What color wallpaper should you choose for different rooms in your home? How to choose wallpaper: practical advice from experts.


Correcting mistakes in repairs is always difficult; it is better to avoid them. That is why, before purchasing wallpaper, choose the color responsibly. The influence of color on us has long been known. It has been proven that:
red, bright orange, rich yellow – excites, causes aggression;
light green and blue, yellow with a lemon tint -;
saturated blue, purple, gray - depressing. In addition, the right one can completely change the appearance of the room, affecting its size, shape, atmosphere (cools or warms). Armed with this knowledge, you should realistically evaluate yours from the following perspectives:
the size of the rooms and their location in relation to each other;
proportions (height, length, width);
location (north side, south, sunny, shady;
functional purpose.

To increase the size of the room, choose light wallpaper. By choosing wallpaper of the same color, but of different tones and saturation, you can adjust the shape of the room. For example, placing wallpaper on the long side of the room beige colour, you will visually expand, but on short walls, stick wallpaper of a darker tone, closer to brown. The shape will immediately change, take on a new look, and the room will look more proportional. In the same way with height - light wallpaper will increase the height, dark wallpaper will decrease it. And only if you are the owner of spacious, bright rooms, you can opt for saturated colors with a large tone pattern.

If the room is located to the north and is not spoiled by sunlight, choose warm colors (red, orange, burgundy) of varying, non-aggressive saturation. Such colors will “warm” her and give her comfort. In bright, sunny rooms, add cool tones - blue, green, etc. They will “cool” it (this is especially true for residents of the southern regions).

It is important to remember for which room you are choosing wallpaper. So bright, catchy wallpaper with a spectacular pattern, which fits perfectly, will look completely out of place. After all, you will come here to relax from the worries of the day, to calm down. In the dining room, perhaps, only a masochist on a strict daily diet would stick to dark blue or purple wallpaper, suppressing all appetite. If your child is too soft and inactive, then red colors in the nursery will only be useful.

Add your personal preferences to the above, make a decision at a general family council, and the right choice will be made. If possible, take a piece of the selected wallpaper for testing to see how they will look in your room. The new look of the apartment will delight you with its individuality and comfort for many years.

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The color combination is very important element decor. There should be one dominant color in the room.

It is advisable to add bright, saturated colors that suit the style to the monochromatic predominant color. Their size should be significantly smaller than the main one.

The room lighting changes colors. Before finalizing the composition, look at it under artificial lighting.

The color of the wallpaper in the interior sets the tone for the atmosphere of the room. And that’s why it’s so important to take a responsible approach to choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom. After all, it is in this room that a person recharges with energy, takes a break from the hustle and bustle and enjoys a feeling of comfort.

There are no trifles in the design of a bedroom; the quality of a person’s sleep depends on how well the space is organized. Like any other corner of the house, the bedroom should be beautiful; the color of the wallpaper affects not only the mood of the apartment’s residents, but also the choice of textiles and interior decorations. Having picked up correct color wallpaper, you can also visually expand the bedroom, enlarge it or hide layout flaws or uneven walls.

Wallpaper colors for the bedroom

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, light colors should predominate in the bedroom, which will give a positive mood and create warmth. These are cheerful shades, but not too bright, distracting. Cream, soft yellow or green are optimal for the bedroom. They will help a person regain strength, forget about worries and get ready for sleep.

For the bedroom it is not recommended to choose clean White color, it will make the room look like a hospital ward.

For healthy sleep You can also choose wallpaper in muted tones with ornaments and patterns. For example, with a floral print or flying butterflies. Color can lull you to sleep Ivory, beige. In addition, these shades visually make the room more spacious.

You can combine wallpaper in the bedroom different colors, for this purpose, the brightest shade or print, photo wallpaper is placed at the head of the bed, so that when falling asleep, the owner of the home is not distracted before bed.

Unusual solutions for the bedroom

If in the bedroom low ceilings, using wallpaper the desired shade you can visually stretch the room upward. To do this, the wallpaper seems to flow from the walls to the ceiling, achieving the desired effect.

All shades of blue in the bedroom are very relaxing; they help to slightly darken the room, so it’s easier to fall asleep in such dim light. Natural shades - green, wood - relieve tension, and brown ones create an atmosphere of comfort.

For a women's bedroom you can use a muted pink color or lilac, you should not experiment with red, orange, bright purple. They act on nervous system exciting.

Golden, emerald, silver and other complex shades always look great in the bedroom.

For finishing in vintage style choose striped wallpaper for this would be better suited option with stripes of related tones, and not too contrasting combinations. Wallpaper of a textured type looks original; in this case, it should be plain so as not to overload the interior.

