What type of heated floor to choose. Choosing an electric heated floor for laminate and tiles

An electric heated floor is used as an additional heat source. This scheme works well on any type of floor and can be installed in houses made of any material. A distinctive feature is simple installation, which will appeal to an inexperienced master. This type of flooring is good for installation in rooms where it is very difficult to install a heating system. For example, a balcony or terrace. Sometimes, heated floors are used as the only heating method, in which case it is necessary to take into account upcoming energy costs.

Advantages of electric floors

Electric underfloor heating has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is often used in an apartment or private house.

  • Possibility of heating the entire room or a separate part of it. Warm floors can be laid over the entire area of ​​the room, or you can install it only in a certain part. In this case, space zoning is performed.
  • Electric heated floors are convenient to use, since they are controlled using a remote control or a temperature regulator is used.
  • It is possible to connect to the “smart home” system. In this case, the heating can be controlled remotely.
  • Simple and easy installation that does not require special tools.
  • No possibility of leakage.

During installation, the floor does not take up a large amount of the room’s height, and therefore it should be used where this moment will not have a negative impact

Such floors are easier to use in high-rise buildings, since the standard water heating method places a greater load on the floors, while an electric heated floor weighs several times less.

Warm floor

But it should not be noted that this coating also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of electric floors

These include:

  • Possibility of a short circuit - this problem can occur with any electrical heating device and heated floors are no exception. This problem should be prevented by checking all cables before laying the flooring.
  • Energy costs are not so much a problem as they are a disadvantage. When using such a scheme, increasing costs cannot be avoided - the decision depends on the intended use:
    • If electric floor heating is used as a constant power source, then reliable insulation of the house makes sense. For example, make high-quality thermal insulation of walls. In this case, heat loss will decrease and, as a result, heating costs will also decrease.
    • If the system is used as an additional heat source, then it makes sense to lay the elements where the greatest movement occurs. As a rule, the most frequent movement occurs in the center of the room, and accordingly the heating elements should be laid in the center. Thus, fewer elements will be required, and costs will be reduced by heating a specific area of ​​the room, rather than all at once.

Radiation is sometimes cited as a disadvantage. But in fact, such a system is no different from any other electronic device, and therefore you should not be afraid of harm from it.

Types of electric heating

On the market for electric heated floors you can find several versions. Each has its own pros and cons. To understand which option is best suited to a particular home, you need to study each of them.

Electric heated floors are divided into 2 types according to their effect:

  1. Resistive - heating in this type is carried out by cables.
  2. Infrared - heating is carried out due to a special component that transfers heat to surrounding things.

Cable electric floor

The cable version differs in that it uses cables for the quality of the heating elements. Connected to electricity, they heat up due to which the surface is heated.

Solid wires

Single core cables are both a heat conductor and a heating element. If the installation of electric heated floors occurs with such a cable, then it is important that the ends of the wire meet in one place. This is necessary to connect the system to the control unit.

Twin wires

Twin-core wires are much more convenient to use. One core is necessary for heating, the other closes the circuit. When using these cables, it is not necessary for the two ends to meet. Therefore, it is more often used; it is much easier to bring one end of the wire to the control unit than to mount the system so that both ends meet in one place.

Heating mat

The convenience of the mats is that you don’t need to calculate the required power yourself; the manufacturer did it all. Mats are purchased depending on the number of square meters on which the heating element must be mounted.

Infrared heating types

Rod type heating

A type of infrared floor is a rod electric heated floor. It resembles a rope ladder with wooden or metal rungs. But a rod with a heating element is used as crossbars.

The floor heating is carried out using this rod. And the “rope” is a polymer that can be cut to make installation. However, the cut polymer will need to be fixed into the circuit, since it plays the role of a conductor.

Film type of heating

Electric heated floors can also have a film appearance. In this case, the heating of the surfaces occurs due to infrared radiation. The elements responsible for heating transmit a thermal signal over short distances, heating what is located next to them. These elements are made of carbon paste, and copper wires encased in film are responsible for its heating. For installation, the film version is most often used, since it is easy to install.

Film version

The film floor has a very small thickness, and therefore it can be used where the ceilings have limited height.

Thermal sensor for electric floor

If you decide to install electric heated floors in your home, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this. In addition to materials such as concrete, flooring and other building materials, you need to purchase the necessary set of heated floors and additional elements that will control the system.

These elements are:

  1. Thermal sensor - it shows temperature data.
  2. Thermostat – it is necessary to set the temperature to which the element will heat up.

