JSC United Aircraft Corporation transport aircraft. United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)

Economics, March 30, 15:37

The government will allocate RUB 2.2 billion to the UAC. for the production of IL-114 By 2021 UAC should expand the infrastructure for serial production and maintenance of Il-... aircraft by 2.2 billion rubles. In 2019, the government will recapitalize UAC in order to develop infrastructure for the production and maintenance of the latest aircraft..., however, after the collapse of the Union, production outside Russia was abandoned. UAC is working on a new modification of the Il-114 - Il-114-300...

Society, March 26, 07:00

The curator of the presidential air squad was included in the development of the FSO ... the vice president of the United Aircraft Corporation, arrested in October 2018 ( UAC) Sergei Gerasimov was escorted by operatives Federal service security (FSO), follows from... the State Aviation Directorate special purpose. Sergei Gerasimov as vice president UAC supervised the work of the directorate and agreed on the decision to dismiss Oleynik in...

Politics, 07 March, 09:11

The Cabinet of Ministers estimated the costs of replacing the “black wing” of the MS-21 ... Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow State University and private companies. Chapter UAC Yuri Slyusar said that the main technological partner for the supply of composites... implementation of relevant development work; investments in modernization of production sites UAC- they need updating for mass production of MC-level airliners...

Society, 18 Feb, 15:21

Chemezov announced the division of the UAC into civilian and military divisions ... equipment were not subject to foreign sanctions. “We are currently conducting an audit of the company [ UAC], and the situation is not very good good impression produces. There you need... 21.6 billion rubles. In October 2018 92.31% UAC were transferred to Rostec. In December, in an interview with RBC, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that UAC will not be part of the state corporation forever and “sooner or...

