I haven’t been able to get pregnant with my second child for a year. Effective tips on how to get pregnant quickly

In medical practice, it often happens that even after completely successful, without any problems, women come to the appointment with a complaint: I can’t get pregnant with a second child. The reasons are often unknown - everything seems fine, nothing bothers you, but it doesn’t work out...

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Such a situation can be the result of many factors, and one cannot rush to conclusions - only after an examination and the necessary tests, the doctor will give a comprehensive answer on how to conceive a second child.

Some women are not fully aware of whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth - it would seem that the body is set up to feed the child, and even the menstrual cycle of the young mother has not yet recovered in the first 1-2 months after. But doctors still warn that if you do not protect yourself, a quick pregnancy may occur after childbirth, which is extremely undesirable, especially if the woman is breastfeeding.

For the body, which did not have time to recover after the first birth, this will be another serious burden, therefore, doctors recommend waiting at least a year before.

If the child was born thanks to, the next pregnancy should be planned no earlier than two years after the operation and great attention should be paid to protection, since the likelihood of becoming pregnant after childbirth is very high. If a woman becomes pregnant immediately after childbirth, which was performed by cesarean section, the risk of rupture of the suture on the uterus due to the enlargement of the fetus is very high - in this case, pregnancy is most likely. Medicine knows of cases where a woman became pregnant a month after giving birth and managed to carry a healthy child, but this is the very exception to the rule.

Sometimes, women who want to give birth to children with a minimal age difference, i.e., age, try to get pregnant immediately after childbirth. But, if they are breastfeeding, their body produces a hormone such as prolactin, which temporarily blocks reproductive function - this is a fairly well-known problem - getting pregnant with a second child, if you want the children to be the same age, may not work out. In addition, doctors strongly advise women not to get pregnant so soon, because their body is very exhausted after the first birth, and perhaps the second pregnancy will be more difficult for them because they have not had time to recover.

Why can't I get pregnant a second time?

From a physiological point of view, there are no restrictions on when you can become pregnant after childbirth - this can happen in the first month. But it also happens the other way around - attempts to become pregnant with a second child are not crowned with success. There is no need to rush to the doctor immediately, rush, panic or sound the alarm - you need to wait a little. It often happens that with regular unprotected sex it is not possible to become pregnant with a second child for 3–6 months.

If attempts continue longer and are unsuccessful, you should contact a specialist, get tested, and undergo examinations. Moreover, this should be done not only by the woman, but also by her partner, from whom she wants to become pregnant.

The reasons why you can’t get pregnant with a second child can be very different:

Only a qualified specialist can find out exactly why it is not possible to get pregnant with a second child, and then solve the problem, if possible.

If a woman is over 35 years old, they also occur in her reproductive system. The older she is, the less often ovulation occurs. It may not occur with every menstrual cycle, but much less frequently. Therefore, you shouldn’t panic if you can’t get pregnant quickly. Many modern women do not give birth to similar children right away. First they give birth to one, and decide on a second a few years later, when the first one grows up.

Often, the age difference between children can be 5, 8, 10 or even more years. Of course, the woman herself does not get younger after such a long time, so you should not be surprised that at the age of 35 years and older it is not possible to conceive a child as easily as at 20-something when you can get pregnant immediately after the birth of your first child.

In general, if a woman planning a second pregnancy is over 35 years old, it is better for her to immediately, without even trying to get pregnant, consult a doctor, just to be examined, take tests, make sure that everything is in order with her health, and she will be able to bear a healthy child. No matter how women who decide to give birth at a later age are offended and insulted when they are called old-timers, no one has canceled the laws of nature. This does not mean that you need to give up on yourself and your dreams of motherhood. Modern medicine allows you to give birth at the age of 50, but it is better to do all this under the strict and sensitive supervision of doctors.

Whether it is possible to get pregnant a month after giving birth at a late age is still a question, but just in case, special attention will need to be paid to protection. Anything can happen, but the body is already exhausted and still has to feed the first child.

