Is it possible to build a bathhouse this year? A bathhouse made of foam blocks is planned: pros and cons, is it possible to build it from this building material? Norms within the site

The cheapness of foam concrete makes it increasingly popular among Russians who have decided to build a bathhouse on their site.

At the same time, some have already been built, while others are just thinking about what is better to invest in and are leaning towards the block one.

The latter really should think carefully and weigh everything, because this material for construction is quite controversial. Some express delight, others criticize. We suggest weighing the pros and cons. And you can get food for thought from our article.

Is it possible to build a bathhouse from foam blocks?

Of course, there is no insurmountable obstacle to building with foam blocks. There are a number of disadvantages that (with some effort) can be reduced to almost nothing. Much of the thinking therefore revolves around the cost-effectiveness of such efforts.

However, there is simply no material without shortcomings, which means that you will have to accept the associated labor, financial and time costs.

On the other hand, some are quite happy with their bathhouse from. In addition, there are options: not everyone bets separate bathhouse on the site, some make it part of the house. In this case, the material is justified - bathhouses are fire hazardous, and foam blocks do not burn.

The climate of the area also matters: where winters are mild, you can build with this material without hesitation (foam concrete has low frost resistance).

Another important question: is it enough for the future owner of a bathhouse that a foam block bathhouse will probably last 15 years on average? On the other hand, the investment is small, so hardly anyone has illusions about the durability of such a structure. So, if you are considering a bathhouse made of foam blocks, everyone needs to weigh the pros and cons independently.

However, it’s time to show the situation as it is.

Bathhouse made of foam blocks: pros and cons

Property pros Minuses
Thermal conductivity Low, comparable to wood (0.18 W/m°C for pine, 0.16 W/m°C for foam concrete at a humidity of 8%) The thermal conductivity of foam concrete is non-uniform because the sizes of the bubbles are different - this is a consequence of mechanical mixing.
Water absorption The material is “breathable”; it not only absorbs moisture, but also releases it. Of course, evaporation requires appropriate weather conditions. High. The main problem of foam concrete.
Frost resistance Low. According to GOST, 35 cycles of freezing and thawing without destruction. (Depends on the density: the lower it is, the fewer cycles. 35 – for dense ones.)
Fire hazard Almost zero, because foam concrete does not burn. Withstands open fire for 4 hours without destruction.
Soundproofing Higher than a tree, although this is not the main thing for a bathhouse.
Tightness High when using special glue instead of regular mortar. Compliance with the technology guarantees the reliability of the joints and the absence of “cold bridges”. For sealing, glue is needed, and it costs more (although it is used more economically).
Resistance to fungi Low in conditions of high humidity and without protection with special impregnations.
Rodent resistance They won't eat it, but they can chew it.
Construction speed High: one block 200x300x600 is equal to 15 ordinary bricks or 13 sand-lime bricks.
Easy to install High: the work can be easily completed by one person, even a non-professional.
Price Low. According to those who built it, the bathhouse cost 100 thousand.

How to level out the disadvantages

The attitude towards the disadvantages should be optimistic: they can all be corrected to one degree or another. The question: is it possible to build a bathhouse from foam blocks, is still not closed. Let's look point by point at all the disadvantages of foam concrete mentioned in the table.

Non-uniform thermal conductivity

As stated in the table, this is a consequence of technology, but still It’s better to buy foam concrete at the factory than from those who make it without complying with GOST.

Water absorption

Protection against water consists of two “lines of defense”:

  1. It is necessary to treat the walls with a water repellent- this is a substance that repels water, but does not in any way affect the ability of the material to “breathe”.
  2. After that cover the walls with a water barrier and a vapor barrier, which are parts of a regular insulating “pie”.

Both will significantly increase the durability of a foam concrete bathhouse.

Insulation of a bathhouse wall made of foam block includes vapor barrier, details.

External insulation pie, more information.

Frost resistance

Since we are talking about the freezing of water inside the wall and the freeze-thaw cycles, then , protection from moisture and proper ventilation will help get rid of water before it begins to show its destructive properties when turning into ice.

