Winged expressions about labor and work. You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without work: a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about work

■ It is not the profession that chooses the person, but the person who chooses the profession.

■ There are no professions with a great future, but there are professionals with a great future.

(Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov.)

■ Without labor one cannot be clean and joyful life.

(A.P. Chekhov.)

■ You need to love what you do, and then work - even the roughest - rises to creativity.

(Maksim Gorky.)

■ Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want.


■ Labor is a healing balm, it is the source of virtue.

(Herder I.)

■ Everyone worthy of being called a human must have the desire and ability to work.

(Smiles S.)

■ We must... instill in them (youth) a desire for hard work and so that they fear idleness as the source of all evil and delusion.

(Catherine the Great)

■ Ability, valor - everything is nothing until we put in the work.

■ In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

■ The work we do willingly heals pain.

(Shakespeare W.)

■ Work dulls grief.


■ Work must be consistent with a person’s strengths. He is bad, that is, unpleasant when he exceeds them.

(Chernyshevsky N. G.)

■ Having overcome any kind of work, a person feels pleasure.

(Suvorov A.V.)

■ Work as long as your strength and years allow.

■ The bodies of young men are tempered by labor.


■ Glory is in the hands of labor.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

■ To live means to work. Labor is human life.


■ If a person with early years He has acquired the habit of work; work is pleasant to him. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes work hateful.

(Helvetius K.)

■ Activity is the only path to knowledge.

■ The purpose of a person is in intelligent activity.


■ Anyone who wants to eat a nut must break the shell.

■ The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness.

(Michel Montaigne)

■ Everyone should be great in his work.

(Gracian y Morales)

■ A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight.

(Chekhov A.P.)

■ Whether the task is big or small, it must be done.

The best medicine from idleness - constant and honest work.


■ The labor process, if it is free, ends in creativity.

(Prishvin M. M.)

■ A master is a person who enjoys doing what others cannot do.

(Dictionary of paradoxical definitions.)

■ The road to happiness lies through work.

Other paths do not lead to happiness.

(Abu Shukur.)

■ Friends, take care of the minute and hour

Any school day!

Let each of you become a professor

In the profession you need.

(M. Raskatov.)

Lesson notes on manual labor in senior group"Houses»


learn to make crafts based on boxes, firmly connecting the parts ( multi-storey house, house with a balcony, etc.);

complement the craft with details that match the image;

lead children to the idea that houses have the same shape, but different size, color, design.


Develop the ability to work collectively;


develop the ability to work collectively;

cultivate accuracy in work;

Preliminary work:

1. Review of the album “City of Yadrin”

2. Application Various houses»

3. Examination of paintings, illustrations with different houses

4. Carrying out the plot - role playing games“Building a house”, “Builders”

5. Observation standing at home

6. Reading L. Yakhnin “How many brothers are there at our house”

Material used:

Boxes of different sizes, glue, glue brushes, scissors, napkins, wallpaper, colored paper, cardboard base for fakes “Street”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look, we have received a letter. Are you wondering what's in this letter? Then let's open it. (The teacher opens the letter and reads it)

- “Evil wizards have destroyed and destroyed our houses and now we have nowhere to live. We really ask you guys to help us. Toy men."

Educator: Do you think we can fulfill this request? (children agree)

Conversation about upcoming work.

Do you think houses made from paper boxes will turn out? What do the boxes look like? (Children's answers).

But before we start construction, let's remember what parts the house consists of? (windows, doors, balcony). Listen to the riddles...

Who comes, who goes -

Everyone leads her by the hand.

Not on the floor, not on the shelf.

He looks into the house and onto the street... (window)

I know what you guys have skillful hands. And, as you know, “skillful hands know no boredom”!

Who builds houses? (builders). So today we will be builders.


We build, we build, we build a house.

Let's lay it brick by brick.

So that our house is level,

We will rub our hands together.

And then we'll shake it some more.

We will sit down, we will stand together,

Let's go around the house,

Let's take a deep breath now.

Quietly, let's all sit down at the table,

And we will start working.

Choose a base box for your future home. (Children choose a box and go to the tables).

We have everything we need for construction on the tables, sit down quietly and get to work. Please beautiful houses: different - different, blue, red, high and low, with balconies, with cornices, with towers and arches - please with gifts!

Let's make colorful houses. We have colored paper on our tables. Take it and wrap it around the box (show). We bend the excess paper along the edge and cut it off. Then we smear the box or paper with glue and glue it, pressing it tightly to the box. We work carefully! Then we will make the roof and glue the windows and doors. Think first, what will our house be like - one-story or multi-story, with a balcony or with turrets?

Individual work with difficult children.

