Cancer lottery horoscope for September. Lucky numbers for Leo

Aquarius, like any other zodiac sign, has its own lucky numbers. They are determined by numerology, which calculates the combination of negative and successful digital combinations. So, what are Aquarius' lucky numbers?

4 and 8

Two main numbers. In general, it is believed that the luckiest numbers for Aquarius are 4, 8, 12 and 16. And to a lesser extent the rest, which are divisible by 4. But first, it’s worth talking about the most important ones. Here's what you need to know about these numbers:

  • Four. The people whom it touches in any way have a peculiar character. In disputes they usually take the opposite side from the majority. They don’t like to participate in discussions, but because of their principles they always stand in the opposition. That's why many people don't like them. The basis of the character of such people is unlimited intelligence and pessimism.
  • Eight. A number typical of extroverts. These people are distinguished by purposefulness, energy, authority and determination. They are authoritarian and have a way of leading others.

12 and 16

These numbers are second in importance to 4 and 8. Here's how they can be characterized:

  • Twelve. Superperfect number symbolizing divine circle and completeness. Determines fortitude, consciousness with great potential and the ability to accumulate and correctly distribute mental energy.
  • Sixteen. This number is characteristic of inquisitive people who love to travel, but also feel affection for friends, family and loved ones. The number 16 also gives its owners a strong sense of justice.

And every person who knows a little about astrology will agree that the meaning of the lucky numbers of Aquarius is identical to the personal characteristics of this zodiac sign.

9 and 13

It is believed that these two numbers also bring good luck to people born under the auspices of the zodiac sign in question. And it should be noted that they have a very specific meaning.

Nine is a number with its own center. People who have it to one degree or another are distinguished by honesty, strong character and impressive intelligence. Another advantage is the ability to set high goals and achieve them. Everyone is familiar with the habit of Aquarius to selflessly achieve best result even in small things.

Thirteen is the number that defines creative potential and mind. People who have it can be described as proud, ambitious and independent. They also grasp everything on the fly, learn easily, and perform their work without special effort.


Aquarians are rare lucky people. Maybe because they know how to dream intelligently - they realistically visualize their fantasies and unconsciously go towards them in reality, designing the future. Or maybe it's all a matter of natural luck.

If Aquarians play, they end up winning big victories. Why? Because initially they do not expect to win. For them, sports interest, pleasure and adrenaline are paramount.

Yes, Aquarians are passionate. And they are not averse to sometimes trying Fortune and playing the lottery. Lucky numbers for Aquarius you can try it out precisely at such moments. In gambling these are 9, 14 and 19. And also all kinds of combinations: 91419, 91914, 41991, etc.

Dates and years

When talking about the lucky numbers of Aquarius, one cannot fail to mention that a lot depends on what day the person whose patron is this zodiac sign was born. These are also digital values.

Aquarians born between January 21 and February 1 belong to the first decade. They are under the influence of Venus, which makes them melancholic, refined in love and shy. Their important years of life are 12, 22, 32, 42 and 52. If these values ​​come across in any areas, then you should attach importance to this, since they can be fateful.

Aquarians born between 2 and 2 are influenced by Mercury. They are distinguished by morality, an excellent sense of humor, a little vanity and a sharp mind. Their important years are 42, 50 and 60.

But Aquarius born are influenced by the Moon. These are reserved, pleasant, unyielding individuals. Of all Aquarius, they have the most dynamic life. Important years fall on 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64 and 72.

Lucky days

It was said above what lucky numbers for Aquarius are determined by numerology. What about lucky days? After all, each of them is also designated by a number.

If you believe the horoscope, then the days falling on the 2nd, 4th and 8th are fateful. It is on them that it is recommended to plan the conclusion of important contracts, implementation significant plans etc. Starting on the 4th or 8th will ensure a favorable course of affairs. These days, Aquarians are always lucky, although they often don’t even notice it.