Glue costs

The price of glue is twice as high as cement mortar, but the thickness of the glue layer does not exceed 5 mm, which means We are not talking about a significant increase in costs.

Tolerance to fungi

The fungus affects any surface if there is high humidity. To combat it, antiseptics are used, but at the same time it is necessary to eliminate the problem of excess moisture. In the bath it means drying and airing.

Rodent resistance

The only thing they are not able to chew through is metal grid, therefore, where rodent control is relevant, you will have to reinforce the bottom of the wall with such a mesh, or at least the places chosen by them for passage.

Fastening problem

At the same time, let us also mention that a nail driven into a wall made of foam concrete will not hold, although it will be easy to drive it in. It's "curable" special dowels with an ABC plastic cap. The screw is first screwed into the plastic, and then they are screwed together in advance drilled hole in foam concrete. Such fasteners will hold well.

How to build correctly

Bathhouse made of foam blocks presents special requirements to technological and geometric accuracy during construction. Therefore, it is worth briefly going over the important points.


Since foam blocks weigh little, and bathhouses are not multi-story (maximum 2 floors), the load on the foundation will not be large. Therefore, lightweight options are made with a pit only 60 cm deep.

IMPORTANT! Wherein Special attention attention should be paid to leveling - it is worth taking measurements more often and using a laser or other level.

Wall insulation

This necessary procedure, which will not only keep the rooms warm, but also protect the wall material from moisture. produced inside and outside. Internal insulation is possible.

The exterior is done using the ventilated facade method, using the following:

  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool;
  • jute felt, which is used for ;
  • Styrofoam.

IMPORTANT! At internal insulation foam is not used.

You can use the same ones, with the mentioned exception. It is installed in the steam room and washing room as a vapor barrier. should be chosen especially carefully. In order for the walls to dry, vents are made in them. Instead of ordinary films, it is better to use a membrane as a waterproofing agent. depends on the tasks assigned.

When insulating baths, it is important A complex approach, i.e. insulation of all parts of the structure.

In Rus', baths were called differently: istka, lazne, soap. Healing properties water, steam, and hot stones were known to Russian people for a long time, so bathhouses in Rus' were able to be built everywhere. The love for cleanliness and healing bath procedures is still alive in us. Consequently, baths are an integral part in the construction of a country house.

In this article you will learn how to properly build a Russian bathhouse and what mistakes should not be made during its construction.

If you want to get a house or bathhouse in perfect quality, and save time on learning technologies, then order from an experienced company. Specialists are good at building objects of any level of complexity.

Helpful information:

1 mistake - poor quality foundation

2nd mistake – cutting for a log house

Nowadays, you can most often find a log house for a bath made of pine or spruce. In Rus' it was the other way around, from coniferous species people cut down houses, but built baths from linden or aspen.

Conifers have a great charge of energy, are good for toning and stimulating. life processes in organism. Baths exist in order to relieve stress, and for this, the best types of wood with an energy-negative or neutral charge, such as linden or aspen.

Aspen wood does not splinter or wrinkle, plus it is well preserved in water, and when dry it does not crack or warp. The baths have very high humidity, so an aspen log house is very suitable for its construction. Over the years, the bathhouse will not rot; it may only become dilapidated and require minor repairs.

3 mistake - incorrectly erected log house

The frame of a bathhouse is its body, so it is very important that it is made according to all the rules. It is best to harvest trees for felling in winter, when the movement of sap in them is minimal. Logs from such a forest are as strong as armor and will not develop cracks or splinters. Therefore, before purchasing timber for construction, ask when it was cut down.

The sauna stove is heated all year round and therefore think through fire safety very important. It is necessary that the chimney is located in the place where it passes through the roof. It must be taken into account that from the chimney to wooden parts must be at least 38 centimeters. The brick for the chimney must be of high quality without cracks, chips, or cracks. It is important that the pipe is in attic must have been whitewashed. If cracks form, it will be clearly visible on the white pipe.

