Which insulation is better for the attic and what do professionals advise choosing? Review of the best insulation for attic roofs Which insulation to choose for attic roofs.

The modern building materials market is replete with a variety of insulating materials. But when the question concerns complete thermal insulation for a home, you need to know the main requirements for insulating materials. In this article we will tell you which insulation for the attic is better and what characteristics of the material need to be taken into account to keep your home warm and cozy in winter.

Your insulation should be durable and immune to external factors

Any builder with experience in roofing works, will tell you that the roof of the house must be well insulated. When choosing a material, focus primarily on the characteristics and needs of the structure. You and I live in conditions temperate climate, characteristics which is hot in summer and severe frost in winter time of the year. This means that your insulation must be durable and impervious to external factors.

One of the key criteria in choosing is the thickness of the attic insulation, on which the reliability and durability of the structure depends. For cold ones northern regions you will have to choose thermal insulators as thick as possible, but for residents of the southern regions, where in winter the air temperature does not drop much below zero, you can choose those that are thinner and lighter.

Video about attic insulation

Most universal insulation- based on mineral wool. It is relatively inexpensive, but is suitable for almost any weather conditions. Although in some cases it is worth using polyurethane or other more expensive material that can fill the empty space more tightly.

We do not recommend using backfill insulation for roof insulation. Its thermal conductivity is quite high, which is why it simply cannot fully protect your home from the cold. It is much better to choose roll or slab insulation for mansard roof with low thermal conductivity.

Manufacturers, as a rule, set their own recommendations for laying insulation. If you follow them, you can significantly increase the service life and reliability of the structure. All available on this moment materials differ in the way they are laid depending on their weight, appearance and other characteristics.

It is best to choose insulation materials that weigh little, but are quite strong and rigid. You also need to remember the density of the material.

It is best to choose insulation materials that weigh little, but are quite strong and rigid.

In our climatic zone In winter, snowfalls are very frequent, so it is necessary to take into account the load from the snow cover. Heavy weight on the roof can lead to significant deformation. As a result, thermal insulation is greatly deteriorated. As a result, you will have to do the home insulation work all over again. And this is not only a big waste of time, but also money.

You also need to take into account the slope of your roof. The smaller the angle, the more snow will accumulate on it in winter, and during rain, the greater the likelihood of leakage.

The roof is one of the most important structures in a house. We advise you to make the choice of material strictly according to the following criteria:

  • Expect that there may be severe frosts in winter. The thermal insulation layer must withstand them. When a sudden change in temperature occurs, the material should not distort, crack or sag.
  • Take moisture resistance and fire safety indicators seriously. Even when directly exposed to fire, it should not ignite. Today on the construction market you can find materials with fire retardants that prevent combustion and slow down the spread of fire. We strongly recommend using these. If we talk about the dangers of moisture, then when the insulation is saturated with water, its properties are greatly deteriorated. Water itself is an excellent conductor of temperatures, so wet insulation simply will not perform its functions. In addition, when the material gets wet, it becomes heavily deformed and gains weight, and the entire roof structure comes under heavy load.
  • The selected insulation should keep its shape as efficiently as possible. It is better that the material is complete, without unnecessary seams, than to insulate the attic roof of the house with piecemeal remains in order to save money. Make sure you don’t have to pay twice - such material will not be able to fully perform its functions and even the most beautiful room it will be uncomfortable in the attic due to blowing air from under the roof.

The selected insulation should keep its shape as efficiently as possible.

There are really a lot of materials on the market. Among the most popular are fiberglass, mineral wool and polystyrene boards. But they are already quite outdated. We do not recommend using them. Today, much better quality products and liquids are being created that tightly fill voids and insulate the room from the cold.

Basically, heat loss when using modern means is reduced by 50% or more. In addition, this allows you to save on other materials. For example, foam glass is extremely resistant to moisture, which eliminates the need to apply a layer of waterproofing. Foam glass is also characterized by very low thermal conductivity and impermeability to vapor particles. But let's consider other options.

Video about the process of attic insulation

  • Polyurethane. It is sold in a liquid state, but when you apply it to a surface, it hardens and becomes very durable. As with foam glass, waterproofing is also not required. It is very convenient for attics with complex structures, where to work with standard materials almost impossible. All empty space is completely filled with foam, ensuring low thermal conductivity. Excellent operational properties, long service life and overall ease of application are the hallmarks of modern polyurethane. The polyurethane board is blown out using a special machine and waited until it hardens. It's easy even without construction experience.
  • Ecowool. One of its main advantages is environmental friendliness. It is made from exclusively natural materials. Basically it is ordinary cellulose. In addition, many manufacturers add fire retardants and active antiseptics to the material, which makes ecowool protected from fungus and mold. And it must be said that in comparison with other materials it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. Even a 20 cm layer can cope with the worst weather conditions. If you can’t decide how best to insulate the attic from the inside, then this is one of the most affordable and practical options. When you use ecowool, it must be precisely adjusted to the size of the compartments between the rafters. It is laid in two layers for better heat conservation. But do not forget that it is sensitive to moisture, which is why a waterproofing layer must be installed.
  • Polystyrene and others hard materials. Working with them is somewhat more problematic. They need to be laid on a sheathing or truss structure. But when blown in correctly, it is polystyrene that provides the best thermal insulation for the attic.

