Benefits for pensioners after 70. The new law will deprive Russian pensioners of the right to dispose of their apartments

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 70 may have a pension as his only source of livelihood. In this regard, the question of the benefits that a pensioner can count on upon reaching 70 years of age becomes relevant. In the article we will look at how benefits are provided to pensioners after 70 years from the state.

There are no special benefits for pensioners over 70 years of age in our country, with the exception of discounts when paying for major repairs. Benefits for pensioners are provided upon reaching 80 years of age, and 70-year-olds enjoy the benefits that are provided for in the general order.

Tax deduction when purchasing real estate

A pensioner can receive a tax deduction or exemption from paying tax when purchasing an apartment for no more than 2 million rubles. This right is granted if the housing was purchased for own funds. If the apartment was purchased with a mortgage loan, then a deduction will be provided for 3 million rubles.

Important! If the pensioner did not work, then the right to tax deduction he does not have.

To receive a deduction, you must contact the tax authority. If the pensioner is still working, he can do this through his employer. When applying you will need to provide the following documents:

  • pension certificate, if the citizen retired before 2015, if later, then a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • documents confirming the right to real estate, for example, a purchase and sale agreement or equity participation agreement;
  • act of transfer of immovable property;
  • certificate of ownership, if the real estate was registered before July 2016, and if later, then an extract from the Unified State Register;
  • Declaration 3-NDFL.

Documents for deduction must be submitted one year after ownership transfers to the name of the pensioner. This can be done by contacting the tax office in person or by sending documents by mail. You can also send documents via the Internet on the tax website by going to “ Personal Area" The documents are checked for about 3 months, after which the tax deduction is transferred to the pensioner within two weeks.

Vacation at your own expense

For working pensioners, an actual benefit will be leave without pay. For ordinary pensioners, its duration is 14 days, and if he is a participant in the Second World War, then the employer is obliged to release him for 35 days. Disabled persons have the right to take leave at their own expense for 60 days. Such leave is provided once a year, annually.

In order to obtain it you need to compile in free form application and submit it to your employer. The employer has no right to refuse to provide leave; this is illegal.

Compensation for travel expenses to a vacation spot

Citizens who are pensioners of the Far North have the right to count on reimbursement of costs in case of purchasing tickets to a vacation spot. Pensioners have the right to take advantage of the right to such a benefit once every 2 years. Benefits are provided in the form of:

  • travel ticket;
  • compensation for costs incurred when purchasing tickets.

These two types of compensation can also be combined if, for example, you need to make transfers to get to your vacation spot.

To receive such a benefit, you will need to contact Pension Fund or MFC and provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • pension certificate or certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • a voucher or other document that can confirm your stay in a particular sanatorium or boarding house;
  • travel tickets, if reimbursement is in the form of money.

In this case, the tickets presented should not exceed the cost of:

  • seats in a reserved seat (if traveling by rail);
  • 3rd class cabins (when traveling on water transport);
  • seats in economy class (if traveling by plane).

The application will need to indicate the sanatorium (boarding house or holiday home) where the pensioner is going, including its name and exact address. The application will be considered for about 10 days, after which a decision will be made. The pensioner is notified of the decision within 1 day. If the decision is positive, the pensioner is paid compensation in the same way as the pension.

Exemption from personal income tax and property tax

Objects that are subject to property tax include:

  • apartment or house;
  • room;
  • garage or parking space;
  • a building that is used for household needs.

To receive the benefit, you need to contact the tax authority with an application, which will indicate a list of real estate exempt from taxation. The application will need to be accompanied by:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • documents confirming the right to the property specified in the application.

Important! The application must be submitted to the tax office before November 1 of the year in which the benefit begins to apply. Once a pensioner submits an application with a certain list of real estate, it will no longer be possible to change it. This will only be possible next year.

Benefits when paying for housing and communal services

Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 have the right to benefit from a subsidy for partial reimbursement of expenses for housing and communal services. A pensioner has the right to receive it if he pays at least 22% of his income for utilities. The subsidy should not exceed the costs actually paid by the pensioner for utilities. All excess money transferred will be collected against future subsidies.

In order to take advantage of this benefit, you need to contact your local administration. When applying, submit an application and the following documents:

  • confirming the right to an apartment (for example, a purchase and sale agreement, a gift agreement, etc.);
  • receipts confirming payment of utility bills for previous periods;
  • extract from the house register;
  • passport and pension certificate.

All documents are submitted to the social security department at your place of residence, or to the MFC. You can contact these authorities in one of the following ways:

  • personally visit the specified authority;
  • send documents by mail;
  • through the Gosulugi portal, if possible in the region where the pensioner lives.

Important! If a pensioner cannot independently find and provide documents for real estate or an extract from the house register, then this can be done independently by the body to which he applied.

Documents are checked by the authorized body for accuracy. For this purpose, requests are sent to various authorities. The total period for reviewing documents is 10 days after they are submitted, after which a decision is made.

Benefits for paying for major repairs

If a pensioner lives in apartment building which needs major repairs, the company that sends it to them opens an account to which residents transfer contributions every month. Funds are accumulated in this account for a certain period of time and then spent on payment. construction companies. Upon reaching the age of 70, pensioners can receive a 50% discount on these payments. To do this, they must have no debt on previous payments.

