Seasickness. Tablets and remedies for motion sickness

Transport for many children and adults is torture, since they can get motion sickness during travel. Such a reaction of the body brings a lot of discomfort. There are several effective remedies that will help cope with the problem.

Why do you get motion sickness in the car?

The main reason for this condition is that a certain disorder occurs in the body due to the fact that conflicting information enters the brain. The thing is that the eyes record a certain movement, but the vestibular apparatus signals that the body is in place. Scientists were able to establish that in 60% of cases this condition depends on the driving style of the vehicle. As for children, they most often suffer from this problem between the ages of 2 and 12 years. In addition, girls get motion sickness more often.

In children and adults, symptoms of motion sickness appear gradually. At the first stage, yawning occurs, salivation increases, sweating and pallor appear. As motion sickness worsens in children and adults, dizziness, headaches and other unpleasant sensations are added. The most serious symptoms are nausea, vomiting and problems with coordination.

Remedies for motion sickness in transport

Today, the pharmacy sells various drugs that will help both adults and children prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. It is recommended to first consult with a doctor so that he takes into account the possible characteristics of the body. Let's look at popular tablets that are suitable for both children and adults.

Anti-motion sickness tablets for children:

  1. Dramamine. You can give tablets from the age of one year. They act within 10-15 minutes. after administration, but it is better to give it 30 minutes before. before the trip. The dosage of the tablets depends on age and the instructions are in the instructions. These tablets for motion sickness in transport are considered effective and, according to statistics, they help in 95% of cases. The tablets act directly on the vestibular apparatus. There may be side effects from this medication, such as drowsiness, headache and dizziness;
  2. Kokkulin. This is a homeopathic remedy that should not be taken with water. It is allowed to take anti-sickness pills from 3 years of age. To get the effect, take the pill the day before your intended trip. The advantage of this remedy is that it does not cause drowsiness. A single dose is 2 tablets;
  3. Air-sea. If Cocculin is not suitable, then it is worth giving the children these tablets for motion sickness, which are also homeopathic. Allowed from 2 years of age. It is worth dissolving the tablet an hour before departure;
  4. Vertigohel. Another homeopathic tablet for children against motion sickness, approved from 4 years of age. It does not cause drowsiness and has no other serious contraindications. To benefit from the product, give it an hour before your trip;
  5. Kinedryl. A combined drug that allows you to remove the cause of discomfort. Allowed from 3 years. These are potent tablets that have a number of side effects;
  6. Bonin. Anti-sickness tablets from an American manufacturer that work not only as an antiemetic, but also as an anti-allergenic agent. The results from such tablets come quickly and the effect lasts throughout the day. Children under 12 years of age should not take the drug. Such tablets have a number of side effects: dry mouth, drowsiness, fatigue and even vomiting. It is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for the product.

There are other remedies for motion sickness, for example, a special Ekstraplast patch. It contains mint and ginger extract. The use of the product is permitted from 3 years of age. Before you go on the road, you need to stick one patch behind your ears.

Another product that I would like to focus on is motion sickness bracelets for children. The acupuncture bracelet helps suppress nausea by affecting the P6 pericardial point, which is responsible for the digestive system, blood circulation and mental state of children and adults. When you press the point, a nerve impulse is sent to the brain, which blocks the feeling of nausea.

The bracelet against motion sickness in transport has a special plastic ball, by pressing which you can quickly remove the symptoms, since the effect is felt within a couple of minutes. Use such products from 3 years of age. The bracelet can be used many times. It is important to put on the bracelet correctly, following the instructions, since there will be no effect.

In addition to pills, to prevent motion sickness, use traditional methods:

  • Give children something salty or sour, such as cranberries, lemon or pickled cucumber;
  • You can use this folk recipe: mix 1 teaspoon of honey with a drop of peppermint essential oil. Stir and allow the resulting mass to be absorbed by the baby. After this he should drink cool water;
  • An affordable remedy for children to prevent motion sickness is cranberry juice or mint tea. Drinks should be chilled and in small sips;
  • Ice packs wrapped in a terry towel should be placed on the base of the skull and solar plexus for 15 minutes;
  • If it is not possible to give your child anti-motion sickness pills, then give him a massage on the inside of his wrist, where the active points are located.

In addition to using one of the selected methods, you can use preventive tips that will help prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations:

  1. The child should have been dressed in simple and light clothes. He should not be hot and uncomfortable;
  2. It is important not to overeat before the trip, but the child should not be hungry. The ideal option is light food, for example, cottage cheese or omelet;
  3. It is recommended to secure the car seat in the middle of the back seat, or simply sit the baby there so that he can look out the front window and not concentrate on the flashing pictures outside the window;
  4. It is best to choose a time for the trip so that the baby falls asleep, because this will help avoid unpleasant sensations;
  5. An excellent product to help cope with attacks of nausea is ginger. You can simply put a pinch of powder on your tongue. Another option is ginger candies or tea;
  6. It is important to remember that while moving you should not do things that require concentrating your attention and straining your eyes, this applies to reading books, watching cartoons on a tablet, etc.;
  7. If a child becomes ill on the way, then you need to stop and take him outside, unbuttoning his shirt. It is important to keep the window slightly open while driving.

