Pocket on jeans. What is this small pocket on jeans for? Modern use of a small pocket

A small pocket on jeans has always interested inquisitive people. It has even become the subject of widespread debate, because it is not easy to get anything out of it, but at the same time it is difficult to lose it. Let's try to figure it out.


Jeans were originally used as work clothes for gold miners and, of course, an attribute of cowboys. Pockets on cowboys' jeans were an indispensable part of their combat uniform, because they could hide a folding military cap or a cap (a detonator, a piston for a powder charge in a firearm). Levi Strauss invented this type of clothing in 1853 and called it “topless overalls.” It looks like all five pockets of the overalls went to the trousers. This was the period of the “gold rush”, when it was convenient for seekers of the precious metal to store small nuggets in a tiny fifth pocket. The small pocket first appeared on Levi's jeans in 1873. It was Levi's 501 XX model. Such a pocket is listed in the company’s catalog as a watch pocket, and its creator is considered to be the American designer Michael Regalo.


We have already named two versions. But there are other assumptions. The number of versions of why jeans have a small pocket is amazing.

  1. Handymen kept nails or small coins in a small pocket.
  2. According to one version, Michael Regalo, as a joke, invented a small pocket for those who could hide ecstasy (an illegal drug) in it during a police raid. Therefore, the nickname “drugs packet” was assigned to the pocket.
  3. According to another version, Mark Lidin sewed the fifth pocket specifically for his talisman - a small stone that brings him good luck.

If you continue to think about what a small pocket on jeans is for, you can find out that:

  • An important accessory for cowboys has always been a lighter. The size of the small pocket was allegedly specially adjusted to fit the Zippo lighter. Nowadays, the pocket takes on the dimensions of a Cricket accessory, which has earned a good reputation.
  • This item of clothing was used for watches, which were previously worn on a chain attached to the belt.
  • They contained contraceptives, the packaging of which corresponded to the size of the pocket, as well as romantic messages or engagement rings.


You can continue to investigate the fact of why a small pocket on jeans is needed for a long time. But it’s still interesting to see how nowadays people manage to squeeze a mobile phone or hook sunglasses into this small pocket.

Now attention, surprise! Levi's, the most famous brand in America and the world, focusing on innovative technology and creativity, has developed a new stylish model of Redwire Levi DLX jeans, which contains built-in retractable headphones, a joystick, and contact terminals under white leather on a small pocket. A four-way joystick allows you to adjust the volume of the player without removing it from your pocket. Thanks to the jeans, the user also has the opportunity to control the image on the screen of his iPod. Jeans can be washed without fear, because all devices can be unfastened along with the pocket.

Now you know what a small pocket on jeans is for, but don’t rush to conclusions. Surely they will find some other use for it that will surprise with its novelty. And the small pocket will again be the subject of great controversy.

Surely you have at least one pair of jeans. And these jeans are almost guaranteed to have this little pocket that timidly peeks out from the front right pocket. This combination comes in the standard five-pocket design for jeans.

But how and when did this little pocket appear? Do you use it? For what? Most likely, you, like me, are not putting in there what it is intended for. Although, there was a time when I was much younger, and I kept exactly what was supposed to be there.

Let's start our story in 1873 with these two guys:

These are Jacob Davis (born in Riga, originally named Jacob Yofis) and Levi Strauss (Loeb Strauss from Bavaria). They both immigrated to the United States in the mid-19th century, Americanized their names, and began making clothing. Strauss had been making durable cotton work pants for 20 years when Davis contacted him. He wrote that he had come up with a new way to produce durable pants, and offered Strauss cooperation. Davis himself simply could not raise the $68 needed to patent the idea (in today's money that's more than $1,300). The men received a patent together and began producing jeans based on Levi Strauss & Co. (although at first they were called “work overalls”).

Davis's invention was to fasten frequently torn parts of pants with copper rivets. It is for this, and not at all for durable fabric, or a new style, that Levi Strauss & Co. received her jeans patent in 1873.

The first models of jeans had only three pockets: two in the front, and one (right) in the back.

But in 1890, the company decided to introduce an innovation, a small watch pocket. In all company documents it is called “watch pocket”. The size was specifically chosen to fit most pocket watches of the time.

