Kamila is an Arabic name. What does the name Camilla mean for a child?

This is a very beautiful and quite rare name for Russia. The meaning of the name Camilla had to be looked up in the Greek chronicles. Translated from Greek, this name means born into a noble family, and from Latin it can be translated as a servant of the temple, impeccable. In Germany and Holland, Camilla means daisy.

It is worth noting that this name is not in the calendar, so at baptism the girl receives a new name, and the day of the angel is celebrated according to the day of remembrance of the patroness of the Christian name. Girls can be affectionately called Kama, Kamilka, Kamilochka, Kami, Mila, Milya, Kalya, Milochka, Kamochka, Kam.

The name Camilla for a girl became widespread in the 17th century; many families in Europe called their daughters this way. It gained fame after the release of the novel of the same name by the author Fanny Burney. If you ask what nationality girls are most often called by this name, then it is most common in Arab countries.

The talisman for Kamochka is jewelry with labradorite stone; it is a symbol of wisdom and innocence, spirituality and pure thoughts. It improves mood, enhances intuition, relieves fears and unpleasant thoughts. Protects from anger, negativity, damage, hatred. But this is only if the owner’s thoughts are pure.

Lucky colors for Kama are black, yellow, red and gray. The Sun and Mercury patronize her in business, and the element of the name is fire. The totem animal is cod, it gives the owner of the name material well-being and success in business, happiness in personal life and the kind attitude of people.

This name is usually given to girls born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo. The symbol for Camilla is the orchid; it attracts wealth, love, and abundance into a woman’s life. The pink orchid is the personification of passion, and the red one bestows inspiration in creativity. This delicate and beautiful flower in China is a symbol of maturity and wisdom.

Camilla will suit gold jewelry, which is identified with power and prosperity. Gold gives the owner the opportunity for spiritual improvement. But there is also the opposite meaning: in Christianity, gold was a symbol of debauchery and envy. In Scandinavian countries, on the contrary, gold is perceived as a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Camilla is largely determined by the time of year in which the girl was born. Winter gives the character some toughness. Women born in winter are ambitious, hardworking, know how to achieve their goals, do not deviate from the intended path and are emotionally restrained. They are guided by reason and enter independent life early.

Spring brings lightness, spring pebbles lively and cheerful, they are very emotional and open. They have many friends, women make acquaintances easily. But everything changes after Cami has a family. Having gotten married, a woman devotes herself to her family, and the man chosen by the electoral Kamochka will be lucky.

Love of life, kindness and vulnerability distinguish girls, born in summer. Her gentle character does not always bring her happiness; year-old Kama faces deception more than once, but continues to believe in people. She needs strong man who can not subjugate her, but win trust and love. Only then will the marriage be happy.

Autumn gives Cami's character a serious edge. The life of a woman with this name is subordinated established order. Her career comes first, and Camilla, born in the fall, starts a family late. Material independence is important to her, which allows her to remain a strong and strong-willed woman.


Camilla is distinguished by a bright individuality, the desire to be the first in everyone, to achieve success. These aspirations are supported by numerous talents; the most important thing for this woman is to decide, to make right choice. Kama often refuses some opportunities in favor of others.

The girl’s parents should pay attention to the fact that Kamochka completes what she started and does not chase two birds with one stone, because otherwise nothing will work out. She should learn to trust her heart and not rely only on her mind. One of Kama’s negative character traits is willfulness, which is especially pronounced in childhood.

Girls with this name have varied abilities; they are creative individuals who love to sing, play music, and dance. These are very artistic natures. They have no shortage of communication, but often there are very few close friends to whom they can entrust their innermost secrets. This is due to his somewhat arrogant nature, which Kama hides perfectly.

Camilla has an innate sense of beauty. She is excitable, receptive, sometimes overly impressionable. Since childhood, she should not be allowed to manipulate people. Camilla successfully uses her acquaintances for personal purposes, especially since they have no shortage of fans.


Adult Camilla is an open and versatile person. She knows how to find mutual language with people. She is characterized by such traits as kindness, a heightened sense of justice, honesty, openness, she is sociable and responsive. Ease of communication and an incredible sense of humor do not allow her to remain alone. Success awaits Kamochka in life.

Kama does not accept domination in any form. IN professional field she feels confident, her determination and perseverance, even persistence, allow her to achieve heights in her chosen direction. She will live in material abundance. In the family, Kama values ​​harmonious relationships. Fate is favorable to this unique person, which means Mila cannot be denied practically anything.


Camilla is a very open, charming, romantic woman. The state of being in love gives her a feeling of euphoria, continuous fullness of life. She always finds in her partner positive features, admires and extols him. But she needs a touch of novelty to always be present in the relationship; Kama quickly loses interest in routine and monotony.

Women with this name tend to idealize their men, they do not pay attention to their shortcomings, but this can ultimately lead to breakup and disappointment. Kama does not forgive lies and betrayal. Such situations can make a woman harsh and uncompromising in a relationship.

It is important for Camilla to find the right man who will match her ideas. She is not afraid of serious relationships and values ​​her family. Kama can be a support for her beloved man. With the birth of a child she becomes an ideal mother.

