Where to plant paniculata hydrangea. How to care for hydrangea in the country: step-by-step instructions

To obtain highly decorative hydrangea plantings, it is not enough to take good care of the plants. No less important is the acquisition of healthy, strong seedlings and the knowledge of the gardener on how to plant hydrangeas correctly.

For good development Hydrangeas need moderately moist, nutritious loams with a pH of 5.0 to 6.0.

Therefore, the first step in growing a plant is to analyze the composition and acidity of the soil and, if necessary, prepare it:

  • poor soils are enriched with a nutrient mixture of leaf soil, humus, sand and brown peat (2:2:1:1);
  • neutral and alkaline soils are acidified with coniferous soil or additional peat;
  • Coarse river sand is added to heavy soil.

Not only the development of the plant, but also the color of its inflorescences depends on the composition of the soil:

  • on soils rich in iron and aluminum they acquire rich blue shades;
  • on neutral lands rich in phosphorus, pink tones.

Most varieties of hydrangea prefer diffused light or light partial shade, so the bushes in the garden are placed on the eastern or western side of the site, in places protected from drafts.

How to choose planting material

Hydrangea propagates by seeds and vegetatively. The seed method is time-consuming and quite labor-intensive, so it is rarely used. Vegetative propagation carried out using cuttings, layering and dividing the bush, allows you to obtain young plants much faster in the case of an existing adult bush.

If desired, dilute new variety, it is convenient to purchase a ready-made seedling. Nurseries and specialty stores offer them in large assortment, both with an open and a closed (in a container) root system. The task of the florist comes down to making the right choice.

To do this, before purchasing, you need to carefully consider the seedling:

  • The ground part should look healthy, strong and have at least 2 shoots. Their deviation from the trunk line or curvature is acceptable, which is easily corrected by subsequent trimmings. The leaves on the shoots should be bright green. A brownish tint or drooping foliage indicates the presence of a disease.
  • The roots should be well developed, without signs of mold, rot or dry areas. When purchasing a seedling in a container, inspection of the roots is also required. To carry it out, the earthen lump is carefully removed from the container and inspected. The soil should be clean and moist, visible roots - without signs of trouble.

Time frame for planting flowers

The time frame for planting hydrangeas is determined by the climatic conditions of the area:

  • in regions with mild winters the crop is planted in spring (April) and autumn (September);
  • in temperate latitudes, especially in its northern regions, it is preferable to plant hydrangea in the spring, during the swelling of the buds.

Young plants with bare roots are planted immediately after purchase. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to do this in the evening.

Plants sold in containers can be planted during the season on a cloudy, cool day.

Step-by-step instructions for planting hydrangeas in open ground

Even novice gardeners can plant hydrangeas correctly.

To do this, you need to perform several sequential steps:

  • dig holes of a certain size;
  • place the roots of a seedling or a ball of earth in the center of the hole and cover them with soil;
  • compact, and then water and mulch the soil around the shoots.

Planting holes are dug 2 or 3 weeks before planting.

The size of the depressions is determined by the volume of the root system of the seedling and is approximately:

  • for 1-2 year old plants 30 cm deep and wide;
  • for 4-5 year olds - 50 cm.

When preparing planting holes, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • when planting with a nutrient mixture, the holes are dug a third deeper and wider;
  • when placing bushes in rows between seedlings, they retreat 2-3 m, to obtain a dense hedge - 0.7-1 m;
  • if planted tightly, the hydrangea will bloom earlier, but later the bushes will have to be deflated.

The seedling is placed in the central part of the recess and covered with soil or a nutrient mixture. The root collar is slightly buried, by 2-3 cm, or left at soil level. The soil around the shoots is well compacted. Planting of seedlings purchased in containers is carried out by transshipment.

Planted plants are watered at the rate of 1 bucket per bush. As soon as the moisture is completely absorbed into the ground, the tree trunk circle (10-12 cm) is mulched with peat, sawdust, tree bark or rotted leaves in a layer of 5-7 cm.

In the case of spring planting, shoots of 1 or 2 year old seedlings are pruned, leaving at least 3 pairs of buds on each.

