Master class on painting with colored salt “Warm surprise. Bottles with sand - an unusual DIY accessory What is the name of the technique of pouring sand into a bottle

One of the common souvenirs that tourists bring from Arab countries are bottles in which paintings are made of colored sand. It was in the East that this art appeared many centuries ago and has survived to this day. For Europeans and Russians, this is a real exotic, for which they are willing to pay big money. Therefore, today, at every step in Jordan or Egypt, you can meet craftsmen making intricate paintings in bottles of various shapes from sand using a thin iron stick.

Typically, such bottles contain traditional scenes for those places: camels, palm trees, pyramids, birds, fish. IN Everyday life residents of Arab countries lack bright colors that's why they make sand paintings different colors and shades, skillfully combining the incongruous.

In fact, this is not such a rare art. Today, many in our country have learned to make paintings from colored sand. And by watching a master class on the Internet, you can learn this too.

So, first we prepare the material. Take the most ordinary sea or river sand. It needs to be sifted well on a fine sieve several times. So that there are no stones or debris left. Then it needs to be painted. To do this, pour into glass jars, plastic glasses or sour cream jars sand. Fill them three-quarters full and fill them with colored water. It is prepared simply: gouache is diluted in water. Don't skimp on paint if you want a really bright painting. After the sand is well colored, it must be dried thoroughly.

You can also make the sand golden or silver. To do this, you need to pour it onto a newspaper, level it and spray paint on it. the desired shade from a can. When the paint dries, the sand needs to be mixed well so that it is crumbly and does not form a lump.

By the way, sand can be painted with paint from a printer. And also use semolina, not sand. If you want the paintings to be assembled from large particles, use buckwheat or rice. The cereal is painted using pastel chalk or pencil lead, ground in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Now let's take glass bottle or a beautifully shaped jar made of ordinary white or frosted glass. It should be cleared of labels, washed and dried well. Through a funnel, we begin to pour sand into the container in the desired sequence, shape and thickness. Each layer must be compacted using metal wire and the plots are formed. First you can just make some simple picture: just make color stripes different thicknesses. When you have already made several paintings, you can create more complex subjects. The bottles must be handled carefully; if you shake them too much, the painting may crumble.

More bottle options

Video: how to draw a picture from sand in a bottle

In this article I will tell you how to make a decorative bottle with artificial sand with your own hands.

So, how to make artificial colored sand with your own hands? IN Lately Colored sand is becoming increasingly popular. It is used to decorate glass bottles, for activities with children and simply to relieve stress.

It's actually very simple; we replace sand with soda and paint it in various colors food coloring.

We will need:

  • soda;
  • food colorings;
  • plastic bags;
  • funnel (for pouring soda into a bottle);
  • tea spoon;
  • Chinese wooden sticks;
  • Glass bottle;
  • cork or bottle cap

Take blue food coloring and dilute it in water.

Pour baking soda into plastic bag(about 5-7 teaspoons) and drop 8-9 drops of food coloring, close the bag and mix well, add more coloring, mix. If necessary, add more dye until we reach the desired color. Mix all the contents in the bag well, trying to ensure that the soda is evenly colored. We do the same with dyes of other colors. Each color is in a separate bag. This way we got artificial sand of different colors.

Now take a glass bottle, a funnel and pour in a teaspoon colored soda into a bottle.

Unlike real sand, when adding food coloring, the soda begins to stick together, and therefore we carefully loosen the soda with a Chinese stick and, as it were, press the sand against the wall of the bottle; This is done to make it look nice.

We continue to add color baking soda into our bottle. Layer by layer different colors.

Now we take a cork or a bottle cap and close our bottle so that the contents do not spill out.

Alekseeva Galina Ivanovna, social and everyday orientation teacher at the Poltava Adaptive Boarding School.
The master class is designed for middle-aged and older children, including those with intellectual disabilities, as well as for educators and class teachers.
Appointment of the master class- production of decorative bottles using colored salt for interior decoration and use as gifts.
Target: give an idea of ​​the technique of pouring colored salt.
Introduce tools, methods of coloring salt, pouring techniques;
Develop bottle decorating skills using colored salt;
Develop the creative abilities of master class participants.