Favorable months and time of day

Lucky months for people born under the auspices of this zodiac sign are April and August - the 4th and 8th of the year, by the way.

The horoscope, by the way, even determines the happy time of day. For Aquarius it lasts from 8 to 10 am. This time can be used to make plans or complete important tasks.

Numerical horoscope for 2018

Enough has been said about the lucky numbers of Aquarius. Today, many people like to study the horoscope for the coming year by month. This topic is relevant, so it’s worth paying attention to it finally. So, here's what awaits Aquarius in the current year, 2018:

  • January. The soul asks for peace, but worries do not give the opportunity to rest. A difficult month will be filled with summing up results and saying goodbye to the past. Lucky days will fall on 4, 12, 14, 18, 20 and 27. Bad ones on 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 24 and 31.
  • February. A month in which Aquarius will actively work for the future. There will be important news and successes in business. Good days will be 7, 10, 12, 17, 18 and 26, and bad days will be 4, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15 and 27.
  • March. This month will be rich in prospects and opportunities. You will be able to prove yourself on days such as 1, 4, 14, 21 and 27. But on 2, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 25, 29 and 31 there is a risk of making mistakes or
  • April. There is a risk of encountering obstacles on the way to achieving your goals, but they can be overcome. Unexpected events and sudden decisions are possible. Favorable days will occur on 3, 7, 17, 24, 25 and 29. But nothing important should be planned on 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23 and 30.
  • May. The beginning of the month may be fussy and problematic, the middle will be rich in conflicts, but by the end of it good luck will come. Things will go well on May 1, 4, 10, 17, 19 and 29. However, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 23, 24 and 30 cannot be counted on luck.
  • June. Beginning and middle of the month - good time both for work and for relaxation. You can plan anything - you will be able to implement your plan. But by the end of June, obstacles, gossip, conflicts, and problems with family will begin to interfere. Better days will become 1, 9, 11, 15, 17, 25 and 27. Little good can be expected from 2, 3, 7, 13, 22 and 28.
  • July. The month in which Aquarius energy will peak. The lucky numbers for women and men during this period will be 3, 4, 8, 15, 25 and 30. However, 2, 6, 12, 13, 22, 27 and 28 will be tense. These days it will be easy to lose your temper and make mistakes.
  • August. A month rich in obstacles. You will have to solve many problems and cope with internal doubts. The lucky days will be those that fall on 7, 14, 17, 25 and 28. The most unfavorable days will be 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25 and 30.
  • September. Serious losses are coming. There may be problems with mood, self-control and discipline, even a mental breakdown. But if you manage to cope with this (it’s better to take a vacation for this period), there will be an upturn at the end of the month. The normal days will be those that fall on 2, 5, 11, 13, 17 and 26. But on 3, 6, 9, 18, 23 and 24 it is better not to do anything at all.
  • October. Massive changes are coming this month. It is even possible to move. There will be problems, but not like in September. Good days will be 6, 11, 13, 21, 26 and 31. Bad days will be on 2, 8, 18, 24 and 28.
  • November. We will have to solve problems that we have never encountered before. It will take a lot of patience and work. There will be financial problems, and the most important thing in November is not to take risks. Otherwise, you can lose everything. Lucky numbers for Aquarius (both men and women) will fall on 3, 5, 9, 18 and 24. Things will go badly on 1, 7, 14, 16, 21, 22, 25 and 30.
  • December. By the end of the year things will start to get better. December will be interesting and unpredictable. What was lost in the past months will be compensated. The best days will be 2, 4, 9, 11, 19, 20, 24 and 28. Problems will be encountered on 3, 6, 12,15, 16, 22, 26 and 30.

These magic numbers are calculated every year by numerologists and are a kind of talisman. You can find them on car license plates, phone numbers, advertisements, clothes and everywhere else you can!

It is also useful to carry them in your wallet on a piece of paper or make them yourself from wood.

