Paint for the facade of a wooden house: which one to choose. How to paint the outside of a wooden house: preparatory stage of work, painting new and old buildings The best way to paint a wooden house outside rating

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and comfortable housing, which is characterized by durability and reliability, aesthetic appeal and a cozy indoor environment.

But don’t forget that a tree is alive. natural material. Therefore, it is susceptible to negative influences environment. This high humidity and dampness, ultra-violet rays and insects, temperature changes and other harmful factors. During use, the wood gradually ages, darkens or turns yellow and loses its original appearance.

Special protective and decorative compositions for wall treatment. In this article we will look at how to paint wooden house outside. Painting external walls wooden house- a mandatory stage in the construction and finishing of country log housing!

It is necessary to paint a house not only after construction and shrinkage, but also during operation. Experts recommend painting wooden buildings every 5-8 years, depending on the type paint and varnish materials, A an old house It is advisable to process more often.

Which painting products to choose

Today, manufacturers offer various paints and varnishes. For external wood processing, resistant and rough compounds are suitable. Let's look at which ones are best to use for a log house.

Antiseptic varnishes come in glazing (transparent) and covering (opaque) varieties. The first type preserves the natural color and emphasizes the texture of the wood, while the second will help achieve the desired shade and shine. Such products penetrate deep into the wood and protect the material from rot and mold, the negative effects of water and humidity. When choosing, please note that coating compositions will last 6-7 years, but glazing varnish will have to be renewed every 4-5 years.

Acrylic (acrylant) paints are the most popular products among owners country houses. They are best suited for natural wood because they are absolutely safe. Such paints allow the wood to “breathe” and guarantee good air exchange. The acrylic composition creates an elastic, dense coating that protects the wood from moisture, cracking and fungus.

Acrylic paints are expensive, but they create durable and reliable coverage, which will last for a long time. You won’t have to renew your paint more often than once every 8-10 years!

Oil paints are well absorbed and penetrate deep into the wood structure. They effectively protect log walls from dirt and moisture. But today such products are losing popularity because they take a long time to dry. In addition, over time, painted wood changes color and shade, and marks appear on the surface. yellow spots. To avoid this, you will have to repaint more often than every four years.

Yacht varnish is best suited for regions with high rainfall and high humidity. It provides reliable protection against temperature extremes and moisture. This varnish does not fade and prevents the appearance of yellowness on the surface. The product is durable, but when painted it emits an unpleasant odor.

Using wax or stain is an old, tried-and-true method for painting your home. Wax is natural and safe means, which will not violate environmental friendliness wooden structure. It is deeply absorbed into the material and effectively protects log walls from dirt and moisture. After waxing, the surface will become translucent with a matte shine.

Wood stain is the cheapest and affordable option treating the house both outside and inside. It will also protect the tree from pests and fungi, while preserving the pattern and color of the logs. But after staining, you must apply varnish to enhance the properties and increase the service life of the material.

In addition to the type of paint or varnish, it is important to choose the right color. You can choose transparent compounds to preserve the structure and color of the log, choose a darker or light shade, matte or glossy shine. In addition, today there are also means for painting a wooden house with colors that have nothing to do with the color of the wood.

You can paint your house purple, green, red and any other colors. It all depends on your preferences. Designers recommend using warm shades in northern latitudes and cold regions of the country. And in warm regions, on the contrary, use cool colors.

If you cannot find the right materials, turn to professionals for help! Experienced Experts The MariSrub company will select high-quality products and calculate the amount of paint, reliably and quickly paint a wooden house, bathhouse or gazebo. Let's find out how to properly paint a wooden house.

