How profitable is the business of heated floors? Business: installation services for heated floors

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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The minimum starting capital to start this business is about 150 thousand rubles. Payback period for sales finished products retail and small wholesale are estimated at 6-9 months.

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Good afternoon, colleagues,

I would like to briefly talk about an already working business model, which we have indirectly implemented and which brings income to those who use it much higher (in percentage terms) than to us, the manufacturers of the products themselves. Investments are scanty, and annual profits are measured in hundreds of percent - and sometimes in thousands. Below is the essence of the idea.

Profitability 300-1000% per annum. Retail sale of floor heating systems - Warm Floors - through a network of construction stores, through offices construction companies etc. indicating your personal data. How it works? Just. An entrepreneur orders a stand with a beautiful poster and a working layout heating cable and puts this stand in a walk-through place where building materials are sold - most often various floor coverings (metal, tiles, laminate, etc.). HIS contact information is indicated on the stand. He orders a certain number of business cards, which are discount cards for THIS type of product. The future buyer will receive a 10% discount on this card. The store receives a 10% commission on sales without investing anything. The entrepreneur will receive a 10% commission on the product sold USING HIS CARDS. All cards are personalized, i.e. they contain the first and last name and a special code of the entrepreneur who owns the stand.

Of course, the buyer will provide such a discount card when ordering heated floors, as he will want to receive a 10% discount. Of course, the store and the entrepreneur will receive their commission of 10%, since when the buyer presents such a card, all the information is entered into a single computer and the entrepreneur instantly sees who came using his card and for what amount he purchased the products. The cost of the stand is $100. The cost of 1000 cards is 100 dollars. Total - $200 investment. On average, out of 1000 people who are interested in Warm Floors, about 30 buy it. The minimum sales amount is $200, i.e. the entrepreneur will receive a minimum of $20 commission for each sale and, therefore, $600 for all units sold using his cards. This means that having spent $200, the buyer will have earned at least $600 after the expiration of his 1000 cards.

The turnover period may be different - some point will miss 30 sales per month, and some will miss the same 30 per year. But even if in a year this is already 600 dollars of profit from the initial 200 - and this is 300% per annum (100% of investments + 200% net profit).

If an entrepreneur can organize a small team of installers and charge money for installing systems, then his profit will be even greater. The main thing is that you don’t have to buy the heated floor itself, and you don’t have to sell it. Distributing discount cards for Warm Floors in busy areas where the target audience comes, who needs such systems, who makes repairs, etc. - this is the originality of this business. The buyer himself, using the data on this card, contacts the regional dealer and within 1-3 days receives the floor heating system he needs. All. The system is working, several such points are already functioning in Russia.

What if an entrepreneur buys several stands with sets of discount cards and places them in the most important construction centers of his city? Then, for example, 20 stands are 4,000 dollars of investment - and an average of 12,000 dollars of annual income. In cities with a population of over a million, placing 20 stands is not a problem.

Warm floor is quite functional and efficient system heating for any living space. Recently, warm floors have been replacing any other heating methods, standard radiators, heaters, fireplaces and other devices. The business of producing underfloor heating systems is very promising direction, especially in Lately when construction began modern technologies and foreign fashion. Many people are starting to give up old metal batteries, blocking the floor of the wall, by replacing heating devices with heated floors. Such floors are capable of excellent heating of apartments, cottages, offices, as well as utility and even industrial premises.

Rent of space for business.

To set up the production of underfloor heating systems, you will need to rent premises. This should be a building to which all communications and, if possible, high voltage to power the equipment are connected. Any industrial or agricultural premises with an area of ​​at least 150 square meters for ease of assembly of heating systems. Communications must have a water supply and a functioning ventilation system. Based on the average price indicators for the Moscow region, which are set for these types of premises and equal to about 6,900 rubles per sq. m. m. per year - you can calculate the approximate rental cost for one year: 6900 x 150 sq. m. = 1,035,000 rubles. Payment for utility services is not included in the calculation result; they will need to be calculated individually, based on the current tariff plans.

Necessary equipment and tools.

To start the production of underfloor heating systems, you need special equipment and some tools. It is necessary to maintain a certain distance between the mechanisms so as not to interfere with each other’s work.

Basic mechanisms, equipment and tools for production:

Soldering iron for plastic pipes - 5,000 rubles;
- set of set tools - 4,000 rubles;
- cutting equipment - 10,000 rubles;
- grinding machine- 12,000 rub.;
- machine for welding plastic - 25,000 rubles;
- air compressor- 20,000 rub.;

The price is indicated based on the average data from store catalogs for large regions of Russia. The production of heated floors may require the purchase of additional parts and tools, the cost of which depends directly on the supplier. These are mainly: water pumps, pumps, sensors, regulators and other things that are necessary for a heated floor system. Total cost for tools and equipment: 5,000 + 4,000 + 10,000 + 12,000 + 25,000 + 20,000 = 76,000 rubles.

Personnel and procurement of raw materials.