Mathematics for attracting good luck

According to experienced mathematicians, every person in this world is the happy owner of his own magical number sign, which can accompany him in many matters. To determine its value, you will have to use all the digits of the date of birth, adding them together until you get a single digit. For example, your birthday falls on February 5, 1991. In this case, you will have to perform the following actions. 1. 0+5+0+2+1+9+9+1=27 2. 2+7=9 It turns out that the number that brings good luck to a person born on the specified day is nine. It is in it that the meaning of many life events of its owner lies.
Another surefire method for determining a mysterious number that affects your entire life is to independently choose the most suitable option from the wide variety of existing figures. Usually after this a person makes some kind of bet on it, or, more simply put, “charges” it for good luck. In this case, preference is given to a specific date when some significant event occurred at one time. Sometimes a person simply convinces himself that this particular number can bring him success, since it already succeeded once. In this case, you just need to approach the installation process itself with all seriousness in order to really believe in the mystical capabilities of the selected symbol.

“The Devil's Dozen” or should you be afraid of the number 13?

Despite the fact that the well-known number 13 has an overly welcoming reputation, many people consider it the luckiest for their destiny. The thing is that this value is already charged magical energy in its very essence, and carries a truly sacred meaning.
According to the Mayan Indians and ancient Egyptians, it is in the 13th phase of life that a person will be able to find true happiness. Among the Italian inhabitants, the number 13 is considered to be a symbol of development and fertility. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the “devil’s dozen” is chosen as the lucky number of life. In many modern countries the marked figure represents wisdom, because on the seal of King Solomon himself there were 13 stars. All magic experts agree that the number 13 will sooner or later bring good luck to its owner, but only if you really sincerely believe in its power.

The Magnificent Seven

In modern astrology and occultism, a very important role is assigned to the seven, which has practically unlimited possibilities. For those who doubt their lucky number and still have not been able to determine it, it is better to make friends with the “lucky” seven. It is this figure that can become a very lucky mascot in the most difficult moments of life choice. In many ways, the peculiarity of this number depends on the fact that in almost every current world religion there are fundamental concepts associated with seven. 7 angels and virtues in Christianity, 7 holidays in Judaism, 7 gates of heaven in Islam. You can find this interesting meaning everywhere. Even in the Ancient East, the announced figure was considered the personification of intelligence, health, wealth and wisdom. Lucky number for every zodiac sign, Numerology and astrology always go hand in hand. This means that each representative of the zodiacal constellation has his own set of favorable numbers that act exclusively for him. In this case, the division of numbers itself does not occur according to the 12 signs of the zodiac, but rather depending on the element to which each of them belongs.
1. Water – Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.
2. Earth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
3. Air – Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.
4. Fire – Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.
According to the information described earlier, all the most important events in life should be assigned exclusively to the “successful” days of the month, so that every invented undertaking is guaranteed to bring long-awaited fruits. To determine the most favorable number depending on the zodiac sign, you should take into account significant moments and the special arrangement of stars in the sky.

Lucky numbers in 2017 for representatives of the element of Water

1. Cancers. According to astrologers, the happiest numbers for representatives of the marked summer sign are considered to be 2, 4, 5 and 8. The marked dates of each month are considered the most favorable for business connections and the establishment of personal relationships. These same values ​​will help Cancers decide on exact dates when you should make the most fateful decisions in life. To put it simply, correct use Lucky numbers will give you the opportunity to turn any situation in the right direction.
2. Pisces. Those born between February 20 and the same date in March should remember the following lucky numbers - 6, 7, 11. In addition to them, numbers that are multiples of 7 can bring good luck.
3. Scorpios. For all representatives of the marked sign, the most favorable numbers can be called: 4, 5, 8, 9. The marked numbers bring to all representatives water element prosperity, stable position in society and success among the opposite sex. Since it is very important for Scorpios to take the lead in everything, it is the magical numbers described that can help them in this.