The best facade paints for wood

Brand Description Advantages Price
Tikkurila (Finland) The most popular products that have collected positive reviews and professional craftsmen, and ordinary owners wooden houses High water-repellent properties; a wide range of; good frost resistance from 600 rubles for 0.9 l
Senezh (Russia) Antiseptic and renewing compositions high class suitable for baths, homes and gazebos, with a large selection color range(16 colors and shades) Difficult to wash out and compositions with a service life of 10 years; protection not only from moisture and pests, but also from the spread of fire during a fire from 240 rubles for 0.9 kg
Drevoplast (Russia) A durable acrylic emulsion that creates a durable decorative coating and gives the effect of “liquid plastic” High resistance to precipitation and humidity, easy application, long lasting protection from 350 rubles for 0.9 kg
Tex (Russia) A versatile, inexpensive exterior paint that creates a durable polymer film on the surface of the walls High vapor permeability, resistance to light and ultraviolet radiation, fits well on walls from 300 rubles for 0.9 kg
Pinotex (Estonia) Decorative products for polymer based for external work on painting the facade of a house, gazebo or bathhouse, fences and fences, wooden canopies Protects against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstands sudden temperature changes from 490 rubles per 1 l
Olympus (Russia) Elastic emulsion based on linseed oil for new and old surfaces, suitable for wooden facade, garden furniture, ceilings and floors inside the house Versatility;

strengthens wood and does not crack, protects against moisture and insects, mold and mildew

from 200 rubles for 0.9 kg

How to paint a house

  • The initial stage is preparing the walls. Remove dust and dirt from the logs, level the surface if necessary;
    Then a primer is applied to the surface. It will protect the walls from mold, blue stains and fungus. Without a primer, after two years the house will have to be painted again;
  • After the primer has completely dried, proceed to painting. Remember that you can only paint dry wood and in dry weather! If you are using oil paints, which take a long time to dry, it is advisable that there is no rain in the coming days either. Therefore, before the procedure, check the weather forecast;
  • It is better to paint with a roller and brush, since when using a spray gun it is difficult to obtain a perfectly even, smooth and painted coating, especially if you have little experience in painting;
  • Before coating, thoroughly stir the paint composition;
  • The paint is applied with a roller evenly in two or three layers. It is better to use a brush for painting hard to reach places. Some companies produce special paints with enhanced protective composition for ends and corners, since these places are most susceptible to the negative effects of moisture;
  • Apply each new layer only on the dried previous layer. This takes 3-4 hours; Stir the composition of the paint and varnish periodically;
  • The last layer of paint is applied from top to bottom thin layer;
  • Finally, the paint can be coated with clear varnish. This will consolidate the result, increase the service life of the coating and better protect the wood. But you can get by with just one paint.

How to paint an old house

Remember to renew the paint at intervals depending on the type of paint or varnish. Before painting, it is important to carefully prepare the old house for the procedure. When repainting, experts recommend using the same type of product that was used previously.

After the purchase necessary materials The old paint coating is removed from the surface of the logs and dirt is removed. Mold is removed with a special solution and the damaged areas are additionally treated with an alkaline detergent. It is better to replace old, crooked and rotten boards with new ones.

Sand the walls if necessary. How to properly sand walls, read the link After preparatory work Painting is carried out according to the same scheme as painting a new wooden house. If you have any problems painting your house, contact the MariSrub company!

Wood is a fairly durable construction material and facing material. At the same time, it retains heat perfectly and creates a comfortable, cozy atmosphere. With proper exterior finishing wooden building will delight not only you with its appearance, but also your grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren.

Most of these buildings in the Soviet period, due to the paucity of choice, were painted with ordinary oil paint. The sad result of such do-it-yourself cladding is facades that have darkened and peeled off over time.

This happens because the wood does not breathe. But atmospheric and soil moisture easily penetrates deep into the material. These negative impacts lead to the formation of mold, rot, blue stains, and the appearance of insect pests on the tree. The facade takes on a dull grayish color and quickly collapses.

Modern compositions for exterior wood painting

On this moment The market offers many paints and varnishes intended for. These are not just decorative compositions. Their second function is reliable protection of the base from atmospheric influences, fungus, blue stains, mold, ultraviolet radiation sun.

Let's figure out how to paint the facade of a wooden house in modern conditions.

  1. Alkyd-based oil compositions work well on sheathing boards, fences and railings. May include antiseptics that protect the wood from mold and insects.

Diluted with alkyd solvent and white spirit. Apply with a brush, roller or spray gun. It takes a day to dry.

This type of paintwork material has one relative disadvantage.
Over time, due to atmospheric influences, the coating loses its shine.