Finished crafts are displayed on the “Street” base.

What a good job you did today. Well done, we are now convinced that you have skillful hands. I hope that little people will like our houses - they have the same rectangular shape, but different size, color, design. We've got a whole town. And here are our little people. Let's play with them.

(Children play with buildings)

Educator: What did we do today? What kind of houses did you end up with? Who did you build houses for?

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Page creation date: 2016-04-27

May 1 is Labor Day, which is celebrated in many countries. Every person's life is spent in work. Going to work, taking care of the house, raising children - all this is human labor. The topic of labor has always been and will be relevant, as evidenced by the statements of great people about labor in different centuries. Their philosophical sayings say that labor is the basis human life, it brings benefits and improves goods.

Plunging into work, a person forgets about his problems, focusing on his work. Thus, work is the best medicine for mental wounds. Our selection contains not only philosophical statements about work, but also funny statuses, which will undoubtedly lift your spirits.

Although the May Day holidays are dedicated to work, these days, as a rule, are declared holidays at the state level, and on these days it is customary to rest rather than work. This is a small paradox, although on the other hand, if you work all the time, then at some point you need to rest.

Labor can be mental or physical. It is not so important what a person does in life, the main thing is that the work is to his liking and brings benefits.

Work and labor will grind everything down.

Success does not come immediately.

Labor is often the father of pleasure. (Voltaire)

Real pleasure is contemplating the results of labor.

Labor in our time is a great right and a great duty. (V. Hugo)

This is how it has always been and will always be.

Labor is a healing balm, it is the source of virtue. (Herder)

A person finds himself in work.

Everyone worthy of being called a human must have the desire and ability to work. (Smiles)

The desire to work is a sign of a noble person, while laziness is his enemy.

Work makes you insensitive to grief. (Cicero)

While working, a person concentrates his thoughts on action, and not on problems.

The true treasure for people is the ability to work. (Aesop)

Rather not a skill, but a desire. If you have the desire, you can learn everything.

Work dulls grief. (Cicero)

The best doctor is work, it heals from the most severe wounds - from mental ones.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. (Franklin Benjamin)

And if you can also accomplish today what you planned for tomorrow, don’t wait for tomorrow...

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want. (Voltaire)

At that time, work gives joy and prosperity.

You need to love what you do, and then work - even the roughest - rises to creativity. (Maksim Gorky)

There is nothing better when work is also a hobby.

Everyone worthy of being called a human must have the desire and ability to work. (Smiles)

Moreover, first you need to have the desire, and then the ability; without desire, no ability will help.

Sayings of great people

Work, as it were, creates a kind of calloused barrier against pain. (Cicero)

When a person is busy with something, he does not have time to think about mental or physical pain.

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as lazy people. (Sax Hans)

If you want to live and enjoy benefits, work and increase your wealth.

The main advantage of labor is that it should be both an end and a means in itself, so that the pleasure lies in it, and not in its results. (Reyhani Amin)

Whatever one may say, the results of labor bring no less pleasure than the work itself.

Physical labor is something that serves virtue. (Xunzi)

While mental work serves the purpose of improvement.

A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight. (A.P. Chekhov)

Life without work is just existence.

The labor process, if it is free, ends in creativity. (M. Prishvin)

Relaxed labor process- this is creativity.

When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery! (Maksim Gorky)

To live and enjoy life, you need to do what brings you pleasure.

Constant work is the law of both art and life. (O. de Balzac)

But even the most pleasant work needs to be alternated with rest at least sometimes.

Without work there cannot be a pure and joyful life. (A.P. Chekhov)

Life without work is a lie, self-interest and seeking benefits from others.


When you work like a bee, life doesn’t seem like honey.

Life then resembles not honey, but a squeezed lemon.

Those who don't work don't make mistakes.

For some, work is a total mistake.

It is difficult to tune in to the work wave - laziness creates strong interference.

That means good master It’s not enough to change the settings...)

Fewer people are bent over from hard work than are bent over trying to avoid work.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t escape work!

Work is sacred! But you can’t touch something sacred!

Holy Priu you need to multiply, so go to work!

If only I could meet a rabid workaholic and bite him once...)

Do you think it will help?!)

Even in the dictionary, the word “success” is located after the word “labor”.

It seems that Ozhegov and Dahl knew something...)

You need to work wisely, and not until night!

You need to work according to your strength, not according to the clock!

For a man, work is a second home, and for a woman, home is a second job.

Men also have time to relax at work. and women continue to work at home...

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.

Happiness, I'm here...)