(pictured are options for possible work)
Relevance of the master class
In a boarding school, educators and teachers often have to participate in various kinds of competitions, teach children new ways of doing things with the help of cheap, available materials, to develop the creative abilities of students, and here new techniques for decorating products come to our aid, for example, such as creating paintings and crafts using the “sprinkling” technique.
In addition, this work helps calm the nerves, which is especially important for teachers, and provides aesthetic pleasure.
History of pouring technology. The art of creating paintings using the pouring technique arose in Buddhist monasteries, where from time immemorial they have been painting pictures of extraordinary beauty from crushed marble of different colors, the so-called Tibetan mandalas. The process of creating paintings on a plane is completely simple. First, the canvas is smeared with glue and then sprinkled with sand. The art of creating paintings from colored sand in bottles came to us from Arab countries. In Egypt or Jordan you can meet craftsmen who can create such souvenirs in 5 minutes using ordinary sand and a thin stick.
Mounds is a term that has appeared on websites about crafts relatively recently. This is the name given to transparent vessels (beautiful jars and bottles) filled with bulk materials. Most often they are filled with tinted dried gouache salt. The use of salt for these purposes may be due to the fact that it has long been used as a talisman. But there are other options (sand, cereals, grains). This decoration is created in the color scheme that suits your interior. At the same time, you can think about a gift for your loved ones.

Materials and tools:
For painting - fine salt, gouache paints, plastic bags.
For work: Material: clean dry bottle, containers with colored salt.
Tools: funnel, wooden skewers, stacks, knitting needles, scissors, glue.

Demonstration of how to color salt(you need to dilute the colored gouache with water and pour it into a plastic bag with salt, shake, knead with your hands to stain and dry (you can use a radiator or in the oven)). You need to prepare the salt in advance, each color in a separate bag.
Techniques for pouring salt into a bottle:

The simplest mound is created from sequentially poured layers of salt of different colors. If the funnel is located in the center of the bottle, the thickness of the layer will be the same throughout the entire circumference (a). To change the thickness of the layer, you can tilt the funnel while pouring (b) or use a funnel with a curved “spout” (c):
Picking up color scheme, as well as options for pouring layers, you can get various unique designs. To practice your skills, it is better to use a small glass with straight and smooth walls.
Features of creating embankments:
filling the middle of the dish;
salt compaction;
sealing the drawing after finishing work.
IN finished work only the layer of salt adjacent to the glass is visible, so the “middle” can be filled with another salt, white or left over after unsuccessful attempts. If the middle is filled, the drawing will not crumble.

Technology for making crafts.

Step 1. Using a funnel, pour 2-3 layers of colored salt into the bottle.

Step 2. We form a “peak” pattern with a wooden skewer. Place the knitting needle over top layer salt at an angle of 20-30 degrees to the glass. We lower the knitting needle along the glass with the tip down. The side surface of the knitting needle will push some of the salt inward, and salt will pour in its place from above upper layers. Upon reaching required depth the knitting needle must be taken inward to the center and raised up through the middle.

Step 3. Continue adding colored salt. By turning the bottle at different angles, we form a “mountain” pattern.

Step 4. Add the remaining layers. We compact the salt using a skewer, filling the middle with salt. It is important that the knitting needle moves along the axis of the bottle and in no case touches the walls!

Step 5. Add salt to the top of the bottle and tamp it down. Now you can proceed to sealing the bulk. This will prevent salt from spilling out if you accidentally open the bottle. You can use PVA glue. After drying, it forms an elastic plug, which can be easily removed in case of emergency. The only caveat: moisture from the glue gets into the salt and erodes the paint to a certain depth (about 1 cm).

Step 6. We close the bottle. The cork can be disguised with a piece of fabric and tied with a rope with beads.

The photo shows the work completed during the master class.

Bottles with sand - an unusual DIY accessory

Bottles with sand captivate with their simplicity and elegance. Sand reminds us of the passage of time, of distant countries and travels, of the sea surf and the mysterious surface of the water, which beckons, attracting the eye. Also, sand is a symbol of calm, and at the same time of change, a symbol of an ever-changing universe that maintains divine equanimity.

You can fill the bottle with sand brought from your travels, pebbles, shells, unusual nuts and cereals. The most important thing is to rinse and dry the bottle well before pouring sand into it. If you want to put organic ingredients into the bottle, such as colored rice, mung bean, pasta, dry them and add a little salt. The salt will absorb excess moisture, preventing mold from covering the food.

If you are an active, bright person and you are not attracted to still lifes in natural colors, you can do colored bottle with sand. The role of sand in it will be played by salt. You can take coarse sea salt, or fine "Extra", or you can alternate layers of salt. But before you fill the bottle, the salt needs to be colored. There are two ways to color salt. Both are easy to do and require nothing more than patience.

Method one.
You will need salt, gouache, several mixing containers, an oven or microwave and a sieve. Take a drop of gouache, dilute it with a small amount of water, about one tablespoon, mix it with salt. About half a glass of salt per tablespoon of diluted gouache. Add water, salt or gouache until the salt resembles sticky snow. We paint the salt in different colors and place it in pre-prepared bowls.