  1. Acrylate-oil analogues are optimal for both untreated and primed and sanded substrates. Approximate material consumption – 4/6 liters per square meter. It depends on the type.
  2. Glossy oil compositions. They can be used for both sawn and planed substrates. The instructions do not recommend diluting such emulsions, because otherwise they lose their shine. Material consumption is approximately 6 liters per square meter.

This type of facade paint has many advantages. It is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. It has excellent covering ability, while creating a durable protective film on the base.

This paint masks defects and damage to wood. Significantly extends its service life.

  1. Semi-matte water-dispersed enamels, in addition to decorative purposes, are also used to protect the facade. They increase the wood's resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and atmospheric influences. This paint dries quickly, does not create smudges and has good covering ability.

When working, such a composition must be stirred regularly.
When using a roller or brush, no dilution is required.
When painting with a spray, water must be added to the dye in a ratio of 1:10.

  1. Water-dispersed azures can be used both as tinting and as a . They have water-repellent qualities. The compositions are able to protect wood from mold and mildew.

Similar paint is used for the facades themselves, window and door frames, as well as fences. The treated surface can be used after 24 hours.

Components of competent work

High-quality painting of the wooden facade of a house is impossible without its preliminary preparation.

Surface preparation

  1. First, remove foreign matter and dust from the surfaces of the wooden facade.
  2. If the wood already has spots, treat them with a bleach such as Wood Master-Rime. Next, rinse the areas thoroughly with water.

  1. If the walls have cracks, chips or other surface defects, cover them with wood putty, such as Eurotex.

The opinion of experts is often voiced that only dry wood is allowed to be processed. Fresh material cannot be touched due to its excessive moisture. However, you should not wait for complete drying either. Without protection, a tree can darken and crack, and fungus and mold will grow in it.

  1. In addition, manufacturers now produce modern soils that are difficult to wash out. They are intended for new, unpainted wood. For example, “Aquatex. Antiseptic soil."

The composition is suitable for processing material with humidity up to 40 percent.

The primer protects the facade from harmful microorganisms and insects. The price of the material is not so high, it reduces paint consumption, improves its adhesion to the base and increases service life.

  1. Mix the paint thoroughly before and during work. Otherwise, the color of the facade in different areas may turn out to be uneven.
  2. Apply the coating to dry and clean walls.

Be sure to test paint small areas of the base.
The intensity of the finish tone will depend on the type of wood, the quality of its processing and the number of layers of paint.

  1. A façade that has old paintwork cladding must first be sanded and then sanded. In this case, the new coating will lie flat, because the base will have the same absorbency over its entire area.
  2. Any paint must be applied in at least two layers.
  3. It is best to paint the facade in warm (but not hot), cloudy and windless weather.
  4. The ends of timber, logs and boards must be treated with several layers of primer and paint.
  5. To further protect the ends, use products specially created for this purpose. For example, “Wood Master. Bio-Tor." They prevent the wood from cracking and protect it from rotting.


Manufacturers now produce many varieties of paints and varnishes intended for exterior finishing wooden buildings. All you have to do is choose the composition that is optimally suited to your conditions. Then apply it correctly. The video in this article contains many more interesting things.

Many wooden buildings from Soviet times due to lack of choice, they were painted with ordinary oil paint. The result of this finishing is shabby, darkened facades. The tree does not breathe, then moisture from the external environment easily penetrates the wood. Rot, mold, blue stains appear, and wood insects appear. The house takes on an ugly grayish tint and is subsequently destroyed. The figure on the left shows how natural environment on wood.

On the market finishing materials there are special ones for wooden facades modern means . These are not just paints for decorative finishing - these are two-in-one compositions. They reliably protect wood from mold, blue stains, mildew, UV rays and atmospheric influences. Among the companies represented on the market is NPP Rogneda CJSC, which has been developing and producing wood protection products for more than 20 years. The company's products are time-tested, and its high quality confirm independent experts and professional builders.

Basic rules for high-quality finishing of wooden facades

Prepare the surface thoroughly.

Preliminary surface preparation– an important and necessary step to obtain high-quality finishing facade of the house.

First, remove dust and foreign matter from the surface.. This is best done by rinsing the surface with water using a garden sprayer or brush. If there are already lesions on the surface, they need to be treated with the WoodMaster Frost bleaching compound, and then rinsed thoroughly with water. If there small cracks or surface defects, you can use Eurotex wood putty.

