Animate and inanimate nouns rule. How is animation expressed? Motivation for learning activities

Animate nouns include names of persons and animals: man, daughter, son, Vera, Petrov, Dima, duty officer, cow, goat, goose, starling, carp, spider etc. These are mostly masculine and feminine nouns. Neuter nouns are few in number: child, creature (in meaning “living organism”), face (meaning “person”), words in -ishche (monster, monster), substantivized adjectives and participles ( animal, insect, mammal). As a defining feature of animate nouns, the ability of the “objects” they call to independently move and move, which inanimate objects do not possess, is often noted.

This semantic classification does not coincide with the scientific division of everything that exists in nature into living and nonliving: in the natural sciences, plants are also classified as living. It also does not fit into the framework of the “everyday” understanding of living and nonliving things. Thus, animate nouns include the words dead man, deceased, seemingly contrary to logic. Boiled duck and roast goose are also animate in grammar. This also includes a doll, a ball (in the language of billiard players), ace, trump, jack etc. - words that have nothing to do with the living world. The category of inanimate includes nouns that denote a collection of living beings ( people, crowd, platoon, flock, swarm, group etc.), as well as collective nouns like youth, peasantry, children, proletariat and others, denoting a collection of persons.

The division of nouns into animate and inanimate is built not only on semantic grounds, but also on
grammatical. Accusative plural
in animate nouns it coincides with the genitive, and
in inanimate - with the nominative. Wed:
I see trees, mountains, rivers, clouds, I see people, cows, birds,
flocks of insects, geese, I will buy cucumbers, notebooks, buttons, I will buy sheep, pigeons, dolls, I ate tangerines, oranges, ate chicken, crayfish, they served fried eggplants, they served fried partridges.

In the singular, the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns is consistently expressed morphologically in masculine words. Compare: inanimate nouns and animate nouns I’ll make soup, broth, I’ll cook a goose, a rooster, we’ll see off the ship, we’ll see off a friend, we’ll plant potatoes, we’ll plant a guest.

The exception is masculine words ending in -a. In them, like in feminine nouns, the accusative case does not coincide with either the genitive or the nominative. Wed: I. - boy, girl; R. - boys, girls; IN. - boy, girl.

Animate nouns of the neuter gender, like inanimate nouns, have the singular form accusative case matches the form. case. For example: Oh, how I love this empty creature! - Pavel Petrovich groaned(Turgenev). The same is observed for feminine nouns with a zero ending in them. case: I see a lynx, a mouse.

A deviation from the basic norm of expressing the meaning of animation is the formation of wine forms. pad. pl. h. with the preposition in nouns - names of persons expressing an attitude towards a certain social group: student, nanny, livestock breeder, etc. In constructions with the meaning “to become (do) who,” these words form the form of wine. case as inanimate nouns: promoted to general, elected to academician, joined as a janitor, joined the partisans, candidate for deputy and so on.

The names of microorganisms fluctuate between animate and inanimate nouns: microbe, bacillus, ciliates, bacterium, amoeba etc. They have two forms of the accusative case: study microbes and germs; examine viruses and viruses under a microscope; destroy bacilli and bacilli. In professional language, such words are usually used as animate nouns, and in the non-professional sphere as inanimate.

The same noun in one meaning can refer to animate things, and in another to inanimate ones. Thus, the names of fish in direct meanings are animate nouns ( catch crucian carp). When used as names of foods, they act as inanimate nouns: there are sprats, invite for trout etc. Wed. Also: I see a huge stump And I see this stump (who?) every day.

Animacy/inanimateness in words is manifested in a peculiar way dunce, idol, idol, graven image and others, which figuratively designate people. In the meaning of “statue” these words clearly gravitate toward inanimate ones, and in figurative meaning persons - to animate nouns. True, this trait is expressed inconsistently. Wed: set up an idol and it is difficult to convince this idol, But: On the banks of the Danube, the Russians placed a wooden idol (A.N. Tolstoy); From shaving his beard, he creates an idol for himself (Saltykov-Shedrin) and... makes an idol out of this old useless man (L. Tolstoy).

Titles works of art according to their heroes they act as animate nouns. Wed: get to know Eugene Onegin and listen to “Eugene Onegin”; call Rudin and read “Rudin” and so on.

