Decorating an arch in a house with your own hands. Decorative and plaster corners for arches for wallpaper

Today, arched elements can often be found as a decorative element in apartments and houses. Arches are structures that have various forms, due to which any opening can always acquire smooth contours.

If there is such an opening in the interior, it usually becomes the main decoration of the space. But for everything to be exactly like this, decorative finishing of the arches is needed. (already talked about this interesting material), with taste – otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

What material should be used to finish an interior decorative arch and sheathe the wall adjacent to it? How can you do all this work yourself, without the help of hired specialists?

How the arch works

First you need to understand how they are arranged decorative arches Today. When a private house is at the construction stage, the easiest way is to design arched openings - and translate these structures into reality right during the construction process.

If we talk about multi-story construction, then arches are not often used. At all, modern apartments Usually, after delivery, they are presented in the form of a single large studio room, so that each owner can decorate it the way he wants.

Load-bearing walls and arches

Not everyone may like a rectangular opening in the wall - even if it is load-bearing, so people think about an arch. It’s worth thinking carefully about this – it’s a very serious matter.

How is the arch constructed in such a situation?? You can do this:

  • Suppose you live in a brick house, and you want to get an arch where the interior door is located. If you remove the frame of this door, there will be a concrete cross-bar overhead.
What is the function of such a jumper? It strengthens the wall in places where it has no support. That is, directly in the doorway.
  • You don’t have to be a professional builder to guess: under no circumstances should you touch this jumper or remove it. Only one is allowed within decorative finishing arches - the opening is slightly widened;
  • With such initial data, it will not be possible to obtain a round and high “classical” arch - it will be slightly lower than the height standard door. And the shape will be very smooth;
  • An excellent situation is when the ceiling height in the apartment is at least 210 cm - that is, according to European standard. If we take into account the standards of the Russian Federation, the ceiling height is limited to only 200 cm;
  • Before you take on the decorative finishing of the interior arch, you need to strengthen the perimeter of the doorway. To do this, you can use a steel channel - it is welded into a shape in the shape of the letter “P”. They will take the load from the wall vertical racks this design;
  • Only after all this. To obtain the required configuration, you need to make a frame from a simple profile (ceiling is quite suitable). Notches are applied to it so that the profile can be bent to the required radius.

There is nothing difficult here - but in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to watch a thematic video lesson on the topic. When the frame is completed, you can begin cladding the arch body.
  • This problem can be solved with drywall. However, plain plywood also suitable here, like fiberboard. Very important point– what finishing material will be used in subsequent finishing;
  • If we take into account panel houses, then here doorway- just a recess in the wall panel (done even when the panel itself is being made). Of course, such a design is designed immediately only for certain loads. Therefore, it is forbidden to change the width of the opening and its height;
  • In this case, you will have to limit yourself only to the size of the arch that will result with the opening that is available - without additional expansions or enlargements. But there will be no need to reinforce it with a channel - that is, there will be an order of magnitude less work. The main thing: you need to choose a finishing material of sufficient strength. Solid wood is ideal for this task.

Partitions with arches

Load-bearing walls are one thing, but ordinary partitions are often found in a house or apartment. Is it possible to install an arch here and how is this done correctly? This is quite possible; in addition, the decorative finishing of the arches here is much simpler than in the previous case.

Details about the process:

  1. If you want to get a partition with an arch, it’s easier to remove the old one and install a new one - this is almost always done when remodeling an apartment. You can always contact a specialized company and order an interior arch that will have decorative finishing;
  2. Usually companies offer people arched partitions made of MDF or solid wood. If we talk about their design, then there can be a lot of ideas: smooth lines, clear geometric shapes, carvings and lattices. Sometimes even colored stained glass windows are installed;
  3. If you want the arch to cost quite reasonable money, you should think carefully - and do the work yourself: possible options a lot, most can be easily implemented independently.

An arch in a plasterboard partition is frame construction. To make the frame, an aluminum profile is used, which can be easily covered with plasterboard sheets.

Next, you can start finishing the partition itself and the arch that is located in it. An arched wall niche is installed in the same way: these structures are not suitable for zoning a room, but they perfectly decorate the space.

Possible finishing options for arched structures

Almost any material is suitable for creating an excellent decorative finish for arches in a private house or apartment. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

Let's look at some possible solutions:

  • During the cladding process, it is worth using accessories: plastic corners, decorative moldings. Almost anyone budget look finishing is done using all this;
  • If you wish, you don’t have to worry about what to cover the arch with at all. The structure can always only be painted or plastered - just like the entire space in general.