The provision of benefits is carried out by social protection of the population. You need to go there with an application and the following documents:

  • passport (copy of all pages);
  • pensioner's ID;
  • documents confirming the right to an apartment;
  • SNILS;
  • extract from the house register;
  • data personal account;
  • a document confirming the absence of debt on contributions.

Important! A pensioner 70 years of age or older can receive a benefit for paying for major repairs only if two conditions are met: he is the sole owner of the apartment, and in addition to the pension, he does not receive income in the form of a salary.

Even though a pensioner has a status entitling him to benefits, this does not mean that he can only pay half of the contributions. He must pay the contributions in full, and then receive compensation through the social security authorities. The social body makes payments based on the receipt paid by the pensioner. A pensioner can receive compensation in the same way as his pension is paid, or choose a different method, for example, to a bank card.

Many older citizens do not even imagine what benefits are provided to them by law after the age of 70, and therefore do not use them for their own benefit.

List of benefits after 70 for pensioners

After 70 years of age, pensioners of the Russian Federation acquire a number of benefits:

  1. Rest. For pensioners who have retired in the Far North and equivalent areas, compensation is provided for expenses associated with the purchase of tickets to their vacation destination. Moreover, citizens who receive a pension upon reaching retirement age or disability once in a period of 2 years can receive it. You can receive benefits either at the Pension Fund of Russia branch, or when purchasing a ticket at a special price, with the provision of appropriate documents confirming the benefits.
  2. Buying a property. Are citizens over 70 years of age given tax deduction benefits when purchasing an apartment, room, house or the cost of constructing a residential building? This applies to all pensioners. You can receive benefits in the form of a tax deduction for interest already paid to credit organizations for the use of funds for the construction of residential real estate; it is also provided if the purchase was made in joint ownership with other relatives. This provision of the Law applies to the acquisition of a plot of land allocated for construction individual house. But the acquisition of a garden plot does not fall under this provision of Tax Legislation. But you can submit a declaration, and for this reason receive benefits for the arrangement of a residential building on the lands of a gardening partnership.
  3. Exemption from property taxes for pensioners over 70 years of age. Although the tax authorities, out of habit, send them receipts, these payments have been canceled at the state level. The state provides benefits to pensioners after 70 years of age, including working citizens, and completely exempts them from paying any property tax - apartments, own home, garage or plot in a gardening community. To ensure that tax authorities stop sending payment receipts, visit the inspectorate at your place of permanent registration and make copies of your general passport and pensioner’s ID. Note! If you have become a pensioner, but have not submitted an application to the inspectorate for benefits, then you must recalculate and return the overpaid taxes.
  4. Exemption of pensioners over 70 years of age from income tax individuals, more information about the list of types of income can be found in Art. 217 Tax legislation. This includes amounts paid to a citizen upon reaching retirement age for his financial support, labor and old-age pensions, various social benefits assigned by the state to a specific citizen, reimbursement of the cost of resort treatment or medical care, but within the established limit of 4 thousand. rub. Some benefits may be established by local authorities based on the economic situation in the region. These may include taxation on transport, land plots - their sums may differ significantly from those generally accepted in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.



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5. Providing leave without financial security. Every working pensioner over 70 years of age has the right to leave provided to him by the employer without mandatory payment, that is, in addition to the main days of leave, he may be provided with additional ones. For example, citizens of retirement age who receive pensions according to their age category - up to 14 days a year, but already citizens of the Great Patriotic War category - up to 35 days annually, those who are classified as disabled, but work successfully, they are granted leave without pay up to 60 days a year.

6. Pensioners over 70 years of age continue to work successfully, but in modern realities they are a little behind progress and new technological ideas. Therefore, in many Employment Centers they organize free courses to improve your qualifications or training in a completely different work profile.

7. Promotions of targeted assistance within the framework of the “Help Me” program. The state provides financial assistance to people who find themselves in difficult financial difficulties, for example, after a natural disaster. All victims, including pensioners after 70 years of age, can apply to self-government bodies to allocate them specific type assistance - food, clothes or shoes, sanitary care items, etc. For a group of people in the category of disabled people, fuel, vehicles or various technical means that can help in health rehabilitation may be allocated. You need to apply for targeted assistance to regional authorities with a package necessary documentation about confirmation of disability. Each regional division of social assistance to pensioners and disabled people develops its own legislative acts based on the capabilities of the region. But it will be very difficult to achieve real help; it will be necessary to provide strong evidence that the citizen has lost all his property and he does not have and does not expect in the near future the means for further existence - this is exactly the situation when it happened disaster in the area of ​​residence.

8. Benefits for paying utility bills. In 2011, a PP dated 10.06 was issued, which provided for compensation of part of the costs of gasification of a residential building. Non-working pensioners who own the only place to live - a house - can receive benefits; compensation is awarded to citizens over 70 years of age who receive old-age and disability pensions. How much specific funds can be compensated is decided at the regional level, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the region.

9. Providing free medicines and vaccinations for citizens after 70. The pensioner is invited to register with the geriatric department of the local clinic, which will be dealt with by a doctor specializing in diseases common in old age. All pensioners who are registered and who do not want to be seen by a geriatrician have the right to receive a number of medicines approved by the Government of the country for free. In addition, disabled veterans have the right to annual free sanatorium treatment or rehabilitation after a protracted illness.

Discount for major repairs

Now let's talk separately about what benefits the state provides for major repairs for pensioners after 70 years of age.