Favorable meanings in 2017 for representatives of the Air element

1. Libra. For people born under this sign, all numbers divisible by 6 can be considered lucky. In addition to them, 2, 7, 8, and 9 can be fateful. For example, a marriage entered into on the described date can really turn out to be strong and durable .
2. Aquarius. The element of air makes people more hot-tempered and forces them to look at seemingly ordinary things from a special angle. In this case, the numbers 9, 11 and 13 will help maintain the desired balance. According to astrologers, you can play the lottery using similar numbers - the probability of winning is very high.
3. Gemini. In this case, the numbers of happiness are threes and fours. It is very important for representatives of this sign to know that they are loved and appreciated. It is 3 and 4 that can help in establishing a love sphere.

Lucky numbers in 2017 for the element of Fire

1. Lions. For the most part, all representatives of the marked summer sign are considered strong, self-confident and purposeful individuals. True, they all pay attention to different mystical symbols, among which the magic of numbers takes its due place. For Leo, lucky numbers are considered to be 3, 8, 13 and all numbers that are multiples of 3.
2. Sagittarius. For most representatives of this sign, the luckiest number is 7. In addition to it, luck brings 8 and 13, or their various combinations.
3. Aries. For people born under this obstinate sign, the numbers 4, 7, 9 are favorable in life. It is thanks to the described meanings that it will be possible to easily find the hidden talents of Aries, while realizing their creative potential.

Favorable numbers in 2017 for representatives of the Earth element

1. Taurus. For these brave people, the truly lucky number of life can be called 2, 4 and all other numbers that are multiples of 6. To check the luck of the described values, it is enough to check them. For example, schedule a date or date that matches your lucky number. business meeting, and just look at the result. Believe me, he will pleasantly surprise you.
2. Capricorns. People born under this sign can only be curbed by 3, 5, 7 and 8. Capricorns themselves are very impressionable individuals who can easily take their word for what astrologers believe about the importance of the life number. If they really believe that some abstract concept has magical power, their lives will begin to change in better side right before your eyes.
3. Virgos. Such vulnerable and sensitive natures should remember that 3, 7 and any possible combinations of these values ​​are responsible for success in their lives. By the way, if some fateful events or decisions are planned soon, you should not discard the opinion of numerologists regarding the specific date of their adoption. In conclusion, all that remains is to add that numbers will truly bring success only when we do not just rely on them, but begin to believe in their power in order to achieve a specific goal.

The coming 2017 promises to be bright and interesting. This is the year for active people who are accustomed to taking action and not sitting idly by. This year you need to identify for yourself those areas that are important to you, and direct the focus of your attention and action precisely to them, without being scattered over trifles. Then success awaits you. And for some it will begin on December 31 at 20.00 live NTV. It is on this day, in front of millions of television viewers, that more than 1 billion rubles will be raffled off in the state lotteries Stoloto during the New Year's Show 1 . If you believe the stars, luck can smile on many. After all, the year of the Red Rooster is favorable to those who take the initiative into their own hands.


If last year brought a lot of doubts and worries in all areas of life, then next year will be the complete opposite. Right now all the paths and opportunities are opening up that can lead to success both in financially, and in personal life. And this is the best time to think about buying a lucky lottery ticket.

The first half of the year is full of offers and prospects, so be careful when choosing, use your head and intuition. Be especially prepared for July: this is vacation time, which will bring not only romantic adventures, but also useful acquaintances.
Autumn is a time of good beginnings and new aspirations. However, remember: everything is good in moderation. Your reasonable approach will bring excellent results in terms of finance and career growth in the future.


The past year can be called quite smooth, and the next year is expected to be equally stable. Taurus is characterized by carefully thinking through all the details, and this helps you not only constantly stay afloat, but also, to the surprise of everyone, achieve success in business.
The first half of the year should be devoted to projects that will ensure your future life. Spring will bring many tempting and interesting offers. Trust your instincts and you won't go wrong. And if you are unlucky in love in the spring, do not be upset: if you are unlucky in love, you may be lucky in the lottery, do not forget to buy your winning ticket!
In summer, go on vacation to the seashore. September will bring you a new hobby, which may turn out to be your soulmate. Be careful when meeting new people. And December will delight you with a special surprise associated with the addition of the family.


