Attaching gypsum board to the ceiling. How to attach plasterboard to the ceiling: marking, installing a metal frame, installing plasterboard sheets, sealing seams and screws

Currently, the popularity of suspended structures made of gypsum plasterboard is increasing. This comfortable material, with which you can hide an uneven surface, create various shapes. And if you know how to attach drywall to the ceiling yourself, you can save money on this family budget. Below we will describe in detail what tools and materials you will need for this, and also describe all stages of the work.

You will need to prepare a certain set of tools:

  1. drill;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. metal scissors;
  4. gypsum board knife;
  5. putty knife;
  6. hammer;
  7. saw;
  8. sandpaper;
  9. roller and brushes;
  10. building level;
  11. roulette;
  12. pencil.

Below we will describe working with a wooden frame. And for this you will need gypsum board, main and load-bearing beams 50x30 mm, hangers, reinforcing and dividing tape, dowels and screws. The approximate consumption of materials required for attaching drywall to the ceiling is given in the table below:

Installation nuances

Installation wooden frame can be carried out directly to the surface or on suspensions. You can attach the bars to the ceiling only if you are sure that its surface is perfectly flat. Otherwise, you will have to place planks under some of the bars, which will slow down the work. If the surface of the ceiling is really uneven, then it is better to immediately install the timber on hangers.

At the stage of purchasing materials, pay attention to the type of plasterboard. If you are planning to renovate premises with high humidity(bathroom or kitchen), then it’s better to choose right away moisture resistant drywall. The system for fastening such plasterboard to the ceiling is no different from the standard one, but the product does not deform over time under the influence of moisture.

Marking the base for attaching drywall to the ceiling

For a wooden frame, there is no need to install a guide profile, but it is still necessary to make markings on the wall that will indicate the level of the future ceiling. This will avoid installation errors. First, the required height is determined, a mark is made on the wall, then a second point is placed using a water level. The entire perimeter of the room is marked in this way. Then a rope is stretched between the opposite walls, which will indicate the level we need. Now let’s figure out what other marks are needed to correctly attach drywall to the ceiling.

If the frame will be installed on hangers, then it will be necessary to mark the places where they are attached to the main surface. To do this, a mesh with 70x70 cm cells is applied to the ceiling. At the intersections of the lines, the hangers will be attached. This cell size allows you to securely attach drywall to the ceiling and withstand maximum load.

Suspensions are installed at the designated points on the ceiling. They are secured using 6x40 mm dowels. After fixing, the sides are bent so that the suspension takes U-shape. Now the main beam 50x30mm is attached to them using TN screws, one on each side. The length of the main beam should be 10 mm less than the length of the room. But before attaching the drywall to the ceiling, it is necessary to carry out installation load-bearing beam.

Installation wooden beams for suspensions

To fasten the load-bearing bars, TN 4.3x55 mm screws are used. Center distance the load-bearing beams are 50 cm. The length of the load-bearing beam, as well as the main beam, should be 10 mm less than the distance between opposite walls. At this point, the installation of the frame is completed, you can begin covering the gypsum board.

The final stage of attaching drywall to the ceiling

Before installing the gypsum boards to the frame in the places where they touch end side with load-bearing structures (walls), it is necessary to stick a dividing tape. Then prepare the sheets the right size. Most likely, some of them will have to be trimmed. To do this use construction knife. Make a cut 3-4 mm deep and with a sharp movement break off the edge of the sheet along the cut. Next, to assemble a plasterboard ceiling, you need to attach the plasterboard to the frame and fix them. For this you will need an assistant, since it is difficult to do it alone.

Attaching drywall to the frame

The sheets are fastened to the frame using TN screws, the pitch between which is 15 cm. It is better to use a screwdriver for this. Adjacent sheets should be fastened staggered with an offset of no less than the pitch of the supporting profile (10cm). When screwing the screws, try to ensure that it does not break through the cardboard, but enters the gypsum board to a depth of 1 mm. This will simplify the subsequent puttying of the surface. We hope that now you know how to attach drywall to the ceiling, and you can easily do it yourself.