Nowadays there are a variety of stylish wallpaper– ranging from fairly inexpensive, relatively simple ones to expensive, elite ones. There are a lot of wall coverings, so choosing the right ones for a specific interior is sometimes quite difficult.

That is why you should understand in detail the features of choosing wallpaper, their types and evaluate the most good options design.


Wallpapers are divided into several types according to their appearance. Meet the following types coatings:

  • Embossed. The image can be concave or convex. The pattern gives the wallpaper elegance and special chic. Such coatings are divided into embossed and corrugated.
  • Smooth.
  • Coatings that imitate various materials. Such wallpapers convey the naturalness and aesthetics of metal, brick surfaces, plaster, tiles, and so on.

Wallpaper is divided into several types based on moisture resistance. Coatings can be classic, super washable, washable, or moisture resistant. According to the degree of density, they are divided into heavy (more than 110 g/m²) and light.

Wallpaper is divided into several types depending on production technology and type of base. Wall coverings are:

  • Made from paper. This classic version– such materials are the most popular. There are two-layer and single-layer paper coatings. Single-layer wallpaper is very simple, it is always one sheet, and two-layer wallpaper consists of decorative covering with any image and basis. Paper wallpaper is an option that is very economical. However, such materials have a number of disadvantages: they are not moisture-resistant, resistant to sunlight, or durable.

Paper coverings are not recommended for use on uneven surfaces: they will only highlight their imperfections. However, paper is a very good option if you have small children in your home. If they paint the walls, the coating can be easily replaced.

  • Vinyl. The basis of such coatings consists of fabric or durable paper. The top of the wallpaper is covered with a polyvinyl chloride film. Such materials have excellent performance qualities. They are safe, durable, and last a long time. These coatings are resistant to wet cleaning. However, such materials also have a disadvantage: they are airtight. You will have to constantly adjust the humidity level in the room.

  • Non-woven. The advantages of such wallpaper are the absence of stretch marks and durability. These coatings provide very good sound insulation. By using similar materials You can hide even quite significant defects. In addition, they can be painted frequently.

  • Another popular option is fiberglass. Such wallpaper can be smooth or corrugated. You can purchase coatings in two layers or in one. Fiberglass wallpaper is very durable, difficult to tear, and will last you as long as possible. Water-based or acrylic paints are applied to the glued coatings. paints and varnishes. They are not purchased very often for residential premises - usually as original decorative elements for certain areas.

These materials are safe for human health; they do not contain a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Features of choice

Selecting the most suitable wallpaper for a studio apartment or other residential premises, should be taken into account some recommendations:

  • Think about exactly what materials you need before visiting the store. It is not recommended to immediately stop choosing the first coatings you like. Select other wallpapers, compare them, think about whether they will look beautiful and fit into a specific design.
  • It is necessary to select such materials, focusing not only on the furniture and decor in the room, but also on the characteristics of the room itself - size, type. If the ceilings are low, a good option is a vertical pattern on the walls. A room with a large pattern or horizontal stripes will look wider but lower.

  • The pattern, shade, and texture of the wallpaper are very important. Choose the right one design solution quite complicated - you need to take into account different nuances. Wallpaper should be harmoniously combined with all interior elements. It is worth focusing on general rule: in the interior - no more than 3 colors and 3 shades. This way you will have a better chance of achieving harmony.
  • If the room is located on the south side, it is better to opt for light-resistant coatings. This way the image will not fade.

  • The colors of furniture and wallpaper should be different. All elements should be in harmony, but not merge with each other.
  • A good option for a small, dark room is coverings with a fine pattern. If the room is large, opt for large, bright images.
  • In cases where you plan to hang carpets, photographs, paintings on the walls, choose simple wallpaper, which will not distract attention from these additional elements.

How to combine with the color of the floor and ceiling?

It is worth considering a few of the most common options:

  • Dark linoleum or other floor coverings of similar colors (for example, brown). In such cases, you should not be afraid to choose “active” walls. To match a dark floor, you can choose expressive patterns, rich, bright colors (including golden tones, you can choose a combination of two colors). Expressive colored wallpaper and dark floors go well with light ceilings, which can be treated with decorative plaster.

In this case, the furniture should also be light (you can choose, for example, beige).

  • If the floor covering is dark and bright wallpaper If you don't like it, you should opt for a gradient. In this case, different tones of the same color are chosen for decoration. The combination of a light ceiling, more dark walls(for example, cappuccino color) and almost black floor - very harmonious option, he looks interesting in the most different rooms. Doors made in the same color scheme can also be included in this composition. Remember that the color load must be correctly distributed over all vertical and horizontal surfaces.

