Kalanchoe conditions. Proper care of Kalanchoe

In almost every apartment you can find a flower such as Kalanchoe, which many use for decorative and medicinal purposes. This is a fairly unpretentious plant that is easy to care for at home, but for this you should follow certain rules. Only in this case will Kalanchoe delight its owner with bright pink flowers, but its flowering period is not too long.

The vast majority of Kalanchoe grows in tropical climates. That is why it is so important to create similar conditions for its normal development.


In nature, this plant prefers open space to receive as much light as possible. For this reason, you need to choose a window for the pot that faces south or west. Try not to block it with tulle, since even direct sunlight will not harm either the sprouts or flowers.

Temperature and humidity

In summer the temperature should be around +22 degrees, in winter – around +16 degrees. But if the temperature exceeds +25 degrees, the leaves will quickly begin to fade and fall off. Even frequent watering will not help the situation.


For Kalanchoe, it is better to choose settled water at room temperature. But the most ideal option is melt water. In the warm season, the flower is watered up to three times a week, in winter - about once every two weeks (provided that the room temperature is not higher than +17 degrees).

But here it is important to monitor the soil in the pot: if upper layer dry, you can start watering.

The soil

When preparing the soil, great attention must be paid to drainage issues. If moisture stagnates, rotting of the roots may occur, which will lead to the death of the plant. In hot weather, the soil should be thoroughly moistened, but daily watering should be avoided. It is also recommended to place the pot in a container of water - this way you don’t have to worry about having enough water.

The soil itself for growing should be loose, consist of humus, turf, peat and leaf soil in equal proportions.

Application of fertilizing and fertilizing

Very important point– application of fertilizers, because often many problems with this plant arise as a result of a lack of nutrients. In this case, you may experience:

  • yellowness of leaves;
  • lack of peduncles;
  • presence of brown spots;
  • growth inhibition.

At the same time, there is one important point: it is better to apply more fertilizers when feeding, because the flower will react to this better than to a lack of them.

Approximate feeding calendar (once every 2-3 weeks):

  • in the spring, nitrogen is added, which is required for active flower growth;
  • During the formation of buds, phosphorus and potassium are added.

After flowering ends, you need to reduce flowering to once a month, and winter time additives should not be added for a year.

Plant transplantation - rules for performing work

All elements - the root part and leaves - grow very quickly. In one season, a flower can grow up to 40 cm in height. It is for this reason that the plant will have to be replanted once a year. Best time to carry out work - early spring. The main thing is not to replant Kalanchoe during flowering. Otherwise, the buds will fall off, and the plant itself will suffer greatly and will hurt.

Before replanting, the soil in the pot is thoroughly moistened: in this case, removing the flower will be much easier. The Kalanchoe is taken out along with a lump of earth, and the soil is carefully shaken off.

If rot or darkened leaves are detected, be sure to trim them.

The main methods of propagation of Kalanchoe

Caring for this plant also includes propagation. So, you can buy a plant at a flower shop, but it often happens that after purchasing the Kalanchoe, for some unknown reason, it begins to die.

You can breed it with your own hands, and various methods are suitable:

  • dividing a large bush;
  • planting a separate leaf;
  • sowing seeds;
  • rooting cuttings.

At home, a large bush is divided when it needs to be refreshed. But the divided flower may not take root or will take a long time to recover. The easiest option is to root the cuttings. The advantage is that the roots of the plant grow very quickly, thanks to which the Kalanchoe will very quickly take root in a new pot. One place is enough for the bush to become lush and strong.

But from the parent plant you can take not only a cutting, but also a leaf. It takes root just as quickly, but the plant will become larger only after 1-1.5 years.

Another option is to use seeds for propagation. However, the grains are so small that this makes planting them much more difficult. Therefore, they just need to be laid on top of the ground, slightly pressed into the ground, without sprinkling on top. Then the container is covered with a bag. Place the pot in a warm place, ventilating it once a day and making sure that the sprouts are not exposed to direct sunlight. When the first shoots appear, you need to remove the package and move the pot to a well-lit place.

Features of pruning and pinching plants

Pruning, especially during the flowering period, is only necessary if the Kalanchoe has been attacked by pests or is sick. There is nothing complicated here: the damaged parts of the plant are cut off.

After flowering, it is necessary to provide the plant with a period of rest. To do this, you cannot do without the following activities:

  • trimming flower stalks;
  • transferring the pot to a dark area;
  • no watering for at least 1.5 months.

After the specified time, the pot is placed in a lighted place, fed, watered and returned to the usual methods of care.

Pinching is an event that will allow the plant to start blooming again. In addition, it helps increase the number minerals, which are so necessary for Kalanchoe for normal development. Weak shoots can be pinched with anything, but the work must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the plant. If this happens, then the “wound” needs to be sprinkled with ashes or charcoal to prevent infection.

What is the correct way to prevent it from wilting? Read more about this in our material.

To grow a flower at home woman's happiness, you need to know in advance all the features of caring for it. You will learn about this.

In our article we will tell you in more detail about the rules for caring for roses at home.

All types of Kalanchoe are cared for in the same way, including the “mix” variety.

Pest and disease control

Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a fairly resistant plant, it is also susceptible to “attack” by pests, and diseases usually form as a result of improper care.