Kamochka will have excellent mutual understanding with men named Anatoly, Gleb, Egor, Victor, Valentin, Boris, Konstantin, Daniil, Dmitry, Semyon, Roman, Ruslan, Tikhon, Eduard, Nikolai, Yakov, Matvey. Not very good compatibility of this name is noted with Anton, Vladimir, Georgy, Ivan, Oleg, Stanislav, Philip, Yaroslav, Yuri.


Career plays a role in Camilla's life important role. Her qualities allow her to achieve success in any field. Healthy ambitions help Kama in his work. Often a woman named by this name connects her life with creative professions. She will make an excellent artist and musician.

The ability to communicate and understand people will allow Kama to become an excellent doctor or teacher. She is interested in the topic of psychology, she is inclined to study everything mysterious, and events often occur in her life that unexpectedly bring her success in those matters where it would seem difficult to achieve something.

Business for Camilla is not the most successful way to realize herself. Despite all the inclinations and abilities, the ability to learn and patience, for this woman money is not an end in itself. Although, if she wants, if she really wants to succeed in the financial field, Camila will definitely do it.

Camilla is a light name that conveys cheerfulness and mobility. However, it is rare and unusual. Parents who call their daughters this way want to emphasize their uniqueness and chosenness. The character of this girl largely depends on the month of her birth.

Origin of the name

The name Camilla is translated from Greek as “noble birth”; this word has a similar meaning in Latin. Ancient Roman young ladies and young men from aristocratic families were called camilla and camillus, respectively. The girls who were to become priestesses were also called the same.

In mythology Ancient Rome there is a character named Camille. This is the daughter of the cruel king Metab. According to legend, the girl was suckled by a mare. When the girl grew up, she became a hunter, an assistant to the goddess Diana. She was a brave, courageous and strong warrior.

Translated from German, the name means “daisy”, and from Arabic it means “flawless”.

Camille in Ancient Greece called girls of noble origin and those who should become priestesses

Forms of the name Camilla

Shortened versions of addressing Camilla:

  • Kami;
  • Kama;
  • Mile;
  • Mila;
  • Kamil;
  • Kalya;
  • Damask.

Diminutive forms:

  • Kamalia;
  • Milka;
  • Kamilka;
  • Camilla.

When writing poems about a girl named Camilla, you can use the following rhymes: strength, reigned, loved, amazed, dear to the heart.

Photo gallery: name forms

Camilla - full form named Kim - one of the short options for addressing Camilla Camillochka - endearment form named Camilla

The name Camilla is not indicated in the Orthodox calendar, so girls who are called that way are called by other names at baptism. The following are often chosen: Katerina, Christina and Melania. The names of saints who are venerated on Mila's birthday are also used.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is KAMILLA.

Table: name options in different languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Camilla:

  • Borisovna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Timurovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube, Instagram and other networks, Camilla can use the following nicknames:

  • la.la;
  • milita;
  • kami;
  • kamylichka;
  • Kamilka.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features of the name:

  • positivity;
  • openness;
  • ease;
  • good nature;
  • honesty.

Negative qualities of Camilla:

  • excessive expression of emotions;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • stubbornness;
  • impulsiveness.

Darling in childhood

Camilla is growing up as a smart, calm and balanced girl. Instead of active fun in the yard, she prefers quiet games with dolls. She is obedient and doesn’t like to be naughty, so parents don’t have any particular difficulties raising their daughter. But when the baby gets a little older, she shows her true character. It is better for mom and dad not to miss this turning point, as their Darling’s persistence can develop into arrogance, selfishness and stubbornness.

In all games, Camilla strives to command, everyone must follow her rules, which does not suit many children. This is a very persistent girl, she is used to defending her interests. If words fail to convince others, Mila can also use brute force. Despite her responsiveness and openness, the baby rarely tells anyone about her dreams and secrets. Perhaps this is why she had few friends growing up.

As a child, Camilla acts as a leader and tries to command her peers

The baby does well at school, but her success is not related to Camilla's curiosity or the fact that she shows interest in any subjects. The girl strives for high academic performance due to competition among her classmates; it is important for her to be the first in everything. Mila is a diligent student, she always brings the work she starts to completion. Assiduous and neat, she tries, with every effort, to do the work efficiently the first time, because she does not like to redo something again.

Teen Camilla

Temperamental, active and sociable, Camilla in her youth is capable of committing risky and rash actions. She first does something, and after that she talks about what happened. Such a girl is oppressed by routine and monotonous life, she is always looking for adventure and bright emotions. The young bearer of this name has a lot of friends, and they adore her for her freedom-loving disposition, honesty and friendliness.

In her young years, Camilla becomes extremely inquisitive, more conscious about her studies, and strives for self-improvement. During this period, she actively makes plans for the future and takes her choice of profession seriously. This is a dreamy and versatile girl.

The bearer of such a name is distinguished by impressionability, she experiences betrayal quite hard, withdraws into herself, and can even fall into depression. Faced with difficulties, the girl tries to distance herself from everyone and immerse herself in the world of her dreams. During such a period, Camilla needs a kind word and support from loved ones. But she is not used to complaining and flaunting her feelings, so she prefers to experience sadness alone with herself.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Camilla is characterized by emotionality, she is easily excitable, and her experiences are very deep. Such a girl is almost always open to communication. She is sincere, she can easily and simply tell her interlocutor everything that she thinks about him. This behavior provokes conflicts, but they quickly subside, because the owner of this name quickly calms down and moves towards reconciliation. For her lightness of character, she is forgiven a lot. Capriciousness and eccentricity can prevent Mila from creating a strong and harmonious family, as well as from building a successful career or profitable business.