Both of these elements work in pairs, as soon as the temperature sensor records the temperature to which the elements have heated up, the thermostat receives a command and turns off further heating.

Modern thermostats can be equipped with various parts that allow the installation of electronic heated floors. In this option, you can set the heating and shutdown temperatures, and the data can be stored in memory once; further control will be taken over by the thermostat system.

Heat sensor

In new models of the device, control can be carried out remotely by installing a SIM card. That is, in essence, the control sensor is transferred to the phone.

Via SMS message you can set the heating on and off time, and the floor heating temperature.

You can also turn off the entire system if necessary.

Calculation of the power of heated floors

Before choosing a heated floor, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the power of the system, so that it can heat the home. First you need to decide in what mode the heated floor from electricity will be used. If the floor will be the main source of heat, then a complex calculation scheme is used. If the floor is used as an additional source, then the calculations in this case are much simpler.

When using a heated floor as the main heating system, an accurate technological calculation is required, which should take into account such aspects as the area of ​​the house, the number of doors and windows, and possible heat loss. At the same time, when calculating the area, you need to pay attention to the furniture that will be placed in the room. Warm floors must be installed in spaces that are free of furniture.

The exception to this condition is heating rod elements. They can be laid over the entire area, as they are self-regulating.

When making calculations, it is important to correctly calculate possible heat losses. You need to pay close attention to this data, since incorrect calculations will lead to the fact that such a system simply will not cope with heating the room and the house will be cold. Possible heat losses are calculated using special tables. It is best to entrust these calculations to specialists. They will more accurately calculate the required system power.

If an electric underfloor heating will be used as an additional heat source, then the necessary calculations can be made independently. In this calculation, you need to take into account the type of floor used, resistive or infrared, the laying area, that is, the area on which the heating elements will be located and the power of the wire.

Laying rules

Before you begin laying floors, you must familiarize yourself with the laying rules. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, then you can guarantee the correct and smooth operation of the entire system.

Such nuances include the following requirements:

  • Before installation, it is necessary to install the thermal insulation layer. This is necessary for all types of floors, since part of the thermal energy will not go down. In this case, heat loss will be minimal, and floor heating will occur faster. This way it will be possible to reduce electricity costs.
  • When placing floors, it is necessary to take into account the location of furniture; heating elements cannot be placed under them, except for core floors.
  • There should be a distance of 5 cm from the walls and at least 10 cm from heating appliances (radiators).
  • When laying, it is necessary to observe the pitch of the wire, and also avoid crossing the wires.
  • During installation, it is important to ensure that there are as few cuts for turns as possible. This way the integrity of the system is not compromised. All cut areas must be carefully insulated. Failure to comply with this rule results in loss of power and the possibility of a short circuit.

  • Joining small pieces of flooring is also undesirable; the minimum section length should be at least 50 cm. When purchasing a heated floor, it is better to take it with a reserve.

It is imperative to install an RCD device; it will turn off the heat supply if problems arise. For example, if power is lost, the RCD will disconnect the system from electricity.

It is better to entrust all floor installation work to a professional electrician.

Also, for electric floor heating, it is better to allocate a separate line where only this system will be connected. Also, it is better to switch the system to a separate machine; in case of problems with electricity or the floor itself, you can de-energize the system with this device.

Installation of heated electric floor

Before choosing electric heated floors, it is better to clarify what kind of floor covering you plan to lay and how the base for the heated floor will be prepared. Depending on this data, you can buy a heated floor system.

There are three ways to install the floor:

  1. Screed installation.
  2. Installation on a screed, but secured with tiles.
  3. Installation under flooring, but not under tiles.

If you need to install an electric heated floor in a screed or under a tile, you will have to choose cable systems or rod floors.

Laying film flooring is only allowed under the floor covering. Moisture is harmful to this floor. Therefore, it is advisable to install it in rooms, and not in sanitary facilities.

The installation itself is almost the same:

  1. A layout plan is drawn up taking into account the location of the furniture and indentations. It is better to make a plan on graph paper, respecting the scale.
  2. A layer of waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid, if necessary.
  3. The markings are transferred to the prepared base.
  4. The floor is laid according to the markings. All places that are cut, if necessary, must be insulated. Also, the position of the temperature sensor and thermostat is determined. The latter is installed on the wall and from the place of its installation you need to lower the groove to the floor.
  5. After laying all the elements, check the resistance.
  6. A pipe is placed in the groove, one end of which is connected to the thermostat, and the other has a temperature sensor. The end of the pipe with the temperature sensor is located in the middle of the nearby heating elements.