Business, 13 Feb, 13:07

Superjet for VIPs: why banker Lebedev needs a business aviation project ... - complete set. The project can be implemented with Vnukovo co-owner Vitaly Vantsev, UAC and VEB-Leasing. What company is Lebedev creating? Owner of the National Reserve... Superjet-100 (SSJ-100). Lebedev's partners will be the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC, its “daughter” “Sukhoi Civil Aircraft” produces the SSJ-100), “VEB-Leasing..., close to VEB. A Vnukovo representative said that the agreement between VEB, UAC and "Azimuth" will be signed at the Sochi Economic Forum, which begins... UAC commented on the problems with the production of the MS-21 aircraft due to sanctions ..., but due to sanctions it switched to import substitution. United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC) does not plan to stop using composite materials, necessary for the design... import substitution,” Slyusar noted. In general, sanctions against its subsidiaries UAC called the use of politics in “competition in high-tech industries.” "By... Manturov announced Rostec’s plans to sell UAC “sooner or later” ..., which will be redistributed for the development of other projects, for example UAC, Manturov explained: “ UAC- this is a huge structure to which a lot of time will be devoted... . At the same time, Chemezov shared his intention to create within Rostec on the basis UAC an aviation concern into which key enterprises of the aviation industry will be integrated by... transferring to Rostec 92.31% of the shares of the United Aircraft Corporation. Merge process UAC with Rostec structures will take a year and a half, he noted in a conversation with... Manturov - RBC: “Chemezov and I are quite happy with the tandem” ... asset store" - In October, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the transfer UAC"Rostec". Are there plans for further expansion of the state corporation? - I can’t exactly... administrative resource that will be redistributed for the development of other projects, for example UAC. When additional assets are sold and additional financial resources are released... we will return to the question. So far, compensation for exiting assets is ongoing. UAC- this is a huge structure to which a lot of time will be devoted and... The Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a case of theft during the preparation of military aircraft tests ... confirmed an interlocutor familiar with the case materials at the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC). “The check was carried out by employees of the department “P” of the FSB (engaged in counterintelligence support for facilities... production of the new short-medium-haul passenger aircraft MS-21. In the press service UAC emphasized that the company itself initiated the proceedings. From further comments in... Medvedev formalized the transfer of UAC to Rostec ... issued an order to transfer 92.31% of the shares of the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC), owned by the state, the state corporation Rostec. The document prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade was published on the website... of scientific and production facilities in the field of aircraft manufacturing. Also, Rostec’s control over UAC will contribute to the development of production, sales and modernization of civil aviation equipment... UAC announced the development of a long-range aviation complex ... the beginning of the development of a promising long-range aviation complex, indicated on Facebook UAC. The corporation did not name the details of the project, but indicated that... the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the Minister of Defense have special control. also in UAC reported the modernization of the strategic missile carriers Tu-160M ​​and Tu-95MS... Serdyukov promised the aviation cluster's revenue of ₽1 trillion after joining the UAC ... Serdyukov. Increased risks of sanctions spreading to civilian programs may interfere UAC. After integration with the United Aircraft Corporation, the revenue of the Rostec aviation cluster... from the perspective of the extension of sanctions imposed against Rostec to civilian programs UAC, says Panteleev. - We see that recent sanctions against Aviadvigatel, Obninsk... Putin signed a decree on the transfer of UAC to Rostec ... Putin transferred 92.31% of the shares of the United Aircraft Corporation to the Rostec state corporation ( UAC). The corresponding decree was published on the legal information portal. According to the document, the government must ensure the transfer UAC Rostec within 18 months. Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said... The investigation asked to arrest the top manager of the UAC ...Vice President for State Special Purpose Aviation of the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC) Sergei Gerasimov, the press service of the Basmanny Court told RBC. Investigators..., up to ten years in prison). Earlier, Kommersant reported that in UAC searches were conducted in the case of theft during the execution of government contracts related... The media learned about the search of a UAC top manager because of contracts with SLO Rossiya ..., including in the apartment and office of the vice president UAC for state special purpose aviation Sergei Gerasimov. The reason was the investigation... . 159 of the Criminal Code was introduced recently, after prosecutorial checks in UAC and SLO. Sergey Gerasimov has been studying at UAC issues of state aviation for special purposes - supplies, maintenance, production, provision of repair work... UAC will create a special commission to investigate the crash of a MiG-29 near Moscow UAC) will create a special commission to determine the reasons for the crash of the MiG-29 fighter... The MiG-29 crashed in the Moscow region on the afternoon of October 5. IN UAC reported that the cause of the plane crash was a problem in the control system... UAC spoke about import substitution of Ukrainian parts in the Tu-95MS ...import substitution, and Ukrainian “units” are replaced with parts Russian production. The president UAC noted that in this way the service life of these aircraft is extended until... the rupture of cooperation, but, unfortunately, what happened happened,” the president noted UAC. He noted that Russia has learned how to make such parts. The president UAC explained that as part of the second stage of the so-called deep modernization... UAC announced the timing of signing a contract for the supply of new Su-57s to the