Do you have periods in your life when you just give up and don’t want to do anything? Don’t rush to despair, think about what you like to do most and what you could do that would be useful for yourself, for your family and friends, for society, in the end. When you plunge headlong into work, believe me, not only will gloomy thoughts go away from you, you will be filled with vital energy and a sense of accomplishment! Work hard, involve your surroundings in your work, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation, so do not forget to rest and recuperate after working days!


If there is still something left to complete, consider that nothing has been done.

Activity is the only path to knowledge.
J.B. Show

I can’t imagine a situation where there would ever be nothing to do.
F. Dostoevsky

There is nothing that cannot be overcome with hard work.
J. Bruno

It’s not so much the work itself that tires you, but the thoughts about it.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

Without obvious intense hard work there are no talents or geniuses.
D. Mendeleev

There is no hard work that love does not make not only easy, but even enjoyable.
J. Bruno

What is done hastily is rarely done well.

There is no sweeter peace bought by labor.
A. Chekhov

Work is the best medicine.
A. France

A good start is half the battle.

Labor is the great cure for all the diseases and sorrows of mankind.
T. Carlyle

There is nothing more natural for a person than work; a person is born for it, like a bird for flying and a fish for swimming.
F. Petrarch

If you want to make your work easier, pass on your experience to someone else.
B. Krutier

A fool is the one who abandons the matter halfway and watches, with his mouth open, from the sidelines what will come of it all.
F. Schiller

Without work there cannot be a pure and joyful life.
A. Chekhov

The decisive role in the work is not always played by the material, but always by the artist.
M. Gorky

Take on an easy task as if it were a difficult one, and take on a difficult task as if it were an easy one. In the first case, so that confidence does not turn into carelessness; in the second, uncertainty turns into timidity. The surest way to avoid doing something is to consider it done in advance. On the contrary, diligence accomplishes the impossible.
B. Gracian y Morales

Bonded labor is worse than unemployment.
K. Kushner

Where the deed speaks for itself, what is the use of words?
Marcus Tullius Cicero

The more important you consider it, the more likely you will accomplish a task.

Work that we enjoy heals grief.
W. Shakespeare

There's only one way to do it great job- to love her.
S. Jobs

Hard work is the soul of every business and the key to prosperity.
Charles Dickens

If you don't make a profit, then no one needs your work.
V. Sinelnikov

Work hard and you'll get it good results, because drop by drop the stone is chiseled, and with small blows you can knock down an oak tree, and a mouse, with patience and perseverance, gnaws through a ship's rope.
B. Franklin

When two people do the same thing, they are no longer the same.

God pleases the quality of our work, not its quantity.
M. Gandhi

Ability, valor - everything is nothing until we put in the work.

Carefree makes you look younger, busyness makes you look beautiful.
R. Walser

Our deeds show what we really are; in words - only what they should be.
S. Smiles

The hardworking bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers.
M. Bogdanovich

When you finish a big job, you always experience some kind of sweet sadness. Because with the end of your work, in which you embody your thoughts and feelings, you may feel an elusive feeling of sadness, as if you were parting with the woman you love...
Y. Kolas

Man is born to work.
K. Ushinsky

It is better to do a small part of the task perfectly than to do ten times more poorly.

He who relies on effort in work lives, and whoever does not rely on effort in work does not live.
Mo Zi

Each of us is the son of our own deeds.

Farming is based on labor, not expense.
Pliny the Elder

Thinking is the hardest job; This is probably why so few people do it.
G. Ford

It is not smart to postpone things until tomorrow; What tomorrow might happen, we cannot know.

There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more royal than labor.
Alexander the Great

Work is a sacred thing, it befits everyone.
N. Leskov

Everyone should be great in their work.
Gracian y Morales

Many people love hard work, especially if they are paid for it.
F. P. Jones

Labor is the soul of genius, the heart of talent, it is the inner fire of every talent.
A. France

It's worth the effort.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is not a person's title that is important, but his work.
Pliny the Younger

Whether the task is big or small, it must be done.

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person more than prolonged physical inactivity.

Constant work overcomes all obstacles.
M. Lomonosov

To love your business, you also need to believe in its meaning.
Y. Kolas

Happiness comes to those who work hard.
Leonardo da Vinci

To work means to earn money at the same time and not have time to spend it.
P. Decourcel

12 Feb 2019 admin

In today's positive collection Selected quotes about the need for child labor to grow above oneself and success in your endeavors.

Work is the best medicine, moral and aesthetic. Anatole France

No invention can become perfect immediately. Cicero

People who invest in the future are realists.

You can't win a battle with past glory.

