stylishly with each other and can be used separately.

You can choose any other shade or shades as the main color of the New Year's interior. There shouldn’t be too many of them: two or three tones give a huge number of combinations.

It's a good idea to choose a color based on the characteristics of your zodiac sign. The upcoming 2020 - the year of the White Metal Rat - is symbolized by the color white. For those who believe in horoscopes, it would be logical to choose white, silver or light pastel shades as the basis for their holiday decor.

We are waiting for guests

Send written invitation cards to your friends a few weeks before the gala dinner. Inform your guests about the dress code in a certain range. The main shade can be set on the cover of the invitation.

It is not necessary to throw a party in total white; accessories or single items are quite enough for inspiration and community in the company. For example, it could be a hat, gloves, a flower in a buttonhole, or a canary-colored tie.

Today it is much easier to get ideas from designers who share their vision on the pages of fashion magazines. Such an interesting solution is to replace the tablecloth with gift wrapping. It's very beautiful and unusual. In addition, you can choose exactly the color that fits perfectly into the interior. Gift wrapping will add playfulness to the holiday table and new impressions for guests.


Do not forget .

Pay attention to the New Year's home interior: the best ideas and surprisingly simple ways to implement them will definitely come to you.

New Year is the most favorite holiday for all categories of people. As a child, we expect magic, fun, gifts, and fulfillment of desires from him. As adults, how have we changed our attitude towards this event? But - no way! As we grow up, we expect the same thing, but we often don’t admit it to ourselves.

Even having lost faith in Santa Claus, we make wishes as the chimes strike, we eat pieces of paper, washing them down with champagne, on which we managed to write our most intimate things; when preparing the festive table and our own wardrobe, we find out what is more suitable for the coming year of the rooster, sheep or rat, so that was more successful.

Let's see how you can create a festive atmosphere by decorating a room, design options in homes, as well as a New Year's interior in a studio.

Celebrating the New Year is a rather troublesome event. You need to worry about gifts for friends and family in advance, think through the New Year's menu, and prepare an outfit. With age, after the birth of our own children, the emotions from the upcoming holiday even intensify, since we are also conveyed the expectations of our children.

  • A tastefully decorated interior is of great importance for creating a special, festive atmosphere. It doesn’t matter where you are going to celebrate the holiday: at the dacha, in the living room of a city apartment or at a recreation center - everywhere you can decorate the atmosphere and make the celebration unforgettable. The festive atmosphere created around, and the very process of creating it, will help you take your mind off problems, troubles and routine and breathe in elements of joy and positivity, bringing you even closer to your loved ones.
  • We should also highlight the importance of proper interior design in photo studios, where you can take professional family photographs. The ability to choose from several options for scenery for photographs is especially welcome.
  • A studio with a New Year's interior, oddly enough in our advanced technological age, has recently enjoyed wild popularity, because at home it is not always possible to realize various fantasies in the interior, and photographs taken by masters of their craft will allow you to enjoy high-quality, stylish photographs for many years .

Ideas for decorating a room

The best New Year's interiors are those that are made with your own hands, but in compliance with certain rules.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a decoration option:

  1. Choosing a general idea for decorating the room. It is best if the decorative elements match any style.
  2. Decor kept in one color palette looks beautiful: in blue tones, white with blue or silver, red with green splashes. Decorations are white and red, blue, purple, gold. The New Year's white interior creates a truly fabulous atmosphere.
  1. When coming up with beautiful New Year's interiors, you must use images and objects that symbolize the holiday in the design: sleighs, deer, pine cones, snowmen, etc.
  2. When decorating a room, you can use a combination of design of a certain style and things that are dear to your heart and evoke pleasant memories.

Interior design styles

Interior decoration with a touch of antiquity has become more fashionable than ever lately, and this decor is especially relevant for the New Year holidays.


The main components for decorating a room in a vintage style are:

  • a luxurious Christmas tree installed in a prominent place;
  • hanging wreaths that will perfectly decorate Christmas tree decorations;
  • tinsel;
  • multi-colored ribbons.

Note: Toys with various ornaments, artificial snow, and shiny rain are perfect for decorating a spruce tree. The interior welcomes: antique dishes, blankets made from scraps, embroidered napkins, candlesticks.


Decor made in this style is characterized by naturalness, the absence of excess shine and brightness. The interior is decorated with pastel-colored elements made of wool, straw, wood, fabric or paper.

Plastic decorations and, for example, rain should not be used. Decorating a room in Provence style creates a romantic atmosphere for your favorite holiday.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian decor involves the use of simple decorations, the most popular color combination is red and white. When decorating, natural materials are used: cones, spruce branches, wild berries, logs, cardboard, fabric.

The use of textiles with images of forest animals, especially deer, is relevant. Items in bright, acidic tones are not suitable in this case.

You can also use eco, rustic or modern style when decorating rooms. It all depends on preferences and tastes.

Perhaps the video will prompt you to some interesting ideas for holiday decoration of an apartment or house: New Year's interior.

Let's see what elements can be used to arrange the New Year's interior and create a festive mood. By inventing and creating a New Year's apartment interior design with your own hands, you can significantly increase the emotions of waiting for and celebrating the holiday.

Christmas tree

When arranging the main decorative item, it is not necessary to use classical techniques: the tree itself or individual elements with natural or artificial pine needles, decorated with elegant toys.

You can use your imagination and install a Christmas tree made from sometimes completely unexpected objects and materials: paper, pine cones, glass, plastic, fabric, balloons, even candy. The interior of the New Year tree plays one of the key roles in the New Year's decoration of the room.