Ministry of Defense ... this year it will be held on August 21–26 in the Moscow region). For UAC, as Slyusar noted, the signing of such an agreement is a “landmark event.” “On... the defense that stands here, they are, of course, of a different generation,” the president added UAC, emphasizing that the difference in price between the newest Su-57 and... is precisely the F-22 and F-35. The latter, as the president added UAC, plane more light class than the Su-57. "Nevertheless... The authorities have announced the time frame for the development of an aircraft to replace the Ruslan. ... Russian D-35 can be in operation until 2050. Vice President UAC called the task of returning production of “Ruslan” solvable. Speaking of a possible resumption... “Ruslan” appeared at the end of June. However, then the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC) refuted them. They emphasized that the priority remains maintaining serviceability... UAC will put up for auction the lands of the MiG corporation in Moscow ..." and decided to independently develop the site, said the head at that time UAC Mikhail Pogosyan. “Previously, the corporation planned to sell the vacated plots for development... “upsetting the balance” and worsening the transport situation on Leningradskoye Shosse. IN UAC planned that the development of the land bank of aircraft manufacturers in Moscow and the transfer... was registered only in July 2017. In September 2017 " UAC-Development" announced a procurement for the preparation of architectural and urban planning documentation for the territory... Airbus from Chemezov: how the entire aircraft industry will become one cluster ... this process is the question of the United Aircraft Corporation joining Rostec ( UAC), uniting the largest aircraft manufacturers in Russia, will soon be discussed at...) and Arab investors. Private shareholders own about 4% UAC. RBC sent to UAC a request asking for comment on Rostec’s plans to create a new... competence in helicopter and aircraft manufacturing,” the agency quoted the document. Chapter in May UAC Yuri Slyusar, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, told Interfax... Alexey Rogozin commented on reports of dismissal from Ilyushin ... " In March 2017, Rogozin Jr. was appointed vice president UAC in transport aviation, and in April became the head of the Aviation Complex..."). In July of the same year he joined the board UAC. Before joining the aircraft industry, Rogozin Jr. worked in party projects ... United Aircraft Corporation and will be transferred to the position of presidential adviser UAC Yuri Slyusar. “He was allowed to remain in the corporation until... UAC has denied plans to create a super-heavy aircraft to replace the Ruslan. ... . The agency later corrected the news, saying that in 2019 the priority UAC will be “the preparation and approval by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade of a feasibility study for the program... the issue has not been resolved,” he commented on the possibility of resuming production. Vice President UAC for transport aviation, Alexey Rogozin also confirmed that technically similar... The UAC spoke about state tests of the MiG-35 fighter Head of the United Aircraft Manufacturing Company ( UAC) Yuri Slyusar said that state tests of the MiG-35 multirole fighter... UAC and IrAero entered into a contract for the supply of the first production MS-21 United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC) and the IrAero airline (based in Irkutsk) signed a contract for the supply of... Experimental Design Bureau named after. A.S.​Yakovlev" (part of UAC). A video has appeared of the Tu-160 flying over Kazan at low altitude ... the efficiency of the complex is almost 60%,” explained the head of the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC) Yuri Slyusar, quoted by TASS. Contract for detailed design of an aircraft... Manturov spoke about Rostec’s plans to invest in the production of MS-21 ... -400M and the Russian-Chinese wide-body long-range aircraft. Ideas about entry UAC appeared in Rostec for several years. But only in..., Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that he does not consider it necessary to include UAC part of Rostec. “The United Aircraft Corporation exists separately. In this... with this initiative, already agreed with the president,” he added. Representative UAC explained to RBC that the target structure and configuration of aircraft manufacturing assets is... Flight tests of the fifth generation T-50 fighter have begun in Russia ...reports the press service of the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC) on his Facebook page. According to the infographic posted UAC, the first flight of the fighter took place on December 23... nine samples of the PAK FA with the “first stage” engine took part in the tests. UAC- United Aircraft Corporation On December 5, 2017, the first flight took place... Putin warned Rostec against uncontrolled expansion ... the United Aircraft Corporation may become part of Rostec ( UAC). According to him, the transfer UAC might be appropriate, but “not today.” Later... this issue is discussed. In November, Kommersant revealed details of the transfer UAC"Rostec". According to the publication's sources, a draft presidential decree has been prepared on... federal property, the remaining will be retained by the previous owners, including VEB. Representative UAC refrained from commenting on the possibility of the corporation joining Rostec... Former Deputy Minister of Transport Okulov will join the UAC by the end of 2017 ... aviation, by the end of this year will transfer to the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC). On new job he will engage in civil aviation. I reported this... to the corporation as soon as I transferred the cases. He added that in UAC They are really waiting for Okulov, because he is a very experienced specialist. Chairman... he worked general director Aeroflot. Earlier about Okulov’s departure to UAC a source in the Ministry of Transport told RBC. At the same time, the source of RIA Novosti... The curator of aviation at the Ministry of Transport was dismissed after the collapse of VIM-Avia ... The Ministry of Transport told RBC that Okulov was leaving for the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC). At the same time, RIA Novosti’s source clarified that Okulov will most likely become an assistant to the head there UAC Yuri Slyusar. Representative UAC declined to comment. Okulov took his post in the Ministry of Transport...