  • If the floor is a dark shade and you're looking to experiment, try making the ceiling dark as well. The walls are light, but you can make them white. This contrast will look very attractive.
  • You can combine light stone wallpaper with dark shades. White wallpaper looks very nice under decorative brick. It is worth noting that brickwork and its imitation is very popular in the design of modern interiors.
  • If the room has a light floor, the walls can be made dark and the ceiling also light. Such combinations look very expressive. Today, many people prefer light oak: such floor coverings are very pleasing to the eye.

  • Some people prefer to make everything light: walls, floors, and ceilings. To avoid monotony in such interiors, you should purchase yellow, blue or another color for the room. bright furniture, you can use any interesting decorative elements.

  • Dark ceiling and light coating for the floor. The walls can be light or dark. This design is ideal for rooms where the ceiling is too high. However, it is worth noting that the contrast should not be too obvious.

  • If the floor in the room is bright or there is a carpet on it, it is better to opt for light ceilings and walls.

Selecting the color of the furniture

If you have already purchased various items furniture, focus on them. Furniture should be combined with wallpaper, but colors and shades should be chosen differently. In cases where the products are expensive, it is worth choosing “rich” colors for the walls: burgundy, beige, cream, chocolate. If you combine such elements together, the effect will be simply amazing - the interior will acquire chic and status.

If the furniture is light, the wall can be quite bright, with patterns. Dilute such a room with different rich colors, otherwise the interior will seem too faded.

For modern pieces of furniture, options such as classic stripes and abstract patterns on the walls usually work well.

To choose the right wallpaper for fake diamond, photo wallpaper, bulk materials or any other wall coverings, you need to consider not only general design room, but also its functional purpose. If you want to avoid mistakes and choose the ideal option, read about which wallpaper is suitable for a particular room.

For the bedroom

A bedroom is a room where people spend a lot of time. Decoration Materials must be absolutely safe for humans. For such a room, it is better to choose coverings made of textiles, acrylic, paper, glass wallpaper or paintable materials. Foam or flat vinyl will also work, but this option is less desirable.

Choosing suitable coatings for bedroom walls, first of all you should focus on the tastes of the person who will sleep there. If a couple will spend nights in such a room, it is important to take into account the preferences of both. Although a lot depends on tastes, it is worth noting that Dark and overly bright colors are not very suitable for the bedroom. Still, in such a room a person should rest, relax and gain strength, and not become despondent or experience excessive nervous excitement. The best option is calm pastel colors that do not cause headaches or strain your eyes.

May I congratulate you? The thorough renovation of the apartment is almost complete: the floor is leveled, windows are installed, and slopes are finished. The only thing left to do is to decorate the walls and ceiling. But you still don’t know how to choose wallpaper for your walls?

Wallpaper is a wonderful find, a unique invention of skilled craftsmen, which for centuries has never ceased to amaze with its capabilities, delight with its assortment and inspire appearance. With their help, you can easily update the dull interior of a room, add some zest, and give the room some charm and mystery.

Fundamental Criteria

When choosing a coating for their home, buyers are often guided by the following criteria:

  • price;
  • quality;
  • lifetime;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • material;
  • color;
  • texture;
  • gluing method.

Everyone wants to find a product where the ratio in the “price – quality – beauty” system will be optimal. Experts say that right choice When purchasing wallpaper, it is based on two fundamental principles.

  1. When choosing wall coverings, you should take into account the characteristics of each room in the room, house or apartment.
  2. The choice should definitely be based on your taste preferences.

Wallpaper for walls: what are they?

For harmony to reign in the room, the wallpaper must be the best. This means that when going to the store, you should have information about what kind of coatings exist, know their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the scope of their application and the compatibility of the type of wallpaper with a certain style direction in the interior.

Wallpapers are different.

  • Paper

This is ordinary cellulose wallpaper. They can be smooth or embossed. Drawing on paper coverings can be applied in two ways: the first is the priming method (when the surface is covered with paint, and then an image is applied on top of the paint), the second is the non-priming method (the design is initially applied to the paper).

  • Textile

These are coatings where textile fibers both natural and artificial origin. Textile coverings look very attractive and natural, but they easily absorb dust and odors that penetrate the fibers and quickly lose color with constant contact with the sun.

Textile coverings are presented in the following options: velor, velvet, silk, linen, cotton.

  • Vinyl

They are popularly called washable. Ideal for use in the kitchen or hallway. Easy to clean, moisture-resistant, durable thanks to the top protective layer. The only drawback is the lack of breathability. A room with such wallpaper “does not breathe,” so such coverings cannot be used for a child’s room. Other rooms can be decorated with vinyl flooring, but they will need to be ventilated frequently.

  • Non-woven

Stronger, more wear-resistant and more fire-resistant wall covering than cellulose type wallpaper Such opportunities are due non-woven material, which is based on cellulose fibers interconnected by a polymer. Distinctive feature The benefit of non-woven coatings is the ability to apply paint on them, more than once.