When blown in correctly, it is polystyrene that provides the best thermal insulation of the attic

Remember that improper thermal insulation can cause many additional problems - roof icing, icicles, etc. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose the right way to insulate the attic from the inside and outside, but also to correctly carry out all the work on installing thermal insulation.

The question of which insulation is best for the attic is relevant for those who have decided to equip a living space under the high pitched roof of a private house. The attic differs from an ordinary room in the house due to increased heat loss. This is explained by the fact that it usually does not have permanent external walls without window openings, and on both sides and above the room is separated from the street only by a roofing system of small thickness.

Mineral wool insulation

Criteria for choosing insulation for the attic

High-quality insulation makes the attic suitable for year-round residence. When choosing a heat insulator, you need to pay attention to performance characteristics materials, including compare:

  • noise insulation properties;
  • ease of installation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to biological degradation;
  • lifetime;
  • efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety.

But the main quality by which insulation material is evaluated is its thermal conductivity coefficient, on which the ability to retain heat in a room depends.

From the point of view of ease of installation and use of insulation, preference should be given universal materials. If the same thermal insulator can be used for walls, roof and floor, the insulation of all structures will last the same period.

Sound insulation properties are a particularly important parameter if roofing decking made of metal (seam roofing, metal tiles, corrugated sheets). Gusts of wind, rain and hail make such a roof “sound”, and staying in the attic will cause discomfort.

Slab insulation famous manufacturer

Since the roof frame is usually made of wood, it is advisable to use insulation that is fire resistant and flame retardant. Otherwise, an accidental fire will cause the entire attic and roof to quickly become engulfed in fire.

To wooden structures the rafter system and gables did not form condensation and the insulation did not lose its thermal insulation properties due to moisture penetration, it is necessary to insulate the attic space with a vapor- and moisture-proof material, or use reliable hydro- and vapor barrier. This affects the speed and complexity of installing the insulating layer and influences preferences when choosing a material.

Insulation thickness

Table 1. Dependence of insulation thickness on thermal conductivity coefficient

The manufacturer indicates the thermal conductivity coefficient on the packaging of the material. This indicator depends on the production technology and the density of the insulation. The table below shows the average values:

Table 2. Thermal conductivity coefficients of some insulation materials

Polyurethane foam and ecowool are modern materials that can be used as a heat insulator for attic spaces, but their installation requires the use of specialized equipment and the invitation of specialists. Other popular heat insulators are available in the form of slabs or rolled materials of varying densities and thicknesses.

The insulation is cut along the width of the span between adjacent rafters (or the gap between the sheathing slats on the walls) and inserted at random. If the calculated thickness of the thermal insulation layer exceeds the width rafter leg, on the rafters from the side of the room, bars of a suitable cross-section are packed.

Two-layer insulation is considered the most effective - after the gaps between the rafters are filled with a heat insulator, another layer of rolled material (possibly with a foil-coated vapor barrier outer surface) is attached over the rafters with continuous joined strips. This will eliminate the occurrence of cold bridges.

Laying thermal insulation between the rafters

Let's take a closer look at the main pros and cons of popular insulation materials that are suitable for thermal insulation. mansard roof and pediments.

Fiber roll and slab insulation

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • stone (basalt) wool.

Their key advantage and at the same time disadvantage is the ability to pass steam. Theoretically, wet warm air from the attic will leave through a breathable interior lining, heat insulator and roofing system, which will help maintain a favorable indoor microclimate. In practice, the following difficulties exist:

  • an increase in the humidity of fiber insulation leads to a sharp decrease in its thermal insulation properties;
  • insulation (especially glass wool) that has absorbed moisture becomes wrinkled and deformed, forming cold bridges;
  • The wood of the rafter system begins to rot from contact with moisture.

To avoid these problems, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier on top of the insulation from inside the room. And between roofing covering and thermal insulation must be laid with waterproofing material.

Roofing pie with waterproofing over insulation

Air exchange through fibrous insulation will only take place if the waterproofing and vapor barrier layer is made of special gas-permeable membranes. The vapor barrier should allow air to pass through, but retain moisture coming from the room. A gas-permeable waterproofing barrier must release moisture from the insulation and prevent water from penetrating into it.

Membrane materials are much more expensive than conventional or reinforced film, roofing felt or glassine. But these investments will pay off due to the durability of not only the insulation, but also the roof truss system.

Superdiffusion membrane
If you use film as a vapor barrier, it will reduce the cost of construction, but it will reduce important advantage fiber insulation – gas permeability. Perforated film should not be used, as it allows steam to pass through and will accumulate in the insulation.

Performance characteristics of fiber insulation

Glass wool. To her positive qualities can be attributed:

  • fire safety (2nd degree of fire resistance);
  • environmental safety (does not contain resins);
  • unattractive to mice (they do not build nests and passages);
  • affordable price.

The main disadvantage is that when working with the material, caustic glass dust is formed; installation of the heat insulator requires care and the use of protective equipment. In addition, over time, glass wool tends to deform and wrinkle, especially when moisture penetrates.

Mineral wool. The material contains fibers of various origins (manufacturing materials - clay, stone, quartz sand, glass, etc.). Mineral wool is characterized by a multilayer heterogeneous structure with air lenses. Due to this, the material dampens sound waves well. Choosing mineral wool (primarily Isover, Ursa) is recommended for those who have decided to make metal roofing.

