Wallpaper for the living room (100 photos). What should be the combination of wallpaper in the living room Interior of a small living room with wallpaper

The living room is the central place in the house, so quite a lot of time is devoted to its design. If the room has big sizes, the design possibilities can be endless. What to do if the living room in the apartment is small? Which wallpaper to choose for decorating a small space? The answer is in this article.

The principle of designing a small room

The easiest way to decide the design of a small room is by looking through the photos that show ready-made options registration small hall. They are able to suggest which shades are best to use wallpaper.

Note! Wallpaper that has a relief texture or rolls with small patterns in rich colors copes best with the indicated load.

The closest options to the indicated parameters are non-woven wallpaper, silk-screen printing and textile wallpaper. It is these species that you should focus your attention on.

Techniques to help make a small space beautiful and cozy

There are special design techniques that help make a small room more comfortable and spacious from a visual point of view. Here are the simplest of them:

Possible options

Taking into account all the above requirements, it is easy to narrow down your choice to a minimum. The next factor that helps you acquire correct wallpaper for the hall, taking into account the design concept. There are three win-win options, stylish, beautiful, most conveniently suitable for small apartments and small living rooms.


Minimalism is a concept in which the interior is not overloaded extra furniture, unnecessary accessories. Chaotic accents are excluded. When choosing wallpaper for the room being described, it is allowed to use bright color palette, but only for decorating one wall in a small living room. The main background is chosen in neutral shades.

Note! If it is not possible to use an entire wall as an accent, you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes to create a dynamic interior. They must be brighter in color and tone than the main background.

To decorate a hall or any other small room, it is better to choose canvases in dull shades of mustard, pistachio or green.

If you want to make some kind of design on the walls of the room you are describing, it is better to give preference to canvases on which colored patterns are applied to a plain base. In this case, the picture can be bright. The interior of the hall will be cozy if the wallpaper pattern and its color echo the color of the textiles or flooring.

Complex geometry and abstraction should not be chosen to decorate all the walls in a small living room, as a decoration for functional area Diamonds, circles, squares are quite suitable. But you need to act extremely carefully so as not to overdo it. At correct selection colors, such as shown in the photo, for example, you can easily create a stylish interior.

The minimalist style involves the use natural materials for wall decoration. The use of wood or stone in a small living room is unacceptable. Such materials can easily overload the space. The use of wallpaper with imitation properties helps solve the problem. An interior in which one wall is decorated with brick or stone looks very impressive. The photo proves this once again.

It is allowed to use photo wallpaper as accents in the described style. Their use helps to eliminate additional accessories that clutter up the already small space. For the hall small size It is better to choose a panel with a panoramic effect.

Romantic style

Lovers home comfort almost always prefer the romantic style. It is characterized by a patterned background; the smaller the pattern, the better. When choosing wallpaper, preference should be given to floral motifs, such as shown in the photo.

Note! The photo shows a classic design, ideal for rooms in small apartments.

It is applied on a light background, its color is present in a warm palette. But the flowers themselves can be painted using bright, rich colors, but they are present in minimal quantities.

Wide-format wallpaper in a small room can be used to highlight a sofa or television area. Photo wallpapers are appropriate when you need to correct the geometry of the room. Look at the photo how successfully the front door area is played out with the help of photo wallpaper.

Note! Part of the panel extends onto the adjacent wall of the room.

A romantic style is often created with the help of a cage. She helps to do small space strict, but very cozy. For a small room, it is allowed to use a cage, the design of which is made in soft pink or light green colors, lavender or blue colors.

How to choose the right wallpaper for the living room? What criteria should be taken into account?

Law one. Zoning

Usually, even the smallest living room is zoned into one or three areas: a dining area for the whole family or with guests, a relaxation area (+ TV) and an area for various activities (depending on the hobbies of family members, this could be dominoes, cards, chess, collecting, computer games and so on). In addition, each family member, as a rule, chooses some corner in the living room and calls it “my place.”

Therefore, it makes sense to plan and choose the design of the living room with the whole family - this is one of the most fun things to do. But this does not mean that one part of the living room will be covered with bright wallpaper that the children liked, the other with gray or beige (at the request of older family members), and somewhere there will be an area where dad wants to insert photo wallpaper with cars. Everything should be harmonious, and the family should come to a common opinion.