They decided to put a pilot at the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center Structural reform awaits the Cosmonaut Training Center, the Kommersant newspaper has learned. Its initiator is Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Instead of cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov, the center will be headed by pilot Pavel Vlasov. Test pilot Pavel Vlasov will be appointed as the new head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, a source in the aviation and space industry told the Kommersant newspaper...

Business, 06 Sep 2017, 07:33

Manturov announced the timing of the merger of the UAC and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Association of the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC), Irkut Corporation and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company should be completed before... . On plans for reform in the Russian aircraft industry, implying unification UAC, GSS and Irkut Corporation, it became known at the end of August. The result... rub. The media learned about plans for the “biggest reform” in the aircraft industry UAC announced the launch of the company merger process on September 1. According to plans...

Business, 01 Sep 2017, 21:43

UAC management has launched a process of structural transformation ... with the previous president of the company, Vladislav Masalov, was terminated ahead of schedule. The president UAC Yuri Slyusar will simultaneously hold the post of President of PJSC Irkut Corporation. How... year, as well as increasing the economic efficiency of the group's activities UAC", the message says. IN UAC explained that the very model of the corporation’s functioning will be changed... ... aviation Alexey Rogozin became a member of the board of the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC), according to the website UAC. As the message says, the decision was made on... Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov was re-elected. Also, as reported UAC, the board of directors formed committees and appointed their leaders. The chairman of the committee... the personnel and remuneration committee is Ivan Kharchenko. Also the board of directors UAC approved the decision on the additional issue of securities of the corporation. Alexey Rogozin with... UAC predicted aircraft purchases Russian airlines by $135 billion ... a total amount of $135 billion. Such figures are contained in the report UAC, which was presented at the international air show MAKS-2017 in the Moscow region... Aeroflot will lease 20 Superjet-100 aircraft ... MAKS-2017. An RBC correspondent reports this. The document was signed by the President UAC Yuri Slyusar, General Director of Aeroflot Vitaly Savelyev and Chairman of Vnesheconombank (VEB.... The contracted aircraft will be delivered in a two-class configuration. Yuri Slyusar stated: “ UAC is making and will make every effort to ensure the operation of our... Sukhoi aircraft brings nothing but losses. In early February it was reported that UAC and Aeroflot intend to sign an agreement for the supply of 20 SSJ-100... Together with the An-148, the Voronezh aircraft plant risks losing half of its revenue ...in this company. This was confirmed by a source in the United Aircraft Corporation ( UAC). According to RBC's interlocutors, the main reasons for the lack of demand for An... were the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense and the Presidential Administration, a source in RBC told UAC. The main partner in the project from the Ukrainian side is the Kiev State Enterprise "Antonov... in the construction of Il-96 and Il-112 aircraft, a source confirmed UAC. Experts from the aviation industry interviewed by RBC believe that the cessation of production...

PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation"- Russian public Joint-Stock Company, uniting the largest aircraft manufacturing enterprises in Russia.

As of December 2015, UAC includes about 30 enterprises and is one of major players in the global aircraft manufacturing market. Companies included in the structure of the Corporation have the rights to such world-famous brands as “Su”, “MiG”, “Il”, “Tu”, “Yak”, “Beriev”, as well as new ones - SSJ, MS-21.

The Corporation's priority areas of activity are development, production, testing and operational support, warranty and service maintenance of civil and military aviation equipment.

The areas of work of UAC companies include the modernization, repair and disposal of aircraft, personnel training and advanced training of flight personnel.

For 2015 the largest specific gravity The structure of production includes military products, both for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and for foreign customers. Moreover, since 2013, the main share of military equipment supplies has been supplied to the domestic market.


As of December 2015, the corporation includes about 30 enterprises aviation industry, including:

  • "Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association named after Yu.A. Gagarin",
  • “Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association named after V.P. Chkalov"
  • "Ilyushin Finance"
  • Financial leasing company

and other companies.

Organizational structure


On the next general meeting shareholders of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC), held on June 29, 2018, the following composition of the Board of Directors of the Company was elected

Performance indicators


At the end of 2017, the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) received a net profit by Russian standards accounting(RAS), as at the end of 2016, was reported in March 2018 by the corporation’s vice president for economics and finance, Alexey Demidov. Size net profit UAC Group for 2017 amounted to 1.1 billion rubles, which is 10% higher than the result of 2016. Revenue reached 428.8 billion rubles, exceeding the 2016 figure by 9%. A. Demidov emphasized that the results according to international standards financial statements(IFRS) will differ from the results under RAS. This is due to differences in approaches to assessing revenue, reflecting R&D costs and creating reserves.


The Group's revenue for the year amounted to 395 billion rubles. At the same time, the Corporation made a profit for the first time in 2016 in the amount of 1 billion rubles. The consolidated revenue of the UAC Group according to IFRS standards at the end of 2016 amounted to 417 billion rubles. Revenue growth of more than 20% compared to the previous year was primarily due to a 60% increase in the volume of after-sales support and modernization of aircraft, including the supply of components (RUB 93 billion). The increase in revenue from aircraft deliveries amounted to 6% (RUB 219 billion). This is due to differences in approaches to assessing revenue and creating reserves. The EBITDA indicator, which characterizes operating profit, exceeded the mark of 30 billion rubles.

Due to differences in the revenue recognition methodology (according to IFRS principles, revenue for a number of contracts is recognized in proportion to the degree of completion of the aircraft) and due to the accumulated production backlog in accordance with the planned growth in aircraft deliveries in 2017, revenue under IFRS standards exceeds the same RAS indicator by more than 20 billion . rubles.

