Food processor: how to choose the right one, functions and tips, how to use and what is included, how it works, video. Why do you need a food processor? Food processor: functions, types and features

Today, work in the kitchen is very difficult to imagine without technology. The problem is not that we cannot cope without it and remain hungry. Most likely, the fact is that it is stupid to limit your capabilities and not save precious time. For example, an electric kettle will provide you with boiling water much earlier than a metal one for a stove, which means that you will be able to drink your favorite tea or invigorating coffee more often.

Why deny the available benefits of technological progress, especially when it comes to preparing a festive table or a gala dinner? It is often simply impossible to redo this work with your hands in one day, so the housewives resort to electric “saviors” when they need to rub, cut, squeeze, knead, mix ... And even better than these appliances lying separately in your kitchen can only be multifunctional food processor.

Why a food processor?

The irony of life is that, as a rule, the food processor appears in the family without her desire. Such a unit has become a popular impressive birthday and new year gift. So it turns out that other people choose your “main support” in cooking for you, who, in turn, may have completely different motives. In any case, the food processor is the solution to minimize all the working chaos. Once you understand the value of order, the food processor will inspire you to experiment. Even sophisticated food lovers are surprised by the variety and new interpretations of old dishes.

What are the functions of a food processor?

The set of functions directly depends on the chosen model and its cost. Of course, there are both standard versions and enhanced ones. In fact, a food processor consists of three components: a motor, a bowl, a set of nozzles. It is the last group of elements that determines the degree of "tricked out" technology. It includes:

  • Grater. With this attachment, you can quickly chop and chop vegetables and fruits. The gauge of the cut will depend on the size of the holes.
  • Knife. In fact, this nozzle is also designed for cutting, chopping and chopping, however, already meat and minced meat. In this case, the degree of grinding is determined by the power, and therefore the speed of the food processor. Knives should be made of stainless steel, so they will serve you well.
  • Multimixer, or otherwise mini-mill / mini-meat grinder. A useful accessory if you often need to chop garlic or chop herbs. Easily and simply, he grinds nuts - in a word, any small portions of food.
  • Disk emulsifier. Imagine, with this nozzle you can cook homemade mayonnaise, whip cream, make delicious sauces, dough for your pleasure. The best part is that the kitchen stays clean, because all the work takes place inside under a closed lid.
  • Press. The press is a nozzle that will become a faithful assistant in the preparation of fruit or mashed potatoes. However, you can cook mashed potatoes from any vegetables and fruits, the main thing is to remove the bones in advance. The density of the mass will depend on the sieve-lattice.
  • Meat grinder. This attachment in a food processor is essentially not much different from a standard electric meat grinder. The only difference is that the meat grinder in the food processor can be supplemented by purchasing new knives and attachments. The advantages of a built-in meat grinder over a separate one are that you do not have to frantically search for a suitable container for the product. Cooking takes place in the same bowl of the food processor and at the end you just have to wash it and rinse the knives.
  • Dough hook. A terrific find for those who often prepare dough is the dough kneading hook. It is a small spatula or a curved spiral that allows you to evenly mix the dough. In this case, it will not be smeared on the walls of the bowl, flour or other ingredients will not remain on it separately. Manufacturers claim that the kneading knife allows you to get a completely homogeneous mass.
  • Mill. A few centuries ago, people simply could not afford to dream that a real windmill would appear in everyone's kitchen and be much smaller than its real prototype. Times have changed, and today, with the help of a special nozzle, which is a steel millstone, everyone can get homemade flour. The mill allows you to erase any cereal to a powder state.
  • Ice cream maker. From the name it is already clear what delicacy can be prepared with this nozzle. Usually, to make ice cream, you need to place the nozzle in the freezer for a day in advance. So it gets the right temperature. Next, you mix everything you need according to the recipe and turn on the freezing device.
  • Juicer. The juicer will allow you to get fresh juice from vegetables and fruits. The volume of liquid, the squeezing speed will depend on the specific model.
  • Blender. One of the most requested features of a food processor is the blender. With it, you, first of all, will be able to mix completely different products and bring them to a homogeneous consistency. It is great for making cocktails, as well as baby food. In addition, it will allow you to crush the ice to small crumbs, which will be a nice addition to summer drinks.

Which food processor do you need?

When you arrive at the store, the variety of choices will not leave you indifferent. True, among the numerous models with different characteristics and prices it is easy to get lost. In order not to become a “victim of marketing”, you need to understand what and how, and most importantly, what you need.

Compact food processor and multifunctional

Perhaps the first criterion that you must decide for yourself is the type of combine. Think carefully and decide how much and what type of work you will give him. If you want to cut vegetables quickly and easily, as well as cook minced meat, the compact model will satisfy the minimum requirements. When it comes to more complex work, you need a multifunctional food processor.

What is the food processor bowl made of?

The food processor bowl can be made of glass, metal, or plastic. The choice is yours, you must choose a shock-resistant material. If you frequently freeze food or reheat in the microwave, the material of the bowl should allow you to do so. Experts recommend choosing glass if you mainly cook vegetables and fruits. The metal bowl, in turn, is perfect for meat and minced meat. By the way, many manufacturers offer several containers in the kit, besides, if you wish, you can buy them in addition.

Bowl resistance to temperature

Food processor containers can be divided into three categories: low temperature resistant, high temperature resistant, impact resistant. The former allow, if necessary, to freeze pate, juice or minced meat directly in the bowl up to -50 degrees. The second group can withstand up to +80 degrees, but it is not safe to pour boiling water into such a container. Impact-resistant bowls won't fail if accidentally dropped, but may well shatter if you're intentionally testing them.