Wed. Also: treated a Muscovite and bought a “Moskvich”, feed a horse and sculpt a horse, but feed a crocodile and buy a “Crocodile”; see a kite, fly a kite and make a kite.

The names of the ancient gods are animate nouns, and the names of the luminaries homonymous with them are inanimate: anger Mars and look at Mars, honor Jupiter and see Jupiter and etc.

The words type, image, character, which are the names of the characters in works of art, are used as inanimate nouns: create a strong character; characterize negative types and positive images. Wed: list the characters in the novel, the heroes of the fairy tale, the characters in the fable, But: bring out the comic character.

Animation is characteristic only for.

Animate nouns serve as names of living beings; if they call people - personal, if they designate animals - non-personal. Answer the question: Who?

A grammatical indicator of animacy is the coincidence of the accusative plural form with the form genitive case plural. You can use the singular form for.

V. p. pl. numbers (who?) = R. p. pl. numbers (who?)

  • R. p.
  • V. p.
  • I see
  • schoolchildren
  • schoolchildren
  • bullfinches
  • bullfinches

Animate nouns also include:

  1. Gods and mythical creatures, presented as living: goblin, brownie, mermaid.
    The ancients revered Jupiter.
  2. Names of chess and card pieces: ace, jack, lady, king , horse, queen , bishop , rook , pawn .
  3. Nouns naming dolls: parsley, matryoshka, tumbler, snowman, robots.
  4. Nouns denoting a deceased person: dead man, Deceased, drowned(noun dead body not included here).

Inanimate nouns

Inanimate nouns serve as names of objects and phenomena of reality that are not classified as living beings. Answer the question: What?

Grammatical features: coincidence of the accusative plural form with the plural form.

V. p. pl. numbers (what?) = I. p. pl. numbers (what?)

  • I. p.
  • V. p.
  • There is
  • I see
  • songs
  • songs
  • magazines
  • magazines

Inanimate nouns include:

  1. Denoting objects of inanimate nature: stone, mountains, rainbow, snow, soil, sea, sky.
  2. Names of trees and plants: poplar, pine, spruce, chamomile, dandelions (natural science classifies them as living organisms!).
  3. Denoting a collection of living beings: people, flock, army, crowd, battalion, regiment.
  4. Names of celestial bodies: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.
  5. Names of fish dishes: sprats, sprat.
  6. : students, humanity, youth, professors (do not have a grammatical indicator of animation).

Some nouns exhibit fluctuations in classification as animate/inanimate; the names of microorganisms and invertebrates are included here: virus, bacterium, larva, microbes.

Babaitseva V.V. and Chesnokova L.D. in their textbook on the Russian language also consider grammatical indicators of animation and inanimateness.

Inanimate nouns are like animate nouns if they denote living beings.

  • This stump (animate) you can't turn around.
  • I remember this old cap (animate)

Animate nouns used to denote inanimate objects continue to be declined as animate.

  • Read "Oblomov".
  • Listen to "Eugene Onegin".

Nouns type, character And image in application to acting persons literary works bow as if inanimate: V. n. pl. numbers = I. p. pl. numbers.

Summary of an “open” Russian language lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Class: 5

Lesson topic: Nouns, animate and inanimate.

UMK: educational complex edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya and others. Russian language. 5th grade. M., “Enlightenment”, 2013

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to update students’ knowledge about a noun as a part of speech; form a concept of the animate and inanimate nature of nouns and be able to define these categories.

Lesson type: Combined.

Planned educational results:

Subject: knowledge of the basic differences between animate and inanimate nouns; recognition of animate and inanimate nouns, understanding their role in speech, explanation of linguistic phenomena.

Personal: acquisition of new knowledge, desire to improve one’s skills, manifestation of cognitive interests and creative activity, awareness of one’s capabilities in learning.


    Regulatory: planning your own activities, assessing the quality and level of assimilation.

    Cognitive: the ability to extract the necessary information from the teacher’s explanation listened to, identifying and formulating the purpose of an educational action, performing educational and cognitive actions, developing an algorithm of actions.

