Do I need to level the floor? Is it necessary to level the floor for laminate - leveling wooden and concrete floors, the necessary materials and optimal technologies

Laying the parquet so that it does not start to creak and “walk” in the first month after repair will only work on a flat floor. Same story with the bathroom inclined surface— an incorrect slope will prevent water from flowing by gravity into the flange drain. There are plenty of other reasons to correct the geometry of the room, hence the demand for screeds and other approaches to creating a flat floor plane. Let's consider in what cases it is especially important to spend money on major renovation floor.

Why do you need to level the floor?

It is necessary to level the floors so that the finishing coatings lie down neatly, there is no need to place bars and felt scraps under furniture and equipment, and the plumbing fixtures cope with their functions. Leveling is not always a struggle with bumps and holes in a concrete floor slab; sometimes a perfectly flat surface is noticeably tilted, and this is much more dangerous.

Parquet, laminate and other floor coverings do not tolerate defects in the rough layer. Parquet without a screed will begin to loosen and creak in just six months, locking connections will fall apart, board will crack. The situation is similar with laminate, except that it will last much less than parquet, and on holes and bumps without a plywood backing, flaws will appear that are visible to the naked eye.

In the bathroom and toilet, a curved floor causes plumbing problems. Bathtubs and showers are initially made with the bowl tilted towards the drain. The water flows by gravity into the drain, and there are no puddles left. If the floor is inclined, gravity may not work due to the lack of the required angle in the direction of the drain.

In residential and non-residential premises a crooked floor causes problems with furniture and appliances. Simple task- install gas stove or a refrigerator - it turns into a problem and many hours of torment with placing pieces of plywood, linoleum, and felt under the legs.

Do I need to level the floor for tiles?

It is important to level floors with a tile screed for the reasons already mentioned above. In addition, when laying tiles on a lumpy surface, you will have to spend great amount glue, otherwise it will not be possible to keep the plane flat. Screed, as a rule, is cheaper, and the thickness of the tile adhesive layer should not exceed 9 mm, otherwise the strength and tenacity of the composition is lost. It’s even worse if the floor is sloped - in this case, the tiles may “float”, which will distort the pattern, and in adhesive layer cracks and voids will appear. If the tiles are laid in a damp room, for example, in a bathroom, fungi and mold will appear in the cracks - removing them from there will be very, very problematic.

About leveling the floor in a new building

Budget apartments from the developer in 99% of cases need serious improvement. The plane of the floor in neighboring rooms is often crooked, even visually, and when measuring the deviation it turns out that the slope is much greater than the norm of 1 mm per linear meter.

Are you going to install parquet or laminate? Get ready to make a screed. Self-leveling floors save the situation with differences of 1-2 cm, when a thin layer of coating is enough to smooth out flaws. In other cases, you will have to use a cement, semi-dry or dry screed.

Under linoleum or carpet, a screed is also required, otherwise roll materials will lie crookedly, distortions and folds will form. Prevent all these problems and not drag out repairs for months (and wet screed It takes at least three weeks to dry completely), a dry screed will help. Among the advantages of dry screed are ease and speed of installation, the ability to hide communications, no need to level the base, minimal load on the floors and 100% environmental friendliness. Solid base The Knauf prefabricated subfloor will hide unattractive pipes and wires, and for repairs or replacement it will be easy to reach communications.

The screed corrects surface defects, removes slope, and simplifies the installation of finished floor coverings. You can do without it only if the floors are initially flat, without a slope, and there are no convex or concave areas, but such are found only in high-rise residential complexes or expensive country cottages.

High-quality laminate allows you to create comfortable and environmentally friendly floors. But the desire to make such a floor often runs into a problem - the low quality of the subfloors, especially in old houses.

If the floor is not level, a poor-quality base can negate all the impressive benefits of embossed wood fiber panels. Already worked out for today different ways leveling the floor under the laminate. But despite its apparent simplicity, this technology has its own nuances that are worth knowing.

Is it always necessary to level a laminate floor?

In construction, with rare exceptions, it is customary to operate on smooth surfaces. But if in other cases it is possible to neglect perfection, then when it comes to the problem of leveling the floor under laminate flooring, you should still strive for the ideal indicator.