In order to somehow especially focus attention on the arched opening, it is appropriate to paint it with some other color. Decorative molding is perfect for finishing the end ribs.

The use of polyurethane in decoration


  • Polyurethane is very popular today - it is often used for interior decoration. Openings between rooms are no exception. The material is very dense, flexible, has White color. It is from it that artificial stucco molding is made, which perfectly suits the gables of houses, which is used to decorate ceilings, friezes, and cornices. Pilasters, columns, various elements of arches - it is quite appropriate to use polyurethane here;
  • The price for this finish is quite reasonable. Arch from decorative stone it will cost about the same, but made from natural materials will be significantly more expensive (you will also have to pay more for wood);
  • It is very simple to install elements made of polyurethane: here you choose “liquid nails” glue - it suits best. No additional decor is required, but if you really want to, the arch can always be painted - no one forbids this;
  • The finishing of the arch in the house can be done entirely with polyurethane. That is, not only the end parts are sheathed, but even the outer sides. The upper pillars of the structure are often designed in the form of round or square columns with a bell. You can also limit yourself to a simple edging of the opening - many people choose this option.

Finishing the arched doorway and stone

Decorating an arch with decorative stone in an apartment is a real classic. Moreover, natural stone can also be used in such work when decorating openings located in load-bearing walls, or when decorating monolithic partitions.

Plasterboard hollow partitions are unlikely to cope with such a load, so here it is worth using only artificial stone. Even better if in quality facing material Acrylic flexible tiles were chosen, which perfectly imitate stone texture.

And now about the process in detail:

  1. There are many types of natural stone. For finishing works Shell rock, slate, and travertine are usually used. Of course, marble is also actively used, like granite;
  2. The texture of the material can be deliberately rough, unfinished or, on the contrary, perfectly polished - that is, the stone has been given an exquisite shape;
  3. It’s worth choosing one option or another depending on the general style of the room, what its functional and architectural features are. To clad arches, using natural stone is a solution for an elite finish, that is, the option is far from cheap.
For the manufacture of artificial stone one or another binder is used: cement, gypsum or something like that. To finish an arch using a gypsum screed, it is better to choose a stone on the same basis.
  • The good thing about artificial material is that many options are almost impossible to distinguish from natural stone - especially if a person does not have experience in such work;
  • Not only the binder is used to make artificial stone. They also use perlite and expanded clay – this is what makes the material very light. It cannot do without artificial dyes - thanks to a balanced combination of all of the above, natural stone is externally identical to natural stone;
  • What’s especially nice is that you can get such material even at home. This results in impressive savings on the finishing process;
  • To work, you only need a few stones (they will be samples), as well as liquid silicone - so that you can cast the mold. Special compositions are sold for making stone at home: you just need to dilute them with water, then pour them into the resulting molds. The result will be a wonderful artificial stone, the decorative finishing of arches with its help will look impressive;
  • A simpler option: use acrylic flexible tiles to cover not only the arch, but also the area adjacent to it;
  • This material can perfectly imitate not only stone texture, but also brick. Clinker tiles are another solution ideal for finishing an arch, just like facing bricks.

Finishing the space around the decorative arch

What can you say about the finishing of the wall itself where the arch is installed, or about the cladding of the partition? There are many design options here.

For example, the following solutions deserve attention:

  • Embossed decorative plaster will always help to emphasize beauty and aesthetics arched partition. It looks especially harmonious when the arch itself is sheathed with stone;
  • As an elite finishing option, you can make a composition on the wall using microcement or Venetian plaster. This work cannot be done with your own hands - it requires specific knowledge and experience. But if the decor is created by specialists, the result will be impressive;
  • Various types of wallpaper can also help create relief on the wall. You can use fiberglass, textile, textured ones. There are wallpapers that contain elements of cork, bamboo, wood and stone;
  • Wallpaper is often combined with wooden wall panels. Similar material– an excellent solution for finishing the end part of the arch. If you want to save money, you can always choose MDF panels for this.
It is customary to close the border between wallpaper and panels to make it look beautiful. Perfect for this.

Different kinds panels are very suitable for creating interesting design for an arched partition. In addition to the options noted above, you can also consider wall panels made from laminated chipboard, slatted panels made of lining. It is even possible to use laminate, as well as volumetric 3D panels.

  • In the case where the arched passage is spacious and there is a wide partition, it is often lined with the same material that was chosen for decorating the wall. Here you won’t even need to use protective moldings on the end corners - they will not be damaged in such an opening;
  • Partitions and arched niches not only perfectly decorate the room. This optionThe best way break up the monotony of the wall.