  • Acrylic

This is an analog version of vinyl flooring. The difference is that it is not vinyl that is applied to the base of the material, but foamed acrylic, which is easy to clean, washable, allows air to pass through and does not affect health.

  • Photo wallpaper

This is one of the varieties of cellulose wallpaper. But this doesn't always happen. Can be used as a basis for photo wallpaper various coatings. The most popular are 3D wallpapers, which allow you to turn an ordinary room into a real jungle, Manhattan or an underwater world.

  • Glass wallpaper

An innovative type of wall covering. Their base is specially impregnated fiberglass. The threads for them are made from sand, soda, and dolomite. They look beautiful, stylish, exclusive. They are very easy to use: they are hygienic, dust-repellent, easy to clean, and can be painted. Fiberglass covers are fire-resistant and ready for contact with active detergents. This is one of the most durable and long lasting wall coverings. Glass wallpaper does not accumulate dust and electrostatic charge, therefore, does not cause allergies. Direct sunlight does not release toxins and harmful substances.

There are also more exotic types of wallpaper:

  • cork;
  • jute;
  • metallized;
  • for painting;
  • carpet

To make it easier to navigate the colossal variety of existing types and types of wallpaper, we suggest studying their classification, which is based on certain properties of the material.

Based on the degree of water permeability, wallpaper is classified into the following types.

  1. Paper or cellulose. They are not able to withstand moisture, so caring for them involves simply wiping with a dry cloth.
  2. Waterproof. They are susceptible to water, but in limited quantities. Their surface can only be wiped with a damp sponge and only in places where there is minor contamination. Waterproof wall coverings do not require the use of detergents. Only water, and in small quantities.
  3. Washable. This type It tolerates contact with moisture very easily without any significant damage to its integrity. They can be cared for using detergents.
  4. Highly resistant wallpaper on vinyl based . They can be wiped, washed, cleaned not only in places of special contamination, but also over the entire surface.

Based on the type of surface coating, wallpaper is divided into smooth, or uniform, and embossed.. There is another classification:

  1. with a pattern applied to the coating;
  2. with a pattern embossed on the coating;
  3. multi-layered with a deeply embossed pattern.

There are two types of wallpaper based on density.

  • Light (loose). They stick easily, but are not able to hide unevenness on the walls.
  • Heavy (compacted). Their use has a beneficial effect on the overall microclimate in the room. It's not easy to stick on, but it hides reliably various defects based.

In appearance, wall coverings can be:

  • with a drawing, pattern, images;
  • plain;
  • photo wallpaper.

How to choose wallpaper color?

The types of wallpaper have been studied, the classification of types has been mastered, it’s time to move on to choosing colors, patterns and images. Choosing a color is a problem. What pleases the eye does not fit the interior style. What is not pleasing is practical to use. What should I do? Which color should I choose?

Experts highlight three aspects, based on which, choosing the color of wallpaper for the walls will not be difficult.

Room illumination level

  • If the room is spacious and there is always a lot of light in it, then the color of the wall covering should be from cold color palette. Ideal for a well-lit room, wallpaper in gray, green and blue tones is suitable. With them, the interior will be filled with coolness, the room will visually become even larger.
  • If the room is dark, only warm colors and shades can bring additional light into it. All shades of beige and lemon color are suitable.
  • If the room is small and there is always little light in it, you can solve the problem by using wallpaper in golden tones to decorate the walls.

Functional component of the room

Each room has individual wallpaper.

What should the wallpaper be like for the hallway?

Suitable for the corridor dark colors. For example, dark blue or burgundy, chocolate. These colors will hide particles of accidentally settled dust and pieces of adhering dirt after rain. It would be better if it was washable wallpaper.

When choosing wall coverings for the bedroom, you should give preference to plain wallpaper. They will give the room light, space and comfort. Everything in this room should be harmonious and soulful. And, if you want something exclusive, then plain walls can always be complemented with a painting or family photos. You should also be careful with the design: no colorful patterns or complex images. This is a rest room after all.

If you choose a coating with a pattern, then let it be something laconic:

  • uncomplicated abstraction;
  • light print made in soft colors;
  • discreet repeating fragments and patterns.

You are a romantic person? A nature with a subtle mental organization? Choose for walls silver color, beige and peach tones, all shades of green.

For expressive and passionate people, rich colors are suitable, such as scarlet, purple, yellow, orange.

Well, if you have non-standard move thoughts and you love everything “interesting”, then the walls in the bedroom can be covered with wallpaper of different shades, but of the same texture, and it is advisable to do this in the same color scheme. Don't overlook photo wallpapers. They are able to create in a room paradise, immersing you in the beauty of the Maldives.