Only many years later, at the beginning of the 20th century, a second back pocket was added to Levi's jeans, which became the last of the “five pockets.” A small watch pocket was the fourth.

When I was at university, I wore just such a pocket watch on a chain, which I put in this pocket. At the time, I was very pleased with how well this “secret coin pocket” fit my watch. Then it never occurred to me that I was using the pocket for its intended purpose!

Levi's design was popular and was adopted by many other jeans manufacturers and others. Today, the five-pocket style can be found on a huge number of different pants.

The exception is trousers designed to be worn with a suit. They do not have a pocket for a watch, because traditionally it was believed that when putting on a suit, a man would put his watch in one of his pockets, or in a vest pocket.

During World War II, Levi's changed the design slightly by removing two rivets from the top corners of the watch pocket. In this way, the company supported the economy of metal for military needs.

Over time, the fashion for pocket watches went away. Today they are worn only by old-fashioned grandfathers and teenagers trying to somehow distinguish themselves from their peers (my case). And in the watch pockets they put everything from small change and lighters to condoms.

Levi's representatives say that the company is not removing this outdated pocket out of a desire to preserve the original design.

I got rid of my pocket watch a long time ago, I wear it now

    And how can you do without it? It used to be that American hard workers carried nails in it, but now you can put a watch on a chain and a lighter so that you always have it at hand, or a condom so that you don’t have to look for it for a long time. no, it’s impossible without a small pocket

    Some people keep change in this pocket, some a pack of chewing gum, some a condom. But in fact, it is intended for Zippo lighters. The size of this pocket exactly matched the size of a Zippo lighter.

    Jeans were considered the work clothes of gold miners and the favorite clothes of cowboys; they could hide small nuggets, a detonator, and a folding knife in the pocket. Nowadays, a small pocket on the back of the front right pocket of jeans is used to store lighters, keys, small change, and condoms. You can put all sorts of notes in the pocket.

    According to one version, the original purpose was for a pocket watch on a chain, watch-pocket - a pocket for a watch. Although I read somewhere that the pocket was designed for a Zippo lighter, jeans appeared at the end of the 19th century, and the zippers appeared in the 30s of the 20th century. There is a version for small change: coin pocket - pocket for coins.

    As far as I know, the small pocket on jeans was originally intended to hold a watch on a chain. Then it began to be used for lighters. However, since not all people on our planet are heavy smokers, they began to put various small, but sometimes simply necessary items in this pocket, such as iron money, chewing gum, and condoms.

    A small pocket in jeans, usually located above the large right front pocket. It can be used to carry various small items, for example: watches, lighters, knives, stashes, condoms, chewing gum.

    This small pocket was originally designed to hold a lighter. But most people don't use this pocket at all, so I'd venture to guess that jeans manufacturers use it the old fashioned way, as if for denim design.

    For a stash, for a lighter, for a condom. For every little thing that you use the least but you need to have with you.

    Initially this is a pocket for a watch. And now a lighter fits perfectly there. Most models retain the standard of this pocket, which ideally fits a Zippo.

    Interest Ask. In fact, there are several versions of why this small pocket is actually located on jeans. According to one of them, workers kept in it some small coins or small carnations needed for work, according to another, it should contain a certain talisman, which, if you constantly carry it with you, will definitely bring constant good luck and luck, which As for the third, this small pocket could quite successfully hide some small, perhaps not entirely necessary for public viewing, objects, for example, it could be a condom, by the way, in size, it completely corresponds to this pocket. By the way, if each of us can independently find a use for it.

    A small pocket on jeans or a fifth pocket is currently not a necessary detail. There are several versions of why the small pocket on jeans was invented.

    At the time when jeans were invented, a watch on a chain was worn in this pocket.

    For nails, since jeans were invented as clothing for handymen.

    For a knife.

    For condoms.

    For the gold nuggets that American gold miners were looking for.

    For the Zippo lighter, which was preferred by American cowboys.

    The very tiny pockets on jeans are, of course, made for beauty. What can you put in there - a flash drive, a rolled up bill, change (a few coins), a lighter. But it’s not at all a fact that you can quickly get it all back.