The space can be effectively zoned in this way.

And the best part: interiors with an arch do not look like standard, typical, boring solutions. The main task of design is this: to get away from clichés and standards that everyone is already tired of.

Readers are also invited to watch a video about how true masters of their craft produce decorative decoration for arches today.

One of the most common solutions when finishing a wall opening is an arch. It has been present in interior design for a very long time, and initially had a semicircular shape. However, with the development modern technologies and the advent of new materials, the appearance of the arches has changed.

Interior of a room with an arch

Large wide arch in the interior

Room design with an arch

The construction of an arch can have many functions, purposes and possibilities.

  • IN small room an arch can visually enlarge the space (if it replaces the door, the room will seem larger).
  • A large space can be divided into zones, which will add coziness and eliminate the feeling of emptiness (dividing into an area for eating and cooking, a transition between the corridor and the living room is popular).
  • It may contain a stylistic component that will give the apartment a certain direction (an imitation of an arch is often found, performing only an aesthetic function).

Interior of a corridor with an arch

Beautiful arch in the winter interior

Types of decorative arches

All arches are divided into the following types:

  1. Active arches are mainly designed in such a way that they provide a wide view of adjacent rooms, can significantly transform the interior and are made in a complex form.
  2. Passive - have a simple shape and act as a border between rooms.

Active arches include:

  • eastern;
  • horseshoe-shaped;
  • lancet;
  • trapezoidal;
  • keeled;
  • semicircular.

Stone arch in the interior

Arch in the interior

Interior design with an arch

Passive arches are simpler and are divided into the following types:

  • classic style - characterized by the correct arc radius;
  • ellipsoid - the arc is made in the form of an oval;
  • modern - distinguished by an arc with a characteristic rise;
  • romance - the arc is cut off at the top and rounded at the sides;
  • portal - the shape of an arch in the form of a rectangle.

What determines the shape of the arch?

Before you start choosing an arch, it is worth understanding what its shape depends on and what type will be relevant in a certain interior.

  1. Door dimensions and ceiling heights - active arches can only be installed in a large room.
  2. The purpose of the room plays an important role, since the tasks assigned to the arch will depend on this.
  3. Stylistic decoration of the room - the arched opening should be harmoniously combined with common interior.

Wide beautiful arch in the kitchen interior

Bright room with an arch

Finishing materials

Arches in the apartment are made of various materials, depending on the conditions and stylistic design.

  1. Stone is the most common material used in the construction of an opening. An arc of a certain shape is laid out, which is difficult to do with your own hands. Requires further decoration.
  2. Wood is a practical and convenient solution. Different types of wood may be used, which will significantly affect the overall cost.
  3. Drywall is very convenient, since you can give the arch any shape, it is easy to install, and a fairly inexpensive option.
  4. Polyurethane - similar in properties to plastic, resistant to moisture. Easy to install and beautifully designed.
  5. Chipboard, fiberboard - the cheapest method of constructing a structure, at the same time quite simple and looks great.

Large arch in the interior

Wide arch in the interior

Room design with an arch

Decorating an arch with artificial stone

Decorating the arch with artificial stone is popular. Many will say that natural is better, but there are a number of advantages of synthetic material.

  • It consists of natural ingredients and does not contain any chemical elements or impurities.
  • Durable enough, looks beautiful and will last no less than natural.
  • It weighs three times less and is easily used in arched structures of any strength.
  • It has a low price, is easy to transport and can be bought at any hardware store or market.
  • Can repeat the shape and texture of natural stones.
  • Caring for it does not require much effort.
  • Simply mounted on any arched openings.
  • Resistant to moisture, temperature changes, corrosion and fungus.
  • Decorating an arch with artificial stones suits almost any style in the apartment.

Arch in the interior

Interior of a room with an arch

Tile and stone

A bright and memorable solution in the decor of the arch will be the use of sandstone and acrylic tiles in combination. For example, the external sides facing the premises are lined with sandstone, and the opening itself is tiled. There are tile mosaic techniques that add originality and uniqueness to the style. Using a combination of sandstone and tiles looks great and is suitable for creating decorative structures.

Arch in the interior

Living room design with an arch

Beautiful arch in the interior

Decorative panels and stucco molding

Common materials for arch cladding are panels and stucco.

