Gum production on trees: prevention and treatment. Resin on stone fruit trees - what to do

Gummosis or gum disease is a dangerous tree disease that often appears on cherries. This disease is recognized by the appearance of resin on the trunk, branches, leaves and even fruits of the plant. If gummosis is not treated in time, it can lead to the death of the crop. In this material you will learn how to deal with cherry gum and prevent its occurrence.


Gummosis is a common disease of fruit stone fruits. It affects peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, and nectarines. But most often the disease occurs on cherries. Gummosis is manifested by gum formation, during which resin is formed on the damaged areas - a sticky, frozen mass.

Gum comes in a wide variety of shades: from light brown to amber and dark brown. The surface of resinous hardenings is glossy and clearly visible in the sun. Cherry resin has no odor and a sweetish taste.

Why is gum formed? If the wood inside the plant is damaged, then pathogenic foci are formed in it, in which the infected parenchyma is transformed into resin, which increasingly corrodes the bark of the crop. Gummosis is a cry for help from a tree, because the appearance of gum on the branches indicates their death. And if resin is released on the trunk, then this signals the death of the entire tree. Therefore, the disease should be dealt with immediately.

Reasons for appearance

Several factors can cause gum development. The most common of them:

  • bark damage by insects;
  • fungal and viral diseases;
  • unfavorable growing conditions;
  • excessive fertilization of seedlings;
  • damage to the crop by frost;
  • sunburn of the bark.

Breakage of branches, untimely and excessive pruning also leads to the disease.


If you notice resin on a cherry tree, then immediately fight the disease. To do this, clean the area where the gum has formed using garden shears. Remove any damaged tissue until healthy wood appears. After this, disinfect the wound with a 1% solution copper sulfate. If the damage is too severe, apply a garden dressing. Otherwise, the treatment will cause even more harm.

If you prefer traditional methods treatment, then use sorrel leaves. They should be rubbed onto the damaged area 2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 minutes between procedures. And also to disinfect the wound, you can use garden varnish, which is prepared from the following components:

  • 25 g fresh lard;
  • 25 g beeswax;
  • 100 g rosin.

To prepare garden varnish, melt the lard and add the remaining ingredients to it. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes, then remove from the stove and let cool. Then be sure to knead the mixture with your hands so that there are no lumps left. Apply this mixture onto the wound in a thick layer. If there is any excess varnish left, store it in parchment paper. Then it won't dry out.


To prevent cherry gum, stick to following rules:

  • Choose to plant only frost-resistant varieties with immunity to fungal diseases.
  • Purchase only healthy seedlings with no signs of damage to the trunk or roots.
  • For planting, choose areas with light, loose soil with good aeration. Do not plant cherries in lowlands or close-lying areas groundwater.
  • Fertilize your trees regularly, but do not use nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This substance increases the growth of green mass, but reduces the fruiting of the tree.
  • Do not allow the crown to thicken and carry out sanitary pruning annually. Treat the cut areas with garden varnish, clay mash or oil paint.
  • In spring and autumn, whiten the tree trunk with a special lime mortar.

And most importantly, before the buds swell, treat the cherries with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. These drugs will repel pests and protect crops from fungi.

What are the benefits of cherry resin?

Gum discharge harms the tree, but for humans this phenomenon is very useful. After all, cherry resin contains a lot of tannins, pectins and valuable sugars. Gum is used in modern medicine to treat diseases of the respiratory system, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and diabetes.

Resin is also useful for those who want to lose weight. Even a small piece of gum, entering the stomach, mixes with liquids and forms a jelly-like substance. At the same time, it is not absorbed by the intestines, which creates a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Therefore, with the help of gum you can significantly reduce the amount of food consumed.

In addition, this substance helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. But when treating with gum, remember that abuse causes stomach cramps and nausea.

Despite the benefits of cherry resin, you should still not allow it to appear. After all, this will lead to long illness and the death of the tree. Therefore, do not forget about gummosis prevention measures, and there will be no gum disease in your garden.

Many of us have found and plucked gum from trees, often calling it “wood glue.” This lump, resembling rubber material, had an unusual viscous taste, reminiscent of jelly. Back then we could hardly have known that the appearance of gum on trees was a sign of disease. This phenomenon is called gum bleeding: glue, resin on apricots, plums, cherries are its sure signs. Most often, such negative signs are found in trees growing in acidic or overly moist areas. And even after treatment with highly concentrated fertilizer mixtures, this phenomenon is not considered uncommon.

Causes of gum disease: glue, resin on apricots, plums, cherries

Gum most often forms on peach or apricot trees. It can be on the tree trunk or on the branches. With this disease, tree wounds constantly leak sap, which hardens on the surface and thus creates hard lumps.