Caring for hydrangea after planting on the site

After planting, young plants are looked after:

  • protect from exposure sun rays and winds;
  • water regularly (once a week) abundantly (1-1.5 buckets per bush);
  • shoots that are very elongated or bend under the weight of inflorescences are tied up;
  • sensitive to low temperatures varieties are closed for the winter.

When planting with a nutrient mixture, fertilizing is not carried out in the first 2 years. The exception is signs of deficiencies nutrients, manifested by the formation of small inflorescences and loss of bright green color of foliage.

Fertilizers are applied several times a season, according to the following scheme:

  • in the spring, during the period of active shoot growth, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out;
  • mineral supplements rich in potassium and phosphorus are added twice, at the budding stage and when the first flowers open;
  • after flowering (August, first half of September), the plant is fed with superphosphate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).
In the Moscow region and conditions middle zone Varieties of tree, paniculata and broadleaf or garden hydrangea are successfully cultivated.

The complexities of the climatic conditions of this area are easily compensated for:

  • a more careful approach to the selection of seedlings, taking into account knowledge of the winter hardiness of the variety and its viability (the presence of well-developed roots and strong shoots);
  • correct placement on the site, excluding open sunny places and proximity to trees;
  • observing all the subtleties of planting and care.

In the Urals and Siberia, paniculata hydrangea is successfully grown in open ground conditions, giving preference to its dwarf varieties (up to 1 m). They have well-developed roots, thanks to which they are easily revived even with significant freezing of the ground part.

Planting hydrangea in areas with frosty winters has certain nuances:

  1. The choice of variety is of paramount importance;
  2. strong 5-year-old seedlings are purchased for planting;
  3. planting in open ground is carried out only in the spring, covering young plants until the threat of frost completely disappears.

Proper planting and subsequent care of young bushes is the key beautiful flowering hydrangeas.

Planting garden hydrangea and caring for it is the topic of our article today. This shrub is very popular among gardeners and flower growers around the world. It is not difficult to care for him, he is able to spend the whole winter in open ground, and its flowering will delight you from July to mid-autumn. In addition, an adult shrub, which is properly cared for, reaches sizes up to two meters in height. Garden hydrangea certainly deserves your attention, let's talk about it in more detail.

Planting and caring for hydrangea has a number of nuances, for example, unlike most plants, it loves shaded places, and direct sunlight can greatly harm it, growth stops, and the inflorescences will be very small.

Planting hydrangea in open ground:

Shrubs are planted twice a year, in autumn and spring. If you plant it using cuttings, then it is best to do this, of course, in the spring, when the frosts have already passed. We plant it in loose soil and add minerals.

Choosing a landing site:

As we already wrote above, this plant really does not like direct sunlight, so it is planted in the shade or partial shade. She also does not like drafts and wind, so she needs to be planted in a protected and cozy place, near fences or buildings, but not too close so that the rhizomes do not freeze in winter.

The soil:

Garden hydrangea is not too demanding on the fertile characteristics of the soil, but it really does not like lime in the soil, since the presence of lime oxidizes the soil, as a result of which its leaves will turn yellow. When asked Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow?, most often the reason will be in too acidic soil. To prepare a high-quality soil mixture for planting, gardeners recommend using the following ingredients:

  • Sand, one part;
  • Peat, one part;
  • Humus (not manure only) two parts.

How to plant hydrangea in open ground:

  1. The first step is to prepare the planting material; for this you will need to trim it, if you are using annual shoots for planting or their roots will need to be shortened.
  2. We dig a hole for planting, it should be quite spacious, somewhere around 60cm by 60cm.
  3. We make drainage in the hole, for this we pour clay, or small pebbles, broken bricks onto its bottom.
  4. When we plant the plant, make sure that the roots are directed downwards.
  5. Now pour the mixture that we prepared earlier into the hole.
  6. We fertilize the soil with organic matter.
  7. We water the bush abundantly and mulch it.

How to water hydrangea:

The shrub does not tolerate lime and chlorinated water, so it is best to water it with rainwater, if you do not have such an opportunity, then tap water should be defended, but still the risk of leaf chlorosis with such watering remains. One bush requires approximately two buckets of water every 7 days. Since this is a moisture-loving plant, after you have watered, the plant needs to be mulched using: pine needles, peat, or mulched with sawdust.

