Eastern lily, planting and care. Oriental lily, planting and care General rules for planting

Mero Star (Mero Star) is a hybrid lily. Brought from Asia. Suitable for our climatic conditions. The color is pink-red with a white border. Good frost resistance, easy propagation and unpretentiousness. Prefers neutral soil with added sand. The height of Mero Star lilies reaches approximately 110-120 centimeters. The flowers are from fifteen to twenty centimeters in diameter, directed to the side or upward, with a pleasant sweet aroma, which intensifies in the evening. When cut, the flower is very stable and tolerates transportation well; the flowers do not lose their freshness and strength of aroma for up to two weeks.

The best place for planting is sunny or partial shade, in fertile and well-drained soil. The strength of the stem is high. The distance between flowers should not be less than twenty to twenty-five centimeters, and the planting depth should be deeper than fifteen to twenty. Reproduction occurs by dividing the bulbs, and nodules are formed along the stem, which are later used for propagation. The flowering period is ninety-five days. For the winter, it is recommended to dig up lily bulbs for subsequent storage in a cold place. If you need to buy lilies wholesale in Moscow, our online store offers all the newest varieties.

Many people want to decorate their country cottage area or home flower garden unusual and beautiful plants, these also include lily flowers, namely their oriental hybrids. These crops are grown both in boxes on the balcony and in small floor baths. In the flowerbed they are planted close to the edge to create a beautiful flower arrangement. More about this beautiful flower We'll tell you later in the article.

Oriental hybrids were created by crossing several East Asian species. The brightness of the flowering of these plants can only be observed closer to autumn, when other flowers have already faded. The flowers of hybrid lilies are large and have pleasant aroma. Thus, flowers of some varieties can reach 250 mm in diameter. Color palette the blooming buds are quite diverse. They can be, for example, white, red or pink.

As for the leaves of lilies of this variety, they are broadly lanceolate. The petioles of most of them are long. Flowers on spreading racemes can be located either below or to the side. On some petals the existing papillae are visible. The shape of the flowers can be star-shaped or turban-shaped (i.e. in the shape of a turban or turban). The first ones in the outer circle have beautiful petals.

It's worth saying that various varieties lilies grow to different heights. In addition, each type of plant has its own individual rules planting and care. It is also important to properly prepare the crop for wintering. In particular, it will be enough to simply remove the containers with seedlings to a suitable dry place until autumn. For the winter, you can place them in a utility room or basement. The main thing is that they maintain a suitable temperature.

Blooming different varieties also at different times. So, early species begin to bloom in early August, and late varieties at the end of the same month or at the beginning of September. Old plants should be protected from prolonged rains, because... they can do them a lot of harm. To do this, seedlings can be covered with film or, in general, grown in greenhouses. In addition, high humidity increases the chance of developing a disease such as fusarium.

General rules for planting

For hybrids, a sufficiently long time must pass after planting for them to begin to bloom. For older varieties, the growing season before flowering is about 130 days. In order for these plants to have time to bloom, the summer must be long enough. Therefore, in our regions we have to protect plants from frost using nonwovens. This is done in mid-spring and early autumn. But new varieties begin to bloom earlier, thanks to which even in our regions they have time to go through a full growing season over the summer. However, they do not need to be covered for the winter.

In general, the first eastern hybrids were simply not suitable for growing in the middle zone. But that changed thanks to modern technologies, which made it possible to make these lilies more resistant to our conditions. The first flowers from some varieties can be expected already in the second half of July, even if they were planted late.

Among the new varieties, oriental double lilies are gaining popularity. There are also varieties of this crop that must “take root” on the site for 2-3 years before showing their real beauty. The fact is that their flowers grow so heavy that the stems simply cannot stand them during the first years. Only after some time will they be able to get stronger. As for the soil, it is important that there is enough humus in it. At the same time, it must be ensured good drainage. In such conditions, flowering can be expected in the second half of summer. Otherwise, the growing technique is the same as for ordinary lilies. Any varieties of hybrid crops can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, and for successful wintering the most important thing is that there is no excess moisture in the soil.

It is better to purchase bulbs of Eastern hybrids in February or March. Lilies that will be purchased during this period can be stored until planting at a temperature of +6...+8 degrees in the refrigerator or in the basement, covered with a layer of damp peat. If the seedlings are purchased in containers, then they can be replanted with a clod of soil in the summer, even during the period of active flowering.

Purchasing Oriental hybrids for open ground, it is important to find out how long the plant’s growing season lasts before flowering begins. In addition, when purchasing, you should focus on characteristics region in which the dacha plot is located. Yes, for middle zone It will be enough to take plants with a growing season of 90-100 days. Many new varieties have this duration. They tend to have an average flower diameter of about 160mm. For successful cultivation Oriental hybrids need fertile, slightly acidic soil. It is allowed to plant in peaty soil, which is filled with sand and leaf humus. Drainage must be done. It is important that the bulbs are not planted in low areas where moisture may accumulate, as this can damage the seedling.

Choosing a site for planting lilies

Since the stems grow quite tall and the flowers are large, you need to choose a place for planting that is protected from the wind. It should be noted that oriental hybrids go well with marshmallows. Alternatively, you can also plant the bulbs in groups in the middle low bushes and under fruit trees so that they are in light shade. In any case, to protect seedlings from winter cold the landing must be deep. Above the mature bulb there should be a layer of soil equal to a thickness of approximately two times the diameter of the bulb.