UAC Group's export revenue in the reporting year more than doubled to RUB 203 billion. Revenue from the civilian segment in the reporting year exceeded RUB 69 billion. Increasing both indicators is an important part of implementing the UAC strategy.

Over the past two years, revenue has grown by almost 40%. With a decrease in revenue from supplies to the domestic market and through state defense orders, the main growth factor was export supplies and work on after-sales support and modernization of aircraft, including the supply of components. Revenue from aircraft export deliveries in dollar terms for the period 2015-2016. has more than doubled.

This result was achieved through the sale of Su-35, Su-30 aircraft and deliveries of SSJ100 to foreign customers, including the first deliveries to the European market.

The debt level (based on the ratio of net debt to revenue) decreased from 0.8 in 2014 to 0.5 at the end of 2016.

UAC expects further sustainable revenue growth while maintaining a positive financial result for the Group as a whole. The Corporation expects to increase profits by increasing export supplies of aviation equipment and reducing costs, including as part of the implementation of measures to optimize the industrial model and organizational structure.

The implementation of the Corporation's development plan will be ensured through investment budget UAC Group, which for the period 2017-2019. will amount to 400 billion rubles. The Corporation's main investments will be directed to the implementation of programs civil aviation, as well as the development and modernization of the model range of military equipment. In the civilian segment, this is, first of all, the MS-21 program, which is at the peak stage of investment in development work and preparation of mass production, as well as the SSJ100 program in terms of organizing service, sales support, reducing production costs and the cost of ownership of the aircraft by ship.


In the reporting year, the sales volume of aircraft remained at the level of the previous year – 156 units. in 2015 compared to 159 units. in 2014. The main share in consolidated supplies is provided by the segment military aviation: as a year earlier, customers received 124 combat aircraft. In 2015, 90 aircraft of the Su-30, Su-34, Su-35, MiG-29 and Yak-130 types were delivered to the Russian Ministry of Defense. As part of export contracts for military equipment in 2015, a total of 34 aircraft such as Su-30, MiG-29 and Yak-130 were delivered to a number of foreign customers.

Positive dynamics also appeared in the transport aviation segment: serial production of Il-76MD-90A aircraft was launched at the Ulyanovsk Aviastar-SP plant, and in 2015 customers received the first two aircraft.

In the civil aviation segment, the largest share of deliveries – 25 aircraft – fell on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100). Of these, 20 are new aircraft for Aeroflot, Interjet, Gazprom Avia and a number of other customers. In addition, 5 SSJ 100 aircraft, as part of remarketing procedures, were transferred to the State Transport Leasing Company for their subsequent delivery to Russian regional carriers under operating leasing terms.

The revenue of the UAC Group of Companies at the end of the year increased by 19% and reached 352 billion rubles. – this is the highest figure in the entire history of the UAC. The growth in revenue in the reporting year is primarily due to an increase in income from:

  • fulfillment of contracts for the construction of aircraft ─ for 50 billion rubles;
  • modernization and overhaul equipment ─ by 10 billion rubles.

In the reporting year, the UAC Group of Companies managed to obtain gross profit in the amount of 45 billion rubles, while the gross profitability indicator at 13% is due to the high share of revenue within the framework of state defense orders (these contracts have restrictions on marginal income established by regulations).

At the same time, when preparing consolidated financial statements, it was decided to carry out one-time transactions that resulted in a change in the operating result, including:

  • impairment outside current assets─ by 30 billion rubles;
  • write-off and impairment of current assets ─ by 17 billion rubles;
  • creation of reserves ─ by 12 billion rubles.

Operations on impairment and write-off of assets formed on the balance sheet of the UAC Group of Companies over the past few years were carried out based on the results of assessing their fair value.

In addition, the final financial result was significantly impacted by an increase in financial expenses, which occurred, among other things, due to changes in the macroeconomic environment:

  • increase in interest expenses ─ by 11 billion rubles;
  • growth of other financial expenses ─ by 14 billion rubles.

Consequently, Taken measures led to a net loss for the UAC Group of Companies at the end of the reporting period in the amount of 109 billion rubles.

At the same time, in the reporting year there was a decrease in consolidated net debt by 35% to RUB 169 billion, primarily due to strategic support from the main shareholder - Russian Federation– expressed in the additional capitalization of UAC by 100 billion rubles. for the purpose of financial recovery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 program.


As part of the implementation of aircraft production contracts, there has been an increase in aircraft deliveries from 111 units. in 2013 up to 159 units. in 2014.