To strengthen the vestibular apparatus, it is recommended to perform special exercises. It is recommended to perform them every day, starting from 2 minutes and gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes. At the initial stage, the movements should be smooth, and then you can increase the tempo and number of repetitions.

Example exercises:

  • Standing straight, perform tilts and rotational movements with your head;
  • Standing straight, bend your elbows and keep them at your waist. Turn the bulb left and right, and then bend;
  • Allow your baby to jump on the floor or trampoline more often. It is recommended to rotate your head while jumping.

The dog gets sick in the car - what to do?

Kinetosis occurs in dogs less than one year old. This will indicate that the animal is experiencing discomfort.

Hello friends. Today I will talk about what you need to do when you get motion sickness in transport and what anti-motion sickness pills can help you. Without pride I will say: I am an expert on this topic. I'm feeling seasick. Now it’s less, but as a child I felt sick even from fast walking. What can we say about carousels? Just the sight of wooden horses gave me bad attacks. Anti-sickness pills and other ways to enjoy traveling are my thing.

Motion sickness in transport - a car, bus, plane, on water - “motion sickness” is associated with the fact that visual perception and the expectation of sensations from space do not coincide. There are conflicting signals. The so-called “sensory conflict”. The vestibular apparatus is responsible for sensations in space. It is located in the inner ear. Not studied well enough.

Such a small organ, but so many troubles! Usually, motion sickness in children goes away by the age of 12-13, but there are people who have “motion sickness” that persists for life. There are approximately 10% of such people. Of course, traveling with a poorly functioning vestibular system is difficult, but it is possible.

Today I will talk about pills and things that help with motion sickness. Apart from serious medications, I tried everything on myself.

Doctors say there is no universal remedy. Everything is very individual. You have to try and choose what suits you.

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Pills for motion sickness

All the tablets listed below help against motion sickness in transport: airplane, car, bus, water transport. They can be bought without a doctor's prescription. Pay close attention to the dosage. There are tablets that are not recommended for children under 3 years old and under 6 years old.

One of the best drugs for motion sickness is Dramamine. Tablets against nausea, motion sickness. One tablet 30 minutes before travel. Valid from 3 to 6 hours. The drug has been well studied and tested on American soldiers.

At one time, in 1949, he made a revolution in... relations with transport. If we remember that the main method of transportation at that time was ships, then the appearance of Dramina made life easier for millions of people.

Dramina is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. They say that the drug causes drowsiness. I haven’t noticed it myself, but since they say and write, it happens. I don't really like Dramamine. These pills make my tongue go numb. They are bitter. They help great. But I accept them if I don’t have anything else at hand.

Homeopathic remedy. Slightly sweet in taste. Does not cause drowsiness.

I like it better. And, in general, if there is homeopathy, I prefer it. Cocculin is used both to eliminate symptoms (i.e., drink when motion sickness begins, 2 tablets every hour), and for prevention - 2 tablets 3 times a day on the eve of the trip.
Children under 3 years old are not allowed.

3. "Air-sea"

I like this product the most, but it appears less and less in pharmacies.

These are homeopathic tablets or sucking candies. Our remedy is Russian. It is even more strange that it is not visible in pharmacies.

Air-sea helps with nausea, dizziness, weakness, sweating during motion sickness in various types of transport.

Take one hour before travel or takeoff. If necessary, suck on candy every half hour. But no more than 5 sweets per day. Does not cause drowsiness and does not affect the ability to concentrate. Avia-sea should not be taken by children under 6 years of age.

Avia-Sea caramels may also come in other packaging.

4. "Aeron"

I took these pills throughout my childhood and youth. Sometimes they helped a lot, and sometimes they didn’t work at all. Take 30 minutes – 1 hour before travel. The action lasts from 6 to 12 hours. You can’t take more than 2 tablets at once (although I did) and 4 tablets a day (I haven’t tried this).
I recently read online that "Aeron" can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Chewable tablets. Have not tried. I haven't seen it in pharmacies. Country of origin: USA. Perhaps they are sold there.

In general, we must remember that any tablets are drugs containing different substances. Before taking the pills, you should read what they contain. Pregnant women should ask their doctor if they can take the drug.

6. Dimenhydrinate

These tablets can be purchased in Thailand. In general, there are very good medications there. I really liked these tablets. It did not cause any bitterness in the mouth or drowsiness (in me).