5 error - poor quality stove fittings

All fittings for the furnace are installed during laying; it is very important to check their quality before installation. The gate valve, the sheet with which it is closed, the grate, i.e. all cast iron fittings are checked for sound by hitting it. The sound should be clear and clear, this means that the product is of high quality. We check the functionality of all locks on the furnace or blower door so that the door opens well and nothing gets stuck.

6 mistake - illiterate oven lining

The surface of the stove does not need to be plastered, but it is even necessary to line it with porcelain or clay tiles. Brick absorbs steam very well, which is in the bathhouse and, therefore, destruction of the stove may occur due to temperature changes. By placing the stove in a tile, you can avoid this, plus it will become more energy-intensive and will emit soft heat.

Tiles can be highly artistic (hand-painted) or simple. Porcelain tiles coated with glaze are best suited for the stove; they absorb moisture well and are easy to clean. If you decide to use clay tiles, then you need to make sure that the clay was fired at a temperature above 1000 degrees.

7 mistake - quality of fuel for the bath

The fuel for the bathhouse also needs to be selected. You cannot heat a bathhouse with coniferous trees; they produce a lot of soot, which settles on the walls of the stove and becomes a fire hazard. For a good roast baths will do middle-aged oak (young will not give the required temperature), birch with a humidity of 25% or lower and, of course, alder, which invigorates and heals colds. Firewood is harvested in hot weather, when it is dry, then you can see where the rot is present. You can also prepare it in cold weather by first knocking on the trunk. If the sound is dull, then the trunk is rotten, but a ringing and long sound will tell you which tree you need. You cannot use willow - it is bitter. Ash firewood burns out too quickly.

8 error – contents of the heater

The contents of the heater, the stones on which we apply water to produce steam, are very important. The choice of stones is now huge, but there are subtleties that you need to know. The stone must be checked before using it in the bath. Before your sauna exercise, light the stove, heat the stones and test them. After 500-600 degrees, soot begins to burn out of the stone. Pouring on stones hot water 70 degrees (never cold - the stone will crack), steam will begin to release. The main thing here is to determine whether the steam is pure or mixed; to do this, you can hang a white sheet in front of the stones and after the steam has dissipated, see whether it is clean or not. If you find dirt or soot on the sheets, then it is better to remove such a stone, it contains many volatile fractions that are harmful to the body. But if you decide to leave such stones, then it is better to test them several times, perhaps after 3-4 times the impurities will come out of the stones. Then we select the broken and scattered stones and leave the most durable ones.

Advice for those who like to breathe aromatic oils. Do not pour oil on the stones - there is no effect. It is best to spray the walls of the steam room or add it to water with a broom, only in this case you will receive the benefits and aroma from the oils.

9 error - incorrect ventilation system

The bathhouse needs to be ventilated differently from living quarters. Everything we get rid of in the bathhouse: dirt, sweat, various toxins falls to the floor, so ventilation in the bathhouse should be organized at the bottom. But the influx of fresh air should be from above, preferably already heated. If the ventilation is not organized correctly, then in the steam room you begin to inhale what comes out of you and begin to feel discomfort. In the bath you need to have fun, and not bring yourself to a semi-fainting state, therefore, proper ventilation- it is very important.

Error 10 – incorrect door location

The door from the steam room must open outward. If you overcooked or because of a poor-quality stove or poor ventilation got a dose carbon monoxide, then go outside at correct location the door can be opened with a simple movement of the hand, pushing the door.

So, if you want to improve your health, get maximum pleasure, relax and unwind in the bathhouse, do not make the mistakes mentioned above, and your bathhouse will always charge you with joy, vigor and health. Good luck.




For Russia, a bathhouse is considered a place where you can not only spend time. They have long known: in order to cleanse the spirit and body, you need to take a good steam with a birch or oak broom. But the question arises of how to efficiently and economically build at least a mini-bathhouse on your site.