So, if small white spots are found on the leaves, we can talk about a pest such as mealybug. This small insect feeds on the sap of the plant, quickly “devouring” and destroying the entire bush. The affected areas must be removed, and the plant itself must be wiped with mineral oil.

This plant is loved by aphids and mites, which reproduce especially well in dry climates. To get rid of the pest, you just need to wipe the leaves with a soap solution. If there are too many insects, you need to additionally purchase special chemicals.

If water stagnates in the soil or if there is heavy baiting, dark spots and plaque may appear on the leaves of the plant. In this case, it is necessary to immediately adjust the care of Kalanchoe. So, the plant itself is transplanted into looser soil with a high-quality drainage layer. Damaged leaves and rotten roots are cut off. As a result, the plant will quickly return to normal.

One of the most annoying problems is powdery mildew. Most often it appears when the air in the room is too dry. The problem is that this disease quickly spreads to other plants. To combat, you need to spray the Kalanchoe with fungicides and move the pot to a cooler room.

Kalanchoe is perhaps one of the most versatile of indoor plants, which combines decorative and medicinal qualities at the same time. Today there are more than 180 varieties of these flowers, all of which are healing. At home, only a couple of species are grown - Kalanchoe pinnate, Daigremonda, single-flowered. How to care for Kalanchoe at home - tips for gardeners.

Decorative flowering varieties of Kalanchoe include:

  • belongs to the Tolstyankov family. Characterized by a rich and long flowering period. It has a thick stem and fleshy leaves that are both smooth and velvety. Kalanchoe Kalandiva is an extremely beautiful miniature shrub with small double flowers collected in lush inflorescences. It all depends on the variety of Kalanchoe; the flowers can be red or pink and even yellow. Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​a hybrid that stands out for its highly decorative flowers of various colors.
  • Kalanchoe Rosalina - a plant native to South Africa. Decorative foliage flower with colorful bright pink flowers, has healing properties. Just like Kalanchoe Kalandiva, this plant does not need special care and growing conditions.
  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld or Kalanchoe mini mix. A miniature ornamental compact plant with a bright flowering crown. Flowers come in a wide variety of colors; depending on the variety of Kalanchoe, they are white, pink, red or lilac.
  • Kalanchoe Kalandiva is especially recognized among gardeners. Almost every indoor flower lover tries to grow this plant at home. Its flowering is an incredible and enchanting phenomenon.

Secrets of caring for Kolanchoe

The thick-stemmed plant is successfully grown in room conditions, following some rules. The key to a healthy appearance and lush flowering of Kalanchoe is the right place to keep it and proper care. Main care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva, as well as for its other relatives at home, is as follows.

This is a tropical plant and does not respond well to excess moisture. Constant waterlogging of the soil is the main cause of rotting of the root system of a flower. It is necessary to water Kalanchoe not very often and not in large doses, especially when it has entered its flowering period.

In spring summer period time ornamental plant water with cool, settled water. When watering a flower, the above-ground part must be protected from water in order to prevent rotting of the stem and leaves. Moderate watering in spring and summer is ideal for this flower. When overflowing, excess water from the pan must be poured out. The optimal frequency of watering Kalanchoe is once every three days.

This flower has a significant supply of liquid in the leaves and trunk, so lack of moisture is not very bad for it. He suffers more from its overabundance.

In autumn winter period Kalanchoe is watered less often. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pan. Excess moisture at low temperatures, which the plant cannot tolerate, can cause its death. Ideally, each watering of this exotic plant is carried out as the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, the plant is watered warm water. Watering cold water may cause stress in the plant.

Lighting Kolanchoe

Kalanchoe is a sun-loving plant. Before noon, the flower can be easily exposed in direct sunlight, and after lunch, put away in a shaded place, creating twilight conditions. In order not to move it from place to place every day, you can use the most ordinary light cloth and cover the plant with it. In the afternoon, the sun's rays are extremely dangerous for this flower. They can cause burns to the leaves and stem.

In winter, the plant can be placed in one place without moving it, since the sun is less active at this time of year.

Temperature regime of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe prefers moderate temperatures ranging from 16 to 20 degrees. But if the temperature drops to 5-7 degrees, this will in no way affect the condition of the plant. This flower does not like heat; it begins to absorb significant amounts of water and suffer from various diseases.

Air humidity

This flower doesn't need high humidity air. The plant does not like excess moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air. With increased air humidity, its stem accumulates excess moisture, which can cause fungal infections and mold. In winter, the flower must be provided with low air humidity.


As for fertilizers, Kalanchoe does not necessarily need to be fertilized. In this case, if the plant suffers from a lack of mineral components, then it is fed with fertilizer for cacti. It must be remembered that feeding Kalanchoe is not carried out during winter.

Even if the plant begins to fade at this time of year, it does not need to be fertilized. Fertilization for Kalanchoe is carried out in late spring - early summer. The concentration of the substance must be two times less than the recommended one. This is quite enough for the full growth and development of the flower.

Fertilizers are applied in liquid form, having previously dissolved it in warm water. This technique provides good nutrition roots

When and how to replant?