How to care for hydrangea:

Caring for a shrub is not at all difficult, follow the instructions that you read below, and you will not have any problems.

How to care for hydrangea spring period:

  1. We clear the place where the bush grows of debris and do weeding.
  2. We loosen the soil and mulch.
  3. We carry out pruning.
  4. We apply fertilizers.

Summer care:

  1. We regularly water the plant with rainwater or settled water, watering it either in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is no longer so hot.
  2. Fertilizers should not be applied too often and not in large quantities.
  3. We are fighting weeds.
  4. If necessary, tie up shoots.

Caring for hydrangea in autumn:

  1. In preparation for winter, you need to trim the inflorescences.
  2. We do hilling of the bush.
  3. Also don't forget about mulching.
  4. To protect the bush from the cold, cover the hydrangea for the winter; spruce branches and dry leaves are suitable for this; you will thoroughly cover the bush with them.

How does hydrangea propagate:

In most cases, propagation of garden hydrangea occurs by dividing the bush and cuttings. An already formed adult bush is dug at a distance of fifteen centimeters to the stems. It is best to dig with a pitchfork, and when the soil is wet. When the digging is completed, the bush needs to be slightly tilted, but so that the bush does not crawl out of the hole, it is cut with a knife.

Preparation of cuttings for planting occurs at the beginning of the season, for planting material It is recommended to take shoots that were cut out while you were thinning the bush.

In these shoots, you need to cut off the 2 lower leaves, after which the cutting is driven at an acute angle into the soil, to which you will add a little coarse sand in advance. Evaporation of moisture is not desirable for young seedlings; to prevent this, you need to cut off the top leaves by about 70%.


How to prune garden hydrangea, after planting and proper care, it also needs to be improved. To do this, you will have to remove inflorescences that have already faded or dried out; this procedure is carried out at the end of summer and in spring. In the spring, pruning is done immediately after the snow melts, before the leaves begin to grow. Autumn pruning involves trimming branches so that no more than four buds remain on it.


Planting and caring for garden hydrangea is not difficult, just do everything you just read and you will not have any problems with this wonderful shrub. The main thing is to water abundantly, do not overdo it with fertilizers, and prune wisely and everything will be fine. With this we say goodbye to you, all the best and good luck, see you again on our website - farmer without hassle.


Even those who do not know the name of this magnificent flowering bush, I've probably encountered hydrangea in botanical gardens, dendoparks, dachas, garden plots or in closed ground in pots.
But flower lovers may not realize that there are more than 70 types of hydrangea that grow in different climatic conditions. They all make up the genus Hydrangea. Each of them requires an individual approach when cultivated. Based on the Hydrangea macrophylla species alone, breeders have created hundreds of varieties, and the number of varieties of all types is difficult to imagine. All of them may also require compliance with some nuances in care that are specific to them.
From the lips of gardeners who have successfully grown hydrangea, diametrically opposed opinions are often heard. Some argue that hydrangea prefers to grow in partial shade and shade, others say that only in direct sunlight does hydrangea bloom most profusely and does not suffer from this at all. Where is the truth? Under what conditions is hydrangea growing most successful?
Photo: Hydrangea paniculata, frost-resistant species.


According to Japanese legend, hydrangea is a gift given for loyalty and love.
One day in the garden, a brave warrior who had known battles, victories and glory met a beautiful girl and immediately fell in love with her. But the girl disappeared as suddenly as she appeared. The next day the guy again came to the garden, located not far from the temple, hoping to meet a beautiful stranger and waited for her! The girl suddenly appeared again, but this time she did not disappear, but spoke to the warrior. They met and fell in love with each other, and the warrior could no longer imagine life without his beloved. Each time she said goodbye to him without leaving the garden, and disappeared as soon as the sun began to set.
A persistent guy, who did not know how to lose and was accustomed to achieving goals, wanted to marry the girl at all costs, but first decided to find out her secret. Having said goodbye and pretending to leave, he hid in the dense thickets and began to observe. He noticed how the girl walked towards the temple and rushed after her. When the beloved had already crossed the threshold, the warrior caught up with her and grabbed her hand. At that moment, the last ray of the sun disappeared over the horizon, and the girl disappeared into the air along with it, becoming just a drawing on the wall. Finally, her lips said: “Farewell, beloved, we will not meet again!” As a memory of myself and our love, I will leave you a flower.” The grief-stricken warrior left the temple and saw that a magnificent bush with soft pink inflorescences, reminiscent of the skin of his beloved, had blossomed on the empty green lawn. It was a hydrangea.