  • MDF panels and overlays are perfect for the classic style.
  • The use of such elements creates a visual imitation of wood, which is very important in modern design.
  • Such panels are mounted using glue and nails without heads.
  • Initially, it is necessary to frame the inner space of the arch, and only after that install the panels.
  • This process is similar to installing a door frame.
  • Finishing with stucco is a common decorative technique, as it is quite simple.
  • It is attached with liquid nails or glue.
  • Perfect for structures in hotels or rooms with an antique style.

Large arch in the interior

Wall arch in the interior

An accessible and inexpensive way to decorate an arch is to wallpaper it

A financially accessible option for decorating an arch is wallpapering. Currently exists great amount different textured and dyeable wallpapers. You just have to choose the necessary sample that will look harmonious and match the style of the room. Simple and quick method decorating the opening.

During pasting, certain rules should be followed:

  • glues first outer side arches with a small margin;
  • the remaining pieces must be wrapped inside;
  • The third stage is wallpapering the inside of the arch.

Despite its cheapness and simplicity, this decor has its drawbacks. This way the wallpaper can quickly wear out or tear, so it’s better to have a roll in stock.

Arch in the interior

Light room design with an arch

Room design with an arch

Framing an arched opening with wooden overlays

A labor-intensive and expensive decoration for an arched opening will be framing it with wooden overlays. Firstly, wood is not cheap, and secondly, the required elements will have to be ordered, which is also an expensive pleasure. Despite this, this method is quite popular, since wooden linings give classic style and look very impressive.

Decorating an arch in an apartment with your own hands: decor ideas

Decorating an arch in an apartment with your own hands is quite simple if you have all the required materials, desire and necessary knowledge. The most common decoration methods are:

  • decoration with sandstone and tiles - a little skill and imagination are required;
  • pasting with wallpaper and fabric is the easiest and cheapest way;
  • decor using curtains is possible;
  • easy installation of finished stucco molding and overlays;
  • The fastest way would be to simply paint or use textured putty.

Arch in the interior of the corridor

Interior of a room with an arch

The use of arched openings in the interior is quite common. Use of inexpensive and practical materials in the design of an arch in an apartment, allows you to create the required structure with your own hands, which will become distinctive feature your interior. You can create your own, original and unique design, which will last for more than one year.

Doorways are necessary element in every room, but despite the standards ( rectangular shape), many quite often choose another option - an arch. To create it you need to use usual recommendations builders, but an important part is its design, after which the arched passage will acquire its beauty. Today, decorating arches with decorative stone is very common, as everyone tries to develop and implement original ideas, thanks to which even a simple doorway will become a decoration for the entire room.

In this article we will tell you how to decorate an arch with your own hands in an apartment, we will give step by step instructions, as well as video and photo materials.

Nuances during installation

In most cases, arched passages from room to room are planned during construction, but it is also possible to create such a passage after construction. In this case, it is worth considering tips for installing plasterboard arches. When the layout of apartments and houses changes, demolition occurs interior walls and the construction of new ones, while profiles and plasterboard sheets are used for the installation of partitions.

Since the aluminum profile is easy to install, it is perfect for structures of any shape. It is also worth noting that plasterboard sheets can be shaped, so they can be mounted on a rounded profile. In addition to door arches, it can also be used to decorate small niches in the wall, but in this case, installing the structure is several times more difficult.

When choosing materials for decorating plasterboard arches, you need to carefully consider the details and approximately determine the weight of the structure so that it can withstand the load.

Decoration Materials

To decorate the arch, a wide variety of materials are used, which are available in specialized stores. Among the most common it is worth highlighting:

  • mirror;
  • stone (natural, artificial, decorative);
  • mosaic;
  • ceramic tile;
  • textile;
  • wallpaper;
  • plaster;
  • cork;
  • plastic;
  • tree, etc.

In fact, the material can be absolutely any, the main thing is that it is combined with the overall interior, and is also well and securely attached to the arch itself.

When choosing a finishing material, do not forget that it must be combined with several rooms at the same time, since such openings combine them into one whole.

Regular and cork wallpaper

Most often, arches are decorated with simple and cork wallpaper. For this you will need standard set tools: wallpaper, scissors, ruler, pencil, glue, brush. All dimensions are measured and transferred to the wallpaper, the elements are cut out, and then they are glued end to end.

According to the advice of experts, you first need to cover the walls, and then the arched passage, paying special attention to the joints, which should converge as much as possible. When designing openings in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the humidity and temperature in the rooms in order to choose the right material.

Cork is environmental material, since it is made of wood. In specialized stores you can choose both wallpaper and panels that are glued with acrylic glue.