If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney

We enjoy the beauty of a butterfly, but rarely acknowledge the changes it went through to achieve that beauty. Maya Angelou

The higher the culture, the higher the value of work. Wilhelm Roscher

There are more important things to do in life than just increasing the pace. Mahatma Gandhi

To be just one step away from the goal or not to get closer to it at all is, in essence, the same thing. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as lazy people. Hans Sachs

Ask the right questions! Others saw what was there and asked why. I saw what could be and asked why not. Pablo Picasso

The road to glory is paved with hard work. Publilius Syrus

Always look on the bright side of life. Monty Python

He who loves work does not need entertainment. Jean de La Bruyère

After a fight they don’t wave their fists.

Only the inner, spiritual, life-giving power of labor serves as a source of human dignity, and at the same time morality and happiness. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

All my life I have loved and love mental and physical work, and, perhaps, even more than the second. And he felt especially satisfied when he added some good guess to the latter, that is, he connected his head with his hands. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Let our highest goal be one thing: to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Andre Gide

We make money the old-fashioned way - we earn it. Slogan of the American company Smith Barney

The first damn thing is lumpy.

Old people always advise young people to save money. This bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. Henry Ford

You will become the hundredth in this life as soon as you throw away everything that makes you want to be the first. Woody Allen Allen Stewart Koenigsberg

The road to success is crowded with women who push their husbands in front of them. Thomas Dewar

No matter what anyone undertakes, he succeeds.

If you don't like what you get, change what you give. Carlos Castaneda

A real job is a job you hate. Bill Watterson

I want to warn you that there is only one mistake you can make. You can begin to interpret what is happening. If you start doing this, everything is lost. You will be caught in an intellectual, Freudian game. You will begin to catalog the most interesting insights into an intellectual box, and rest assured, nothing real will happen. Fritz Perls

Remember that throughout history the path of truth and love has always prevailed. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seemed invincible, but in the end they always fall - always think about it. Mahatma Gandhi

We must call for, rather than wait for, inspiration to get things started. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration rarely breeds action. Frank Tibolt

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together. Confucius (Kun Tzu)

The success of a task accomplished by the common efforts of many people is always attributed to one thing: neither the crowd nor History likes collective and anonymous works. Etienne Rey

It’s a disaster if a shoemaker starts baking pies, and a pie maker starts making boots. Krylov I. A.

If it’s work, then it’s such work that there will be benefit and honor. Lucilius Guy

Hard work is the soul of every business and the key to prosperity. Charles Dickens

Let's mark our successes with a minute of silence. Mikhail Mamchich

Success requires only two things: 1. you need to know exactly what you want; 2. you need to determine what price you are willing to pay to achieve your goal.

There is no hard work that love does not make not only easy, but even enjoyable. Giordano Bruno

There are no failures - only experience and your reaction to them. Tom Krause

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do. Georges Elgozy

The work and strength of those who lived before us live in us. May future generations, in turn, be able to live thanks to our work, thanks to the strength of our hands and our minds. Only in this case will we adequately fulfill our purpose. Jean Henri Fabre

Success in business does not in itself guarantee success outside of business. Peter Drucker

Decide. Change. Strive forward. Think. Take on challenges. Get up and take action. Refuse stereotypes. Achieve. Dream. Open. Believe. Stop. Listen to yourself. Grow. Win. Look at life with open eyes. Paulo Coelho

The worker's position cannot be improved by making the employer's position worse. William Boatker

A writer in the highest moments of inspiration feels as if someone is dictating a manuscript to him. Fazil Iskander

Right is always on the side of the victorious army.

Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their own way

Problems are not solved at the problem level. Analyzing the problem itself in order to find its solution is like trying to restore the freshness of a leaf by tackling the leaf itself, while the solution lies in watering the root.

Theme of the issue: quotes about the need for child labor with illustrations and a thematic video from YouTube.

: Without effort, talent is like fireworks: it blinds for a moment, and then there is nothing left.

Benjamin Franklin :
Labor is the father of happiness.
The best cure for idleness is constant and honest work.
The gods sell all goods to us only for our labors.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov:
Only hellish work deserves heavenly rest.
Adam Smith:
Every man is rich or poor according to the amount of labor he can command or buy.
Adam Smith:
Labor is the real measure of the exchange value of all goods.
Jean de La Bruyère:
He who loves work does not need entertainment.
If it’s work, then work is such that there is benefit and honor.
Life is truly darkness when there is no aspiration. Every aspiration is blind when there is no knowledge. All knowledge is in vain when there is no work. All work is fruitless when there is no love.
Labor is love made visible.
DI. Mendeleev:
Everything comes only through work. Everything is due to human labor, this is the slogan of history.
M.V. Lomonosov :
Constant work overcomes obstacles.
From all work there is profit, but from idle talk there is only damage.