Sold in any pharmacy and even in small rural minimarkets (at the checkout).

They look like small yellow tablets in a package of 10 pieces.

Dimenhydrinate (Thailand)

They cost pennies. Something like 12 baht and 30 (for 10 pieces per package) - depending on the company. They work equally well. I took it both in advance and at the moment when I felt motion sickness. They begin to act within 10 - 15 minutes.

7. Kinedril

These tablets were bought in the Czech Republic. They asked for an analogue of Dramamine, the pharmacist recommended them. Didn't like it. If this is an analogue of Dramamine, then it is not of high quality. Drowsiness, heavy head and even distortion of sound and color.


Everything seemed to slow down, strange colors appeared at the traffic lights. Used it 2 times. Both were accompanied by strange effects. I advise you to be careful with them.

8. I heard about such a remedy as an acupuncture bracelet. I saw it at the pharmacy. I tried to put it on my hand. I realized that this lotion is not for me. I saw happy reviews online. Maybe it helps little kids. It’s clear - there are no contraindications, because The bracelet is not a drug. There is a pimple on it that presses on the desired point. The main thing is not to be nearby.

The official name of the bracelet is “Travel Dream”. There are 2 bracelets in the package.

They say that every year there are new tablets for motion sickness. I didn't notice this. But it’s worth asking if anything new has appeared in pharmacies.

What else helps against motion sickness in transport?

If possible, choose night trips. “Motion sickness” is due to the fact that visual signals and the sense of the body’s position in space do not coincide. A difficult journey can go better in the dark.
You can try thick sleep glasses.

In a car, on a bus.

  • Breathe only through your nose. Even when salivation has already begun, do not breathe through your mouth under any circumstances! You feel terrible, but you don't vomit. Taught by a stuntman.
  • There is another way: hold a match between your teeth and breathe through this narrow slit.
  • Sing loudly and joyfully. After a two-hour trip with loud singing, sometime in my adolescence, a pearl happened in my life. After this trip, I started getting motion sickness less and less frequently. (My way).
  • Listen to music on headphones. Audiobooks are possible. (My way). Not just any music. Select individually.
  • Many people believe that before swimming (if it is not a cruise) it is better not to eat at all. But that's not true. One sailor taught me a trick: you need to eat a good, hearty meal two hours before the trip. “For ballast,” he said. It helped. I didn't get seasick at all.
  • Dark rum. An ancient remedy, tested for centuries. The pirates didn't just indulge in rum. They knew the secret! It really helps. A few sips. The effect of a whole bottle is rather the opposite. Although, I haven’t tried it. I will not lie.

On the Athens-Santorini ferry, I tried to treat myself with white rum as a preventive measure. It was normal, but I don’t know why it was from Bacardi or whether it was a good ferry, or maybe the sea was calm that day.

In airplane

  • Plastic bag.
  • They say you need to wiggle your toes and walk.

But I have little experience here. I feel great on the plane. Only my ears hurt during takeoff and landing.

There was an experience of flying on a corn farm, something like the AN-2. Person for 10. (Two benches on the sides and one behind the cockpit). At first it was great, but then it became bad for everyone. But it is unknown - from air pockets or because of the girl.

I didn’t like this girl even on the runway. She was eating gummies from a bag. She swallowed them without looking. In some wild quantity. It seems she stuffed a kilogram of sweets into herself. It’s difficult to keep a kilogram of gummies in the stomach even on earth, not only in the air... In short, everyone remembers the girl...

In general, “motion sickness” is very strange and unpredictable. I had a great time the whole way without taking pills, even the serpentines didn’t work, and upon arrival I could barely travel 10 minutes by bus around Moscow. Either the roads in Greece are good, or the springs in vehicles are strong, or the environment is better.

I got to the Uzunkol mountaineering camp in the back of a huge dump truck and nothing. But we left the camp in a comfortable minibus. This was the most terrible road of my life.

“Roller coasters” are a great success, but carousels are a terrible punishment. It's strange...

If you have any of your own ways to combat “motion sickness,” please write in the comments. Suddenly your method will be the one that will help those who get motion sickness to travel.

Neither picturesque landscapes nor the anticipation of vivid impressions please travelers who are overtaken by motion sickness in transport. Some people cannot stand traveling by car or bus, others find the very thought of traveling on a boat or yacht terrible, and some cannot even stand going up in an elevator or going on rides. Adults and children, men and women, experienced travelers and novice tourists suffer from motion sickness. What kind of attack is this, what are its symptoms, and are there effective pills to help fight them?

Movement sickness - signs, forms and causes

In the medical community, motion sickness in any vehicle is called kinetosis and is considered a full-fledged disease. Despite the fact that this disease does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient, its symptoms are very unpleasant and can significantly worsen the quality of life.