In this article we will figure out how to do this, what are the best materials to choose, how much does it cost?. Let's consider the main mistakes in construction, time and financial aspects.

What's important at the very beginning?

When deciding to build, you should understand a small but significant thing. A good, small bathhouse needs a project. Many people underestimate the importance of drawings and calculations. And speed, reliability, comfort and cost depend on this.

Advice! Before going to an architect, you need to decide on the material.

Log walls

In Rus' it so happened that wooden baths were built. There are reasons for this. The following breeds are usually chosen:

  • Pine.
  • Fir.
  • Cedar.

A log bathhouse will not rot and is resistant to moisture. There is no need for additional vapor barrier.


  • Natural material, environmentally friendly.
  • Retains heat well.
  • “Log” ones are considered the most durable. The quality is superior to frame and stone buildings. By following construction technologies, the service life without repair reaches 70–80 years.
  • Relatively inexpensive material, it all depends on the region.
  • Excellent aesthetic appearance.


The disadvantage of this material is that the building must settle by 15–20 cm. After erecting the frame, it is recommended to wait a year.

Construction from timber

Timber is most often used in the construction of baths. It exists in four types:

  • Planed.
  • Glued.
  • Not planed.
  • Profiled.

It is possible to use any of the listed materials. But the most popular is profiled or planed. Let's look at each separately.


Special treatment makes it virtually invulnerable to cracks. Timber passed chamber drying, will be more expensive. It all depends on the professionalism of the builders. For example, if you build it yourself, then it is advisable to choose high-quality processing.

It is good to carry out installation from prepared timber. It’s easier this way thanks to the “comb”, which provides light, reliable and tight grip. This allows construction to be carried out with less effort.

The inter-crown areas are protected thanks to a special profile. This also allows long years do without repairs, save the heat of the walls.


  • Long service life.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Low cost.
  • Easy to install.


  • Violations in the drying technique lead to deformation and twisting.
  • “Prone” to cracking even with treatment.
  • It may darken over time.


More “difficult” to manufacture. Made from boards and logs. It undergoes high-quality drying and gluing. Thanks to the processing of two or more lamellas, it is considered the most good material for the construction and finishing of baths and saunas. It is chosen by people who are not used to saving.


  • Allows you to erect a building in a month or two.
  • “Gorgeous” in aesthetic terms.
  • Practically not subject to shrinkage.
  • Does not deform.
  • Thanks to him high-quality processing- does not crack.
  • Optimal humidity prevents the appearance of fungus and mold.


  • Expensive material.
  • Uses adhesive compositions makes it not environmentally friendly.
  • It is very quick to assemble a panel bath, which is used by commercial enterprises.

Not planed

The most inexpensive and popular of materials. Unplaned timber (sawn) is square or rectangular sections. Production is carried out from spruce or pine. Drying of wood does not take place in chambers, but on fresh air. This made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the material.


  • Minimum costs for constructing a frame.
  • Possibly used as a finishing material.
  • Does not require highly qualified specialists.


  • After the box is erected, the building is left to shrink for a year.
  • It is necessary to additionally insulate and caulk cracks. As the building is used, cracks may appear.
  • External insulation is required.
  • Needs additional interior decoration.


It got its name thanks to the connecting locks. They can be divided into the following:

  • Comb.
  • With one spike.
  • With two spikes.
  • Norwegian.
  • Finnish.

Easy to install. Slots and inter-crown corners are cut at the construction site. Most suitable look material.


  • High-quality grinding allows it to be used in finishing.
  • No harmful chemicals are used.
  • Made from spruce, pine, oak.
  • Due to its low thermal conductivity, it retains heat well.
  • Low shrinkage rate – 4–5 cm.
  • Fast construction with small forces.


  • Poor drying will lead to greater sagging.
  • It is necessary to treat it yourself with fire-fighting agents.
  • After construction there will be no possibility of redevelopment.

Nowadays, a barrel sauna made of profiled material is very popular. The price starts from 60 thousand for already assembled structure, which is convenient to accommodate even on the most small area dachas of six acres. Moreover, the design is put into operation without foundation.

