Boilers with automatic coal supply. Automatic solid fuel boilers


Payment for heating is regulated by the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354.

If a collective (common house) metering device is installed in the house public services, then payment for the corresponding service will be calculated based on the readings of this device. The resource supplying organization will charge performers the amount to be paid for the entire apartment building. At the same time, the consumer will pay only that part of the payment for utilities for general house needs that falls on his residential (non-residential) premises. The amount of payment for each owner is calculated based on the ratio of the area of ​​his residential (non-residential) premises to the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises.

In addition, heating payments are regulated by Government Decree Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 307. This procedure provides for charging for heating in houses equipped with common house heat energy meters, based on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating needs for the previous year. In this case, the average monthly volume is determined on the basis of 1/12 of the thermal energy consumption according to the readings of a common house heat meter for the previous year. The specified calculation procedure is linked to the procedure for providing subsidies for housing and communal services provided to citizens, and is applied in the vast majority of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. With this calculation procedure, the management organization must adjust the heating fee once a year based on the actual volume of thermal energy consumption by the house for the past year according to the readings of the common house meter.

If there is a decision of the general meeting of owners, payments for heating can only be charged during the heating season.

Since June 2012, building-wide heat meters have become mandatory in all multi-storey buildings. Consequently, a number of questions arise: how profitable is it? How will payment be calculated? Is it true that a meter installed in the house helps save on space heating?

Payment for communal heating: how to calculate?

In order to pay for space heating services correctly and without detriment to yourself, you need to know how payment is calculated. It depends primarily on the conditions of arrangement specific house. You need to know them before calculating the payment amount. There are three possible options:

  • A general building heat payment meter has been installed, but no meters have been installed in the apartments;
  • There is a communal meter and individual options in apartments;
  • There are no devices at all in the house to control heat consumption.

Each option has its own formula for calculating payment. It is also necessary to remember that payment is calculated as per separate apartment, and for general house needs. Therefore, for an accurate calculation, you need to know the area not only of your apartment, but also of all the heated rooms of your house. And, of course, you can’t do without knowing the actual tariff for paying for services. You can find it out from management company. It is important to remember that there is no official unified tariff for paying for heat supply. The law only talks about recommendations and rules for setting the cost of services for management companies.

Paying for heating using a common house meter: how to save?

How to calculate the heating payment for your apartment?

The purchase and installation of the meter is carried out at the expense of the residents, and the meter is not a cheap unit. Yes, and installing it will be expensive, moreover, the fewer residents in the house, the greater the amount for everyone. The meter also needs to be serviced and, if necessary, repaired. Maintenance costs also fall on the residents of the building. In this case, the payment is included in the rent bill. It turns out that regardless of whether the meter is working or not, residents pay for its repair. Finally, the meter, like any mechanism, can fail, and you should not blindly trust its readings. You will have to pay the incoming astronomical bills: the legislation on this matter is very vague.

Please note: the meter itself will not magically reduce energy consumption. It is only a metering device. However, this device, when installed in multi-storey building, really helps to save on heating costs. For example, it takes into account not only heat consumption, but also hot water. IN Lately meters began to be produced with a function that is very useful for Russians: they consider water with a temperature below 40 C to be cold. Accordingly, the water bill also changes in a way that is pleasing to the consumer.

How to save on heating costs

The following measures will help you save on heating costs:

  • Energy audit. It consists of detecting heat leaks and taking measures to eliminate them. This will be expensive, but it will make it possible not to pay for heat leaks in the future.
  • Major renovation. Energy savings directly depend on the insulation of the room. It is clear that if the wind is blowing in the entrance, the windows are broken, and old radiators mainly heat the street, then the heating bill will be astronomical. But a modern, well-glazed entrance, insulated with glass wool and plastic, loses heat to a minimum and, therefore, heating bills will be relatively modest.

Tariffs for heat payments are constantly growing, and payment calculation schemes, unfortunately, are not always transparent. All the more reasons to establish your own control over heat consumption. Residents of houses where there are no house meters are required not only to pay double for the heating of their apartments, but also to contribute a certain amount for general house needs. So it is better to install a meter in the house. This will not only allow you to fairly calculate the heat consumption for a particular house, but also save significant money: the payment for general heating in the house, if a meter is installed, is usually reduced by 15-30%.

Date of publication: 04/27/2016

WITH heating season 2016-2017

Yekaterinburg switched to new order payments for heat provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.

The procedure for paying for heating in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (as amended on December 26, 2016)

Enlarge diagram

The procedure for paying for heating in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (as amended on February 27, 2017)

Enlarge diagram

As it was before

In 2012, the region decided to postpone the entry into force of the new Rules for calculations regarding heating, therefore, until the end of the 2015-2016 heating season, the previous procedure, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 307, was in effect.

In most houses in the city during the heating season, heating fees were calculated according to consumption standards (or according to average volumes for the previous year).

Then, if a meter is installed in the house, an adjustment was made once a year, taking into account the actual readings of the common house meter.

Like now

Now, if there are meters, their readings will be taken into account in each receipt, which means that annual adjustments will not be made. The formula takes into account the presence or absence of a common house meter, as well as individual meters in apartments and non-residential premises.