The next thing to do is dry the gouache colored salt. When all the containers with colored salt are ready, put them in the oven along with our clean bottle, at a temperature of 100 degrees. The purpose of this step is to evaporate all the moisture from the salt so that it becomes dry again, BUT colored. And the bottle in the oven will also dry thoroughly inside. Because if inside the bottle there is even one, even the smallest drop of water, you simply won’t succeed! After about an hour, take everything out of the oven and wait until it cools down.

After drying, the multi-colored salt comes out as a solid. To make it free-flowing, you need to mash the salt and sift through a sieve. To knead it, we need a bag and a rolling pin. It is better to take a thicker bag, and preferably a woven one, because salt easily tears polyethylene. Place the salt from the jar into the bag. Grind the salt with a rolling pin (or anything heavy that is at hand). The second option is to grind hard, colored salt in a mortar. Next, sift the salt through a sieve. Large, unsifted grains can be ground again with a rolling pin.

Method two.
For this method only salt is suitable "Extra", she is the smallest. You need colored crayons, salt, a strainer, several cups. Grind the colored chalk into dust using a mortar or just a rolling pin. Mix it with salt. To get a different color, mix powder from several crayons. Sift the resulting mixture through a sieve. The bottle filler is ready!

Now let's talk about design. Salt can be poured in thin or thick layers, straight or oblique. You can add others to the main filler decorative elements, beads, beads, shells, pebbles, glass pebbles for aquariums, even lace if you want.

Pour salt (or sand) into the jar using a watering can or funnel twisted from a thick sheet of paper. Sand can be poured at different angles, this will make the pattern more intricate. In general, in this process you can fully express your imagination. So don't be afraid to experiment, like in color combinations, and in methods.

Some people cannot immediately make sure that the filler inside the bottle lies at an angle. The secret is simple - tilt the bottle in the direction where you want the filler to skew. It is convenient to pour sand into a bottle using a funnel made of paper.

After we have filled the bottle, it needs to be tightly closed and decorated just as beautifully. The most simple option is a decoration with thick braid or rope. Close the bottle with a cork and tightly wrap rope, braid or tape around the neck and cap itself. It can be fixed on top with transparent glue, for example "Titanium

The bottles can also be filled with cereals. It also turns out very good

The business idea of ​​creating paintings from sand in a bottle came to us from a country where mountains of sand and bottles are left behind by tourists, this country is Egypt. It's unique and at the same time pretty simple technique for creativity.

To create paintings in a bottle, you don’t need any special tools or materials. All you need are clear bottles, colorful sand and sticks.

You will need to take a few days to study the Sand technique - creating paintings in a bottle. For this, there are many videos and photographs on the Internet. And with a little practice, you can independently repeat any masterpiece, and over time create independent paintings.

Bottles for paintings.
Bottles must be transparent, this is understandable. The most difficult thing is to find suitable bottles, because they must be unusual shapes, as a rule, flat, like a flask. In flat bottles initial stage paintings will be much easier to create. It’s not difficult to get flask-type bottles, because cognac is sold in such bottles, there shouldn’t be any problems. It is much more difficult to get bottles of other unique shapes; you will need to search for them yourself in your region. Or order in online stores.

Sand for paintings.
Multi-colored sand is used for paintings. You can make this sand yourself by adding dyes. Initially, light clean sand is used. To do this, river sand is washed in water until completely clean. Next, the sand is sifted through a fine sieve.

Coloring river sand.
The technology for coloring river sand is very simple. To do this in boiled water add a spoonful of table vinegar and add dye desired color. The color saturation of the sand will depend on the concentration of the dye. To continue, add clean sand and cook for a while. That's all the technology is. The colored sand is then sifted and dried.

Creation of the paintings themselves.
Paintings in a bottle are created by pouring layers of colorful sand on top of each other. Your first painting can be the Russian flag; it is very easy to make. Sticks are used to edit, level and draw elements of a painting through layers of sand. To create an average painting you will need sand from about eight to ten colors and shades.

The technique of creating paintings from sand in a bottle is quite simple and straightforward, from preparation to the creation of masterpieces. As always, everything depends entirely on you and your desire.

Selling such products is not difficult at all. Thanks to the fact that in this moment the sale of sand paintings is not so common, then you, by creating your own paintings that are different from your competitors, can easily offer them for sale in Retail Stores your city. The price of sand paintings in a bottle starts from 500 rubles. The costs are minimal. And, even if you have minimal skill, it takes time to make one painting, not more than an hour. Good luck!

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