Law two. Available spatial features

When decorating the interior, you should consider the following factors:

  1. Illumination of the room.
  2. Features of the room (niches, arches, shape of the room, its size, etc.).
  3. Ceiling height and presence of windows (size, number, format).

For dimly lit rooms, designers advise choosing rich and light wallpaper colors: grass, sea ​​wave, white, lemon. Moreover, the color of the walls can be combined, for example, three walls are white, one is lemon, or all the walls are a light shade of sea green, and a fragment of one of them is decorated with photo wallpaper.

If there are niches in the room, you should immediately figure out how to decorate them in an original way. Traditionally, it is customary to place here bookshelves and cover the niche with the same wallpaper as all the walls. But sometimes, if the size of the niche allows, a TV, an electric fireplace, a coffee table, and the like are placed in it. In this case, it can be highlighted with a different wallpaper color than the rest of the walls. By the way, photo wallpapers can also be placed in a niche; you just need to clearly take into account its size.

If the living room is small, wallpaper with large patterns will not be suitable; visually they will hide the size of the room. It is better to choose plain or small-patterned coatings. Light wallpaper in a small living room looks better than dark wallpaper, but combinations are possible.

If the ceiling is low, you can visually beat this factor by covering the living room with wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Law three. Economic

Also take into account economic factor: the most beautiful wallpaper are considered expensive - textile, glass wallpaper, wallpaper made from exotic materials, but if you have enough money for paper or non-woven wallpaper, you should choose from them. Vinyl and non-woven coatings are a little more expensive than paper ones, but such coatings are more wear-resistant. If the coating gets dirty, it can be painted over time.

Today, special coatings for painting are available for sale; they have a special texture. The colors of the coatings can also be interestingly combined. You can combine different types of wallpaper, for example, paste over a fragment of a wall with a TV with expensive bamboo wallpaper, and all other spaces are made of paper. Some people like liquid wallpaper, which, by the way, can be used to mask wall defects.

Law four. Your favorite style

It is very important to decide on the style: will your living room be decorated in a “country” style (like a village), in a “high-tech” style (with minimalist solutions and a set of glossy surfaces), or will it be a chic modern style, or a classic Provence style. If all family members come to a common opinion, you can select layouts (drawings, photos). There should be several of them. You may have to redraw it, but it's worth it!

If all family members have chosen fashionable high-tech, then the wall color combinations can be: white, black, lemon or beige, black, pink. If it’s country, you can safely cover the walls with panel-like wallpaper. Grass green, brown, sand, and beige will go well with “ethno.” All these colors are always in fashion and you won’t need to repeat the cosmetic transformation of the walls any time soon!

If you have a beautiful bright sofa, can choose light wallpaper, and choose curtains in the same color as the sofa. The sofa is usually placed opposite the TV. And if you plan to place a large mirror in the living room, it should hang in such a way that it reflects a nice place or window. If you have chosen photo wallpaper for some part of the walls, it is quite possible to hang a mirror opposite it.

Law five. Color spectrum

Dark floors

Your living room has a dark floor, this must be taken into account when choosing the color of the wallpaper. For such a room, wallpaper in light colors with stripes and ornaments located vertically.

Light floors

A light floor gives complete freedom of action, since it harmonizes with any wallpaper. The only condition that needs to be met is that if your choice falls on dark wallpaper, then you shouldn’t cover the whole room with them. Limit yourself to one or two walls.

Colors and shades

First of all, you need to focus on your wishes, and only then find out fashion trends. Just because a color is trendy doesn't mean you'll feel comfortable around it. But just in case, let’s say that “complex” colors with all their shades and halftones are popular today:

  • Lilac
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Grey

Remember rule of three: When decorating a space, never use more than three colors so that the interior does not look tasteless. Experiment, play with contrasts. But try not to get too carried away and overdo it with paints. For a living room with a small area, choose light color, since dark color visually reduces space.

Law six. We select the most relevant drawings

There are many different drawings, but we will consider only the most relevant ones.

If you chose wallpaper with pictures large sizes, you need to cover the walls with such wallpaper in a zoned manner, that is, focusing on that part of the living room that, in your opinion, should be highlighted against the general background.