According to D. and N. Zima, Camilla is easy-going, sociable and open

Pierre Rouget is sure that Camille is a very impressionable girl. Has a keen sense of beauty. Can be lazy for a long time and put off important things. She gives the impression of a charming and eccentric woman-child, but despite this, the owner of such a name iron will. Curious and somewhat talkative, she has an excellent visual memory.

Boris Khigir believes that Camilla has artistic talent and an ear for music. She often shows arrogance and complacency, but such a girl has a large circle of friends who love her lightness and love of life. The bearer of this name is too trusting, because of this Mila is often deceived. She is an excellent housewife and loves her family very much. She enjoys receiving guests.

Talents and hobbies

Camilla is a creative and talented person. She can express herself in dancing, singing or handicrafts. This is a well-read woman, she enjoys spending time reading an interesting book. But the greatest passion of the owner of this name is travel. Mila loves to study the culture of different countries and prefers to go to a new place every time in search of unforgettable adventures.

Camilla's career and business

As a performer, Camilla is responsible and disciplined. But in the role of director or head of department, she does not show much success. Such a girl does not strive to work out the details. And the girl’s stubbornness and excessive temperament prevent her from building favorable relations with employees.

It is difficult for the owner of such a name to generate ideas, but she is excellent at implementing and improving the ideas of other people. She transforms them using her creative talents and subtle taste. Mila will be able to realize herself in the following professions:

  • psychologist;
  • model;
  • designer;
  • journalist.

Camilla is tired of monotonous work, because of this the girl stops developing. Therefore, it is better for her not to choose a career in economics or law. For the same reason, among business women who have achieved stunning success, there are very few bearers of this name. She is bored with paperwork and finances; it is more important for Mila to enjoy her profession.

Camilla can become an excellent psychologist or journalist


Camilla's health is not very good. From time to time her nervous system suffers. It is also important to pay attention to the condition of the kidneys, intestines and pancreas. For good health, a girl needs regular long walks.

Camilla in love and marriage

Winning Camilla's heart is not an easy task, because courtship and beautiful words not enough to gain her trust. She loves flirting and courtship, but the girl’s flighty character and at the same time her desire for reliability and stability in relationships break quite a lot of men’s hearts. Mila long time looks closely at the partner, studying his temperament, character and habits.

Young Camilla ties the knot with an adult (usually much older than the girl herself) and a wealthy partner who is ready to support her and protect her from life’s adversities. If she gets married after 30 years, then she opts for a simple-minded, soft and phlegmatic man who will be able to be lenient towards all her shortcomings.

The woman who bears this name is a wonderful housewife and caring wife; she has every chance of creating a strong and prosperous family. Neat Camilla loves cleanliness and order in the house. And yet she cannot be called a homebody; such a girl has many hobbies. She does not like to share the details of family life, does not tolerate other people's advice, because of this, Mila may have a difficult relationship with her mother-in-law.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander70% 50% The union of this couple is shaky and unstable. Partners have completely different worldviews and life values. Everyone considers only their own interests important. Between Camilla and Alexander there are frequent conflict situations and quarrels. It is unlikely that such a couple will be able to create a strong family.
Dmitriy70% 100% Dmitry and Camilla have completely different characters, but despite this, they are able to accept each other’s imperfections and compensate for them with their own merits. This couple will be able to build a prosperous and strong family. Their relationship contains love, loyalty and mutual understanding.
Sergey80% 60% There is both love and passion, but the relationships of such people are very unstable. Everyone wants to take the reins of power into their own hands. If Camilla and Sergey do not learn to give in to each other, then conflicts and quarrels will ultimately lead to divorce.
Andrey70% 50% Strong-willed and purposeful Andrei falls in love with the cheerful and charming Camilla almost at first sight. But in family life, loyalty, sincerity and dedication are important to him. But a girl is not always ready to sacrifice her hobbies for the common good. Often such an alliance breaks up.
Alexei60% 80% The union of Camilla and Alexei is usually very strong. A man's long courtship helps a girl understand that she has found her one and only, with whom she can create a happy family. Their relationship is based on friendship. Such people are very comfortable with each other, they have similar interests and beliefs. Together, this couple will overcome all obstacles on the way to their desired goal.
Eugene50% 100% Eugene manages to pacify Camilla’s imperious and freedom-loving disposition. He is a wonderful family man, tries to do everything for the well-being of his family. The girl values ​​her partner and tries to support him in everything. Their relationship is filled with tender feelings, loyalty, care and mutual understanding.
Maksim60% 80% Temperamental and domineering, Camilla strives to become a leader in the family. Maxim is simple-minded and gentle, he willingly makes compromises, which strengthens family relationships. This tandem of loving hearts is full of passion, emotions and trust. A girl should show leniency towards her partner’s shortcomings and give him the opportunity to take the initiative. Then such a couple will have every chance to create a happy and united family.
Vladimir50% 30% In these relationships, Camilla seeks to occupy leadership position, which the freedom-loving and independent Vladimir cannot come to terms with. And in order to avoid his wife’s control, he stops introducing the girl to his plans. Due to misunderstandings and frequent disagreements, such a union is doomed to divorce.
Anatoly50% 100% Love, devotion and mutual understanding reign in this union. Partners completely trust each other. It is easy for them to find a common language, since they are very similar in character and do not like to sort things out. The union of Camilla and Anatoly is strong, stable and durable.
Artyom70% 60% Camilla is the absolute leader in this couple. She is engaged not only in raising children and managing household, but also financial support for the family. This does not mean at all that Artyom does not contribute to family budget, it’s just that a girl always strives for more and when she fails, she blames her partner for all the troubles. Due to frequent quarrels and scandals, the union usually breaks up.
Yuri50% 80% This couple has an ideal relationship, since self-development is important for everyone. The life of Camilla and Yuri is bright and varied. Partners never cease to get to know each other even closer, thanks to this their mutual feelings become stronger.
Novel60% 90% Camilla strives for an ideal relationship, so she wants to control everything. Gentle Roman does not interfere with the girl, is ready to put up with her demands and willingly makes compromises. Therefore, their union only grows stronger over the years.
Denis50% 30% Strong-willed and purposeful Camilla is annoyed by Denis’s lack of desire to develop and set high goals for himself. Frequent quarrels over financial problems can destroy this union.
Oleg60% 30% Camilla and Oleg develop a romantic and passionate relationship, but routine and everyday life can kill their feelings. These people have completely different views on almost everything. Frequent disagreements and quarrels can destroy such a union.
Igor70% 80% This is a union of two purposeful and ambitious people. They have a warm, trusting relationship. Partners set high goals and work together to achieve them. Their marriage is usually strong and durable.