  • If the bedroom is square, focus on one of the walls by covering it with bright wallpaper.
  • If the room is small, choose only pastel colors.
  • When the bedroom is also a study, perfect solution– zoning the space with wallpaper.
  • Is the bedroom elongated in length? Expand it by painting the wall near the window in a brighter color.

Living room: choosing the right wallpaper

Wallpaper in the living room should inspire the owners and attract the eyes of guests. A popular option for a hall is to cover the walls with coatings of different shades, but of the same color. Such design technique allows you to create several zones from the hall: relaxation, work area or dining room.

  • Do you like sophistication and chic? Only wallpapers from natural materials will bring you closer to your dream.
  • Do you think classics are timeless? This means that textile coverings made from tapestry or painted coverings are your option.
  • Do you want something exclusive? Consider covering your walls with wallpaper made from natural plant fibers, such as bamboo, papyrus or straw. The interior will turn out not only with notes of exoticism, but also with the aroma of environmental friendliness.

Children's room and wallpaper

Not everything is so simple in the nursery. You should rely on age.

  • If the child is younger school age, wallpapers with the alphabet or images of your favorite “cartoon” characters are suitable. The walls will definitely be bright.
  • If the child is a schoolchild, you can choose an adventure story or an underwater theme as the image.
  • If the child is already a teenager, this could be a photo wallpaper depicting his favorite football team or an artist, singer, or rock band. The tone of the wall covering should be light and in no way irritating, so as not to distract the child from his activities.

Room parameters, its dimensions and configuration

Room size – important criterion to select wallpaper color.

  • If the room is small, the walls are not high, the wallpaper should only be light, regardless of individual preferences. Warm tones, pastel shades, lack of patterns, barely noticeable patterns are guidelines for choosing coverings for a small room.
  • If the room is of impressive size, its ceilings are high, the wallpaper can be rich in color, one might even say aggressive. The design on them should be large and bright. This selection of colors will make the interior of the room solemn.

Don't be swayed by first impressions. Wallpaper on a roll looks a little different than on the walls. You should focus on the unfolded wallpaper strip. Only after appreciating all the beauty of the coating, make a decision.

  1. Use the tips. Chains of stores have already solved the problem of choosing wallpaper for you. Designers offer mini-models of rooms using sold wallpaper, to which borders, furniture fabric and curtains have already been selected.
  2. Don't break the rule of harmony. The color of the wallpaper should match the color of curtains, furniture, and flooring.

Now you know how to choose wallpaper. Use the advice of experts, find “yours”, and then your walls will delight you and the room will be filled with good mood, warmth and children's laughter.

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How to choose wallpaper for a small room: 6 golden rules

White expands, a large print steals space, and textured wallpaper are completely unacceptable - forget about these stereotypes. Here are a few really practical advice which will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room and which will add value to your room square meters due to the visual effect.

Rule 1: choose a suitable print

Do you like wallpaper with a large or bright print, but are you afraid that the room will look smaller? shoe box? In vain. The right approach to choosing a large print for wall decoration, on the contrary, allows you to visually expand the room.

Concerning the right approach When choosing a pattern, I can recommend the following:

  • The use of a print that practically merges with the background makes the room airy and spacious;
  • The combination of a large print with plain walls allows you not only to visually expand the room, but also to make it more comfortable and homely;
  • The combination of wallpaper with a large pattern with a plain drapery visually elevates the ceiling - take this into account if you have low ceilings;
  • Combining a large print on the walls with a plain drapery makes the windows larger, and at the same time enlarges the oversized room;
  • A similar effect can be achieved by using a set of plain furniture coupled with a large pattern on the walls;
  • Two zones, designed in the same color scheme, make each of the two conventional rooms more spacious and functional;
  • Usage designer wallpaper with a retro print allows you to visually move the sofa away from the wall behind which the dressing room is located;
  • The horizontal pattern contributes to the visual expansion of space;
  • Just as a horizontal pattern stretches a room outward, a vertical pattern stretches a room upward;

The following example shows what better wallpaper do not choose to cover all walls in small room. The striking contrast between the background and the pattern strongly attracts attention, and even red pillows do not save the situation.

In the photo - the bright print on the wallpaper is too intrusive

Rule 2: looking for the right stripe

Are you crazy about stripes, but don't dare use them to decorate the walls in a tiny room? You've probably come across the "wrong" strip. Depending on the desired effect, striped wallpaper can and should be used in small rooms.

How can a vertical stripe help?

If you have low ceilings, I recommend finishing the walls with vertical striped wallpaper. And if the drawing and the background do not differ much in color, you will achieve double effect, because your room will become more spacious. This is a great option for those who want to choose wallpaper for a small, dark room.