Choose the size of the bowl

We consider the following characteristic of a food processor - the volume of the working bowl. This indicator should not be confused with the concept of "total volume". For example, a 1.5 liter bowl will allow you to knead 750 g of dough, process 2 kg of dry vegetables, 1.5 liters of liquid. Pay attention to the fact that some models do not allow you to work comfortably with a small amount of products. In this case, they must be equipped with mini-mills. When choosing the volume of the bowl, you must evaluate your own needs, or rather the number of people for which you usually cook. If the family is large, you need a larger bowl accordingly.

Choosing the power of the food processor

The power of a food processor is one of the defining characteristics of its work, however, it cannot be estimated without correlation with the volume of the bowl. The fact is that the power of the combine is, in other words, the amount of processed product in one go. For this reason, it is essential that the power ratio of your machine is ideal in relation to the size of the bowl. The optimal ratio is 300 watts per 1.5 liters; 400 W per 2 liters; 700 W for 3 liters. Therefore, if you are faced with choosing two models with the same volume, give preference to where the power is higher.

How many food processor speeds do you need?

The power of the food processor also affects its operating modes, the number of speeds. The number of speeds can be up to five, which makes the rpm range from 15 to 12,000 rpm. It is not difficult to guess that the more speeds a combine has, the faster it will cope with the task. Modern food processors are equipped with a pulsed mode of operation. What does it mean? If you need to increase the speed of work, you press the corresponding button and hold it as long as necessary. Moreover, the rotation speed will depend on the strength of your pressing.

Buyer Tips

As a rule, food processors are criticized for their bulkiness. Allegedly, they take up too much space, numerous nozzles are inconvenient to store, and you don’t want to get this entire unit from the far shelf for the sake of one salad. Of course, you need to think in advance how and where to store large kitchen appliances, as well as assess your needs and, if necessary, purchase a compact model. The second point that you should pay attention to is the ease of use of the design. It is especially important that the attachments and bowls are easy to remove and wash quickly. Sometimes the subsequent thorough washing of each small detail stops the housewives from using it again. Of course, cleaning cannot be avoided, but you can ensure your convenience in this matter in advance. It is also worth understanding that by choosing a metal bowl of a food processor, you burden yourself with more thorough care. Water drops and fingerprints are clearly visible on such a surface. If aesthetic purity is in your interests, you will have to take extra care of it, however, this is not so difficult. Have fun experimenting!

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The food processor is a universal household appliance designed for food processing: chopping, chopping, mixing, slicing, squeezing juices. Modern food processors equipped with electronic control are called processors.

Such a device performs the functions of household kitchen appliances - meat grinders, graters, blenders, juicers, vegetable cutters.


According to the type of device, combines are divided into:

  • Compact devices, simple in design and functionality - shredders.
  • Food processors with a minimum number of basic operations and standard attachments - a vegetable cutter, a grater, a meat grinder. If a blender is included, such devices have two electric drive sockets.
  • Universal processors with electronic control, many functions and nozzles (from ten to twenty).

The universal food processor has a bowl made of durable glass, plastic or stainless steel with a capacity of two to six liters. Removable bowls of various sizes are convenient for storage and care, can be used in the microwave, dishwasher, and when stored in the refrigerator.

A standard combine is equipped with a set of attachments: a grater disk, an emulsifier, a stainless steel knife, a spatula or a dough hook. Advanced combines are equipped with a variety of additional attachments, such as a juicer, meat grinder, graters and knives of various configurations to perform diverse cooking tasks.

Benefits of a multifunctional food processor:

  1. Ability to process a large number of products at different speeds.
  2. Roomy bowl.
  3. High power.
  4. Complete with interchangeable nozzles, which are also purchased separately from the device.
  5. The presence of fuses for the electric motor from breakdown and overheating (depending on the model of the combine).
  6. Ease of maintenance. All components of the device are removable, easy to disassemble and wash in the dishwasher. To store the nozzles, there is a special container that is included in the food processor kit.
  7. There is no need to select special dishes, a set of bowls is supplied as a set and is available for purchase separately.


  1. Large size requiring a lot of storage space.
  2. Risk of motor overheating during continuous operation.
  3. High price
  4. Lack of mobility

The functionality of the device directly depends on the number and types of nozzles in the kit.

  1. Electric- is a device consisting of one working bowl with a volume of 0.2 to 1.5 liters and an electric drive. Knives are inserted inside the bowl, including one universal one that comes with the kit, and other nozzle options.
  2. Mechanical (manual). Such shredders are the easiest to use, inexpensive in cost, but are not able to process some of the products, unlike electric ones.

A kitchen food grinder performs two to three functions, the package usually includes a whipping device, a knife and several graters. It is used for chopping vegetables, herbs, cheese, meat, and other products. It is used for preparation of sauces, mashed potatoes, children's and diet food.

Principle of operation: products are placed in a bowl and closed with a lid. By pressing the lid or button, a rotating knife is activated, which grinds them to the required size. The higher the power of the device, the more efficient the processing.

For hard products, a disc grater is used, for whipping - a separate nozzle. When the lid is not closed, the locking system is activated and the device stops functioning.

  1. Easy to store and save kitchen space thanks to its compact size.
  2. Price.
  3. Simple working principle.
  4. Possibility of use in nature.
  5. Component parts (with the exception of the motor) are dishwasher safe.
  6. Safety of the device thanks to the locking system.
  7. Suitable for daily use and for processing small quantities of food.