The reason for this approach lies in physical properties the laminate itself. It is these properties that force builders to level the floor as best as possible. Otherwise, an uneven floor will cause deformation of the laminate panels, poor adhesion between them, cracks, and divergence of seams. As a result, under flooring moisture will begin to enter with all the negative consequences.

The only thing a specialist can afford when installing a floor under a laminate is minor irregularities.

For good quality difference in floor height by 1 linear meter. base should not exceed 2.5 mm.

With such results, it is recommended to carry out light leveling of the base. If frequent bulges/depressions are observed, if the height differences in certain areas are significant, the leveling will have to be done more carefully. But if the difference in heights per unit area is no more than 1.5 mm, you can limit yourself to a simple substrate.

Having thus determined the state of the “relief” of the base, you can choose the leveling method. If you plan to raise the floor level to a height of up to 5 cm, it is recommended to screed with cement mortar. If the floor is even higher (for example, when large differences heights), then a lighter option is desirable. For example, you can use a dry screed made of gypsum fiber board panels or use the method of laying plywood sheets on joists.

Materials and tools for leveling the floor

Whatever methods are used for leveling, it is worth stocking up on the following materials and tools:

  • building level;
  • rule;
  • beams for joists;
  • cement mortar;
  • plywood sheets;
  • scraping machine;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws, nails.

Concrete base leveling technology

Tools for leveling floors under laminate: hammer, ruler, logs, level, pliers, tape measure, brush.

Today, most laminate flooring bases are made of concrete. But rarely are they without defects. Possible cracks, potholes, chips, cavities, presence of concrete surfaces various sagging or peeling of the solution lead to differences in heights on the plane, which should be eliminated.

Experts offer the 2 most common methods for leveling concrete bases under laminate. Method 1 involves using cement screed, The second is based on the use of a self-leveling mixture.

Before use cement mortar from the surface concrete base All remnants of the previous floor must be removed. Sludges of solution are removed with a pick or hammer drill, while small ones can be left. If there are stains of oil or paint on the base, they should be removed with a solvent or burned out with a torch. Finally, the concrete is treated with liquid soil.

Then along all the walls of the room, in their lower part, using a level, mark the upper edge of the subfloor. Beacon slats are placed along the marked floor level. There is no method for fixing them special significance, but most often the slats are fixed with arbitrary slides of mortar. The width of each strip between the slats should not be longer rules.

Concerning cement-sand mixture, then in this case it is necessary to adhere to the following proportion - 25% cement M-400 to 75% quartz sand, pre-sifted. It is worth noting that when using this technology, the solution should be quite thick, which will prevent it from spreading prematurely.

Immediately after preparing the solution, it should be poured between the exposed beacons. Using the rule, the level of the solution is leveled to the level of the beacon slats. After pouring the solution, each strip must be rolled with a special spiked roller, which removes unwanted air bubbles.

After the solution has set and hardened, the beacon slats are removed. The grooves formed in their place are filled with solution.

But even after the solution has hardened externally, the readiness of the floor for laminate cannot yet be considered final. It must be borne in mind that the screed, especially a fairly thick one, requires a long time (up to 3-4 weeks) to harden so much that you can safely walk on it. She must be kept covered during this entire period. plastic film, regularly (2 times a day) moisturizing its surface.

Another option for preparing a flat floor is covering it with a self-leveling mixture. This method is fast and high quality execution. But all this can be achieved if only the process is organized correctly.

First, as in the case of screed, it is necessary to clean the room in which the floor will be prepared for laminate flooring. Sludges of mortar, debris, dirt are removed, bumps are knocked down, cracks and potholes are puttied. Finally, the surface is treated with deep penetration primer.

Next comes the preparation of the self-leveling mixture. The dry powder is diluted with water according to the attached instructions and mixed thoroughly until smooth. But you can deviate somewhat from the instructions for preparing the mixture by determining the proportions of dry powder and water experimentally. This is allowed if the employee has his own own experience flooring, taking into account, in particular, the fact that for preparatory layers different thicknesses self-leveling mixtures of varying densities are needed.

After the mixture is prepared for pouring, it is carefully applied to the base of the future floor. Moreover, this should be done at the highest point of the leveled surface, from where the solution will spread throughout the room. Speed ​​up this process You can use a spatula.