Significant years of Camilla's life

Important, fateful events occur in such significant years of Camilla’s life:

The meaning of each letter of the name

K - strong will, maximalism, developed intuition and diplomacy. They have natural grace and sexuality.

A - active, active, proactive, purposeful. They strive for excellence in everything. Pronounced leadership qualities.

M - people-loving, calmly relate to the shortcomings of others. Curious. Able to unobtrusively show concern.

And - spirituality, the desire for harmony. They are very straightforward, they express everything to their faces. This negatively affects relationships with loved ones.

L - have creative abilities and a subtle artistic taste. They love gourmet food.

The name Camilla has seven letters. This means that such a girl considers laws important often in life person and society. She is confident that strict adherence to accepted rules is the only path to success. Demanding and stubborn.

Table: name matches

StoneLabradoriteA symbol of wisdom, purity of intentions and innocence. This stone relieves fears and negativity of past events, helps to reveal creative potential, enhances intuition. An amulet with labradorite protects from the evil eye and damage, as well as from the anger and envy of ill-wishers.
ColorYellowRational people have an analytical mind. Life energy seems to emanate from them. They have a strong, decisive character. Able to distinguish the essential from the secondary.
Number1 Leadership, original style thinking. They are always open to new information, which allows them to always be “on the wave”. True, the feeling of being chosen can lead to arrogance and selfishness.
PlanetSunThey have a strong personality, original and independent. They love attention and are firmly convinced that they are the chosen ones. At work they are hardworking, ambitious and creative. They strive for leadership and find it difficult to be subordinate.
ElementFireImpulsive, prone to rash actions. Leadership qualities are clearly expressed in the character. Smart, creative and courageous. Sometimes they show excessive ardor and self-confidence.
AnimalCodThe personification of happiness, material well-being and generosity.
Zodiac signTwinsThey are characterized by duality and inconstancy; such people often change their mood. On the one hand, this complicates communication with them, on the other hand, it helps them adapt to different conditions. They are afraid of loneliness; it is extremely important for them to be in a group and communicate with other people.
PlantOrchidA symbol of fertility, abundance and high spirituality. In Chinese tradition, it represents strength and courage.
MetalGoldSymbolizes greatness, power, prosperity. But it is important to remember that in some traditions it is the personification of envy and debauchery. It is important for such people to direct their abilities to good purposes.
Auspicious daySunday

When was Camilla born?

Winter Camilla is determined, purposeful and ambitious. She is responsible at work, she does not tend to commit rash acts, such a girl always plans her actions literally down to the smallest detail. In business she is guided only by common sense; in emergency situations she is able to remain calm and quickly make decisions. In communication she is delicate and reserved. Mila, who was born in winter, is difficult to anger, so she easily manages to win the favor of her colleagues and superiors.

Spring Camilla is a bright, cheerful, resourceful and creative person. She is able to take initiative and turn her ideas into reality. This girl cannot stand routine and monotony. Marriage radically changes an independent and freedom-loving young lady; she becomes calmer, softer and more compliant. Mila, born in one of the spring months, loves to invite guests to her place; she is a hospitable hostess.

Summer Camilla is good-natured, sincere, trusting and very vulnerable. A wonderful friend, she will never leave her in trouble, but others often take advantage of her kindness for selfish purposes, which greatly upsets the girl. And yet she never stops trusting people. She is responsive and sociable, she has many friends and acquaintances, relationships with whom Mila can put higher family values. She is very economical and diligent, but often everyday life depresses her.

