Miliere mod for minecraft latest version.

(downloads: 2021)

The rather popular global mod Millenaire for Minecraft 1.7.10 in Russian will add new opportunities to the game when interacting with village residents, as well as various settlements that will appear during the generation of the game world. The mod showed its work perfectly in single and online mode, so you can also download the Millenaire mod to the server if you have your own server.

The Millenaire mod will fill the void in the game world by introducing more interactivity into it. The mod improves existing settlements with their inhabitants. This modification also adds a lot of blocks, buildings and cultural elements of ancient nations to Minecraft.

The main feature of the modification can be considered the unique generation of villages, which will never be similar to one another. There is very little chance while traveling around the world to come across two absolutely identical villages, as happens in regular Minecraft. Be prepared that instead of the usual jungles and wastelands, you will come across many unusual villages.

Interaction with people

You will have the opportunity to interact with the population of all settlements, you will be able to engage in trade with people, and help them with something. You will even have the opportunity to become their head or leader. While exploring the village, you will study the life of the population, so that you can then help your people. Very often you will need to dialogue with the heads of other settlements.

If you want to kill any resident in someone else's village, you will immediately become an enemy of the people. Your village will have to fight with another village. Keep in mind that if you kill a resident, he will no longer be reborn. He can only be reborn if he died accidentally, for example, by burning in a fire or falling from a great height.

As you know, each village has not only its own culture, but also its way of life and economy. As you travel through the game world, you will have the opportunity to visit villages inhabited by representatives of five ancient nations of the eleventh century: Normans, Mayans, Hindi, Byzantines and Japanese.

Trade and quests

The new system of trading with people is very interesting. The Millenaire mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 will add a new currency to the game - coins made of bronze, silver, gold coins, etc. Through trading, you can purchase various things that you are unlikely to find anywhere.

Also, if you help, for example, a person from a Norman village, he will provide you with Norman tools that will help you quickly obtain resources. The Japanese may give you their deadly weapons as a sign of gratitude. The Mayans will give you beautiful decorative items for your home. Indians can give you their exotic food.

In addition to all this, villagers themselves can offer some task, give additional instructions or ask for something. The names of quests and descriptions for them can be seen if you hover over them and press RMB. For successfully completing a quest, you will be awarded experience, reputation, money, or some rare items as a reward.

Big-nosed traders are now a thing of the past. Meet Millenaire - a village mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 that adds new types of villages with intelligent inhabitants to the world generation. Players can expect to encounter Hindu clay settlements, classic Japanese villages, medieval stone cities, ancient Mayan ruins and other buildings: lonely houses of rangers and foresters.

Reasonable residents from the Millenaire 1.7.10 mod are an unusual innovation in the world of Minecraft. Their behavior is significantly different from standard mobs in the game. In each settlement there are children, women and men of various professions. The townspeople always find something to do: build new houses, make stones, hunt and protect the village, fish, dig mines, grow plants, raise animals, and simply chat with each other via overhead chat.

Thanks to the Millenaire mod, players can interact with residents and learn more about the lifestyle of the settlers of a particular village. The mayor can give the player quests, such as getting a hundred cobblestones and two stacks of wood to build a new building, or hiring a couple of guards and dealing with a predator that is terrorizing the villagers. For quests, the player will receive valuable items that cannot be obtained through ordinary crafting. Also, don't kill villagers or steal from chests. The guards will instantly react to the outrages and the player will have to go to the final rebirth point.

This modification truly transforms the world of the game and allows you to develop the player’s interaction with ordinary residents. If you want to see more lively and intelligent inhabitants, then you should download the village mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 and play in a more vibrant pixel world.

Video review of Millenaire

Millenaire is a village mod designed for single-player Minecraft. His task is to fill the void in the game regarding living objects and creatures. With it you will get new, diverse settlements filled with residents. The villages are different, not the same type. On the map you can come across Norman settlements, North Indian villages and even Mayan settlements. Gradually, with new versions of Millenaire, new types of villages will be added.

The population of the villages consists of both males and females. Of course there are also children. NPCs are all varied with different professions and textures. There are traders, builders, repairmen, jewelers and blacksmiths, agricultural workers who plant and harvest crops. Depending on the type of village, different crops are grown in the fields. Children in villages, as it should be in life, grow up, become adults, have and have children who also repeat the path of their parents.