East style

Had a great influence on design Eastern culture, so it appeared a large number of wallpaper with oriental theme. When using such coatings, one must remember that they impose certain obligations. And you will have to match the interior and decor to the wallpaper style in order to maintain harmony in the space.

Nature print

Wallpaper with eco-patterns “depict” vegetation and pictures from the world of wildlife. Such coatings combine well with various finishing materials. Wallpaper acts as an accent.

Floral drawing

Flower images have remained popular for many years. Only the form changes. Used to be in fashion small flowers, now large floral patterns in bright contrasting shades are in demand. Wallpaper in this style is also recommended as accents on one or two walls.

Geometric pattern on wallpaper

The geometry of the pattern is also on trend. The only thing that changes is that the drawing becomes larger. To increase the space, use light wallpaper with a vertical stripe to make the room appear taller and with a horizontal stripe to make it visually expand.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are gaining popularity. Because you can put any image on them - from a galaxy to a portrait of your pet. But before using these coatings, carefully consider the pros and cons. The main thing is that the image that is recreated with the help of wallpaper does not conflict with the general atmosphere of the living room.

Custom wallpaper

Wallpaper made from an unusual material with an eco-friendly pattern - bamboo and cork are good because they are made entirely of natural material. They cover everything perfectly problem areas on surfaces. It is advisable to cover one wall with such wallpaper, placing emphasis on it. Brick and stone will become the most suitable materials, With which in the best possible way These wallpapers are combined.

The seventh law. Side of the world

There is one thing important rule: when choosing the color and pattern of the wallpaper, take into account the side of the light from which the living room is located.

If you are from the south, then you should choose cool shades with a not very bright pattern.

If you are from the north, then on the contrary, focus your attention on warm colors and bright patterns.

Law eight. Combination

This technique helps out when the living room serves several functions: living room, bedroom and workroom. Cover the walls in zones, visually highlighting the area you want to focus on. In order for the wallpaper to “play” and not overload the space, select no more than two walls. Combination gives scope to your imagination and allows you to visually correct layout flaws.

What wallpaper options for the living room do you like?

The best wallpaper ideas for the living room - photos

Having thought seven times whether this or that solution will look beautiful and whether it will not be annoying, you can safely go for wallpaper.

It is not known which living room is easier to choose wallpaper for: a spacious one or a small one, one where four, two or eight people live in the evenings. If you are not sure that the idea you have chosen will look beautiful, you should invite a professional designer. But we hope that our photos will help you cope with the task yourself!

The living room is the most important component of any home or apartment. This is where they receive guests, hold get-togethers, parties, and just spend free time with a family. And this means that the hall should be decorated in an appropriate way. If you don't know where to start, start with choosing wallpaper.

Modern wallpaper allows you to completely transform any room, even the most mundane, while smoothing out and minimizing all the unevenness and roughness of the walls, which, by the way, must be pre-prepared and leveled, otherwise the wallpaper will show visible flaws. But, since the article is not about preparation, but about choice, we’ll talk about it.

Wallpaper in the interior of a classic living room

Wallpaper requirements

The first thing you should pay attention to is practicality. The living room is a place where people gather at any level of density. Accidentally leaving a greasy handprint on the wall will slightly darken the owner of the room, but removing this stain will be problematic. Although, if you are a homebody and don’t like noisy companies, you don’t have to think too much about cleaning the coating.

Avoid monochrome colors, e.g. . The first automatically turns the living room into a kind of operating room or hospital ward. And any dust settled on the wallpaper will be extremely clearly visible. Although it is impossible to note such an important fact as flies, annoyingly flying around the room and leaving behind, so to speak, “traces”, which will not be easy to get rid of.

The black tone and others like it will put pressure on the psyche, and quite a lot. If you want to highlight the room, order black furniture, but not new wallpaper. And in general, there are several hundred intermediate colors.

Black wallpaper in the living room

Another important aspect is resistance to fading, or rather, immunity to the sun. Often living rooms have considerable dimensions and are complemented by 2-3 panoramic windows. If they face the north side, then there is nothing special to be afraid of, but if they face the south or west, the pattern fades quite quickly. Paper, textile and vinyl types wallpaper It is better to choose something from non-woven, fiberglass or liquid analogues.