Such a tree begins to weaken quite quickly and produce a small harvest. The appearance of gum on the branches indicates that the tree has partially died. But trunks with such signs confirm that the tree is beginning to die.

It is believed that gum disease is better prevented than cured. For this there are certain rules. When purchasing seedlings, you need to be interested in those varieties that have good immunity to diseases and changes in the climatic conditions of your area. It is necessary to try to protect trees from various types of mechanical damage.

The autumn and spring seasons should be marked for trees by whitewashing the trunks, and sanitary pruning should be done with caution. It is best to treat fresh saw cuts with garden varnish or another composition that can replace it. You should not lose sight of preventive measures aimed at protecting your plants from pests and diseases. After all, it is from this that the trunks and shoots of young trees are damaged.

When growing a garden, it is recommended to take into account the proportions in the use of fertilizer compositions containing nitrogen. Stone fruits are best planted in areas with light soils. It is necessary to ensure that the root collars of your seedlings do not rot.

The resulting cracks and wounds on the trees are cleaned with a knife and. Before this, they can be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate.

When treating wounds on a tree, many gardeners recommend rubbing them with fresh sorrel leaves up to three times at intervals of ten minutes. After this, it is best to cover the wound with nigrol-based putty.
If there is excess lime in the soil, it should be frequent watering a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The technique is not very complicated, but quite effective.

In summer, young shoots that have not yet matured should be broken off. This creates the opportunity for the crown to grow only with outer branches. The wounds from the removal of such shoots are small and heal quickly enough.

It is worth remembering that treating your trees appropriately will allow you to protect them from many of the causes of gum disease.

What is gum therapy? How to get rid of gum on trees. Video

Probably, many gardeners, in childhood, especially when there was no “chewing gum” in stores, tasted the “resin” that comes out from under the cracked bark of stone fruit trees: cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peach or plums. This “resin” has a viscous taste with a woody undertone. But what children like, the tree itself does not like. This “resin” is scientifically called “gum” and its appearance indicates the disease gommosis. It is difficult to find a stone fruit tree that is not affected by this disease. The scientific literature mentions the figure50, % although it seems that in amateur gardens this figure is close to 100%. What is the mechanism of gum formation? Reasons for highlightingI can have a lot of gum.

Ethen mechanical damage to tree trunks and branches, too bountiful harvest(overloading of trees), freezing or sudden temperature fluctuations, especially in spring, sunburn, damage by pests, fungal diseases and viruses, improper agricultural practices, incompatibility of the scion with the rootstock, as well as untimely or excessively severe pruning of trees. No to the greatest extent - excessive air humidity. In foggy conditions, especially in spring and autumn, as well as in winter during thaws,There is literally an “outbreak” of gum production.Sap constantly flows out from under the damaged bark of trees, congealing on the surface of the bark in the form of sticky growths of amber or Brown. The plant seems to be trying to close the wound on its own, and it turns out that gum production is the plant’s response to various kinds damage or general weakness.

Almost any mechanical damage to the bark that reaches the cambium can cause gum formation. Butthe trouble is thatinto gumpenetrate easilyMany pathogens easily penetrate deeper into the plant tissue. Gum production intensifies, and the plant gradually becomes weaker and may even die. If you find trees or individual branches in your garden withtooabundant secretion of gum, know that this is a sign of their imminent death.

Gum treatment

But don't despair! It is better to take measures for timely treatment of this disease. The main treatment method is surgery. All cracks and damage to the bark, places where gum appeared, must be healed during spring, summer and early autumn (later the wounds will not have time to heal before winter). They should be carefully cleaned with a sharp garden knife. This removes the gum itself and some healthy tissue surrounding it,capturingapproximately 4-5 mm. All cleaned areas should be disinfected.

Disinfection of wounds should be carried out with a 1% solution of copper sulfate - a tablespoon (15 g) per 1.5 liters of water (standard mlastik mineral water bottle). MOthers may also be used available funds(For example, rub the wound with sorrel leaves,horse will do)After treatment with copper sulfatem should be given time to dry the cleaned area, about 2 - 3 days, and then carefully cover the wound with garden varnish. Don't be afraid to do this with your finger. Firstly, the varnish is completely harmless to the skin, and secondly, you can better fill all the unevenness with the varnish using your finger. Do not strive for a thick layer, 1 mm is enough. You can also use nigrol putty, consisting of 70% nigrol (automotive gear oil) and 30% well-sifted wood ash, or use Kuzbasslak, which has an effective therapeutic effect and promotes rapid healing of the wound. If the wound is very large in area, you can apply a garden bandage on top.