When paying for heating, the following situations are possible:

  1. If the house is equipped with a common house meter

    a) and all apartments (and non-residential premises) have individual heating meters.

    In this case, accruals are carried out taking into account the readings of individual and common household appliances on a monthly basis. The volume is distributed among all consumers in proportion to the area of ​​the room.

    b) and at least one apartment (or non-residential premises) does not have a meter.

    Heating charges: how to check whether the charges are correct?

    In this case, only the readings of the common house meter are used for calculations. The consumed volume is distributed among all users of the service in proportion to the area of ​​the apartment or non-residential premises. The readings of individual devices in other rooms are also not taken into account.

  2. If the house is NOT equipped with a common house meter, then charges are made according to the consumption standard without an increasing factor.

The general principle, which has not changed in the new accrual procedure, is that the volume of resource consumed is distributed in proportion to the area of ​​the living space.

Heating tariffs are approved by the Regional Energy Commission Sverdlovsk region and vary depending on the service provider.

In Yekaterinburg, heating charges are carried out during the heating season. But the law also provides for another method of payment, when charges are evenly distributed throughout the entire calendar year, that is, the “heating” column does not disappear from the receipt for the summer. This procedure applies in other cities of the region, for example, in Sredneuralsk, Kamensk-Uralsky, etc.

The decision to change the calculation method is taken by the authorities state power subjects in relation to all or individual municipalities. Such decisions are made no more than once a year before October 1.

The transition to the “during the heating season” format is possible only in next year after the decision is made - from the beginning of the next heating season.

The transition to payment “during the calendar year” also occurs in the next year after the decision is made - but from July 1.

Chapter 19. Punctuation in sentences with different types of syntactic connections

In Russian, sentences with different types syntactic connection.

Their punctuation is subject to the laws of the design of sentences with coordinating, subordinating and non-conjunctive connections.

Heating calculation using a common house meter

However, there are also special attention require sentences in which several conjunctions appear nearby.

Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions next to each other

Not separated by comma

Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in sentences that have the conjunctions then, so, but in the second part are not separated by a comma:

You can call me, but if you don’t call today, we’ll leave tomorrow.

(coordinating conjunction But, subordinating conjunction If. There is no comma because the following sentence contains a conjunction That)

Separated by comma

Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in sentences that do not have the conjunctions then, so, but in the second part are separated by a comma:

You can call me, but if you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow.

(coordinating conjunction But and subordinating conjunction If standing nearby. They are separated by a comma because there are no conjunctions in the following sentence then, yes, but).

Subordinating conjunctions next to each other

Not separated by comma

Subordinating conjunctions standing next to each other in sentences that have the conjunctions then, so, but in the second part are not separated by a comma:

I think that if you try, you will succeed.

Separated by comma

Subordinating conjunctions standing next to each other in sentences that do not have the conjunctions then, so, but in the second part are separated by a comma:

I think that if you try, you will succeed.

In contact with

Consumers are required to pay for the actually accepted volume of utility resources according to the meter data. If the IPU is not established, then payment is made based on the consumption standard for the utility resource (Article 544 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Part 1 of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

How the case of calculating heating fees ended up in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Sergei Deminets, who lives in a 17-story apartment building built in 2015, decided to challenge this approach to calculating fees for heat supply.

All premises in the apartment building were equipped with general and individual heat energy metering devices. The fee for CG was calculated in accordance with paragraph. 4 clause 42(1) of the RF PP No. 354 - according to the testimony of the IPU and ODPU.

But in 2016, some owners of premises in the house refused to meter heat energy by dismantling the meters. The company managing the house did not take into account the testimony of the IPU of the residents of the house, who kept them in working order. The heating fee was calculated by distributing the entire volume of the resource recorded by the ODPU, according to paragraph. 3 clause 42(1) RF PP No. 354.

Payments for heat supply have increased. The owner considered that such an approach to calculations infringes on the rights of careful consumers, making them dependent on the will of their neighbors, and does not allow saving energy resources. He went to court.

Why did the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation change the approach to payments for thermal energy?

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation became the last resort for the stubborn owner. He confirmed the right of consumers to save heat. The resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2018 No. 30-P/2018 contains an unambiguous position: the current approach to payments for heating does not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and violates the principles of equality and justice.

The state is obliged to promote the most efficient consumption of energy resources, including through their accounting in the housing and communal services sector (Part 1 of Article 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). According to clause 2 of the definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2017 No. 2256-O, constitutional and legal requirements that regulate the process of consumption of utility resources residents of the MKD, should not contradict each other.

Accounting for resources consumed by residents of apartment complexes using IPU is one of the main mechanisms that encourage consumers to rational use communal resources. Therefore, calculating fees based on meter readings should have priority over calculation methods. Without using the readings of individual metering devices, as stated by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, efficient use thermal energy and its rational use in MKD premises is impossible.

How to now calculate the payment for heat supply in an apartment building

Until the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has made changes to the legislation in accordance with the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, providers of heat supply utilities must take into account the readings of serviceable IPU, regardless of the presence or absence of meters in other premises of the apartment building.