Temperature Photo: Large-leaved hydrangea, requires shelter for the winter
Hydrangea, including evergreen species, is a seasonal plant. She needs a period of rest. At this time, its growth partially or completely slows down, it does not form flowering shoots and does not bloom. This fact is also important when growing hydrangeas in apartments or houses. One of the reasons why the plant does not bloom indoors may be precisely the lack of a dormant period with a low temperature of +10-13°.
Hydrangea definitely cannot be classified as heat-loving or frost-resistant plants, since some species begin to freeze already at – 3-5°, while others, for example, paniculate hydrangea, can withstand temperatures down to – 40°.
Most popular among decorative species Large-leaved hydrangea is the most demanding of temperatures. Even specially bred cold-resistant varieties need to be covered in winter. They can only tolerate temperatures of -8-10°C without harm to their health and can withstand a short-term drop to -20°C in snowless winters. Growing heat-loving hydrangeas is impossible without covering them for the winter. Like roses, long shoots are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches or covering material.
However, hydrangea also does not like extreme heat, which can cause the plant’s leaves to droop and buds to fall off. The temperature considered comfortable for her is +20-23°.

Without exception, all types of hydrangeas are loved good lighting, although they can grow in partial shade. Despite their love of light, most cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Summer midday sun can be dangerous for the plant; it causes burns on the leaves.
A good option for placing hydrangeas is under the protection of neighboring plants in light shade. Growing hydrangea near buildings is also justified. In this case, the hydrangea should be planted in such a way that it receives maximum morning or evening sunlight, but not midday.
When growing hydrangea on a south-facing window in the summer, it should be shaded; a transparent curtain is suitable for this. When growing hydrangeas in greenhouses in the summer, a special net is stretched over them or the glass is whitened with lime.

Successful cultivation of hydrangea is possible in certain soil. For normal growth, good development and abundant flowering hydrangeas need a rich nutrient substrate, loose enough to avoid stagnation of water, but not sandy. Otherwise, the water will immediately go deeper, bypassing the roots of the plant.
Hydrangeas are pronounced mycotrophic plants. They grow well only in the presence of soil microscopic fungi, which in turn require an acidic reaction of the substrate. Therefore, the acidity of the soil for growing hydrangea must be below 7, optimally pH 5.0 - 5.5.
If you make the substrate yourself, you will need peat, humus (or compost) leaf soil(or forest soil), sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1. Ash never added to the soil, it reduces acidity.


Humidity and watering Photo: frost-resistant tree and paniculate hydrangeas

Hydrangea loves moist soil, but, as befits a princess, it is very capricious:
The water should not be too cold;
The water should not be hard, since when watered with such water, the soil may gradually change its acidity (become neutral or alkaline);
Water should not stagnate so as not to cause rotting of the roots;
You need to water only when the sun is not too active (in the evening or in the morning);
When watering, water should not fall on flowers and buds;
Water should not be from the tap; even standing water causes chlorosis of leaves in hydrangea due to great content chlorine
Mulching makes caring for hydrangea easier and reduces the frequency of watering. To avoid moisture loss, the soil under the bush is mulched with hay, chopped straw, sawdust or pine needles. Mulching is usually carried out in early spring, after the first feeding with fertilizers. Plants planted nearby by covering the soil with leaves to prevent moisture evaporation also help conserve moisture.
Caring for hydrangeas in the fall may include re-mulching. This will retain moisture in the spring when the snow melts.
If hydrangea is grown indoors, watering should be reduced if the air temperature drops.