A vertical stripe can lighten a room, even if the design is dominated by a rather dark and deep color. Due to the gradation of different shades of the dominant color, the interior softens and becomes more elegant.

This effect can be created with purple, turquoise, burgundy, gray and brown wallpaper.

Where there is clearly a shortage high ceiling, a vertical stripe comes to the rescue. Feel free to use this design indoors.

What can a horizontal stripe do?

If your goal is to visually expand the room, horizontal stripes will help. The thinner the strip, the more noticeable the effect. Wide stripes will practically not change the proportions of the walls. Take a closer look at your home and decide which ones are right for you.

You will need thin horizontal wallpaper if you live in a “Stalin” building or in a house with high ceilings.

Important points about gluing

So, how to hang striped wallpaper so that it works in your favor? The instructions are simple:

  1. It is important to choose a design with maximum accuracy, so I advise you to buy one roll more than you counted by footage;
  2. Before gluing, take care of a perfectly flat surface - putty and then prime the walls;
  3. When the striped canvases lie on smooth walls, only then will the visual effects of the striped wallpaper take effect.

Rule 3: select the texture

Embossed wallpaper, in different shades or plain, is designed for small spaces. The fact is that the presence of texture, even the most insignificant one, will affect a person’s perception of the room. The more pronounced the relief on the coating, the more noticeably the shadows contrast with the light, and this gives volume.

If you have a question about what kind of wallpaper to hang without first leveling the walls, I definitely recommend textured ones. The presence of relief blurs the original plane and creates a new one, with an uneven, and therefore advantageous in this case, coating.

How much do textured wallpapers cost?

Non-woven fabric has optimal qualities: durability, wear resistance, environmental friendliness. Therefore, the price of such paintings is quite justified.

Rule 4: pay attention to shine

In addition to relief, walls in a small room need surfaces that can reflect light. Glossy, iridescent, shiny canvases are just what is needed in such situations.

This technique is effective in various manifestations. Canvases with glitter can be used to decorate the entire room, and you can also decorate one or two walls, enhancing the accent.

What color canvas should I choose? The colors chosen according to the principle of contrast look most advantageous - gold on medium and dark brown, silver on medium and dark gray, gold on turquoise. The golden pattern on a white background looks no less impressive.

How much will canvases with glitter cost?

Wallpaper with glitter is mainly made from textiles. The material looks great, is resistant to sunlight, and environmentally friendly.

Rule 5: Accent Wall

One of my favorite techniques that I can recommend to anyone and everyone is an accent wall. Application accent wall can not only decorate your home, but also make it more spacious.

What colors to choose for accents? In general, I advise choosing a color or print that contrasts with the rest of the surfaces in the room.

When the interior contains an unusual ornament or intense color(except for yellow and red), I recommend choosing a color similar to this color or print.

Dark finishes draw the eye to unusual objects adjacent to the wall

The location of the accent wall also depends on the furnishings of the room, the location of openings (windows and doors) and, of course, on your preferences.

Rule 6: Perspective on photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers and photo wallpapers are different. Therefore, when covering a wall with macro photography of a flower, think about how the parameters of your tiny home will visually decrease. But an image that brings light and perspective is ideal for decorating a wall in a small room.

A few words about how to beautifully hang photo wallpaper:

  • Remove the old coating, including any remaining adhesive;
  • Use putty to fill in all the unevenness – for an impeccable result you need a perfectly flat surface;
  • Apply primer to the wall in two layers to ensure reliable adhesion of the two surfaces;
  • Lay the photo wallpaper on the floor, face down, and carefully mark it;
  • Start gluing from a corner or from a window - this will be the starting point;
  • Avoid drafts when gluing.

Following my advice, you can hang photo wallpaper with your own hands. Even if you've never done this before.


So you have learned how to decorate a small living space. And although this article will not add real footage to your apartment, now you know how to create such an appearance. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the material.

October 30, 2016

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Well-chosen wallpaper can change any room beyond recognition. Big square The walls immediately attract the eye. Therefore, before starting renovations, it will be useful to know how to choose wallpaper.

When choosing wallpaper, a number of parameters are taken into account:

  • wallpaper base;
  • kinds;
  • purpose;
  • sustainability;
  • drawing technology;
  • displacement of the drawing.

Let's look at each of these characteristics in more detail.

Wallpaper base


This is the most environmentally friendly and inexpensive material.

The paper base has a number of disadvantages:

  • unstable to moisture and light;
  • easily damaged.

Paper wallpaper is best chosen for decorating children's rooms, living rooms and bedrooms. They are completely unsuitable for use in bathrooms, kitchens and corridors. During gluing, glue must be applied to the canvas.