Starting in 2012, all apartment owners were required to contribute funds for major repairs, which caused a lot of conflicting opinions, and even the dissatisfaction of citizens, especially pensioners did not like it; they inadequately accepted new innovations. With this legislation, the Government relieved itself of responsibility for major repairs in buildings where the majority of apartments are owned by citizens.

But State Duma In 2015, the Law on the reimbursement of funds for major repairs to citizens after 70 years was adopted. The initiative was proposed by the party United Russia, the idea was supported at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers, and D. Medvedev signed a law on benefits for major repairs for pensioners after 70 years of age.

The meaning of the Law comes down to depositing funds for major repairs into a separate special account; calculations in each region can vary significantly. For example, in Moscow they offer to pay 15 rubles. /sq. meter, in St. Petersburg the rate is only 2 rubles, and in Tyumen it reaches 20.

Ultimately, the amount of capital repairs for citizens after 70 years of age becomes simply unaffordable, and the Government decided to provide benefits to this category of citizens on the following conditions:

  • The benefit is provided to citizens over 70 years of age in the amount of 50% of the final payment for major repairs, provided that working persons are not registered in the apartment.
  • Non-working pensioners living together can receive the same relief, but one must be over 70 years of age.
  • Persons who have reached 80 years of age are completely exempt from paying contributions for major repairs.

By their decision, the deputies decided that the required amount for major repairs of the house could only be collected in about 30 years, and this category of citizens may not wait for it.

For citizens on well-deserved retirement, a monthly pension is paid from the state budget. Through the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) and the social protection authorities, additional payments, benefits and preferences.

What benefits are available to old-age pensioners after 70 years of age?

Social support for pensioners financed by federal budget, applies to all older people. Regional authorities have the right to create additional privileges based on their financial capabilities. Benefits are provided in different forms:

  • subsidies;
  • pension supplements;
  • discounts on taxes and services;
  • monetization (replacing the provision of benefits in kind with money);
  • compensation.

Social benefits for pensioners are provided through social protection authorities and the Pension Fund. Privileges extend to different areas:

  • medicine;
  • housing and communal services;
  • social services;
  • travel on public transport;
  • taxation;
  • Spa treatment;
  • contributions for major repairs.

Social benefits and privileges

The first thing that all pensioners can count on is an additional payment to their pension up to the level living wage(PM), established by the region of residence of the elderly person. It is provided:

  • through the Pension Fund (law enforcement agency) from the federal budget, if the pension is less than the federal minimum wage;
  • through social security authorities from the regional budget, when the pension does not reach the minimum wage established in the region of residence of the elderly person.

To receive the allowance, you must submit an application to the authorized body, attaching work book. Please note that only non-working pensioners can claim the payment. When applying for a job, you must immediately notify of a change in your status.

Benefits and privileges for pensioners over 70 years of age are implemented through social security authorities. Here they can get:

  • material assistance (food, basic necessities);
  • financial support, no more than once a year, for the purchase of goods needed in everyday life (refrigerator, stove, TV).

To assign assistance, you need to submit an application to the territorial office social protection the population personally or through a legal representative. The appeal will be reviewed by specialists within 10 days. After studying the financial situation of the citizen, the size and type of support is determined.

Through the Pension Fund for citizens who have crossed the 70-year mark:

  • Additional monthly payment (DEMO). It is received by disabled people, veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, awarded the sign “Resident of Siege Leningrad”, prisoners, widows of fallen servicemen and WWII veterans.
  • Monthly cash payment if the citizen is a federal beneficiary. Its size is determined for each category separately and revised annually.
  • A set of social services. It includes the provision of a voucher to a sanatorium, payment for medications and travel to and from the place of treatment. Pensioners have the right to receive the entire set, or replace one or more services with monetary compensation.

Subsidies for housing and communal services

If payment for utility services amounts to 22% or more of the income of a pensioner over 70 years of age living alone (if living together - average per capita income), he has the right to apply for compensation. For some regions the numbers may be different, for example:

  • Moscow – 10%;
  • St. Petersburg – 14%.

The privilege is granted to the owners of the premises, provided that there are no arrears in payment for housing and communal services for previous months. The footage of the living space is taken into account:

  • for singles – 33 sq. m;
  • for a family of two people – 42 sq. m.;
  • for families with three or more residents - 18 sq. m. for each.

The subsidy is transferred in monetary terms to the applicant’s bank account. To obtain it, you need to contact social security, the Multifunctional Center (MFC) or through the State Services portal.

The benefit is valid for 6 months.

Then you need to resubmit the application and supporting documents:

  • passports of all residents;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of income from each resident.

Benefits when paying for major repairs

According to the Housing Code, citizens over 70 years of age who live in apartment buildings are entitled to compensation for major repairs. The discount amount is 50%, and the following are entitled to receive it:

  • unemployed pensioners living alone;
  • a family consisting of non-working people of retirement age;
  • a family consisting of non-working pensioners and (or) disabled people of group 1 or 2 (from January 1, 2019).

To obtain the privilege, you must contact social security or the Multifunctional Center. The following must be attached to the application:

  • passport;
  • a certificate of family composition or an extract from the house register;
  • a receipt confirming payment for major repairs;
  • certificate of title to residential premises;
  • information about the personal account where compensation for major repairs will be credited;
  • income certificate.

Please note that pensioners living in rural areas and who are homeowners have the right to receive compensation for the costs of gasifying their home.