  1. Not suitable for processing a large number of products.
  2. Productivity is lower than that of universal combines.
  3. Low power.
  4. Using the device, you cannot cut vegetables, cheese or meat into plates and even, identical parts, as well as process large pieces of food.
  5. Not suitable for grinding coffee, nuts, grinding cereals and kneading thick dough.
  6. A small number of speeds.

The meat grinder in the device is used for the preparation of classic minced meat, similar to the traditional auger. Complete set with additional perforation gratings, knives.

Unlike a knife, a meat grinder helps to achieve the desired consistency of minced meat of any density, with veins and cartilage. When small particles of bones get into the screw mechanism, the meat grinder stops.

Advantages of food processors with a meat grinder:

  • The meat grinder allows you to cook classic minced meat without large pieces or pasty mass. When using a specific shape of the grate or knife, the density of the raw material and the shape of the portions are adjusted.
  • The model with a meat grinder in the kit is cheaper than a stationary electric meat grinder.
  • It can be equipped with an additional nozzle for squeezing juice.

Disadvantages of food processors with a meat grinder:

  • The complete set with a meat grinder leads to an increase in the total cost of the unit.
  • Additional weight to the structure.
  • If you want to purchase a model with a juicer and a meat grinder at the same time, you may have a choice between them due to the high cost of the combine.
  • Insufficient power of the meat grinder in the combine compared to the stationary one.

Complete set of food processors with a meat grinder:

  1. Perforated gratings with a diameter of 3 to 8 mm to prepare minced meat of the desired consistency. Grids with holes of small diameter (3 mm) are used in the preparation of pates and fillings for snacks, medium diameter (4.5 - 5 mm) - minced beef, chicken.

Grids with perforation with a diameter of 8 mm are suitable for preparing minced pork, stuffing as stuffing dishes, chopping dried fruits, hard cheeses.

In a set, the number of gratings varies from one to three pieces. In addition, there are modeling nozzles for minced meat, with the help of which it is distributed into uniform portions for cutlets.

  1. Accessories for sausages- are used for filling shells and cooking sausages, sausages, sausages.
  2. Nozzle for "kebe"- used for the manufacture of hollow products for subsequent stuffing, as well as a variety of national dishes.
  3. vegetable cutter Helps to cut vegetables into uniform round or square shapes.
  4. Press for citrus fruits.
  5. Press for squeezing juice from berries.
  6. Nozzle for making curly biscuits and other baked goods.
  7. Dough grids, allowing you to cook homemade noodles, pasta and spaghetti.
  8. Special equipment for chopping tomatoes and preparation of tomato juice, paste, sauce. Some models are equipped with the function of filtering seeds from the main mass of tomato juice.
  9. Graters with different-sized perforations for chopping vegetables.

A food processor with an additional juicer function may include a package with two of its interchangeable types: a citrus press and a centrifugal juicer for vegetables and fruits, or one of them.

The press is a ribbed rotating bowl, pressing against which juice flows from the citrus into a collection container. The second type squeezes juice due to the very fast rotation of the sieve in the form of a cylinder, during which the juice is thrown into a special container, and the waste is retained on the grate.

Comparison of citrus press and juicer:

  1. Unlike a universal juicer, the press is not used to make fresh fruit from hard fruits.
  2. The centrifugal juicer is equipped with a filter that separates the juice from seeds and skin particles.
  3. The versatility of a juicer compared to a citrus press allows you to not be limited to a narrow type of product.
  4. The capacity of the press is on average 1 liter, unlike a centrifugal juicer.

Some models with a meat grinder can also include an additional juicer function at the same time, provided that an additional nozzle for squeezing juice is used in it. Devices with a juicer are additionally equipped with a press for squeezing juice from berries. The amount of squeezed juice depends on the volume of the bowl of the device.

Minus– compared to a stationary juicer, it produces more waste and a maximum of 50% juice output.

Models with a blender (a tall jug with curved legs at the bottom) or with a special nozzle for puree are used.

To prepare a thin fruit and vegetable puree, soup puree, gazpacho, baby food puree, a processor with a blender is used, which works effectively with soft and liquid products.

A special press is used to prepare mashed potatoes (an additional name is “maxi-press”). The different diameter of the holes in it helps to regulate the degree of density of the puree.

It is not recommended to use a blender for mashed potatoes, as a sticky, starchy mass may result. The puree press is also suitable for any cooked vegetables and soft pitted fruits. It squeezes out the liquid, so the puree is thicker than when using a blender.

They differ from ordinary choppers in their great functionality and the number of nozzles, as well as the presence of a neck for adding products to the bowl without opening the lid. This type of device is adapted for grinding hard and processing soft products, chopping, cutting into strips, cubes, grinding coffee and cereals.

Designed for processing a large number of products, except for the manufacture of cocktails. The emulsifying nozzle whips cream and cream. The impulse mode breaks the ice at high speed without heating.


  • in addition to the existing functionality, it is used to prepare thick sauces, gluten-free air purees, eliminates excess liquid during food processing.
  • one electric drive, so the unit has less weight and dimensions than the model with a blender.


  • there is no possibility of preparing cocktails, liquid dishes, such as puree soup, sauces for salad dressing.
  • when making puree in the device without a blender by stirring, a thick and dryish consistency is obtained.

With the help of cutting discs, processed products of various shapes and sizes are obtained for salads, first courses, chopping fruits.