To work with the elements of the heated floor system and assemble the structure, personnel with working experience are required. An employee must be able not only to do his job well, but also to think about how best to get out of a given situation. Such personnel will be able to save their boss a lot of money, as well as promote the company in the sales rankings. The enterprise will require two plumbers, a process engineer and a welder of plastic and metal pipes.

The average salary of working specialists in this field in Moscow and St. Petersburg:
- plumber - 25,000 rubles;
- process engineer - 40,000 rubles;
- welder - 32,000 rubles;

To avoid loss of time and, accordingly, production volumes, it is necessary to take a serious approach to the selection of working personnel. Total costs for employees: 50,000 (2 plumbers) + 40,000 + 32,000 = 122,000 rubles per month, for 1 year 122,000 x 12 (months) = 1,464,000 rubles.

Raw materials for production are supplied directly from plumbing stores. These are mainly plastic pipes, clamps, clamps, adapters, splitters, plugs, etc., which are necessary for assembling a heated floor system. The cost of purchasing all of these items may vary depending on the supplier, manufacturer, quality and other characteristics that affect the cost of these accessories. For example, for 1 linear meter plastic pipe you will have to shell out 150 rubles.

The success of a business largely depends on advertising, so it needs to be given special attention. It is worth deciding which advertising method to choose. Basically the most popular are: website and press. The cost of creating your own resource varies between 60,000 - 100,000 rubles with initial, small promotion.

A big plus is that on your website you can place a complete catalog of products, contacts, cost of services and photos finished works to convince visitors. As for the press, then this type business promotion is less effective, but can still yield some results. Systematic placement of personal advertisements on the pages of magazines and newspapers will attract a certain number of interested customers.

Product sales plan and production payback period.

The underfloor heating system is actively used for heating different types premises. People are actively interested in such products, because a ready-made system is much cheaper than re-designing, measuring the room, selecting elements, etc. The sales scheme is quite simple and does not have any additional, special rules.

The buyer is interested in the product, and the manufacturer’s task is to sell his product as profitably as possible. Mostly ready-made systems acquires many citizens in order to equip high-quality heating in your home, without wasting time and money on selecting each element and calculating the system. Buyers may also be representatives of construction stores or companies that install heating systems.

Payback periods depend on the number of successful transactions. For one set of underfloor heating system, the client will have to pay from 30,000 rubles. For example, if 5 successful transactions are carried out in one week, then the profit will be about 150,000 rubles per week, respectively, for a month 150,000 x 4 = 600,000 rubles, for a year 600,000 x 12 (months) = 7,200,000 rubles. Annual profit minus all expenses: 7,200,000 - 2,675,000 = 4,525,000 rubles. Accordingly, such a business will pay off in 5 - 6 months of active work.

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Business related to construction has always been and will be a promising niche. Companies involved in construction activities are developing very quickly and gaining a client base, because services of this kind are in great demand.

The construction business can be divided into two branches. The first is business in production building materials, this type in most cases requires considerable financial costs for equipment and rental space. The second branch is a business providing services in the construction sector, such as covering roofs, erecting fences, repairing inside buildings, installing heated floors. It is the latter that will be discussed further.

A subtype of the construction business for installing heated floors, it is associated with the service sector and is the most profitable. Even a person who is not particularly versed in construction can master the installation of floors, and the price for one square meter of installed floor is attractive - it is approximately six hundred rubles. What is required to install the floor?

There are three types of installation of heated floors:

  • Mounting the resistance cable (first of all, this type requires a tie).
  • Installation of a strip floor with infrared heating (in this case, installation does not require a screed).
  • The third method is thermostats, consisting of a glass fiber mesh and a carbon rod (mounted on top of the tile).
  • Before you begin installing a heated floor, you need to carefully study the room, and also compare the client’s budget with the prices for certain installations. Let’s say that if the customer’s budget is small, then the option with a thermostat can be crossed out, since it has a higher cost compared to other types of installation of heated floors.

    This leaves two options: resistance cable and strip flooring. In this case, you need to inspect the room, and if the ceilings are low, then the second option is more suitable, and if high, then the first, since screeding the floors in the room will reduce the height by another 2-3 centimeters.

    The first steps to success in the business of installing heated floors

    Before starting a business in the installation and insulation of floors, you need to study this type of activity from A to Z. So that in the future, during the work process, there will be no questions about how and what to do, which installation option to use. Learning the theory and skills of editing does not require so much time, as it is easy to master.

    As for capital investment, the business will not require any special financial costs. What will you have to spend money on? Freight car, spanners, hammer drill, wages for hired workers (if there are any). All kinds of additional expenses.

    Also, don’t forget about registration individual entrepreneur and collection necessary documents, payment of taxes and advertising costs. You can advertise your business by various means mass media, such as: newspapers, the Internet, groups in in social networks, dedicated to the city where the work will be carried out, also if you have available finance, you can use television advertising.