There is often advice that only dry wood can be processed. And new, fresh wood is usually still damp. But you don’t need to wait for it to dry completely: during this time, the wood may crack and darken, and mold and mildew will appear in it.

Hard-to-wash primer for new unpainted wood– this is the composition of “Aquatex Grunt-Antiseptic”. It is suitable for wood with a moisture content of up to 40% and protects the treated surface from mold, blue stains, fungus and insect pests. The special consistency and ingredients reduce the consumption of the finishing composition, improve its adhesion to the surface and extend the service life of the coating.

Choose your topcoat wisely.

As already noted, previously oil paints were mainly used to paint wood.. But this is the method of the last century. Modern products are divided into alkyd and acrylic, covering and textured.

Alkyd compositions(solvent based) are much more weather resistant and are therefore recommended mainly for exterior home decoration.

Acrylic(water based) are optimal indoors.

Covering compositions completely paint over the substrate, that is, the natural grain of the wood is lost.

However, some manufacturers(including the NPP Rogneda company) offer protective and decorative texture compositions for wood finishing that preserve the beautiful texture of the wood visible, decorating and protecting it.

For ease of selection, the company’s product portfolio includes three classes of formulations.

  • Economy class– “Favorite Dacha”: protects wood from mold, blue stains, fungus and atmospheric influences, as well as UV rays; does not require mandatory priming of the surface, which saves not only effort, but also money.
  • Classic composition– “Aquatex”: also has protective properties, contains a hard-to-wash antiseptic, and a modern UV filter; forms an elastic semi-matte coating on the surface, and it can be applied even to damp wood. The composition does not require priming and, when applied independently, lasts 5 years outdoors. To increase its service life to 7 years, it is necessary to prime it with Aquatex primer-Antiseptic.
  • Premium class– “Aquatex Extra”: has enhanced protective properties, forms a super-elastic coating on the surface, as it contains natural oils and microwaxes. In addition, the composition contains a UV filter of two ranges and transparent nanopigments for enhanced protection from the sun's rays. The Aquatex Extra composition can be applied both to fresh, clean surfaces and to surfaces previously covered with drying oil. The Aquatex Extra coating has a noble semi-gloss shine. Compared to the classic composition, Aquatex Extra has a longer service life: 7 years when used independently and 10 years together with Aquatex Grunt-Antiseptic.
  • Composition for restoration old wood- "Aquatex Restorer".

Restoration methods

  • Enamel PF-115 and water-dispersion paint for wood. The result is painting over the wood texture. The paints do not contain an antiseptic, which leads to further destruction of old wood.
  • Whitening composition and texture coating. The result is an inexpensive but labor-intensive process.
  • Texture coating. The result is that coating is possible only in dark colors.
  • Coating with Aquatex Restorer. The result is a fresh wood color without additional effort (bleaching and priming). The wood is not only painted, but also protected, since Aquatex Restorer contains a hard-to-wash antiseptic. You can choose a ready-made “pine” color or tint it in another desired shade.

In order for the facade of a wooden house to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to use high-quality, time-tested and certified compounds, and also strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

  • Mix the composition thoroughly before and during dyeing, otherwise the color will be uneven.
  • Apply the composition to dry, clean, dust-free surfaces.
  • Test the color of the composition on small area surfaces. Please note that the intensity of the color shade depends on the type of wood, the quality of processing and the number of layers applied.
  • Surfaces with old paint and varnish coatings scrape and sand to ensure uniform absorbency over the entire area.
  • Apply top coats in 2 layers.
  • Paint in cloudy, warm, windless weather. There is no need to paint in the heat and bright sun, or if precipitation (rain, dew) is expected.
  • Treat the ends of boards and logs with several layers of both primer and topcoat.
  • For additional protection of the ends of logs, use WoodMaster BioTor, a composition specially developed for this purpose. It prevents cracking of logs and reliably protects the ends from rotting.