In progress growing Kalanchoe needs periodic replanting. It must be remembered that it is not recommended to replant a flowering plant. This is a fast-growing flower with an actively developing root system. Replanting is performed frequently, regardless of the age of the plant and the size of the above-ground part. This procedure is carried out at the end of spring - during the period of active plant growth.

Transplantation of Kalanchoe Kalandiva, as well as other varieties of this family, is carried out by transferring an earthen coma. After which the plant begins an adaptation period, which lasts about one week. At this time it needs to be fertilized. By composition and proportions new soil must be the same as the old one. The pot for transplanting is deep and wide.

In this case, if the transplant is carried out in winter, the plant must be provided with maximum comfortable conditions for adaptation.

Caring for Kalanchoe Kalandiva includes the propagation process, which is performed by several methods - seeds, cuttings and children.

This indoor plant can reproduce on its own. Very often, fallen Kalanchoe leaves send out roots and take root quite successfully.

Propagation by seed is carried out at the end of winter or early spring. Sowing of seeds is carried out superficially. They are not covered with earth, but covered with transparent glass or film and placed in a shaded place. After which the seedlings are systematically ventilated and moistened. The soil must always be slightly moist. Plants will need this care for 30-35 days. After this, they are planted separately in planting containers and covered with film for 2-3 days. As soon as the first pair of Kalanchoe leaves appears, you can plant it on permanent place in a pot.

Young plants need to be fertilized during the growing season, albeit in small dosages. To form a beautiful crown, it is recommended to pinch the bush.

Forming and pruning Kalanchoe

In the process of growing at home, Kalanchoe needs regular pruning. The plant needs to be trimmed to give it a beautiful, neat shape. Each variety reacts differently to this procedure. For example, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe can be pruned without any restrictions.

In any case, regardless of the variety, pruning must be thorough. Peduncles, overly long stems and damaged parts of the plant are cut as low as possible. Young stems are cut off for further rooting. Flowering Kalanchoes should not be pruned.

Flowering and dormancy

Kalanchoe Kalandiva, like many other varieties of this succulent, blooms only once a year. The flowering of this plant begins in early February and ends at the end of March.

Some varieties of Kalanchoe bloom no earlier than March. If the plant has not produced flower buds by mid-March, it may be suffering from fungal infections, mold, or insect pests. Using an artificial play of light, you can achieve additional flowering of this succulent.

There are many reasons why Kalanchoe gets sick. The most common diseases and pests that affect this flower are described below.

Aphids are one of the most dangerous insects that infect the entire above-ground part of the plant, blocking access to nutrients. Overly affected Kalanchoe specimens die. Yellowed leaves and flowers that fall off over time are a clear sign of the appearance of this pest on the plant. Leaves of overly affected specimens must be trimmed. The cut areas are treated with potassium soap. Plants that are not too neglected are wiped with a solution of laundry soap, while covering the soil.

Most gardeners quite often face the problem that Kalanchoe simply does not grow. In a healthy plant, the reason for all this can only be a lack of nutrients in the soil or its incorrect composition. In this case, it is recommended to transplant the flower into another container with fertile soil, giving the flower appropriate care.

Not every gardener manages to achieve flowering of Kalanchoe Kalandiva. Very often this happens due to improper feeding. The increased content of nutrients in the soil prevents the formation of flower buds in Kalanchoe. In this case, the amount of fertilizer applied is gradually reduced each time. Ultimately, feeding the flower is stopped completely.

Yellowing and random falling of Kalanchoe leaves is a very common occurrence. This is due to insufficient lighting. If a flower has evenly yellowed leaves along the entire stem, this means that this plant suffers from an overabundance sun rays. It must be placed in a shaded place for a while.

Kalanchoe dries at home for a variety of reasons. First of all, this is a lack of moisture over a long period of time. Damage to the root system can also cause the flower to dry out. harmful insects, which absorb all the moisture from the main stem. Incorrect soil composition during planting or an excess of sunlight are the result of the plant drying out.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home is very simple; the plant does not like to grow in conditions of increased humidity and waterlogging; it requires frequent inspection and correct placement in room.

Drafts, noises, screams are contraindicated for the normal growth and development of Kalanchoe at home. Optimize the care and growing conditions for your indoor pet, and it will thank you with a healthy appearance and colorful flowering.

We wish you success!

Aug 08 2017

Kalanchoe - home care

Kalanchoe can be found both on grandmothers’ windowsills and in collections experienced flower growers. This is explained not only by the undemanding nature of Kalanchoe to care at home, but also by its species diversity.

IN natural conditions There are several hundred species of Kalanchoe. It grows in Africa, on the island of Madagascar, America, Australia and Asian countries. However, its varieties can differ significantly from each other. IN natural conditions you can find Kalanchoe up to two meters high, similar to a small tree. Other species hide among tropical trees, not exceeding twenty centimeters in height. Among them there are flowers that grow in dry climates, and plants whose homeland is tropical rainforests and subtropics.

Kalanchoe in nature

Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family, being a relative money tree. By analogy, people call it the tree of life. But this name applies only to the species of medicinal Kalanchoe. Some believe that all species have medicinal properties. In reality to medicinal plants refers to Kalanchoe pinnate, which is used as a raw material in the pharmaceutical industry. Less medicinal properties endowed with Kalanchoe Degremona, very popular among supporters of traditional medicine.