You can help the villagers in every possible way. Trade with them and you will be rewarded with unique items. You may be given healthy food, figurines and tapestries to decorate your home. And if the residents of a village really like you, they will even build a house for you in which you can live.

You can read more about the fashion at.

The Millenaire mod is available for Minecraft in the following languages: English, French, German, Polish, Spanish, Czech, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese, Slovenian, Chinese, Arabic. Other languages ​​will be added as the mod develops.

Types of villagers

  • Farmers. They grow crops in the fields around their houses. Having collected the harvest, they take it to their home and put it in chests.
  • Foresters. They cut down trees, plant new ones using seedlings, and collect apples from the trees. They also collect resources and store them in chests in their homes.
  • Wives. They have quite a difficult job. They collect resources from their husbands, work in various public village institutions, bake bread from collected wheat, make cider from apples, trade with players, and build new buildings. In general, they are such handymen, sometimes even with hard work.
  • Children. They are born exclusively at night. They grow into adult residents if there is bread and free houses.
  • Security. Patrols and guards the village.
  • Priests. They go to temples, churches and visit a tavern.
  • Blacksmiths. They make weapons and tools.

Expansion of villages

The main goal of the residents is to expand and improve their village. Initially, the village has six inhabitants, but with bread and free houses, the population grows rapidly. nor do they build new types of buildings and improve existing ones. For construction they need materials such as wood, cobblestones, stone, glass. They obtain materials both independently and by trading with the player. A fully developed village has buildings such as a bakery, a tavern, a church, a fountain, a meeting house, a watchtower, a castle, and of course the villagers' houses and some unique buildings.


In a village in the Millenaire mod, the player can trade in three places: Town Hall, Bakery and Tavern. Villages have a town hall from the very beginning. A bakery and tavern may be built in due course.

  1. Town Hall. You can sell wood, stone, glass, iron. You can buy wood here.
  2. Bakery. You can buy bread.
  3. Tavern. Buy cider and calva.

To trade, go to the chest in this building and wait until a woman approaches you. Right-click on it and the trading interface will appear. To sell/buy 8 units of goods at once, hold down left shift, for 64 units - left ctrl.

Video review in Russian


  1. Download and install the latest .
  2. Download the village mod, the corresponding version.
  3. Go to the %appdata%\.minecraft\mods folder.
  4. And copy the downloaded mod file into it.

All files checked by Dr.Web: no viruses

Millenaire Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 aims to fill the “emptiness” of worlds by adding NPC villages to it, with loose 11th-century Norman, North Indian, Mayans, Japanese, and Byzantines themes and additional cultures planned. It includes pre-generated “independent” villages that will develop and trade with the player, quests, custom blocks and items from the various cultures, player-controlled villages buildable after reaching leadership status in each culture, and a Creation Quest with a set of unique missions that explore the world of Minecraft and Millénaire. This is a singleplayer and multiplayer mod for Minecraft.

This is a very complete mod that adds randomly generated NPC villages to Minecraft. The villages are much more complex and varied than the default Minecraft NPC villages and provide more interesting gameplay.

Villages are populated with men, women and children of various kinds, who perform tasks such as trading with the player, expanding current buildings or improving existing ones, cultivating crops such as wheat in Norman villages and rice in Indian ones, and crafting tools and powerful amulets, etc. As the village expands, the number of villagers increases as couples have children, who in turn grow up into new adults.

Help villages grow by trading with them and be rewarded with unique items such as Norman tools to mine things faster, Indian food To help you survive, Mayan decorations to Spruce up your house and Japanese weapons to get rid of creepers. If they start liking you enough, they might even give you some land and build you a house of your own.

Millénaire is available in the following languages: French, English, German, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Czech, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese, Slovenian and Italian.