To ensure maximum high-quality alignment solution, good surface smoothness and removal of unwanted air bubbles from the mixture, the spread mass is rolled with a spiked roller. Then the resulting floor is left to settle for several days. After this, you can lay laminate panels on it.

This method using a self-leveling mixture is suitable not only for concrete, but also for wooden bases. In the second case, preparing the base for pouring the mixture mainly consists of securing loose boards, removing paint residues and protruding nails, after which the fixed base is impregnated with waterproof primer.

Leveling the wooden base

Often it is necessary to level a wooden floor, on which laminate will later be laid. Here you need to pay attention to the degree of wear of individual floorboards. The method of alignment will depend on this. The most common methods in repair and construction practice are two methods: scraping subfloor boards and leveling the floor using plywood sheets.

Sanding is used in cases where the master is dealing with a flat floor in good condition. technical condition. It usually eliminates minor defects. For this, 2 types of tools are used - a manual scraper or a special scraping machine.

In the 2nd case, the process will be quite fast and not labor-intensive. You just need to drive all possible nails and screws into the wooden floor, otherwise you may damage the machine’s knives. After the operation of such a mechanism, the floor usually becomes smooth and quite ready for laying laminate.

The second leveling method - using plywood or chipboard sheets - is used in cases where the floor is very uneven, but there are no plans to disassemble it. To do this, first carefully secure the loose floorboards with self-tapping screws, and if necessary, replace individual boards. And only then pre-cut sheets of plywood or chipboards are laid on the floor.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that there is a gap of several millimeters between the sheets being laid. This is necessary to prevent deformation of the sheets during their possible expansion or swelling under the influence of moisture.

Finally, all sheets are carefully attached to the bottom boards with self-tapping screws with countersunk heads. After this, you can begin laying the laminate.

Installation of underlay for laminate

Speaking about leveling floors under laminate, we should also mention the underlay, without which this process in some cases will be unfinished. Typically, a substrate is used when the difference in height of the base surface is small and the worker is faced with a problem - it is impossible to lay the laminate on the base without preparation, but there is no need to fully level it.

For this purpose, both synthetic substrates and materials based on natural components are used. Among synthetic ones, polyethylene substrates are most often used; among the most popular natural substrates, cork or cork-bitumen ones are used.

It should be noted that in many cases these components are not cheap building materials. But they guarantee excellent quality and speed of work completion. And this, combined with the skill of the performer, is the key to a beautiful, comfortable and durable floor.

Cozy home without special costs Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

Why is it necessary to level the walls?

Nowadays there are many advertisements in newspapers offering household services to the population. Among these services, European-quality repairs take pride of place. What exactly is this? As a rule, this means the following “gentleman's set”. Firstly, in a room finished according to European standards, there must be metal-plastic (or wooden, made according to the latest technologies) window frames with so-called double-glazed windows. Secondly, doors from natural wood or MDF (this is the name of durable, specially processed plastic with a refined surface finish). It would also be a good idea to install radiators of a new generation - small, neat, with square section sections. By the way, they provide the apartment with heat no worse, if not better, than the cast-iron accordion batteries we are used to. I'm not even talking about the advantage of new radiators over standard flat batteries.

The concept of “European standard” also includes tiling the kitchen, bathroom and toilet with improved quality tiles, and not only the walls of these rooms, but also the floor are finished with tiles. Also, an apartment finished according to European standards must have new generation plumbing fixtures, which include a toilet, bathtub, sink, faucet and sink (jacuzzi and bidet in ordinary apartments practically none, there is simply nowhere to put them).

And of course, all fittings (sockets, switches, all kinds of latches, door and window handles, etc.) must be of a new, modern design.

However, if at the very least you can do without the above things, provided, of course, that the existing windows, doors and plumbing are in quite good condition, then European-quality renovation is unthinkable without perfectly aligned walls.

The fact is that the walls in our Russian houses are initially uneven. And that's even putting it mildly! They can be frankly wavy, with curvature and depressions, not to mention the numerous voids on the surface of the concrete, etc. Those who have glued wallpaper on their own at least once know this very well. I don’t know why, but this is how we build. Sometimes, when joining panel slabs, builders, without further ado, seal up the joining seams almost “slap”, not at all embarrassed by the fact that after such sealing, unsightly cement plaques appear on the surface of the walls. As the unforgettable Raikin said, “with us, quantity is more important than quality!” This is how it remains to this day.