In the coming year, Geminis are advised to give less of themselves to passions that interfere with their progress. career ladder and harm family relations. Remember that you are an incredibly addicted sign, whose common sense speaks very timidly and therefore often goes unheard. Listen to your inner voice, and it will not allow you to commit rash actions.
The next year, starting with the winter months, gives Gemini all the cards in its hands. Try to play them wisely. For example, try your luck at the lottery. In the spring, luck is on your side, and perhaps a big cash win awaits you.
The turning point may occur in April, and then you will have to pacify your nature so as not to destroy already achieved successes. Calm and once again calm is your motto for the next year.
In the summer, make time for have a relaxing holiday, and in the fall take care of your physical fitness. Plan a trip for December ski resort with a family.


Last year, you did not find understanding among your colleagues when trying to prove the feasibility of your ideas. The coming year gives you this opportunity. Allow yourself to be more flexible, tactful and confident, gain new knowledge and experience, make useful contacts, and then everything will work out.
If you work hard on your mistakes in the first half of the year, then the second half of the year will more than pay off your efforts. In the fall, plan to participate, for example, in a lottery, and if you are not lucky the first time, you will miss one draw, but luck may smile on you in the next one!
also in last month An interesting romantic acquaintance awaits you in the fall. And schedule your vacation not for the summer, but in spite of everything for December. This month has many pleasant surprises in store for you, so make some time for yourself and be prepared for them.

a lion

A strong and strong-willed sign that always succeeds in everything. And the coming year is no exception. Leo is allowed to be assertive and decisive, thanks to which all the troubles and ups and downs of life bypass him.
In the first half of the year, the topic of partnership will become relevant, and for it to take place, you should hold back your ambitions a little and direct your irrepressible energy to the development of future projects. Considering all this, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to come up with anything with a vacation in the first half of the year; the best time for this is August, a calm time conducive to reflection, restoration of health and the establishment of relationships in your personal life.
September is a favorable month for participating in lottery draws. Perhaps you will be the lucky one! November will bring a promotion, and in December be sure to find time to go to the gym.


For the rational Virgo, the past year was difficult due to the unpredictability of events, various surprises and shocks. The next year promises to be calmer if you manage to stay within your usual channel of rationality and common sense.
In the first half of the year, people will constantly try to invade your inner world, however, do not rush to put on your shell, someone may turn out to be your soul mate.
Pay attention to November. The most incredible things can happen this month - from an unexpected promotion to changes in your personal life. Remember to pay attention to the signs and trust your intuition. And remember: your winning strategy this year may be to enter the lottery. Dedicate December to your career and business development.


Libra's hesitation and uncertainty in the past year did not bring the expected results, since you could not choose the right direction. Therefore, next year it is worth being more confident in making decisions. Excessive delving into yourself and your failures will only aggravate the matter and will not allow you to move forward.

Forget about everything and act with ease and ease: the first half of the year is very favorable for changes for the better, so everything is in your hands. There will also be no failures in your personal life if in April you pay attention to yourself, take a short vacation, take care of your health and update your wardrobe. And if you buy a lottery ticket in the summer or fall, you may receive an unexpected valuable prize. The end of the year promises to be calm and will provide an opportunity to finally relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle.


Scorpio's life is always eventful, such is their character and bright energy. The coming year will also bring a lot of interesting things, but in some cases it is necessary to show patience and endurance in order not to get into trouble.
The first half of the year will seem to be swinging slowly, providing seemingly insignificant chances. But they are the ones who can bring incredible success in business in the future, so don’t rashly dismiss everything that you didn’t like. And it is at this time that you give yourself a ticket to happy life. It may be time to take part in a few lottery draws.
March - best time to take action, develop new opportunities and form alliances. Created in the spring, they will give favorable results in all areas of life in the fall, and by the end of the year you will rightfully experience a feeling of personal triumph. Schedule advanced training courses for November, and spend time in December more attention health.