  • Goals in Millenaire: Millénaire, in the spirit of Minecraft, does not have a specific “goal”. The closest equivalents are: To help villagers complete all the village types, to gain leadership in all the cultures to create your own controlled villages, to complete the Creation Quest. But most players play simply to interact with the villagers, get useful items through trade with them, and generally have more things to do in the Minecraft world.
  • Independent villages: The villages that randomly appear on the map when exploring the land are “independent villages” – you can interact with them but not control them. To find one, just explore the world. You will get a message when a new one is found. You can also press the ‘V’ key to get a listing of nearby villages, if any. Note that the Indian “Mahal” village and the Norman “Gros Bourg” village are created with hamlets nearby.
  • Growth of independent villages: Independent villages start small, always surrounding a central building (of varying type: fort, palace, monastery, etc., generally referred to as the “Townhall”), with a few houses or other buildings. They will however expand as the villagers build additional structures and improve existing ones. To do this the villagers need resources, the same that would be needed for the player to make the buildings in question. Villagers will gather some of those resources themselves (for example, they have lumbermen that will gather wood from trees, and some have miners that gather cobblestone, sand and sandstone) and depend on the player for others. Newly-built houses start empty, but adult villagers from existing houses will have children that will grow up and move in the new houses. The population of the village will thus slowly grow until all the houses are filled.
  • Trading with the villagers: The most important mode of interaction with the villagers is trade. When you enter the central building / townhall, you will see a message from a villager stating he or she is coming to trade with you. When the villager arrives he or she will have “Selling to the player” above his head. Right-click on him to open the trading GUI. It will list goods that the village will buy and sell from you. Click on the good icons in either section to buy or sell them. Shift-click to deal in goods eight by eight, control-click to deal in stacks. The prices of some goods vary from village type to village type. It can be profitable to buy in a village and sell in another; for instance, hamlets with quarries will sell stone for cheaper than the buying price in villages that need but do not produce stone.
  • Reputation and dealings with the village leader: The other villager you will often be dealing with is the village leader. Which villager it is varies depending on the village type (Knight, General, Landowner...) but he always lives in the central building. Right-clicking on him shows the Village Chief GUI that displays your reputation with the village. This reputation increases mainly by trading with the village and drops when attacking villagers. As your reputation improves, you will be able to request things from the village leader: Houses or plots of land where you can build. Once requested from the village leader, they will be built by the villagers, resources and free space permitting. A village scroll with information on the village. Leadership status in the village’s culture, allowing you to start your own village. Note that while your reputation is mostly village-specific, you also have a culture-wide reputation that influence your dealings with other villages.
  • Culture-specific goods: Villages produce some goods that are specific to their culture. This includes crops and food items (like maize for the Mayans, curries for the Indians...), tools (Norman and Mayan only) and specific blocks and decorative elements. Culture-specific crops cannot be grown by you and you cannot make the tools and custom blocks (except Hindi bricks); you must trade for them with the villages. The custom blocks are generally crafted by specialized villagers. Before you have access to them, and before the village can create buildings that requires them, it must build a house for the required crasftmen, and a boy and a girl must move in to take up the jobs. This can take time.
  • Fighting the villagers: You can choose to fight villagers instead of helping them. If you manage to kill all the adult males of a village, all the village chests will automatically unlock and you will be able to take their resources. Be careful though, attacking one villager will cause all the others to fight you. Also, your reputation will suffer, not just with the village you target but with all the other villages of the same culture. Note if you kill all the villagers, they will be dead permanently. If you don’t kill all of them or they get killed by some by other means (from falls, fire...) they will respawn.
  • The Normans: Millénaire's original culture, the Normans are also the biggest in terms of content. They are based on 11th-century Norman villages on the coast of France, and speak French. They have villages centered on forts, manors, abbeys and guild houses. They produce different food, like bread, cider, calva, boudin and tripes. Their most useful specialty however is probably their excellent Norman tools available from the forge, the Norman broadsword and the Norman armor from the armory. Their advanced buildings are often built of timber frame, a block made by a carpenter. Finally, their villages can build a market, where foreign merchants will sell rare goods, such as the Viking Merchant’s amulets.
  • The Indians: The second culture added to Millénaire, the Indians are based on rice-growing villages from the Ganges valley and speak Hindi. Their villages are centered on Palaces, Forts and Chief’s Houses. Their rich cooking is based on growing rice, turmeric, sugar canes and raising chickens, from which the player can make vegetarian and chicken curries. They build mostly from mud bricks and cooked bricks, special blocks produced in a kiln.