Don't think that things are different in newly built houses. Nothing like this! The walls also need to be finished, they need to be leveled, using kilograms of plaster for this. Did you know that now new houses are often handed over to homeowners without any finishing at all: without wallpaper or linoleum, not to mention parquet, etc.? They say that the owners will redo everything to their taste anyway, so why bother extra expenses for the finishing of a facility under construction?

In general, if you want your apartment to comply with European standards after renovation, you (more precisely, the craftsmen) cannot avoid the work of leveling the walls. Ideally, the walls should be as even and smooth as the walls of a refrigerator. And this is regardless of how exactly you are going to finish them: wallpaper them, lay tiles on them, paint them water-based paint etc. Even if you intend to close your walls decorative panels, then they (the walls) will still have to be leveled. Please note that the panels are mounted on wooden slats, installed horizontally. And if the wall is crooked, then the panels will not be able to lie flat on it.

So whether you like it or not, this work cannot be avoided. Yes, you’ve probably already seen for yourself, seeing the renovated apartments of your friends or acquaintances, how much more noble the aligned walls look compared to those we had before.

If work on thoroughly leveling the walls is being carried out in your apartment for the first time, then you will be amazed at how much putty may be needed for this. For example, to renovate a room with an area of ​​7–10 square meters. m may need about 150 (one hundred and fifty!) kilograms of vetonite - a dry powdery mixture, which is diluted with water and turns into a paste-like putty. In general, be prepared for the fact that during the work process you will have to buy additional vetonite, and perhaps more than once. As they say, an opening (in this case of the walls) will show.

Vetonit is by far the most common type of putty because it optimally combines price and quality. In addition to vetonite, Knauf's Rotband putty also works well to level walls. True, it is more expensive than Vetonite, but it is more plastic and therefore more convenient to work with.

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Floor leveling usually means creating a horizontal floor plane. But everything is not as obvious as it seems. The plane of the floor may not be strictly horizontal - one corner may be a centimeter or two higher than the other, but the plane will be flat (although not strictly horizontal).

If the floor has no plane at all, then it is simply crooked and even uncomfortable to walk on. It’s clear here that we need to level it out. But if the floor plane is flat, but it is not completely horizontal, is it necessary to level it? Here you need to look at the specific situation. They are leveled strictly horizontally due to the fact that if the floor is “littered”, this can be noticeable from the furniture (for example, it will be visible from the wardrobe, but kitchen furniture The legs are adjustable, it's not scary there). But if the floor plane is flat, although not strictly horizontal, and long cabinets are not planned there, you can leave it as is.

However, if you still have to level the floor throughout the entire apartment, it is better to level it strictly “to the level” so that later a curvature does not appear somewhere. If you need to level only part of the apartment, and in another part of it this is not required, then everything is a little more complicated. Let’s say you need to level the floor in the hallway and kitchen to match the tiles; and there will be laminate in the rooms - there is no need to level them. If you try to level it, the old floor is probably a little littered, and there will be a three-centimeter layer on the doors to the rooms. Here it will no longer be possible not to level it under the laminate, otherwise there will be a step on the threshold. In such a situation, it is better to level not by level, but to try to make the layer on the thresholds smaller, so that you do not have to raise the floor in the rooms later.

Cases when the floor needs to be leveled

  • On the floor concrete plates, and between the plates there are differences of several centimeters.
  • Removed old parquet or hardboard on bitumen mastic, large influxes of mastic remained.
  • The old wooden floor creaks and wobbles.
  • Eat old screed, but it's completely crooked.
  • There will be tiles on the floor.
  • You want to make a warm floor. The classic heated floor is covered with screed. Nowadays, warm floors made from film have appeared - they are simply laid under the laminate, but the prices there are steep.

Other reasons, for example, if you need to hide electric wires in the screed cannot be considered a sufficient reason to get involved with leveling the floors. The same wires, for example, can be hidden in a groove, or in extreme cases - in a box.