The spirit of adventurism, successfully used last year, should be temporarily mothballed. In the coming year, directness and honesty, sincerity and cordiality rule the show for Sagittarius. Show these qualities in your interactions with others, it will benefit you.
The first half of the year will be the launching pad for new contracts and successful alliances. And also in order to take part in the lottery. Choose your favorite numbers and get a chance to improve your life.
In February, you should pay attention to your health. A slight cold can turn into a long-term treatment, so try to strengthen your body.
In Sagittarius’s personal life, everything is flawless, and the end of the year will not be slow to prove this with a stunning surprise, so it would be a good idea to prepare for receiving it - to take care of yourself.


Practical Capricorn confidently avoids all reefs in his path - both last year and in the future. An extraordinary mind sensitively recognizes all dangers and maneuvers among them with the experience of an experienced ship captain.
The first half of the year will force you to show all your positive traits fully. It will take patience and forethought to negotiate the most profitable contracts for you. At this time, luck will smile on you; perhaps you shouldn’t delay buying a lottery ticket!
In May, you will be able to relax a little and spend time with your family. Autumn will be especially favorable in terms of finances, and it will be possible to make a long-awaited trip in order to avoid chronic fatigue and maintain peace of mind.


The past year has brought a lot of excitement to Aquarius, setting traps for failure in the most unexpected places. However, in the coming year you can relax a little.
The first half of the year for Aquarius will show all its most favorable sides. At this time, it is good to make useful contacts, move up the career ladder, start a new business, purchase real estate and build strong personal relationships. Buy a lottery ticket and don't forget to check it in time, you will be pleasantly surprised!
A slight disruption to the lucky streak will only occur in June. However, if you keep your sanity, this will not have a significant impact on the remaining period. Perhaps this is the best time to plan a vacation, to go somewhere you have long wanted to go.
The end of the year will be marked by an unexpected reward for your diligence and determination.


The outward equanimity and even some impenetrability of Pisces in the past year angered those around him a lot, but in next year this quality can serve you well.
The first half of the year promises to be very busy in terms of changes in work. Here you will need to keep your finger on the pulse so as not to miss the very chance that can radically change your status. Take part in the lottery several times, perhaps you won’t win instantly, but in the future you will experience incredible luck.
The summer months are marked by surges various kinds proposals, but not all of them are worth accepting. Pay close attention to this period, and you can avoid troubles.
September is your month in terms of your personal life. Here you will be, as they say, in shock. Autumn will be very warm and will bring you long-awaited peace in the family and replenishment of the family composition. And December will delight you with new career plans.

Astrologer Olga Aristova

1. The timing of prize draws, the source of information about the organizer, the rules, the prize fund, the number of prizes or winnings, the timing, place and procedure for receiving prizes or winnings are indicated on the official website

Much in our life depends on luck. To be more precise, it depends on whether she will be on the person’s side in important point his life or not. Many people who believe in astrology wonder which zodiac sign is the luckiest. Well, there is a clear answer to this question. Astrologers have come to him for a long time. However, every zodiac sign can be called lucky. Only in my own way. Well, it’s worth talking about all this in more detail.

Absolutely lucky

Most astrologers and horoscopes assure: the list of the most successful and luckiest zodiac signs is headed by Gemini. They are lucky in almost everything and always. They often attribute their luck to the fact that circumstances have developed this way. But this happens too often.

Luck will always accompany them. In trade, for example. Geminis are great at winning people over and getting what they want from them. They are eloquent, cunning and have a flexible mind.

These people are also unusually lucky in finding useful connections. Perhaps due to their sociability. They are also lucky with money. Geminis know where to get them and exactly how. They are rarely left without financial support. Money, if anything, finds it on its own, and in a rather unusual way. An inheritance may unexpectedly fall on Gemini. Or a lottery ticket purchased with change will be a winner.