A wooden house is beautiful and original, no matter what it is made of
was built - profiled timber or rounded logs. But it is not enough to simply build a beautiful residential building; it is important to approach its finishing competently so that the surfaces remain resistant to any external influences. Which paint is better for the facade of a wooden house and why? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of wood as a material

Wood has been used since ancient times for the construction of various objects - residential and commercial. Despite the emergence of a huge number of more modern materials, lovers of naturalness, authenticity, and a unique woody aroma prefer wood construction. But in order to preserve the texture and texture, as well as the color of the wood, it is important to know how to treat it. The most common wooden facades of houses are

Previously, oil compounds were used for this, which penetrated deep into the wood and prevented it from “breathing.” As a result, mold and blue stains appeared on the surface, and insects infested. Today they are used special means, which ensure reliable tree protection. Modern paint for the facade of a wooden house should be selected taking into account the following parameters:

  • resistance to moisture, frost, sunlight,
  • degree of biological protection,
  • antiseptic properties,
  • abrasion resistance.

The right paint will help create protective layer on the surface of the wood.

Paints by composition: what is suitable for what?

Which paint is best for the facade of a wooden house? To answer this question, you need to know what modern means exist and what effect they have:

  • Water-based latex paints are resistant to moisture, sunlight, and have an elastic surface. Due to acrylic resins the composition provides unique operational properties. The presence of synthetic latex improves the visual effect and gives the surface a silky appearance. Such compositions are good for finishing any wooden houses, as well as frames or fences;
  • water-based acrylic paints for the facade of a wooden house finished with timber, clapboard or imitation timber, they are ideal due to the formation of a thin film on the surface of the wood. The film is elastic, resistant to destruction when the wood dries out or shrinks, and has no odors;
  • alkyd compositions include resins, thanks to which the surface is covered with a film with a glossy structure that is resistant to temperature and humidity. Products with an alkyd base are most often used when painting frames, doors and any surfaces that will not be subject to mechanical stress.

There are also oil paints, but due to their low resistance to external influences, they are used extremely rarely. What paint to choose for the facade of a wooden house? We offer an overview of the products of the most popular brands.


The Slovenian brand offers a wide range of products that help protect wooden surfaces. All of them are developed in such a way as to preserve the natural properties of wood to the maximum and prevent the impact of mold, mildew, biological factors.

Belinka paint for the facade of a wooden house allows you to protect the surface by painting it in the most popular color solutions. Most products also contain pigments, which protect the wood from sunlight and moisture. With Belinka Toplasur UV Plus you can create polymer coating, which will reflect the naturalness of its structure.

Features of Belinka paints

Among the features of the compositions of the Slovenian brand, the following can be highlighted:

  • easy application and long-lasting shine;
  • quick drying, so painting work can be completed in a day;
  • the clearest possible transmission of wood texture and structure thanks to water based coloring matter,
  • creation of a breathable coating aimed at

When applying, most of the compound is required for the first layer, since this is what the wood absorbs. The surface of the object being processed is reliably protected by the top layer.


Tikkurila paint for the facade of a wooden house is one of the most common solutions. Products from this brand are ideal for any wood-based surfaces. The range includes several types of paint:

  • Pika-Techo. With this composition you can protect and paint external wooden surfaces. Based on acrylates and oil impregnation. Thanks to its strength and elasticity, paint can protect the facade for exactly seven years. Tinting is carried out in 120 options. It takes several hours to dry.

  • Teho Oljumaali. This is a classic solution for facades and doors. It has good adhesion to the surface. It takes about a day for the paint to dry, which ensures maximum adhesion of the composition to the surface.
  • Ultra Classic. This composition can be used in conditions low temperatures, perfectly protects surfaces from external factors. Even with seasonal deformation of wood, the paint will retain external presentability. It dries quickly (in just an hour) and can be applied to wood that has previously been treated with impregnation.

Probably, this brand produces the best paint for the facade of a wooden house. But it is worth considering that the consumption, according to buyers, is not the most economical.