At the end of 2014, the company took 14th place in the list of the world's 100 leading arms manufacturers, prepared by the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The company's weapons sales in 2014 amounted to $6,110 million.

The growth in aircraft sales is ensured, first of all, by an almost double increase in deliveries of military aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defense compared to last year – from 54 to 102 units. In addition, as part of the civil aviation business line, 27 SSJ 100 aircraft were delivered to customers in 2014, incl. 9 aircraft are for export.

The Group’s revenue at the end of 2014 increased by 34% to RUB 295 billion. The growth in revenue in the reporting year is primarily due to an increase in income from:

  • modernization and overhaul of equipment for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, carried out incl. at 15 aircraft repair plants that were included in the management contour of JSC UAC in 2013-2014, ─ by 35 billion rubles;
  • sales of aircraft components and aviation equipment ─ by 17 billion rubles.
  • R&D ─ by 10 billion rubles.

In 2014, the UAC group of companies managed to increase gross profit by 10% to 48 billion rubles, while the decrease in gross profitability to 16% was due to an increase in the share of revenue from government defense orders (these contracts have restrictions on marginal income established by regulations RF).

Increased aircraft production and revenue resulted in improved EBITDA and operating profit margins in absolute and relative terms. At the end of 2014, EBITDA showed an increase of 45% and reached RUB 24 billion.

Despite the positive dynamics, the corporation failed to achieve net profit in 2014, which is primarily due to:

  • high level of depreciation charges totaling 22 billion rubles. due to the implementation of a wide range of investment programs for modernization and technical re-equipment;
  • servicing the loan portfolio: interest expenses amounted to almost 23 billion rubles;
  • negative exchange rate differences: loss due to exchange rate differences exceeded 3 billion rubles.


At the end of 2013, UAC entered the top three world leaders in the military-industrial complex in terms of sales growth. The United Aircraft Corporation entered the top three world leaders in terms of growth in arms sales. With such data, a report was published by the authoritative Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SPIRI), which drew a line under its own statistical calculations for 2013.

At the same time, as recorded in the rating, UAC managed to increase sales of its products by 20%, to $5.5 billion. The SIPRI rating of the 100 largest global military-industrial companies has been published since 1990 and takes into account domestic and export supplies of military goods, as well as the provision of services for military customers.

The revenue of JSC UAC in 2013 exceeded the same value in 2012 and amounted to 12.1 billion rubles. In 2013, as part of an optimized financing scheme, JSC UAC received a subsidy in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles from the Federal budget. to compensate for the costs of paying the 5th coupon yield on bond loan No. 4-01-55306-E dated February 22, 2011, which allowed for an increase in other income by 9.77% compared to 2012.

In addition, it was possible to reduce other expenses, incl. by reducing negative exchange rate differences. As a result, the delta of other income/expenses at the end of the year amounted to almost 2.2 billion rubles, which allowed the Company to achieve a positive financial result in the amount of 0.7 billion rubles, a net profit margin of 5.8%, and also reduce uncovered loss of up to 1.5 billion rubles.

The amount of net debt of JSC UAC in 2013 decreased by more than 13.85% and amounted to about 31.0 billion rubles, while positive trends were noted both in reducing the share of short-term borrowings in general structure the Company's debt from 14.68% to 8.72% compared to the beginning of the reporting year, and to reduce interest expenses by 3.42% compared to 2012.

As part of the cash flow analysis, an influx of Money from operating activities in the amount of almost 5.9 billion rubles, as well as an increase in cash flow directed to investment activities by almost 6 times, which, nevertheless, made it possible to achieve a positive value of free cash flow and, accordingly, reduce the dependence of the Company’s activities from external sources of financing.

The corporation's mission, which forms the basis of the strategy, is to achieve and maintain the corporation's long-term competitiveness among the leaders in the global aircraft manufacturing market, developing, producing and after-sales service for civil and combat aircraft.

The corporation's strategic goal for 2025 is to achieve annual revenue of at least 25 billion US dollars and a net profit margin of at least 10%. At the same time, labor productivity should increase by 7.3 times.

The corporation's strategy, adopted at the beginning of 2011, requires updating, including in connection with the adjustment of government documents, such as:

  • State program “Development of the aviation industry” for 2013-2025;
  • Federal target program “Development of the military-industrial complex for 2011–2020”;
  • State arms program until 2020;
  • “Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of aviation activities for the period until 2020”,
  • Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030.