Surface treatment

After finishing work on installing the ceiling, you need to make sure that its surface is prepared for finishing work: wallpapering or painting. To do this, you must first putty all the joints, seams and screw heads. After this, reinforcing tape is applied to the gypsum board joints, and a leveling layer of putty is applied on top. After drying, it is necessary to level the surface using sandpaper. The final stage is primer treatment. Now you can use any finishing material. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about attaching drywall to the ceiling. The main thing is to do everything carefully and follow our recommendations.

If you have any questions or comments regarding how to attach drywall to the ceiling, then we are waiting for your comments under the article.

IN last years The most modern and technologically advanced materials are increasingly being used for finishing ceilings, which can include the well-known plasterboard. The use of materials of this class ensures a completely flat surface without resorting to tedious procedures for leveling the ceiling or plastering it.

All known methods of fastening drywall come down to the following three options:

  • securing sheets of plasterboard to a metal frame structure using metal screws;
  • using ordinary wooden slats as a frame;
  • installation of drywall directly on the ceiling surface using dowels and special fasteners.

Before attaching drywall to the ceiling, you will need to thoroughly prepare its base.

Preparing the ceiling surface

First of all, using a water level, you should mark the places where the plasterboard sheets will be attached to the ceiling. To do this, at a height of about 1.5 meters from the floor, lines are drawn on the walls of the room, defining a basic level of markings (used as a reference point from which equal segments are laid towards the ceiling). The required level of fastening of the sheets is determined taking into account the depth of the frame with an adjustment of about 10 mm.

If you are going to mount on the ceiling Spotlights, depth frame structure should be selected in accordance with the dimensions of the lighting elements.

To successfully complete all planned work, you will definitely need (in addition to the drywall itself) following materials and tools:

  • gypsum-based mastic;
  • finished frame metal structure or wooden slats;
  • construction screwdriver;
  • dowels and screws.

Methods for attaching drywall

Let's talk about the most popular methods of installing drywall on the ceiling.

Work on arranging a plasterboard ceiling mounted on a metal frame begins with preparation load-bearing structure from the standard profile. In this case, all elements of the mounted frame are attached directly to the ceiling.

Installation work begins with securing a special starting profile around the perimeter of the room being equipped. Then metal strips are nailed across the ceiling in increments of about 40 cm, used as load-bearing profiles. And only then, on top of the strips with the same step, longitudinal metal profiles, used for fastening sheets of drywall. Upon completion of all these procedures, you will receive a structure divided into equal cells, in the niches of which sheets of drywall, cut according to the specified dimensions, will be placed.

To fasten plasterboard blanks, you will need self-tapping screws of a suitable size (with a length corresponding to the thickness of the sheet being fixed). For 9 mm drywall, for example, you will need to prepare 1.5 cm self-tapping screws. To secure the sheets, use a screwdriver, through which the screws are “driven” into the longitudinal profiles in increments of 12-15 centimeters so that their heads are slightly recessed in the material.

Using a wooden frame

Before attaching drywall to the ceiling on a wooden frame made of slats, its surface is carefully leveled using a primer. Using a slatted frame will allow you to hide all the unevenness of the ceiling and maintain the height of the finished room as much as possible.

Its preparation is carried out with special care, since the quality of the installed coating will depend on the accuracy of the markings.

First of all, it is necessary to outline the locations of the joints plasterboard sheets on the surface of the ceiling, where slats with a width of at least 8 cm are installed. The wooden frame is attached to the ceiling using dowels 8 to 10 centimeters long. In some cases, wooden plugs are used to fasten the slatted frame, driven into holes prepared in advance on the ceiling. Drywall sheets are attached to the wooden frame using self-tapping screws; at the same time, it is advisable to leave a small gap in the area of ​​the joints, which is subsequently filled with putty.

Frameless mount

Frameless fastening of plasterboard to the ceiling can be realized by using a special mastic containing such well-known building compounds as gypsum and bone glue. A mixture of these binding materials ensures reliable adhesion of plasterboard sheets to the ceiling base.

At first small portions gypsum mastic is applied to the drywall (along the edges and in the center), after which the original composition is leveled, and the sheet itself is pressed tightly against the ceiling base.

To reduce the load on the attachment points of the plasterboard sheet, it can be cut into pieces.


We bring to your attention a video about attaching drywall to the ceiling.