By finishing the arch with decorative stone you can create a good design. But it is quite difficult to carry out all these labor-intensive processes on your own. However, the stone is distinguished by high operational properties, durability, and a universal pattern that is perfect for any interior.

Upon registration interior openings it is necessary to level all surfaces and putty them to eliminate defects and unevenness. Afterwards a primer is applied. It is necessary to start laying at the joints, while moving upwards, and inner side the arches should be designed to overlap the outer one. If necessary, excess centimeters are cut off with a grinder. After laying all the elements, the openings are filled with a special grout (the color is selected correctly).

To attach decorative stone elements, you can use liquid nails or special cement-lime based glue.

Molding and corner

Quite often, other elements are used together with wallpaper or colored plaster, for example, they complement the composition with a molding or corner. Now you can find enough in stores a large assortment similar products, namely molding made of metal, polyurethane or gypsum. This variety allows you to complement any interior. original elements. They are very easy to attach. They are installed on the ends of the arch on both sides using ordinary liquid nails.

The finishing of arch openings with corners follows the same pattern. Corners can be made of a wide variety of materials:

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • aluminum;
  • polyvinyl chloride, etc.

This is how polyurethane molding is glued:

In fact, the corner performs several functions at the same time: it is a separate decorative element, combines several types of finishes, and also protects the corners from abrasions and possible mechanical damage.


Another fairly common decorative material for finishing an arched doorway is mosaic. Its range is very large, since manufacturers use innovative technologies and modern equipment, which allows you to create mosaics from various materials:

  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • concrete;
  • tile.

To finish an arch with mosaics, you need to prepare decorating material, as well as an adhesive solution. In specialized construction stores they already sell ready-made compositions or dry mixtures that must be diluted with water according to the specified proportions. The glue is applied both to the mosaic itself and to the wall, but in small quantities and using a notched trowel.

Do not forget that when laying mosaics, you must adhere to the pattern, if there is one, so as not to disturb the composition.

You can finish the arch in the most different materials and even an apprentice can do this. The main thing is to decide on the type of finishing material, and also study the technology of its installation. If you have questions about finishing the arch, then write comments to the article. Do you have any additional tips for newbies? Write them, your experience may be useful!


If you want to decorate an arch with plaster, see how to do it:


We all strive to make our home unique, original, and stylish. Special attention doorways deserve in the interior. In standard city apartments - small-sized and familiar Khrushchev-era apartments - instead of ordinary interior doors, folding or sliding doors are often installed, but recent years 5-10 Interior arches remain trendy: made of plastic, plasterboard, aluminum profile, natural stone, wood, brick, MDF boards.

Interior decoration with arches is popular design technique. By installing such a structure instead of a door, it is possible to significantly visually expand the space when every corner of the room can be seen from every point without any problems.

Arches are often decorated decorative elements: overlays, cornices, lamps, slats, banquettes, the design of which is in tune with the chosen style. In addition to the decorative function, designs can also have practical use: increase the size of the arches, hide seams and other defects.

An interior arch will be appropriate everywhere: between the kitchen and the corridor, the hallway and the living room. All this is possible thanks to the variety of forms, color solutions, sizes of arched openings and styles of execution. In the photos presented, evaluate the design of the arches and the harmony of the interiors with them.

When thinking about the layout of the premises in the apartment, decide immediately how the transition between adjacent rooms will be designed. If it is necessary to maintain a certain style in the interior of an apartment, to combine adjacent rooms, in the absence of sufficient area and with a minimum of free space, interior arches of various shapes and sizes are increasingly being used.

This trend remains at the peak of popularity today due to wide possibilities for decoration: you can easily find arches of any design and color, and if necessary, build similar structures with your own hands without the involvement of specialists.

We suggest starting with the main thing: choice appearance future arch, and photos with options for interior arches in interiors will help you with this different rooms and interior spaces.

Rectangular interior arches, photo


When choosing the material for interior arches from which the entire structure will be constructed, it is important to take into account the durability of the coating, strength, as well as its resistance to the special conditions of some rooms: for example, arches in the kitchen should not be deformed by steam, and arched openings that are located under straight lines sun rays, should not fade, maintaining their original color.

Note! Some materials are flammable: you should always remember safety, especially if you are decorating the interior of a children's room.

Interior arches made of plasterboard in an apartment, photo

What types of interior arches are there depending on the materials used?