Depending on the nature of the main symptoms, doctors conventionally distinguish 4 forms of motion sickness:

  • neurological- with dizziness, headache, lethargy, drowsiness, feeling of weakness in the limbs;
  • gastrointestinal- it is characterized by decreased appetite or its complete absence, nausea, vomiting, distortion of taste, painful disgust and sensitivity to odors;
  • cardiovascular- it is usually accompanied by shallow breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and arrhythmia;
  • mixed- in this case, all of the above symptoms occur in different combinations and are combined with pallor and the appearance of cold sweat.

It is well known that motion sickness syndrome occurs as a reaction to unusual movement. So, if the usual method of transportation is traveling by car, it is quite possible that motion sickness will be complicated by flying on an airplane, sailing on a ship or traveling in a carriage. The painful condition in this case is called air, sea or carriage kinetosis. There are also more exotic types of motion sickness in transport - riding sickness, fear of elevators or swings.

Why do approximately 30% of adults and 60% of children experience such ailment? The reasons lie in the individual characteristics of the vestibular apparatus - the organ that is responsible for balance and coordination in space. Until approximately 12-16 years of age, it remains functionally immature, so children at this age are especially susceptible to motion sickness.

However, even after growing up, not everyone gets rid of headaches and nausea while traveling in their “unloved” mode of transport. With a chaotic change in body position, the vestibular apparatus, visual organs and receptors of internal organs receive conflicting information. This imbalance leads to the emergence of pathology in those who are predisposed to it and who travel infrequently.

Although motion sickness in transport is not dangerous, and unpleasant symptoms disappear immediately after the end of the trip, it should not be neglected. If a person is not treated, his condition regresses to the point of loss of performance, memory deterioration and the appearance of illusions. To prevent this from happening, motion sickness can and should be fought.

Treatment of kinetosis in adults with tablets and folk remedies

Diagnosing one form or another of motion sickness is not difficult. But its inherent symptoms may indicate the presence of diseases unknown to the patient, for example, multiple sclerosis, infectious damage to the central nervous system, intoxication, or others. In order to exclude them, it is highly desirable that a specialist select the program and the corresponding medications. Without its prescription, you cannot take any pharmaceutical medications against motion sickness in transport.

Like any other ailment, motion sickness syndrome is best treated comprehensively. So, if there is a risk that you may become ill in transport, you should, in agreement with your family doctor, stock up on the following pharmaceuticals:

  • Metocloprapide is an effective anti-vomiting drug; adults should take 1 tablet (10 mg) 3 times a day;
  • Dimenhydrinate - is able to suppress the gag reflex and block stimulation of the vestibular apparatus; to obtain the desired effect, you need to take 1 tablet 1 hour before traveling in problematic transport and, if necessary, repeat the dose after 4-6 hours;
  • Promethazine is an antihistamine medicine in tablets and dragees that are good at preventing motion sickness in transport and are prescribed at a daily dose of 75-100 mg;
  • Meclozine - provides effective treatment due to antiemetic and sedative effects, one of the advantages is that a single dose of 1-2 tablets gives a 24-hour effect;
  • Piracetam is one of the best nootropic drugs, which, during motion sickness, helps the central nervous system adapt and improve cerebral blood flow;
  • Anvifen is another nootropic, offered in 250 mg capsules, due to which it has a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps get rid of feelings of weakness, anxiety and tension; the maximum daily dose for adults is 2500 mg.

In addition to medications taken orally, for the treatment of kinetosis, pharmacies can offer special bracelets and patches that need to be put on or pasted before getting into transport. The composition of the therapeutic mass includes substances that help calm and relax smooth muscles, and after they enter the body through the skin, motion sickness in transport does not occur at all or is tolerated much more easily.

How to treat pathology with homeopathic compounds

Homeopathic remedies, unlike most pharmaceuticals, are made from components of organic origin, have virtually no side effects and are therefore well tolerated. To prevent motion sickness in transport, you can use without a prescription:

  • drops "Vertihogel"- indicated for dizziness and nausea, as well as for their prevention; the liquid should be dissolved in water (10 drops per 100 ml) and taken 1 hour before departure;
  • tablets "Kokkulin"- designed to treat kinetosis in adults and children over 3 years of age; improvement occurs after resorption of 2 tablets, and if necessary, the dose can be repeated after an hour;
  • Aviamore lollipops- used 1 pc. every half hour, regardless of age and weight, and you need to start dissolving the caramel 1 hour before boarding the transport;
  • ordinary tobacco extract- helps with motion sickness with cold sweat, spots before the eyes, pallor (the dosages of this drug and all subsequent ones are selected individually);
  • Arabica coffee- serve to relieve conditions accompanied by redness of the skin, a feeling of heat, palpitations and exacerbations of the sensory organs;
  • sodium borate- effective when a person suffers from kinetosis caused by up and down movements of transport (elevator, escalator, attraction).