This heat insulator is fire-resistant, does not rot, and is easy to install. But rodents can settle in it, whose nests, passages and waste products reduce the performance properties of the insulation.

Basalt wool. Consists of fibers obtained by melting rock. Withstands heat up to 1000 degrees, does not spread combustion. You should choose basalt wool carefully, checking quality and safety certificates: some manufacturers, in an effort to reduce the cost of products, use resins that emit toxic substances.

Basalt wool

Basalt wool is resistant to fungus, but can be damaged by rodents. This is a good sound insulator and easy to install. But when choosing a material for insulating a rafter system, you should take into account the fairly large weight of stone wool slabs.

If you have to choose a fiber insulator, pay attention to the density of the material. The heat insulator should not lose its shape even after prolonged use. For mineral, basalt wool, the density indicator should be about 40-45 kg/m3.

Polymer materials for insulation

We choose a polymer heat insulator for the roof and walls of the attic. This can be polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam (these two types of insulation are available in the form of sheets and slabs various thicknesses), as well as polyurethane foam, which is applied to structures by spraying.

The advantages of polymer insulation include low weight and low thermal conductivity. Such thermal insulation will not overload rafter system and will successfully cope with the task of keeping warm.

The disadvantages of polymer insulation include extremely low vapor permeability. There is no gas exchange through insulated structures, so you cannot do without a well-thought-out ventilation system in the attic.

Insulation of the attic with polyurethane foam

Thermal insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex) and polyurethane foam will not allow heat and steam to pass through to rafter frame roof, therefore, there is no need to install a vapor barrier on the room side. Despite the fact that the dew point during internal insulation of gables will shift towards the heat insulator, moisture, dangerous for wood, will not condense.

All joints and abutments of thermal insulation made of penoplex must be filled with polyurethane foam and (after removing excess foam) taped with reinforced tape so that the insulation layer is airtight.

Manufacturers produce penoplex of various densities. For pitched roof and attic walls, where heat loss is high, it is advisable to use slabs with a density of 30-35 kg/m3.

If you decide to choose inexpensive foam plastic, it is better to install insulation according to the same principle as fiber board materials. Unlike extruded polystyrene foam with a continuous closed-cell structure, polystyrene foam consists of many individual granules pressed into a slab. Between structural elements technological pores remain that are capable of allowing steam to pass to wooden structures.

A suitable foam density is 35 kg/m3; at a break, the material should not crumble into individual balls. Since polystyrene foam smolders when ignited, releasing toxic substances and is easily chewed through by mice, this is not the most best material for internal insulation.

Polymer insulation for the attic should not be considered as soundproofing material for the roof - it will not save you from the sound of raindrops. But if you insulate the floor with it, it will reduce the vibration load from steps, creating acoustic comfort in the rooms under the attic.

The selected insulation option will last long years, if you purchase good material and take into account all the subtleties of its installation.

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Which insulation is best for an attic roof - choose from 5 options

A high-quality insulated attic floor is an excellent solution to the shortage of living space. It is possible to insulate a room under a roof with your own hands, but with such an abundance of thermal insulation materials on the modern market, it is important not to make a mistake with your choice. To make it easier for you to decide on the type and thickness of the material, then we will analyze in detail the characteristics of 5 insulation materials, plus I will make short review prices

Where to look when choosing

The attic belongs to quite specific residential premises. The main difference is the absence of main walls. More precisely, some models have so-called attic walls (a continuation of the main wall), but their height often does not exceed 1.2 m, so they do not play a big role in thermal insulation.

Since there is no capital base, the entire load in terms of insulation falls on the thermal insulation materials. Exist general ideas about what insulation should be for attic floor.

  • One of the most basic parameters when choosing a material is the thermal conductivity coefficient. Remember - the lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the better the thermal insulation is considered;

  • The material must be resistant to sudden temperature changes; during such changes it should not crack or shrink. In the attic part, the thermal insulation from the street is separated only by the roofing material and a windproof membrane, so it is important how many freezing cycles the insulation can withstand;
  • The level of hygroscopicity is no less important for any insulation, because the ability to absorb moisture at times and moreover a short time can increase thermal conductivity. But even if the material is hygroscopic, it is desirable that when it dries it does not lose its properties;
  • According to statistics, the attic space is considered the most fire hazardous; a dry, unprotected roof will burn out in 5–7 minutes during a fire. Ideally, the insulation should not burn at all or at least not support combustion;
  • The complexity of the arrangement technology plays an important role. Even if you are not going to do this yourself, the more complex the installation, the more the craftsmen will have to pay for it;
  • Thermal insulation occupies the main volume roofing pie and at such a concentration it is important that the material is completely safe for humans. Living in a poisonous “bag” is not the best The best way save.

In practical terms, when it comes to purchasing, it is important to choose the thickness of the insulation. The thickness of the material depends on several factors:

  • First of all, from the material itself, but we will talk about this later;
  • The second criterion is density; here it is important to find a middle ground for each climate zone this middle is its own;
  • Again, hygroscopicity, water-permeable materials must be taken with reserve;
  • But most main characteristic Thermal conductivity influences the thickness; it should be as low as possible.

What kind of insulation does the market offer?

If you are looking for a universal insulation that is the best in all respects, then I will tell you honestly - this does not exist in principle. Depending on the roof design and climate zone, there are more and less common materials.