  • The Mayans: The third culture added to Millénaire, the Mayans were designed by MinerMiah. They live in military, agricultural or religious villages and build massive stone and cobblestone structures. They can farm maize, from which they make Mayan food: Masa (Maize tortillas) and Wah (a tortilla wrapped on chicken meat). They also craft great Mayan carvings and ornamental gold blocks with which to decorate their palaces and temples.
  • The Japanese: The fourth Culture to be added to Millénaire. They live in – like the Mayans – military, agricultural or religious villages. They build very detailed and stunning buildings out of paper walls and Timber frames. They farm rice to make the food Udon and farm Wheat to make thatch. They also have very good weapons such as the tachi sword, and two different armor sets.
  • The Byzantines: The fifth Culture added to Millénaire was designed by Ticlon. The skillful Byzantines are based on the Greek successors of the Roman empire. Besides of making wine out of grapes and farming silk to make expensive icons, they also use tiles to recreate the legendary architecture of their ancestors. There are religious, military and retail-based villages.
  • Lone Buildings: In addition to full villages, you will encounter independent buildings in the middle of nowhere. Some are populated by one or a few villagers, with which you can generally trade some limited items (for example, lone lumbermen in the forest will buy axes from you and sell you wood and cider), others are empty. You can look for items in empty buildings. Seek out hidden chests! Also beware, as some lone buildings are occupied by hostile characters that will attack you on sight. Kill them to loot them. This will not affect your reputation with their culture, as they are outlaws.
  • Quests and Creation Quest: Quests are extra tasks you can perform for villagers. When a quest is available, it will show above a villager’s head within square brackets. Right-click on him or her for a description of the quest and the possibility of accepting or refusing it. Regular quests will reward you with money, reputation or items. Some quests require you to have a good reputation with the village in order to be available. To know what quests you have accepted and need to complete, press ‘M’.
  • The Creation Quest: Expanding on the quest concept is the Creation Quest: a series of quests with different tasks to perform (not simply carrying objects around) and a scenario revolving around exploring why the Minecraft world exists and what the Millénaire villagers are doing in it. The quest is divided in chapters. To start it, get a reputation of “one of us” in an Indian village, and one of the villagers will soon give you the introduction quest. You will have to search for the Sadhu, a Hindu wise man living under a tree in the forest. Locating the sadhu requires traveling to a forest (not a taiga) that was not generated previously. This might require quite a lot of exploration if you had already traveled in your world extensively. A good solution can be to use a mapping tool to check how far you had explored, and to head in an area you know has not been visited before. Completing the Sadhu chapter will grant you leadership status for Indian villages.
  • The Summoning Wand: In order to generate villages yourself in a location of your choosing, first you will need a Summoning Wand. It can be bought in any village. When you have a wand, right-click on an obsidian block to generate a new village of a random type(e.g. Mayan, Norman) around you, or right-click on a gold block to be able to chose what type of village you wish . Be careful, villages can spawn on top of you, so you may end up stuck in the ground and start suffocating under a building. Be prepared to dig yourself out. Ordinary village types generated with the wand behave exactly as the randomly-generated ones; you do not control them in any way.
  • Creating controlled villages: All cultures have a specific village type, known as the “controlled village”. In order to be able to generate one, you need to be recognized as a leader of the culture in question. There are two ways that you can do that: Reach “Natural leader” reputation in a village of that culture and request the rank from the Village Chief, Finish the Creation Quest chapter for that culture. Once you have the “Natural Leader” rank, the controlled village for that culture will appear in the list of possible villages when using the wand on a gold block.
  • Managing controlled villages: In controlled villages, you decide of the construction of all the new buildings. For this, you need to use the wand outside the village at the spot where you want a building to be placed. You will be presented a list of available buildings, and if there is enough space for it, its creation will be ordered. Villagers will however still need to build the buildings you want the normal way, and they will require all the resources needed. In addition, you can see a full list of building projects in the Town Hall by right-clicking the projects panel. In that interface, you can choose to allow or forbid upgrading each building. You can also have the village forget any building project that is not inhabited. If the building already exists, it will not disappear on the ground, but the village will no longer consider it as belonging to the village and you can destroy it without consequence. All chests in a controlled village are unlocked, so you can put and take resources as you want.
  • Installing custom content: Millénaire is very customisable, allowing players to add new buildings, villagers, village types or even entire new cultures.
  • Creating new building plans in-game: It is possible to create buildings in-game in the regular Minecraft way, including in Creative Mode, and then export them as building plans usable by Millénaire.
  • Working with the Millenaire files: Other modifications (new village types, quests, cultures...) require direct edition of the Millénaire files. You can see more informations for some in the. Many aspects are not documented, the best is to look at how the existing ones work.