However, if you don’t want to resort to medications, you can try to get rid of motion sickness using home methods.

How to help when there are no pharmaceutical drugs at hand

It happens that symptoms of motion sickness appear unexpectedly, and there is not a single specialized product in the first aid kit of a transport vehicle. In this case, you can try to remove them using auxiliary techniques known from folk experience:

  • drink a cup of unsweetened green or mint tea;
  • put a leaf of fresh mint, dry bay leaf or a slice of lemon under your tongue;
  • take dry ginger powder (single dose - on the tip of a knife);
  • slowly suck on a mint candy or a piece of pickled cucumber;
  • drop a couple of drops of ginger oil on a handkerchief and inhale its vapor for several minutes;
  • during periods of vomiting, massage your wrists;
  • move your feet, tapping the floor with your heel and toe, imitating the process of walking on the ground;
  • firmly hold a toothpick or match with a broken sulfur head in your teeth;
  • perform acupressure massage of the 1st joint of the index finger and the bridge of the nose near the inner corners of the eyes.

If you can prepare in advance, you should stock up on medicinal tea: for this you need to mix 3 parts mint and crushed valerian root and 4 parts chamomile. 5 tbsp. l. This collection needs to be poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water and left for half an hour. Before the trip, it is enough to drink one glass of this herbal tea, and during the trip - half a glass twice a day.

Methods for preventing kinetic disease

One of the most common mistakes made by those suffering from motion sickness in transport is overeating on the road or before the road or, conversely, traveling on an empty stomach. In both cases, an increase in unpleasant sensations is almost guaranteed, so the optimal solution is to take a light vegetable dish or natural yogurt an hour and a half before departure. On the way, you also shouldn’t gorge on food or suffer from hunger - it’s better to have snacks of fruits, vegetables and yogurt with short breaks.

  • On the eve of the departure day, it is imperative to get enough sleep;
  • Smoking and alcoholic libations are highly discouraged;
  • the best drink is still water, but you should not drink a lot of liquid, especially if it is sweet soda;
  • while swimming, it is undesirable to look at the waves, and on a bus or car - at the side windows; it is much safer to fix your gaze on the horizon or close your eyes altogether;
  • in transport, you should not try to occupy yourself with reading or playing games on mobile devices; it is better to limit yourself to talking with fellow travelers or listening to light music.

It is worth taking care in advance of purchasing tickets and boarding in those places where the amplitude of body movement is minimal - in the front part of the bus and in the middle part of the ship, as well as in the aircraft fuselage between the wings. It is imperative to position yourself in the direction of traffic, taking a comfortable body position and securing your head with a special pillow or collar.

Having successfully completed the trip, upon arrival you can start training your vestibular system - swing in a hammock and on a swing, bend in different directions, do somersaults and stand in the “birch tree” pose (sarvangasana in yoga). Running at variable speeds and jumping in different directions, team games and cycling are also very useful. If you combine activities with a healthy lifestyle, you can forget about motion sickness in transport.

According to official statistics, every 10 people had to experience manifestations of such a disorder as motion sickness. In other words, seasickness, which most often affects children, since the vestibular apparatus is not fully formed. This article will help you find out which anti-nausea and vomiting pills are best for your travel needs.

Causes of motion sickness, who is at risk

Motion sickness (motion sickness, kinetosis) is a painful condition that can occur when riding in land transport, flying by air, on a ship or rotating mechanisms. It has been noted that children are more susceptible to nausea in land transport (critical age from 2 to 12 years), adults - by sea or air.

Before answering the question “What pills help with nausea?”, you should understand the causes of kinetosis:

  • visual and sensory information is not perceived consistently by the brain (the eyes see movement in space, but the body does not feel it);
  • weak vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for balance;
  • the receptors in the inner ear are too irritated;
  • tendency to seasickness.

Symptoms of kinetosis

The symptoms of kinetosis cannot be confused with anything
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • severe dizziness;
  • excessive saliva production or dry mouth;
  • general lethargy.

Medicines for motion sickness are selected depending on provoking factors:

  • high air temperature;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • pregnancy;
  • emotional stress;
  • fear;
  • childhood.

If a child has not only vomiting, but also a fever, find out what main diseases fall under these symptoms.

Types of pharmacological drugs, their characteristics

Anti-sickness tablets differ from each other in their spectrum of action and their characteristics. Let's look at the possible types in the table below.