Growing hydrangea requires the application of fertilizers; they improve the decorative qualities of the plant and contribute to the formation of beautiful inflorescences. Adult hydrangeas must be fertilized with mineral and organic components. Feeding starts from early spring, but not before the plant begins to vegetate. Complex fertilizers are applied in liquid form by watering the hydrangea with dissolved potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Organic fertilizers are applied a week or a week and a half later.
During the active growth of buds, it is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers again.
You need to be very careful with the introduction of nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds; they can cause the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. They are applied mainly in early spring.

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Pruning hydrangea
When growing hydrangeas, the bush must be pruned. U different types Hydrangea flowers can form on different shoots: last year’s and this season’s. Depending on this, pruning hydrangeas is possible in spring or autumn.
In large-leaved, Sargent and serrate hydrangeas, inflorescences grow on the shoots of the second year. Therefore, when pruned in spring, the bush will not bloom. Pruning of these types of hydrangeas is carried out in the fall, and in the spring they only remove dead or damaged branches and last year’s dry inflorescences.
Drooping (paniculate) and tree hydrangeas form inflorescences at the ends of new shoots. These hydrangeas require spring pruning to stimulate shoot growth and increase the number of inflorescences.


Photo: Large-leaved hydrangea, varieties with pink and blue inflorescences

A beautiful plant that has taken root in your garden will definitely want to be propagated. Like all flowering plants, hydrangeas have two main types of reproduction: vegetative (using vegetative organs) and generative (using seeds).
Growing hydrangea from seeds is a very long and labor-intensive method. In addition, many hydrangea seeds do not have time to ripen due to the cool climate. And most importantly - for the majority varietal hydrangeas There are no fertile flowers from which seeds are formed. This happened because, as a result of selection, scientists created more decorative inflorescences with a predominance of sterile flowers. They are brighter, larger, and attract insects and human attention. Generative propagation of hydrangea is mainly carried out by scientists who create new hybrids and varieties.
Vegetative propagation of hydrangea - easy and quick way receive seedling. It could be:
Dividing the bush;
Cuttings of annual green shoots ();
Cuttings of lignified shoots (2-3 years old);
Cloning (carried out only in the laboratory).
It is better to divide the bush in the fall, and then plant it in a new place. But you can first plant the hydrangea in a container, and in the spring plant it in open ground.
If, when planting hydrangeas, mineral fertilizers were added to the substrate (and this is advisable to do), then next year or two, do not feed the hydrangea, just mulch it and add organic matter to the soil.

Video: Growing hydrangea


At proper care Garden hydrangeas rarely get sick. At high humidity and a decrease in temperature, they can become infected with fungal infections that mainly affect flowers and leaves. Among fungal diseases, the most common are powdery mildew, downy mildew, and rust fungi.
For preventive purposes, hydrangea can be treated Bordeaux mixture. But to treat an already diseased plant, a more effective specialized fungicidal drug .
When growing hydrangea in open ground, the plant can be affected by aphids. In this case you can use traditional methods: treatment with infusion of tobacco or garlic (100 g per 5 liters of water, leave for two days). It is better to add a little soap to such tinctures so that the solution sticks to the leaves. If you don’t want to bother with tinctures, you can use a modern insecticidal preparation.
Slugs and snails can be a real nuisance. The best way fight against them - mechanical collection and destruction.
When grown indoors, hydrangea is often affected by red spider mite . This pest is very dangerous and is difficult to destroy even by special means. In this case it is important preventive measures: take hydrangea to Fresh air, spray with water, ventilate the room.
Knowing types and varieties of hydrangea , and following the rules of caring for them, growing hydrangea will be a rewarding experience for you - a garden princess under the name Hydrangea will demonstrate its beauty every year and bring aesthetic pleasure to you and guests at home.

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Hydrangea - beautiful flowering shrub, it is often used for landscaping lawns, parks and gardens. It is distinguished by large inflorescences that bloom in the second half of summer, decorating the area until late autumn. There are up to 35 plant species in total, one of the most popular is tree hydrangea. It grows quickly, and within a season it can turn from a small seedling into a luxurious shrub. Planting and caring for hydrangeas is not much different from maintaining others. garden flowers, so even a beginner will not have any difficulties growing.

How to plant hydrangea correctly?

Most often, the plant is purchased as a seedling. You can grow it yourself from seeds, but this process is long and will take at least 3 years. It is best to buy seedlings of this age for planting.