Equipped with fixtures:

  1. Circular cutter with diagonal slots. It is used for chopping cabbage and salads, for cutting slices of the correct configuration. The height of the slots on the disc determines the thickness of the slices. The kit includes: one double-sided nozzle with blades, with the ability to adjust in height, or several discs.
  2. French fries cutting disc. A device for cutting long, thin slices for evenly deep-frying potatoes.
  3. Cubic cutting disc for vegetables, cheese, meat and other products, suitable for cutting salad ingredients.
  4. Disk for cutting vegetables and fruits into strips. Disc with fine holes, one reversible, or three discs with blades varying in height to form straws of the desired size.
  5. Slicing disc with two functions: one side cuts vegetables into slices, the other frays. Perforation in such discs varies from small to large.
  6. Double sided slicing disc. It is a grater with perforations of small, medium and large sizes on the top and bottom side.
  7. Disc - grater for mashed vegetables. The holes on it are smaller in diameter and arranged in more frequent rows compared to the grater in the previous paragraph.
  8. Disk - grater for grinding chocolate and hard cheeses.

The knives and slicing discs are made of stainless steel and can be safely washed in the dishwasher.

Functions that are included in the package of devices:

  1. Ice cream maker. Before cooking, it is placed in the freezer for one day to reach the operating temperature. After the specified time has elapsed, the necessary ingredients are added to the combine container and the ice cream preparation mode starts.
  2. coffee grinder- attachment for grinding coffee beans.
  3. Mini mill for grinding small portions of spices, herbs, garlic, onions, nuts. It is used when it is required to grind a small amount of products and the use of a bowl with a volume of more than one liter is irrational.
  4. Nozzle for kneading thick dough in the form of a hook, which does not leave traces of flour and dough on the walls of the appliance bowl.
  5. To prepare liquid dough, scrambled eggs or whipped cream, using an emulsifier attachment or whisks.

The process of cooking for an ordinary housewife takes half the life. How can you not dream of assistants here ... 2 times a year you can attract a husband - but there is a risk that, having worked a full kitchen shift, he will no longer be able to celebrate anything, and if the missus also has an unimportant mood, it will be a shame to offer the results of work to guests. Who will help out and help carve out more time for the family?

About 60 years ago, a food processor was born, which not only made kitchen work easier, but also made it better. Where exactly it came from is a mystery. According to one version, it came from a blender invented in the 20s - in the 70s. In the twentieth century, the American Carl Sontheimer designed on the basis of this device “cuisinart” (cuisine-kitchen, art-art). According to another version, the mixer was the ancestor of the combine - in the 30s. In the twentieth century, the American company TroyMetalProducts began to sell inexpensive models, completing them with a set of removable nozzles, and the new device was called “KitchenAid” (kitchen assistant). According to the third version, the first food processor was Magimix, created in the 60s. of the twentieth century by the Frenchman Pierre Verdun, the creator of the Robot Coupe company.

Today, a universal food processor, along with an electric kettle and a meat grinder, is one of the three most popular "gadgets" in a modern kitchen. The usual functions of a food processor are a mixer, a blender, a grater, a shredder, a meat grinder, a slicer. Of course, not all models can do so much. What exactly the main assistant of the hostess can do depends on what knives and attachments for the food processor are included in the kit, because the best food processor is not only compact and beautiful, but also functional.

Knives for a food processor are, in addition to the usual ones, for chopping food into irregularly shaped pieces of different sizes, also circular knives - with a radial slot - for slicing, chopping lettuce and cabbage, as well as a french fries knife - helps to cut food into cubes or straws. In most cases, the kit also includes a grater disk with holes of various diameters. The food processor with juicer can be equipped with a citrus press and a centrifuge squeezer for other fruits and vegetables. The dough can be prepared using two nozzles: thicker (for bread, pies or pizza) - using a dough mixer, and liquid - with a whisk (aka an emulsifier disk), - it can also beat proteins or cream on cream.

Which food processor to choose depends on which of its functions is preferred. For example, a food processor with a meat grinder is best obtained from Bosch and Panasonic, Philips is famous for its graters, the Brown technique allows smooth speed adjustment to select the optimal mode for each product, Mulinex brings additional convenience to work by using various electronic fillings and allowing you to store nozzles in a special stand under the main bowl.

Those who want to buy a food processor can choose either a simple machine with 4-5 operations with vegetables and fruits, or a more complex one that can be entrusted with dough and meat, or a professional processor for working with large amounts of food.

The first category includes models with a power of 400 to 500 W, with a frequency of up to 2.5 liters, able to cut vegetables (cubes, strips, slices), puree and chop them, squeeze juice and prepare emulsions - for example, Delico FP 201 (Moulinex), MCM 1235 (Bosch) and domestic food processor "Energy". The price of such assistants is $50-150.

The second category includes machines with 2-4 bowls and a large number of nozzles that can replace a dozen kitchen devices - Combinax (Braun), MK-8710P (Panasonic), MUM 4655EU (Bosch). They will cost $150-300.

Professional combines have a large bowl (for example, 6.7 l for Kenwood KM070), are equipped with a large number of different nozzles and stainless steel knives, are designed for intensive use - they are more useful for a small catering establishment than for an ordinary family. This, in addition to the already mentioned KM-series from Kenwood, also models from KitchenAid, and Thermomix (VORWERK) with electronic scales and electric heating. The only "disadvantage" of such devices is their price: $600-2000.

A good multifunctional food processor will become just an indispensable assistant, it will reduce the cooking time. In addition, you can try many new recipes.

Before you go shopping, you need to know how to choose a multifunctional food processor so that it fully meets all the criteria and requests. Like any household appliance, it has certain advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account in the selection process.

Purpose of acquisition

Multifunctional food processor - a device that facilitates the cooking process. As standard, it comes with:

  • bowl;
  • grinder;
  • vegetable cutter.

Before buying a device, you need to decide for what purpose it is required. If you just need to cut fruits and vegetables, then it is quite possible to purchase an inexpensive model. Such devices do not take up much space, convenient to use, easy to disassemble and wash.