To receive benefits, you need to contact the social security authorities with an application for financial assistance, presenting your passport, documents for the house, a project and the estimated cost of the work.

Additional leave

Pensioners over 70 years of age who continue to work have additional preferences compared to other citizens. They are granted an extraordinary unpaid leave of 2 weeks. From January 2019, older people have the right to receive 2 days a year with preservation wages and a workplace for medical examination. To exercise the privilege, you need to write an application to the employer.

Tax benefits

Elderly people over 70 years old have preferences and guarantees in the field of taxation. This is a complete or partial tax exemption:

  • Property. Provided for one property of the same type (one house, one apartment, one garage).
  • Land. A tax deduction is provided for one land plot, owned by a pensioner. The amount is equal to the cadastral value of 6 acres.
  • Transport. Only pensioners in some regions are exempt from paying. The discount depends on the power of the car.
  • Pohodhodny. Pension security and social benefits are not subject to income tax (NDFL).

In addition to tax breaks, pensioners are provided with a tax deduction when purchasing a home. The amount is returned at the rate of 13% of the money paid, but not more than 2 million rubles. (3 million rubles if a loan was issued for the purchase of real estate).

Medical preferences

Elderly people over 70 years of age have the right to free services and treatment in clinics at their place of residence. Former military retirees can receive services in the medical institutions where they were served during their service. Additionally, citizens of retirement age are entitled to:

  • free issuance of medicines and medications (according to the list of the Ministry of Health) with a doctor’s prescription;
  • health improvement and rehabilitation in sanatoriums;
  • placement in institutions permanent residence(nursing homes, boarding schools) on a temporary or permanent basis;
  • Dental prosthetics (except for expensive materials).

To receive services, you need a passport and a certificate of compulsory health insurance. Please note that in some cases other documents may be needed to apply for benefits - a pension certificate, a certificate of chronic diseases.

Privileges and benefits for pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow region

Residents of the capital and region over 70 years of age have similar benefits and preferences that are entitled to pensioners living in other regions. The contribution for major repairs in Moscow is also 50%, but it is already included in the payment receipt.

To receive local privileges and assistance, you must apply for a social card through the “My Documents” center.

Benefits for Moscow pensioners are presented as:

  1. Free travel on city public and suburban railway transport. This includes trolleybuses, buses, trams, metro, and electric trains.
  2. Free travel on trains in Moscow and adjacent regions.
  3. Regional surcharge. Muscovites receive a pension supplement up to the social standard (17,500 rubles).
  4. Annual payment in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. You can spend the money on buying groceries at the Pyaterochka chain of stores.
  5. Compensation for landline telephone. Amounts to 250 rubles.
  6. Payments related to significant events, for example, the anniversary of marriage.
  7. Free training. Developed for elderly citizens special programs and courses are organized where you can learn computer literacy, learn a foreign language, or gain an additional profession or skill.


Persons of retirement age are considered one of the vulnerable categories of the population, therefore the state provides them with various privileges that allow them to improve their lives. Most pensioners have small pensions, so benefits allow them to reduce spending on various needs.

Citizens who have crossed the threshold of 70 years of age are entitled to special privileges. Of course, pensions and other payments for older people do not increase, but they can receive compensation for paying utility bills and utility repairs in the apartment, free medical care and discounts on medicines.

  • If old man is in a difficult financial situation, the state provides him with food, clothing, hygiene products and basic necessities. Disabled people are also entitled to fuel, a vehicle for transportation, medical equipment and rehabilitation equipment. To receive the necessary things, a citizen must provide a certificate of disability and other necessary documents
  • Reimbursement for utility costs

On June 10, 2011, a decree came into force according to which non-working pensioners who want to gasify their homes can apply for partial compensation of costs from the state.

Are pension supplements available after age 70?

Social supplement to pension up to the subsistence level in the capital. If a non-working resident of the capital presents local authorities social security information that the amount of the pension received is below the subsistence level (ML) in Moscow, then he is entitled to monthly cash compensation payments up to the minimum amount established by federal legislation.

In Moscow in 2018, the size of the PM was 11,560 rubles, in the Moscow region - 9,160 rubles. Upon payment Money The targeted assistance received by the pensioner and all types of subsidies are taken into account.

Paying for utilities places an enormous burden on the shoulders of an elderly person. The federal authorities are providing benefits to pensioners in 2018 on housing and communal services payments.

Tax benefits

It is worth mentioning that persons over seventy years of age are entitled to special social support measures, but often pensioners do not even know about their existence. Ignorance of this information means that pensioners can enjoy all the benefits and privileges that are due to them for their labor efforts.

Benefits for retirees over 70 include tax privileges. In particular, this category of pensioners has the right to receive the following tax benefits:

  • Exemption from payment of transport tax. According to the law, pensioners, as well as other beneficiaries, are exempt from paying tax on a vehicle they own, however, only citizens whose vehicles have a capacity of no more than 100 horsepower can exercise this right
  • Discount on land tax. Of course, completely exempt a person from paying tax collection on the land plot that belongs to him will not work. However, government authorities provide the opportunity to receive a discount of 10 thousand rubles for the amount specified in the tax notice, which can significantly save the payer’s budget
  • Exemption from property tax. This right can be exercised only in relation to one property owned by a pensioner over 70 years of age
  • A person has the right to independently choose the property in respect of which such a benefit will be applied;
  • Exemption from income tax

Providing any tax benefits is possible only after a citizen’s personal appeal to the Tax Inspectorate office of his city. Such privileges are not automatically granted.

