Beautiful, modern, Russian male names. Male baby names

Almost immediately upon learning that a baby will be born soon, young parents try to choose a special and unique name for your child. What to name a child, because it is known that a name can greatly influence a person’s fate. Therefore, it must be selected very carefully and after first studying what it means.

When choosing a name, you need to take into account the time, year in which he was or will be born.

  • So children who were born in winter, you need to give soft and sonorous names in order to avoid the severity already bestowed by nature based on the time of year. Such names as Kirill, Anton, Maxim, Prokhor, Trafim, Ulyana, Evgenia, Tatyana are suitable for them.
  • And here for children born in spring, need to give strong names which will give them self-confidence and fortitude. These could be the following names: Philip, Ivan, Makar, Bogdan, Tamara, Ulyana, Daria.
  • Proud and brave summer kids names that always achieve their goals are: Alexander, Konstantin, Fedor, Ignat, Inna, Zhanna, Elena.
  • Autumn babies usually realistic and distrustful, very smart and calm. Such children in adulthood are very thrifty and thrifty. Here are some names for them: Demyan, Tikhan, Mark, Vyacheslav, Marianna, Veronica, Nelly.

When choosing a name, consider the middle name

It is also very important to try on the first name and patronymic, you can choose most beautiful name, which will not suit him at all.

Is it possible to name a baby after something?

  1. You cannot name a child in honor of someone, especially if this person has already died.
  2. You should not give a name in honor of some significant date important for the family or holiday.

The child should receive the name that will give him a happy destiny and make him unique.

While expecting the birth of their daughter, young parents face a problem the right choice name. During which family disputes and disagreements most often occur. Since some parents who believe in symbolism are confident in...

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Psychologists say that girls born in August grow into charismatic individuals with strong character. These are bright and self-confident individuals, capable of special effort attract the attention of the opposite sex. IN…

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Quite often, modern parents, when expecting a boy, begin to go through many names, not knowing which of the listed ones is best to settle on. Choosing a name is indeed not an easy task. After all, as you know,...

It is believed that the name has a significant impact on the character and future fate of a person. As is the month of birth. Therefore, many people are convinced that the name should depend on the time of birth. But there are many...

Parents can argue for a long time when choosing a name for a newborn, of course, this is such a responsibility. It is very difficult to choose a name; parents do not know what to name a boy born in May and what...

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February birthday people are extraordinary personalities. These are born leaders who are unlikely to be able to obey anyone and follow all the rules. What to name a girl born in February, stereotyped thinking is atypical for her. Children tend...

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In ancient times, people believed that each name affects in one way or another the life of a person as a whole, as well as his character, career and personal life. Parents often called...

During pregnancy, parents always think about what to name their unborn child. The choice of name can be influenced by a number of factors, such as the year and month of birth. If you already know...

The birth of a new person is one of the most important events in the life of every family. And of course, all parents want to give their child only the best. This also applies to…

The name given to a person at birth plays a huge role throughout his life. It influences character and destiny, so its choice must be taken seriously and responsibly. For today...

Choosing a name - first difficult situation in education. By giving it, you choose the life and fate of the child. Personal development and character depend on the name. Every name different meanings and characteristics that...

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Even before the baby is born, parents begin to think about what to name their child. A person is given a name once for his entire life, so it is important to choose it consciously. The name you choose for a girl or boy will largely determine the character and even the fate of your son or daughter. On our website you will learn how to name a child according to the zodiac sign, how different names are combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, what advantages and disadvantages a given name has for a girl or boy, and you will find interesting detailed descriptions of a wide variety of male and female names.

How to name a child by date of birth

Even bearers of the same name can have completely different tempers and fate, since they are also significantly influenced by the day, month and year of the child’s birth. Summer Alexanders are significantly different from winter ones, and those born in the year of the Pig, Anastasia, are completely different from their Sheep counterparts.

After all, any parents would certainly want their children to be happy, harmonious, successful and successful. That's why many of us begin to think about the best name for our child in advance.

The influence of the date of birth on a person’s fate has been thought about since ancient times. Today, the science of numbers and their significance in our lives has achieved widespread and popularity. Numerologists suggest naming the child by his date of birth, determining the luckiest name for her.

In addition, there is an astrological calendar that studies the combination of different names with zodiac signs. Also take into account what time of year and what year the child was born. For example, the character of a spring child needs to be reinforced with a firm, decisive name, while a gentle, romantic name is more suitable for an autumn child.