It is also necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, since if it is small, then you should not purchase an oversized device. The more functions it has, the more space is required on the table to accommodate it. After reviewing the rating of food processors, you can choose for yourself the best device that will fully meet all the parameters. The cost will largely depend on the power, brand, number of nozzles.

Functional content

The multifunctional food processor has a set of nozzles, namely:

  • disc grater;
  • metal knife;
  • disk emulsifier;
  • dough mixer.

Basically, this configuration is quite enough, and compact simple models are limited to it. They may be pleased with the presence of additional functions. Be sure to consider the size of the bowl, since the larger it is, the more products can be loaded at a time.

The circular knife helps to chop food or cut them into slices. Often, the kit includes 2 knives, so it was possible to adjust their position to get several modes. It is desirable that there are several graters in the kit, as this will allow you to rub coarsely and finely. With the help of special inserts, you can cut into cubes or sticks.

The emulsifier will help professionally prepare sauces, whip cream. More expensive models additionally have metal whisks for whipping. The blender bowl is required for making batter or smoothie. Some models are equipped with a juicer, meat grinder or dough mixer.

How to choose a combine

Not many people know how to choose the right food processor for the home. Initially, you need to decide on the volume and type of work that will need to be performed on this kitchen appliance, and then carefully study all the parameters of the device. When buying, you need to consider such parameters as:

  • power;
  • speed;
  • equipment;
  • manufacturing quality;
  • main bowl material

Not too powerful devices will not be able to grind tough products and will not cope with the kneading of tight dough. Simple and inexpensive harvesters operate mainly at one speed only, while more expensive ones have several speed modes.

Manufacturers equip their household appliances with various nozzles. The more of them are included in the package, the higher the cost of the combine. When choosing a product, you need to consider the quality of its manufacture. All parts must look good, not be damaged. There should be no extraneous noise in the sound of a running engine.


A multifunctional food processor with a chopper is one of the simplest models, but it helps to solve many tasks when cooking. The Kenwood CH 180A model is very popular. It has a compact size, so it fits perfectly even in a small kitchen. In addition to its small size, this device has a high level of functionality.

The combine does a good job of grinding absolutely any product in a few seconds. This is the best device in terms of price-quality ratio. The model is equipped with a sealed bowl, which eliminates the possibility of food entering the engine compartment.

The Philips HR1388 harvester does a very good job of slicing food. He does not have a bowl, but there are several knives for cutting food. The device differs in the compact sizes, and thanks to vertical form, does not take a lot of place.

The Bosch MMR 08A1 food processor helps to grind various products, prepare minced meat. It is also equipped with a disc beater. Due to the large volume of the bowl, many products can be processed at a time. It is easy to disassemble and wash, and can also be conveniently stored on a shelf.

Combines with a meat grinder

Multifunctional food processor with meat grinder helps you to perform several tasks at once, as you can chop vegetables, grind meat or chop other products. The Kenwood KVC5030T model is very popular, despite the fact that it has a high cost. However, the high functionality of this food processor attracts. It helps to grind food, is used as a meat grinder, blender and juicer. With such a device, there will be absolutely no problems when cooking. In addition, it has an attractive appearance, functionality and a solid build.

Another good food processor is Clatronic KM 3350, as it has a wide range of functionality. In one device are collected:

  • blender;
  • meat grinder;
  • mixer;
  • attachment for making pasta.

The sharp blades work very well with any food and do not tear them. The kit comes with a variety of attachments for the implementation of absolutely any task.

The multifunctional food processor Bosch MUM 52131 Styline has many different advantages. It has an acceptable cost, several speeds of operation, and it can also be used to perform absolutely any task. This combine is completed with a set of additional tools.

This technique allows you to cut the meat into slices or quickly cook minced meat. In addition to knives for chopping meat, this technique can be equipped with nozzles for cooking sausages. The prices of multifunctional food processors with a meat grinder are different and range from 13 to 50 thousand rubles.

Combines with dough mixer

Many people prefer to make their own baked goods rather than buying them from stores. For kneading dough, the Bosch MUM 56S40 combine is perfect. It has many different modes of operation, as well as several nozzles in the kit. In addition, you can additionally use the device as a juicer and blender.

An interesting model is Clatronic KM 3647, since this combine is designed not only for kneading dough, but also for rolling it into thin plates, which is often quite difficult to do manually. The device is very easy to operate, and all parts are reliable and wear-resistant.

The Moulinex QA50AD combine is considered a universal device, as it has a meat grinder, a grinder for herbs and coffee, several separate devices, a blender. Thanks to the powerful engine, it is possible to cook even viscous dough. The device is very quiet, and also has an attractive design, thanks to which it fits perfectly into any kitchen.

Combines with dicing

A food processor with a dicing function helps you cook your favorite dishes much faster. Among such products, it is necessary to highlight the Bosch MCM 68885 model, as it has great functionality and affordable cost. The device is equipped with several nozzles, has many operating modes, as well as the option of dicing, strips, straws.

Professional harvesters

Industrial combines do an excellent job of working in catering outlets. Among them, we should highlight the Bosch MCM 62020 model, which has a large and roomy bowl, which allows you to immediately process a lot of products, and there is also a set of special nozzles, which is not in household models.

According to the reviews of cafe and restaurant workers, this product impresses with its functionality and does an excellent job with the tasks.

Combines with juicer

To get juice, a very high extraction speed is required, so this factor must be taken into account when choosing. Among the models with a juicer, it is worth highlighting the Kenwood KVC5050T. It is very important to choose the right bowl, as juices can absorb toxic substances, especially if low-quality Chinese plastic is used.