For home you can choose different designs from the given list:

  • drywall- the most common option for arches. It easily takes the desired shape: if necessary, plasterboard sheet can be bent or, having outlined the outline, cut along the right sizes. This material may have different thickness, so you don’t have to worry about the strength of the structure. In addition, steam, moisture, sunlight and other factors will not affect the appearance of an interior plasterboard arch;
  • Interior arches made of plasterboard for the kitchen, photo
  • wooden Interior arches are the next most popular option. Give such designs unusual shape not easy: ready-made interior arches made of wood do not differ in special design and color variety, except for the relief cut on the surface. But you can make an interior arch out of wood with your own hands, giving it the right type and providing additional decorative finishing that would correspond to the overall picture of the design and decoration of the room. Experts advise installing wooden arches in spacious rooms - due to the fact that wood always looks quite massive;

  • Beautiful interior arches, photo
  • interior arches made of plaster They are separate curved structures, decorated with columns along the edges. When installing these elements near the walls using special glue, you will only have to putty the connecting area or cover it with a mixture of plaster. After all these manipulations, the arch is repainted in the chosen color and treated with varnish for protection;

  • Types of interior arches, photos
  • made of foam you can create an imitation of columns with an upper transition in the interior. Such arches are popular due to their low cost, although they also have a major drawback: low resistance to mechanical damage and fragility. Foam arches are fixed with glue, after drying they are puttied and painted to obtain the required decorative effect. In addition, it is not necessary to paint them: a white interior arch is considered a classic and will suit any design;
  • arches made of plastic today they are not as popular as before, but in some interiors you can see such options. These are designs of simple shape, often they are devoid of decorative details and are more suitable for minimalism than for those styles where it is necessary to emphasize certain features and characteristic features of stylistic trends;

  • Interior arches - modern design with a widened opening, photo
  • arches from chipboard and fibreboard– budget and quite good option for an apartment. Such materials allow the use of a variety of decorative coverings, they are flexible, bend well, undergo shape correction, and do not lose their appearance over time.

Important! A more competent solution would be if you choose interior arches with a door connecting the room being decorated with the adjacent one, since all existing transitions should be decorated in the same or similar color scheme.

Arched interior doors, photo

Shapes of interior arches, their types and features

If you are seriously wondering how to assemble interior arches, you should definitely understand the varieties of their shapes.

Planning and choosing the appearance and ideal dimensions of each individual interior arch is necessary, taking into account the architectural features and layout of the room.

Important! The use of certain forms of arches (primarily curvilinear forms) is an excellent technique that allows for zoning of space.

Arches for interior doors are divided into several groups, the division occurs depending on the appearance of the vault: arches with a vault in the form of an ellipse, Florentine (having the shape of a semicircle), segmental arches, parabolic arches, three-centered, arches with a horseshoe vault, arches with shoulders , arches with a round vault and others.

A specialist consultant will tell you which option is best to choose when purchasing: keep in mind that such arches should not overload the interior design and contradict the chosen style direction in general design interior

We invite you to find out more details about existing types interior arches.

Florentine- one of the varieties of semicircular arched structures, with an elongated profile, traced with stone trim not in the very doorway, and beyond. This method of designing transitions between rooms is ideal for classic, Mediterranean style, Provence.

IN modern styles are popular semicircular arches. Simple, but smooth and refined geometry will make the interior lighter and fit perfectly into living rooms.

Advice: Do you want to visually raise the ceiling level? Choose an arch with a semicircular arch extended upward.

Arches segment type– these are curved structures in which the radius of the semicircle exceeds half the width of the doorway being processed. If it is not possible to stretch the opening upward, the arch will have to be done exclusively by rounding the corners.

When designing segmental arches, consult with specialists, since such a design must have the correct proportions.

Arches three-center type- a simple option for residential premises. They can be lowered: similar designs are common in the transitions between the kitchen and living areas.

Also distinguished pseudo-three-centred arched openings with a flat top level and slightly rounded corners. Such arches will become a worthy analogue to rectangular structures, which are not always able to emphasize sophistication home design. Three-center arches are suitable for country, classic and Provence interiors.

DIY interior arch, photo

Arches parabolic shape, unlike three-center ones, are more elongated upward - and compressed as the height of the structure increases. Popular in Moroccan and Arabic styles.

Advice: structures with a clear elongated top should not be installed in rooms where the ceilings are low.

Elliptical arches will be appropriate in art deco, art nouveau, as well as classic designs. They allow you to divide a room into two zones and create a harmonious opening between interiors, even where there was no transition before.