Option No. 1: foam

Polystyrene foam is considered a proven, reliable and, importantly, inexpensive insulation material. It contains only about 3% polystyrene, and the remaining 97% is air. Polystyrene is indifferent to moisture, which means it does not absorb moisture at all.

With any insulation of a house, there is such a thing as the dew point. In a nutshell, this is the place where plus and minus meet; it is in this zone that condensation settles. So, with foam plastic, the dew point is inside the slab and, in principle, there cannot be condensation there.

The slabs are light, but at the same time quite rigid, which greatly facilitates calculations and installation. Like most insulation materials, polystyrene foam has good soundproofing properties. Although not everything is so smooth, this material also has a number of serious disadvantages.

The fact that the material does not absorb moisture is good, but at the same time, it does not allow it to pass through. The attic is the upper room in the building, therefore there is the highest concentration of household fumes.

If you decide to insulate the attic with polystyrene foam, you will have to install forced ventilation, otherwise the vapors will condense under the ceiling, which will lead to mold, after which the wood of the rafters will begin to deteriorate, and with a high concentration, water will simply drip from the ceiling.

Polystyrene foam supports combustion, although it does not burn strongly; in the event of a fire it will release harmful, suffocating gases. Foam plastic is safe for humans, but rodents love to live in these slabs and it is very difficult to get them out.

For middle zone In Russia, slabs with a thickness of 50–70 mm are sufficient, in Siberia it is necessary to lay 100 mm, and the further north you go, the thicker it is. As for the brand, slabs from PSB-S-25 and denser are used here.

The prices in the article are current in the fall of 2017.

Option No. 2: extruded materials

Extruded polystyrene foam is, figuratively speaking, an advanced brother of polystyrene foam. The same polystyrene is used here, only the sheets are made by extrusion, as a result, instead of compressed balls, you get monolithic slab made of foamed polystyrene.

Many people consider such well-known brands as “Penoplex” and “Technoplex” to be independent types of insulation. So - all this is extruded polystyrene foam, produced by different manufacturers.

Such slabs are distinguished by lower thermal conductivity, compared to foam plastic; it is lower by about a third. Where polystyrene foam is installed with a thickness of 70 mm, EPS can be installed with a thickness of 50 mm, plus the durability of the boards is at least 30–40 years, versus 20–25 years for polystyrene foam.

As for the minuses, almost everything that foam plastic has was transferred to extruded polystyrene foam (except that rodents do not live in it), plus it is almost 2 times more expensive.

Option No. 3: different types of mineral wool

Not everyone knows, but the term mineral wool combines several different materials that differ in their characteristics.

Absolutely all types of wool absorb moisture, but high-density boards have the ability to retain their characteristics after drying.

Illustrations Recommendations

Stone wool.

This direction is made from volcanic minerals.

Insulating the attic with stone wool is considered the most the best solution. It is absolutely harmless, quite durable and does not burn.

Most often used for these purposes basalt wool, it’s just that this mineral is the most common, and therefore affordable.

The thickness of the slabs for attic insulation starts from 100 mm.

Glass wool.

Glass wool is much cheaper than its stone sister. The material is environmentally friendly, but not all brands of glass wool are good; budget models shrink quickly and require caution during installation (small glass needles dig into the skin).


In terms of its thermal insulation characteristics, slag wool is not much inferior to stone types of wool, but for insulation interior spaces It's not worth taking it.

This material is made from blast furnace slag and during operation, the slag releases vapors of phenol and other dangerous poisons.

For the attic and any roofing project in general, mineral wool must be taken in high-density slabs. Under no circumstances use soft mats; they are not suitable for roofing and will quickly become unusable.

Option No. 4: ecowool

New unique material, called ecowool, is nothing more than a product of recycling waste paper. 80% of it consists of natural cellulose, the rest goes to additives and binders.

Ecowool is ideal for the attic, but to apply it to the walls and ceiling you need to invite specialists with special compressor equipment. This material is sprayed onto the surface. But thanks to the additives, it does not burn and does not lose its properties after getting wet.

Option No. 5: polyurethane foam

An excellent material for insulating any surface. In its structure, polyurethane foam is partly similar to polyurethane foam, although the composition is different. There is no need to worry about the solidity of the layer here, because the material is sprayed onto the walls and, after hardening, forms a sealed shell.

Polyurethane foam is durable, lightweight and does not support combustion, everything about it is good, except that the price of the material is quite high and specialists with equipment are needed to install it.


The attic is a specific room and when choosing insulation for it, you need to take into account all the pros and cons that were mentioned above. The video in this article contains other interesting nuances of choice. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

Insulating the attic from the inside will allow you to achieve an optimal microclimate.

An attic is an attic space located on the top floor of a house. The façade of this part of the structure may be partially or completely formed by a roof. Careful insulation of the attic from the inside helps prevent or minimize heat loss through the roof of the house. In addition, high-quality thermal insulation is reliable protection from the formation of mold on wooden surfaces. According to current sanitary requirements, the line of intersection of the façade plane with the roof attic room should be located at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level. The construction of a residential attic space is economically beneficial, as it allows you to mutilate living space without using the territory adjacent to the house for development. An attic insulated according to all the rules can become a cozy bedroom, a room for children, a place to relax, a billiard room or even a home bar.