It is best to choose a container made of glass, especially if you need to process large volumes. This is the best option in terms of cost and functionality.

Potato Peeler

A fairly functional and reliable device is the Kenwood AT444 food processor, which additionally has a potato peeler attachment. It allows you to significantly save time and effort when peeling potatoes.

It should be noted that such a nozzle is suitable for devices of other Kenwood devices, however, it is not suitable for other brands due to the mounting features.

Manufacturer rating

Many users are interested in how to choose a food processor so that it is reliable and functional. Bosch harvesters are highly valued, as manufacturers often introduce a special dual drive technology, which makes it possible to work with two bowls at once. It is possible to adjust certain modes according to the weight of the products and the degree of grinding.

The best option in terms of price-quality ratio is the Brown food processor, as it has many different attachments that make it easier to cook. The kit often includes a citrus juicer.

Moulinex harvesters are distinguished by the fact that they are multifunctional and have a low cost. Works great as a blender and grinder. This is an ideal option for preparing various dishes for a large family.

The food processor is a universal assistant for the hostess. With its help, cooking will not only speed up, but also turn into a pleasant and easy ceremony. Before you choose a device for processing products, you need to link all the possibilities and needs. Having such a “friend” in the kitchen, you can easily cut vegetables, prepare drinks, chop minced meat and perform other actions.


Combines belong to small household appliances, they are compact and multifunctional. These devices differ in their design, but the main parts for all types are the same:

  1. Motor.
  2. Food bowl.
  3. Set of nozzles.
  4. Control.

Device parts are made of different materials, differ in weight, but the purpose and design remain identical. Thanks to the action of the motor, the processing of food ingredients occurs. A shaft is brought out, on which nozzles are attached. Knives are placed at the bottom of the bowl or in the lid of the device. The performance of the harvester is determined by the power and engine speed.


Models of kitchen appliances differ from each other in weight, size, source material. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:


The kits include at least 5 different nozzles, on which the number of possible functions of the device depends. The main attachments include:

  1. Shredder and grater grind products.
  2. The press squeezes juice from citrus fruits.
  3. Puree press.
  4. Juicer.
  5. Meat grinder.
  6. Knife impeller for cutting.
  7. Whisk whisk.
  8. Hooks for kneading dough.

Each model has a different number of such items. The more nozzles in the kit, the more efficient and more expensive the machine.


Kitchen appliances work on the same principle, although there may be differences due to different designs and speeds. To perform the functions, energy is required, so the devices are powered by an electric current network, controlled by buttons. Some more complex models have a speed control.

The panel contains buttons for selecting temperature, time and speed. Information about operating modes appears on the screen.

The most convenient is electronic control, developed for models with processors, where the parameters are selected independently. Having loaded products into a special container, the engine starts with the appropriate button, after which they fall into the bowl. There, with special knives, the processed products are brought to the desired state.

bowl material

Plastic, metal or glass is the material for making the bowl. In more versatile models, the bowls are made of impact-resistant raw materials, in which case the container will withstand the high temperatures of a microwave oven or dishwasher.

Plastic bowls are light, easy to care for, but of lower quality than other products.

Heat-resistant glass containers are environmentally friendly, but require caution. They are difficult to break, but easily chipped or damaged.

Metal for the bowl is the most practical, but expensive. The steel bowl does not react with food and does not break. Convenient when working with heated products, for chilled workpieces. Professional chefs use these dishes.

bowl volume

The capacity of the tank affects the productivity of the machine. Working utensils for kitchen appliances are produced in volumes from 1 to 7 liters. When choosing the size of the bowl, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. Do not take a large container if cooking in small portions. If you choose a larger bowl without the need, the combine will process the products unevenly and spray the contents. There is an optimal ratio of capacity and power of the combine 200:1. The useful volume of dishes is always less than indicated in the instructions.
  2. You need to choose dishes according to the power. The more power, the larger the bowl should be.
  3. One container includes a different amount of bulk and liquid products.

It is convenient to have several bowls of different sizes, then when preparing a certain number of dishes, you can use the appropriate container.


The most important parameter when choosing any appliances for the kitchen is power. This indicator depends on the capabilities of the device, most often its value ranges from 550 to 1000W. A combine with high power processes more products in a certain time. When purchasing a device for a professional kitchen, this is an important condition. You should not buy a combine with a small capacity, explaining this by saving electricity. The cost of working with it will be the same.

Models with a power of 300-400W are called low-power, they whip liquids, knead loose dough, grind soft foods. The load in this case is negligible.

Devices of medium power (up to 800W) can process hard root crops, knead tough dough, crush nuts, and crush ice. In such models, a protective function is installed in the engine, which automatically turns off the device when it overheats. It is these devices that are suitable for housewives, as they are multifunctional, durable.

The most powerful models belong to the technique of professionals. They are not afraid of long and intense loads. Their cost is quite high, but if they are used in restaurants, bakeries, then this justifies itself.

Rotational speed

The number of speeds depends on the specific features of the models - the more modes, the wider the range of possibilities for determining the settings for processing the corresponding products. This affects the number of dishes prepared with the device. The higher the rotation speed, the easier it is to maintain the desired cooking mode. In the presence of a high speed, you can grind solid products, low - for whipping liquids. The device has several speeds, for some models their value reaches 15, but practice shows that from 3 to 5 modes are usually used.


The kitchen machine has 3 operating modes designed to process hard and soft ingredients.