Subsidies for utilities

The privileges that pensioners are entitled to after 70 years of age include receiving a significant discount on utility bills in the housing and communal services sector. In relation to this category of citizens, the size compensation payment ranges from 30 to 40 percent, depending on the region.

People can enjoy such privileges only after submitting an appropriate application to the social security authority. In this case, from the amount indicated in the receipt, the pensioner will be paid monthly subsidies in the percentage prescribed by law.

Discounts on contributions for major repairs

In 2012, all owners of apartments in apartment buildings were required to pay fees for major repairs. Of course, such a need did not please most Russians, in particular, had a negative impact on pensioners.

Due to the fact that citizens over 70 years of age need additional measures state support, in 2015 another one was adopted at the federal level the federal law, according to which this category of beneficiaries can count on receiving benefits when paying for major repairs of an apartment building.

In particular, at the legislative level the following privileges are provided for such citizens:

  • A discount of 50 percent from the total amount of the invoice issued for major repairs. Providing such a benefit is possible only in cases where employed citizens are not registered in the apartment
  • Disabled citizens who live together can also count on similar privileges. In this case, a discount on capital repairs is provided only if there is a person in the family who has already reached 70 years of age

Important! Pensioners over the age of 80 are completely exempt from making contributions for major repairs of an apartment building.

Targeted material support

Social protection services for pensioners also include the possibility of providing targeted measures financial assistance for needy pensioners over 70 years of age.

In particular, pensioners over 70 years of age may be entitled to additional benefit payments and subsidies for improvement living conditions, if their income is below the subsistence level or they need to improve their standard of living.

The amount of payment is determined individually, after studying documents about the person’s condition, living conditions, and income received.

Travel by public transport

At the legislative level, it is possible for a citizen over 70 years of age to enjoy transport benefits. In particular, pensioners over this age can use this right to travel to a place of rest. Citizens over 70 years of age are given the opportunity to travel free of charge to the place of sanatorium treatment, but only once a year.

At the regional level, it may be possible to use public transport for free or at a discount.

Free treatment and medicines

Benefits for retirees at age 70 include the opportunity to receive healthcare benefits. They can receive:

  • Free medicines
  • Treatment for preferential terms(often free)
  • Vouchers for spa treatment
  • Extraordinary provision of medical care

Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 can receive such privileges at any public medical institution in their city.

For the purchase of housing

Some 70-year-olds continue to lead not only an active lifestyle, but also a feasible work activity. If such an employee is employed on a completely official basis, then after purchasing housing (an apartment or a share in it, a house, a land plot for individual housing construction), he has the right to a refund of income tax previously paid to the state treasury in the amount of 13% of the cost of the purchased real estate .

Important! Tax base for property deduction uniform - no more than 2 million rubles, that is, the amount of deduction in this case is no more than 260 thousand rubles (13%).

Example: new housing was purchased for 2.5 million rubles. The maximum amount for a tax deduction in this case is 2 million rubles, that is, no more than 260 thousand rubles. If the cost of the purchased housing is less than 2 million rubles (for example, 1.5 million), then the tax base will be the actual cost of housing, and the deduction amount will be 13% of 1.5 million - 195,000.

It can be extended over the entire working period after purchasing a home, or the three previous years preceding the purchase are taken into account. Only the employee whose employer made monthly income tax deductions from his official (white) salary can claim such a deduction.

All expenses aimed at improving housing (purchase of building materials, services of hired workers) can also be included in the tax base. It is necessary to attach all available receipts and contracts for the performance of one-time work by one or another employee.

This can also include all credit loans and interest payments on them aimed at the construction and improvement of housing. Taking into account such additions, the tax base may increase to 3 million rubles, no more. Accordingly, the tax deduction in this case will amount to 390 thousand rubles (13% of 3 million rubles).

Example: pensioner Nikolai Petrovich is 75 years old. He quit his official job in August 2017, and purchased an apartment in August 2019. Immediately I declared the apartment to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service).

He is entitled to a tax deduction for two working years, from August 2015 to August 2017, in an amount corresponding to contributions to the Federal Tax Service (13%) for the entire period under review. As you can see, the size of the official salary also matters here.

It may be beneficial for the employer to reduce the amount (pay less taxes); he is interested in paying the money in an envelope.

For an employee who wants to purchase housing, on the contrary, it is much more profitable to work according to the white, official scheme. The higher the salary, the greater the income tax deductions, which are refundable when purchasing or improving housing.

The authorized representative is the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate; a non-working pensioner should contact them, and a working pensioner should contact their employer. A purchase and sale agreement, a registration statement for housing, a pension certificate and a passport are presented.

Additional preferential leave

These benefits are due to all working pensioners and those over 70. Such an employee can quit without working for two weeks, as is usually required. Has the opportunity to take additional unpaid leave of 14 days at any time of the year.

If a 70-year-old employee has disabled status - additional leave without maintenance can be extended up to 60 days. All data is already available in the employee’s HR department.

Regional benefits

If we consider all of the above, we can conclude that the Legislative Bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation offer some discounts to pensioners who have reached old age in the following systems:

  • Taxation
  • Transportation
  • Housing and communal services

Contact local branch The Tax Service, Social Security authorities, MFC and the Pension Fund will help clarify the situation related to the current provisions on benefits and whether recalculation is allowed in their region.