And most importantly: wallpaper must be beautiful. The living room is not a kitchen, where practicality is important.

Selecting wallpaper color

First of all, think about color scheme. It is fundamental when choosing. No matter how expensive the rolls are, even from Italian brands And fashion designers, but if they don't match general style and the tone of the furniture - there will be no business.

For spacious, bright living rooms, bright tones and midtones are perfect, filling the room with positive energy and encouraging various kinds activity. These colors include:

  1. beige;
  2. turquoise;
  3. green;
  4. violet;
  5. orange;
  6. pistachio.

If you are a fan of calm shades, but do not consider yourself a bore, use white base with bright splashes.

Color and ornament

It would seem that the color needs to be selected individually, depending on the wishes of the customer. But there are some nuances related to the dimensions of the room: the lower the ceiling, the lighter the shade of the rolls should be. There is also a reverse trend: high ceiling requires a rich wallpaper pattern to make the room look more “alive.”

As for the drawing. For small rooms The best option would be to choose wallpaper with a small pattern or geometric elements.

Advice. Vertical stripes do a good job of visual “stretching” low ceilings, and they cope well with expanding the space.

What to choose for tall living rooms? Here they come into play various moldings, horizontal stripes and large pattern. Visually the room will become a little smaller, but much more comfortable.

Wallpaper with sparse vertical stripes

Lighting plays an equally important role. For the north side, where there is traditionally less light, the following colors and inclusions are suitable:

  1. yellow;
  2. citric;
  3. cream;
  4. beige;
  5. gold.

Wallpaper with golden splashes

For the south you can use cold tones:

  1. grey;
  2. green;
  3. blue.

Nobody says that these criteria are mandatory, but these recommendations have proven themselves repeatedly.

Wallpaper materials

We come to the most important thing - the choice of materials. What wallpaper can you choose for the living room? For the living room they often offer options such as:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • fabric;
  • fiberglass;
  • bamboo.

The list is far from complete, but these are the main varieties offered on the market.

Paper wallpaper- the cheapest type of material. They are quite thin, so they will perfectly “emphasize” any unevenness in the wall. From this it is worth drawing a conclusion: such a roll should only be glued onto an ideal coating.

It will also be difficult to choose an ornament and pattern. Manufacturers don’t really celebrate cheap products, so they don’t bother too much with designs. In other words, it will take a long time to select and adjust joints, and there will be a lot of waste. And gluing them is a sheer “pleasure”: paper soaked in glue tears very quickly at the edges by which you hold the prepared roll, so follow all the rules of caution so as not to damage the product.

Non-woven wallpaper- more durable in all respects, but their price is correspondingly higher. They are much more practical, denser and more durable. Such trellises are no longer afraid of moisture, sun and other technical aspects operation. If desired, you can even paint them if you have previously purchased the appropriate type of material.

Horizontal striped wallpaper

For the living room this is one of the most optimal options in terms of price-quality ratio. The choice of colors, patterns and ornaments is also much higher. On the wall they look very attractive, since the seams are almost invisible, and the composition forms a single whole. A living room covered with such trellises will look very attractive.

Vinyl wallpapers - Another one good option for purchase. Yes, they are thinner than non-woven ones, since they have a paper base, but they are not inferior in quality to the previous ones. They are easy to clean and wet cleaning, and the composition looks like a single monolithic covering, since finding seams between the wallpaper will be problematic, especially with a pattern of vertical stripes.

Fabric wallpaper– representatives of luxury products. They are able to transform the living room into a real boudoir of the Renaissance or Rococo era. The product is based on paper or non-woven fabric, as well as textile elements. As decorative covering used:

  1. silk;
  2. velours;
  3. felt;
  4. jute fiber;
  5. polyester.

Fabric wallpaper

Such wallpaper will become the highlight of any interior. And it's not even about beauty. Solidity plays the main role. But this material is difficult to care for, as it attracts dust and other elements that spoil the picture. Unfortunately, it is not recommended to wash them, so you have to get more sophisticated.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be called the most durable on this list. They last for years, and sometimes decades. In addition, they can be painted, which does not affect the properties of the material in any way, even after several repaintings. In this case, the rolls must be appropriate, i.e. for painting.