How to name a child according to the church calendar

Another simple and very in a convenient way naming a child depending on the date of birth is choosing a name according to the church calendar. For every day of the year church calendar offers several names whose bearers celebrate their angel day on this day. It is believed that saints whose day falls on the same date will protect the person named in his honor, and this is important.

If you don’t like the name proposed for a specific date, then you can choose one of those whose name day falls on any of the days closest to it, but not the day before it. And may the heavenly forces protect your baby!

Adam- from ancient Hebrew "Human"; often explained as red because, according to legend, God made the first man, Adam, from red clay.

Akim– Russian decomposition cm. Joachim.

Alexander- from Greek “to protect + husband (rank).”

Alexei- from Greek “protect”, “reflect”, “prevent”; church Alexy.

Anatoly- from Greek "east", "sunrise".

Andrey- from Greek "courageous".

Anisim, Onisim- from Greek "useful".

Antip- from Greek "enemy"; church Antipas.

Anton- from Latin, means Roman family name, possibly from Greek. “engage in battle”, “compete”; church Anthony.

Apollo, Apollinaris- from lat. "pertaining to Apollo", "Apollonov".

Aristarch- from Greek “best + command”, “lead”.

Arkady- from Greek “resident of Arcadia, a pastoral region in the Peloponnese”, “shepherd”.

Arseny- from Greek "courageous"; decomposition Arsenty.

Artem, Artemy- from Greek “dedicated to Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon”; church Artem.

Arkhip- from Greek “command + horse”; church Arkhipp.

Askold– from Scand., Swedish; the name of one of ancient Russian princes, comrades of Rurik; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Afanasy- from Greek "immortal".

Boris– from Russian; perhaps, abbreviated from Borislav.

Bronislaw- from glory; from the basics with the meaning “to protect”, “to protect + glory”; absent from the Orthodox Saints.

Bogdan– from Russian, “given by God.”

Vadim– from Russian; perhaps from other Russian. “vaditi”, i.e. “to sow confusion”, perhaps as an abbreviation. from Vadimir.

Valentine- from lat. “strong”, “healthy”; will reduce. on behalf of Valens.

Valery– from Latin, Roman family name, “to be strong, healthy”; church Valery.

Basil- from Greek "royal", "royal".

Velimir- from glory; from the base of the word “great”, i.e. “big + world”. Absent from the Orthodox Saints.

Venedikt- from lat. "blessed".

Benjamin- from ancient Hebrew "son right hand“, obviously, allegorically his beloved wife.

Vikenty- from lat. from "to win".

Victor- from lat. "winner".

Vissarion- from Greek "forest".

Vitaly- from lat. "vital".

Vladilen– from Russian; abbreviation of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Vladimir- from other glory. Vladimer, which, in turn, may be borrowed from other Germanic languages. and mean “to reign”, “to dominate + glorious, famous”.

Vladislav- from glory; from the stems of words meaning “to own + glory.”

Vlas- from Greek “simple”, “rough”; church Vlasiy.

Vsevolod– from Russian; from the stems of words meaning “everything + own.”

Vyacheslav- from glory. the basics are “more”, “more”, i.e. “more + glory”.

Gavrila, Gabriel- from ancient Hebrew; from the bases of words with the meaning “strong husband + god”; church Gabriel.

Galaktion- from Greek "milk"; truncated Laction.

Gennady- from the Greek “noble”.

Georgiy- from Greek "farmer"; rus. decomposition Egor, Egor, Yuri.

Gerasim- from Greek "venerable"

Hermann- from lat. “half-uterine”, “native”.

Gleb– from other Germanic “left to God”, “given under the protection of God.”

Gordey– from Greek; the name of the king of Phrygia, according to legend, Gordius tied an intricate knot on which the fate of Asia depended; rus. church Gordius.

Gregory- from Greek “awake”, “to stay awake”.

Gury- from ancient Hebrew “little animal”, “lion cub”; decomposition Gur, Gurey.

Davyd, David- from ancient Hebrew "beloved"; church David.

Danila, Daniel– from ancient Hebrew, traditionally perceived as “God is my judge,” although the basis is not entirely clear; church Daniel; decomposition Danil, Danilo.

Dementy- from lat. Domitius, a Roman family name, possibly means "to tame"; church Dometius.

Demid- from Greek “divine + care”, “patronize”; church Diomede.

Demyan– from Latin, possibly “dedicated to the goddess of Aegina and Epidaurus Damia”; church Damian.

Denis- from Greek “dedicated to Dionysus,” the god of wine, winemaking, poetic inspiration and cheerful folk gatherings; church Dionysius.