Choosing insulation for the attic

The choice of material for attic insulation, as well as thermal insulation options, should ideally be made during the design of the building. At this stage, they determine how the attic space will be used in the future, but its insulation begins only when the construction of the house is completed. When choosing insulation for the attic, be guided by the following characteristics:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance coefficient;
  • environmental safety;
  • degree of ignition;
  • strength and durability.

Important! Thermal insulation material must meet the established sanitary standards, be environmentally friendly, and also consist of natural components.

Choice of insulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCgK_L8Ejjs

Attic insulation components

An attic space not intended for living does not need to be completely insulated. In this case, thermal insulation of the attic floor, for example with sawdust, is sufficient. In a residential attic, in addition to the floor, insulation of the gables and ceiling will be required.

Using sawdust is one of the simplest and budget options.

Although more serious insulation can be done.

High-quality thermal insulation of the attic space of a house, which allows to minimize heat loss, requires the presence of the following layers:

The result should be a similar “sandwich”.

Important! To ensure a minimum level of heat loss, follow the requirements and rules for installing thermal and waterproofing of the attic of the house.

Before you begin insulation, you should do a thorough inspection, as well as prepare the gables and roof slopes of the house. All wooden surfaces treated with an antiseptic, metal parts– special anti-corrosion composition. Proper insulation attics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czIlH8kHIpY

Types of materials used for attic insulation

To insulate the attic from the inside, materials that have the appropriate hygienic certification are used. They must contain markings for thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity, information about suitability for a certain type of work. The materials most often used for attic insulation are:

Polyurethane foam is also used to insulate pipes and large containers in various industries.

The construction of a residential building involves the use various materials. When choosing insulation, take into account the purpose of the room being finished, the conditions of its operation, as well as the financial capabilities of the home owner.

Insulation with mineral wool

Today, insulation with mineral wool is the most preferred method of attic insulation. This material is environmentally friendly and has high noise insulation. The technology for insulating an attic space with a mini-slab consisting of small basalt fibers is simpler and more practical than using glass wool. The production of the latter is based on sand and glass recyclables.

When working with mineral wool, it is important to use protection for eyes, hands and respiratory tract.

Thickness of the mineral wool layer for insulation attic space is 15-20 cm. The width of the pieces of mineral wool is equal to the distance between the rafters plus an overlap of 3 cm. Construction and waterproofing using mineral wool should be carried out using protective clothing, goggles, and respirators. Insulating the attic with mineral wool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbQ686qYvco

Thermal insulation using foam plastic

The most practical options are to insulate the gables and roof of the house with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene). Foam boards are characterized by low thermal conductivity, they are lightweight and easy to install e.

The characteristics of foam plastic allow it to be used not only for roof insulation.

The disadvantages of this material are that it is very flammable and fire hazardous. Polystyrene foam is highly toxic and can cause negative impact on the respiratory system. Expanded polystyrene in conditions high humidity quickly collapses, therefore insulating the attic with foam plastic is advisable in dry rooms with good waterproofing. A more advanced insulation material is extruded foam plastic (penoplex). Is environmentally safe pure material, consisting of small closed cells.

Penoplex plates.

Important! The main advantages of penoplex include low thermal conductivity, resistance to rotting, high strength and low cost.

Compared with ordinary polystyrene foam foamed penoplex is non-toxic and non-flammable, therefore Lately Attic insulation with polystyrene foam is often replaced with thermal insulation with foam boards. We insulate the attic with polystyrene foam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3ag3xSOx40

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foams (PPF) are gas-filled plastics. Based on the type of original polyurethane, they are divided into rigid and elastic. Rigid polyurethane foam is used for thermal insulation. They are sprayed in the form of a liquid that, foaming, fills all cracks and cavities structural elements roofs. Elastic polyurethanes (foam rubber) are mainly used in the form of soft coverings.

Applying polyurethane foam to the inside of the roof slope.

Important! The technology for applying polyurethane foam is the only one that does not require the use of windproof and vapor barrier layers.

The advantages of polyurethane foam are that attic insulation with polyurethane foam is characterized by durability and resistance to organic solvents. To extend the service life of polyurethane foam insulation, it is necessary to prevent exposure to polyurethane foam sun rays. Application of polyurethane foam in the attic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27nU-KkpKOo

Using sawdust as insulation

Sawdust insulation is still widely used. To install thermal insulation with sawdust, they are pre-treated with an antiseptic and dried. They are then mixed with gypsum or cement to reduce flowability. And to protect the thermal insulation with sawdust from rodents, add copper sulfate and slaked lime. The main disadvantages of sawdust insulation are their high flammability. Sawdust prepared in this way is used to fill the cavities of the floor, walls and roof. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer when insulated with sawdust is 20-30 cm. We insulate the attic with sawdust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcfm98Gzv2U

Rules for attic insulation

The initial stage of work when insulating the attic ceiling and gables is laying waterproofing film to protect the insulation from moisture. The film strips are overlapped and secured with a stapler and tape.

Important! Before laying the heat insulator, it is advisable to make a lathing in the form wooden slats, nailed parallel to each other at a distance of 50 cm. This will subsequently facilitate the installation of finishing panels.