Autumn Camilla is a purposeful, responsible and self-confident woman. She is used to keeping everything under strict control. She does not create illusions or empty hopes; such a girl is capable of realizing her plans. Reasonable and independent, always counts only on own strength. She gets married quite late, when she is already firmly on her feet and can provide her family with everything necessary.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesCheerful and sociable Camilla-Aries cannot be alone for long; she devotes most of her time to making new acquaintances and communicating with friends. While most of friends get a husband and children, this girl still can’t decide on her desires and decide to start her own family.
TaurusCheerful, energetic, and bright, she strives to get the best out of life. She is burdened by routine life, every day is like a holiday. Even in adulthood, Camilla-Taurus can commit reckless acts for the sake of vivid emotions and new sensations. Her frivolous attitude towards everything helps the girl easily cope with failures and move forward without dwelling on the past.
TwinsTemperamental, positive and explosive, Camilla-Gemini stands out from the crowd. This woman has a poor understanding of people and is often overtaken by disappointment. She's an amazing person. She often turns a blind eye to the shortcomings of those around her, while others do not forgive Mila’s mistakes.
CancerStrict, responsible and prudent, Camilla-Cancer is very gentle and romantic at heart. She dreams of unearthly love. Often such a girl carefully hides her feelings, for fear of being deceived, because she takes betrayal seriously. It is the fear of opening up and trusting that most often prevents Mila from creating a happy family.
a lionA stubborn, determined and extremely intractable woman. She does not admit her mistakes; any remark sounds like an insult to her. But in the presence of an offender, Camilla-Leo usually remains outwardly indifferent and unperturbed, does not betray negative emotions. She directs her energy to physical development and self-realization.
VirgoTemperamental and straightforward Camilla-Virgo says everything she thinks without hiding her feelings. She is guided by the fact that no one is offended by the truth. Such a woman does not like noisy companies and large crowds of people; she prefers to spend evenings in silence, for example, reading an interesting book.
ScalesCreative, cheerful and talented. She has a rich and vibrant life, in which everything is scheduled literally to the minute. Camilla-Libra is surrounded by extraordinary and interesting people, just like herself. She is an open and sociable woman who easily gets along with people. She understands people well, so she does not make short-term acquaintances. Mila is capable of loving very sincerely and selflessly, but only if her chosen one reciprocates her feelings.
ScorpionA strict, reasonable and diplomatic woman. Secretive, she doesn’t tell anyone about her personal life, because she’s afraid of betrayal. Camilla-Scorpio puts on a mask of indifference and coldness in society, hiding her defenseless and vulnerable soul under it. Mila needs a serious and balanced man who can be patient and support her other half in everything.
SagittariusEnergetic, cheerful and resourceful, Camilla-Sagittarius cannot sit in one place. She prefers to lead an active lifestyle. She is proactive and can easily organize anything, including an unforgettable vacation for the whole family. Such a girl is the life of the party.
CapricornEmotional, quick-tempered, prone to frequent changes in mood. Camilla Capricorn is very easy to lose balance. In a fit of anger, she is able to tell her opponent everything she thinks about him. Many consider such a woman to be cruel and even oppressive and do not want to have anything to do with her. But deep down, Mila is a vulnerable person who needs the support of loved ones.
AquariusGood-natured, open and sociable, Camilla-Aquarius has a subtle instinct, with the help of which she is able to anticipate troubles and avoid them. This woman is delicate, friendly and very accommodating. She does not like to argue, considering scandals a waste of time. I am sure that everything can be resolved in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. He takes life lightly and achieves great success without much difficulty.
FishSecretive, silent and shy, Camilla-Pisces does not like large crowds of people and tries to be inconspicuous in society. This is a romantic and dreamy nature. She lives in the world of her dreams, completely unaware of what is happening in real world. All attempts by friends to help this tender and vulnerable woman open up are not justified by success. Needs constant care and support from family and friends.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Camilla Belle - American actress;
  • Kim Basinger - American actress, model and singer;
  • Camille Claudel - famous French sculptor;
  • Camilla Collett - Norwegian writer;
  • Camille Doncier is the first wife of the famous artist Claude Monet, who posed for him for several canvases;
  • Camille Pin - French tennis player;
  • Kamila Skolimowska is a Polish Olympic champion in hammer throw.

Photo gallery: famous Camillas

Kamila Skolimowska - Polish Olympic champion in hammer throw Camilla Belle - American actress Camille Doncier - first wife of the famous artist Claude Monet Camille Collette - Norwegian writer Kim Basinger - American actress, model and singer

Camilla is a simple-minded, responsive, active and temperamental person. She loves to experiment and take the initiative into her own hands. This woman always strives to be the center of attention. Usually she does not achieve great success in business, but she is able to blossom in creativity.

The name Camilla is quite beautiful and unusual, which is why it has been given to both boys and girls since the times of Ancient Rome. Nowadays it is mainly called girls in different countries peace. The origin of the name Camilla is quite ambiguous. There are versions that claim that it appeared in Arab countries. But there are those who say that the name originated in Rome. It's difficult to say which option is correct, since both sound plausible.

The meaning of the name Camilla has several variations. For example, translated from Latin it can be interpreted as “a girl from a noble family” or “a servant of the temple.” There is also a meaning such as “daisy” or “perfection”. And translated from Arabic it is interpreted as “mature”. There are other options, but these are considered the most common.