Dmitriy- from Greek “relating to Demeter,” the goddess of agriculture and fertility; church Dimitri.

Dorofey- from Greek “gift, gift + god.”

Eugene- from Greek "noble".

Evgraf- from Greek "good writer"

Evdokim- from Greek “glorious”, “surrounded by honor”.

Evstigney- from Greek “good, good + relative”; church Evsigny.

Egor, Egory– Russian adv. you are named Georgiy.

Elisha- from ancient Hebrew "god + salvation"

Emelyan– from Latin, means Roman family name; church Emilian.

Epifan- from Greek “prominent”, “notable”, “famous”; church Epiphanius.

Eremey, Jeremiah- from ancient Hebrew; from the stems of words with the meaning “throw, throw + Yahweh” (the name of God).

Efim- from Greek “compassionate”, “benevolent”; church Euthymius.

Ephraim– from ancient Hebrew, possibly a dual number for “fruit.”

Zakhar- from ancient Hebrew “God remembered”; church Zechariah.

Zinovy- from Greek "Zeus + life."

Ivan- from ancient Hebrew “God has mercy”; church John.

Ignatius- from lat. "fiery"; rus. decomposition Ignat.

Igor- from other Scand., means the name Scand. god of “abundance + protect.”

Ishmael- from ancient Hebrew “God will hear”; church Ismail.

Izyaslav- from glory; from the stems of words meaning “take + glory.”

Hilarion, Hilarion- from Greek "funny".

Ilya- from ancient Hebrew “my god Yahweh (Jehovah)”; church Or me.

Innocent- from lat. "innocent".

Joseph, Osip- from ancient Hebrew “he (God) will multiply”, “he (God) will add.”

Ipat, Ipatiy- from Greek "Supreme".

Hippolytus- from Greek “horse + untie, unharness.”

Irakli- from Greek "Hercules".

Isaiah- from ancient Hebrew “salvation of Yahweh (god)”; church Isaiah.

Carp- from Greek "fetus".

Kasyan- from lat. “Cassiev is a Roman family name”; church Cassian.

Kim– Russian new (from the initial letters of the name Communist Youth International), is absent from the Orthodox Saints.

Cyrus- from Greek "power", "right", "strength".

Kirill- from Greek “lord”, “lord”, “master”.

Clement, Clementy, Klim- from lat. "merciful", "lenient".

Kondrat, Kondraty- possibly from Lat. “square”, “broad-shouldered”; church Kodrat (but another origin is possible - from the Greek “spear”).

Konstantin- from lat. "constant".

Roots– from Greek, from Latin, Roman generic name from “horn”; rus. decomposition Kornil, Korniy, Korney, Kornila.

Kuzma- from Greek “peace”, “order”, “universe”, figurative meaning– “decoration”, “beauty”, “honor”; church Cosma, Cosma.

Laurel- from Greek, from Lat. "laurel tree"

Lavrentiy- from lat. “Laurentian” according to Lavrent is the name of a city in Latium.

Lazarus- from Latin, variant of the name Eleazar, cm. Elizar.

a lion- from Greek "a lion".

Leon- from Greek "a lion".

Leonid- from Greek “lion + appearance, likeness.”

Leonty- from Greek "lion"

Luke– from Greek, possibly from Lat. "light".

Makar- from Greek “blessed”, “happy”; church Macarius.

Maksim- from Greek, from Lat. "greatest", superlative from “big”, “great”.

Mark, Marco– from Latin, is a Roman personal name, possibly meaning “to be sluggish, weak” or “born in March.”

Martin- from Latin, derived from Mars - in Roman mythology the name of the god of war; decomposition Martin.

Matvey- from ancient Hebrew “gift of Yahweh (god)”; church Matthew, Matthias.

Methodius- from Greek “method”, “theory”, “research”.

Mieczyslaw– from slav., from the bases of words with the meaning “throw + glory”; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Milan, Milen- from glory. "Cute"; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Miron- from Greek "fragrant oil of myrrh."

Miroslav- from glory; from words meaning “peace + glory”; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Mikhail, Micah- from ancient Hebrew “who is like God.”

Modest- from lat. "modest".

Moses- possibly from Egypt. "child, son."

Mstislav– from Russian; from the stems of words meaning “revenge + glory.”

Nazar- from ancient Hebrew "he dedicated."

Nathan- from ancient Hebrew "God gave"; bib. Nathan.