Cultures are the various factions that come into play with the Millénaire mod. The cultures create villages and stand alone buildings for their people to live and work in that are often able to interact with the Player.

There are currently 5 Cultures in this mod. Click the name or the image for more info about a culture:

Each Culture brings forth people for the player to interact with for Trade, Quests, Diplomacy, and more. By becoming a Leader in a Culture, one can found and manage their own villages of that Culture. One can Create their own Cultures as they see fit though the millenaire-custom folder in the mods folder.


Come across small villages while exploring, such as this Norman settlement…

…or this Japanese one, centered on a rice paddy.

Or discover a mysterious Mayan pyramid, abandoned in the jungle.

Listen to the villagers discussing their job, life or simply the weather.

See what they are doing and what they need in the villages’ centres.

Trade with them, to help their villages grow and gain unique blocks, foods and items.

See their villages develop in prosperous communities…

…or massive fortresses surrounded by desert.

But be wary in your travels, for hostile bandits and soldiers can be waiting deep in the woods!

Encourage villages to trade with one another, or push them to war and see their men fighting while the women and children take shelter!

And when the pull of adventure becomes too strong, seek out the mysterious Sadhu in the forest to start a great quest on the origins of the world.

Who knows, you might even come across the mysterious Panthéon, the massive structure where the contributors and donors to Millénaire are immortalized.

A list of recently discovered villages.

A village woman ready to trade

The Village Chief's screen

Norman military village

Finished Indian Qila (Fort)

The Mayan observatory at the center of a religious village

A fully upgraded Japanese fort in a military village

A fully upgraded Byzantine fort in a military village

A Norman Lady with a quest to offer

The Sadhu underneath his tree

Partial list of possible villages when using a wand on a gold block

The project screen in a controlled village

Example of “V” command’s display.

The trading screen, this lets you sell items to the village or buy items from them.

Right clicking on the village leader opens a series of pages containing useful pieces of information.

Millenaire– a mod whose goal is to diversify the single-player game. It adds NPC villages to the world in 11th century Norman, Mayan and North Indian style.

Villages are inhabited by various residents, each of whom is responsible for some function: some trade with the player, others erect buildings, work on farms, craft tools, etc. Residents develop along with the development of the village: children grow up, new ones are born.

Help residents develop by trading with them, and they will thank you with unique items. They will even build a house for you if they really like you.

The mod is available in different languages, including Russian.

Library Millénaire:

Advanced Indian Village

Agricultural village Maya

Types of residents

On this moment There are 7 types of residents:
  • Farmers - grow and harvest wheat.

  • Lumberjacks - extract wood, plant new trees and collect apples.

  • Wives - manage resources, make bread, sidor, build new structures and trade with the player.

  • Children are born at night and grow up if there is bread and new houses.

  • Guardians - guard the village.

  • Priests – visit the church (and tavern...).

  • Blacksmiths - make Norman tools on an anvil.
Village development

The main goal of the residents is to improve their village. Initially, each village has 6 inhabitants, but their number grows when children are born and new houses are built. For construction they need materials: wood, cobblestone, glass and stone. They can only get the wood themselves, and get the rest from the player. The completed village includes: a bakery, a tavern, a church, fountains, a priest's house, a watchtower and a castle.

Advanced village with almost all standard buildings

Hindu temple interior

Trade with a player

Trading is possible in 3 locations:
  • Town Hall (exists from the very beginning): you can sell wood, stone, cobblestone, iron and glass. Payment is made in denier, a special currency. You can buy wood and a "rustic stick".

  • Bakery (if built): you can buy bread.

  • Tavern (if built): you can buy sidor and calvados, which restore health.

To trade, go to one of the locations and stand next to the chests. If there is no woman nearby, she will appear soon. Right-click on it to start trading.

Village Discovery

The easiest way to find a village is to press the "V" key. If it is nearby, its name, distance to it and direction will be displayed. Most worlds generate villages near their spawn.

Creating a New Village: Village Stick

Once you have accumulated enough deniers, you can buy a “country stick”. Use it on an obsidian block and a new village will be generated around it. Attention: the player may end up in the wall and die during generation!