The selected thermal insulation material fills the gaps between the sheathing and the rafters. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer is equal to the width of the rafters. You can lay insulation in several layers. To vapor barrier the insulation, film, parchment or roofing felt is applied to its surface. They are secured to the rafters with tape or wooden slats. The amount of overlap of the vapor barrier should be about 10 cm. Next, the rafters are attached to the sheathing or directly to the beams finishing panels. Insulating the attic floor involves laying a vapor barrier layer. Next, they lay in the spaces between the beams thermal insulation material. To provide waterproofing, a special film is placed on top of the insulation. Floor insulation is completed with finishing chipboards, fiberboard, boards or other finishing material. Properly performed insulation of the attic floor can significantly reduce heat loss through the roof of the house and thereby reduce subsequent heating costs of the building. 7 rules for attic insulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOV3GNFZJvI

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy Cultures, specialty “Culturologist. Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to present. Editor: since 2016.

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Arranging a living space in place of an attic has long ceased to be a rare occurrence. All more owners houses are interested in how to properly carry out repairs so that life “under the roof” is no less comfortable than in the house itself. Let's consider how to insulate an attic if the roof is already covered, what materials are best suited for this purpose and what nuances you should pay attention to.

An attic is not just a lived-in attic. There are some standards that distinguish these two premises from each other. First of all, the attic roof must have a slope. In addition, the height of the room established by the standard must be at least 2.5 m.

Focusing on attractive appearance, many decide to arrange an attic. But in reality, you have to deal with some nuances, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before starting work:

  • the materials that were used to build the attic directly determine further heat loss in this room. Therefore, their choice should be approached very responsibly;
  • Properly selected engineering solutions, which allow you to provide all the necessary communications on the top floor;
  • The shape of the roof plays a significant role. It can be single-pitch, gable or broken;
  • in order to hide load-bearing elements roofs, you will have to use your imagination;
  • the attic can be located not only on the territory of the house, but also extend beyond its boundaries, supported by columns.

Each of these aspects has its own influence on the approach that will be required for high-quality roof insulation. But the main role still belongs to two main materials - heat and water insulation. On the one hand, the space under the roof is in the coldest zone of the building. On the other hand, a strong difference between the temperature inside and outside often causes condensation to appear, which has a destructive effect on materials.

The best materials for do-it-yourself attic insulation

There are many suitable options for internal insulation of the attic. But your choice must be made based on the characteristics of the region of residence, as well as the design features of the specific roof with which you will be working. Let's look at what options exist today and what features are typical for them.

Insulating the attic with polystyrene foam: the pros and cons of the material

Polystyrene foam is one of the most famous insulation materials, which occupies its niche among inexpensive thermal insulation materials. Its price is indeed significantly lower than many others, but this is far from its only advantage:

  • polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture at all. If the material is pre-treated with an impregnation specially designed for this purpose, then the water will simply flow down over the surface;
  • light weight is another advantage, which greatly facilitates transportation and installation, and also reduces the load on the roof;
  • the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is very low, so it copes with its direct functions more than fully;
  • Styrofoam is easy to cut and attach. This allows you to work with it without any problems even if you lack any experience.

Interesting! In terms of cost, this method can only be compared with insulating the ceiling with expanded clay, although now this method is used less and less.

Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that polystyrene foam is an almost win-win option when it comes to insulating the attic from the inside. But insulating walls with foam plastic from the inside also has disadvantages, and sometimes they turn out to be much more significant than the advantages:

  • the vapor permeability of foam is at a very low level. As a result, the room is often stuffy and hot. This also leads to increased humidity, which causes the development of fungi and mold on wooden roofing elements;
  • despite its artificial origin, this material is often damaged by rodents;
  • Over time, wood tends to shrink, which leads to the formation of gaps between the foam elements. There is no way to fix this, and the only way to solve the problem is complete replacement thermal insulation material.

Many believe that the listed disadvantages outweigh the advantages and insulating the attic with polystyrene foam is not justified. But we must admit that this is one of the most budget-friendly options, which causes the least hassle, and if the installation technology is followed, it may well become an alternative to more expensive solutions.

Insulating the attic with polystyrene foam: advantages, disadvantages and features

Extruded polystyrene foam is very similar to polystyrene foam. Their technical characteristics are almost identical, with the exception of one significant aspect - installation technology. If polystyrene foam needs to be laid between the rafters, then polystyrene foam is placed on top, which eliminates the risk of cracks and gaps.

Helpful advice! Some manufacturers offer customers slabs with stepped joints, which makes the joints even stronger and more reliable. This fixation of elements together is an ideal option for insulating an attic roof.

Among other advantages of roof insulation with polystyrene foam, one cannot fail to note its low weight, which is perfectly combined with high strength and resistance to external influences. In addition, the service life of this material is quite long, provided that all the technology for insulating the attic with penoplex is followed.

Expanded polystyrene is not prone to rotting or decomposition, which is also important in the case of work on the roof. Any finishing coating can be applied over it, which will give an attractive appearance and provide additional protection.

It’s easy to work with polystyrene foam yourself: a variety of different materials are suitable for fixing it. adhesive mixtures and mastics. And in some cases they even use a construction stapler. So there is no need to purchase any expensive additional elements for installation.

But behind all these positive characteristics We must not forget about the only, but rather serious, drawback of insulating polystyrene foam from the inside of walls and roofs - the material has an increased level of flammability. For owners, this means the need for a more careful and thoughtful installation of all communications, in particular electricity.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to reduce this drawback to a minimum, but today we can say with confidence that this question remains open, and every owner who has chosen to insulate the walls from the inside with penoplex is obliged to take care of their safety.