Fiberglass can be repainted up to 8-10 times

The material is made from fiberglass and various admixtures that increase the “life” of the material. There are also no complaints about strength and reliability. As for the shortcomings and other nuances. Firstly, you need to purchase special glue for them, since the usual wallpaper composition is not suitable - it simply will not withstand the weight of the canvas. Yes, and removing them from the wall will be problematic. The fiberglass texture is tightly glued to the wall and without tearing off pieces of plaster you simply cannot tear off the sheets.

Bamboo wallpaper– a chic option for lovers of natural materials. Yes, they are completely natural and do not contain synthetic additives. In addition, they are hypoallergenic, which is only beneficial for people suffering from this disease. Unfortunately, the product is very expensive, and its cost starts from $50-70 per roll.

Bamboo wallpaper in the interior of a living room in Japanese style

Designers do not recommend covering the entire room with this material. It is enough to select one of the walls, or any area.

Bamboo is unpretentious in terms of care: it is enough to clean them with a vacuum cleaner a couple of times a year. Heavy soiling And greasy spots can be easily removed with a damp sponge, but not with the abrasive side.

To create a complete beautiful interior It is necessary to properly design the walls. How to choose wallpaper for the living room, what colors and for what rooms, how to combine them, all with many photos - read on about all this.

How to choose a color

They select wallpaper for the living room based on several criteria at once. First of all, this is the style of the interior, existing or planned furniture, and the color of the upholstery. If the furniture is rich in color and the floor is dark, the walls should be light. In this case, the interior turns out to be lighter. Since a dark floor visually reduces the height of the room, you can choose wallpaper with vertical patterns or stripes.

There are no such restrictions in living rooms with light floors. The walls can be dark or bright, patterned or plain.

In this case, you need to take into account the size of the room and its illumination. If the room is small, and also directed to the north, dark colors contraindicated. Choose the one that suits your range light shade warm tone - the color of milk, cream, slightly pink, golden shades.

Warm shades are suitable for living rooms facing north or west

Wallpaper with a slightly shiny surface makes the room much lighter. They are called silk-screen printing or satin, precisely for this effect - the shine of silk. A brighter glow is produced by canvases with a silvering or gilding effect. If your living room is not of a “royal” size, then there should be only one such shiny wall, otherwise the “box effect” will appear - a very cramped, stuffy room.

A slightly different color - a warm shade is suitable for a small living room facing west or north

Cool gray color - different sensations

If we talk about general trends, wallpaper for the living room is often chosen in neutral colors. This option is universal - you can choose any accessories or textiles for it. If the walls serve only as a background, it’s easy to change the boring design. Change textiles, lighting, use new accessories, get a new design. If the walls are bright, you won’t get off that easy. You'll have to re-glue it.

Unusual options

Wallpaper made of bamboo or cork looks unusual in the living room. Moreover, eco-style is becoming more popular. They are ideal for interiors in oriental style, but can also become a highlight for a modern person.

One wall can be made of painted bamboo

In many fashionable interiors Walls made of brick or stone are popular. It is not at all necessary to lay tiles or plaster for this. Can be used textured wallpaper made of foam or heavy vinyl.

Wallpaper under brickwork in the living room

They imitate very well the brick and stone masonry of the most different types. It is difficult to visually distinguish it from a real wall.

Brick or masonrylatest fashion when decorating the living room

Wallpaper with a pattern in the living room interior

Colored walls are typical for fashionable style Provence If you see your living room like this, look for floral designs. Ideally, it is advisable to find textiles that repeat the pattern on the walls, or choose fabric in one of the colors available on the wallpaper. This way you can avoid diversity and achieve a harmonious sound in the interior.

Flowers on the wallpaper can also be in the interior modern style. Only in this case they are more graphic and stylized. Drawn on a neutral background with bright strokes.

Combined wallpaper for the living room

The latest trend in indoor wall decoration is the use of different types of wallpaper. They are also called companions, and the technique is a combination. You have already seen many examples. Since this direction is relevant, it is used very often.

Photo wallpaper

Once such a fashionable topic is back again: photo wallpapers have become popular again. Only the level of printing is different. Modern technologies allow you to transfer any photo to paper, and large-format printing allows you to print everything on one sheet. So no seams and photographic clarity create a 3D effect.

In newfangled interiors, city landscapes are often used. The night metropolis looks the most impressive, but black and white options are no worse.