It is a more expensive basis for wallpaper. Such products are covered with a layer of vinyl. Non-woven wallpaper is easy to apply - the glue is applied directly to the walls. They are not subject to deformation. Wallpaper can be used in both residential and non-residential premises.

Types of wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers

They consist of a paper or non-woven base and a vinyl covering.


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • density;
  • easy care - easy to wash and clean;
  • resistance to light.


  • high price;
  • poor ventilation and environmental friendliness.

Expensive types of vinyl wallpaper have micro-holes, so they allow air to pass through better. This wallpaper is recommended for use in corridors, living rooms and kitchens.

Wallpaper for painting

Consists of a non-woven base with vinyl covering, which can be painted after gluing. Paintable wallpaper is white, but it also comes in color and can be painted. This wallpaper will appeal to creative people who like to experiment with colors.

Glass wallpaper

This is one of the types of wallpaper that can be painted. They are made from glass fibers that have high strength and good fire resistance properties.

Fiberglass wallpaper is often used in office premises. They are rarely used in apartments due to the lack of decorative elements.

Textile wallpaper

They are made from a paper or non-woven base and a textile layer - silk, viscose and other materials.

They are able to give a noble, solemn look to any room and make the walls more voluminous. A unique and original design interior

Flaws textile wallpaper:

  • high price;
  • they are difficult to care for;
  • capable of accumulating dust;
  • instability to moisture.

Velor wallpaper

This is one of the types of textile wallpaper. Like other textile wallpapers, they require professionalism from master finishers.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are made on the basis of paper or non-woven fabric. They have a specific subject, for example landscapes or reproductions of paintings.

It is better to choose photo wallpaper for a bedroom, for example, with a landscape or for a nursery with a fairy-tale plot. This type of wallpaper allows you to create an original design in the room.


  • high cost;
  • require careful care, as any damage can destroy the integrity of the painting.

Video about wallpaper types

How to choose wallpaper color?

When choosing the color of wallpaper, remember that the shade of the roll laid out on the table and the color of the wallpaper on the wall may be different due to different light angles.

Lighting in a store is significantly different from everyday lighting. Therefore, after pasting, wallpaper may have a darker shade and muted color.

When choosing color range wallpaper, in addition to personal preferences, it is advisable to be guided by the opinion of the designer. The color of the wallpaper should be combined with the color scheme of other interior items: furniture, curtains, lamps, carpets, etc.

Items in the room must create a harmonious color ensemble. This does not mean that the color of the wallpaper must necessarily match the dominant shades of furniture and other items in the room.

Choosing wallpaper for rooms

For the living room

For rooms that face north and have much poorer lighting, wallpaper in warm shades - orange and yellow - is suitable.

When choosing a pattern, be sure to take into account the size of the room. Small rooms they need wallpaper with a small and sparse pattern, and large wallpapers need larger ones.

Wallpaper for the living room should allow air to pass through well and not fade. The best option in this case would be thick non-woven wallpaper - these wallpapers are very diverse in pattern and color.

For the bedroom

For the bedroom, it is better to choose wallpaper in soft, muted shades, such as light green or light blue. These tones help calm and relieve tension.

A drawing in the form of large or small geometric shapes looks good.

Paper wallpaper - best option for the bedroom. They are environmentally friendly and well breathable.

In the hallway and corridor

Wallpaper is perfect for a corridor light colors. They are able to visually enlarge the space and make it lighter.

The walls in the corridor often get dirty, so best choice There will be washable vinyl wallpaper. When choosing a pattern, you should consider the size of the room.

For kitchen

Wallpaper is good for the kitchen light shades or with a small pattern.

Wallpaper for the kitchen should:

  • easy to wash;
  • don't burn out;
  • be moisture resistant;
  • do not absorb odors.

The best option in this case is vinyl wallpaper.

For children's room

For a children's room, it is better to choose wallpaper of light colors that will not irritate - these are primarily apricot and peach shades. Ideal option can become wallpaper with fairy-tale creatures or cartoon characters.

Children love to spoil wallpaper - damage it or paint it. Therefore, for a child’s room, it is preferable to choose paper wallpaper - they are inexpensive, so they can be updated frequently. Another advantage is that they are well ventilated and environmentally friendly.

On the door

For pasting doors excellent option There will be wallpaper with a background image.

Types of wallpaper according to sustainability

Based on their stability, wallpaper can be divided into the following types.