Nahum- from ancient Hebrew "comforting"

Nestor– from Greek, name oldest member Trojan War.

Nikanor- from Greek “win + man.”

Nikita- from Greek "winner".

Nikifor- from Greek “winner”, “victorious”.

Nikolay- from Greek “to win + people.”

Nikon- from Greek "win".

Nile- possibly from Greek. Neleus is the name of Nestor’s father or from the name of the Nile River.

Oleg- from scand. "saint".

Olgerd- from lit. Algirdas or from other Germanic. "noble + spear"; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Orestes– from Greek; the name of the son of Agamemnon.

Paul- from lat. "small"; family name in the Emilian family.

Groin- from Greek "broad-shouldered"; church Pachomius.

Peter- from Greek "stone".

Proclus- from Greek "before", "ahead + glory", the name of several ancient kings.

Prokhor- from Greek "dance ahead."

Rodion- from Greek "resident of Rhodes"

Novel- from lat. "Roman", "Roman".

Rostislav- from glory; from the stems of words meaning “grow + glory.”

Ruslan- from Arabic through Turk. Arslan – “lion”; in this form the name was created by Pushkin; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Savva, Savvaty- from Greek "Saturday"; until the 17th century written with one "v".

Savely- from Greek "Sabine"; church Savel.

Samuel- from ancient Hebrew "there is a god."

Svyatoslav– from Russian; from the stems of words meaning “holy + glory”.

Sevastyan- from Greek “sacred”, “revered”; church Sebastian.

Severin- from lat. "Severov"; decomposition Severyan.

Semyon– from Greek, from ancient Hebrew. "god who hears"; church Simeon; etymologically the same as Simon; in fact, in all languages ​​both names have become distinct.

Seraphim- from ancient Hebrew “snakes” - in the biblical tradition symbolized the flame around the throne of God; hence seraphim - fiery angel.

Sergey– from Latin, Roman family name; church Sergius.

Sylvester- from lat. “forest”, figurative meaning – “wild”, “uneducated”, “uncivilized”.

Spartacus– Russian new (in honor of the leader of the rebel gladiators in Rome); absent from the Orthodox Saints.

Spiridon– from Greek, possibly from Lat. personal name and means “illegitimate.”

Stanislav- from glory; from the basics “to be established, to stop + glory”; the name is not in the Orthodox Saints.

Stepan- from Greek "wreath"; church Stephen.

Taras- from Greek “to excite”, “to excite”, “excitement”; church Tarasy.

Timur- from Mongolian, Turkic. "iron"; Mong name Khan, known in Europe under the name Tamerlane, i.e. Timur the Lame; absent from the Orthodox Saints.

Tikhon- from Greek the name of the god of chance, fate and happiness.

Tryphon- from Greek "live on the fat of the land".

Trofim- from Greek “breadwinner”, “nourisher”.

Ustin– Russian cm. Justin.

Fadey- from ancient Hebrew "praise".

Fedor- from Greek "god + gift"; church Theodore.

Felix- from lat. "happy", "prosperous".

Philip- from Greek “loving horses”, “fond of horse riding”; the name of several Macedonian kings.

Flor- from lat. "flower"; decomposition Frol, Fleur.

Thomas- from Aramaic. "twin".

Julian- from Greek "Yuliev"; church Julian; decomposition in Ulyan.

Julius– from Latin, Roman generic name, meaning “curly”; the founder of the Julius family is traditionally considered to be the son of Aeneas; the month of quintiles was renamed July in honor of Julius Caesar; church Julius.

Yuri– from Greek; cm. Georgy.

Yakov- from ancient Hebrew "heel"; according to biblical legend, Jacob, the second-born twin, grabbed his first-born brother Esau by the heel to keep up with him; church Jacob.

Yaroslav- from glory; from the bases of words with the meaning “fiercely, brightly + glory.”

Try to take into account not only personal preferences, fashion, political situation, but also the time of year in which the baby will be born.
After all, it has long been noticed that the time of year influences the child’s character, and taking into account these centuries-old observations, the choice of name can emphasize and strengthen, or, conversely, dampen some properties of the baby’s nature. Today, many parents, before naming their baby, look at various boys names by month and choose the most suitable name for the baby in the calendar according to its meaning.

Currently, choosing non-standard, rare or even unique names from the calendar is becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, it is very difficult to come up with a euphonious and meaningful name “from scratch,” and many of these modern and fashionable names for boys are modified “ordinary” names, or a compilation of the names of different peoples, for example, from Old Church Slavonic and European languages.

