When did Hefner die? "Playboy"

The main playboy of the world is gone! The iconic American publisher who founded the legendary tabloid Playboy, the inimitable Hugh Hefner, died in the United States at the age of 92. This was written on Twitter on the official page of the magazine.

Death Information

“American icon and Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, passed away today. He was 91 years old."

Hefner surrounded by Playboy models

Details of his death and funeral date will be announced later. In 2012, for $75,000, Hugh purchased a place in the Westwood Memorial Park cemetery next to the crypt where Marilyn Monroe's ashes rest.

In the meantime, in a press statement from the Playboy Enterprise, it is said that he died of completely natural causes on September 27 at the Playboy Mansion, located in Los Angeles, surrounded by loved ones.

Hefner's son, Cooper Hefner, who is also the chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, told People magazine:

“My father lived an extraordinary and influential life as a media and cultural pioneer, a leading voice in some of the most important social and cultural movements of our time, promoting freedom of speech, civil rights, and sexual freedom. He defined the style and image that underpin the Playboy brand, one of the most recognizable and iconic in history."

Legendary person

Having worked as a war correspondent on the sidelines of World War II and for Esquire, Hefner, born in 1926, in 1953 own funds released a pilot issue of Playboy, which featured Marilyn Monroe on the cover. An innovative approach to creating a new magazine for men, which contained not only erotic pictures, but also articles about sports, politics, fashion, and hobbies, made the gloss extremely popular, bringing its founder millions.

IN last years Throughout his life, Hugh had back problems and moved with the help of a walker, rarely appearing in public, not wanting people to see him as old and frail.

The only photo of Hefner in 2017

The founder of men's magazine Playboy (Hugh Hefner) died in Los Angeles at the age of 92.

According to relatives of the media mogul, he died in his home “of natural causes,” surrounded by family and friends.

“American icon Hugh Hefner, who introduced Playboy magazine to the world in 1953 and built one of the most recognizable American global brands in history, died peacefully today of natural causes at his home,” Playboy Enterprises said in a statement.

Last days Hefner spent his life in The Playboy Mansion, surrounded by his loved ones.

"My father lived an exceptional life as a pioneer of a certain type of medium. mass media and culture, as well as some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in promoting free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom," Cooper Hefner, chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, wrote online.

Hugh Hefner was born on April 9, 1926 in Chicago. After the army, he graduated in psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The ideas for Playboy magazine appeared during his student years. In December 1953, the first issue of Playboy was published with Marilyn Monroe on the cover. Its circulation was 70,000 copies.

It is interesting that his young wife (she is 31 years old), Crystal Hefner, published new posts every two hours, and shortly before the death of the Playboy founder, she looked at wedding dresses.

When the media vied with each other about the fact that her husband had tragically died, Crystal had a post about the characters of “Game of Thrones”. And the woman did not respond to all the critics who were outraged that she was on social networks at such a difficult moment.

Crystal Hefner - wife of Hugh Hefner

It is true that soon after the news of Hefner’s death became known to the media, his widow deleted some of the posts, leaving only those that were published at least five hours ago.

One of the most famous men of our time, the founder of the world's most popular men's magazine Playboy, Hugh Hefner, has died in the United States.

The founder and longtime editor-in-chief of the iconic men's magazine Playboy, Hugh Hefner, died at the age of 91 in his luxurious mansion in Los Angeles.

Of course, the death of the prophet of hedonism, as Hugh Hefner was called in Time magazine, was facilitated by natural causes, that is, he died due to age.

Hugh Hefner died

Hugh Hefner's son Cooper, who long years is the creative director of Playboy Enterprises, said the following about his father’s death:

My father lived... as a media and cultural virtuoso and a man who was behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in defense of free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom.

Hugh Hefner himself said that the main motto of his life was the phrase:

Life is too short to live someone else's dream.

Hefner was born in Chicago into an ordinary American family, Grace Caroline Swanson and Glenn Lucius Hefner. Finished high school, joined the army. He even fought in Europe on the side of the anti-fascist coalition.

After the war, in 1946, he decided to get higher education and enters the psychology department at the University of Illinois.

He dreams of creating a men's illustrated magazine, and first decides to gain experience. She first worked as a cartoonist for Shaft magazine, and then worked for Esquire magazine.

A little later he founded the first magazine Stag Party (“Party of Bachelors”). After some time it changes to the name Playboy.

The first Playboy magazine was published in December 1953. Its cover featured naked superstar Marilyn Monroe. The magazine instantly became super popular.

The incredibly rich and famous man was married three times and often lived with his models even in his old age.

Hugh Hefner's net worth is estimated at $43 million, according to the website of his company, Playboy Enterprises.

Hugh Hefner, the founder of the empire, lived a long and fascinating life, died at the age of 92. Hugh Hefner is a legendary personality, for some his name is associated with a nest of permissiveness, for others with revolution, for others he gave a ticket to the world of show business, helped with a career, for others he was able to make him more popular. Many men bought and took out magazines to admire beautiful girls, someone to read interviews with politicians and actors. I’ve never held this magazine in my hands, but after I read Hugh Hefner’s biography and some information about his periodical, I really wanted to go and buy this magazine at the nearest kiosk, which I will probably do in the near future!