Modern building materials for baths

Few people know that bathhouses built with brick and cement will look and function no worse than wooden ones. Let's consider common options made from expanded clay blocks (cinder blocks) and bricks.

Brick bath

Stone structures have a number of advantages over wooden structures. The advantages include:

  • weather resistance,
  • practicality,
  • possibility of redevelopment.

But the cost will increase significantly - this is due to the preparation and installation of the foundation. And also mandatory interior decoration.

Services required for the construction of brick baths professional builders different specialties. If only carpenters are needed for a wooden structure, then here you will need:

  • Masons.
  • Plasterers.
  • Finishers.
  • Roofers.

To build it yourself quickly will require enormous knowledge and experience. Improper wall laying will lead to condensation and structural instability. You will also need additional thermal insulation of the building facade.

Foam block

This material is more suitable for construction. Although it is considered “young” material. He has his own fans. They are successfully used in the construction of residential buildings, including bathhouses made of foam blocks.

Light weight and excellent thermal conductivity make it possible to create a warm building. But just like brick, foam block needs a foundation and additional thermal insulation. One of the main qualities of stone is its fire resistance. For example: brick under influence high temperature crumbles. The same cannot be said about.

It is made from environmentally friendly materials. Easy to process. Low price allows you to compete with other building materials.

The most expensive materials in construction

Common mistakes in construction

In order for the bath to turn out well, it is necessary to pay attention to the mistakes that are made by both professionals and amateurs:

  • The tree must be dense coniferous species: spruce, pine.
  • Incorrectly calculated foundation.
  • The logs should be from 20 to 25 cm. Too thin will only be suitable for a rustic “temporary shed” and will lead to heat loss.
  • To preserve heat, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant wood in finishing; Alder, poplar or aspen can handle this.

Due attention should be given bricks for the stove. First, it must be red fireproof. Secondly, solid ones cannot be used hollow ones. An error is considered too large or small window. For a bath it should be at least 50*50.

What is better - to build it yourself or use the services of a company?

The construction of a bathhouse brings with it a number of problems. This is a dilemma: build on your own or through a company. When choosing independent construction, you need to be prepared for processes such as:

  • Responsibility for quality.
  • It takes a lot of effort and time.
  • Construction experience required.
  • You can forget about the quick completion of construction.
  • Hire assistants (shabashniks).
  • Purchase, delivery of materials.
  • Foundation calculation.

Of course, in self-construction there are advantages. Namely:

  • Freedom of choice.
  • Phased construction.
  • Better control.
  • Money savings.

Advantages and disadvantages of the company:

  • Hiring a company eliminates a number of problems with finding workers.
  • Responsibility for quality lies with the company.
  • Takes upon itself the development of the project and supervision of the construction process.
  • The construction will be done by professionals.
  • Fast project completion. You can even order a project for a bathhouse with a swimming pool.

Of the minuses:

  • additional financial costs.

Obviously, hiring a company capable of carrying out turnkey construction is much more profitable than tackling such a complex task alone.

Cost overview

Pivot table. Prices indicated for various materials along with work:

How to build a budget sauna with your own hands: let's go through the basic steps

The first step is to decide on the materials, placement, and area. You will also have to face obstacles such as:

  • calculation and laying of the foundation,
  • construction of the frame,
  • finishing,
  • decide on insulation,
  • vapor barrier,
  • think about equipment installation.


  1. To make the base strong and economical, a pile option is suitable for its construction. It is much easier to make than tape.
  2. The next step will be marking. Don't forget about indoor partitions.
  3. Then the location of the piles is noted. The distance between them should be two meters. The piles must be located at the intersection of the walls and at each corner.
  4. The wells should be 25–30 cm wide and 1–1.5 meters deep.
  5. The well is half filled with sand, spilled with water and then compacted.
  6. After this, you can begin immersing asbestos pipes. A reinforcement structure is created around them and wooden frame for pouring concrete.
  7. Leave this structure until completely dry - about five days.