And even if you do not want to give your child a “foreign” name, some imagination and desire to experiment can result in original name, corresponding to the character of the baby. But if everything is more or less clear with Russian names, then it would be useful to explain the meaning of some foreign names; in addition, we will try to give several examples of “derivatives” obtained from them.

So, Alex. This name can be obtained by shortening the names Alexander or Alexey. It is more often interpreted according to the second “source”, and its meaning is “protector, true friend" In turn, it is the source of the short form Alek, which can also be a separate name.

Daniel. This name has a complex meaning, one of the possible interpretations of which is “subject to God.” In modern families, children often receive shortened versions of this name - Dani, Dan, Danil, and so on.

Martin is a name derived from the nickname of the god of war - Mars and has a corresponding meaning - “brave warrior”.

Christian is one of the “strong” male names that emphasizes strength of character. Derivatives – Chris, Christo.

Thus, even the names of “modern” boys have ancient and meaningful roots. And when choosing a name for a child, it is not a bad idea to study the history and meaning of the name you like, no matter how sonorous and appropriate it may seem. After all, a child’s name is given for life, and you will no longer be able to cancel this choice. So approach this responsibly, and let your baby’s name help him grow up as a worthy person, and not conflict with his character and inclinations.

Let's take a closer look at the options for the most suitable names for boys according to months of the year, and also what manifestations of character are inherent in a child born in a particular month. Below you can also see the list

Choosing a name for your child is not an easy and very responsible task. After all, the baby’s quality of life depends on it. In this article we will look at the names of boys by month: what is the best name for a child born at a particular time of the year and in a particular month.


This is the beginning of the year, a time when everyone expects a miracle and something beautiful. During this period, boys are born who are patient and have a persistent character. These are “blocks of ice” who are always confident in themselves in everything. It is important to note that such children always achieve their plans and achieve the goals they set for themselves. As adults, they are capable of being a kind of buffer between disputable or militant parties. These are excellent diplomats. When choosing, it is better to give preference to softer, but regal names.

Ideal names for boys born in January:

  1. Nikolai, that is, the winner.
  2. Peter, which means strong as a stone.
  3. Ivan, that is, pardoned by God.

Also suitable names are Maxim, Georgy, Fedor and Stepan.


We further consider the names of boys by month. What are they like, children born in February? It is worth noting that the character of such babies is very complex. These are dual natures that are always in a state of confrontation, contradiction with themselves. In the character of such boys, wildness of feelings and coldness, a certain winter restraint and warmth try to coexist. And next to whims there will always be patience and perseverance. To balance the character of such children, you need to choose soft names for them that will smooth out all the unevenness.

Most suitable names for guys born in February:

Other names that can also be chosen for a boy born in February: Savva, Konstantin, Roman, Victor.


When looking through the names of boys by month, you should definitely stop at those intended for children born in March. What kind of character do they have? Such babies are mostly vulnerable and fragile. They are akin to the first warm days of spring - just as timid and timid. These are children with increased sensitivity, emotional, trusting and naive. The name of such a child should be chosen melodious and beautiful. But his characteristics must necessarily include strength and masculinity.

Ideal Boy Names (March-Month):

  1. Leo, which naturally means “king of beasts,” i.e. strong.
  2. Georgy - translated from Greek language means "farmer".
  3. Ilya is a believer. The literal translation is “the fortress of the Lord.”
  4. Victor, which means "winner".

Other suitable names for such babies: Vasily, Timofey, Arkady, David.


When choosing names for boys by month, it is also worth stopping at the month of April. At this time, very practical children are born. In childhood, they are distinguished by persistence and seriousness. And if everything goes well, then these traits develop into resilience and strength of character. However, sometimes boys born in April are distinguished by cruelty and an excessive desire for justice. They are brave and strong, they always protect themselves, their loved ones and more. weak people. Such guys need to choose a name that is soft but sonorous. Something that calls for action.

The best names for boys born in April:

Other names that will also have a good effect on a baby born in April: Makar, Anton, Stepan, Peter.


It is worth noting that at this time powerful people are born who like to command everyone and be aware of everything that is happening around them. Such boys strive to explore the world on their own. This leads to the fact that they very rarely allow strangers to approach them, and they never take the opinions of strangers into account. Always, even at a young age, they act as they see fit. They are unable to compromise because they consider their opinion to be the only correct one. As a result, such boys have few friends. However, everyone respects them and even fears them. Softer and more affectionate names are suitable for May boys:

  1. Anatoly, translated from Greek - “ascending”.
  2. Jacob, that is, the one who follows on the heels.
  3. The novel is strong, strong.
  4. Denis, that is, cheerful, because it is dedicated to Dionysus - the god of fun and joy.