Interesting! It is no coincidence that this material is most often chosen for insulating balconies. Expanded polystyrene has very low thermal conductivity, and at the same time on the balcony it practically does not have to come into contact with electricity.

Insulating the attic from the inside with mineral wool: a worthy alternative to penoplex

Mineral wool is another thermal insulation material that is used everywhere and is widely known for its properties. It got its name because of its fibrous structure, similar to medical cotton wool. You can buy it in rolls, which makes transportation and installation even more convenient.

Low thermal conductivity goes well with the ability to not absorb moisture. Although, if this happens, the material dries quickly without losing its appearance and technical characteristics.

Mineral wool belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and safe materials, which becomes noticeable even if top part The roof will be covered with metal tiles, which are prone to strong heating when exposed to sunlight. In addition, mineral wool also serves as a sound-absorbing barrier, and unlike polystyrene foam, it is not at all of interest to rodents and various insects.

Insulation of the roof from the inside with mineral wool must be done taking into account the fact that this is a fairly elastic material, even despite its soft fibrous structure. It is quite capable of being held between the rafters, provided it is properly fixed.

Helpful advice! In the process of cutting mineral wool for laying sheets between the rafters, it is necessary to leave a margin of approximately 2 cm. This will allow them to be held and not fall out even if there is no additional elements fastenings

Insulating the roof from the inside with glass wool: is it worth using this material?

In terms of its characteristics, glass wool is similar to mineral wool, but in this case, the fibers that make up the material are longer, which generally increases the elasticity of the material. Strength indicators and soundproofing abilities are also slightly higher. But when in contact with moisture, glass wool is inferior to mineral wool, absorbing more water.

The use of glass wool for insulation of residential premises does not lead to any negative consequences for the health of residents. No toxic substances are used in the production process. In addition, glass wool is characterized by low flammability.

When working with the material, safety regulations must be followed to avoid glass wool fibers getting into the air. Its small particles can cause irritation of mucous membranes, and therefore the use of a respirator and safety glasses is a must.

Helpful advice! Sometimes glass wool fibers can cause skin irritation, so it is recommended to wear closed clothing and even gloves when working with it.

Do-it-yourself insulation of an attic roof from the inside using stone wool

Stone wool is the most expensive option among similar materials. But at the same time, it is the safest for human health and, in terms of reliability, significantly exceeds all other options. Here are some of its main advantages:

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of this material is one of the lowest;
  • stone wool remains completely environmentally friendly even when heated;
  • the layer of this heat insulator is also an excellent noise-absorbing barrier;
  • the level of vapor permeability is very high;

  • the material practically does not burn;
  • no mechanical loads can deform stone wool or affect its characteristics;
  • the material has a long service life;
  • You can purchase stone wool in the form of slabs, which are easily cut into pieces of the required length and attached to the ceiling surface.

Due to the high cost of stone wool, they often try to replace it with mineral wool or glass wool. But such a replacement cannot be called complete, since this affects the quality of insulation quite seriously. Many users claim that the price of the material is quite justified, and provided that the installation technology is followed, it very quickly pays off the incurred costs.

Related article:

Types of insulation for roofs and ceilings. Mineral and synthetic insulation for roofs. Insulation of the attic roof.

In addition, it is quite possible to carry out all the work on insulating the attic roof from the inside with your own hands. Video instructions can demonstrate the procedure for carrying out the work, and recommendations from specialists will help you avoid common mistakes.

Insulating the attic with ecowool is one of the most effective ways to combat the cold

Ecowool is a pre-crushed material that is first blown into the cracks, and then, using the same method, a layer is placed between the ceiling and the rafters, using a device specially designed for this. This is an expensive procedure, but it allows you to completely eliminate all risks of drafts and ensure the most effective insulation.

Ecowool consists of 80% completely natural material- paper whose properties are very similar to those characteristic of wood. With his natural origin, ecowool reduces the level of heat loss no less effectively than other materials.

One of the components that is part of ecowool is borax. According to its characteristics, it is an antiseptic of natural origin, which makes it possible to provide wooden elements roofs provide effective protection against the formation of fungus and mold.

Ecowool is applied thin layer, but at the same time it provides a decent level of not only heat, but also noise insulation. The material retains its characteristics even after decades of use. So the not too low cost is the only drawback of this material, which is fully justified by its excellent properties.

Insulating the attic with polyurethane foam: basic technology and material features

Foamed polyurethane foam is the most modern of all the listed methods for insulating an attic. Its main difference is the complete absence of joints or gaps that could become a source of cold air. In addition, the service life of this material is one of the longest, up to 30 years.

Foamed polyurethane foam is not subject to shrinkage, even if wooden roof the house gradually begins to deform over time. Its solid structure completely eliminates the risk of moisture absorption, which eliminates the need to install an additional vapor barrier layer.

But there are also aspects that significantly complicate the process of using polyurethane foam as roof insulation from the inside. This primarily concerns the application procedure, which requires complex and expensive equipment. Its purchase is almost never justified, so it is usually rented.

Another aspect is the complex application technology, which requires certain experience in this field and does not allow beginners to independently cope with the task efficiently.

Helpful advice! Perfect option– invite a team of workers who will come with their own equipment and do it in just a few hours high-quality insulation attic of your home.