Electrically heated layer cake

Test work

After this work has been carried out, it is necessary to check the functionality of the sensor and thermostat, once again the resistance and the system are completely de-energized, and the regulator is removed. Then, the screed is poured and the tiles or flooring are laid. Moreover, if a screed is planned, then they first wait for the concrete to dry, then check the performance of the system again, and then install the floor covering.

It is worth checking how the temperature sensor is removed from the pipe; this is necessary so that later it can be easily replaced if necessary.

Energy Saving

The electric floor heating system has its pros and cons, which are described above. But, with proper design and use, this system will only cause positive emotions. You should not be afraid of high energy consumption and, as a result, increased payments. With a reasonable approach to use, the number of kilowatts will not increase much, and the heat in the house will be constant. This effect is achieved by using the floor only during hours when someone is at home.

Also, it would be a good idea to think about insulating problem areas: doors, windows, balconies. In this way, heat loss can be minimized; accordingly, the system itself will not work at full capacity. The effect of the work done can be seen on your heating bills.

It would seem that there could be any doubts on the issue - whether warm floors are a blessing or a burden. The answer will be unequivocal - of course, it’s good. Without disputing this statement, it is worth thinking a little about not only the benefits of such heating, but also about the associated hassle, expense and problem of choice.

The last task is far from simple, and when deciding what kind of heated floor you need, how to choose the most suitable one from the available proposals, and what needs to be done for this, you need to be prepared to consider various ways to implement it.

Types of heated floors

Due to the fact that the use of heated floors with water heating in an apartment is not permitted, the use and installation of heated floors - how to choose and what to prefer - is best studied using the example of using electric floor heating.

What can an electrically heated floor look like?

Today, two independent options for creating electric floor heating are used:

  1. Heating cable;
  2. Heating mat.

In order to correctly decide which heated floor to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of each of them.

In the first of the indicated options, heating is carried out through the use of a special heating cable. In a conventional cable, the main task is to pass current without loss and heating of the cable itself. In a heating cable, on the contrary, the task is to release heat during the flow of current, and it is normalized per unit length of the cable, thanks to which the amount of heat received can be calculated. A special feature of using such a cable is its location in the volume of a special screed installed on top of the existing floor, as a result of which the floor level will rise by at least three centimeters.

In the event that it is impossible to lay out the screed, there is no other way to get a warm floor than to choose a heating mat.

The so-called mat is a thin special heating cable attached to a fiberglass mesh.

To use it, you do not need to make a special screed; it fits perfectly under the floor covering, which can be tiles, porcelain stoneware, etc., in an adhesive layer. To install it, just roll out the mesh and connect it to the outlet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the considered systems

Each of the heating systems presented has certain advantages and disadvantages. Having determined that you need a heated electric floor, you need to decide how to choose the best way to create such a floor. As already noted, placing a heating cable requires the creation of a special screed, which quite significantly limits the use of such heating. However, the advantage of this method will be, other things being equal, less power consumed for heating compared to a heating mat.

For reference, here are some power consumption data. In a dry room, heating with a cable requires a power of one hundred to one hundred twenty watts per square meter, while a mat requires one hundred sixty to one hundred eighty watts per square meter. The given figures allow us to draw some conclusions about which electric heated floor to choose. Moreover, the noted difference in power consumption will be even greater if heating is used in a damp room (bath, kitchen) or even more so on a loggia.

In addition to the above, there is another positive effect from the additional screed. It acts as a kind of heat accumulator. When heated, the screed distributes heat over the entire surface of the floor. The consequence of this will be a long cooling of the floor and less operating time of the heating system, which will lead to a decrease in energy consumption.

When performing an additional screed, a layer of thermal insulation is laid between it and the floor. This prevents heat from escaping through the floor to neighbors, which increases the efficiency of the heating system. Such a reduction in heat loss should serve as an additional argument in understanding which choice of electric heated floor will be the best.

The advantage of a heated floor system using heating mats is its simple installation and the absence of additional screed.

This allows you to use similar heating in any apartment without carrying out additional work related to redoing the floors. What will be decisive for you, which heated floor is better to choose, will be determined by your capabilities and specific circumstances (readiness to carry out repairs, use additional electricity, etc.).