Name Brief description of the action Adverse reactions
AnticholinergicsThey are considered the most used tablets for motion sickness in transport. Inhibits the response of the parasympathetic nervous systemThe main disadvantage of using these drugs is presence of an impressive list of adverse reactions:
allergic reactions;
lethargy and difficulty concentrating;
increased sweating;
lethargy; dry mouth;
blurred vision;
Drugs that depress reflexes and the central nervous systemAnti-nausea tablets from this group are characterized by a pronounced sedative effect (hypnotics, analgesics, antipsychotics)Such drugs cause loss of concentration, cause apathy, lack of coordination, relax muscles too much
They are considered a universal remedy with a wide spectrum of action. They have a sedative effect and moderately block the parasympathetic division of the nervous system. Advantages: effectiveness, ease of choice of dosage. The nature of the impact involves Can be used in children over 1 year of age There is absolutely no negative impact
PsychostimulantsIt is usually prescribed in combination with an antihistamine drug, which enhances the effect of taking it and also reduces the risk of adverse reactions.Adverse reactions include:
feeling of lack of oxygen;
increased heart rate;
lack of coordination;
lack of sleep; sense of anxiety.
AntiemeticsStops the gag reflexRepresentatives of this group are unable to relieve other symptoms
Drugs that accelerate the body’s adaptation to motion sicknessThey strengthen the vestibular apparatus, which makes it easier to endure the road. They also activate the nervous system’s resistance to motion sickness.Rarely: diarrhea, insomnia, irritability and anxiety
Drugs that normalize microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatusBy normalizing the intensity of blood circulation in the vestibular apparatus, resistance to stress is maintained.Side effects are very rare: feeling of heat and flushing of the face; drowsiness or insomnia; mild gastric disorders.

The best sedatives for children 1-3 years old - according to. Read about antihistamines of new repentance in.

Homeopathy for motion sickness

For selective patients who are adherents of naturopathy treatment, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of homeopathic remedies that alleviate the condition of kinetosis.

Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price in rub.
DRAMINE, tablets, 3+Children 3-6 years old – 1/4-1/2 tablets 2-3 times a day; 7-12 years – 1/2-1 tablet 2-3 times a day; over 12 years old – 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Take before mealsHypersensitivity to the components of the drug, epilepsy, acute exudative and vesicular dermatoses, pregnancy, lactationMood changes, anxiety, stiffness, insomnia, drowsiness, nasal congestion, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, urinary problems10 pieces. – from 150
AVIA-SEA, tablets, 6+Take 1 tablet at a time (dissolve before or after meals).
The first dose should be taken 1 hour before the trip. Then take every 30 minutes, but no more than 5 tablets per day
Increased individual sensitivity to componentsVery rarely allergic reactions are possible20 pcs. – from 125
VERTIHOGEL, tablets, 18+1 tablet every 15 minutes 1 hour before the trip and as needed for 1 hour during the trip. Then - 1 tablet 3 times a day. Dissolve tabletsLactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption);
increased individual sensitivity to components
Possible allergic reactions50 pcs. – from 400
COCCULINE, tablets, 3+For preventive purposes, dissolve 2 tablets 3 times a day the day before and on the day of the trip. For medicinal purposes, dissolve 2 tablets every hour until the condition improves.Increased individual sensitivity to individual components, lactase deficiencyNo side effects recorded30 pcs. – from 300
VERATRUM ALBUM, granules, 3+8 granules 3-4 times a day per half hour or an hour after mealsHypersensitivity to the components of the drugAllergic reactions to the components of the drugfrom 45

  1. Dramamine is a good anti-sickness remedy for children. The dose is taken half an hour before the trip or flight, preferably on an empty stomach. The only drawback is the relatively high price.
  2. Air-sea. Despite the affordable price, it has a similar composition and pharmacological effect to Dramamine. Children are allowed from 6 years of age. Take one hour before your planned trip.
  3. Vertichogel. Available in the form of tablets and drops. Due to insufficient clinical data Suitable for use only from 18 years of age. The effect is achieved in the shortest possible time, and its duration lasts for a long time. The drug is also good because it practically does not cause side effects from use.
  4. Kokkulin. Suitable for use by all categories of patients, as it does not lead to side effects. It is considered a relatively inexpensive drug.
  5. Veratrum Album copes well with symptoms of nausea in pregnant women. Since it refers to homeopathic medicines, the effect of use occurs after a while, as the substance accumulates in the body.

If the tablets cause an allergy in a child, then find out which drops are best to use.