  1. You will need well-dried timber.
  2. Before installation, it should be treated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  3. At intersections and corners, reinforced bars are installed (vertically).
  4. Each such pillar should stand every meter from each other, not forgetting to leave openings for windows.
  5. The entire structure is united by bars or boards, and fastened with timber lintels.
  6. A frame with a roof is assembled in this simple manner.

Finishing - insulation

  1. OSB boards are used for finishing.
  2. The sheets are screwed using wood screws.
  3. The gaps between the joints are filled with polyurethane foam.
  4. Inside, finishing follows the same principle with only one difference: before sewing, insulation and vapor barrier are inserted.


After sheathing and insulation, you can begin arranging furniture and additional equipment.

Important! Furniture should be made of moisture-resistant wood. You can use purchased electric ones as a stove.


Building on your own is a long, nervous and seasonal process. The fastest way to assemble a bathhouse on site is from foam concrete or a ready-made, dried log house. If you work with four or more hands, then one season is enough to build the foundation, walls and roof. Well, the external and internal components of the cladding are a secondary issue.

The optimal combination according to the conditional characteristic “Price-quality” concerns:

  1. Buildings made of dry logs (medium diameter);
  2. Red brick baths (subject to normal interior decoration). Fire resistance;
  3. Premises made of timber 15 X 15, 20 X 20, preferably dry.

Advice! When planning the purchase, plan and time of year for construction, do not rush to calculate the area. A log house or masonry 4 by 4 meters is enough for the whole family, where even a washroom can fit.

For your information, barrel baths do not count, because they are a prefabricated structure, a kind of temporary option for several years.

The best video about building a sauna with your own hands

Sergei Zhornachuk’s material deservedly received more than 200 thousand views, thousands of likes and approving comments. An excellently edited, informative, sensible video about building a bathhouse with your own hands.

Hello to all blog readers. This article is rather dedicated to those who have not yet decided what kind of bathhouse to build on his own suburban area. Although some points will be very useful for those who have already acquired a bathhouse, but as often happens, something is missing. Also on specific example Let's see if it's possible to build a bathhouse alone, i.e. in one hand.

How do you imagine your holiday at the dacha without a Russian bath? That's what I'm talking about. In it you can completely relax, relieve accumulated fatigue and cleanse your body of toxins, and then sit down with the whole group at the table and drink tea, or maybe something stronger...

My family asked this question as soon as we started talking about the topic: « Shouldn't we build a bathhouse? » Everything would be fine, but the word “what” included several concepts - “ what material; for how many people; how many and what sizes will there be rooms in the bathhouse and most importantly choose for a bathhouse

In search of solutions, I had to be guided by my (at that time still small) experience, as well as consult with neighbors, acquaintances and become more familiar with local conditions. Well, we managed to glean something from books and magazines (unfortunately, there was no Internet then). But the most interesting moment was that I had to build a bathhouse alone, without outside help , relying only on your knowledge, hands and “smart” tips from your wife.

At the family council, we clearly determined that the bathhouse should be designed for 5-7 people. The second important question was also adopted unanimously - - wooden beam . This determined the design of the foundation - it had to be made of a shallow foundation, from ordinary (just leftover after the construction of the house) concrete blocks.

Base timber bath- block

Doubts about creating three in the bathhouse separate rooms: steam rooms, washing and changing rooms(doubling as a lounge room) – no one had an issue. This ensemble will be complemented by a small open terrace.

How to build a sauna at your dacha yourself?

Construction of a foundation for a bathhouse

The soil at the site where the bathhouse was built consisted of a layer of peat (in some places the thickness reached 0.5 m). And under it there were layers of sand of different grain sizes and water content. Its top layer, 10-12 cm thick, was distinguished by excellent strength and density, which is why it was decided to lay the foundation directly on it.

Six supports were prepared for the construction of the bathhouse, each of which consisted of two concrete blocks (30 x 30 x 60 cm). Moreover, the lower blocks were laid flat, and the upper ones standing directly on them.