About the underfloor heating system in general

When considering the problem of how to choose a warm floor for specific conditions and a specific apartment, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. These include:

  • will the system act as the main one for heating the room or will it be used only for heating in addition to the central heating system;
  • features of the premises (living room, bathroom, kitchen, etc.);
  • what control (thermostat) and possible operating modes of the entire system will be in demand;
  • what additional thermal insulation can be used without remodeling the room (thresholds, doors);
  • provision of electricity in the required volume.

Taking into account these factors, as well as several additional ones, such as the location of the room on the lower or upper floors of the building, the thickness of the floor tiles, will determine the required power for heating. A special methodology set out in SNiPs helps to take all these factors into account and carry out calculations.

When installing and calculating a heated floor, it is necessary to take into account that only the area free from furniture and equipment is used for heating, and also that the heating elements are located at some distance from the wall.

There is no heating in areas where furniture and equipment are located (stove, bath, furniture, refrigerator, etc.).

To ensure comfortable conditions, the area occupied by the heating system must be at least seventy percent of the total area of ​​the room. This ratio of the total and heated area will make your choice of heated floors justified, regardless of the heating system used.

Heated floor control

Using underfloor heating as heating means that it needs to be controlled. For this purpose, there are special control devices - thermostats, which allow you to regulate the temperature in the room.

For such monitoring, special sensors are used. There is a wide variety of thermostats with different capabilities and functions, but mainly two systems are used:

  • with sensors that monitor the temperature on the floor;
  • with sensors that monitor the air temperature in the room.

Thermostats automatically turn the heating on and off.

If we take into account that the floor temperature is usually five degrees higher than the air temperature, then setting the floor temperature at twenty-five degrees, we get twenty degrees of heat in the room. When monitoring air temperature with sensors, the floor temperature should also be set higher than for air.

There are other algorithms for maintaining the desired heating mode, which allow additional savings in energy consumption. Such a system allows you to provide truly comfortable conditions in the room and automatically maintain them when the environment changes.

The information presented is not comprehensive, although it gives a general idea of ​​the design and operation of heated floors. If someone needs to provide comfortable conditions in a room, then recommend a heated floor as one of the solutions to the problem. Details and specific implementation of the project will need to be discussed with specialists.

The reliability of the "warm floor" system, safety, heating of the floor covering not only in the rooms, but also in the bathroom, in the kitchen will make your life in an apartment comfortable in all respects, let's talk about what is the best electric floor to choose and how to do it, and what it is better than water, consider the pros and cons of each type and the rating of the best manufacturers.

Today we will introduce you to the “warm floor” system. We will tell you in detail what heated floors are, water and electric, we will introduce you to the advantages and disadvantages of each of their types, and compare them. We will look at the rating of the best manufacturers of electric heated floors and advise you on how to choose one.

Features of “water heated floor”

Unlike the “water floor” system, you turn on electric floors any time you need it, setting the required temperature using the thermostat.

The independence of warm electric floors from central heating is their important quality: you can turn on the system even at a time when it is cold in other apartments and the heating has not yet been turned on.

Electric floors can only be repaired at the point of failure, and in this case there is no need to dismantle them.

Comparison of types of warm electric floors

According to the type of heating element, electric floors are divided into:

Cable systems

The heating cable is a wire with a conductive core. It has great resistance. Due to this, heat is released from it when current passes. The heating cable is divided into single-core, double-core and self-regulating.

Single core cable wire.

The characteristics of a single-core heating system depend on the manufacturer. Maximum power 20 watts. They are available in different lengths and power densities. They are used for both main and additional heating. A special feature of using the cable is that it is laid in a special screed placed on top of the existing floor. At the same time, the floors rise by 3 cm. During installation, both ends converge at one point and are connected to the network. This is the difficulty of laying the cable.

Twin-core heating cable

A two-core heating cable is similar to a single-core one: it is metal, covered with insulation and a screen. The difference is that this heating cable consists not of one, but of two conductive wires connected to each other at one end. Its advantage is that there is no need to pull the other end of the wire to the connection point. Installation of the system is significantly simplified. A two-core cable wire, along with the insulation of each core, has insulation of the entire cable and a reinforcing braid.

Self-regulating cable

In a self-regulating cable, the role of the cores is performed by a semiconductor. It regulates the supply of heat to the environment. The heating element itself changes resistance and heating level depending on the temperature of the home. This cable saves energy, but it is short-lived. An important advantage of a self-regulating cable is that its operation does not depend on correct installation. Even if the turns are located very close to each other, it does not burn out.