Social support for pensioners

We are talking about pension accruals and social benefits. If the state compensates an elderly person for the cost of a trip to a health care facility, travel to it, or medical services, then no tax is deducted from these amounts. But provided that the amount of charges does not exceed 4,000 rubles.

Attention! In some regions, other tax benefits may be guaranteed. Their list and features of provision can be found in local services.

Vacation without security. The right of a working citizen over the age of 70 to receive vacation without mandatory payment.

This means that the employer, in addition to the main vacation days, provides the pensioner with additional ones. For example, in the standard case, an employee receives 14 days of rest, and for the Second World War category a 35-day break is provided.

Understanding the situation and trying to improve the situation, the state is introducing a number of measures aimed at supporting a normal standard of living for the elderly. All options for privileges due are divided into two types - provided at the federal level and sponsored by the local budget.

Preferences are divided into several types:

  • Tax benefits for pensioners
  • Discounts on utility bills
  • Social targeted assistance provided to citizens in need
  • Benefits for purchasing medicines, traveling on intercity and city transport, providing treatment, purchasing travel tickets

At the federal level, for an elderly person receiving old-age benefits, regardless of their place of residence, the state guarantees different types preferences that can be used if necessary.

Benefits for pensioners over 70 years old in Moscow

  • Targeted social and material assistance
  • Benefits for payment of transport tax, contributions for land plots
  • Compensation for using a landline telephone
  • Possibility of not paying for garbage removal
  • Free medical care at home if your health does not allow you to visit the clinic
  • Receiving dental care under a social program
  • A trip once a year to a place of sanatorium-resort holiday according to appropriate medical indications

Legal regulation

Pensioners in Moscow, like other subjects of the federation, enjoy benefits based on articles of various regulatory documents.

Such rules allow working pensioners who still transfer personal income tax from their salaries to take advantage of the deduction, and return previously paid income tax to those who purchased property in the year of graduation. labor activity. The benefit is issued by sending the following business papers to the inspectorate:

  • Title documents for property
  • Sales and purchase agreements and payment documents confirming the transaction amount and the fact of payment
  • Declaration 3-NDFL
  • Income certificates

Employed pensioners additionally submit an application to send a notice to the employer, who, after receiving it, will begin to apply the deduction when calculating wages.

Instead of applying, those who are not working leave the details of their current account, to which compensation will be transferred directly from the Federal Tax Service.

Targeted assistance is provided in difficult life situations (death of loved ones, flood, fire, natural disaster). Help is not always presented in monetary terms; it can also be food, clothing, sanitary and hygiene items.

If a 70-year-old pensioner has been assigned disabled status, he can count on payment for fuel, vehicle or the purchase of necessary devices that improve the quality of life. To receive them, you must contact the territorial social protection authority with an application and attach supporting documents - help will inevitably come.

Benefits for paying land and transport taxes - there are some territorial discrepancies on all these issues, so it is better to clarify the information locally by contacting the regional municipality.

In the Altai Territory, if they have a car with a power of up to 100 hp, pensioners over 70 years of age are exempt from transport tax.

IN Leningrad region At the same time, an 80% discount on transport tax is provided, and taxpayers who own up to 25 acres of land are completely exempt from land tax.

This also includes benefits for gasification of housing (the amount is set at the regional level). These benefits are also relevant for 70-year-old non-working pensioners if the gasified facility is their only home.

All documents confirming the right to benefits are submitted to the OSZN.

Free training at the employment service - any pensioner who has reached the age of 70 has the right to undergo training at the territorial employment service.

It is possible to improve your qualifications in your specialty, you can master new profession, undergo training in an area of ​​interest (computer literacy, landscape design, floriculture, macrame and much more). Training is free. It is enough to contact the SZN employment service with a passport and pension certificate.

Compensation payment EDV (one-time cash payment) - to receive it, not only the age threshold is important, but also confirmation of the status of a disabled person or veteran. Accrued to those exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl NPP; subjects who have state awards or other beneficiaries on the basis of regulatory legal acts. For all these categories, the EDV is relevant only if the NSO (set of social services) is abandoned.

The authorized representative is the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

Important! It is impossible to receive EDV and NSU at the same time. You will have to make a choice: either the EDV or the NSU. To refuse or accept the social package, you must write an application before October 1 of the current year, while the new conditions will come into force only from the beginning of next year.

The absence of property tax, as for all pensioners, remains. Pensioners do not have any property taxes.

If the tax office mistakenly sent receipts for payment of property tax, and you, as a law-abiding citizen, paid it immediately and have done so for several years, then you have the right to contact the tax office for a recalculation. Do not despair, the Federal Tax Service will certainly return all funds paid.

Zero property tax also applies to part of the housing, the share in the common ownership of housing.

Often there is no need to additionally visit government agencies and present supporting documents. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, and the OSZN work according to a coherent centralized scheme of access to a single computer database.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what difficult situation happens to you, do not despair. There will always be someone who will lend a helping hand. Everyone will get what they deserve.

Follow changes in regional legislation, and you will always learn about federal innovations: notifications will be broadcast repeatedly in all media. I would like to warn against word of mouth; you should only trust trusted sources.

If you want to know what benefits pensioners have after 70 years of age, check out the resource provided. The information has been verified for compliance with regulations.

Pension after 70 years in 2019

Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 can receive the 13th payment (or the so-called bonus)

The more exact amount of the “second” pension is still unknown.