  1. The pulse mode is provided by the rotation of the engine not constantly, but intermittently. This increases the efficiency of the device, reduces the load on the motor. But it can be used when working with solid ingredients, frozen fruits or vegetables.
  2. Turbo mode increases the speed of rotation of the discs for a short time. It is used in the processing of solid products. This is not the usual mode for the device to work, since the motor receives heavy loads, which can disable the device.
  3. The planetary mixing mode ensures the movement of the working tool, whisk or spatula, around the center of the bowl and its axis, which makes it possible to mix evenly and speeds up the process itself. But this mode requires a large bowl, at least 5 liters in capacity, which affects the dimensions and price of the model.


Before purchasing a combine, any housewife should think about what kind of apparatus she needs, evaluate the free space in the kitchen. If you plan to use it for several operations, cutting, chopping, whipping or mixing, then you should stop your choice on a compact device. The power of such devices is 400-700 W, and the bowl is 1.5-2.5 liters. In kitchens of small areas, it is recommended to limit yourself to a compact model that performs only those functions that are more in demand.

The compactness of the machine depends on how you store its extra attachments. Models with space for such storage are larger. Compact models do not have such compartments, and accessories are stored in separate containers or bags. The average weight of such devices is 4-6 kg. If the hostess often uses the device, then it is better to buy a lightweight device so that it is not difficult to put it in a closet or on a shelf. But if the kitchen has a stationary place for the combine, then the weight in this situation is not important.


When using a food processor, all safety rules must be observed. Its operation is possible only with the correct installation of the bowl, lid and nozzles. This protects the hands from damage from knives and the walls from contamination from spatter. Most models are equipped with an overheating protection system. Such a device is protected from breakage by a function that blocks the engine if the knife encounters a solid object.

For the stability of the processor on the kitchen surface, rubber pads or legs are attached to the base.

Additional features

In addition to the main characteristics, modern models of combines have additional features:

  • the presence of a splash cover makes it possible to maintain cleanliness when working with flour or liquid ingredients;
  • some models have a niche for storing nozzles, others have a special bag where accessories are stored;
  • mechanical and electronic overload protection. The mechanical one is based on the installation between the motor and the clutch nozzle, which breaks from overloads, but saves the rest of the mechanism. Electronic - is to use a fuse. It is reusable, unlike the first;
  • some models have built-in scales that show the net weight of the processed product;
  • The self-cleaning function is used to wash the appliance.


With a wide variety of types of kitchen appliances, it is not easy to stop at one particular model. To make the right choice, it is important to understand the differences between different types of appliances. Having studied the list of the best household appliances for the kitchen, taking into account personal preferences, evaluating the capabilities of each of the types of devices, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.


Kitchen machines of this type have a removable bowl, a full set of basic nozzles, and in devices with advanced functions, additional ones. The more nozzles, the more possibilities the device has. Such combines combine many functions - cutting, kneading, whipping and others.

With a meat grinder

Almost every combine can grind meat. But devices with a screw meat grinder built into the body stand out in a separate row. When using this model, the meat retains its structure, cartilage, veins and fat are ground. When choosing this type of equipment, you need to pay attention to the high engine power, speed and the presence of three speed switching modes.

For the test

If you prefer food processors with the main function of kneading dough, you must choose devices with a power of at least 800W, with a large bowl and two modes.


Devices with original nozzles have appeared on the household appliances market, with the help of which products are cut in any way - cubes, circles or sticks.

With a blender

A blender is an indispensable thing in the kitchen, but if it is built into a food processor, then you can easily and quickly prepare cocktails and desserts in it. In such machines, products are crushed, dough is kneaded, and cream is whipped. Models differ in power, functions, materials, bowl volume.


Grater combines are of high quality, reliability and modern design. The presence of a grater with different knives will allow you to cook delicious dishes.

With juicer

To obtain juice, the device requires a high rotation speed, so when choosing a model, pay attention to this parameter. The optimal speed is from 8000 to 12000. The higher the speed, the more expensive the device. For combines with the main function of a juicer, the bowl must be made of glass so that other materials do not react with the acid. The motor power in this case can be 500-600 watts.

With potato peeling function

Quite rarely, a nozzle for peeling potatoes is included in the set of nozzles. It is universal and suitable for all types of combines. They perform their task partially, sometimes you have to clean the root crop.

Mini models

Such devices have a limited set of functions, but do an excellent job with the task. The basic set of such a device includes a food chopper, there are options with a function for kneading dough, chopping meat and juicers. In principle, the package contains the most necessary set of actions for cooking. The power of such devices is small, not higher than 600W, the volume of the bowl is up to 2.5 liters. Mini models have their positive aspects - compactness and ease of storage, but there are also negative ones - low power, small cooking volume.

Hand harvesters

Hand tools, despite their simplicity, are also considered combines. However, their functions are related only to the number of nozzles attached to them. These are graters with knives of various shapes, cutting food into cubes, straws, slices. You just have to turn the knob yourself. On the one hand, the device is economical, it does not work from the mains, but on the other hand, you have to make an effort when processing hard vegetables.

Additional nozzles and discs

Each device is not equipped with all possible accessories, and in this regard, the combine performs some of the functions. The presence of additional nozzles will help to carry out a more complete list of operations.

All models have vegetable cutting discs, whisks, mixing attachments and dough hooks, a blender. A pastorezka or dough rolling is completed for rarer specimens. Specific nozzles for kitchen machines can be purchased separately.