    Communicative: the use of speech means to solve communicative problems, mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Methods and forms of training: observation of language heuristic method, individual, frontal.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector.

Visual demonstration material: multimedia presentation in P formatowerPointon the topic “Animate and Inanimate Nouns”, completed by the teacher.

Basic concepts: grammatical categories, animate and inanimate nouns.

Routing lesson.

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of the student for mastering the material being studied.

introduction teachers:

Is everything in place?

Is everything all right? Books, pens and notebooks?

Have you checked? Sit down!

Work hard!

Shares your screen and shows slides.

(slide 1)

Listens to the teacher and participates in dialogue with him. Posts educational materials at the workplace, demonstrates readiness for the lesson. Reads the epigraph. Answers the teacher's questions.

Cognitive: understands the cognitive task.

Regulatory: plans in collaboration with the teacher necessary actions, operations.

2. Updating knowledge. identifying the location and cause of the problem.

Play previously

studied material,

establishment of succession

connections between previous and new knowledge

and applying them to new situations. E Heuristic conversation with elements


In our lessons we not only learn to write correctly, but also discover the secrets of grammar. This is exactly what we will be doing today. But first, let's remember what part of speech we talked about in the last lesson? The words encrypted in the puzzles will help us with this. Try to guess them (slide 2)

What part of speech words were hidden in the puzzles? Right. These are all nouns. How did you determine this?

Great! Now let's see what signs of a noun are hidden in the poem. I will read it, and you listen carefully (slide 3)

Now let's combine everything we remember about the noun, name the definition, grammatical features

(slide 4)

As the answer progresses, the teacher asks leading questions if the student finds it difficult to answer.

Now let’s return to our unraveled words and designate their gender, number, and try to determine whether it is a living or inanimate object. Let's focus on the last sign of a noun. How do you determine whether an object is living or inanimate?

Answers the questions. Constructs a statement. Watches the presentation, masters linguistic terms. Thinks through answers to questions and understands that knowledge is not enough to provide complete answers. Draws conclusions in collaboration with the teacher. Formulates his own thoughts and substantiates his point of view. Performs an exercise.

Personal: has the motivation to educational activities, the desire to be aware of one’s difficulties and strives to overcome them, shows the ability to self-assess one’s actions and actions.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carries out to solve educational tasks synthesis operations, establishes cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accepts and saves the learning task. Realizes the inadequacy of his knowledge.

Communicative: asks questions in order to obtain the information necessary to solve a problem.

Physical education minute.

We walked along the path (walking in place),

We jumped in the clearing (jumping in place),

You and I have become friends (hands to the sides),

It's time for us to go home now (walking


Performs basic physical exercises.

3. Goal setting and construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

Revealing the essence of new concepts, mastering new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Conversation, discussion of observation results.

So, we remembered what we already know about the noun. Now we can continue studying this part of speech. Before you is a new task - a snowball. But it is unusual, there are letters inside it. Your task is to form as many words as possible using each letter.


Words what part of speech

you made more

Total? (nouns).

Let's divide them into two groups:

Living beings and things

items. Which ones will

answer the question WHO? And on

question WHAT?

Organizes and accompanies joint learning activities, complements answers. Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. Then he reads the slide (slide 5).

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook. Now read what the goals of our lesson are (slate 6).

Formulates the goals of educational activities together with the student who takes it upon himself.

(slide 7).

In the first column write down animate words that answer the question - WHO?, and in the second - inanimate words that answer the question - WHAT?

Writing in notebooks.

Vocabulary dictation.

Who? Driver, hero, coach, astronaut, officer.

What? Herbarium, health, collection, station, orange.

Let's check (slide 8). First, tell me, how did you distribute the words? When the child names the words, the teacher clicks the mouse and the words appear on the screen.

Compare your spelling of words with how they should be. Remember how these words are written.


The words of the first group answer the question “who?” This means they are animate.

The words of the second group answer the question “what?” This means they are inanimate.

Main question our lesson6 why some nouns answer the question “who?”, others answer the question “what?”.

Formulates the purpose of educational activities in dialogue with the teacher. Correlates assigned tasks with texts, becomes familiar with the material. Highlights the main thing, establishes cause-and-effect relationships between individual linguistic phenomena.