This design in terms of foundation stability there was no doubt. If the structure subsided, due to its light weight, it could be corrected at any time using a wall and several wooden supports. Looking ahead, I will say that in the ten years of service of this timber bathhouse I have never had to do this.

Interior of the bathhouse

Dimensions internal separate rooms of the bath were determined by their functional purposes. For example, a steam room can be occupied by 2-4 people at the same time (for a maximum of 10-15 minutes). But in the rest room, everyone often gathers at once and for a long time. It was on this basis that the dimensions of all the bathhouse premises and their location were determined.

Steam room, two-tier shelves with ventilation

In the steam room, the shelves were arranged in two tiers. The skeleton of a cast-iron stove-stove lined with stones also came out here. WITH outside heater stove attached mounted tank for heating water. The furnace, thanks to its design, can be adjusted using dampers - either in Russian bath mode or in Finnish sauna mode. The firebox of the stove looks into the washing room.

IN relaxation room(which is also the locker room), in addition to the table, there are benches along the perimeter of the walls. Two of which have the width necessary for lying down. To heat water in washing department At first, titanium was used on wood with a shower installation. Subsequently it was replaced with a closed shower stall with an electric heater. The cabin, by the way, turned out to be the most suitable if you needed to take a shower without heating the steam room. Even in not the warmest weather, it is quite warm here and there is no need to light the stove to wash or rinse.

Material for bath walls

Bath walls assembled from pine timber. They were lined inside and out. But since all the work had to be done alone (and even under the strict control of the foreman-wife), each action had to be thought out and calculated in advance. Therefore, timber blanks (6 m long) for the construction of walls had to be cut according to a template chain saw, immediately for the entire bathhouse. To facilitate the assembly of the log house, connections in the corners were made in half a tree, fastening the beams along the length in increments of 1 m (also in the corners) with steel dowels.

Furnace outlet to washing room

Keys 1.5 times the height of the timber were cut from a six-millimeter steel rod. After laying on interventional insulation of the next beam, through guide holes were drilled in it under the keys with the passage of two underlying beams. Next, dowels were driven into these holes, submerging them by 1-1.5 cm - so as not to interfere with the laying of the next beam.

Rafters(for assembly upper parts baths) were assembled on the ground and, ready-made, were placed in the required place. The ceiling was covered with linden clapboard, punching planks from below to the beams ceiling. When insulating the ceiling, I decided not to be clever, but to insulate it with what was at hand - dried peat, and in some places (around chimneys) expanded clay and mineral wool residues.


Flooring in all rooms, in addition to the washing area, it was also insulated. First, the rough floor, and on top of it and the laid insulation were laid standard tongue-and-groove boards, which were carefully selected (mainly for splinters and chips) under the strict guidance of, correctly, the same foreman-wife. All boards must be carefully and smoothly planed and free from external defects and flakes, so that you can walk barefoot without fear of getting a splinter.

In addition to its direct purpose, the bathhouse was used (and quite often) as gaming room first for our children, and later for our grandchildren, along with their cheerful group of friends and acquaintances - especially in inclement rainy weather. There they had all the conditions for various board and floor games. Sometimes, when they bothered me too much with their fuss, I told them: “Why don’t you go to the bathhouse...” And they went at full speed to their “bathhouse jobs.”

By the way, it turned out open terrace at the exit from the bathhouse, fenced with low railings. Great place to hang out after taking bath procedures sit down to catch your breath and come to your senses. Even then, there was a small pond in the future. But now in place of that timber bathhouse there is a luxurious one with a swimming pool. But the dream of a small pond still remained.

At the exit from the bathhouse there is a terrace

Mistakes when building a bathhouse

In conclusion I would like to note some shortcomings in the construction of this bathhouse at my dacha, which came out already during the construction process, as well as its operation. So, for example, the width of the log house should have been made not 2.5 m, but all 3 m - there would have been less waste of timber and veneer boards, firstly. Yes, and washing after