When to plant hydrangea and how to choose a suitable place?

The gardener should immediately decide in which part of the garden the shrub will grow, since hydrangea does not like transplants. It is worth giving preference to well-lit flower beds or lawns located along the house on the east or west side. However, if such a place is not found, then the shrub will grow well in partial shade.

Many gardeners wonder when to plant hydrangeas, in spring or autumn? The seedling can be planted both in spring (in early May) and in autumn (in September). It is believed that flowers planted in the spring take root faster and get sick less often, but if the seedling is strong and healthy, with a strong root system, then it will take root well in the fall. Autumn planting will harden the bush, making it more resilient.

Soil composition requirements

Hydrangea is not picky about the composition of the soil, but it will grow better in an acidic environment (pH value 4.5–5), so lime or ash should not be added to the hole during planting. If the soil in the garden where hydrangea will be grown is not acidic enough, you can add coniferous land, sawdust, brown peat and dig up.

Planting tree hydrangea

On the site it is necessary to prepare holes measuring 50x50x60 cm, where 60 cm is the depth. The bushes grow quickly, so when planting several specimens, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least one meter. In addition, this will make it easier to care for the tree hydrangea later on. For better rooting, professionals recommend preparing a fertile soil mixture and filling the planting hole with it.


  • leaf soil - 2 parts,
  • fresh humus - 2 parts,
  • fibrous peat substrate - 1 part,
  • medium-grained sand – 1 part.

The seedlings are placed in the hole so that the root collar is level with top layer land. It is better to plant in cloudy weather, but if the day is sunny, it is recommended to shade the plant.

Features of caring for tree hydrangea

When growing a shrub such as hydrangea, planting and care are not difficult. Everything a gardener needs to know: how to properly water and feed a plant, trim branches and cover it for the winter.

Watering hydrangea

The shrub prefers moist soil, as evidenced by even its name - translated from Greek, hydrangea (Hydrangea) means “vessel of water.” It is recommended to water the plant once a week, pouring out about 15–17 liters of water. If the summer turns out to be rainy, then watering is reduced, focusing on the condition of the soil.

Fertilizer application

If a nutrient mixture was added to the hole during planting of the seedling, then for the first year or two the hydrangea will additional feeding does not need. However, do not forget that tree hydrangea prefers regular care, and when grown in poor soil, its inflorescences will become small and not so lush.

The first feeding should be organized in early spring, as soon as it gets warmer outside. Prepare mineral fertilizer as follows:

  • urea – 10 g,
  • superphosphate – 15 g,
  • potassium sulfate – 15 g.

Microelements must be dissolved in 10–15 liters clean water. As soon as the first buds appear, you need to carry out a second mineral fertilizing, based on 10–15 liters of water:

  • superphosphate – 30 g,
  • potassium sulfate – 20 g.

Before the end of summer, two more feedings should be carried out, but with organic fertilizer. An infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1:10 is best suited.

Loosening and mulching the soil

To prevent moisture from evaporating longer, gardeners recommend mulching the soil at the base of the bush. You can use peat or sawdust Having laid out a layer of 5–6 cm, the procedure is carried out in the spring and the mulch is left until autumn. Caring for tree hydrangea must necessarily include weeding and loosening the soil, as a rule, 2-3 times per season is sufficient.

Pruning hydrangea

During the first 2 years after planting a seedling, all inflorescences must be removed from the shrub. At this stage, it is important to grow a strong and healthy plant without allowing it to bloom. In adult specimens, dried inflorescences are removed in the fall, before wintering.

It is best to prune hydrangeas in March. It is necessary to select 8–10 of the strongest branches and shorten them after 3–5 buds. Weak and dried branches can be pruned throughout the summer season. Old bushes are rejuvenated with heavy pruning. Using pruning shears, it is necessary to cut off all the branches, leaving only stumps no more than 6–8 cm high. Soon, young shoots will grow from the hydrangea.

Preparing for winter

Tree hydrangea is resistant to frost, so there is no need to cover it. However, it is recommended to cover young specimens with mulch to prevent the roots from freezing. Dry leaves or peat are used as covering material, spreading them in a layer of 12–15 cm. If the winter is expected to be harsh, then adult specimens can also be covered.