Varieties suitable for growing indoors are divided into two groups:

  • decorative flowering;
  • decorative deciduous.

Blooming Kalanchoe is often used for decoration. office premises. Its small compact bush with glossy dark green leaves and small flowers collected in panicle-shaped inflorescences pleases the eye all winter until spring. The flowers vary in shades - from white, cream to bright red. Plants with double flowers are especially beautiful.

Among the decorative deciduous species there are plants with different leaf shapes and colored tips. Correct and timely pruning and pinching make it possible to obtain a plant that attracts attention with its shape and shiny leaves.

All types of Kalanchoe are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and ease of care. Therefore, growing a flower is within the capabilities of beginning flower growers and those who cannot devote a lot of time to caring for flowers. This is why the flower is so common in offices where there is no way to monitor air humidity.

Types and varieties of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe belongs to the succulent family, among which there are flowering and deciduous species. Let's look at the most popular varieties among flower growers.

Kalanchoe Degremona

Most common Kalanchoe Degremona, distinctive feature which are baby buds that form along the edges of the leaves. These buds are green or reddish-burgundy in color. They also form aerial roots on the leaf. When they fall to the ground, the children quickly take root and produce new shoots. Kalanchoe Degremona is native to the island of Madagascar, where the plant grows up to two meters. Indoors, its height rarely reaches half a meter. To form a compact flower, it is recommended to carry out in early spring trimming the top, which will accelerate the growth of side shoots. If you can create ideal conditions, then you can see the flowering of this species. The long panicle ends in clusters of hanging elongated buds of pinkish-violet color.

Kalanchoe pinnate

View pinnate kalanchoe looks similar to Kalanchoe Degremon. Its fleshy, oval-shaped leaves have carved, rounded edges. Elongated flowers hang from the inflorescences, forming entire clusters. The color of the buds is light green with pink streaks. Cirrus Kalanchoe has a healing effect. The juice is used to treat runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, alcohol tincture- for varicose veins.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Among lovers of flowering house plants Kalanchoe Blossfeld It is popular due to its compact bush with glossy leaves and abundant flowering in winter, which lasts for several months. The ovoid leaves reach a length of 4-6 centimeters. On a short peduncle lush inflorescence umbrella-shaped flowers are collected, with a diameter not exceeding one and a half centimeters. Flowers in red shades are more common. But through the efforts of breeders, flowers of white, cream and apricot shades were obtained.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva externally similar to the Blossfeld species, but differs in lush double flowers. The color of the buds is varied - from white, yellow to red, purple. The flowering of the plant can last up to six months, starting in February. But for this it is necessary to promptly remove dried buds.

Kalanchoe Mangina

Kalanchoe Mangina belongs to the type of hanging variety, suitable for placement in hanging planters. Its shoots droop as they grow, reaching a length of forty centimeters. The leaves are round in shape and green or purple in color. Pink flowers Mangina Kalanchoes look like bells hanging in clusters at the ends of the stems.

Kalanchoe dissected

Looks original Kalanchoe dissected, with feathery leaves, not at all similar to other species. And his flowers are arranged singly, they have simple form with four petals. The color of the buds is yellow or orange.

Kalanchoe Marble

Kalanchoe marbled stands out with variegated wide leaves. It is native to rocks in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia. This type of plant is well adapted to droughts and temperature changes. This variety is beautiful not only for its leaves, but also for its white four-petal flowers collected in an umbrella.

Living conditions depending on the season

The unpretentiousness of Kalanchoe allows it to be grown in apartments and offices. But flowering requires compliance with certain conditions, especially lighting. When there is insufficient lighting, the stem becomes elongated and the flowers become smaller. In summer, the flower feels comfortable on an east or west window, on a balcony. A south-facing window requires light shading to prevent the leaves from getting burned. In winter, it is recommended to move it to a south window and provide additional lighting so that the daylight hours are about 12 hours.

A native of hot Africa can easily tolerate hot summers, but in winter he needs coolness. Because the Kalanchoe flowering starts around mid-winter, and before that the flower is dormant, then in the fall the plant needs to be provided with a temperature of 16-18 degrees. This optimal temperature for laying flower buds. With more high temperature In winter, leaves fall off and buds dry out. A glazed, insulated balcony would be a good option for Kalanchoe in winter.

Kalanchoe is one of those plants that easily tolerate dry air. It does not need spraying, but periodically its leaves are wiped with a damp sponge. A warm shower in the bathroom has a beneficial effect on the flower.

The frequency of watering the plant depends on the ambient temperature. In hot weather, abundant watering is necessary as the soil in the pot dries out. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced.

Transplant requirements

After purchasing a new plant, it is placed separately from other plants. A two-week quarantine is necessary to identify possible pests and prevent them from spreading to other flowers. The plant is replanted and the soil is replaced using the transshipment method. At the same time, the root system is inspected to identify pests or root diseases.

The pot is selected deep enough to ensure the growth of the root system. At the same time, it should not be much larger than the previous one. Otherwise, all the plant’s energy will be spent on root growth. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot, because the roots of Kalanchoe suffer from excess moisture.