This company's product range includes paints that can be used for finishing terraces and open facades. All compositions are resistant to abrasion and any physical impact, and retain a presentable appearance for a long time. The brand's line includes several types of formulations:

  • Alpina Die Langlebige für Holzfassaden. This composition is a coating that is applied in a thin layer and has good adhesion to the surface. The film prevents exposure to mold and fungi. The materials are based on synthetic resins and mineral fillers. With use, the paint does not peel off, and the coating remains elastic. The original color remains durable for up to 7 years. It takes 12 hours to dry, then a second coat can be applied. A surface primer is required.
  • Alpina Lasur für Holzfassaden. This paint, resistant to any external influences, can withstand both moisture and Sun rays while maintaining the original color. Ideal for finishing wooden facades, as it can be tinted to match any of its shades. Apply to a previously primed surface; re-treatment can be carried out after a year.
  • Alpina Lasur für Holz. This composition is good for treating terraces and facades. Its purpose is to emphasize the nobility of the shade and the natural structure of the wood. The coating is elastic.

  • "SENEZH AQUADECOR". This product is an antiseptic with toning properties. After use, a durable film is formed on the wood, destroying fungus and mold. Thanks to deep penetration and enhanced formula with linseed oil the composition forms a durable film on the surface. With the help of this paint it is easy to protect the wooden façade from any external influences, and also design it for valuable species.
  • "SENEZH TOR". Using this product, the ends of logs are processed and protected. Thanks to this action, cracking of the wood is prevented, and air exchange in the log itself improves.
  • "SENEZH OGNEBIO". This composition is used to protect wood from fire and biological factors, such as mold or pests.

According to reviews, the line contains unique impregnations that are not found in products of other brands. But tinting compounds, according to users, are washed out after a year, which is why the color of the facade may change.


Choosing the best paint is not easy as there are many factors to consider. But it is equally important to competently approach the preparation of the surfaces being treated, which involves removing dirt, dust and further priming.

The very first housing for representatives human race there were caves. People began to use trees to build their houses much later, when they realized that wood has a huge amount benefits. Wooden buildings endowed with low thermal conductivity, perfectly retain heat inside and are able to retain their performance characteristics for several decades.

Unfortunately, previously people had absolutely no idea that wooden buildings needed protective coating, which led to the fact that a huge number of wooden monuments could not survive to our time. If then people could only imagine that a wooden structure could simply be painted on the outside, giving it not only an attractive appearance, but also protecting it from wood-destroying bugs or other microorganisms, they would certainly have done it.

It's good that modern man knows everything about how to protect your wooden home. Well, the information presented in this article will help you find out more about the best way to paint the outside of a wooden house.

Why does wood age?

In order to understand the reasons for the aging of wood, you should become familiar with the factors that contribute to the destruction of natural material:

  1. Wood is a natural living material that is subject to aging processes, like all living things. A tree is not able to fight such natural processes, but with human help they can be significantly slowed down;
  2. Wooden facades are seriously affected by atmospheric conditions, such as moisture and ultraviolet radiation in close symbiosis with mold and other fungi or microorganisms.

The results of natural influences, fungal formations or the destructive activity of microorganisms can be noticed on a wooden surface within a few weeks after the construction of the structure.

Wet influences in the form of snow or rain lead to swelling of the surface, but this process is reversible during drying. As a result of such changes in the dimensions of the material, cracks appear on the surface, inside of which the fungus begins to grow.

Moreover, the fungus can be different, if, for example, the blue fungus and mold varieties can only spoil the external attractiveness of the surface, then the rot fungus leads to its destruction from the inside, and the cost of repairing damaged wooden walls may be very high;

  1. Also, do not forget about insects, such as bark beetles. The owners of a wooden building may not be aware of such neighbors, because... insects can remain dormant for about 2-3 years;

  1. Atmospheric loads that can have a serious impact on buildings located in open spaces or in the coastal zone;

The north side of the building is much less susceptible to such negative influences than the western and southern ones.

As can be seen from the listed reasons, there are a huge number of factors contributing to the destruction wooden surfaces. That is why any good owner should be concerned with the question of how to paint the outside of a wooden house? The choice must be made taking into account whether it is an old building or whether you are going to.

Painting a new house

Let's say you built a new one on the entire site wooden house and now you want to paint it. Let's try to figure out what and how this should be done.