Reproductive problems in men

The reason why a second pregnancy does not occur may also be a man’s reproductive problems. There are a huge number of them, so if a woman has any serious pathologies and no problems are found, her partner needs to be examined. Most of the diseases that cause it can be cured today by contacting a good urologist. Sometimes there are no serious problems. A man just needs to take care of himself a little, get rid of bad habits, go in for sports, take a drink, start eating right, adjust his daily routine. If the causes are serious, they need to be treated with the help of a specialist.

Diseases and infections that appeared after the first pregnancy

Infections after the first pregnancy can often be introduced if a caesarean section was performed. Since after childbirth the menstrual cycle is not restored immediately, many women do not think about whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth - being sure that this will not happen, they can have sex without protection.

The only problem is that during this period the body and reproductive system are more vulnerable, and the risks of getting an infection there are much higher than at any other time.

After the first pregnancy, varicose veins may appear, and not only. The list goes on and on. Of course, not all women will have the above problems. Everything is individual. Many tolerate pregnancy and childbirth well, without complications or any additional acquired bouquets of diseases.

How does psychological state affect pregnancy?

If you can’t get pregnant, neither the woman nor her partner has problems with the reproductive system, perhaps the reason is psychological. Moreover, this applies not only to women, but also to men. Stress, nervousness, depression, anxiety and other psychological problems can affect not only the emotional, but also the physical state, including the functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, you can go on vacation, relax somewhere to unwind, forget about all your problems.

During pregnancy, it is also necessary to control your psychological state, despite the fact that it is very difficult. After all, the baby feels everything and all this will not have the best effect on him. You need to try to isolate yourself from all external stimuli in order to be less nervous, tune in to the positive, and enjoy life while waiting for a miracle.

Some advice from a psychologist:

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Many married couples with one child begin to think about a second one. It would seem that problems should not arise, because once everything worked out and was successful. But still many face certain difficulties. Why can't I get pregnant with my second child? So what should we do?

According to statistics, about 10-11% of married couples face problems in planning a second child. That is, every tenth woman cannot become pregnant for a fairly long period of time. In general, it is considered quite normal if conception does not occur within a year, subject to active attempts. If problems persist for two years or more, the doctor will most likely diagnose infertility. And only 20% of women become pregnant in the first cycle, in which the couple abandoned all contraceptive methods and means.

Causes of difficulties

So why doesn’t pregnancy with a second child occur? It would seem that it is planned, which means that two parents are preparing for it, which should only increase the chances. In addition, a woman’s body has passed all the tests associated with bearing a child and childbirth once, so the second time everything should go much easier. But this is not always the case.

Factors that may interfere with pregnancy with a second child:

  • Too little time has passed since the first birth. Firstly, this may be due to the fact that the body simply did not have time to recover after a recent pregnancy, especially if the gestation period was difficult. Secondly, difficulties with conception may well be explained by the fact that the mother is breastfeeding her baby. As you know, lactation in the first six months after the birth of a child can be considered a fairly effective natural method of contraception (subject to certain conditions). The hormone prolactin, produced during the release of breast milk, prevents the onset of ovulation, that is, the full maturation of eggs.
  • Woman's age. Many people start planning for a second baby when the first one has become quite mature and independent. And by this moment the woman becomes experienced and more mature, but with age, her health does not improve, but, on the contrary, worsens, which greatly affects conception. Firstly, fertility noticeably decreases: if before the age of 30-35 a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant are about 45-50%, then after 40-45 years they can decrease to 30-40%. Secondly, with age, various diseases can develop, such as hypertension, varicose veins, arthritis, diabetes and others. And some of them negatively affect the ability to conceive. The drugs or procedures used for treatment may also have an adverse effect on the hormonal levels or functioning of the female reproductive system.
  • Emotional condition. The body (especially the female body) is a very complex system, the functioning of which is influenced by many different factors, including stress. They can provoke the development or exacerbation of diseases and affect the functioning of the female reproductive system and hormonal levels. So if you are very and often nervous about your first child, work or some difficulties in life, then conception may not occur precisely because of this, because the body, which is under serious stress, is simply not ready for serious changes and restructuring. It also often happens that pregnancy does not occur precisely because the woman thinks too much about it and literally becomes fixated on it. This leads to overstrain, obsessions and stress, and they are undesirable at the stage of planning a second child.
  • Complications after the first birth. Childbirth is a complex process during which major changes can occur. And problems arise especially often if the birth was difficult. Complications can directly affect the functioning of the reproductive system. For example, after a cesarean section, scars remain on the uterus, preventing the fertilized egg from fixing in the wall. Diseases such as endometritis or endometriosis often develop, and they can also interfere with the onset and further development of pregnancy. Among other things, hormonal disorders are also common.
  • Change of partner. If a woman plans to have a second child with another man, then it is likely that pregnancy does not occur precisely because of this. The most common problem is low sperm quality, that is, low viability or insufficient sperm motility.
  • Lifestyle changes. The birth of a child undoubtedly radically changes the life of parents, especially mothers. Many women suffer from constant lack of sleep, severe or even chronic fatigue, and overwork. Some lose the opportunity to eat normally and fully, to monitor their condition and health. All this greatly wears out the body and can even provoke the development of diseases, including serious ones.
  • Wrong attempts. If the first pregnancy came quickly or, moreover, was unplanned, then the woman may think that the second time everything will work out quickly. In fact, conception is possible only on the days of ovulation, that is, when the egg has matured and is completely ready to merge with the sperm. And determining a good period can be difficult.
  • Change in body weight. Both rapid weight loss and weight gain can interfere with pregnancy.

What to do if pregnancy with a second child does not occur?

If a second pregnancy does not occur within one year, then this is definitely a reason to contact a specialist. Moreover, both partners must undergo the examination so that the doctor has the opportunity to identify absolutely all problems that could interfere with conception.

The gynecologist will advise the woman to undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, blood tests (biochemical, clinical, as well as for some infections, including hidden ones) and vaginal smears to assess the microflora and identify sexually transmitted diseases. You may also need diagnostic procedures such as laparoscopy, assessment of the patency of the fallopian tubes, and laboratory testing of eggs (to assess their quality and degree of maturity).

The man must also take a blood test. A smear from the urethra and an ultrasound examination of the reproductive system may be needed. But the most important thing is a spermogram, which will help assess the viability and motility of sperm.

If problems have been identified, then you just need to eliminate them by starting the treatment prescribed by a specialist. If everything is in perfect order, then learn to determine the days of ovulation, reconsider your lifestyle and just relax and try not to think about anything or stress. You can find a hobby, join a fitness club or start knitting. And to determine ovulation, many use the method of measuring basal temperature and keep charts. An easier way is to use special tests.

All that remains is to wish all women planning a second child a speedy and easy pregnancy.

The situation when you can’t get pregnant with your long-awaited second child is not so rare. Parents have already moved away from troublesome worries with their first-born, arranged social benefits, formed a strong family and decided to conceive the next baby, but for some reason this is becoming a problem. This is especially worrying for young couples, when the first pregnancy was normal, and the birth was resolved on time and without problems. What to do in such a situation, whether to panic, and what reasons provoke the impossibility of the long-awaited conception - today we will talk about this.

When not to worry

Psychological factor

A woman’s desire to get pregnant quickly with her second child sometimes becomes so obsessive that she thinks about it around the clock, calculates the days of ovulation, and uses traditional methods. Many dedicate their experiences to their husband, which is why both begin to suffer - sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure, but becomes a duty for procreation.

The problem may be chronic fatigue, when the youngest child is not calm or is often sick. Conflicts between spouses are not uncommon, exhausting the nervous system of both. This psychological state of a woman cannot be called successful for re-conception. It has been established that stress negatively affects the state of the body in general and reproductive function in particular. Therefore, you need to find out the cause of depression and eliminate it for the long-awaited conception to occur.