Today, the use of plasterboard sheets when carrying out repairs in a cottage, country house or apartment is the most faithful and economical solution. Through the said building material You can easily remove all defects of an uneven surface, obtaining a smooth base for subsequent finishing. In order to understand how to properly attach drywall to the ceiling, you will need to identify the features of this raw material and master installation options.

Gypsum plasterboard includes gypsum filler with various binding additives and facing layers of cardboard. The weight of one sheet ranges from 12 to 35 kg depending on its thickness: 6 mm, 9 mm and 12.5 mm.

The widespread use of the presented material is due to a number of important advantages:

  • the ceiling surface will be perfectly flat;
  • providing opportunities for placement and subsequent hiding of communication systems;
  • providing heat and sound insulation;
  • use in different types premises due to the variety of types: classic, fire-resistant, moisture-resistant and universal;
  • ease of installation;
  • implementation of complex design projects on creation multi-level ceilings and unique lighting systems.

Preparatory work is important stage any construction event and determine the entire course of further installation. They include:

  1. Selection the necessary tool and fastening elements - a building level, a tape measure, a drill with a hammer drill and a cross-shaped bit, a jigsaw or a hacksaw with a small blade width, dowel-nails and self-tapping screws.
  2. Marking the ceiling. Considering that in most cases ceiling surface has some unevenness, the first step is to determine its lower limit. For this purpose, the distance to the floorboard is measured from each corner using a tape measure. Having determined the lowest point, it is worth securing a guide beam or profile around the perimeter of the intended space.

Correct marking of the positions of the guide elements is the key to the success of subsequent installation. It is worth remembering that the procedure described above requires a leveled floor!

Ceiling in wooden house can be easily sheathed using plasterboard boards. This finish not only has an aesthetic appearance, but also provides a natural microclimate in the room.

Currently in use the following types fastening drywall to a wooden ceiling surface:

Adhesive installation method

Installation of plasterboard slabs without a profile requires the use of special adhesives and the presence of a perfectly flat surface to be glued. In most cases, gypsum mastic is used as an adhesive mass, which includes bone glue and crumbs. gypsum stone. Applying the mixture should start from the edges of the sheet in small cakes at intervals of 30 cm from each other, gradually moving towards the center. After which the plate is pressed onto the prepared surface. To increase the adhesive properties, it would be useful to prime the ceiling in advance.

Since plasterboard sheets have significant weight, in the finishing option wooden ceiling To reduce the pressure created, you can divide the slab into two equal parts, which will greatly simplify the installation procedure and the material will stick faster.

The presented design allows you to “hide” all ceiling defects, greatly saving its height. It is advisable to use a rack frame when constructing single-level surfaces. The main advantage of this method is its low cost. However, when arranging it, a well-dried timber is required, otherwise the supporting elements will soon become moldy and deformed.

We place the main beam along the entire plane of the ceiling in increments of 80 cm. Afterwards, relative to it, at an angle of 90°, we attach load-bearing partitions at a distance of 50 cm from each other, which will subsequently become the holding base for the drywall.

Having finished installing the frame, we proceed to attaching the slabs. Screws are screwed in around the perimeter of the sheet at intervals of 15 cm in a checkerboard pattern so that the head of the rod is slightly buried in the material. Subsequently, these places are puttied, and the entire surface acquires a smooth appearance.

When attaching drywall, you should leave a distance between joints of about 5–7 mm. Subsequently, these gaps are easily sealed with putty, providing better adhesion to the entire plane.

The method of assembling the structure is approximately the same as when arranging a wooden frame, however, there are a number of nuances. The guide profiles are attached in increments of 40 cm, so that one classic plate with a length of 120 cm is fixed on four such metal slats.

Having finished arranging the guide bases, we begin to fix the hanging devices. Attach them to the ceiling using dowel nails at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Next, the supporting profile is attached so that its ends are strictly on the guide rail at an angle of 90°, and its body is in the hangers. All frame elements are fastened to each other using special metal screws.

During the execution of all installation work The horizontal profiles must be checked with a level, and places of expected load must be reinforced with jumpers or anchors.

The procedure for installing plasterboard sheets requires the use of two pairs of hands, however, to sheathe the ceiling alone, you will need to use additional holding devices. One of these homemade devices are the platform and supports.