Late-blooming lilies are best planted in the spring, which allows the plants to become properly established. It's also best to prepare the bulbs for their first winter. In late autumn, the crop is mulched with fallen leaves or peat. Then in the spring the lilies will begin to sprout later than usual and, thus, new shoots will not be subject to frost, which is likely in early June. In addition, low shoots are easier to cover.

The flowers of Oriental hybrids are quite large and have a pleasant aroma. The smell emanating from freshly cut flowers is better perceived by fresh air than indoors. To make the flower beds look more stylish and modern in appearance next to the Eastern hybrids, it is recommended to plant creeping ornamental crops short stature. This is also convenient from a practical point of view. So, thanks to this planting, you can prevent the earth from overheating in the heat. In addition, in winter these bushes will retain a layer of snow, which acts as additional insulation for nearby growing plants. In the spring, they will create protection from frost, which is useful for young shoots.

In order for Oriental lilies to grow well, as mentioned above, they need loose and nutritious soil. It is important that moisture does not accumulate between the seedlings. This can occur on heavy and wet soils. Such areas should be loosened and made more breathable before planting. To do this, parts of sand, peat, perlite, vermiculite and other leavening agents are added to their composition. It is also recommended to add a little ash. It is better not to use fresh manure at all.

Planting order

Depending on the variety, its height and power, the distance between plantings of the Eastern Line depends. In any case, they should be planted at a distance of at least 200 mm from each other. Thanks to this, the lily will eat well. In addition, this will provide good ventilation to the root system, because it is most prone to the appearance of fungal diseases. It is better not to loosen the soil around the plant during the growth period. It is only allowed to mulch. The fact is that there is a possibility of disturbing young roots located close to the surface. Lily bulbs that were dug up on the site or purchased for planting should be planted in as soon as possible, there is no need to dry them, because... they do not yet have their own protective shell. Before planting the bulbs, it is best to soak them in some quality fungicide. After which they should be dried in the shade for a couple of hours. This is necessary in order to eliminate excess moisture that could accumulate on the seedlings. The roots of the plant can then be trimmed a little to make it easier to place the seedling in the planting hole.

If you plan to store the sprouts before planting, they should be carefully placed in containers, lightly sprinkled with peat, moss or sand. In some cases, sellers and suppliers use dry sawdust obtained from coniferous species wood, which is not very suitable when the bulbs need to be stored for more than 3 weeks. In general, plant bulbs are stored much worse in sawdust.

Lilies that have not been transplanted should be fed with phosphate-potassium fertilizers in early autumn. In spring, complex fertilizing, such as nitrogen, is applied to the site. This should be done when the sprouts reach a height of at least 100 mm. In the spring, at this time, additional roots begin to sprout on the flower stalks of plants, due to which fertilizing is absorbed faster. Complex fertilizers should be applied again at the beginning of the formation of buds. If the bulbs were planted in August, then autumn feeding should be excluded or kept to a minimum. In this case, it will be enough to add ash to the soil.

Oriental lilies: care

Oriental lilies grow best in sun or light shade. It is advisable to have abundant sunlight in the morning or evening, but this is not necessary. If you need to cut seedlings, it is best to do this early in the morning, while keeping as many leaves as possible on the stem. Removal more leaves causes lilies to bloom worse. To prevent mice from harming planted plants, Persian fritillaria, daffodils or crocus can be planted next to the beds. IN winter period It is important to remove fallen snow from the site in a timely manner.

Oriental lilies usually reproduce vegetatively and by seeds. Each reproduction method has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if you don’t have time for this, then it’s easier to buy bulbs in a special store. To appearance flower beds have become more stylish and sophisticated; it is enough to plant only 3-5 plants.

Crop varieties

Depending on the type of flower, four groups of varieties of Oriental lilies are distinguished.

  • The first group includes lilies with elongated flowers, for example, varieties such as Little Fairies and Viceroy.
  • The second group includes lilies with cupped varieties, for example, the varieties “Africa”, “Dusky”, “Lavender Lady”, the hybrid group Oriental, “Betty”, “Crimson Beauty” and “Red Band”.
  • The third group is oriental lilies with wide flowers. This includes varieties such as “Imperil Gold”, “Imperial Silver”, “Aurora”, “Jillion Wallace”.
  • The fourth group includes lilies with petals bent back, for example, varieties “Allergo”, “Evening”, “Potomac” and “Enterprise”.

Eastern lily: photo


Lily is popular garden plants with fleshy leaves and large flowers. There are about 80 varieties of it, of which approximately 30 are grown in gardens. The plant reproduces by bulbs and also by seeds. Depending on the variety, the height of the stem ranges from 15 to 250 cm. Often, in some varieties, the leaves are curled in a spiral. Flowers bloom gradually, from lower to upper. Each of them lives from 3 to 9 days. The plant has different colors - yellow, red, white and purple. Many hybrids are created based on Lily.


Having decided to buy Lily bulbs of a certain variety, you need to first learn about the peculiarities of their cultivation, since each of them requires certain conditions that differ from the generally accepted ones. In most cases, it is better to plant all varieties in the second half of April or autumn.

Flowering plants need fertilizing. For this, a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is used. In the off-season it is recommended to use organic fertilizers. In the first year of cultivation, it is better to remove the bud to maintain the growth rate. After the flowers die, it is better to remove them manually, which will preserve the strength of the plant. Watering flowers is very important, especially in the first half of summer at the time of flowering. Water is poured under the root in the morning or afternoon. To preserve moisture, it is important to mulch or periodically loosen. After flowering, the frequency of watering decreases, but it must be continued until late autumn.

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Don't forget to lookvideo about Lily Bulbs (Lílium) :