    Comrades, have you used or are using this pocket =) give it up.

    I need it for beauty, I used to carry some gum there, like an orbit. After a shoulder bag, no pockets are needed anymore =)

    Which one is very small? Probably for a lighter. Some kind of solid cowboy style, so that it just fits. I tried carrying a flash drive in there, but it's smaller than the average lighter and tries to get out when I walk. We have to constantly monitor her. Even as a musician, I carried a pick in this pocket.

    Small pocket in jeans, which is usually located above the right large front pocket, can be used to carry something small. I usually carry change (money) there. They are so convenient to take out and put back. Sometimes I put a ticket there for the vehicle I’m traveling on (trolleybus, bus, tram).

    But I don’t put the lighter for which it was invented. I just don't have a lighter. I do not smoke.

    For a lighter. Although I’ve been carrying a knife there all my life.

    There are several versions:

    • In America, jeans were not a luxury item, but everyday work wear. such a pocket is convenient for storing small construction fasteners, especially nuts and washers;
    • coins were placed in it, which in those ancient times had a completely different value than now. In order not to rummage through your pockets in search of coins, they were placed in this convenient pocket;
    • watch case on a chain. And what - comfortable and stylish!;
    • a container for the most necessary items that you will remember exactly where you put them and will definitely find them in a stressful situation, for example, condoms. Or items of very frequent use, such as lighters.

    Most likely, all of these options were used.

    This is the fifth pocket on jeans. That's what they call it, although it appeared earlier than the second rear one.

    Initially, it was used by gold miners to hide one or two small nuggets.

    It is also sized to fit a ZIPPO lighter or a watch on a chain.

    The short answer is that a small pocket is needed to put something in it, not to lose it, and not to catch the eye of someone who doesn’t need it.

    It is not suitable for hiding money for the simple reason that:

    1) Wives know that their husbands make a nest egg;

    2) You can forget and wash the jeans along with the money.

    But you can hide a small key from the women’s bedroom) Even cunning security guards won’t find it)

Reading time: 4 minutes

Every year, more than 450,000 pairs of jeans are sold in America alone, not to mention the rest of the world. And how many owners of this wardrobe item have wondered why there is a small pocket on jeans and who invented it. To many, the part may seem completely inappropriate and inconvenient, especially when small objects get stuck, when the finger treacherously does not fit into a tight space. But without a pocket, jeans will no longer be real jeans. It is clear that this is not just a piece of decoration, and it is not a matter of fashionable characteristics; originally it had a specific function. Designers and historians are still arguing about what exactly the pocket was intended for, and some of the versions even sound absurd.

A little history or the main version of the small pocket

The history of the appearance of denim products goes back to the distant 15th century. Italian sailors made trousers by sewing together coarse linen fabric, since there was no need to sew sails. Subsequently, canvas clothing began to be called “Jenes”, and then the sound changed to American, and “Jenes” turned into “Jeans”.

In 1853, Levi Strauss decided to sew pants for sale for $1.20. The canvas pants turned out to be so comfortable that the young tailor began to have queues of customers. Later, Levi began to look for clients by visiting gold mines.

In the 1860s, canvas products fell in demand because the pockets were quickly torn off by the weight of gold nuggets and gold mining tools. This influenced Jacob Davis, who came up with a special device to strengthen the pocket area.

Interesting fact

Soon a new complaint was received - small gold grains were lost in the stretched compartments of the pockets. So tailors came up with a way to secure the gold they found by sewing an extra tiny pocket onto the pants.

This is how the history of the American company Levi’s began.

Small pocket in the masses

It’s clear how the first small pocket on jeans appeared, but when did a global change occur, and pockets began to be sewn on not for gold miners, but for the common population of America? In 1890, Levi's decided to follow fashion trends and develop special-sized pockets for watches on a chain. Around the same time period, watches for global consumption were released, offering simple, rugged, but reliable models that became favorites among cowboys and hard workers. In the brand's catalogue, the pocket is designated as “Watch Pocket”.

Interesting fact

Most consider the small attribute to be the fifth pocket on jeans, however, the fifth appeared only in 1901, and was considered the second back pocket.