This option involves making a small structure from a pair of boards, hinges and supports. When opened, the height of the retractable platform should be 5–6 cm below the ceiling level.

When manufacturing, do not forget to take into account that this interval also includes, along with the design, the width of the plasterboard sheet.

The process of lifting the slab is carried out in several stages. First, the first selection is set to hand height, then the main one. After this, we climb onto the prepared scaffolding and calmly attach the drywall to the frame.

In conclusion, I would like to note that attaching plasterboard sheets to an equipped frame is the most reliable finishing option than using adhesives, especially in a wooden house. Due to the fact that buildings made of wood “live their own lives” and are constantly in motion, no one knows how the resulting adhesive base may behave after some time.


In the provided video materials, you can learn the intricacies of making a plasterboard ceiling, as well as how to attach plasterboard alone:


In the diagrams you can see some features of attaching drywall and frame to the ceiling:

Among finishing materials for the ceiling, plasterboard is considered the most profitable, if you take into account its cost and characteristics. The simplest in terms of implementation is single-level suspended structure, which is shown in the photo. Having understood the technology of creating a frame and how plasterboard is attached to the ceiling, you can on our own make renovations at home.

Exist different ways fastening plasterboard to the ceiling: directly to the base floor, to a metal frame, to wooden slats. And for each of these cases there are specific requirements for fastenings and materials used.

The procedure for attaching plasterboard ceilings

Suppose you need to perform installation plasterboard construction as close as possible to the base floor, since it is necessary to maintain the height of the room as much as possible. Installation will be carried out on a metal frame.

First stage - marking. Device plasterboard ceilings start with markings. On the base ceiling you need to find the most low point and move it to one of the walls in a randomly selected corner of the room. The distance from this point to the lowest part on the frame should not exceed 25 millimeters (profile thickness). Having retreated approximately 30 millimeters from the lower point of the overlap, a mark is made, which, using building level transfers to all corners. Thus, there will be two marks in each corner (one on each wall).

Then, using chockline or blue thread, markings are made around the perimeter of the room. To do this, a thread is pulled between two marks, it is pulled back and suddenly released. As a result of impact with the surface, the chockline leaves a control line. According to it, a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard will be attached; it means the lower level of the frame.

Next, you need to decide on the direction of laying the plasterboard slabs - according to it, you need to mark two opposite walls every 50 centimeters. Lines are drawn between the applied marks using a chockline - they are a guideline along which the suspensions will be attached.

Fastening the frame

Second phase - creation of metal. Along the line marked along the perimeter, screw the UD profile so that the lower part of the bar coincides with it.

For fastening, it is advisable to use 6 mm plastic dummy dowels and screws with a diameter of no more than 4 -5 mm. For screws and dowels, the length must be selected based on the density of the material of the walls of a particular room.

After this, the CD profiles are cut into pieces of the required length and inserted into the UD profiles mounted around the perimeter. To level CD profiles, a strong nylon thread is pulled under them. It is secured from wall to wall perpendicular to the CD profiles with small self-tapping screws on the UD profiles.

Each profile is aligned along a stretched thread and fastened to hangers with self-tapping screws designed for plasterboard profiles. In the same way, the CD profile and the UD profile are connected to each other, and the ends of the hangers sticking out to the sides are bent to the sides. When the frame for plasterboard is created, the ceiling is almost ready for installation finishing slabs. It is also necessary to make electrical wiring for installation lighting fixtures and lay the wires in a special corrugated cable channel.

Third stage – installation of plasterboard boards. Each sheet has considerable weight (about 15 kilograms) and therefore it is advisable to carry out the work of installing gypsum boards with an assistant. It should be noted that two plasterboard sheets will need to be attached to the outermost section of the CD profile, so the edge of each of them should be located on half of the profile.

Fastening stretch ceiling to the ceiling: installation system "). In this case, attaching a stretch ceiling to plasterboard is a difficult task that only professionals can handle (read: " ").

Finishing work often cause a lot of difficulties, especially when carrying out processes on your own. Biggest problems occur during fixation sheet materials on elevated horizontal bases. It is necessary to attach drywall to the ceiling in compliance with all rules in order to avoid serious problems further.