Another common situation is when there are concrete slabs on the floor. The slabs themselves seem to be even, but they lie unevenly: there are differences between the slabs. IN standard houses Usually the joints of the slabs lie on the walls. As a result, differences are visible only at the door thresholds, the rest is hidden by the walls. Because of this, leveling the floors throughout the apartment is expensive and unnecessary. It is enough to level out the differences in the thresholds to zero.

Olga Emelyanova

Chief physician of the International Orthodontic Center Invisalign, Moscow.

If you've ever watched American teen comedies, then you probably associate staples with the image of a loser and a nerd, and getting rid of them is the first step towards turning an ugly duckling into a swan. Alas, the transformation occurs precisely while wearing braces, and this process is quite lengthy. However, technology does not stand still; dentistry today offers many options for straightening teeth.

Is teeth straightening really necessary?

The current trend towards accepting oneself and the imperfections of one's body is certainly very beneficial. Of course, you shouldn’t chase the ideal from the picture. But crooked teeth are both an aesthetic and functional problem.

Crooked teeth are fraught not only with an unattractive smile, but also with speech impediments (the notorious diction defects), microtraumas of the oral mucosa, and improper distribution of the load during chewing, which results in excessive abrasion of the enamel and the formation of microcracks on its surface. Also, crooked dentition can provoke migraines, jaw clicking, bruxism (uncontrolled teeth grinding), and problems with the temporomandibular joint due to excessive tension in the lower jaw. In case of serious curvatures, the quality of chewing food deteriorates, causing damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also possible psychological problems: low self-esteem, stress due to peers, if we are talking about teenagers.

Does installing braces help in all cases?

If we are talking specifically about the curvature of the dentition (protruding forward or, conversely, recessed teeth; enlarged spaces between the front (diastema) and lateral (trema) teeth; deployed position of some teeth; crossbite), then any of the alignment methods, be it vestibular, lingual braces or aligners, with a competent approach and the patient following all the doctor’s recommendations will definitely help.

If problems at the dentition level are combined with malocclusion at the jaw level, a competent and experienced specialist at the first appointment will prescribe additional studies (most often x-ray) and determine which orthodontic system will best cope with your problem. Additional intraoral traction may be required.

In particularly severe cases, combined with malocclusion, surgical intervention may be required.

Alas, with all the possibilities of modern orthodontics, there are still similar cases when the bite cannot be corrected without maxillofacial surgery. That is why it is so important to contact a trusted specialist who will not waste your money and time (treatment with braces usually takes from six months to two years) and will refer you to another doctor if necessary. However, fortunately, most problems with bite, not to mention curvature at the level of the dentition, are now successfully solved by installing braces or wearing aligners.

Which orthodontic systems are more effective?

From a functional point of view, all orthodontic systems are equally effective and reliable. The difference between them is by and large in comfort. How more modern system, the more aesthetically pleasing and convenient it is. It is not difficult to guess that comfort and aesthetics are proportional to the cost.

The choice of a specific orthodontic design should be based on the following factors:

  1. How important is appearance to you? (Here you need to remember that even metal braces today are not a death sentence; they are much more aesthetically pleasing than their predecessors twenty years ago.)
  2. How long are you willing to wear the design?
  3. What are your financial capabilities?

When is it too early to put on braces, and when is it too late?

We have to admit that the situation in Russia and the world is very deplorable. According to various statistics, up to 80% of the world's population have bite problems of varying severity. If you meet a person today with absolutely straight teeth, most likely he has undergone orthodontic treatment.

The formation of malocclusion and crooked dentition is influenced by many factors, from ecology to heredity, but the most serious problems occur due to improper bottle feeding and bad habits in infancy, such as thumb sucking.

Therefore, you should have your first appointment with an orthodontist before the age of 5.

Braces are not yet worn at this age, but a competent doctor will already be able to determine whether the child will have bite problems in the future. If serious violations are already observed, removable structures will help: plates or trainers. The doctor will determine what kind of exposure is necessary.

As for treatment with fixed structures (braces) and aligners, it can begin as soon as the bite is fully formed and the baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. There is no need to wait for the eruption of eights, the so-called wisdom teeth.

But there is no upper limit. Even for older people, teeth straightening is not contraindicated, and successful treatment significantly improves the quality of life.

Do I need to remove teeth, such as figure eights, to install braces?