The earthen mixture can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared yourself. A succulent mixture is suitable for Kalanchoe. If the soil is prepared independently, then the following soil is taken in equal proportions:

  • leafy;
  • turf;
  • sand;
  • peat.

It is advisable to add perlite or charcoal to the mixture.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home

When watering a flower, you must adhere to the rule - it is better to underwater than to overwater. After watering, excess water from the pan must be drained. Kalanchoe needs to be watered abundantly, but after the soil in the pot dries out. Water for irrigation is taken at room temperature, settled or filtered. The frequency of watering depends on the time of year and ambient temperature. In summer, the frequency of watering is from four to six days, and in winter - about ten days.

Kalanchoe needs fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, but the schedule for applying fertilizers is somewhat different from caring for other plants. Kalanchoe is fertilized in two periods:

  • from late autumn to February, when flowering begins;
  • after flowering ends - from late May to mid-July.

It is recommended to use fertilizers for succulents, but you can alternately use organic and mineral products. The plant does not need frequent feeding; it is enough to do it twice a month. Otherwise, increased growth of green mass will lead to insufficient flowering.

Kalanchoe blooms in mid-winter (January-February) and lasts from two to three months to six months, depending on the type of plant and conditions. In order to achieve lush flowering, it is necessary to ensure temperature regime(16-18 degrees) during the dormant period, which comes with the autumn cooling. It is important to provide 12 hours of daylight. As flowering progresses, it is necessary to remove dried flowers, which allows new buds to form.

How to prune Kalanchoe

To obtain a compact bush, it is necessary to periodically pinch or trim the elongated parts. This is especially true for Kalanchoe Degremon and pinnate, which tend to stretch in height.

Pruning of the plant is carried out in the spring, after flowering has ended. Long shoots can be shortened by a third, or even half the length. At the beginning of summer, shoots are pinched to make the bush compact.

Kalanchoe diseases

The leaves are turning yellow

Kalanchoe leaves sometimes begin to turn yellow and fall off. This happens when there is insufficient lighting for the plant, so it needs to be moved to a brighter place or provided with lighting. If there is enough light, then the reason may be a lack of nutrients, which is compensated for by fertilizing with complex fertilizers.

Brown spots

Brown spots on Kalanchoe leaves indicate insufficient watering. At the same time, excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots and death of the flower. Brown spots may also indicate late blight. If changing conditions do not contribute to the recovery of the plant, it is recommended to treat it with a fungicide.

Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe

White spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe with a fungal coating are a lesion of powdery mildew. The cause may be too warm, dry air. Move the plant to another location and treat it with a fungicide, otherwise there is a risk of transferring the disease to other plants.

Gray spots on the trunk of Kalanchoe require immediate replacement of the soil and a change in air temperature to cooler. Treatment with fungicides will stop the disease, and the flower will recover over time.

If the leaves and trunk begin to turn black, check the air temperature. Most likely your flower is freezing.


Although Kalanchoe rarely gets sick or is attacked by pests, under unfavorable conditions this can still happen. The main pests are aphids, scale insects, spider mites, and mealybugs.

Aphids settle on Kalanchoe leaves, feeding on their sap. The routes of exposure to indoor flowers can be different:

  • with clothes, shoes;
  • with plants, products from the dacha;
  • aphids can fly in through the window.

Small amounts of insects can be washed off with soapy water. For this would be better suited laundry soap. At large quantities aphids will need treatment with drugs: Actellik, Fitoverm, Aktara and others. Processing is carried out according to the instructions.

Scale insects settle on the underside Kalanchoe leaves, and with regular inspection you may notice brown bugs. They are removed by hand by first wiping the leaves with alcohol. After this, the plant is washed with soapy water and treated with an insecticide.

Spider mite

Spider mites on Kalanchoe manifest themselves by the formation of a white coating similar to a cobweb. Then brown growths form on the leaves and the leaves harden. Control measures are similar - soap solution or Fitoverm.

The mealybug manifests itself by the appearance of a white coating on the leaves and stems. In this case, the plant does not develop, the leaves begin to fall off. To combat this formidable enemy, you can use folk remedies:

  • A soap solution prepared from one liter of water and a teaspoon of grated soap. You can add a tablespoon of alcohol to it.
  • Prepare a herbal tincture from one hundred grams (horsetail, calendula) and a liter of boiling water. Treat the plant after cooling. The main thing is not to delay time, otherwise the death of the plant will not be avoided. If folk remedies do not bring results, then it is necessary to use insecticides, for example, Confidor. Processing is carried out according to the instructions, observing safety precautions.

But the most important thing is to carry out regular preventive inspections of all house plants.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

The unpretentiousness of the flower and its survival rate allow it to be propagated different ways. Kalanchoe Degremona has babies at the ends of the leaves that independently go in search of new places. Therefore, new shoots can be obtained by collecting the children after separation from mother plant and place on the soil mixture. It is enough to moisten the soil and cover it with film with daily ventilation.

Kalanchoe is relatively easily propagated by seeds, which are placed on the ground without covering it with soil. Cover with glass or a transparent bag. After a week and a half, shoots appear. After waiting for the third or fourth leaf to form on the sprouts, you can begin to transplant them into separate pots.