Diseases and pests of tree hydrangea

Hydrangea gets sick quite rarely, but sometimes you can notice a whitish powdery coating on the leaves or stems - powdery mildew. To save the bush, it must be sprayed with foundationazole solutions or Bordeaux mixture, according to the instructions.

Hydrangea is often affected by aphids - these are grayish or light green insects that can be seen both on the leaves and on the branches of the bush. Aphids feed on plant sap and mainly attack young, tender shoots and buds. Can be used to control insects chemicals(Aktellik, Fitoverm, Inta-vir) or use folk remedies.

Garlic infusion has proven itself well; it is prepared as follows: chop 200 grams of peeled young cloves or squeeze through a special press, then pour in 10 liters of clean water. On the third day, filter the infusion and add 40 grams of laundry soap or a few drops of liquid. Spraying with this infusion should be carried out weekly until the last aphids disappear. However, it is worth remembering that garlic infusion has a pungent odor; this should be taken into account when choosing a treatment method.

As you can see, planting and caring for hydrangeas is not difficult, and soon the gardener will be able to admire the bright flowers on his site. Hydrangea flowers can be used to make a wonderful winter bouquet. To do this, you need to cut the branch when all the flowers in the inflorescence have bloomed, and then dry them in a dark room, hanging them from the ceiling or beam with their heads down.

Video on how to plant tree hydrangea

Decorating your own site is quite painstaking process. One of the main conditions for creating an attractive landscape is the choice suitable species plants. Hydrangea is always popular among many gardeners. appearance lush inflorescences of which bring a feeling of lightness, airiness and extraordinary beauty. Before you make your own choice, consider what the hydrangea looks like in the photo to make sure you make the right decision, and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of growing.

Hydrangea inflorescences are spherical in shape and quite large. They consist of many small flowers. According to the principle of growth, hydrangea is:

Important! Thanks to this feature, with the correct combination of varieties, it is possible to use it to decorate various landscape forms.

Types of hydrangea

In the current selection, there are 35 types of hydrangea, the care of which is not particularly difficult.

The most suitable options for middle latitude are presented in the following groups:

  1. Large-leaved. The flower shape of this species is common. The size of the spherical inflorescences, slightly flattened on top, reaches a diameter of up to 30 cm. This hydrangea grows in the form of a shrub up to 2 meters in height with wide, large, ovoid leaves. All varieties of this plant are heat-loving, although they can withstand frosts down to 10 degrees, so when planting open area require mandatory winter shelter.
  2. Paniculata. The inflorescences of this species are distinguished by their original pyramidal shape, the length of which varies between 20-30 cm. The flowering period is quite long - from July to November, while the shade of the flowers gradually changes, acquiring a more saturated purple color. The height of such a shrub is from 2 to 5 meters, and some tree-like varieties reach 10 m. An excellent solution for areas with not very favorable conditions- swampiness or abundance of gas formation. High frost resistance ensures constant popularity for decorating adjoining and summer cottages northern latitude.
  3. Chereshkova. This hydrangea belongs to the group of vines, so special suckers sprout on its stems for fastening. The length of the shoots reaches 25 meters, and they can grow in height if there is support or spread along the ground if there is no support. This variety is distinguished by its thick, dark green, saturated mass of leaves, the shape of which is ovoid with smooth, finely toothed edges. The diameter of the inflorescences ranges from 20-25 cm, but they quickly fall off. Shady areas are more suitable for growing this type of hydrangea.
  4. Bretschneider. Varieties of this species are distinguished by their high resistance to unfavorable conditions - drought and frost. The flowering period usually lasts about 1 month - from mid-July to mid-late August. The inflorescences are formed in the form of umbrellas up to 15 cm in diameter, quite lush, collected from small fruiting flowers. The color changes as flowering completes from bright white to purple. It grows in the form of a compact shrub, up to 3 meters high, with a rounded decorative crown. In addition to ovoid long (up to 12 cm) leaves, hairy shoots with characteristic lamellar peelings of the bark are also formed.
  5. Tree-like. This variety is distinguished not only by lush inflorescences, but also by large, long oval leaves. When choosing varieties tree hydrangea, please note that such shrubs will require regular high-quality pruning to preserve their beautiful appearance and ensure full development. Winter frosts Such plants tolerate it quite poorly, but quickly recover in the spring.
  6. Serrated. All varieties of this hydrangea are very sun-loving, so only open areas are suitable for planting. When developing, the shrubs reach a height of up to 1.2 meters. The inflorescences are quite large and dense, spherical in shape. The main advantage compared to other species is a very long flowering period, from early summer to late September.
  7. Sargent. The special attractiveness of such shrubs lies in the huge lush inflorescences, consisting of a combination of 2 tones and thick velvety foliage of a dark green hue. The height of plants with proper care reaches 4 meters. The opening of inflorescences occurs at the end of summer.
  8. Oakleaf. This hydrangea flower is extremely original due to the specific shape and texture of the crown. Externally rough leaves resemble oak trees, which is where the name of the species comes from. The cone-shaped inflorescences bloom in mid-summer and do not fall until autumn.