Other pocket versions

The fashion for watches with a chain is a thing of the past, but why are there pockets left? Representatives of the American brand claim that they did not deprive denim pants of a classic attribute out of a simple desire to preserve the original appearance. Not all historians adhere to the version of the creation of the denim pocket by gold miners and those who like to track the passage of time, so other creation stories have appeared.

For the cowboys

Jeans, initially, are an American brand, therefore, the primacy of creating a pocket is given to cattle herders from the Wild West:

  • the first version of the cowboy story is based on the addiction to smoking, so the small pocket is designed to store a lighter, which fits perfectly, and during the races smoking accessories do not get lost;
  • the second option lies in the American’s attitude towards firearms - the pocket was used to store special capsules that ignite the powder charge.

For workers

Initially, why do you need a pocket, there was a version designed for the convenience of a simple worker, where it was easy to find small items in the pocket: nails, hardware, rivets, pins. With constant movement and bending of the body, the size of the pocket did not allow a sharp object to dig into the body. Thanks to its dimensions, a folding knife could easily fit into the pocket, which simplified the search for the necessary tool.

For storing coins

In the distant past, to pay for needs, a couple of minted coins were enough, which could get lost in bulky pants pockets. But it turned out to be convenient to throw small money into a narrow pocket, which gave rise to the version of the appearance of an additional detail. Later, with the advent of payphones, the pocket began to be used to store small change, which made it possible to easily pay for a telephone conversation.

In fact, all this is more suitable not for appearance versions, but for what a small pocket on jeans can be used for. And, thanks to changes in the modern world, this detail is not so unnecessary.

For owners of denim products, the pocket is a kind of secret storage that everyone uses for their own purpose:

  • storage place for glasses (if you put the frames in your pocket, the glasses will not be damaged);
  • a safe place for contraceptives;
  • medicines;
  • MP3 player or iPod;
  • gum;
  • public transport ticket;
  • talisman and so on.

battery in a safe place

candy for those with a sweet tooth

lip gloss in a small pocket

Today, the famous Levi's brand is still one step ahead. And now, a mini-detail in the new Red Wire DLX has a leather pad with a built-in music system together with an iPod, including: headphones, terminals and a special joystick. So, in the denim world, the small pocket continues to improve and does not lose its practicality.

A short video that answers the question “why is there a small pocket on jeans?”:

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. This is movement, style and architecture in one.

Almost every person has jeans in their wardrobe. A distinctive feature of these pants is the presence of five pockets. The smallest one, which is located on the right side of the trousers, inside the main one, is an integral part of the entire denim culture. If initially it was considered an exclusively decorative attribute, then after a short time this tiny pocket begins to perform many different functions.

What is the name of the small pocket in jeans?

Since the appearance of the fifth pocket in jeans, there have been several variations of its names. All of them determine the purpose of this element of denim trousers. The options are:

  1. Drugs packet, or medicine package - used to store medications;
  2. Watch pocket - pocket watch (in Levi's catalogues, pocket has this literal translation);
  3. Funny pocket - a funny pocket (occurred due to the fact that illegal drugs were hidden there);
  4. Coin pocket or pocket for coins - used for money.

History of appearance

The appearance of jeans is associated with the name of Leib Strauss from Bavaria. During the anti-Semitic period, the future designer Leib Strauss, born into a Jewish family, changes his name to Levi Strauss and goes to America. At that time, and this was around the 1800s, there was a gold rush going on there. Levi gives up the race for gold and decides that the best way to get rich is to take care of the workers. The young man is engaged in trade, selling fabrics and haberdashery.

One day, having successfully sold all the goods, he discovered that only a roll of cheap hemp canvas remained. Levi Strauss realized that it would be difficult to sell it, so he made trousers, which were quickly snapped up by prospectors. This was the beginning of the history of jeans. In 1853, Levi Strauss and his cousin opened the first Levi Strauss & Co brand store. Hemp fabric was replaced by light blue and blue denim.

The quality of the material was liked by the workers who worked in the mines. Pants were highly valued due to their strength, reliability, and durability. The cowboys of the Wild West also liked these trousers, which, like the cowboy hat, became the personification of that era. The period of the gold rush, the times of cowboys, was marked by the fact that then trousers were invented, the fashion for which remains even after more than a hundred years.