Do-it-yourself attic insulation from the inside using penofol

Penofol is a kind of foamed polyethylene - a technology that occupies its niche among methods modern insulation walls and houses. Along with high sound insulation rates, it is also worth noting the fact that penofol has high-quality coating made of aluminum, which can be applied on one or two sides.

Here are a few more arguments in favor of using penofol for attic insulation:

  • the material does not pose any threat to human health or the environment;
  • its thermal conductivity is extremely low;
  • the closed system of air bubbles characteristic of this material serves as an excellent barrier to steam penetration.

This method is also not cheap and requires significant financial investments to implement. But, as practice shows, it is better to spend money once on high-quality material and thereby ensure comfortable conditions residence for many years to come.

Combining materials is not at all uncommon. Materials with compatible characteristics can be used together for insulation. For example, mineral wool and polystyrene foam go well together. The first is placed between the rafters, and the second is placed closer to the edge of the roof. This combination will allow you to achieve the desired effect and significantly save on the purchase of materials.

Can provide reliable thermal insulation in combination with other materials

As you can see from the descriptions, each insulation has its own advantages and disadvantages. The only question is to choose the most suitable option, which will satisfy the idea of ​​correspondence between price and quality of the material.

One of the most common mistakes that owners make is a rash choice in favor of the cheapest option for attic insulation. Videos and articles can demonstrate the positive aspects of a particular solution, but the choice must be taken into account all the nuances and characteristics. Attempts to save on thermal insulation material may lead to the fact that after some time of operation, you will have to carry out renovation work or even completely replace all the material.

Insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands: video and stages of work

Each material has its own fastening characteristics and should be used exclusively in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. But if we talk about general procedure carrying out work, there are mandatory stages that are carried out almost always, regardless of the material chosen.

The first layer of waterproofing material is laid out, which should protect the insulation from the destructive effects of moisture. The film is overlapped so that one layer overlaps the other by 10-15 cm. The material is secured using a construction stapler, and the joints are additionally taped.

Then, if necessary, a sheathing is created. For it, you can use wooden slats, the width of which is 8-10 cm. They need to be attached to the rafters, positioned parallel to each other at a distance of 50-60 cm. It is very important to check each element separately using building level. This will prevent any roof defects from occurring in the future.

A heat insulator is placed on the rafters or sheathing and secured in a suitable manner. For example, if we are talking about using any type of cotton wool sold in the form of rolls, then the material is cut into pieces the right size to lay them between the rafters. In this case, the thickness of the insulation should be such as to correspond to the width of the log. It is especially important if you decide to insulate the walls from the inside with mineral wool plus drywall. In this case, all free space must be filled with insulation.

The top layer of this “pie” is a layer vapor barrier material, which can be used as polyethylene film, glassine or roofing felt. As with waterproofing, the selected material is overlapped. True, in this case it is better to fasten it using thin wooden slats, placing them in increments of 40-50 cm. All joints must be taped.

Helpful advice! If you need to lay several layers of thermal insulation material, you need to lay a vapor barrier film between each of them. This is especially true for cold regions.

As a final step, all that remains is to take care of a suitable finishing coating, which can be attached to the sheathing or, in the absence of it, directly to the bars. It is worth taking into account the weight of the used decorative panels, since installation of the heaviest of them may require preliminary installation of a frame made of a metal profile.

The main mistakes made in the process of insulating the attic

The final result of the work, which is done by hand, directly depends on how accurately the technology and all the prescribed rules are followed. It is worth paying particular attention to the procedure for laying the waterproofing layer, since materials that are capable of absorbing moisture subsequently dry out, which often causes cold in the room.

  • if the roof slope does not exceed 13°, this will cause precipitation to remain on the surface. The result is rust and leaks. All this can negatively affect the condition of the insulation, so it is important to make sure that the angle of inclination is large enough before starting work;
  • installation of thermal insulation material on the walls and roof is not all the necessary work. It is also necessary to take care of the insulation of windows (according to Swedish technology). To do this, it is best to invite specialists to ensure that leaks are avoided. Especially if it is necessary to install windows at an angle;

  • in order to provide the thermal insulation material with ventilation and the ability to dry out if it gets wet, it is advisable to leave a gap of approximately 2-3 cm between the material and the roof;
  • it is strictly forbidden to skip at least one of the necessary layers of vapor or waterproofing materials;
  • If the thermal insulation material is thicker than the rafters, then their height can be increased by filling additional slats yourself.

These simple recommendations can help in the work process, significantly increasing the quality of insulation. However, if for any reason there are doubts about the strength and experience, it would be better to invite a specialist. Of course, you will have to pay for this, but in this case you will not have to redo everything twice.

Insulating the attic gable from the inside is far from the most difficult task, which a home owner may encounter. Often, owners want to place a balcony on the top floor, the insulation technology of which also has its own characteristics.

As with walls, a wide variety of materials can be used to insulate the ceiling on a balcony, although it is worth noting that loggia insulation technology is often used here, which has not been mentioned before. It will help you to understand in detail the features of this process. step-by-step instruction“Do-it-yourself insulation of a balcony from the inside.”

Do-it-yourself insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool: video instructions

As a clear example, it is recommended to watch a training video where the technology of insulating walls from the inside with mineral wool is presented in detail. This will allow you to familiarize yourself in detail with all the nuances and avoid the previously mentioned common mistakes.