The shoots remaining after pruning the plants can be placed in water until roots form. This is the simplest and quick way plant propagation. You can also grow a new plant from a leaf if it has a cutting. Place the leaf with the cutting in a glass of water. After the roots have formed, they are planted in a small pot. You can immediately plant the leaf with a cutting in the ground and cover it with a jar or bag to create greenhouse conditions.

Kalanchoe takes root in water in seven to ten days. In soil, rooting takes a little longer. Thanks to the plant’s endurance, most of the children and cuttings take root, delighting their owners lush flowering in a couple of years.

Video: Kalanchoe blooming, how to care for it to bloom

Growing Kalanchoe, whether decorative or blooming species, within the capabilities of a beginning gardener or busy person who wants to decorate their apartment or workplace. Minimum attention and choice suitable place- that’s what this representative of the Crassulaceae needs.

This message has no labels

Kalanchoe is popularly called the tree of life, home doctor and home ginseng. In addition to high decorative qualities, some plant species have medicinal properties. From this article you will learn how to care for Kalanchoe and achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering.

There are more than 200 species of Kalanchoe in nature. They have different origins - some came to us from Madagascar, others from Asia and South Africa. Most plants are not alike and have their own distinct characteristics.

Only a few varieties are grown in apartments. They are divided into two categories:

  • Decorative deciduous. They don't bloom in apartments. The leaves are fleshy, different forms depending on the variety. They are easy to shape and quickly recover after pruning. Medicinal Kalanchoe refers to decorative foliage plants.
  • Decorative flowering. The flowers are small, numerous, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Varieties with double flowers have been artificially bred. Colors range from snow-white to rich red.

Considered easy to care for unpretentious plant. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners.

Interesting! As a houseplant, Kalanchoe has gained popularity due to its medicinal properties. In folk medicine, it is used to treat a variety of diseases - from the common cold to tuberculosis.

Popular varieties

Varieties of Kalanchoe are common, combining ease of care and high decorative properties.

  • Feature- heavily dissected leaves. The people called the flower deer horns. The leaves are fleshy and heavy. They fall down under their own weight. Sometimes grown as hanging plant. Flowers are sparse, tubular.
  • Characterized by abundant flowering. The peduncle is short, the inflorescence is in the form of a voluminous cap, consists of small flowers of different colors. Flowering is long - up to six months. The leaves are fleshy, glossy, rich in color.
  • The leaves are ovate, slightly pointed, covered with a dense felt coating. Popularly called cat ears. The shoots are erect, heavily leafy. The inflorescences are paniculate or umbellate, consisting of medium-sized flowers with a purple, brown, red corolla and a silvery pubescent tube.
  • Miniature flowering variety up to 30 cm. Leaves are round, with teeth, sometimes with a red border. Flowering lasts for a long time - from the beginning of winter until almost summer. The variety is unpretentious to the conditions of detention.
  • Decorative deciduous, non-flowering variety. Has medicinal properties. The leaves are triangular, slightly concave inward. Grows quickly, requires shaping. Babies form at the edges of the leaves.
  • The leaves are small, obovate in shape. The edge is serrated, the petioles are short, located oppositely on the stem. Drooping flowers sit on long stalks.

Advice! When purchasing a plant, inspect it carefully. Characteristics of a healthy plant are elastic leaves, uniform color, no plaque, compact bush, no gaps on the stem. Inspect the back of the leaf for pests.

All types of Kalanchoe are unpretentious. The plant rarely dies and tolerates any conditions. Unsuitable conditions only lead to loss of decorativeness.

  • Lighting. There are no high lighting requirements. Do not place in direct sun, place in light partial shade. In winter, more light is needed - the flower is placed on a south window. When kept in the shade for a long time, the flowers become small, the plant stretches out and turns pale. For flowering, you need at least 12 hours of daylight.
  • Temperature. Tolerates heat above 30°C. In winter it needs coolness - no higher than 18°C. A dormant period is necessary for the formation of flower buds. The process of their formation is inhibited by increased or decreased temperatures.
  • Humidity. Grows normally in high and low humidity. No additional measures for air humidification are required. To remove dust, the flower is sprayed and then wiped with a dry soft cloth.
  • Watering. Moisten the soil regularly. In summer, water abundantly, in autumn - moderately. The need for watering is determined by soil moisture. In winter, watering is limited. Kalanchoe tolerates short-term drought, but does not like dampness.
  • The soil. The soil for Kalanchoe is loose and nutritious. Ready-made mixtures for succulents are suitable. Prepare yourself from equal proportions of peat, turf, sand and leaf soil. To loosen, add a small amount of perlite or charcoal.
  • Feeding. Add complexes for cacti. The optimal scheme is from May to July twice a month. Before the beginning of winter, feeding is stopped. During the period of flower bud formation, a moderate amount of fertilizer is applied.
  • Transfer. Can grow for a long time in one pot. Replant as the root system grows. Take a medium-sized pot for Kalanchoe. Using large volumes negatively affects the quality and duration of flowering.
  • Trimming. Intensively growing varieties are regularly pinched. Limiting growth leads to the formation of a lush, neat bush. In spring, very elongated shoots are shortened by half.