Of course, when choosing a Christmas tree model, an important detail is the size of the space allocated for its installation. This is where the opportunity for imagination arises.

When installing a Christmas tree, you can listen to some worldly wisdom. For example, there is an opinion that a white Christmas tree helps in attracting good people to your home and establishing new relationships. And installed “upside down” will improve financial well-being.


Recently, it has become fashionable to place beautifully decorated gifts under the forest beauty. The originality and style of their packaging are also of great importance in creating a festive interior.

You can buy beautiful packaging, but making it yourself will look much more impressive.


To decorate the room, you can use ready-made items: toys, candles, tinsel, textiles, decor from pine needles, and also make decorations from scrap materials: dry branches, pine cones, fruits, etc.


Of course, the greatest flight of fancy can be realized when arranging decorative New Year's lighting for the facade of a house or landscape. However, lighting also plays an important role indoors.

Hanging multi-colored electric garlands with different modes of lamp operation will greatly decorate the room. They can be placed on the Christmas tree, walls, and interior items.

Important! When using garlands with light bulbs and candles, fire safety measures should be taken. This is especially important when children and animals are in the room.


The most common decor for window openings are glued paper compositions. There is room for your imagination to run wild: snowmen, Christmas trees, other symbols of the New Year holidays, and, of course, snowflakes - the process of making these decorations is simple, but paper decorations make their contribution to the decoration of the room.

New Year's window painting using stained glass paints is also very popular. The paintings can be washed off in the future, and during the holiday period the windows will look fabulous and magical. Coloring the windows is sure to bring pleasure to you and your children.

You can also attach the decor to windows using double-sided tape or hang it directly in front of the window. If you don’t have enough imagination for the design, New Year’s clipart will come to the rescue.


You can place garlands on the walls, hang toys and balloons, or you can come up with and create a stylized Christmas tree.

Table setting

Last but not least, a beautifully set table is involved in creating a festive atmosphere. Its design should be carried out in harmony with the general style of decorating the room. There is no need to say that the tablecloth and dishes must be perfectly clean.

New Year's symbols must be present on the table. To decorate the table, you can use one composition installed in the center or place several small ones.

A bowl of fruit is usually placed in the middle, with main meat or fish dishes on either side. Salads are placed next to them, and sliced ​​sausages, cheeses, fish and other snacks are placed evenly across the entire area so that everyone present can easily reach them.

Beautifully laid napkins will add a certain chic to the table setting. As a rule, they use fabric or paper napkins, but with New Year's motifs.

Interior items

You can decorate anything for the holiday: stair railings, chandeliers, furniture.

You can use anything to decorate the room: candles, bows, balloons, designer toys, garlands, pillows and dishes with New Year's symbols, spruce or pine branches, even multi-colored tinsel and Christmas tree decorations placed in glass containers. It all depends on your imagination and taste.

DIY decor

You can not only decorate the interior of the New Year with your own hands, but also prepare some of its interesting elements yourself and add an element of uniqueness to the decoration in the room.

Paper decor

  1. Crafts for the New Year's interior using the quilling technique.

To work, you will need strips of white or multi-colored paper, a pen or pencil for forming blanks, tweezers and glue.

First you need to think about the shape of the decoration; it is best to sketch it on paper.

Armed with a pencil, blanks of various shapes and sizes are formed from paper strips. The type of elements is limited only by your imagination.

After this, you can begin assembling the composition. Using glue (usually PVA is used), the prepared pieces are connected to each other in a bizarre shape. This could be snowflakes, decor for a photo frame or gift wrapping.

  1. Christmas tree made of paper shavings.

Such a cute decoration can be easily made, armed with a cardboard cone to form the base of the tree, paper shavings (they are usually used for packaging fragile things, but you can cut them yourself), decor and a glue gun, with which all the elements of the tree are mounted on the cone.

Pine cone decorations

Armed with this natural material, paints, glue, ribbons and beads, you can create cute little things. Cones can be used both as the main element and as part of compositions. Candlesticks, animal figurines, wreaths, Christmas tree decorations, you never know what your imagination will tell you.

Crafts made from burlap

From this interesting in its texture, at first glance, rough fabric, you can make stylish elements for preparing a room for the New Year, helping to decorate cozy New Year's interiors.

From Christmas trees, pillows, bags for gifts and wishes, various animals to balls and ribbons for the Christmas tree - there are many possibilities for using burlap. To bring your ideas to life, you won’t need much: the material itself, paints, scissors and threads, details for decoration.

From what's at hand

You can use anything to create decorations that you wouldn’t even think of at first. The design of the New Year's interior is perfectly diversified by crafts made from corks and bottle caps, plasticine, cotton swabs, buttons, unnecessary socks, threads, dough, even pasta. Judge for yourself.

Artificial snow

Artificial snow is often used to create winter decorations.

Of course, you can buy it at the store, but it’s quite easy to make it yourself. You will need to mix cornstarch, a little shaving foam, add glitter and, for added authenticity, a few drops of mint extract.

The resulting snow is completely safe, looks great and will help decorate the surrounding area.

As you may have noticed, the scope for realizing ideas and fantasies for arranging a room for the holiday is truly limitless. We hope that this article helped in forming the concept of home design and choosing individual elements.

DIY New Year's interior decor, especially if done with the active participation of children, will further unite your family and create a unique atmosphere for the holiday.