Of course, the gardener must understand that surgical intervention alone without following the agricultural techniques for growing a particular crop cannot lead to the desired results. In the fight against this diseasemit is necessary to apply the whole range of measures. Thus, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or other copper-containing preparations 2 times a year can help: in the fall after leaf fall and in the spring before the buds swell. You can spray when low temperatures, but always positive, so as not to damage the tree more harm. After all, during night frosts, water that gets into the depressions of the bark can lead to its rupture and, therefore, the appearance of a new wound.

Many of us have found and plucked gum from trees, often calling it “wood glue.” This lump, resembling rubber material, had an unusual viscous taste, reminiscent of jelly. Back then we could hardly have known that the appearance of gum on trees was a sign of disease. This phenomenon is called gum bleeding: glue, resin on apricots, plums, cherries are its sure signs. Most often, such negative signs are found in trees growing in acidic or overly moist areas. And even after treatment with highly concentrated fertilizer mixtures, this phenomenon is not considered uncommon.

Causes of gum disease: glue, resin on apricots, plums, cherries

Gum most often forms on peach or apricot trees. It can be on the tree trunk or on the branches. With this disease, tree wounds constantly leak sap, which hardens on the surface and thus creates hard lumps.

Such a tree begins to weaken quite quickly and produce a small harvest. The appearance of gum on the branches indicates that the tree has partially died. But trunks with such signs confirm that the tree is beginning to die.

It is believed that gum disease is better prevented than cured. There are certain rules for this. When purchasing seedlings, you need to be interested in those varieties that have good immunity to diseases and changes in the climatic conditions of your area. It is necessary to try to protect trees from various types of mechanical damage.

The autumn and spring seasons should be marked for trees by whitewashing the trunks, and sanitary pruning should be done with caution. It is best to treat fresh saw cuts with garden varnish or another composition that can replace it. You should not lose sight of preventive measures aimed at protecting your plants from pests and diseases. After all, it is from this that the trunks and shoots of young trees are damaged.

When growing a garden, it is recommended to take into account the proportions in the use of fertilizer compositions containing nitrogen. Stone fruits are best planted in areas with light soils. It is necessary to ensure that the root collars of your seedlings do not rot.

The resulting cracks and wounds on the trees are cleaned with a knife and treated with garden varnish. Before this, they can be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate.

When treating wounds on a tree, many gardeners recommend rubbing them with fresh sorrel leaves up to three times at intervals of ten minutes. After this, it is best to cover the wound with nigrol-based putty.
If there is excess lime in the soil, frequent watering should be done with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The technique is not very complicated, but quite effective.

In summer, young shoots that have not yet matured should be broken off. This creates the opportunity for the crown to grow only with outer branches. The wounds from the removal of such shoots are small and heal quickly enough.

It is worth remembering that treating your trees appropriately will allow you to protect them from many of the causes of gum disease.

Resin on trees My articles betagardener

Many summer residents report that sticky thick liquid is often leaking near trees in their area.

Gum deposits (homosis) mainly affect stone fruits.. The disease greatly weakens plants, reduces productivity, and in the case of a chronic form can cause the death of individual branches and even the tree. Gum production is a tree’s response to tissue irritation, for example to various types of damage - mechanical, thermal (frost damage or, conversely, sunburn) or associated with the activity of insects and pests.

It can also be caused by excessive tree pruning, improper fertilization, and unfavorable soil conditions. The origin of the gum itself is a consequence of the liquefaction of the cell membranes of wood. The breakdown products of cell membranes flow onto the surface of plants in the form of a sticky mass, that is, gum. In general, any damage that extends to the cambium can cause disease.

The fight against gum disease should be primarily preventive in nature. First of all, it is necessary to comply with all norms of agricultural technology that contribute to the normal growth and development of plants. This is timely watering, avoidance of excessive or one-sided use of nitrogen fertilizers, timely correct pruning trees with obligatory caulking of cut points.

Thanks to the whitewashing of the trunks Lime milk can also protect trees from thermal damage ( sunburn, frostbite). Naturally, we should not forget about timely control of pests and diseases that can cause damage to plants.

And if wounds have formed that secrete gum, then they must be cured as soon as possible. Wounds must be cleaned, including healthy tissue (0.5-1 cm), disinfected with 1% copper or iron sulfate and treat with garden putty. You can get help and folk remedies. Clean the gum bark from the wounds and rub the affected area with fresh sorrel leaves.

The procedure should be performed 2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 minutes as the juice dries, then the wound should be treated with garden putty.

Recently, scientists have found that the appearance of gum, damage to the bark on the trunks of cherries and plums, as well as the death of the upper shoots of plants can occur due to a lack of copper in the soil. As a treatment, it is recommended to spray the affected trees with a weak solution of copper sulfate, 2-5 g per 10 liters of water.

Why do cherry trees develop a resinous influx and leaves fall off?

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