Husband's reproductive health problems

Medical women's problems

Under the influence of hormones, the endometrial layer in the uterus is gradually destroyed, adhesions and scars form, and inflammation becomes more frequent. This reason often leads to secondary female infertility. If part of the endometrium has grown in the tubes, their lumen narrows, and the ability to conceive decreases. Minor injuries are repaired by laparoscopic surgery.

Fibroids are another reason that can prevent a second pregnancy. The tumor occurs when the body produces excessive estrogen, with inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, due to the formation of cysts. The problem can be recognized by cramping pain in the abdomen, constipation and frequent urination (when the tumor, increasing, presses on the walls of the intestines and bladder).

Pelvic inflammatory processes are a problem that should not be overlooked if you are unable to become pregnant with your second child. The cause is often untreated sexually transmitted diseases, local and general hypothermia with damage to the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

And finally, hormonal status directly affects the possibility of re-conception. If a woman suffers from thyroid disease, or certain hormones are produced excessively (or insufficiently), fertilization may not occur. Increased amounts of the hormone prostaglandin often occur simultaneously with the development of endometriosis.

How to speed up conception

To quickly conceive a second child, in the absence of physiological problems, you can try several methods:

  1. Use ovulation tests - they will tell you which days of the cycle conception is most likely. At the same time, you can keep a calendar and a diary of basal temperature measurements.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle - give up cigarettes and alcohol, as these habits have a detrimental effect on the condition of the internal organs, heart, blood vessels and reproductive system. You should eliminate junk food from your diet and lose excess weight if these problems interfere with conception.
  3. Use folk remedies - for example, take alder root in powder (1 tsp per glass of warm water, with the addition of honey), drink decoctions of dill and parsley for 1-2 months. You can massage your lower abdomen with warm flaxseed oil.
  4. Eliminate stress - stop focusing on pregnancy, take a vacation with your husband, enjoy alone time and the intimate process. It is better to leave the child with the grandmothers, so that nothing distracts from rest and restoration of moral strength.
  5. Taking oral contraceptives - this method allows you to quickly become pregnant with a second child if you take the pills for 3-4 months in a row and then suddenly quit. OCs are harmful only for women over 35 years of age who smoke more than half a pack of cigarettes per day.
  6. Do not go on diets - sudden weight loss leads to a lack of production of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the ability to fertilize. The exception is severe cases of obesity, which themselves interfere with conception.
  7. Use a reliable method for determining favorable days - the folliculometry procedure. This is ultrasound monitoring, which easily identifies the main follicle containing the egg and allows you to identify the most successful day for fertilization.

Planning a second child is an important step, during which you need to prepare the bodies of both partners. This is especially true for couples who are 30-35 years old - they need to put their hormonal levels in order, be examined for infections, and take a course of vitamins.

On a note! We must also remember about such a concept as immunological incompatibility of partners. When entering into a second marriage and unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant from another man, special tests are carried out.

Examination and treatment

A complete examination of future parents will identify possible health problems.

Diagnosis and therapy should begin if you have not been able to get pregnant for a year without any apparent reason. A woman should contact an antenatal clinic and undergo a series of examination procedures:

  • study of vaginal microflora (taking a smear for laboratory analysis);
  • examination for the presence of obvious and hidden sexually transmitted infections using PCR diagnostics at the DNA level);
  • general blood tests, biochemistry and ELISA;
  • performing an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • ovulation control using ultrasound and folliculometry;
  • laparoscopic examination for tubal patency.

The doctor also prescribes blood tests for certain hormones to determine the woman's hormonal status. A man should also be screened for hidden infections to rule out this problem affecting conception. It is mandatory that the partner submits a spermogram and undergoes diagnostic procedures recommended by the doctor.