2018: Transfer by the Government of the Russian Federation of 92.3% of shares to Rostec


Priorities for the year

The Board of Directors of the United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC) approved in March priority areas activities of the corporation for 2017, which are in line with the implementation of the adopted UAC Strategy. The list of projects is grouped into four main sections.

  • Chapter " Strategic changes» includes, in particular, projects to optimize the organizational model and stage-by-stage transformation of the corporate structure, product portfolio, increasing sales, quality and profitability of after-sales service (PSS).
  • Chapter " Resource support for strategic transformations» includes the formation of the principles of a unified treasury, provides for the improvement of pricing and cost management in accordance with the target management structure and taking into account changes in the pricing mechanism of the state defense order (SDO), improvement of the UAC investment management system, the formation of the UAC Group policy in matters of public financing, the insurance protection policy of the UAC Group , a number of other projects.
  • Chapter " Strategic management ", in particular, involves the implementation of a number of projects in the field of strategic marketing.
  • Chapter " Aviation Program Management» is focused on the tasks of implementing key programs of the UAC Group, for example, PAK FA, Tu-160, SSJ100, MS-21, Il-114, Il-112 and others.

To strengthen control over the implementation of the State Defense Order, the State Defense Order Department has been created in the UAC. In addition, in order to increase the efficiency and transparency of the UAC’s activities, as well as strengthen the function internal audit, by decision of the Board of Directors, the position of Director of Internal Audit was introduced.

UAC changed its mind about moving to its new office in the Moscow region

The United Aircraft Corporation refused to move its head office to a new building in Zhukovsky near Moscow. Several real estate consultants told RBC about this and confirmed it within the corporation itself. According to the publication's sources, one of the main reasons was the reluctance of most employees to travel to work in the Moscow region.

UAC has been constructing a building in Zhukovsky at its own expense since 2012. Now the facility is almost finished, they are going Finishing work. The area of ​​the office center is 39.9 square meters. m, 1.6 thousand people were supposed to work there. Construction cost the corporation no less than 1.6 billion rubles, estimated the managing partner of S.A. Ricci Alexey Bogdanov.

The refusal to move may be due to a change in the leadership of the UAC after the start of the project. At the beginning of 2015, Mikhail Pogosyan left the post of head of the corporation. He was replaced by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Yuri Slyusar.

They are looking for another use for the building, but no specific decisions have been made, a UAC representative explained. Maybe they'll post it here engineering departments. We can talk about specialists joint venture UAC and Chinese COMAC on the design of a wide-body aircraft.

TASS DOSSIER. 10 years ago, on February 20, 2006, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the United Aircraft Corporation was created.

PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation" (UAC) is a Russian holding company that unites 30 major companies in the Russian aviation industry and more than 10 aircraft repair plants. Owns the rights to the brands of civil and military aircraft "Su", "MiG", "Il", "Tu", "Yak", "Beriev".


JSC "UAC" was founded in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006, registered on November 20 of the same year. Over the next few years, shares of major aircraft manufacturing companies were transferred to the ownership of the corporation. In April 2015, the company's ownership form was changed to PJSC.

Goals, composition of the company

The purpose of creating the UAC is to preserve and develop the scientific and technical potential of the Russian aircraft industry; occupy 10% of the global and more than 50% of the domestic civil aviation market by 2025.

UAC is engaged in the development, production, sales, modernization, warranty and service maintenance, and repair of civil and military aircraft.

UAC directly includes five management companies:

  • "Sukhoi Company" (UAC share - 75.94%),
  • Irkut Corporation (86.12%),
  • "Tupolev" (95.88%),
  • "UAC-Antonov" (50%),
  • "UAC-Transport Aircraft" (100%).

with their subsidiaries: Sukhoi Civil Aircraft, Sukhoi Design Bureau, Yakovlev Design Bureau, Ilyushin.

Also, UAC directly owns more than 40% of the shares of the design bureaus MiG, Aerocomposite, Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov, Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G.M. Beriev and Experimental Machine-Building plant named after V. M. Myasishchev."

UAC includes aircraft factories in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh and Ulyanovsk, as well as companies providing financing for the supply of civil aircraft: Ilyushin-Finance and Financial Leasing Company.

About 90 thousand people work at UAC enterprises.

Market share

Since 2010, UAC's share in the global military aircraft supply market has been about 15%, and in the civil aircraft market - about 1%.


In 2014, the total production volume of aircraft at UAC enterprises amounted to 159 units, of which 33 were civil airliners and 124 military aircraft for state defense orders and for export, and 2 transport aircraft.