The fixation of the slabs is carried out most in a convenient way, which is selected taking into account the available capabilities and type of base and ensures a smooth and reliable surface.

Metal carcass

Laying drywall on a profile is the most popular. This is explained by the fact that such installation allows you to correct significant differences heights and hide communications.

Fastening of frame parts is carried out as follows:

If you do everything correctly, you will get a metal frame with a single plane.

You should know! To avoid problems with possible shrinkage, the parts should not be positioned sideways.

Wooden sheathing

This option is more suitable for working with wooden bases, since close temperature expansion is ensured. The timber must be free of defects, well dried and necessarily treated with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the sheathing:

  1. The base is prepared according to the same scheme as during installation metal frame.
  2. Marking is being carried out. Due to the absence of a guide system, a line is marked on the walls, taking into account the greatest unevenness and a margin of 3–6 cm. This will be the starting point for pulling the cord.
  3. The beam is attached to installed hangers, which are fixed to concrete base or wooden joists if there is significant unevenness.
  4. It is recommended to install the side parts first, with a distance of 10–15 cm from the walls. The edges of the elements should also not come into contact with vertical structures, so a gap of 10 mm is set.
  5. A cord is stretched between the parts. Further installation is accompanied by leveling and tensioned rope.

The timber is usually used for arranging suspended ceilings in wooden houses

The slats can be attached directly to the ceiling joists, but for this there should be no height differences. If work is carried out with attic floors, then additional thermal insulation and waterproofing can be installed.

Glue method

This process is rarely done by hand. The base should not have significant deviations and open systems communications. In addition, the surface requires mandatory preparation.

Before attaching the gypsum plasterboard, the following procedures are carried out:

  1. The old coating is completely removed. Whitewash, paint and wallpaper are removed especially carefully. The ceiling must be clean.
  2. Primer is applied. Compositions with deep penetration which can significantly improve grip.
  3. Gaps and cracks that could allow moisture to pass through are eliminated.

Gluing sheets is most often used when low ceilings or arrangement multi-level structures, when one of the levels is the base

On a note! Fixing large format sheets is very problematic, so sawing them in half is allowed.

Installing drywall on the ceiling alone

Before starting work, you need to think through all the steps to avoid problems. Screwing the plates is very difficult; this will require auxiliary devices.

If using a pendant frame system, you can fix drywall sheets using several methods.

Telescopic lifts

They are a device with stops on which the plate is placed and evenly raised to the desired level. The disadvantage of this option is the high price of the equipment, which does not allow purchasing it for home use.

There are many types of professional telescopic lifts, but all of these models have one serious drawback - their high price

It is possible to make such a system yourself, but not always. For this, pipes of different diameters are used:

  1. Thinner parts are welded into a single lower frame. The result should be a structure with two outer supports on legs, reminiscent of an open clothes hanger.
  2. The posts are drilled through in increments of 5 to 10 cm. All points on the two posts must be located at the same level.
  3. Thick fragments are put on top. On their upper edges there is a vertical crossbar glued with rubber. General system consists of two T-shaped pillars.
  4. As the pipe rises larger diameter fix with a pin at the desired level.

It’s possible to build a lift from 4 poles and an upper support frame, but without experience using one homemade equipment it's difficult alone

Using brackets and hangers

A faster and easier method to secure drywall sheets. Algorithm of actions:

The technology may seem complicated, but if you get used to it, the work will not take much time and will provide excellent results.

Attention! To simplify the procedure, making a special strap on the wrist, on which there is a magnet or sewn holes for self-tapping screws, will help.

Glue mount

To glue plasterboard sheets directly to the ceiling, you must do the following:

Further work is performed in the same order. Although the process will take a lot of time, this will allow all the elements to be glued extremely securely.

To hang drywall yourself, you should consider some nuances:

  • Everything needs to be thought through in detail; you can’t rush.
  • The chosen tool is extremely light.
  • The manufactured stops must be assembled rigidly, without loose parts.
  • The main thing is to securely fasten the main part, since it bears the main weight.
  • If fatigue occurs, work should be postponed, otherwise there is a high risk of not only damage to the material, but also health problems.

Although it is not easy to screw or glue gypsum boards alone, following the technology and recommendations makes it possible to achieve a high-quality result.