The urban theme is in favor

The second frequently encountered topic is nature and landscapes. Very often you can see the forest in different times of the year, different breeds and countries.

Full sense of presence

Path in a bamboo forest...

The next popular motif is flowers. In photographic or graphic design for different styles.

Photo ideas

Wallpaper plays a role in the interior design of a small room important role. Small apartments in five-story buildings from the times of the USSR, which are usually called Khrushchev buildings, they cannot boast of large room dimensions. Solid walls inside the apartment do not allow increasing the square footage and in order to make small rooms seem larger, it is better to follow some proven tips. Properly selected wall coverings will not only expand the room, but also create a unique, memorable image for it.

What wallpaper color makes a room look bigger?

Using color or a combination of certain colors you can visually expand a small space.

  • When decorating the ceiling in white, a small room will appear larger if you use cool colors for the walls.
  • Blue, light gray walls will add air.
  • Walls in shades of gold will make the room sunny and bright, but will not increase its size.
  • Black and dark blue color not suitable for a small room. Walls or ceilings of this color will make it even smaller.

For a bright room

If the room is bright, the walls can be rich, bright colors - blue, turquoise or green. It is better for small rooms, even light ones, not to use wallpaper in dark shades.

In the photo there is a light children's room with large window. Pink and blue wallpaper with floral motifs brought sophistication and coziness to a small room.

For a dark room

To make a dark small room seem larger, the ceiling and walls should be as light as possible. Sometimes the best design trick is to make them white. Then, against their background, the furniture will not seem bulky and may be dark.

Which pattern makes the room bigger?

Every year, wallpaper factories offer new collections with a variety of patterns and textures. With the help of some types of drawings you can change the visual impression of a room.

  • Plain wallpaper with a small floral pattern gives even a small room lightness and coziness.
  • A vertical stripe adds the missing height to a low room.
  • If the pattern on the wall does not contrast with the background, but harmonizes with it, then even if the pattern is large, it is an advantageous background for furniture and decorative items.

The photo shows a successful use of wallpaper with a small geometric pattern to decorate the corridor of a small apartment. A white ceiling balances the proportions of the room and relieves the saturation of the walls.

Room design ideas that expand space

There are several design techniques to visually increase the area small room. One of these techniques is to cover the view wall of the room with photo wallpaper or 3D wallpaper. Appeared in last years high-quality photographic images are not inferior to frescoes in terms of the impression they make, and benefit in price and speed of execution. 3D walls can change the space of a small hall or studio beyond recognition.

Wallpaper for a small living room

Living room - main room in the house and should be decorated in the most expressive way. To decorate and expand the space of a small room, you can use photo wallpaper. Most often, the wall against which the sofa is located is most suitable for this purpose.

In the photo, the wall of a small living room is effectively decorated with vintage photo wallpaper and images of predatory animals, which adds dynamics and originality to the interior.

In the photo, the end wall of a small hall is decorated with photo wallpapers, on which images of bright house facades look very attractive. Such design technique will not leave any guest indifferent.

In the photo, the combination of stripes and plain wallpaper not only added austerity to the boy’s children’s room, but also brought small room dynamics and diversity.

The photo shows a nursery for a little princess. The walls are covered with wallpaper with birds. The small room looks gentle, bright and sunny.

A small toilet is characteristic small-sized Khrushchev buildings. Wallpaper in such toilets is an interesting design technique that can refresh the room. In these small rooms there is no furniture and you can make the walls bright and expressive.

In the photo on the left is a toilet with exquisite patterns on the walls. The room gained style and expressiveness and gained in visual impression.

Visually expand a small bathroom

The use of wallpaper in bathrooms is becoming increasingly important. From this bold decision these small spaces only benefit. Here the wallpaper on the walls looks like frescoes or artistic painting.

When you want to decorate the dining room in an unusual way, but there is not enough space in a small apartment, you can use images that will expand the space and effectively highlight the eating area. The dining area in studio apartments, covered with expressive wallpaper, looks very nice.

Design options for the dressing room

Even the dressing room can be decorated with taste. Interesting patterns will expand the space of a small room reserved for cabinets and shelves. Suitable for this purpose bright wallpaper, light or dark depends on the designer's idea.