If you are not a supporter of medications or the situation is such that it is impossible to buy them, proven folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Name Method of preparation and consumption
GINGERDilute 1 g of dry ginger root powder in a glass of boiled water. Drink 1 hour before your planned trip. You can suck ginger lollipops on the road
BANDAGINGThis method was invented by sailors and is suitable for travelers on water transport. It is necessary to bandage the wrists of both hands tightly enough to ensure continuous pressure on special points
MINT TEA WITH LEMONBrew 1 tbsp in a thermos. l. mint leaves 500 ml boiling water. Let it brew. Add lemon. Drink on the road to eliminate the urge to vomit. This method is also great for small children.
SALT WINEDilute dry red wine with salt water at a ratio of 1:5. Drink 1 hour before travel

Tablets depending on the circumstances of motion sickness

Name of drugs
From manifestations of kinetosis at seaAvia-More, Cinnarizin, Tserukal, Aviamarin.
Nausea on a planeAvia-More, Aviamarin, Siel-Teva, Tserukal
From motion sickness on a bus, car, trainDramina, Hydroxyzine Canon, Mebicar, Phenibut, Aminalon, Veratrum Album, Cocculin
For pregnantKokkulin, Vertihogel, Avia-More, Veratrum Album
For childrenAminalon, Phenibut, Ciel-Teva, Kokkulin, Dramina.
Anti-nausea in dogsSerenia, BEAPHAR Reisfit
Name, release form, age Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price in rub.
CINNARIZINE, tablets, 5+25 mg half an hour before the upcoming trip, if necessary, repeat the dose after 6 hours. For children – 1/2 dose for adultsHypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactationDrowsiness, increased fatigue, headache, tremors of the limbs and increased muscle tone, hypokinesia, depression50 pcs. – from 45
CERUKAL, tablets, 14+The maximum single dose is 2 tablets (20 mg), the maximum daily dose is 6 tablets (60 mg). Take 1 hour before travel. If necessary, repeat the dose at intervals of 6-8 hoursGastrointestinal diseases, epilepsy, pregnancy, lactationFeeling tired, headaches, dizziness, fear, anxiety, depression, drowsiness, tinnitus50 pcs. – from 130
AVIAMARIN, tablets, 6+Children 6-12 years old - 1/2-1 tablet (25-50 mg) every 6-8 hours, but no more than 3 tablets (150 mg) during the day. Adults and children over 12 years old – 1-2 tablets (50-100 mg) every 4-6 hours, but not more than 8 tablets (400 mg) during the dayHypersensitivity to the components of the drug, breastfeeding periodDizziness, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, general weakness, fatigue, anxiety, nervousness10 pieces. – from 150
SIEL-TEVA, tablets, 1+Adults – 50-100 mg 4-6 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg. Children 1-6 years old - 12.5-25 mg 2-3 times a day, 7-12 years old - 25-50 mg 2-3 times a dayHypersensitivity to dimenhydrinateDry mouth, impaired accommodation, drowsiness5 pieces. – from 100
HYDROXYZINE CANON, tablets, 3+Adults - standard dose of 50 mg per day, divided into 3 doses (1/2 tablet (12.5 mg) in the morning, 1/2 tablet (12.5 mg) in the afternoon and 1 tablet (25 mg at night)Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactationDrowsiness, headache, lethargy, dry mouth and fatigue25 pcs. – from 250
MEBIKAR, tablets, 18+0.3–0.9 g 2–3 times a day. Maximum single dose – 3 g, daily dose – 10 gHypersensitivityAllergic reactions20 pcs. – from 260
PHENIBUT, tablets, 2+250-500 mg once 1 hour before the intended trip (the effect is dose-dependent)Individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding,
liver failure
Increased irritability, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, allergic reactions10 pieces. – from 70
AMINALON, tablets, 1+For the prevention and treatment of motion sickness syndrome, adults – 0.5 g, children – 0.25 g 3 times a day for 3-4 daysHypersensitivity,
acute renal failure, pregnancy, lactation
Nausea, vomiting, insomnia, dyspepsia, hyperthermia100 pieces. – from 80
  1. During the period of use of Cinnarizine, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.
  2. Cerucal. The drug should be prescribed with caution in cases of arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to components, as well as in children aged 2 to 14 years.
  3. Aviamarin is taken before meals, 30-60 minutes before driving. This product is a complete analogue of Dramamine both in composition and price.
  4. Ciel-Teva is a drug that causes virtually no adverse reactions. Therefore, it is approved for use against motion sickness for children over 1 year old, which is its indisputable advantage.
  5. Hydroxyzine Canon. The sedative effect appears after 30-45 minutes after reception. The antihistamine effect appears after about 1 hour. The drug copes well with the manifestations of anxiety, which often accompanies kinetosis.
  6. Mebicar improves the oxygen supply of myocardial tissue, normalizes the disturbed electrolyte balance of the blood, the content of potassium ions in plasma, red blood cells and myocardial cells. Helps enhance protein synthesis and increase cell energy resources. Does not interfere with coordination of movements. These tablets for motion sickness in transport are approved for use only by adults and are available with a doctor's prescription.
  7. Phenibut. When used together, the drug prolongs and enhances the effect of hypnotics, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and opioid analgesics. Allowed for use from 2 years.
  8. Aminalon is a nootropic drug that restores metabolic processes in the brain, promotes the utilization of glucose by the brain and the removal of toxic metabolic products from it. Increases thinking productivity, improves memory, has a beneficial effect on the restoration of movements and speech after cerebrovascular accident. In patients, it reduces the glucose level; with normal blood glucose levels, it has the opposite effect (due to glycogenolysis). Aminalon - excellent tablets for motion sickness in transport for children.