Other names that will also harmonize with boys born in May: Alexander, Timofey, Bogdan.


Let's study boys' names by month further. It's time to focus on guys born in the first month of summer - June. What are they like, how is their character different? Such kids are very impressionable, they are beautiful and easy-going. However, over time they become distrustful and do not approach all people. They love to study the world, for the sake of this they can even take a certain risk. Such children have a lot of friends: they are sociable, cheerful and not greedy. However, in adolescence, these guys need to be especially protected, because they are capable of falling under someone else’s, Negative influence. Ideal boy name based on birth month June:

Other suitable names for guys born in the first month of summer: Pavel, Nazar, Sergei, Konstantin.


Like the warmest month of summer, these people are just as hot and emotional. Such boys are very active and dynamic, but still careful and careful. July children are often selfish, but from early childhood they strive for independence. In life, such guys very rarely complete their affairs. They are very impulsive, often getting excited over trifles. However, it is still worth choosing unusual, extraordinary names for such kids. The most suitable are the following:

  1. Gleb is a block. Or a person pleasing to God.
  2. Hermann. It can mean both “close” and “native”, and “military”.
  3. Svyatoslav, literal translation - “holy glory”.
  4. Mark is a hammer, i.e. strength.

Other names that are also well suited for such children: Philip, Anton, Valentin, Roman.


We study a variety of names for boys by month further. What can we say about babies born in August? Such guys are distinguished by persistence and energy, but also caution: they understand when to stop in order to avoid something bad. Boys born this month are already in childhood able to think through plans for their games in such a way as to emerge victorious. If you choose a royal name for such a guy, it will emphasize him even more best qualities and will bring great luck.

In this case, what should the boy’s name be based on his month of birth? In August it is:

Other suitable names for such babies: Nikolai, Fedor, Grigory, Arkady.


Studying Orthodox names boys by month, it’s worth focusing on babies born in September. Such boys are characterized by increased emotionality and sensitivity. These babies are a blast! They sometimes laugh, sometimes cry, but are never lethargic and emotionless. Their distinctive feature: they always achieve what they want. At the same time, they often set very exaggerated goals for themselves. It should be noted that from childhood they are accustomed to learning from their mistakes, since they too often got burned by trusting a person. Ideal names for these babies:

Other names that are also good for boys born in September: Gregory, Ivan, Valery, Daniil.


We further consider the names of boys by month: church and secular, domestic and foreign. So, guys born in October are active and inquisitive. At an older age, they become entrepreneurial. It is worth noting that such guys grow into excellent entrepreneurs, businessmen, and bankers. These are witty children who are liked by others and skillfully take advantage of their location. Also often it is quite spoiled, but still good well-mannered kids. Ideal names for them:

  1. Trofim, which means “breadwinner”, “breadwinner”.
  2. Vladislav, that is, the one who owns glory.
  3. Pavel literally means “small”.
  4. Fedor, i.e. gift, gift of God.

The following names are also suitable for such children: Oleg, Stepan, Denis, Matvey.


We further consider Russian names for boys by month. What can you briefly say about babies born in November? These are boys who basically keep everything to themselves; they do not like to talk about their problems and plans. These are most often reserved children who have a very difficult time making friends. But there are still a couple of people with whom they enjoy communicating. At an older age, such children study well and reach certain heights. But all failures are taken very hard. Names that suit them perfectly:

Other names that are also perfect for children in the last month of autumn: Peter, Maxim, Anton, Leonid.


Considering the meaning of boys' names by month, you also need to dwell on the first month of winter and last month calendar year. What are they like, guys born at this time? These are quite emotional and even somewhat hot-tempered people. They are persistent, sometimes even a little stubborn. But in life they become excellent companions: they are good for friends, wife, children, parents. Ideal names for boys born this month:

  1. Vitaly, i.e. vital.
  2. Matvey is a person who was given by God himself.
  3. Nazarius is one who is dedicated to God.
  4. Nikita, that is, the winner.

Other suitable names: Vyacheslav, Denis, Alexander, Georgy.

Let's sum it up

As a conclusion, I would like to say that you can also choose boys’ names by the dates of the month. But still, for a child to grow up happy and achieve success, he simply needs to be raised in love and mutual understanding. After all, a name does not form, but only emphasizes the special character traits of a particular person.