Only an orthodontist can answer this question after examination and x-ray examination. However, tooth extraction, be it wisdom teeth or fangs, is not always necessary for the purpose of installing an orthodontic structure. If there is severe crowding, then you may have to get rid of the eights, but most likely they will not interfere with treatment.

What is the difference between braces and when is each of them preferable?

As mentioned above, the difference lies in the level of aesthetics and comfort. The simplest (and most affordable) braces systems are metal. Not very conscientious doctors continue to call them the most reliable, but this is not so: in terms of reliability, the same sapphire braces are in no way inferior to metal ones. But first things first.

Metal braces

Metal braces are more noticeable than others. But if you are not embarrassed by the fact that others will be aware of your treatment, today there are many ways to decorate braces: rhinestones, multi-colored rubber ligatures and much more.

Metal braces are most often recommended for teenagers, as they are not diligent in daily hygiene. As for comfort, you will have to get used to metal braces; they can injure the inner surface of the lips (in this case, the doctor will prescribe special remedy). You will need special V-shaped, as well as single-tuft brushes or brushes to clean the braces themselves.

During the treatment period, some foods will have to be excluded from the diet, and hard fruits and vegetables cannot be bitten off; they will need to be cut into slices.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are more expensive and much more aesthetically pleasing than metal braces. They are less noticeable on your teeth because they are made to match the color of your enamel, and their arch can be painted.

At first you will also experience some discomfort, but when the period of adaptation passes, the only inconvenience you will experience is the dietary restriction.

As for caring for teeth with ceramic braces, you must remember that the plaque around them will be much more noticeable than when wearing metal structure, so you will need more careful daily hygiene and more frequent visits to professional cleaning sessions.

A special type of ceramic braces is sapphire. They are completely transparent and many people like them better, but there are no fundamental differences from ceramic ones.

It should be remembered that, no matter what type of braces you and your doctor choose, you will have to come in for “lifts” at certain intervals - adjustments to the pressure that moves the teeth in the desired direction.

And one more life hack... Teeth after orthodontic treatment will never return to their previous position in only one case: if, after removing braces, a retainer is installed on the back surface - a thin, invisible wire that prevents the teeth from moving to their previous position.

Doctors are still arguing about the retainer: is it necessary to wear it for the rest of your life, or is it enough for a period twice as long as the period of wearing braces? In any case, without a retainer, newly moved teeth can, by inertia, return to their usual position, and all treatment will come to naught. By the way, you can’t feel the retainer on your teeth at all.

But lingual braces - orthodontic structures installed on the back surface of the teeth - you will feel for the first time. Lingual systems are completely invisible on the teeth and are just as effective as vestibular systems (attached to the front surface of the teeth), but getting used to them may take a little longer, and diction will especially suffer.

Is there an alternative to braces?

An alternative to braces exists, and these are aligners - the most modern and comfortable way to straighten teeth. The main difference between aligners and braces is that they can be removed if necessary.

Aligners are completely transparent, completely invisible trays on the teeth that you remove while eating. Therefore, no dietary restrictions are necessary. If necessary, you can remove them before any important event, however, this is an unnecessary precaution: only an orthodontist working with this system will be able to see the aligners in your mouth, and only if he specifically looks into your mouth.

Also, transparent mouth guards do not require any additional hygienic devices. You simply remove them, clean them with a regular brush and paste, and rinse the aligners under running water and, if necessary, clean them with the same brush.

In terms of effectiveness, aligners are not inferior to conventional braces, but only if two conditions are met:

  1. The mouthguards should be on the teeth for at least 20–22 hours a day.
  2. Sets must be changed promptly. At each visit, your doctor will give you several pairs of mouth guards and tell you when to change them.

Another advantage of aligners is the predictable result. Even at the stage of planning treatment with the help of a special computer program you will be able to see how your teeth will move. Naturally, treatment with aligners is the most expensive way to straighten teeth, but this investment is justified by the comfort, aesthetic appearance and a predictable result.

Whatever your financial capabilities and aesthetic requirements, only an orthodontist can choose the right orthodontic design for you, determine the exact timing of treatment, and find out whether additional surgical interventions are required. It must be remembered that an experienced and competent doctor, even with the help of the most ordinary metal braces, can ultimately achieve an ideal result. That's why it's so important to find good clinic and a conscientious doctor.