  • Wear-resistant- used in rooms with dry walls. Caring for them is very simple - just wipe with a dry cloth. You can recognize this type of wallpaper by its marking - a wavy line with a brush.
  • Waterproof— made with a special coating that allows you to wipe them with a damp cloth, but without detergents. They differ in marking - one wavy line.
  • Washable- can be wiped with a damp cloth and detergent. You can find it by the markings - two wavy lines.
  • Super washable- for washing you can use a damp brush, as well as detergents. They are marked with three wavy lines.
  • Lightfast- used in the kitchen and other rooms with high natural light. Marking: half sun icon.
  • Particularly light-resistant- used in the same premises as the previous type. Wallpapers have more high quality and accordingly the cost. The marking is an icon with a full image of the sun.

Waterproof, washable and super washable wallpaper is used in the bathroom, kitchen or other rooms with high humidity. They differ in price and quality.

Technologies for applying patterns to wallpaper

Wallpaper differs not only in appearance, but also in the technology of applying the pattern.


This technology is used for two-layer paper wallpaper. A relief pattern is applied to the top layer.

Wallpaper with embossing is beneficial for walls with small irregularities - they hide them. They have one drawback - they are not as durable as textile or vinyl.

Hot stamping

Used for vinyl-coated paper wallpaper.

When created, they are pre-processed with high temperature. Then the desired pattern is applied to the soft layer of vinyl by rolling it between two rollers. This method allows you to remove formaldehyde elements from vinyl, making it more environmentally friendly.

This wallpaper has many advantages - it tolerates light and humidity well, so it is suitable for any room.

Silkscreen printing

The wallpaper has a characteristic silk effect, a pleasant shine, exquisite patterns and a wide palette of colors. They are able to create classic interior and a solemn, elegant atmosphere in any room.

Primed drawing

The design is applied to a pre-painted paper surface. Wallpaper of this type can create a festive atmosphere in any room. They are also water resistant.

Background image

Usually used in photo wallpapers.

Methods for gluing wallpaper

The gluing method is selected depending on the type of wallpaper and the quality of the walls in the room.

Butt gluing

Butt gluing is used exclusively for smooth surfaces and thick wallpaper. This is the most modern technology gluing, therefore suitable for most new wallpapers. Non-woven, embossed, vinyl wallpaper and silk-screen printing are glued end to end.

Overlapping gluing

Wallpaper of medium and low density is glued with an overlap. The method allows you to smooth out small defects in the walls.

When gluing using this method, the edge is cut off, the two canvases are combined and the pattern is carefully adjusted. Large paper wallpapers are glued using the overlapping method.

Pattern offset

When choosing wallpaper, you should also take into account the displacement of the pattern.

  • Universal drawing— when gluing, you can ignore the drawing.
  • Straight joint- parts of the picture are glued side by side at the same height.
  • Offset joint- combination with shift, in each subsequent canvas the pattern is shifted.
  • Combination with a coup— every second panel is turned over 180 degrees.
  1. When calculating required quantity rolls, consider their length and width. Standard sizes roll: length 10.05 m, width 0.53 or 10.06 m.
  2. Avoid both too sharp contrasts in wall decoration and excessive monotony. It is not recommended to combine too pale shades and overly saturated wallpaper tones, otherwise staying in such a room will dazzle your eyes.
  3. To decorate small rooms, it is better to choose wallpaper in light shades - plain or with small patterns.
  4. Large rooms need wallpaper dark colors or with a large pattern.
  5. For low rooms Plain wallpaper or with vertical stripes is suitable. The ceiling should be much lighter than the wallpaper.
  6. For high rooms Wallpaper with large patterns or horizontal stripes is suitable. A good option is a combination of two types of wallpaper that can be separated using a border. The border can also be glued under the ceiling. The ceiling should be much darker than the wallpaper on the walls.
  7. A dark room will become lighter if you cover the wall with least illumination wallpaper of the same color, but a lighter shade.
  8. For a room with many photographs and paintings, it is better to choose plain wallpaper or with a small pattern.
  9. A large and frequent wallpaper pattern can visually make a room smaller, while a small and sparse wallpaper pattern can, on the contrary, expand it. A small pattern can look like a background and can be used in a variety of styles.
  10. Striped wallpaper goes well with interior elements in any style. They can visually increase the height of the ceiling and reduce the size of the room. Moreover, the wider the stripes, the less compressed the space will seem. Therefore, in narrow rooms with low ceilings it is better to use wallpaper with wide stripes.
  11. Wallpaper with small inclusions can mask imperfections on wall surfaces. If there are unevenness on the walls and they cannot be corrected, feel free to take embossed wallpaper. Plain wallpaper is glued exclusively to smooth walls, otherwise the slightest imperfections will be immediately noticeable.
  12. The last piece of advice is - don’t spare money, buy wallpaper with a reserve so that you don’t have to buy additional rolls. It may happen that different batches of wallpaper of the same color will have slightly different shades.

That's all the main secrets of choice. Now you know how to choose the right wallpaper and be able to create a beautiful and unique interior.

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