Luck smiles on them in love too. Next to Gemini there are always individuals who are ready to become faithful partners. Success in their careers also awaits them, which is accompanied by recognition from colleagues and bonuses from their superiors. In general, Geminis are real lucky ones, in everything. This is exactly what they say about the luckiest sign of the zodiac.

Aries and Scorpio

They are also worth noting. Yes, we talked above about which zodiac sign is the luckiest, but this does not mean that fortune bypasses the rest.

Aries are also quite lucky individuals. Fortune constantly throws these people what everyone calls a lucky chance. They will think for a long time about solving a problem, but suddenly everything will be solved so quickly and successfully that they won’t even be surprised in time. They are also lucky to win in competitions, tournaments, competitions and often lotteries and casinos.

But Scorpios are lucky in that fate has rewarded them with a wide variety of talents and abilities. And they always end up in the right place in right time. So they realize their potential in such situations. Scorpios are incredibly lucky to encounter dangerous situations, which they deftly cope with, extracting not only the adrenaline they need, but also benefits. And everyone knows that fortune likes people who are not afraid to take risks.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

When talking about which zodiac signs are the luckiest, it is worth paying attention to these two. Sagittarius, for example, constantly has his wishes come true. And needs are satisfied regularly and as if by themselves. They also always find more than they lose. Sagittarians are sometimes surprised by how well their lives are going. After all, they often don’t put much effort into it.

Capricorns are lucky with finds. And of all kinds. They may find an expensive phone, wallet or gold chain. And sometimes they miraculously manage to get a lucrative offer or a dream job. By the way, Capricorns are also lucky in terms of their health. They almost never have problems with this.

Taurus and Cancer

People born under these signs have one thing in common. And this is financial luck. Taurus, for example, literally attract money to themselves. They get them as simply and easily as possible, and from many sources. If we talk about which zodiac sign is the luckiest in terms of money, then Taurus will be the clear leader. And fortune constantly throws them profitable acquaintances.

Cancers have good luck with investments different types. They have a special intuition that constantly tells them correct solution. They always know what to invest in. Their contributions are always growing and replenished. Cancers are almost never overtaken by ruin and bankruptcy. By the way, the same can be said about their personal life. They are happy in their relationships, and their family hearth and marriage can be the envy of many. Because if we discuss which one is the most lucky sign zodiac sign in love and life, Cancer will take one of the first places in the ranking.


These people can also be called lucky. If we talk about which zodiac signs are the luckiest in creativity, then Leo will definitely be first in this ranking. A person born under his auspices realizes his talents in any case. And if he wants, he can become famous. Fortune will give him a chance or opportunity every time. Leo can only not miss them. They are also lucky to have sensitive and responsive people. Leo will never be left without moral support and care.


They are the real lucky ones in lotteries and casinos. Perhaps because they are gambling. The game process gives them unprecedented pleasure. And they win much more often than others. By the way, they are also lucky in terms of information. Aquarians often receive some information that soon finds its application and helps them gain benefits. This is the luckiest zodiac sign in this regard. By the way, this is why people born under the sign of Aquarius are recommended to become journalists.

The unluckiest signs

Well, a lot has been said above about which luckiest zodiac sign tops the list of lucky people. As one might understand, fortune often smiles on many people in one or another area of ​​life.

But, unfortunately, there are three zodiac signs that have absolutely no luck. And this list is topped by Virgo. Virgos are never lucky. Not with anything. Everything they have is the result of their fruitful and hard work. And if they are lucky in anything, it is in hard work, perseverance and determination. Only thanks to this they get what they want.

Libras are also not lucky individuals and favorites of Lady Luck. Rarely does fortune smile on them. Sometimes they can be bypassed by some danger, for example. Or suddenly circumstances will develop in such a way that Libra will be lucky instead of someone else. But no more.