Personal: is aware of his capabilities in learning, is able to adequately reason about the reasons for his success or failure in learning, linking success with effort and hard work.

Cognitive: extracts the necessary information from the teacher’s explanation he listened to, systematizes his own knowledge.

Regulatory: plans, in collaboration with the teacher, the necessary actions and operations, works according to the plan.

Communicative: constructs short monologues.

4. Creative practical activities to implement the constructed project.

Revealing the essence of new concepts, mastering new methods of educational and mental activity of students. Carrying out creative tasks to increase spelling vigilance, development logical thinking, independence and self-control.

Today we will learn to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler: I posed the question and determined whether the noun is animate or inanimate. But biologists and linguists have different ideas about living things. Biologists believe. That the sprout and shoots are alive. Our ancestors “saw” the world differently than we do, therefore a tree, grass, tulip were animate for them, but we consider people, animals, and insects to be animate. What do you think animate means? (living, breathing, having a spirit). What is the root of the word animate?

What do inanimate nouns mean? (non-living matter).

Let us continue to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns. Besides the question, there is another sure-fire way to define animate and inanimate nouns.

You must discover this method yourself. Decline nounsbrothers, sisters, stones, boards. Now let's look at the table (slide 9).

What difference did you see in the declination? Which words have the same forms? What conclusion do we draw?

Conclusion: in the plural, for animate nouns, the V. p. coincides with the R. p., and for inanimate nouns, the V. p. coincides with the I. p.

The definition of the category of animate and inanimate does not coincide with the division of objects into living and inanimate in nature.

Objects are devoid of life, but the category is defined in different ways. Therefore toanimate nouns include both the names of people, animals, birds, fish, insects, that is, living creatures, and the names and nicknames of mythological and fairy-tale characters likened to humans or animals (Cyclops, centaur, Koshay, goblin, etc.), the names of children's toys (doll, parsley, bear, etc.), chess and card pieces (pawn, jack), which is associated with the personification of these objects in the game.

(slide 10)

TOinanimate also include collective names for sets of living beings: people, crowd, army, swarm, flock, herd

(slide 11).

TOinanimate nouns include the names of objects and phenomena of reality that are not related to living nature, as well as the names of all plants (although when describing them, words familiar to living beings are used - they are “born”, “breathe”, “bloom”, “reproduce” , and “die”, but are unable to move).

Are the following nouns animate or inanimate?

I see an eagle - I see an eagle.

Call the janitor - turn on the wipers.

Conclusion: the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns depends on their lexical meaning.

Formulates his own thoughts. Expresses and substantiates his point of view. In collaboration with the teacher, draws conclusions about ways to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns in difficult cases. Works with a table, observes, compares, draws conclusions independently.

Personal: desires to acquire new knowledge, skills, and improve existing ones.

Cognitive: reads and listens, extracting the necessary information, and also independently finds it in textbooks and workbooks.

Regulatory: controls learning activities, notices mistakes made, understands the rule of control and successfully uses it in solving a learning task.

Communicative: knows how to ask questions to clarify the sequence of work.

5. Primary consolidation with commenting in external speech. Independent work with self-test against the standard.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge, formation of rational ways of applying it in practice. Heuristic conversation, selection of your own examples illustrating the nature of the linguistic phenomenon being studied, compiling coherent stories about the studied norms. Doing exercises based on a textbook or books for extracurricular reading.

So, let's make a general conclusion.

The conclusion is made by the students.

Conclusion : grammatical method the division of nouns into animate and inanimate is the coincidence of the R. p. and V. p. plural forms of animate nouns, and

I. p. and V. p. - in inanimate.

Animation and inanimateness are a constant feature of a noun.

Self-execution Exercises of varying difficulty selected by the teacher.

Find the “extra” word, write it in your notebook and make a sentence with it.

(slide 11)

Do the parsing. Insert the words in place of the gaps (work on the card).

Completing a test task from the resources “Who or what?”

Working with the printed text “Titmouse’s Nest”. Indicate animate names.

Do exercises and answer questions.

Personal: has a desire to master new types of activities, participates in the creative process.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carries out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, makes generalizations and conclusions.

Regulatory: independently plans necessary actions and operations, works according to plan.