However, it is expected that the implementation of this law will require about 500 billion rubles.

There is an opinion that the amount of old-age benefits will be equal to the size of the labor pension of each citizen.

Given the existing restrictions in the country's budget and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the 13th payment will not exceed 6,000 rubles

An increased pension rate is not provided.

Will everyone get it?

Not everyone is entitled to the thirteenth pension.

Citizens who officially work will not receive the new payment (there are about 14 million of them in the country).

You can receive benefits without additional documents. It is expected that this will improve the lives of many citizens of the country.

Latest news

The bill is currently being finalized.

There is debate over the proposal for people of retirement age to abandon the 13th payment in favor of increasing monthly benefits.

The amount of the second pension is also established and the provisions on the basis of which it is formed are developed. It is planned that the latter will be approximately equal to the single payment of 2019.

The main problem is the allocation of funds from the country’s budget, which in 2019 does not allow the launch of this project.

It is also planned to recalculate the military pension.

Pensions after 70 years of age can be increased due to benefits provided to citizens who have reached this age.

Some privileges can be obtained both in the form of a certain benefit and monetary compensation for its refusal.

In 2018, pensioners who have already turned 70 years old can count on additional state aid. The legislation provides for the provision of financial support to citizens of the Russian Federation who need additional support.

Citizens who have turned 70 years old can count on the 13th pension. This type of assistance is only available to people who can no longer work and do not receive any outside income.

Types of allowances for pensioners after 70 years of age in 2018

In addition to financial support, benefits are provided for citizens over 70 years of age.

In what areas of life of Russian citizens are benefits provided?

  1. Taxes
  2. Transport.
  3. Medical services.
  4. Public utilities.

Among public utilities, citizens 70+ are provided with free services. major renovation in the common part of the house. A 50 percent discount on utility bills is also provided.

This type of benefit is provided for people who live in an apartment with pensioners or on their own, as well as for those who do not have debts for housing and communal services and major repairs. For the average pensioner, housing and communal services take up the majority of expenses.

Pensioners are provided with benefits under the following conditions

  1. Expenses for public services exceed the regional average.
  2. The pensioner presented documents confirming his age and registration, as well as a disability certificate.

20% of the country's budget is spent on supporting housing and communal services.

Medical benefits in 2018 for pensioners after 70 years of age

Medical institutions issue their own benefits for certain diseases and disabilities. Formed State Register drugs that are issued by pharmacies free of charge according to special report prescriptions. The ability to take the medicine is prescribed by the attending physician.

Patients over 70 years of age are offered medicines at a discount in addition to the existing list. A certificate from the Russian Pension Fund serves as the basis for obtaining vouchers to sanatoriums or resorts.

Disabled people, former military personnel and combat veterans may also receive compensation in the form of travel costs to the place of treatment. Medicines, vouchers and a cash supplement for travel make up the list of social services.

If a citizen of a preferential category does not want to use the privilege, he has the right to receive compensation in the form of a certain sum of money. When registering a waiver of the full package of social services, a citizen of a preferential category can receive a pension supplement in the amount of 1 thousand 50 rubles (according to 2018 data).

The last day when you can declare a refusal from social services and receive monetary compensation, with the help of which the amount of your pension is increased, was October 1, 2017. This made it possible to provide an increase in benefits in 2018. Another advantage for senior citizens is free dental prosthetics. The service is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

Regional allowances for pensioners after 70 years of age

Contacting the local branch of the Tax Service, Social Security authorities, MFC and the Pension Fund will help clarify the situation related to the current provisions on benefits and whether recalculation is allowed in your region. Support for elderly citizens in Russia does not stop at taxes, as well as medical and utility benefits.

Self-government bodies allow elderly pensioners to receive subsidies for

  1. Providing fuel to homes that do not have a central heating system.
  2. Gas provision based on financing.
  3. Compensation in emergency situations.
  4. Security technical means for assistance with mobility and rehabilitation, as well as assigning a social worker to the elderly citizen.

A pensioner who has not given up work has additional benefits - a second 2-week unpaid leave (for disability - 60 days) and the opportunity to resign without working off.

Not all pensioners will be able to receive an increase in pension after 70 years of age in 2018

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov, during his annual address to residents of the Moscow region, which took place on February 14, 2018, made several important statements. The successes achieved by the region in development plans were noted, and the results of programs for improvement, development of medicine and transport system Moscow region.

One of the governor’s addresses was sent personally to pensioners. Andrei Vorobyov ordered the introduction of payments for pensioners over 70 years of age who live in the Moscow region.

The cash benefit will be 5 thousand rubles. It will be a one-time support from the state, which will be received by about 700 thousand residents of the region during the first half of 2018.

Pensioners in the Moscow region aged 70 will receive additional cash benefits

All pensioners over 70 years of age who live in the Moscow region need to contact the territorial departments of social protection in order to receive the cash payments allocated for them.

This was mentioned by the Minister social development Moscow region Irina Faevskaya:

“Those residents of the Moscow region who are already recipients of compensation and payments, and who are already 70 years old, will automatically receive this payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. In total, about 700 thousand people will receive payments. Those who are not in our database must apply independently to the territorial department of social protection and receive a payment,” Irina Faevskaya said in an interview with reporters after the governor’s address.

A certain category of pensioners will receive an increase in pension after 70 years of age

The Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region additionally reports that since 2016, the region has established a measure of social assistance for pensioners near Moscow in the form of monthly cash payment in the amount of 700 rubles. 54 thousand pensioners in the Moscow region are already receiving such assistance.