Character and destiny

As a child, the bearer of the name Camilla is a real tomboy who simply cannot live without adventure. The girl is very active, cheerful and strives for new experiences. She always has a lot of friends who are as active as she is. Among them, she is most often the leader, and this role suits her perfectly.

Concerning relationship with parents, then they do not always work out successfully. A girl named Camilla does not like being told how to behave. In addition, she really likes to argue and prove her point of view, which is not always correct.

During adolescence she does not become more calm and self-possessed, since the character of the tomboy remains. This often interferes with her studies at school, since reading books and gaining knowledge is not as interesting to her as adventures. Parents need to carefully ensure that a girl named Camilla does not miss classes and regularly does her homework.

In adulthood a woman becomes more seasoned, but activity remains. Now she is more serious and less grumpy, as she understands that the love of arguing spoils relationships with people. The owner of the name Camilla sets very realistic and laudable goals for herself, and then, with persistence, achieves them. All this has a beneficial effect on her career, family and other areas of life.

The name Camilla is characteristic of charming women who are liked by others. Although they do not always comply with the norms of communication and treat others well, people easily forgive them for all this. That is why there is no doubt that such women will have many friends and good acquaintances.

Love and family

Those with the name Camilla always have many fans, so it is easier for them than other women to find a suitable chosen one.

  • By the way, I often like such girls serious men who have already achieved a lot in life and are ready to start a family.
  • They are attracted to representatives of the name Camilla by their cheerfulness and positive outlook on the world.
  • Such couples, as a rule, do not break up, since the woman and man, thanks to their different characters, complement each other well.

The name Camilla is inherent in women who make very good mothers. They love children and are able to educate each person into a worthy person. Thanks to the mother's easy-going and cheerful disposition, the child will feel good and calm. He will not have to deal with regular lectures and misunderstandings.

The marriage of a woman named Camilla rarely breaks up, at least according to her will. Discord in the family can happen if she becomes capricious and spoiled, and her husband does not want to tolerate this. That is why she should control herself and not forget that a man can leave at any time if he constantly complicates his life.


The characteristics of the name Camilla indicate that its bearers can hardly be called careerists. They are more created for family than for work, since most professions are simply not interesting to them. Eg, career is absolutely not suitable lawyer, economist, accountant, etc. All this is explained by the fact that those with the name Camilla are too active individuals with a bit of adventurism. A job that requires sitting in an office day after day will be boring for them.

Camila Manhaes Sampaio (Brazilian film actress and model)

  • But the profession of a musician, actor, artist or designer is quite suitable for them.
  • Creative activity has interested these women since childhood. The main thing is to start developing your abilities in time so as not to miss the moment.
  • By the way, careers related to traveling or communicating with people are also suitable. For example, journalism - in this field, the bearer of the name Camilla will be able to show herself well thanks to her innate charm and ability to find an approach to different people.

Girl's health

A girl named Camilla rarely complains about her health, since she has good genes, is not predisposed to various diseases and has a strong immune system. Even as a child, she practically never gets sick, even if her parents don’t monitor her condition.

In adulthood, she also rarely suffers from any ailments, unless she begins to abuse bad habits. Then problems with the lungs or gastrointestinal tract may appear, which are not as easy to cure as we would like.

The name Camilla is often associated with women who tend to be overweight. Therefore, they need to carefully monitor their diet and exclude harmful foods from their diet. Sports activities will be useful, they will strengthen the entire body and keep the body in shape.

At a minimum, it is worth taking walks more often and going to nature, where the air is clean.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Camillas in Rome were girls of impeccable behavior from noble families, dedicated by their parents to serving the gods

Energy of the name and character: The name Camilla itself is light and cheerful, there is a sense of mobility and emotional excitability in it, but in the Russian sound all this is somewhat complicated by the rarity and unusualness of the name. Often girls come up with such names for themselves in order to emphasize their unusualness and stand out among their peers, which indicates their enormous pride. The same thoughts often warm the souls of parents who have chosen this rare and beautiful name for your daughter. Well, it’s quite possible that the name can really make Camilla stand out against the backdrop of her “gray” surroundings, but won’t she find herself in the position of a “black sheep” with all the ensuing inconveniences?

It must be said that Camilla is often helped by the inherent lightness of her energy. She is indeed a very emotional and excitable person, but her emotions rarely have much depth. The fact is that her character usually does not imply isolation at all; on the contrary, most often Camilla is open to communication and does not seek to restrain her feelings. As they say, what's on her mind is on her tongue. Of course, this often provokes conflict situations, but on the other hand, emotions simply do not have time to gain sufficient strength, and therefore Camilla calms down as quickly as she gets excited. It is quite possible that she will have many ill-wishers, but many people are attracted by her lightness and even some frivolity. For this ease, she is forgiven a lot.

Camilla has many chances to get married successfully, she doesn’t even have to shine with excessive beauty - her lively, agile character and amazing self-confidence, coming more from thoughtlessness than from anything else, often compensates for even mild physical deficiencies. This character especially seduces men who are beginning to grow old. But she has much less chance of a normal family life - capriciousness, eccentricity, rapid changeability of emotions and feelings - all this does not correspond much to the concept of family happiness. The same applies to her career aspirations, if, of course, such are in her life plans. In a word, if she wants to achieve truly serious success in life, it doesn’t hurt her to learn some consistency and patience.