Communicative: formulates his own thoughts, expresses and substantiates his point of view.

6. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Checking the work. Summarizing the information received during the lesson. Assessment.

Let's summarize.

1.What nouns are animate? (answering the question Who?)

2.What nouns are inanimate? (Answering the question What?)

3. What is the basic rule to remember when identifying animate and inanimate nouns?

Answers the questions.

Personal: understands the importance of knowledge for a person.

Cognitive: acquires the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life.

Regulatory: evaluates his work, corrects and explains the error.

Communicative: formulates one’s own thoughts, expresses and substantiates one’s point of view.

7. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (lesson summary).

Final discussion on issues.

(slide 12).

Let's turn to the "ZHU" table and fill in its third column.

Evaluate our work: choose one of the cards offered and show it to me. Tell yourself: “I’m doing great. I thought, I tried, I made discoveries.”

Defines its emotional condition at the lesson. Fills out an achievement diary.

Cognitive: establishes the relationship between the amount of knowledge, skills, and operational skills acquired in the lesson. Research, analytical skills as integrated, complex skills.

8. Explanation of homework.

Accessible and understandable presentation of the essence homework, an explanation of how to do it.

For homework I suggest creative work"Guess the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen." I sent you a file containing cards with words written on them. You need to find out from them which fairy tale by H. H. Andersen we are talking about. In this case, indicate with the letter O - animate nouns, with the letter H - inanimate nouns.

Listens carefully to the task. Asks questions if something is not clear.

Subject:Animate and inanimate nouns.

Purpose of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nouns.

Lesson objectives:

2. Be able to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

Organizing time

Psychological mood.

Greetings guests guys,

Smile at each other more cheerfully.

I wish everyone success and goodness,

Now it's time to start the lesson!

Guys, I wish you that today’s lesson will be interesting and useful for you, so that you will repeat and consolidate what you already know.

2. Motivation for learning activities.

- Guess the riddle and find out who came to our lesson.

Her eyes are big

A predatory beak is always hooked.

At night she flies

He sleeps on a tree only during the day. (owl) picture of an owl (on the board)

Development of thinking

- Why is the owl called wise?

Yes. The owl lives for a very long time, and that is why it is called wise. The wise Owl did not come to us empty-handed; she brought us many interesting tasks.

3. Determining the topic of the lesson. Preparing students to master, updating basic knowledge.

- Look at the board and read the words

Apple ant

Magpie Blizzard

Tree friend

Mushroom kitten

-What unites all these words? (They belong to the same part of speech. These are nouns, since they answer the questions who? or what? and denote objects, natural phenomena, animals). Show writing on board (printed)

- Do you agree that all words can be posed with the question Who? (Children express different points of view.)

- -What question do the words in the first column answer? (What?)(card what?)

- What questions do the words in the second column answer? (Who?) (card who?)

- Which groups? grammatical features can we separate these words?(Animate and inanimate).(card on the board)

_What part of speech were we talking about now? Was there anything unfamiliar to you?

-Try to formulate the topic of today's lesson. (Animate and inanimate nouns)

-Is this a new topic for our lesson or is it already familiar to us?

-What is the purpose of our lesson? (To consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nouns).

Today in class we must:(lesson objectives)

1. Know the concept of “noun”.

2. Be able to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

4. Studying new material.

What is our first task? (repeat)

1. The concept of a noun.

Frontal work.



1. What questions does it answer?

2. What does it mean?

3. Give examples...

Exercise for the eyes

Close your eyes and then open them. Repeat 5 times.

Make circular movements with your eyes: left - up - right - down; right - up - left - down. Repeat 4 times.

Extend your hand forward. Keep your eyes on your nail index finger: Slowly move it towards the tip of your nose and then slowly move it back. Repeat 4 times.

Independent work(write in notebook)

Assignment: Read the words and write down only the nouns: house, red, plays, narrow, carrot, sits, squirrel, pencil case, screams.

Checking the assignment (the teacher has the words printed, check them)

- Have we completed 1 task? (yes) +

Physical minute.


Very amazing

To the questions who? So what?

It must answer.

If a word awakens to answer the question who? - hands up if the question is what? - arms forward and sit down.