In 2015, 157 aircraft were delivered to customers, including 92 as part of the state defense order, 34 combat vehicles for export, and 31 civil and transport aircraft.

UAC produces four types of civil aircraft: 22 units were delivered to customers in 2015 Sukhoi Superjet 100, small-scale production is underway Tu-204SM, Il-96-300, An-148. Work on assembling the first flight prototype of a medium-range narrow-body airliner using composite materials is nearing completion. MS-21, the first flight is planned for the end of 2016.

IN the lineup UAC military aircraft include:

  • Su-30 fighters of various modifications (30 aircraft were delivered in 2015),
  • Su-35 (27 sides) and Su-27SK,
  • MiG-29 of various modifications (at least 15 sides) and MiG-35,
  • Su-34 bombers (18 boards),
  • Yak-130 combat training aircraft (12 aircraft), etc.

The corporation is also testing a fifth-generation fighter PAK-FA (T-50). UAC is engaged in maintaining and modernizing the existing fleet of strategic bombers Tu-95 And Tu-160.

In 2015, a decision was made on the feasibility of resuming production of the Tu-160, and the development of the Advanced Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation continues ( PAK YES).

In addition, UAC is engaged in the production of amphibious jet aircraft Be-200, whose basic configuration is designed to extinguish forest fires. In 2014, serial production of modernized transport aircraft was launched Il-76MD-90A.


UAC's firm order portfolio at the end of 2015 was 550 units worth 1 billion 375 million rubles.

Financial indicators

At the end of the first half of 2015, UAC received revenue in the amount of 103 billion 484 million rubles. (an increase of 33.7% compared to the same period in 2014). Net loss increased by 32.2% - to 16 billion 988 million rubles.

UAC's revenue in 2014 was 295 billion rubles, net loss was 13 billion 654 million rubles.


President, Chairman of the Board of UAC since January 2015 - Yuri Slyusar. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov.


The Federal Property Management Agency owns 90.44% of UAC shares. Another 5.6% of shares are owned by Vnesheconombank (VEB). Rest securities belong to private shareholders, including those in free circulation on the Moscow Exchange.

– a public joint-stock company, a corporation that unites a number of companies that create and maintain aviation equipment for civil and military purposes.

Source: http://www.uacrussia.ru/

Military aviation


Transport aviation


Special purpose aviation

UAC enterprises

  • Mutilrole Transport Aircraft Limited
  • SuperJet International
  • JSC "KAPO-Composite"
  • JSC Aviastar-SP
  • JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft
  • JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG
  • JSC "AeroComposite"
  • Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP) - a branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation
  • Kazan Aviation Plant named after. S.P. Gorbunova - branch of PJSC Tupolev
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarina - branch of PJSC
  • "Sukhoi Company"
  • Novosibirsk Aviation Plant named after V.P. Chkalova - branch of PJSC "Company "Sukhoi"
  • JSC Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin"
  • OJSC "Ilyushin Finance Co."
  • JSC Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromov"
  • OJSC Nizhny Novgorod Aircraft Plant Sokol
  • JSC "UAC - Transport Aircraft"
  • JSC Experimental Design Bureau named after. A.S. Yakovlev"
  • OJSC "Financial Leasing Company"
  • JSC Experimental Machine-Building Plant named after. V.M. Myasishchev"
  • LLC "UAC - Antonov"
  • LLC "UAC - Procurement"
  • LLC "UAC - Integration Center"
  • PJSC "Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company"
  • PJSC "Company "Sukhoi"
  • PJSC Scientific and Production Corporation Irkut
  • PJSC Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after. G.M. Beriev"
  • PJSC Tupolev

Aircraft repair plants

  • JSC 121 ARZ
  • JSC 123 ARZ
  • JSC 360 ARZ
  • JSC "170 RZ SOP" repair plant for flight support equipment
  • OJSC "31 ZATO" aviation-technological equipment plant
  • OJSC "32 RZ SOP" repair plant for flight support equipment
  • OJSC "680 ARZ" aircraft repair plant
  • JSC "720 RZ SOP" repair plant for flight support equipment
  • OJSC "VZ RTO" Volgograd Radio Equipment Plant
  • OJSC 20 ARZ
  • OJSC 275 ARZ
  • OJSC 308 ARZ
  • OJSC 322 ARZ
  • OJSC 325 ARZ
  • OJSC 514 ARZ