  • for baking cookies, a variety of curly patterns are used;
  • a grater for chips, sprinkling and breading, in addition to the main purpose, grinds crackers, nuts, chocolate;
  • using rollers, roll out the dough, cook noodles;
  • templates are used for making pasta;
  • thick liquids are kneaded to a homogeneous state by the emulsifier nozzle;
  • the mill grinds flour;
  • using an ice cream maker, you can cook a delicious treat;
  • a coffee grinder is used for grinding coffee beans, preparing powdered sugar, various spices and seasonings;
  • the shaker is used for mixing products and making cocktails;
  • the slicer is used for cutting various products into thin slices;
  • French fries slicing disc is used to prepare long and thin slices with frying in oil.

Selection rules

The choice of household appliances, first of all, depends on the preferences of the hostess. If she already has a separate electric meat grinder, juicer or bread machine, then it’s enough to buy a version of the device for cutting and mixing products. It is very convenient, small-sized and easy to operate. If the hostess cooks a lot and wants more functionality, then you need to choose a stronger car. But the main points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a food processor:

  1. Power depending on the volume of the bowl.
  2. Adjustment of speeds, number of modes.
  3. The dimensions of the technical device, on which the availability of free space in the kitchen depends.
  4. Varieties of nozzles, basic and additional.
  5. Brand choice.

Popular Models

Among the most popular models of household appliances are the most loved by people. In the domestic market, combines of popular world brands are in demand.


The Dutch company "Philips" was created at the end of the 19th century by the Philips brothers as a factory for the production of electric lamps. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the brand gained fame, and the company received a proud additional word in its name - “royal”. Combines of this company are incredibly easy to use. With their help, you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes.

  • Philips HR7778;
  • Philips HR7761/00;
  • Philips HR7605/10;
  • Philips HR7762/90;
  • Philips HR7774BL.


The founders of this brand, the French Jean Mantele and Le Monnier, opened the first workshop for the manufacture of equipment in 1922, but only 10 years later the first vegetable grinder was made. Since 2001, this brand has been owned by Groupe SEB. Distinctive features of the product of this manufacturer - ease of use. The process of using Moulinex devices is like a fun and exciting game.

  • Moulinex QA217132;
  • Moulinex DJ9058;
  • Moulinex FP321F32;
  • Moulinex QA503DB1;
  • Moulinex FP 3181.


Russian trademark, which is owned by Technopoisk LLC, and produces household appliances. The history of the brand began in 2006 with the filing of an application for registration of the company. Food processors of this manufacturer resemble a blender with numerous attachments, allowing you to perform a variety of operations.

  • Redmond RFP-3950 grey;
  • Redmond RFP-3909 black;
  • Redmond RFP-CB3910;
  • Redmond RFP-3902;
  • Redmond RFP-3907.


In 1921, the German Max Braun opened a radio shop in Frankfurt am Main. By 1990, Braun had taken the lead in home appliances. Food processors of this brand have two types of juicers, and the manufacturer of equipment has added a cleaning brush and a spatula to the kit. The machine is equipped with a program, you just need to lay the products, the combine itself determines the necessary parameters for a given process.

  • Braun FP 5150 White;
  • Braun FX 3030 Tribute;
  • Braun FP 5150 Black;
  • Braun FP 5160 Black;
  • Braun FP 5160 White.


This Russian brand was founded in 2000 by Golder Electronics, a manufacturer of household and other appliances. 95% of products are made in China, the rest - in Turkey. Modern design, functionality and reasonable price are the main advantages of this brand. The durable use of the device is affected by the quality material from which the main spare parts are made.

  • Vitek VT-1618;
  • Vitek VT-1606;
  • Vitek VT-1603;
  • Vitek VT-1604;
  • Vitek VT-1616 SR Assistant PRO.


Sinbo is owned by the Turkish company Deima, and is one of the top three home appliance manufacturers in Turkey. Combines for kitchen differ in high quality and reasonable price. The units of this brand are multifunctional, therefore they are indispensable in the kitchen. There are branded models on the home appliance market today that have won the hearts of housewives with their merits.

  • Sinbo SHB 3081;
  • Sinbo SHB 3111;
  • Sinbo SHB 3070;
  • Sinbo SMX 2738;
  • Sinbo SHB 3081.


The company was founded in 1956 by the Frenchman Marc Gregoire. In 1968, it was acquired by the international trade mark Groupe SEB, which produces household appliances and utensils. The first Tefal food processor appeared in 1999. In the production of household kitchen appliances, it uses high technologies and innovative solutions.

  • Tefal Masterchef Compact QB207;
  • Tefal L Masterchef Gourmet+ QB612;
  • Tefal QB 207138;
  • Tefal QB612D38;
  • Tefal QB 505D38.


Bosch was founded in the 19th century in Stuttgart by the German engineer Robert Bosch. This is a well-known brand under which household appliances for the kitchen are produced, and more.

Bosch appliances are in great demand and trusted by consumers. The combination of convenience and reliability of kitchen appliances is the company's strategy. These are universal housewives assistants that perform many different operations.

  • Bosch MCM 4000;
  • Bosch MCM 4100;
  • Bosch MCM 5529;
  • Bosch MCM 5540;
  • Bosch MUM 4406.


This British brand of household appliances includes food processors in its numerous ranges. It was founded in 1947 by entrepreneur Kenneth Wood. Having gone through several stages of its formation and development, today Kenwood is a well-known manufacturer of home appliances in more than 80 countries and the largest manufacturer of home appliances in the UK, Italy and China.

  • Kenwood KVC 3173 S Chef;
  • Kenwood KHH 323 WH MultiOne;
  • Kenwood KM 244 Prospero;
  • Kenwood KM 289 Prospero;
  • Kenwood KHH 321 WH MultiOne.

When buying a food processor, the main thing is not to get lost among the abundance of interesting models, compare your needs with the possibilities, take into account individual wishes, and acquire an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.