Chandelier, boy, thunderstorm, crucian carp, athlete, briefcase.

- What is the 2nd task? Read it.

How to determine whether nouns are animate or inanimate? (If a word answers the question who? - it is animate, what? - it is inanimate.)

Let's open the textbook- page 49, exercise 81.

We work in pairs. Don't forget the rules of working in pairs. Each pair performsone line at a time and write the words in a notebook.

Hand exercises.

a) Shake your hands, twist, then pull each finger.

b) Draw a lock (opens and closes).

Checking the task (handing over the owl pennant), reading the words one by one.

Conclusion: Card animate..., inanimate....

5. Initial check of knowledge acquisition.

Wise Owl wants to check how you can work in pairs.

You will work in pairs, because it is not without reason that they say “One mind is good, but two is better”


Who can read it the fastest?

He will find an extra word.

Assignment: read the words in each line and underline the odd ones.

1 option

Cauldron, ruler, coffee, cat, potatoes.

Berry, sneak, watermelon, anchor, pit.

Wind, spring, bucket, raven, station.

Assignment: read the words in each line and underline the odd ones

Option 2

  1. Friend, buddy, friendship, neighbor, enemy.

    Hiking, tourist, road, fire, tent

    Pupil, teacher, schoolboy, lesson, student.

Check: Explain why the extra...


Now I invite everyone to exercise

Small steps - 1, 2, 3

Easy jumps - 1, 2, 3

Loud claps - 1, 2, 3

Sit down and stand up

Sit down and stand up

And they waved their hands.

That's all the charging

Smooth landing.

Additional tasks:

1. I read the words. Option 1 writes out animate ones, option 2 - inanimate ones:

(2 students work at the board)

birch, cold, grandmother, cook, woodpecker, Tuesday, summer, girl, fox, crow, oak, maple

Checking the assignment from the board...

2. Game “Come up with a word”

Write down words with the same root that denote an animate object. Add your options.

6. Summing up.

Express test of theoretical knowledge.

- What kind of task has the owl prepared for us? She sent a letter.

- If you agree with his statement, put + in your notebook, if not, put -.

(1 student completes the task at the board)

1. Nouns answer the questions what?, what?

2. Animate nouns include only people and animals

3. Animate nouns include plants and people

4. Nouns answer the questions who? So what?

·5. Inanimate nouns answer the question who?

Notebook entry: - + - + -

- What do we call a group of nouns whose words answer the question what?

- What do we call a group of nouns whose words answer the question who?


- What was the purpose of the lesson?

- Did we complete it or not?

- How to distinguish animate object from the inanimate?

- Can you explain to your mother which words are animate and which are inanimate?

(children glue faces to the picture of an owl)

My mood from the lesson.

Our wise owl liked your answers and your work. She gives you her friends - little owls. (the teacher hands out pictures to the children).

Thanks for your effort,

After all, the main thing is desire!

And skills and knowledge

Over the years they will come to you.

What did we learn in class today? What nouns are animate? Inanimate?

- For those who understood everything, draw an exclamation mark (!) in the margin.

- If you find it difficult to understand this topic, put a question mark (?) in the margin.

8. Homework.

D//z: p.48,50 rules, ex.83,

Word check:



Study microbes or microbes? Animation of nouns

1. What is the animation of nouns?

“The category of animate-inanimate nouns is a grammatical expression of the opposition between living and inanimate, but understood not in a scientific sense (in the sense of living and inanimate nature, that is, the organic and inorganic world), but in an everyday, everyday sense.”

(Eskova N.A. Brief dictionary difficulties of the Russian language. 6th ed., rev. M., 2008.)

2. How is animation expressed?

“Firstly, animate-inanimateness is expressed by the endings of the noun itself:

1) animate nouns have the same endings for the plural of the accusative case and the genitive case, and for masculine nouns this also applies to the singular;

2) inanimate nouns have the same accusative and nominative plural endings, and for masculine nouns this extends to the singular.

Animacy has non-verbal expression: the ending of an adjective or participle in the accusative case that agrees with a noun varies depending on whether the noun is animate or inanimate, cf.: (I see) new s students, But new s tables».

(Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. M., 2006.)