Cable system laying technology

Before installing the cable floor, a layer of thermal insulation is applied to the main screed. The cable is then placed on it. There must be a certain distance between the turns. The temperature sensor is also located on the floor, next to the cable. It is necessary for temperature control. The cable is secured using mounting tape and screws. The contacts are connected to the thermostat. Then the cable is filled with a thin layer of screed. When the screed is dry, you can lay the floor covering. After this, the cable must be connected to a thermostat, which is connected to the power supply system.

Heating mat

Heating mats are a heating cable on a polymer mesh. The heating cable is located on the grid with a pitch of 9 cm. The width of the mat is generally half a meter, and the length depends on the model. They work from the mains.

The heating mat is controlled by a thermostat, which can set the required temperature, power and operating time.

Heating mats can be single-core or double-core. For heating mats, a cable of small diameter is used, so it can be installed in adhesive under the tiles. A screen made of aluminum lavsan tape makes the heating mat safe for human health: it protects against electric shock.

When choosing a heating mat, you should take into account the heating area. The heating element must not be shortened. It is most convenient to take a mat with one power cord than with two. The mat's thermostat can be simple and programmable. Simple controls the heating temperature. Programmable sets the time when it turns on and off. This thermostat saves energy because it turns on only when there are occupants at home.

Installation of matte floor

The heating mat is simply rolled out on the surface. Some models have an adhesive layer. A heating mat is used when it is impossible to raise the floor level. So, for a regular cable, you need a full-fledged tie with a thickness of 30-50mm, and for a heating mat, placement in glue with a thickness of 8-10mm is sufficient.

Before installation, you should draw a drawing of the location of the heating mat and thermostat, so that later when repairing the floor covering you do not damage the cable.

First you need to choose a place on the wall for the thermostat. To do this, a wall is being built. It houses a thermostat.

The heating mat does not require fastening elements. During rolling, it is enough to secure it in several places with glue. A floor covering is placed on top of the heating mats with glue, and its layer must be at least 1 cm thick. Thus, the thermomats end up in the adhesive layer. After installation, the heating mats are connected to the thermostat.

Infrared film systems

This is a new type of flooring.

Infrared film is a multilayer structure consisting of the following elements:

Advantages of infrared film

Infrared film systems have a number of advantages:

If mechanical damage occurs, the film may catch fire.

Technology for laying infrared heated floors

You can lay the film yourself, just entrust the connection to the network to an electrician.

Infrared heating rods

This is a reliable innovative system. The interconnected carbon rods are connected to the thermostat and the network. The core floor emits most of its energy in the form of infrared radiation. In this way it is similar to infrared film. The heating element in it is a carbon rod. The average operating temperature of such a floor is 50-60 degrees.

A core heated floor system is a mat consisting of two copper conductors. They are sealed in a polymer shell. Between them there are rods made of composite material. The rods are combined into one element by a copper stranded conductor. The main element of the core floor is carbon.

Rod floors are environmentally friendly, safe and durable. The service life is high: about 50 years, because the self-regulating system protects the emitters from overheating.

This method of heating floors saves energy. Can be used in high humidity conditions. If one emitter fails, the system will work.

Disadvantages of a rod floor

  1. Rod flooring is expensive. Its cost is significantly higher than the cost of infrared film.
  2. The complexity of installing a core floor consists of laying it wet using screed or tile adhesive.
  3. When repairing the system, dismantling is difficult: it is necessary to break the screed.
  4. A stud floor has a complex electrical connection. It is subject to only highly qualified specialists.

Installation of core floor.

Principles for choosing a “warm floor” system

Question: “How to choose electric heated floors?” faces every apartment owner who decides to improve their living space with this system. First of all, you need to determine whether it will be the main heating system or an additional one.

If you prefer to use the system as the main heating of the room, then its power should be appropriate 120.0–140.0 W/m². If heated floors are an additional source of heat in the apartment, then the power may be as low as 80.0–100.0 W/m².

When calculating the floor, please note that the system must occupy at least 70% of the apartment area. Only then will it be effective.

Before laying it, you should consider whether the apartment’s electrical networks can withstand the load when it operates at maximum power.

Once you have decided what the power of the electric floor will be, it is important to choose the type of heated floor. You can use a cable and rod mat under the screed; it is more advisable to install a heating mat in the bathroom and kitchen. Use infrared film under flooring without screed.