Small kitchens, especially kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, can be visually enlarged in size if you do not limit yourself to traditional tiles when decorating the walls, but use expressive, bright wallpaper. Geometric patterns, stripes or shapes perfectly emphasize the geometry of kitchen appliances and appliances. A bright accents Add speakers and a small room seems larger.

Ways to visually enlarge the hallway

The entrance hall in the house is the first room that welcomes owners and guests. To visually enlarge the hallway, the pattern on the walls can be chosen with horizontal stripes or a small pattern. To make the corridor seem larger, a design technique using horizontal stripes will lower the height and move the walls apart.

How to visually enlarge a small bedroom?

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, it is better to decorate it in unobtrusive colors and patterns that are pleasing to the eye, promoting relaxation and restful sleep.

One of the design techniques for expanding space in small apartments and studio apartments - this is the use of photo wallpaper. When it is not possible to purchase a ready-made fresco or invite an artist to paint it, you can cover the view wall with photo wallpaper.

Perspective image of nature or city panorama with plans different sizes will create a certain mood in the room. In a studio apartment competent zoning Photo wallpaper will help avoid clutter.

Style features to visually enlarge the room

Different interior styles have their own characteristics of using wallpaper to visually enlarge a small space.


To make a small Provence style room seem larger, you can use light furniture. If the walls are covered with dark wallpaper, it would be appropriate to complement them with a white ceiling cornice.

The photo shows an office in Provence style, the walls are successfully combined with furniture and a white ceiling. The room does not look small and cramped.


For classic style typical use of wallpaper. Silky wallpaper with patterns, monograms and floral designs decorate this style.

The photo shows a bedroom in a classic style. The color of the walls follows the color of the furniture, which creates unity and adds sophistication to the interior. In small rooms this technique will always be relevant.


Style is also not complete without this decorative material like wallpaper. This coating is ideal for decorating accent walls and highlighting important surfaces.

The photo shows a bedroom with an accent wall imitating mosaic. This technique creates a feeling of greater depth and size of the room.


Modern style or modern is exactly the style in which wallpaper is used in almost all rooms of the house. Light pastel colors on the walls create a feeling of airiness and lightness, which increases the size of a small room.

In the photo, light furniture in the Art Nouveau style is harmoniously combined with wallpaper of the same shade in calm geometric patterns. The absence of lines and colors that disrupt the composition creates a feeling of spaciousness and transparency.

Design options for a long narrow room

Long, narrow rooms can be made to look larger by using the right color and pattern on the walls. Geometry, especially with clear graphic contours, can create a feeling of freedom and permeability in a small room. Light walls with a glossy surface add light and space.

In the photo, the wall at the head of the bed is covered with wide striped wallpaper. This design technique allowed us to visually expand the narrow space of a small room.

You can see in the photo interesting solution to expand a narrow small room for a child. A long boring wall of a small room is decorated with expressive 3D wallpaper with imitation shelves with books in cheerful colors.

In the photo in a narrow arch, bright inserts in certain places serve both as a visual accent and to expand the long narrow passage. The use of expressive, sunny wallpaper adds light and joy to a small room.

In order to visually raise the height of ceilings, there are some design techniques. Wallpaper with vertical stripes and a dark wide cornice between the wall and the white ceiling will help achieve the desired effect

The photo shows a small bedroom with a low ceiling. The stripes on the walls evened out the proportions of the room and added lightness and comfort to it.

The photo shows an example of using wallpaper in a small room with a low ceiling. The white walls were highlighted with maps filled with colorful wallpaper. The vertical arrangement of the cards added height and originality to the room.

How to combine wallpaper for visual enhancement?

We cannot ignore such a design technique for visually expanding space as combining different wallpapers.

There are several ways to combine:

  • Contrasting combination of wallpaper on opposite walls of the room,
  • Selection accent wall photographic images or contrasting colors,
  • A combination of different colored walls to zone a room,
  • Combination different colors and drawings for horizontal division of walls,
  • Highlighting with active wallpaper - bright against a pale background, with a pattern against a plain background to highlight the main area of ​​the room.

Using wallpaper, you can experiment with the interior of a small room, decorate the walls in an original way and visually expand the space. Below are photo examples of the use of wallpaper on walls in rooms for various functional purposes.