This payment is eligible for elderly people who live alone and have already reached 70 years of age. Families of pensioners also have the right to payment if one of them has reached the required number of years, and the income of each of them does not exceed the subsistence level of pensioners in the amount of 18,142 rubles.

It is worth noting that there is a category of citizens who are not legally provided for such an increase in pension upon reaching a certain age. These are disabled people of the 1st group. The fact is that these people, from the very moment they reach retirement age, receive a pension at a double fixed payment. Recalculation of insurance pensions for citizens who have reached the age of 80 occurs automatically without an application or any other additional documents.

However, one cannot completely exclude human factor. Therefore, it is necessary to know how the pension is calculated, and also to remember the factors that influence its increase in order to resolve any controversial issues. What other factors influence the increase in the pension size of 80-year-old citizens? There are several other factors, when taken into account, the income of 80-year-old citizens can be increased.

Additional payment for pensioners who have reached 80 years of age: amount of the supplement

In order to improve the quality of life of older people, our state has developed measures to support them. This is especially true for citizens who have reached the age of 80 - for them not only does the amount increase pension provision, but also provides a number of additional benefits and payments. In this article we will talk in detail about what additional payment to pensions is established after the age of 80, as well as what other privileges such citizens can count on from the state.

What additional payments are required?

Upon reaching the age of 80, citizens receiving an old-age insurance (labor) pension acquire the right to receive additional financial assistance, namely:

  • increasing the amount of pension benefits;
  • receiving monthly compensation to a person caring for a pensioner.

Also, depending on the region of residence, older citizens may be provided with additional social support established at the local level.

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How much extra do pensioners pay after 80 years of age: the amount of the supplement

The amount of pension provision for 80-year-old citizens is increasing due to an increase in the fixed payment.

According to Article 17 of Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions,” the fixed payment in this case is subject to an increase of 100%. The only exceptions are pensioners who are disabled people of group I - for them the increased payment amount applies initially.

It should be noted that taking into account the annual indexation of insurance payments, since January 2018, the size of the fixed payment has been increased by 3.7% and amounts to 4982.9 rubles. Thus, for citizens who have reached the age of 80, the fixed payment amount is 10,334.53 rubles.

At the same time, when calculating the pension provision of citizens living in the North for the entire period of residence in a given climatic zone the appropriate regional coefficient is applied.

For persons with sufficient northern work experience, the 100% increase in the fixed payment is further increased by:

  • 50% of the increase amount, subject to at least 15 years of experience in the Far North;
  • 30% of the increase amount, subject to at least 20 years of experience in an area equated to the Far North.

Citizens who have the right to apply the regional coefficient to payments, as well as to increase their pensions due to northern work experience, are given the right to choose the most advantageous basis.

How to apply

Where to go and what to do?

The increase in pension provision for citizens who have reached the age of 80 is carried out by the Pension Fund independently on the basis of available data on personalized registration of citizens.

What documents are needed

The pensioner himself does not need to apply for the establishment of an increased payment anywhere - the Pension Fund carries out this procedure without the participation of the pensioner.

Payment terms

The fixed payment increases automatically within one month from the day the citizen reaches 80 years of age.

What other benefits and payments are available to an 80-year-old pensioner?

In addition to additional financial assistance, pensioners over 80 years of age are entitled to the following benefits:

  • free social services and medical care;
  • provision of places in boarding houses for the elderly, boarding schools, nursing homes and others government institutions medical purposes;
  • provision of public housing in the event that the pensioner’s existing housing is unsuitable for living.

Also, senior citizens have the right to use a number of social services, including:

  • free legal assistance;
  • receiving a set of products or a one-time hot meal;
  • medical and psychological assistance;
  • a visit to the home of a social or medical worker;
  • receiving targeted assistance in the form of clothing, shoes, hygiene products and basic necessities.

In addition, amendments made to the Housing Code allow constituent entities of the Russian Federation to independently decide on complete liberation single 80-year-old and older citizens from paying contributions for major repairs common property in an apartment building. Also at the regional level, such pensioners may be provided with other benefits:

  • the right to free travel in public transport;
  • discounts on housing and communal services;
  • compensation for using the telephone, etc.

Care benefit for pensioners over 80: what do you need to know?

Who can receive: conditions

Since some citizens who have reached the age of 80 are not capable of independent care and need constant outside help, for citizens caring for the elderly, the state has provided for the provision of material support in the form of compensation payments.

According to current legislation, any able-bodied citizen has the right to care for a pensioner, regardless of whether family connection. The fact that you live together does not matter either.

In this case, payments are assigned only if:

  • the caregiver is not the recipient of any income (salary, pensions, unemployment benefits, etc.);
  • a pensioner who needs care does not carry out income-generating activities.

What is important is that not only adults, but also minors who have reached the age of 14 can take care of a pensioner.

Caring for an elderly citizen over 80 years of age is considered work, and the corresponding government payment is considered a salary for it. A person who takes care of an elderly person and receives EDV for this is awarded pension points towards the future insurance part of the old-age benefit in the amount of 1.8 per calendar year. A citizen caring for an elderly person can:

  • not be a relative of the elderly person he cares for;
  • to care for several elderly citizens - benefits will be assigned for each ward;
  • has the right to spend the money received from the state as he wishes.