Non-standard interior arches - horseshoe-shaped or round - are suitable for decorating a loggia connected to the living room. The need to create such structures is explained by the fact that it is impossible to completely demolish the window sill area. This way you will provide a sufficient level of durability to the load-bearing walls and at the same time emphasize the new design of the room.

Arched structures round shape are suitable for modern design trends, and horseshoe-shaped types are more appropriate in Mediterranean style, in Provence and other destinations. If desired, they can be made asymmetrical or equipped with additional decorative elements. Among these varieties are arches with shoulders: in them the width of the opening exceeds the dimensions of the arch.

You can also give preference to arches V Venetian style with a semi-circular design and carvings or go for trefoil-shaped designs.

In home interiors, you can also install interior arches of new styles: give them any shape at your discretion, even the most delicate or ornate, using the services of specialists or creating the design yourself.

If you are not yet ready to experiment, rectangular interior arches, as well as square-shaped interior arches, will become the best solution. In addition, at any time you can choose a door that matches the style and shape.

Square interior arches, photo

Decor and design of interior arches

There are several popular methods for decorating interior arches. Using curtains is the simplest and most a budget option. For example, in this way you can decorate the arch between the corridor and the kitchen in order to partially isolate the room and prevent the spread of steam throughout the apartment.

Using decorative columns You get beautiful interior arches. It is enough to install them on the sides of the structure to give your room a completely different, updated look.

Remember! Even small columns can visually change the proportions of a room: there are not many interior design styles in which antique columns are appropriate.

Depending on the size, finished interior arches are decorated with niches or additional shelves, which will add functionality to this opening design.

Interior arches with shelves, photo

To decorate an interior arch with your own hands, you can use additional finishing and decorative materials. Choose how to decorate the interior arch, taking into account the style of the interior: if these are more traditional directions, select elements made of wood or use thematic stucco molding, for modern design recommended to use Decoration Materials imitating brick, masonry and other surfaces.

Interior arches made of stone, photo

Built-in lighting is also popular today: it can be mounted in two ways - from the sides or at the level of the arch. This design of interior arches will allow you to fill the interior with new bright shades.

Interior arches made of plasterboard with lighting, photo The difficulty of caring for arches in an apartment will depend on the material chosen, and the conditions in the rooms in which they are installed will also affect. For example, it can be difficult to clean the arches between the kitchen and the hallway from dirt: dust and dirt brought from the street will accumulate on the hallway side, and grease on the kitchen area.
Arch between the kitchen and hallway, photo

At the same time wet cleaning and application detergents withstands most materials. There are some care nuances when caring for natural wood:

  • for the cleaning wooden surfaces Do not use a cloth that is too wet: excessive moisture can cause the material to deteriorate even with protective treatment varnish;
  • use polish to keep the wooden arch clean for a long time;
  • wood should not be subjected to additional staining. In the factory, such arches are painted in several layers using a spray gun. Therefore, the coloring is even and uniform over the entire surface. It is impossible to achieve this effect with a brush.

Read about how to choose and which one is suitable with examples and modern models will help you decide on the selection and ideal sizes for your room.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with how to install interior arches different types: Wooden structures should not be subjected to impacts. On such material, even scratches will be difficult to disguise (even if you choose an arch made of durable rocks - at a minimum, you will scratch the varnish coating).

Interior arches for the kitchen, photo

Advice: If the arches are damaged, use a stationery marker of a similar shade, spot-touching the damaged areas after using it, carefully remove excess strokes with a damp cloth. Treat deep scratches with special sealants, and after drying, paint the sealed areas to match.


Several design options for interior arches in rooms can be seen in the video below:

Now you are ready to install the arch in your home. All you have to do is choose a design, decide on the desired shape and material. Therefore, we advise you to look again at the pictures of interior arches, look through the photos in the photo gallery and think about which design will best emphasize the style of your room.

Photo gallery

On this moment indoor arches are built in almost every design. They can be located both in doorways and in the design of the wall surface. Regardless of where exactly the arch is located, decorative finishing of the arches is performed.

What can arched structures be made of?

At the moment, arch manufacturing systems are quite diverse.

The arch can be:

  • From plasterboard.
  • Brick.
  • Concrete and other similar material.

Note. The arch can be not only semicircular, but also have various non-standard shapes.

The work of constructing an arch from any material can be easily done with your own hands. You just need to do some preparation initially.

Preparatory work:

  • A design project is immediately drawn up.
  • Then, based on it, it is calculated required amount material.
  • After this, the decorative finish of the arch in the apartment or house is selected.