In 1873, American Michael Regalo, who is the designer of the Levi's brand, came up with a new model of jeans - 501 XX. It differed in that a special pad was sewn inside the right compartment, which fit tightly to the fabric, had certain dimensions and strict standards. According to historians of the fashion industry, it was originally intended for wearing pocket watches, but then another purpose appeared - for storing gold-mined nuggets. Then the pocket was the fourth, not the fifth: the classic jeans of that time - with one back pocket.

What was a tiny pocket on jeans used for before?

There are three versions, for which the Levi’s designer came up with a fifth pocket on jeans. They are as follows:

  1. For wearing pocket watches on a chain. Back then, this small compartment was sewn a little larger than the modern one. This was necessary so that the watch on the chain could fit in it.
  2. A place to store small parts that workers need.
  3. For Zippo lighters, which were actively used by almost all cowboys. It is believed that for this reason, over time, the pockets became smaller in size - the way people are used to seeing them now.


19th century fashion suggested the use of watches on a chain rather than watches on bracelets. Judging by the name “watch pocket”, it is not difficult to guess that a watch was worn in the smallest part of the pants. Considering that jeans are work clothes, holding the item in other places was inconvenient. The chain was attached to a leather belt, belt loop or belt, and the watch itself was kept in the pocket. True, it was not very comfortable: when wearing it on the side, I constantly felt discomfort due to the fact that the watch put pressure on my thigh.


Another version of what the pocket compartment was used for is money. Coin pocket is a great place to store cash. At that time, paper banknotes were almost never used in America, so this cut of pants helped to quickly find and easily get small coins. The version that a small pocket was specially sewn for this purpose is quite realistic and justified.

Gold nuggets

The gold rush was a very difficult time. Gold miners worked in the mines day and night. The search for nuggets was very active, so there was a risk of losing the find. And there were many hunters for other people's prey. At this time, jeans with a small, secure compartment in which gold could be safely hidden became especially popular.

Small items

After Levi Strauss separated the upper part from the overalls and patented his invention, the pants became especially popular among the working class of the population. It is believed that a small pocket on jeans is intended for small items, small things that should not be lost and should always be at hand. Strong, durable denim fabric securely stored bolts, nuts, terminals, nails, and screws. Even a penknife could be carried in this compartment.


A hundred years ago, as now, a small pocket on jeans was perfect for storing lighters. During the days of cowboys, Zippos were popular, which fit in a small front pocket. Even when moving at high speed on horseback, nothing was lost. After a while, Zippo was replaced by Cricket lighters, which also fit perfectly into this decorative detail of the pants.


The name “drugs pocket” suggests that the shallow compartment in jeans was intended to store medications. There is a version that Regalo himself created this pocket to hide illegal drugs in it. After police raids, a couple of narcotic tablets could often be found in pockets. Many consider this version dubious, but it has its place.

Personal talismans

People who constantly carry various amulets and talismans with them try to keep them as close to themselves as possible, but so that they are hidden from prying eyes. A small pocket compartment is best suited for this, which will reliably hide such an attribute and prevent the accessory from falling out or being detected by prying eyes. Wearing personal talismans is another version of the appearance of the fifth jeans pocket.

Modern Application

The classic shape of jeans with five pockets has become established and is still used today. The modern use of the smallest compartment is not much different from what it was a hundred years ago, but several new reasons have been added to use a pocket. In the days of payphones, small change could easily fit there; now they carry subway tokens, travel tickets, paper clips, chewing gum, paper money and other small items there. Often the pocket is used to store contraceptives.

Levi's Red Wire DLX jeans with built-in player

A new product from Levi's that has appealed to many music lovers, a product developed in conjunction with the iPod is the Red Wire DLX jeans. Their peculiarity is that they are equipped with a built-in, almost invisible player. The device is equipped with retractable headphones and a joystick that allows you to control your iPod without taking it out. The device does not cause any discomfort to the owner, is easily removed, and after removal, the pants can be washed. There are options for women and men, and the appearance of the model emphasizes the minimalist style of the iPod.


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