Advice! For abundant flowering Before the period of bud formation, it is recommended to create additional lighting and apply phosphorus fertilizers. Remove faded Kalanchoe flowers regularly - this will prolong the flowering period.

Reproduction methods

Kalanchoe reproduces easily, sometimes even without human intervention. In some varieties, babies form on the edges of the leaves. They grow roots, break away from the mother plant and take root on their own. All possible methods of propagation are applicable to the plant.

  • Sowing seeds. The seeds are laid out on the surface of light soil without being buried. The substrate is moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film. Periodically remove the film for ventilation. The first shoots appear within a month. Seedlings grow quickly. At the stage of 3-4 leaves, they are picked into separate pots.
  • Leaves, cuttings. The leaf is separated from the stem, and the stalk is cut with a sharp knife. No additional processing is required. The cutting or leaf is placed in moist soil. After 7-10 days, the first roots appear.
  • Children. The plant can reproduce independently by buds at the ends of the leaves. But you can speed up the process of their rooting. They wait for the babies to separate on their own and place them in a container with a damp substrate. A distance of at least 5 cm is maintained between plants. Stronger children are placed in separate slides.

Common Pests

The two main enemies of Kalanchoe are aphids and scale insects. They begin to fight them immediately after detection.

Growing problems

All Kalanchoe diseases are associated with gross violation conditions of detention. Most often, beginning flower growers encounter the following problems.

Stems stretch out lower leaves turn pale and fly away.Lack of lightingMove the flower pot to a brighter place.
Slow growth, bare stems after flowering.Nutritional deficienciesThe flower is replanted and complex fertilizers are applied.
Drying and dying of leaves.Increased temperature during the dormant period, pest damage.Provide coolness and inspect for pests. If they are detected, the flower is treated with insecticides.
The appearance of mold, black or brown spots.High humidity in the apartment, lack of ventilation.The room is ventilated daily.
Lack of flowering with intensive growth.Excessive application of organic or nitrogenous fertilizers.Stop feeding and observe the rest period.

If you follow the basic rules of flower care, the problems described do not arise. The main requirements of Kalanchoe are moderate watering and fertilizing, sufficient quantity light, a period of rest and regular ventilation of the room.

Growing Kalanchoe at home. Signs and recommendations of Feng Shui.

Plants play different roles in human life. They are medicine, weeds, and pets. Among the latter, Kalanchoe occupies a worthy place among housewives.

It grows and gives long flowering in response to reasonable care and attention. Although it is recognized as an unpretentious plant in terms of watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Whether this is really so is to be understood in the article.

What is Kalanchoe blooming, what it looks like, how it blooms: description

blooming kalanchoe in pots

Kalanchoe in our latitudes are hybrids of plants from Madagascar. It belongs to the succulent family Crassulaceae. In total, more than 200 of its species are known.

Flowering Kalanchoe has gained maximum distribution and popularity in varieties such as:

  • Blossfeld
  • pinnate
  • Daigremont
  • single-flowered

External parameters of the plant:

  • low up to 30 cm
  • leaves are large, fleshy, elastic, have oval shape with serrated edge
  • flowers are small, connected in inflorescences
  • flower shape - tube with 4 petals
  • during the flowering period, cover the surface of the plant with a dense carpet
  • range - from white to rich red

Kalanchoe - can you keep it at home: the meaning of the flower, signs and superstitions

blooming Kalanchoe in an eco-bag - a great gift for all occasions

Kalanchoe has medicinal qualities and is beneficial for humans. Therefore, be sure to get yourself this plant. It is patient enough and accepts minimal care behind you with gratitude.

As for signs, they all have positive meaning. Kalanchoe is not a magnet for dark forces, outbreaks of quarrels and abuse, diseases and troubles.

Vice versa:

  • Kalanchoe absorbs heavy energy accumulated at the end of your working day
  • cleanses the aura of the house, removes negativity from space
  • promotes harmonization of family relationships
  • encourages changing negative thoughts to positive ones
  • brings the family together for pleasant conversations
  • if your Kalanchoe blooms, it means that harmony, peace and harmony reign in the house

However, think about it if:

  • your green pet suddenly began to fade and died, which means he took upon himself an external dark attack aimed at destroying the harmony of your family,
  • it has been living with you for many years and does not bloom, which means that your family lacks sincerity, depth of relationships, harmony.

How to water Kalanchoe in winter and summer at home?

watering can with water near pots of Kalanchoe

Since Kalanchoe is not a picky plant, caring for it is not difficult.

On the other hand, like any other green resident of your home, it is sensitive to excess moisture, cold, and a complete lack of sunlight.

In summer, water Kalanchoe sparingly once a week.

  • Choose water that has stood indoors for a day.
  • Avoid pouring cold water from the tap under the roots of Kalanchoe.
  • Leave the plant stem without drops of moisture so that it does not provoke disease.
  • Soak the soil with moisture so that water does not remain on the surface or in the base of the pot. In the second case, pour it out immediately.
  • Remember that Kalanchoe comes from the tropics, so it tolerates a short period of drought more easily than an excessive amount of water in the soil. After all, it tends to accumulate moisture in its leaves and stems, which it uses during dry periods.