    Important! Watch a detailed video review of the varieties and varieties of hydrangea to correctly decide on suitable type for your site.

Shades of hydrangea

Wide color palette- one of the most significant advantages of choosing this plant for planting on your own site.

It is presented in multiple variations of the following tones:

Popular varieties

Before planting hydrangea, pay attention to those varieties that are in constant demand among amateur gardeners and professional landscape designers:

When to plant hydrangea?

To ensure that hydrangea is planted correctly, first of all, determine the appropriate time in advance. Optimal options to carry out the following work:

Important! Please note that autumn planting Suitable only for growing hydrangea in warm climates. If the site is located in the northern latitude, give preference to the spring season to ensure good survival of the seedlings.

Where to plant hydrangea?

The full development of shrubs of this species largely depends on how well the conditions for growth are met.

Therefore, if you set out to increase the attractiveness of your local area using hydrangea, be sure to consider the following requirements when choosing a planting site:

Important! Regarding the amount of access to sunlight, follow the recommendations attached to the specific variety, since some species prefer open areas due to their excessive heat-loving nature, while others feel more comfortable in complete shade.

Landing rules

The basic requirements for planting hydrangeas are not much different from the standard procedure for planting shrubs.

Carry out the work as follows:


Watch a video with an example of planting hydrangea in an open area to clearly imagine the whole procedure in advance and properly organize your time.

How to care for hydrangea?

Caring for hydrangea includes all the usual stages of procedures when growing any other plant:

  1. Using mineral fertilizers be sure to maintain moderation in feeding, as excessive development of inflorescences can lead to breakage of branches.
  2. As organic fertilizers use slurry or humus.
  3. Provide sufficiently intensive watering - 1-2 times a week.
  4. Loosen the soil in a timely and regular manner to prevent cracking of the soil after watering in hot weather.
  5. In the fall, trim the inflorescences, and in the spring, trim the shoots before the buds appear.

    Important! Watch the video, which clearly outlines all the nuances of the hydrangea pruning procedure and clearly shows an example of how to perform this work.

  6. Mature shrubs are sometimes renewed by full pruning at the root in the spring to ensure their uniform development and abundant flowering.
  7. In the first year after planting, remove all inflorescences to allow the shoots of the bush to grow stronger.
  8. To change the shade of the inflorescences, fertilize when watering 2 times a week with the following substances:
  9. Renew mulch at least 2 times a year:
  10. For the winter, be sure to create additional horizontal cover for the hydrangea bush from film or spruce branches.

    Important! This approach will help preserve the formed buds and ensure earlier flowering of the hydrangea next year.

  11. When deciding to propagate hydrangea yourself, do it by preparing cuttings, layering or dividing the bush - seeds and grafting for the formation of new bushes are not relevant today.

    Important! Watch the video, which details all the necessary information on propagating hydrangeas by the most popular method - cuttings.


Regardless of which variety and type you choose, you will not have to regret your decision to grow hydrangea. You will certainly appreciate the extraordinary landscape beauty of your site and, over time, will most likely diversify your species range by decorating other areas of the entire landscape with hydrangea in combination with other, no less bright and originally flowering plants.