Communication Secrets: Taking Camille's emotional outbursts too seriously is like issuing a storm warning during mushroom rain, - a little calm, and everything will calm down by itself. In general, when communicating with her, try to philosophize less and laugh more.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Camilla

It is interesting that, in fact, “camillas”, or otherwise “kasmils”, were boys and girls from noble families who were allowed to serve the priests in their sacred rites, or those children whom their parents gave to serve the gods. According to ancient Roman mythology, Camilla is the daughter of Metabus, king of Priverne, whose fate was also predetermined in early childhood.

According to legend, her father, King Metab, was a man distinguished by his particular cruelty towards his subjects: all people he disliked were instantly killed, and among the courtiers Metab especially favored only flatterers who sang hymns of praise about his wise rule. But sooner or later everything comes to an end, and one fine day, united, the people deprived Metab of power, sending him into eternal exile from the country.

Taking little Camilla with him, the king left the city and went wherever his eyes led him. After some time, he noticed that he had climbed deep into the thicket of the forest, and felt a completely understandable fear: who knows how many dangers lurk in this forest? It was then, obeying a sudden impulse, that Metab swore that if he was destined to remain alive, he would dedicate his daughter to the service of the goddess Diana - and he fulfilled his promise. This is how Camilla's fate was decided. Subsequently, according to legend, she became a great warrior, an Amazon, and died while taking part in one of the internecine wars.

1. Personality: a perfect being - the pride of the kingdom

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: intuition - sociability - receptivity - excitability

4. Totem plant: orchid

5. Spirit animal: cod

6. Sign: Gemini

7. Type. Too excitable and receptive. They are overly impressionable, especially when it comes to the beautiful aspects of life. They have an innate sense of beauty. These little ones should not be allowed to play the role of princess in the family. They tend to be lazy and slow. They like to put things off for a long time. Like their flower, the orchid is a greenhouse plant and needs sun and warmth.

8. Psyche. Introverts feel good only in their own world, where they dream of jewelry, palaces and lavish receptions. They live in a fictional world, which involuntarily forces them to constantly lie.

9. Will. This seemingly gentle woman-child hides a surprisingly strong will.

10. Excitability. They are too excitable and capricious, which is both a weakness and a charm. Relationships with other women are difficult, without much affection. They are more friendly with men, but quickly turn them into their slaves. Defeat is like a personal insult for them.

11. Reaction speed. They find it difficult to forgive insults and never forget an insult. They are capable of learning, but even here they show their characteristic originality. So, they can get carried away by geography because the teacher has beautiful eyes...

12. Field of activity. They are interested in everything related to beauty. Among them there are artists, models, models, but do not demand that they get up at seven in the morning and go to the factory. Very independent.

13. Intuition. Serves their life plans, although they are a bit of a schemer.

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. They grab onto the whole and don’t bother themselves with the details. They are curious, like cats, talkative, and have a good visual memory.

15. Receptivity. They either love or they don't love. In the latter case, you better step aside. When they love you, they can simply die of happiness today, and the next day they can forget about you.

16. Morality. It would be surprising if such natures did not make some compromises with their own conscience.

17. Health. Not very good. Minor ailments of a nervous nature occur. You need to pay attention to the pancreas and kidneys, and also take care of the spine (daily two-hour walks!) and the intestines

18. Sexuality: the lives of such women. These are women-girls, women-flowers who excite, captivate, drive their fans to despair, until they meet on their way a man-father who will not be scared away by their antics... Although, who knows for how long?

19. Activity. They have the ability to use others, especially their loved ones.

20. Sociability. They are friendly, although they do not so much participate in the affairs of others as they involve others in their own problems.

21. Conclusion. Women named Barbara and others like him must restrain their excessive sensuality.

According to Higir

Camilla - means: a girl from a good family.

Parents are trying to give their daughter as much as possible, to develop her musical abilities, perhaps to enroll her in a ballet school. The girl is capable, really very artistic and not timid. She will be happy to perform at the festival: read a poem, dance - however, at first she will allow herself to be begged for quite a long time. Camilla is somewhat arrogant and complacent, but she has an easy character, and therefore there is no shortage of friends.

These are cheerful, cheerful and compliant people, kind and trusting (especially the “summer” ones). Excessive gullibility leads to the fact that they are often deceived, but this almost never serves as a lesson for them.

The “winter” ones have poor health and are especially susceptible to infectious diseases.

Camilla gets married quite early, with the exception of the “spring” ones, who are very careful in choosing a life partner. She is a hospitable hostess, loves her family, and sometimes is simply obsessed with her love for children. Camilla. sincerely strives to help others and be useful to them.

In his youth, he became interested in collecting photographs of famous theater and film actors.

The most successful marriages of Camille are with Vladimir, Sergei, Miron, Boris, Alexander, Ilya, Victor or Gregory,

Short form of the name Camilla. Kamilka, Kama, Kalya, Kamilka, Mila, Mile, Milla.
Synonyms for the name Camilla. Kamila, Kamil, Kimila.
Origin of the name Camilla. The name Camilla is Catholic.