Symptoms of motion sickness in an animal

A long trip can become tiring not only for humans, but also for animals. The older the dog gets, the less likely it is to get motion sickness on the road. However, some individuals suffer from kinetosis throughout their lives.

When an animal is rocked, its behavior becomes lethargic, breathing quickens
  • anxiety;
  • increased salivation;
  • shiver;
  • rapid breathing and swallowing;
  • belching;
  • vomit;
  • Frequent licking of the nose.
Name, release form, age Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price in rub.
SERENIYA, tablets, dogs from 4 monthsTake in a dose of 8 mg per 1 kg of animal weight of the active substance 1-2 hours before the trip once. If necessary, a second appointment is possible the next day.Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating animalsNot available4 things. – from 200
BEAPHAR Reisfit, tablets1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight half an hour before travel. If necessary, repeat the dose after 6 hoursEpilepsy, animal weight less than 2.5 kgDrowsiness, loss of coordination, xerostomia10 pieces. – from 350
  1. Sereniya are popular anti-motion sickness tablets for dogs, which are especially popular in European countries. An undoubted advantage is the fact that you can take the drug not on an empty stomach. The therapeutic effect lasts throughout the day, so if you have to travel in the morning, the medicine can be given at night.
  2. BEAPHAR Reisfit should not be given to small animals under 2.5 kg. The therapeutic effect of taking the drug occurs within half an hour.

In addition to these medications, human tablets for kinetosis are also suitable for animals, but only in a pediatric dosage. Half an hour before the trip, you can give your pet Cocculin or Dramamine.

Alternative remedies

If for some reason the drugs listed in the article are not suitable, you can resort to using alternative remedies for motion sickness on the road: patches or bracelets, inhalers.

Name, release form, age Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price in rub.
PLASTIC “EXTRAPLAST ANTI-Motion Sickness”, 3+Open the package, remove the protective film and stick 1 pair of patches behind the ears. Use 1 pair for 3-4 hours. After this time, if necessary, replace the used patches with new ones.Doesn't haveDoesn't have5 pieces. – from 160
INHALER-PENCIL “THE MEDICAL BREEZE AGAINST motion sickness”, 3+Inhalation should be carried out as necessary through the nasal passages from 5 to 10 breaths at a timeDoesn't haveDoesn't havefrom 50
BRACELET ACUPUNCTURE TRAVEL DREAM, 3+Wear a motion sickness bracelet when the first symptoms appear. Begins to have an effect within 2-5 minutes.
In case of severe nausea, press the plastic ball with your finger, which will quickly suppress the symptoms of nausea
Doesn't haveDoesn't have2 pcs. – from 400

  1. A popular remedy is the gel-based “Extraplast Anti-Motion Sickness Patch.” The advantages include:
    • there are no contraindications or adverse reactions;
    • safe for pregnant and lactating women, small children over 3 years of age (before using the patch for children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to consult a doctor);
    • exhibits a relatively long-lasting effect – 3-4 hours;
    • Suitable for use when traveling on all types of transport.
  2. Pencil inhaler Therapeutic breeze against motion sickness is used to prevent and relieve unpleasant sensations of loss of orientation, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea caused by seasickness. The product contains 100% natural essential oils of lemon, lavender, bergamot, grapefruit, pine, camphor.
  3. The Travel Dream acupuncture bracelet quickly and effectively relieves the symptoms of motion sickness and provides a constant targeted effect on the acupuncture point of the pericardium P6, located in the wrist area. The pericardial point is a biologically active acupuncture point responsible for the harmonization of digestive processes, stomach function, regulation of blood flow and peace of mind, located on the wrist and called Pericardial Point P6. Pressing the P6 acupuncture point creates a nerve impulse that travels to the brain and blocks the feeling of nausea. The bracelet does not contain drugs, does not cause drowsiness and has no side effects. The motion sickness bracelet is suitable for adults and children over 3 years of age for repeated use and constant use.
  1. Provide constant access to fresh air (do not smoke in the cabin, get rid of fragrances, open the window, turn on the air conditioning).
  2. Sit in transport facing the direction of travel.
  3. Before the trip, do not overeat, especially do not eat heavy food.
  4. If possible, stop every 2-3 hours to stretch and get some air.
  5. Try not to concentrate on the picture outside the window - be distracted by reading a book or talking with a fellow traveler.


Tablets for nausea and vomiting during motion sickness sometimes become a real assistant on the road for a suffering person. But it is necessary to take into account the presence of a number of contraindications and adverse reactions for such drugs. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions, do not rely on the advice of friends, and in each specific case consult a specialist.

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