Preparatory stage of work

Before you begin applying paint, the surface must be specially prepared, for which the following instructions must be followed:

  • Using a soft brush and sprayer, clean the surface from dust and other small particles;
  • If blue stains or mold are noticed on the surface, they must be removed using chemicals specially designed for this purpose;
  • If there is resin on the surface, it must be removed with a spatula, and the place where it was found should be treated with varnish to paint over the knots;
  • Available on the surface metal elements, such as, for example, nail heads, must be coated with a primer for metal;
  • After completing this work, the tree needs rest for 10-15 days;

He will lie. During the rest period, the wood should be covered with a film, making holes in it for the material to breathe.
If work is carried out in the warm season, then such a “blanket” is not required.

How to coat wood

There are three main materials intended for painting wood:

  • Antiseptic. These products are endowed with high penetrating ability (penetration depth of about 7 mm). Such a coating is reliable protection from atmospheric phenomena, rot and mold.
    Antiseptics are:
    • Glaze (transparent) - preserve the wood texture, pattern and give the material a noble shade;
    • Covering (opaque) - do not preserve the wood grain, but qualitatively emphasize the surface relief;

  • Acrylate paints demonstrate high resistance to weather conditions and retain a pleasant glossy sheen for a long time. This paint is quite elastic, it does not crack and at the same time allows the wood to breathe;

  • Oil paints. This coating, like acrylate, is endowed with excellent resistance to all the surprises of nature and at the same time has deep penetration as antiseptics. The disadvantage of the coating is the long drying time.

It is absolutely natural that even the best paint, the one with the highest price, has a certain shelf life.

Submitted must be updated after the following period:

  • Glazing antiseptic – 5 years;
  • Covering antiseptic – 7 years;
  • Acrylate paints – 10 years;
  • Oil paints – 6 years.

These terms, of course, are average; you yourself will be able to notice when your façade will need to be re-coated.

Painting a new house

Applying paint does not require special skills and craftsmanship, so every owner can carry out this procedure with their own hands.

But there are a couple of nuances that should still be taken into account when working with paints and varnishes:

  1. Primer. An antiseptic primer is very important to protect wood. If you still think that this stage of work can be skipped, then get ready for the fact that in two years, and most likely even earlier, you will very much regret it. the decision taken. You shouldn't skimp on primer, because... it will extend the life of the coating;

  1. Painting. The paint is applied only to a completely dry surface in several layers. Each layer must be dried separately.

Let's paint the facade of an old wooden building

If your house is no longer new and blue spots have appeared on its facade, you have noticed peeling of the old coating or other defects, then it’s time to update, giving the building a chance to new life. The only question left to answer is, how to paint the outside of an old wooden house?

In case of complete repainting, be sure to use the same type of material that was used to create the old coating.

Advice. Ideally, you should use the same paint, from the same manufacturer.

If you purchased a house and don’t know what it was painted with, try to independently determine the type of coating based on the following characteristics:

  • The acrylate coating is tactile and externally reminiscent of leather, usually cracking along the wood fibers;
  • Oil finishes lose their glossy shine over time and may leave a slight mark on the skin when touched. Cracking of such material occurs along or in the form of cells;
  • Antiseptics become thinner over time, and besides, these coatings can be repainted with either oil or acrylate paint.

Except visual inspection surface, you can determine the type of coating by performing the following experiment. Tear off a small piece of the coating from the surface and try to roll it into a tube. If it curls up, it means it has been used. acrylate paints. And if the coating literally crumbles in your hands, then it was created by an oil-based material.

The process of painting old and new wooden facades is no different, but there are some significant differences in the surface preparation procedure.

Preparing the wooden facade of an old building

The preparatory process for an old facade with an existing coating consists of the following activities:

  • Cleaning the facade from hanging fragments old paint job, dirt and dust using a scraper or brush;

  • Removing mold stains using a special product;
  • Wet cleaning of walls using a rag and a spray bottle;

Advice. To ensure better surface adhesion, it should be treated with detergent alkaline type.

  • To keep things pleasant appearance buildings need to replace rotten and twisted boards with new ones;
  • If the paint fragments adhere well to the surface and do not peel off, you can leave them.

If you have a lot of free time, then it would be more advisable to replace surface cleaning with a scraper and brush with a procedure called “chemical peeling”. Using this method, you will be able to preserve the wood texture much better.