Treatment may include taking antibiotics for genitourinary diseases, hormonal drugs to normalize hormonal levels, and vitamins. If tubal obstruction is detected, laparoscopic surgery is performed (dissection of adhesions, removal of scars and endometrial tissue). When fibroids form, a decision is made to remove them surgically.

Having improved women's health and eliminated existing problems for both partners, you can begin trying to conceive, taking into account all the nuances listed above. This is the creation of comfortable psychological conditions, good sleep, prevention of stress and chronic fatigue. During treatment and attempts to conceive, you should not drink or smoke, eat right, and limit excessive physical activity. And then a woman’s chances of becoming a mother for the second time will increase significantly.

The problem of not being able to get pregnant with a second baby for a long time is not uncommon. This is due to the modern rhythm of life with regular psycho-emotional overloads, difficult first births, genital infections, etc. To resolve the issue quickly and effectively, you need to analyze all areas of life, eliminate negative factors and not give up hope for an early conception. For partners who are unable to have a second child despite the treatment they have received, doctors recommend the IVF procedure. Modern technologies make it possible not only to guarantee the transplantation and delivery of an embryo, but even to immediately find out the sex of the unborn baby.

Many women want to conceive a baby immediately after their first child is born.

This approach has many obvious advantages:

  • A woman does not need to return from maternity leave.
  • There will not be a big age difference between the children, so they will communicate closely and spend time together. They will have common interests.
  • You can buy toys for both children at once.
  • The younger one will wear the older one’s clothes (if the children are of the same sex), so there will be no extra expenses.

Usually, there are no problems with conception - the second pregnancy occurs soon after the woman stops breastfeeding (until this time, the constant release of prolactin blocks the production of gonadotropic hormones and thereby provides physiological contraception). But sometimes, having finally decided on a “brother or sister,” the couple suddenly realizes that fertilization does not occur.

Several unsuccessful cycles pass and the woman thinks: “Why can’t I get pregnant with a second child?” The husband is also perplexed. Another problem is added to the family besides the one that forced the couple to suddenly change their usual way of life - this is what always happens when a baby is born.

Preparing for pregnancy wisely

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This is a common situation

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. If there were no problems conceiving the first baby, then it is far from a fact that the second pregnancy will occur in the first planning cycle. There are two main groups of reasons why a couple fails to become pregnant with a second child.

The first group is physiological, the second is pathological reasons for failure to get pregnant.

Before you look for illnesses, make sure that you are doing everything correctly, namely:

  • Your lactation has stopped. You have not breastfed your baby at all for at least 1-2 months.
  • You correctly plan the days when you need to have fertilizing sexual intercourse.
  • You regularly have sex (which does not happen often in young families where the first child has just been born) - once every three days or more often.

If all conditions are met and pregnancy does not occur within 12 months after discontinuation of contraception, you should see a doctor. Many women ask the doctor: “Why can’t I get pregnant with a second child?” Before answering this question, it is necessary to compare and analyze all the facts.

Main reasons

Let's figure out why the treasured two stripes cannot please long-awaited parents for a long time.

The main reasons for the lack of conception if a woman and a man already have a child together:

  • reproductive problems in the stronger sex;
  • diseases of female reproductive function: postpartum complications, ovarian cysts, inflammatory processes in the uterus or tubes, hormonal imbalance, acquired sexually transmitted infections;
  • a short period of time between two pregnancies;
  • natural feeding at the request of the child is a kind of contraception;
  • if a woman is over 36-38 years old, then her chances of rapid fertilization are significantly reduced;
  • Stress and psychological stress negatively affect conception.

Psychological aspect

If a woman’s first conception occurred without problems, then she asks the question for the hundredth time: “Why can’t I get pregnant with a second child? What's wrong?". Another point that may affect her is that it is very difficult to tell her husband about the next flight. “I can’t get pregnant with a second child” sounds like a punishment from above for a man, because he may not even know that the reasons lie in ordinary physiological aspects.