3. When do hesitations and options arise?

“All fluctuations between grammatical animation and inanimateness (found in the variable formation of the accusative case) are explained precisely by the ambiguity in the assessment of an object as living or inanimate.

Some of these cases relate to those objects whose belonging to animals or plants may not seem obvious: amoebas, bacteria, bacilli, vibrios, viruses, ciliates, microbes and etc. ( study microbes And microbes).

The second typical case is the name of those living creatures that we tend to perceive primarily as food: squid, shrimp, mussels, lobster, sea cucumber, oysters and etc. ( eat oysters And oysters).

Another clear case is the names of inanimate objects that imitate living beings: kite (paper), doll, puppet, robot, sphinx and etc. ( make dolls And dolls)».

(Eskova N.A. Brief dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. 6th ed., Spanish M., 2008.)

Separate mention should be made about seafood. Words like squid, crabs, shrimp, mussels, lobster, oysters, according to most reference books, they can be used as inanimate and animate nouns when talking about food, but only as animate ones when talking about living beings. However, in the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” by A. A. Zaliznyak the words squid, crab, mussel, lobster are given as animate in all meanings (we reproduce the recommendations of this dictionary below in the answers of the “Reference Bureau”) .

Names of canned fish sprats, gobies, sprat, sardines(plural) are used as inanimate nouns: open sprats, eat sprat, love sardines.



How to correctly: cook anchovy or cook anchovy?

Answer: Noun anchovy in the meaning of "food" inanimate. Right: prepare anchovy, salt the anchovies. However, it is true to say about a living being: catch anchovy, breed anchovies.


Would the phrase be correct? along with Gazprom decided to support its daughters, if the word daughter used to mean "subsidiary"?

Answer: Word daughters in the meaning of "subsidiaries" is used as an inanimate noun: Gazprom decided to support its daughters.


How to correctly: catch a sunbeam or sunny bunny?

Answer: Both options are correct. “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” by A. A. Zaliznyak indicates that the word bunny in the meaning of “light spot” can be used both as an animate and as


Is the word animate? embryo?

Answer:Germ – inanimate noun.


At school there was an assignment to make a sentence out of words. The child composed: The boy bought a kite. The teacher corrected it to The boy bought kite . Who is right?

Answer: According to dictionaries, the word snake in all meanings The children launched a kite.


How to correctly: cook squid or cook squid?

Answer:Squid – cook squid.


How to correctly: kill the goat or goat(about the game of dominoes), jump over the goat or through the goat?

Answer: Noun goat can be used either animate or inanimate, depending on the meaning. In meaning "animal" and also " card game or a game of dominoes" is an animate noun: feed the goat, slaughter the goat, play goat. In the meaning of “sports equipment” the following options are possible: jump over the goat And jump over the goat. See: Zaliznyak A. A. Grammar dictionary of the Russian language. 5th ed., rev. M., 2008.


How to correctly: export crabs or crabs?

Answer:Crab – animate noun. Right: export crabs.


How to correctly: ate shrimp or did you eat shrimp?

Answer: Noun shrimp is animate if we are talking about a living shrimp ( I saw tiny brown shrimp in the aquarium). If we are talking about shrimp like food, possible options: word shrimp in this case it can also be declined as an animate noun ( I ate with pleasure tiny brown shrimp), and as an inanimate noun ( enjoyed eating tiny brown shrimp).


How to correctly: love dolls or love dolls?

Answer: doll in the meaning of “toy” it can be used both as an animate and as an inanimate noun. And here doll in the meaning of “man” (a doll can be called a soulless and empty person, as well as a person blindly acting according to the will of another) - only animate.


How to say: We invite interested parties or interested parties?

Answer: Word face in the meaning of “person” – an animate noun. Right: We invite all interested parties. N. A. Eskova writes: Noun face in the meaning of "man" behaves like an animate, but in combination actor experiences oscillations between animate and inanimate (cf. character).


How to correctly: catch salmon or catch salmon?

Answer:Salmon - animate noun . Right: catch salmon.


How to correctly talk about a machine gun: tapes are inserted into the Maxima or in "maxim"?