And finally, Pisces. They say that trouble does not come alone. In this case, we can rephrase this expression. And it turns out that luck does not come alone. If Pisces is lucky, something unpleasant will happen in the near future. For example, a man found a thousand rubles. And tomorrow he will get sick, and he will have to buy medicine for himself with this money. Or he wins the lottery, cashes the check, but loses his wallet. In general, Pisces are not lucky either. But they have a rich inner world, for which many people love them.

But even if fortune doesn’t want to smile, you shouldn’t be upset. It’s not for nothing that they say that there is a holiday on every street.

Numerology is an ancient science. She claims that there are numbers that bring good luck to each specific person and you can easily find out by making a calculation using your full name.

Calculate your lucky number using a simple formula. Look in the table which number corresponds to each letter and make the calculations. It will take some time. The fact is that all letters in numerology have their own numerical value.

An example of how to find out your luck number.

Sergey Petrovich Andreev - 1 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 28 (this is the sum of the name).

Middle name - 8 + 6 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 43.

Last name - 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 3 = 36.

Now we sequentially add all three rows of numbers, we get: 28 + 43 + 36.

According to the laws of numerology, in the end we must get a single-digit number from 1 to 9. Therefore, we continue to add, but not 28 with 43 and 36, but all the numbers separately.

Like this: 2 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 26.

And again: 2 + 6 = 8.

Having learned to calculate the number of a name, all that remains is to find out which numbers are “yours” to attract good luck.

Often, intuitively, you know personal numbers that bring good luck and money; you unconsciously look for them in your life, in a date, house or car number, in the lottery and in various events. After the calculation, you will know for sure which numbers will help you achieve success faster in any area of ​​life.


For owners of units - 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55. To win the lottery the numbers are 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55.

For owners of twos - 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56. For playing the lottery: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47.

For threes - 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57. In the lottery - 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57.

For fours - 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58. Lucky numbers for the lottery are 13, 22, 31,40, 49.

For fives - 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59. For success in the lottery 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59.

For sixes - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60. Lottery - 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60.

For sevens - 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61. Pay attention to these values ​​​​in lottery tickets: 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61.

For eights - 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62. 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62 will attract wealth.

For nines - 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63. Win a large sum 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 will help.

Calculation of luck code number by date of birth

According to the law of numerology, there are ten vibrational numbers. Each number corresponds to its own vibration flow.

0 - symbol of the Absolute,

1 - vibration of the planet Sun,

2 - vibrations of the planet Moon,

3 - vibrations of the planet Mars,

4 - vibrations of the planet Mercury,

5 - vibrations of the planet Jupiter,

6 - vibrations of the planet Venus,

7 - vibrations of the planet Saturn,

8 - vibrations of the planet Uranus,

9 - vibrations of the planet Neptune.

Your luck code consists of a combination of numbers and can be calculated using the following formula:

Add the numbers one by one from the day, month and year of birth.

Let's sum up: 2+1+1+1+9+9+2 = 25 = 2+5 = 7. Therefore, the lucky number of a person born on this day will be 7.

Horoscope of luck numbers according to zodiac signs

Zodiac constellations have their own favorable numbers.

Values ​​that will attract good luck in 2017 to the following signs:

Water element

Cancers – 2, 4, 5, 8.

Pisces – 6, 7, 11, multiples of 7.

Scorpios – 4, 5, 8, 9.

Air Elements

Libra – 2, 7, 8, 9, multiples of 6.

Aquarius – 9, 11, 13.

Gemini - 3, 4.

Elements Earth

Taurus – 2, 4, multiples of 6.

Virgos – 3, 7 and their combinations.

Capricorns – 3, 5, 7, 8.

Fire Elements

Aries – 4, 7, 9.

Leo - 3, 8, 13, multiples of 3.

Common lucky meanings recognized in astrology.

Luck number 7 (seven) is a true talisman.

13 (thirteen, or the devil’s dozen) - if you believe it, it will definitely bring good luck.