Need to think about it stylistic direction design of the entire room, since the arch is an integral part of it.

Functions of the arched structure

The main function of an arch in a room is its decoration.

In addition to the decorative function:

  • Arches help divide the space into different functional areas.
  • You can make decorative lighting for the arch.
  • For this purpose they use lighting small size, which are mounted in the structure.

Note. Initially, electrical wiring should be installed into the arch body.

The simplest and in a fast way The construction of the arch is the use of plasterboard.

Let's consider the application with this material in more detail:

  • The plasterboard arch is hollow and mounted on a frame made of special profiles.
  • The surface of the material itself is smooth and does not require additional work by alignment.
  • An arch made of brick or concrete is considered no less popular.

Their surface already requires leveling for normal finishing of the structure.

What is decorative arch trim?

Many people believe that decorative finishing of an interior arch is simply decorating its surface.

Mainly used for this:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Paint.
  • Plaster.

Note. This opinion is erroneous, since decorating the surface of an arch is a finishing process that is carried out with unusual and original materials.

You can do more than just finish the entire surface. Decoration is carried out both at the corners of the arch and at its individual planes (see How to decorate an arch, design options).

Advice. Decorating an arch using the above materials is considered a simple finish. For decorative purposes, it is worth using other types.

Materials for decorative finishing of the arch

Since decorative finishing is characterized unusual design design and use original materials, then in works they most often use:

  • Decorative plastic and wooden corners.
  • Wood panels with carvings and other surface decorations.

All of them have their own individual external design and simple installation on the surface.

Decorative and natural stone for arches

These materials for arched structures are presented in the form of slabs.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Plates of this type can have different parameters.
  • The thickness of the tiles starts from 0.3 cm and reaches 0.8 cm.

Note. To decorate the arch, you should not use thicker stone tiles.

Both stones have similar properties, materials:

  • Practical and moisture resistant. These properties mean that the surface of both natural and artificial stone is not able to absorb moisture and dirt.
  • Durable and wear-resistant, since they have practically no definite service life and do not lose their external design throughout the entire period of use.
  • Stones are not afraid of fire and temperature changes.

The stones have two differences:

  • Natural stone has more mass than decorative stone.

Advice. For this reason, it is best used on stone arched structures.

  • The price of natural stone tiles is higher than that of decorative material.
  • The installation method is slightly different in that in order to attach natural tiles to a plasterboard surface, it needs to be reinforced. Stone finishing the arch looks very original.

To install the arch design you will need:

  • Concrete mortar or special glue.
  • Building level and roulette.
  • Spatula and container for adhesive.
  • A damp cloth to wipe the surface of glue.
  • Tile cutter for cutting stone tiles.

Note. The installation process is quite simple.

Let's take a closer look

  • The surface is coated with glue.
  • Similar work is carried out at back side material.
  • Next, the tiles are attached to the surface.
  • After drying, the finish is cleaned of any exposed glue.

Bamboo wallpaper

Interior arches with decorative trim from bamboo wallpaper look quite original.

More details about the design:

  • Wallpaper is a fairly dense and hard material.
  • They are available in rolls.
  • All bamboo elements are held together with strong fishing lines.
  • There are different shades of this material.
  • Bamboo is moisture-resistant and durable, and has similar properties to wood.

To install wallpaper you will need:

  • Special glue.
  • A stationery knife, as the wallpaper can be easily cut with it.
  • Dry rags.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • If necessary - building level.

Cork materials for arched structures

There is nothing more original than finishing a decorative interior arch with cork.

Material characteristics:

  • Cork can be in the form of wallpaper or tiles.
  • The cork itself is soft and attaching it to the surface will not be difficult.
  • It is moisture resistant and quite practical.
  • It is not affected by different temperature conditions.
  • The surface of the cork is not capable of absorbing liquid contaminants.

Advice. The arch is not completely finished with cork, but only some part of it.

There are specific instructions for installing cork and products made from it, and this is due to:

  • Elasticity of the material.
  • Cork in any form breaks easily.

For work you will need:

  • Special glue.
  • Dry rags.

Note. A building level may not be used, since the cork does not have a specific pattern on the surface.

  • When gluing the surface of an arch with cork materials, do not stretch them.
  • They will absorb moisture and the surface will not have a smooth finish.
  • It is best not to keep the glue on the cork for a long time.
  • The material will simply begin to deform.

Whatever type of decorative finishing is present on the surface of the arch, the most important thing is to choose the right material for this and carry out its high-quality installation. Watch the video to see how you can decorate an arch in an original way.