This rule applies to apartment buildings, built or overhauled after January 1, 2012, where it is technically possible to install an IPU:

  • For premises equipped with heat energy meters, the fee is determined based on the readings of the IPU and the readings of the ODPU according to formulas 3(3) and 3(4), given in Appendix No. 2 to RF PP No. 354.
  • Owners of premises without installed meters payment for thermal energy calculated based on consumption standards and apartment area. The difference between the ODPU readings and the sum of the IPU readings and consumption according to the standard will be the amount of resource consumed for the maintenance of the common property of the owners in the apartment building.

Also, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled that decisions of courts of all instances on the owner’s claim against the management company are subject to review. We will continue to monitor the high-profile case.

I received another payment for utilities and was stunned. The heating bill reaches 4.5 thousand rubles. Moreover, it cannot be said that the batteries are especially hot. How to explain this? Many Russians are asking themselves a similar question this winter. After all, tariffs for thermal energy have not changed since January 1, 2018, but the amount has often increased. So that everyone can calculate whether they are charging us, we will tell you how the calculation is carried out.

If there is a communal meter

If a high-rise building is equipped with a common building meter, then residents pay for heating as per the fact: how much they spent on heating the house, they will take that much, dividing the amount in proportion to the footage of the apartments. How bigger apartment, the more expensive.

To find out how much was spent on a specific living space, you need to divide the area of ​​your apartment by total area non-residential but heated premises in the house. We multiply the resulting amount by the volume required to heat the house, and again by the established tariff. The initial data for the calculation can be obtained from the management company. For example, heating a 10-story building requires 350 gigacalories. The apartment has an area of ​​50 square meters. All premises occupy 15,000 square meters. The heat tariff is 1800 rubles per 1 gigacalorie. Substituting the data into the formula, we get 1890 rubles.

The meter is on, but we pay for heat all year

Even if you have a meter, heating fees may be charged throughout the year. In this case, the total amount in the payment is determined as the product of the tariff, the area of ​​the apartment, and the average monthly volume that was required to heat the house for the previous year. We must divide the result obtained by the area of ​​all apartments and non-residential premises in the house. The tariff, the area of ​​the apartment and the house are the same, and the amount of thermal energy determined according to the readings of the general house meter for the previous year is 1900 gigacalories (we divide this figure by 12 months). We get 948 rubles.

If there is no heat meter

The easiest way to calculate heating fees is in a house that does not have a meter. If heating is paid only during the heating season, then the amount of payment is determined as the product of the area of ​​the apartment, the standard consumption of the heating utility service and the tariff. If you have to pay for heating all year round, you need to multiply the resulting heating fee by the number of months of the heating period (for example, from October to April) and divide by 12 months.

Housing calculator

Recently, the Ministry of Construction presented a unified methodology for determining the amount of payment for residential premises, which includes maintenance and Maintenance common property in the house. According to it, municipalities will be able to establish a procedure for regulating housing fees if the owners have not determined its amount by general meeting. The main “fork in the road” is whether to determine the cost of payment for the maintenance of residential premises by type of house or based on the set of works that the management company performs. Then residents could use this set as a “calculator”.

According to Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of the national center for public control in the housing and communal services sector, Housing and Communal Services Control, Svetlana Razvorotneva, establishing the cost of housing services by type of house will make it possible to strictly limit the increase in the cost of this service. In addition, this technique is easier to apply - residents can easily understand what type of house they have. Although the disadvantages are also obvious - there are many houses in Russia and each has its own characteristics.

An alternative approach involves listing a set of works that should be carried out in the house, based on its technical characteristics and degree of improvement. In this case, the tariff is individual for each house.

Razvorotneva believes that the fee “calculator” is needed by residents so that they can check the correctness of the fee set by the management company. And contractors need it in order to set an economically justified tariff, and not be guided by the average calculations of municipalities, which are often far from reality.

Pointed question

If the house does not have meters, then the heating fee should not change throughout the year and from year to year. With metering devices, the fee may differ.

Objectively, the size of the heating fee depends on the temperature outside; the lower the temperature, the higher the payment. But often this dependence is not respected. This is because heat supply organizations are interested in maximizing profits from the sale of heat. Even if a meter is installed in the house, they are ready to supply thermal energy in an inflated volume. It’s not difficult to check: if there is overheating in the house and the residents are forced to open the windows, this probably means that the heat workers are abusing their monopoly position, says the director of the department " Urban economy"Institute of Urban Economics Vladilen Prokofiev.

Management companies must ensure that thermal workers do not act outrageously. But, unfortunately, they do not always fulfill their duties. Citizens need to record the fact of the flood. The current temperature range is 18-25 degrees. If the thermometer shows more, invite a representative of the management company, who will draw up a report. After this you need to request a recalculation.

There is another way. Based on the results of the heating season, it is necessary to calculate the amount of heat that the house should have consumed if the heat generators complied with legal requirements. It is better to hire a professional for this. Compare the obtained calculation results with the volumes displayed on the meter. If the numbers are very different, ask for a recalculation.