    Expansion of the underfloor heating installation business

    The cost of installing 10 square meters will cost about 12,000. Next, you need to subtract from this all possible costs during installation and you can get about six thousand net revenue. After the business begins to generate money and recoups the initial investment, it is worth thinking about expanding it, namely, starting to produce heated floors and installation materials.

    It is better to buy materials for production from local and regional dealers, so as not to pay large sums for delivery. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of the material.

    Quality plays a big role in this business; the higher the quality, the more customers, revenue and positive reviews. Enterprises engaged in both production and services are considered highly profitable.

    A new level of business on heated floors

    After reaching the production level, and this is a high status in the construction industry, it is worth taking advertising seriously. If previously there was enough local media and advertising on the Internet, now advertising with a wider audience is needed.

    You will definitely need a company website; you can create it yourself or entrust it to a web studio, but in both cases you will have to pay for its promotion in search engines. You can also create an online store and supply heated floors to other regions, which will significantly increase your income, but this will require considerable expenses.

    As for the business services sector, there is also no need to stand still, carrying out installation only for private homes. Floor insulation is also required large enterprise, such as large farms. A large barn can be either 100 or 150 square meters. meters, which will allow you to earn from 60 to 120 thousand net profit at a time.

    On average, approximately 350 thousand rubles will be spent on purchasing equipment, paying labor, advertising and paying taxes. This figure is the entrance ticket to the floor installation business.

    If you install 5-10 square meters per day, then you will get about 200 sq.m per month. This is approximately 150,000 per month, if you subtract from this all the waste during production, you will get somewhere around 100 thousand rubles. net revenue.

    In this case, the payback for the entire project will be 3 months. In the future, as was said, it is worth starting to expand the business to production. And the main thing to remember is: “The customer is always right.”

    You can see the rest of the business ideas on our website here: . Don’t forget to subscribe to our VK group so that we can timely convey our business ideas and business plans to an interested audience.

    The demand for such a service as installation of heated floors in residential and office premises obvious. This is not bad for a promising profitable business. There is a need to attract experienced specialists who can provide quick, high-quality service.

    Installation of warm water floors

    Exist different types warm floors, but the most popular and popular is a water floor. To install a water floor use concrete method when the system is installed as a flooring. Floor heating pipes are filled with concrete mortar, which allows the heat to be distributed evenly. When starting to install the floor, it is necessary to perform zoning, which is planned taking into account the size and configuration of the room. This will allow the screed to high temperature expand evenly without cracking. A thermal insulation layer is laid on top of the concrete layer, which will retain heat, thanks to which the heated air will go up to heat the room. Any type of insulation layer is suitable quality material, it can be polystyrene foam, polystyrene, penoplex. The insulating layer should have a thickness of about 30 mm and good density. A welt tape laid around the perimeter will prevent the concrete screed from expanding. On next stage installation is in progress reinforcing mesh with dimensions 150x150 mm. You can lay two layers of mesh, which are placed over and under the pipes. When selecting one layer of mesh, the pipes are located on top.

    Depending on design decisions, pipes can be laid different ways. When choosing a method, the size and shape of the room in which the heated floor is planned to be installed is taken into account. The required laying interval is selected, the step of which is 75-300 mm.

    The pipes are secured to the wall surface using plastic clamps. Closes at the location of the joining seam protective material made of corrugation, which will help protect the pipe from mechanical stress.

    Pipe laying, methods

    There are known methods for laying pipes in the form of a single or double snake, or in the form of a spiral in the usual version and with a displaced center. For a small room, laying in one loop will be enough, and for a room large areas lay a double loop. For installation, it is better to opt for polyethylene and polybutene pipes, which are transparent, flexible and resistant to corrosion. Such pipes have a reasonable price (1 m2 - up to 70 rubles). To lay 1 m2 you will need 3 meters of pipe, the cost of installation is up to 250 rubles.

    For check heating system undergoes pressure testing, which will allow you to check the pipes for leaks. Such a check will help identify all shortcomings and damage, if any, that arose during the installation process. Then, adhering to a certain temperature regime, must be filled concrete screed, while maintaining the pressure in the system during the day at 4 Bar. The screed mortar is prepared from a mixture of concrete or cement with sand. The height of the screed above the floor should be 30 mm. It will take several days for the screed to dry completely, after which the system is filled with water, first cold, then heated.

    Heated floor covering

    There are many options flooring, but for a warm floor you need to choose a suitable material for it. As a floor covering best option, it is better to use tiles. Choosing parquet board or laminate, you need to take into account their properties that ensure heat conduction.

    When installing heated floors, it is reasonable to use the services of experienced specialists. But with a limited budget, you can do such work yourself. Having gained sufficient experience installing heated floors, you can find clients who need one, thereby providing yourself with stable work and income. The repair industry will always be promising in terms of organizing a business that will always be profitable and relevant. People will always be looking to upgrade or upgrade something, such as installing underfloor heating. To organize a business installing heated floors, you need to know all the subtleties and nuances of this matter in order to choose the optimal installation option for the customer.