Answer: Word " Maksim" in the meaning of "machine gun" it is declined as an inanimate noun. This means that the accusative case form will coincide with the nominative case form. Therefore it is true: tapes are inserted into the "maxim".


Who do I eat: mussels or mussels?

Answer: Mussel– animate noun; eat mussels. See: Zaliznyak A. A. Grammar dictionary of the Russian language. 5th ed., rev. M., 2008.


How to say: studying microbes or studying microbes?

Answer: Word microbe can be used both as an animate and an inanimate noun. Both options are correct.


Which is correct when it comes to cars: assassination attempt on "Muscovites" or assassination attempt on "Muscovites"?

Answer:Moskvich in the meaning of "car" is an inanimate noun: assassination attempt on "Muscovites".

An object

How to correctly: or consider pathogenic biological objects?

Answer: Word an object is not animate. Right: consider pathogenic biological objects.


How to correctly: the film won an Oscar or Did the film win an Oscar?

How to write in an essay: introduce comic character or introduce a comic character?

Answer: Variants are possible. This is what N. A. Eskova writes about the word character: Word character simultaneously names a person and expresses a certain literary concept. Hesitation portrays a character, characters And depicts a character, characters It is obviously connected with the fact that it is the writer (or speaker) who wants to emphasize (Eskova N.A. Concise Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language. 6th ed., revised. M., 2008).


How to write: make parsley or parsley(about dolls)?

Answer: Noun parsley used as an animate in the meaning of “doll; theatrical character” (correctly: make parsley). In the meanings of "puppet theater; absurd business" and "plant" parsley - inanimate noun.

Police officer

How to correctly: drive over a speed bump or over a speed bump(about a road obstacle)?

Answer: Both options are possible (cf.: goat as the name of a sports equipment can also be used both animate and inanimate) .


How best to write: believe in ghosts or believe in ghosts?

Answer: According to the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” by A. A. Zaliznyak ghost can be animate or inanimate.


How to do it right: created prototypes or created prototypes?

Answer:Prototype – inanimate noun meaning “original sample, prototype of something”: I see a prototype of a new weapon. In meaning “a person who served the author as an original for creating a literary image” prototype can be used as an animate noun.


How to correctly: or use robots for body welding?

Answer: Word robot– an animate noun. Right: use robots to weld the body.


How to correctly: the guys made a snowman or did the guys make a snowman?

Answer:Snowman– an animate noun. Right: the guys made a snowman.


What to do with the subject? I see a suspicious person or Do I see a suspicious subject?

Answer:“Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” by A. A. Zaliznyak indicates that the word subject(in philosophy, in law) can be used both as an animate and as an inanimate noun. When used in other meanings: subject(in logic, in grammar) – only inanimate, subject(personality, person) – only animate.


Answer: According to the “Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language” by A. A. Zaliznyak, the word creature in the meaning of “something living” it can be used both as an animate and as an inanimate noun.


How the word declines talent? As an animate or as an inanimate noun?

Answer:Talent – inanimate noun (including about a person). Right: He came to support people's talents.


How to correctly: draw an ace or draw an ace(in a card game)?

Answer: Word ace– an animate noun meaning " playing card" and "important person". Correct: pull out an ace, turn into a financial ace.


How to correctly: cut tuna or cut tuna?

Answer:Tuna– animate noun, correct: cut tuna.


Is snail an animate noun?

Answer: Yes, even when it comes to snails used for food. Right: I eat snails.


How they behave oysters? As animate nouns or as inanimate?

Answer: Noun oyster is animate if we are talking about a living oyster ( raise oysters). If we are talking about an oyster as food, the following options are possible: buy oysters And buy oysters.


How to correctly: carries an embryo or an embryo?

Answer:Embryo – inanimate noun. Right: carries an embryo.


    Belchikov Yu. A. Practical stylistics of the modern Russian language. 2nd ed., M., 2012.

    Graudina L.K., Itskovich V.A., Katlinskaya L.P. Dictionary of grammatical variants of the Russian language. –3rd ed., erased. M., 2008.

    Zaliznyak A. A. Grammar dictionary of the Russian language. 5th ed., rev. M., 2008.

    Eskova N. A. Brief dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. 6th ed., rev. M., 2008.

    Russian grammar / Ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. M., 1980.