The name Camilla comes from the Roman cognomen Camillius, belonging to one of the ancient Roman families mentioned by Titus Livius in his History of Rome from the Founding of the City. The name "camille" (Camillie) denoted servants in temples during sacrifices, boys were called camillus, and girls - camilla. These were respected people who later became a privileged part of Roman society. This cognomen emphasized the nobility of this family, so the name Camilla is often interpreted as “impeccable origin” or “servant of the temple.”

The spread of the name may have been facilitated by the mention of Camilla, the warrior maiden, in Virgil’s Aeneids, as well as by the Camillians - monastic order, whose task was to help and serve the sick. But the name gained real popularity after the publication of the novel by the famous English writer Fanny Burney, which was called “Camilla”.

In Europe female name Camilla exists in pairs male name Camille, Kamil, Camillus, which is also a common name. And the name Camilla can be written with one “l” - Camila.

But there is also an independent name Kamila (and a paired male name Kamil), pronounced identical to the European name, but of Arabic origin. Apart from pronunciation, these names have nothing in common with European names Camilla and Camille.

Camilla chooses her friends and inner circle in accordance with the level of spiritual and intellectual closeness. This girl is a big skeptic and is not without sarcasm. Camilla is distinguished by her pride and the way she sets boundaries between herself and other people. Those around her may consider Camilla very arrogant, but such behavior is only a mask for protection, preserving her fragile ego. In fact, this girl is a rather emotional introvert, trying to hide and protect herself from the world around her, so all her actions may seem mysterious and intriguing to those who do not know Camilla better.

But Camilla is quite curious, extremely perceptive, and, as a rule, knows how to subtly feel people. In the team, she can be perceived as a good judge who knows how to understand the nature of the motives and intentions of other people in the blink of an eye, and she herself is also able to do everything to be understood as easily as she herself understands others. Camilla can use this talent to her own advantage, sometimes even to the detriment of others.

Camilla prefers to be the authority figure, so she may lack tolerance and flexibility, and tends to want to impose her views on others, believing that she knows better than others. This girl is not particularly sociable, a little self-centered, and very picky in her choice of girlfriends and friends. Even in love, she would prefer to be alone than to have a relationship with someone who is unsuitable for her in her opinion.

Camilla notices that she is different from other people, she is an original and unusual girl. She is brave and always stays alert. The owner of this name carefully weighs almost every decision and changes her mind several times before she makes or says it. This suggests that she lacks spontaneity.

Little Camilla behaves well, she is shy and prefers solitude. Her character is largely determined by her family and upbringing, which can have significant consequences for her destiny. It would be a good idea to encourage and develop her artistic talents.

Camilla strives for perfection, and, as a rule, scrupulously and gradually, almost to the point of an obsessive manner, she can follow this path, not noticing, due to inexperience, such aspects as mediocrity and vulgarity. She believes that work is worth doing well, and if she is not satisfied with the result, she is able to start all over again from scratch. With age, Camilla develops excellent taste, and her love for art, beauty and physical comfort manifests itself to a greater extent.

Camilla's romantic life is very complicated, because she is a very sensitive lady who is looking for the perfect life partner. Having discovered that her lover is not one, she becomes extremely disappointed and is unable to bring herself to forgive herself for this mistake, so she again takes up the search for her prince.

Family business, a penchant for artistic and aesthetic pursuits, especially those that require precision, are some of the areas future profession Camilla. Fashion, the latest developments, psychology, medicine - all this can attract a very versatile personality.

Camilla's birthday

Famous people named Camilla

  • Camilla Rosemary Mountbatten-Windsor ((born 1947) Duchess of England, second wife of Prince Charles of Wales, heir to the British throne)
  • Camille Claudel ((1864-1943) famous French artist and sculptor)
  • Camila Dowling ((born 1988) Chilean public figure)
  • Camilla Gunell ((b.1970) politician of the Finnish Autonomous Region - Åland Islands)
  • Camille Doncier ((1847-1879) French woman, was the first wife of the artist Claude Monet and the model of several of his paintings)
  • Camilla Belle ((born 1986) full name– Camilla Belle Ruth; American actress)
  • Camilla Trever ((1892–1974) Soviet historian, worked at the Hermitage, was an orientalist)
  • Camilla Faa ((c.1599-1662) surname before marriage - di Bruno da Casale, after marriage - Gonzaga; Italian noble lady, was in a secret morganatic marriage with the future heir to the throne Ferdinando I Gonzaga. The marriage was later annulled. After entering a monastery she wrote her own autobiography, which is considered the first memoir written by a woman rather than a man.)
  • Elisa Krinitz, Emma Krinitz ((1825-1896) pseudonym - Camille Selden; French writer, was the platonic lover of the poet Heinrich Heine, whom he called Mushka. Composer, musician (piano), journalist. She was a lecturer and proofreader for Heinrich Heine. Her sketches her own composition “Portraits of Women" were popular in France at the end of the 19th century. She was also a teacher.)
  • Camilla Collett ((1813–1895) Norwegian writer)
  • Camille Pen ((b.1981) French tennis player)
  • Kim Basinger ((born 1953) full name - Kimila Ann Basinger; American actress, Oscar and Golden Globe winner)