In winter, reduce the frequency of watering to once every 1.5-2 weeks.

  • Gently lift the leaves before watering. Avoid accumulating water on them to avoid starting the processes of rotting and disease.
  • Reduce the amount of water for one watering by half. It is better to wait until the soil in the Kalanchoe pot is completely dry and then water it, rather than adding liquid to wet soil. This way you will reduce the likelihood of the plant freezing and stress from the watering procedure.
  • The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature in which the Kalanchoe lives.

The general principle for watering at any time of the year is: good impregnation earthen coma, but without a bay.

How to replant a flowering Kalanchoe?

young Kalanchoe seedlings in pots after transplantation

Consider a number of parameters before transplantation:

  • choose the diameter of the new pot a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one
  • plan the procedure for the end of March - mid-April and repeat every year
  • maintain soil composition to speed up plant adaptation


  • fill the new pot with drainage and soil 50%
  • Carefully remove the Kalanchoe from the old pot. Leave its roots with a lump of earth
  • install in a new flowerpot and add soil
  • lightly tamp the soil around the stem
  • Water the plant in a new pot moderately
  • feed it for a week until it fully adapts

What kind of soil is needed for Kalanchoe?

a mixture of soil in the hands of a girl before pouring into pots for replanting Kalanchoe

Ideal soil composition for transplanting and growing Kalanchoe at home is a combination of elements from equal whole and half parts. Namely:

  • leaf humus, turf soil and coarse sand, taken in equal whole shares
  • charcoal and brick chips - in halves

Use bone meal as fertilizer. 1 g per 1 liter of soil mixture is sufficient.

  • Observe the acidity level of the soil for Kalanchoe. The first can vary within 5.0-6.5 pH.
  • You can either buy ready mixture in specialized stores, or prepare it yourself. In the second case, additional sterilization is required.

How does flowering Kalanchoe reproduce?

healthy Kalanchoe seedlings on a plate before planting

Flowering Kalanchoe can reproduce in 2 ways:

  • vegetative, that is, cuttings, leaves
  • seeds

In the first case, choose:

  • healthy material,
  • warm season, when the duration of the daylight hours is at least 12 hours and the temperature does not drop below +24℃,
  • a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.

In the second:

  • different soil composition. It should be made of peat and sand, taken in equal parts,
  • regularly ventilated room with a temperature not lower than +18℃,
  • insulating the pot with cellophane until the seeds germinate. This usually occurs 7-10 days after sowing.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

trimmed peduncle of Kalanchoe after all the flowers have withered
  • Make sure all flowers are wilted.
  • Using garden shears, remove the peduncle as far down to the roots as possible. Then no fungi and mold are afraid of him.
  • And also cut off the outer 2 leaves on each branch of the plant. This way you will stimulate growth Kalanchoe regular oval shape.

Kalanchoe should be pruned not only after flowering, but after purchase and for preventive purposes.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, curl, dry out and fall off?

Kalanchoe leaf tips dry out

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, depending on the nature and location of the affected leaves.

  • If these are only the top ones, then the plant does not have enough sun light.
  • If only the lower ones - you allowed the soil to dry out and have not watered the Kalanchoe for a long time. And also, perhaps, under his pot there is too much hot battery. Therefore, change its place to a cooler one.

A few more reasons:

  • tightness of the pot,
  • the plant is aging, which means it’s time to pinch off its healthy shoots/leaves and take rejuvenation measures,
  • infestation with aphids, if a similar situation occurs in the summer, and the plant itself lives on the balcony or in your garden.

Kalanchoe does not bloom and stretches upward: what to do?

Kalanchoe stretched up and without flowers

First, define possible reason. It's either:

  • lack of sunlight, which the plant reaches for
  • daylight hours are too long, 12 hours or more

There are also 2 ways out of this situation:

  • move the pot of Kalanchoe to the windowsill without any neighbors other than succulents,
  • monitor the length of the day for the plant, cover it with opaque polyethylene in the evening until the morning.

Kalanchoe begins to form flower stalks when:

  • he has enough strength, that is, watering and fertilizing are normal
  • He sees sunlight no more than 10 hours in a row

Feeding Kalanchoe

Choose ready-made fertilizers for succulents and reduce the dose recommended on the pack by half. This way you will feed the Kalanchoe without harm to its health.

The frequency of fertilization is once a month.

Another option is special complex nutritional mixtures for flowering plants. They are good for Kalanchoes, which delight their owners with bright flowers.

Where should a Kalanchoe flower be placed according to Feng Shui?

flowering Kalanchoes are located on the southern part of the house, so they bloom profusely

According to Feng Shui best places The locations of Kalanchoe are:

  • window sills on the south side of the house,
  • the extreme left corner of the home - to attract abundance and wealth to the owners,
  • left corner from the computer monitor for those who work in the dark. The plant absorbs fatigue and replenishes the worker's strength.

So, we looked at the main stages of caring for blooming kalanchoe, the reasons for its drying out and pulling up. We learned about the benefits and favorable signs of having a plant in the house.

Get yourself a Kalanchoe if you haven’t already, and test the power of its healing effects in practice.

Video: how to care for flowering Kalanchoe at home?