For you, dear readers of my blog, I have collected many wonderful photographs of the legendary Hugh Hefner, you will see in this article the young Hef, his wives, girlfriends and children! So, let's go!

Most often, I saw Hugh Hefner in photographs like this old man and naively believed that he had always been such an unattractive man. But no matter how it is! It turns out that young Hugh Hefner was very impressive, good-looking and charming! So young, beautiful girls once (20 years ago at least and 70 at most) entered into relationships with him without a feeling of disgust, but with trepidation, not always everything was for the sake of money!

This is how young Hugh Hefner was once, probably about forty years old here.

In 1949, when Hugh Hefner was 23 years old, he married his classmate Mildred Williams, with whom he lived for ten years. This marriage produced two children: son David Paul and daughter Christy. In one of his interviews, Hugh Hefner said that he left his wife because she started an affair. It was his wife’s deception that became the impetus for creating a multimillion-dollar business; Hugh Hefner decided to stop being a Puritan like his parents and go to great lengths!

In 1989, Hugh Hefner married for the second time, his chosen one was model Kimberly Conrad, this young lady gave birth to two children.

In this photo, Hugh Hefner's second wife, her name is Kimberly Conard.

Once again Kimberly Conard...

In this photo, Hugh Hafner with his last wife, his third, Crystal Harris, whom he married in 2012. And he started dating her around 2009. Crystal Harris was 60 years younger than her husband.

This photo shows Hef Hafner with model and actress Barbie Benton, whom he dated for 10 years. This happened during the break between our hero’s first and second marriages.

Barbie Benton is one of Hef Hafner's favorite women.

In this photo, you appear to be seeing the wedding of Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris. Third wife.

This photo shows Hugh Hafner with his slightly aged Barbie Benton.

In this photo, Hugh Hafner with his daughter from his first marriage, Christie, this lady is very for a long time, from 1988 to 2009, served as the magazine's chief executive officer.

With my beloved girl Barbie Benton.

In this photo you see Hugh Hefner with one of his younger sons and with his third wife.

With his second wife Kimberly Conard and two sons.

Hugh Hefner's two sons from his second marriage, the children are very similar in appearance to their father.

In this photo you see Hugh Hefner as a child, he was such a cute little boy.

Legendary playboy Hugh Hefner, founder of the most famous men's magazine, died in Los Angeles. He showed the whole world what a dream can be. And this is not just about women. Although they were always by his side, even when he was over 90.

It seemed that he was eternal, this playful old man, with a sly squint, in constant silk pajamas and always surrounded by dazzlingly beautiful girls. It's amazing: even they couldn't outshine him. The men stared at the models, but it was still clear: he, Hugh Hefner, was in charge here.

When we say Hefner, we mean Playboy. Mine new world he built it on the ruins of his bachelor's furniture and sold it to a pawnshop so that he had enough money to publish the first issue of the magazine. And on a scientific basis. While still a student, Hugh Hefner seriously explored sexuality. I came to the conclusion: I can’t live like this anymore.

“The guilt complex towards my body was then projected onto all relationships in our family. And then to the whole society. Hypocrisy and bigotry had extremely painful consequences for people,” said Hugh Hefner.

For some he is a lustful old man, for others he is a capitalist tycoon. But if you look closely... USA, '53. Maximum shocking sexuality - the film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." And then Hefner comes out of hiding with his magazine, on the cover of the first issue - the same Marilyn Monroe, where for the first time they talk openly about sex and show it.

“Sex is good, playing and having fun is good. Your body and your soul are your own, you live in a free society,” said Hugh Hefner.

This is a fragment of an interview that the owner of Playboy gave to Vladimir Pozner for Channel One in his famous mansion. But in fact, on the ruins of the old old world order.

“The walls have fallen, both technically and politically. World communism has come to an end. The third world has emerged and is developing. Television, computers, all this technology. We see boundaries disappearing before our eyes. But I’m the one who, since childhood, hated these walls, hated labels,” said Hugh Hefner.

Time chose him. A sexual revolution was brewing in post-war America. Perhaps Hefner arranged it for her. Children of love, hippies, only joined the ranks later. Yes, Playboy is a magazine with color pictures. But they love him not for this, but for the hot stories of living classics: from Nabokov to Kerouac; for interviews with history makers: from Fidel - this was the first interview in the American press - to Trump - in 91 he was a cheerful billionaire; for a subtle sense of style, men's style- yachts, cars, parties. American Dreamer.

“Follow your dreams. I think it's a secret happy life lies in the fact that in youth a person, fantasizing about the impossible, experiencing pressure from all sides, still goes towards his goal. The most better life the one in which you make your dreams come true,” said Hugh Hefner.

He succeeded. He was happily married. Three times. Fabulously rich. Playboy is a media empire. And damn fun. Hugh Hefner's parties are already part of the newest American history. Therefore, today the entire progressive society is sad. Flowers and candles are brought to the famous mansion.

All the best for children. Hugh Hefner's last wife never received a penny from his fortune. So, cars, jewelry that he gave. Money and business will obviously be transferred to the sons. So Hefner's case will live on.