There is no need to traumatize dad with the final verdict if the first planning cycle was unsuccessful, because stress may temporarily deteriorate the quality of his sperm.

What to do?

First, you should try to get pregnant on your own, without doctors.

Here are some tips you can use:

  • Get rid of stress and improve your health. You can go to a sanatorium or just take a vacation and spend it for your own pleasure.
  • Try to conceive more often. If you're having sex once a week, it's likely that you're just missing ovulation. Accordingly, it is impossible to conceive a child. Try to have sex more often, at least in the middle of your cycle.
  • Use ovulation tests. They can be bought at any pharmacy. It may be cheaper to purchase a reusable test. Especially if you are not sure that the second pregnancy will come quickly.
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine. Smoking and alcohol in a dose of more than 30 g per day (in terms of pure ethanol) significantly reduce the chances of conceiving a child. Both men and women must give up bad habits.

You need to contact the clinic if you are unable to become pregnant with a second child within 12 months of regular sexual intercourse.

Make an appointment with a fertility specialist. Come to the appointment with your husband and tell the doctor: I can’t get pregnant with my second child. He will tell you what tests you need to take. Having received the results, the doctor will be able to judge the causes of fertility problems. Most causes can be eliminated if you follow your doctor's recommendations.

It is better to look for the reasons why I cannot get pregnant with my second child together with the doctor, rather than blaming each other for failure. There are a large number of them. Fertility could deteriorate in both women and men. After all, after the birth of the first baby, both spouses become older. In addition, the female body experiences a hormonal surge. Often, after pregnancy, endocrine diseases that interfere with conception manifest themselves, for example, pathology of the thyroid gland.

If you have problems with fertility, contact the AltraVita clinic together with your husband. Go through a comprehensive diagnostic test. We can provide you with all the necessary tests and instrumental examinations.

It is very important to find out and eliminate the cause of decreased fertility in order to be able to carry out targeted therapy. And then, after a short treatment, you will be able to have another child.

Women often complain that they cannot feel like a mother again, although they really want a second child. And over time, this problem becomes more serious and difficult to implement.

Doctors do not always diagnose infertility if a patient is unable to get pregnant. In the second period of adulthood, infertility is determined after the absence of pregnancy after a year of life without protected sexual intercourse. If the woman is younger, then this period is reduced.

When it is not possible to become pregnant with a second child, the fairer sex asks the question: “What to do?” It’s difficult to answer right away, even for experienced doctors, since treatment requires establishing the cause of the deviation.

The causes of problems with conceiving a second child can be divided into three groups:

  • psychological;
  • age;
  • physiological.

The patient may become stressed due to thoughts about unsuccessful pregnancy attempts. This is how insomnia, loss of appetite, apathy, and eventually depression appear. Each negative result further aggravates the woman’s psychological state. In addition, the difficulty lies in the first child, whom you need to monitor and take care of his health.

Regardless of a woman’s wishes, hormonal fluctuations can occur in her body, and she often does not notice the differences between the state of reproductive health before the birth of her first child and the possibilities of having a second one today. All these “misunderstandings” lead to stress, which is often complemented by powerful hormonal imbalance. It is he who becomes one of the reasons why it is not possible to get pregnant with a second child.

If a violation of the psychological state is the reason for the lack of pregnancy, then answering the question: “How to get pregnant with a second child?” will not be difficult. A woman needs banal relaxation and rest, where she cannot do without the help of her husband.


The ideal age when it is better to become pregnant with a second child, in terms of health and financial situation, is the period from 28 to 35 years. But a fairly young age does not guarantee that pregnancy will occur immediately.

The fact is that eggs are formed even before a woman is born, and all these 30 years the reproductive cells are exposed to various negative factors. If a woman worked in hazardous work, smoked and drank alcohol, or suffered from inflammatory diseases, then most likely the quality of the eggs has already deteriorated.

The worse the quality of the oocytes and the lower the ovarian reserve, the less chance of successful conception. After 38 years, the chances of getting pregnant naturally are extremely low; in such cases, it is better to immediately contact a fertility specialist so as not to waste precious time.