The screed helps to retain heat during a power outage. Therefore, the cable floor will not cool down for a long time, while the infrared film will instantly lose heat. It is not recommended to use infrared film in harsh climates.

Cable and infrared flooring are reliable and have a long service life. If damage occurs in infrared floors, it is possible to replace only a section, while if the cable floor fails, the entire system must be replaced.

Rating of the best manufacturers of heated electric floors

– is the best manufacturer of heating cables. This is a British manufacturer. Cable flooring can be laid under tiles, linoleum, laminate.

I'm pleased with the price/quality ratio and easy installation.

is a Russian company importing its goods abroad.

The length of the two-core cable is 23m.

The product quality is high.

– electric heated floors are the best on the world market. They are equipped with a self-regulation system. Reviews about the product are positive and indicate the high reliability of the product. The manufacturer has developed a multifunctional type of electric heated floor. Self-regulation of the device, film power 50-230 W/m2, the ability to lay infrared floors in any room are the advantages of the product from this manufacturer.

is a Russian manufacturer of rod flooring, which is characterized by safety, environmental friendliness, high quality products, and low price.

ELECTROLUX– Israeli manufacturer of core floors. High quality, large area, power correspond to the price of the product.

The products of this manufacturer are in demand among consumers.

The information we provide about heated electric floors: their types, device technology, selection principle will help you find the best floor heating system. By installing a warm electric floor system, you will enjoy comfort and coziness in your apartment.

So, you have decided to make this option in your home. The decision is correct, you just need to know how to choose an electric heated floor and which one is best suited for laminate, tile, linoleum. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this event; you just need to understand the advantages and scope of each option. Next, we will look at the comparative characteristics of cable and infrared heaters in relation to certain conditions.

Criterias of choice

Flooring material

So, the main condition, depending on which the choice of electric heated floor is made, is the surface finishing material - tiles or laminate.

Financial opportunities

Oddly enough, the cost of a heated floor is not considered the most important selection criterion. This is due to the fact that the prices are almost the same, if you take into account not only the heaters themselves, but also additional costs.

Now let's analyze all 3 options in detail:

What types of systems are there?

Electricity costs

It's no secret that most buyers first of all pay attention to the power of the heater, which is the main indicator of efficiency. The greater the power, the more kilowatts per hour the heating system generates, which means you should choose the most economical one.

As we have already said, infrared film flooring is considered the least expensive. It should be noted that any type is precisely economical. If you have extra money and the conditions of use comply, be sure to give preference to choosing an electric heated floor in the form of a film.

In second place is the cable. It is the best option for installation for reasons of energy saving. And the last level of the rating is occupied by thermomats. They typically consume 30% more electricity than cable, not to mention film coating.

An alternative opinion regarding cost-effectiveness should also be provided. Cable screed heating allows you to heat the room for some time after the system is turned off. The heated layer of concrete will radiate heat for some time without consuming electricity. At the same time, when the film floor is turned off, the material instantly cools down.

Installation features

Another important factor in choosing an electric heated floor is how complex the installation work is. In the case of film and mats, installation is carried out quickly, without any particular difficulties. In addition, as we have already said, these products do not require a concrete screed (and mixing the solution and pouring it level is not an easy task).

As for the cable, it is the most difficult to install, because... it is necessary to pour the solution and place the coils at an equal distance from each other, and even the calculation of the material itself is much more complicated. That is why we recommend choosing one of the first two options.

Availability of service and repair

Here the whole point, again, is in the concrete screed. If, some time after the creation of a heated floor, it stops heating (fails), repair work will be required, possibly requiring access to the heating elements.

If you choose a heating cable for heating, you will need to break up the floor, look for a coupling according to the design (most often it fails), replace it, and then refill the screed.

In the case of infrared film and mats, you just need to remove the top trim, which gives access to all the components that need repair.

Let's sum it up

So, we have provided you with the most important information on how to choose an electric heated floor for laminate, tile, and parquet. As you can see, the criteria are very varied and in order to purchase the most suitable product you will need to sacrifice something. We recommend that, if possible, you give preference to the film version, because... it is the most modern, economical and easy to install.

Video instructions for choosing electric heated floors for your home

Finally, I would like to pay attention to which electric heated floor is best to choose according to the company. Today, the leaders in the production of these heaters are AEG, Rehau, Valtec and Green Box. If you don’t know at all which manufacturer is best to trust, know that these 4 companies have many positive reviews from customers and a good reputation in the global market.