If the cause of secondary infertility is physiological problems, then to determine them, the doctor first examines the medical history, prescribes tests (biochemical and general blood tests, coprogram, urine and hormone tests), and ultrasound.

Before this, he conducts a survey and uses palpation to examine for the presence of phenotypic manifestations of pathology.


Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle. It is recommended to increase your sex life during the fertile window for a successful pregnancy.

Typically, in patients of mature age and younger, ovulation occurs every 21 to 35 days. Women keep a calendar; in case of deviations (lack of release of an egg from the ovary or onset earlier than 3 weeks), it is worth consulting a doctor.

Using the first and last day of the cycle, you can determine the day of probable fertilization. 35% is the probability of getting pregnant on day 1 of ovulation. The day before it is 32%, a few days before it is 28%. A small percentage is allocated for 3-4 days before the release of the egg from the ovary, it is 15%. After ovulation occurs, the chance of a desired pregnancy decreases significantly.

Often it is not possible to become pregnant with a second child due to the lack of ability to calculate your ovulation. For a regular regular cycle it looks like this:

  • 3 days before the release of the egg;
  • one day before the start of ovulation;
  • offensive;
  • ending.

In the case of an irregular cycle, the lowest body temperature during rest (basal) is used to create a calendar and a schedule is drawn up based on it. The indicator on the first day of ovulation will decrease by half a degree. Over several cycles, a general approximate picture of ovulation is formed.


“Why can’t I get pregnant with a second child?” - the answer to this question may be breastfeeding. During this process, the female body produces a special hormone - prolactin, which acts as a natural contraceptive. Its main purpose is to produce milk to feed the baby.

Changed hormonal levels can prevent the onset of ovulation for several months after childbirth, and sometimes even for a year and a half. Therefore, if you are unable to conceive while breastfeeding, there is no need to worry; ovarian function will soon be restored.


Most often, the cause of problems with conceiving a second child is various diseases of the reproductive and endocrine system:

  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Adhesive processes;
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • Tumors and cysts;
  • Scars on the uterus after cesarean, abortion, gynecological cleansing;
  • Hormonal imbalances of various types, etc.

A gynecologist can accurately identify the cause of infertility; for this, he will prescribe a series of tests. First of all, the woman will undergo an ultrasound, laboratory tests of blood and urine, and smears. Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed.

Male factor

The weaker half is not always to blame for the failure to conceive a second child. Problems in the male reproductive system can cause infertility in a couple. To determine the abnormalities, the patient is sent for a spermogram.

One of the possible reasons is a decrease in potency (that is, male desire). Others include: prostatitis, asthenozoospermia (most sperm are immobile), akinospermia (all are immobile), oligozoospermia, azoospermia, teratozoospermia.

But if the question arises as to why it is not possible to become pregnant with a second child from another man, then the woman must undergo an examination. There is a high probability that the problem is in the female body.


Initially, you need to visit an antenatal clinic for further diagnosis. The root of the problem may be infertility, then you have a long way to go for treatment.

Sometimes you need to drink something to get pregnant with your second child. The choice of the necessary drugs depends on the reason why a woman cannot become a mother again. The doctor may prescribe dietary supplements (Ovariamin), dietary supplements (they improve the functioning of the body and ovaries).

If you can’t get pregnant with your second child, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • give up alcohol, cigarettes and drugs;
  • try a special vitamin and mineral complex - Pregnoton;
  • keep an ovulation calendar;
  • do not resort to strong physical activity;
  • limit psychological impact;
  • eliminate stressful situations.

You need to understand that it will not be possible to restore reproductive function with a healthy lifestyle if a woman has serious illnesses. Therefore, if a couple wants to have a second child, they need to plan the pregnancy with their doctor. Timely examination and treatment will help to avoid complications during pregnancy, and will also significantly increase the chances of successful conception naturally.