Hazelnut crown crown diseases. Hazelnuts: growing features

Big fans of eating hazelnuts have always been mouse-like rodents, pileated woodpeckers - large and medium-sized, squirrels, hazelnuts, and wild boars.

Almost all fruit trees (including hazelnuts) are more or less damaged by pests and affected by diseases. The main pests include: aphids, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, hares. As you can see, the enemies are numerous; Those who attack its fruits are especially harmful. Sometimes found among them - walnut weevil, walnut longhorned beetle, hazel bud mite, walnut moth, caterpillars, hazel aphids, scale insects - settling on the buds, leaves, flowers and fruits, weaken the plants, retard their growth, which leads to a decrease in its frost resistance and resistance to drought and reduce yield.

The most dangerous pests for hazelnuts are nut weevil and nut longhorn beetle.

The adult nut weevil is a beetle found in the spring and summer. It overwinters in the larval stage in the soil, then pupates in the spring. The beetles crawl out of the soil in May at an average daily soil temperature of 15-16? C and feed on hazelnut bushes. The females gnaw at the green, still soft hazel fruits and lay one egg in each of them. The hatched larvae feed inside the nut, completely eating away the kernel. Having finished feeding, the larva leaves the nut and burrows into the soil. If you don't fight it, it can cause damage. most nuts It is necessary to make at least 3 treatments with pesticides, starting from the second half of June to August. But this will not completely save the harvest, since the beetles do not feed well during egg laying, and eggs laid in nuts cannot be poisoned. Good results allows the beetles to be shaken off onto a film or spunbond placed around the bush, followed by collection and destruction. But this is the case if there are not many bushes; they need to be shaken off several times a day as soon as beetles are noticed on the nuts, approximately from the beginning of July. They are removed along with fallen (perforated) nuts and must be destroyed. Industrial plantations are treated with insecticides.

Control measures. The fight against the nut weevil is carried out by deep digging the soil, collecting wormy nuts, shaking off the beetles onto a film and spraying with pesticides to kill the beetles before oviposition.

Walnut longhorned beetle- small beetle. The female lays eggs under the bark of the shoots. The hatched larvae gnaw into the core of the shoots, where they remain for two winters. Affected shoots dry out. To protect plants from damage by the nut longhorn beetle, it is necessary to cut out and burn the affected shoots and spray the hazelnut bushes with pesticides at the beginning of the beetles' summer.

In the second half of summer, plants sometimes show signs of powdery mildew and spotting. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that usually develops on the upper side of the leaf blade in the form of spider mold. Subsequently, black formations develop on the mold. The disease can also develop on pears. The causative agent of the disease overwinters on fallen leaves.

Control measures. Collection and burning of infected leaves; spraying with a 2% lime-sulfur decoction when signs of disease appear and then several times every 10-12 days, and the bushes are treated with a 1% aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur. In this regard, it is necessary to systematically inspect the bushes and promptly apply protective equipment. Against fungal diseases, treatment with colloidal sulfur at a concentration of 1.5-2% is recommended. Spraying 2-3 times works effectively Bordeaux mixture(1-4 l per bush).

In addition, at the end of summer, entire “colonies” of caterpillars hang on hazelnut leaves. They eat the leaves, leaving behind skeletons of veins. If there are a small number of caterpillars, they are collected manually, trying not to use chemicals, but if there are a lot of pests, then you can treat the garden with Intavir against gnawing insects. The first time - before the buds open, the second time - after the leaves open.

Walnut moth, the caterpillars of which are located along the edges of the leaf and eat the entire leaf, destroying it, they move on to another, etc. But it is easier to fight them, since the caterpillars are in plain sight. You just need to detect them in time. Kidneys can be damaged by kidney mites. The buds affected by it become large and round, similar to those affected by the currant mite on black currants. They are destroyed during the period of bud break using pesticides against ticks.

Preventive measures to protect hazelnuts from damage by diseases and pests

In autumn, after leaf fall, you need to collect and destroy fallen leaves, and then dig up the soil under the hazelnut bushes. In this way, the infection of powdery mildew, which overwinters on fallen leaves, and the nut weevil larvae, which have taken refuge in the soil for the winter, are destroyed.

When performing sanitary pruning, you should cut out and burn all branches affected by the walnut longhorn beetle.

To reduce the number of nut weevils, it is necessary to collect wormy nuts several times during the summer.

When leaves appear, pesticides are sprayed to combat powdery mildew. After 10-12 days, spraying is repeated.

The next spraying is carried out when adult walnut weevil insects appear. To completely protect the nuts from damage by the nut weevil, spraying is carried out during the mass flight of beetles and in the fall after collecting nuts. When spraying against the walnut weevil, adult walnut beetle insects are also destroyed.

If the damage is minor, you can attract entomophages (predatory insects), birds, and use substances that repel pests (infusions of tomato and potato tops, tobacco infusion, ash).

The brown hare causes great damage to gardens in winter when it gnaws branches, buds, and gnaws the bark on the trunks of young trees. To protect them, it is necessary to tie the trunks with a net, stocking, plastic film, sunflower stems, reeds, sedge or matting. In winter, young plantings need to be protected from hares, as they eat them right down to the level of the snow cover. To protect yourself from them, you need to make strokes on the outer branches with a strong-smelling soap, previously moistened warm water, or place rags that smell of dog under the bushes. They do not cause noticeable damage to adult bushes.

By carrying out a simple fight against all these pests, you can collect good harvests nuts

In order to grow hazelnuts, you need to purchase hybrids and varieties zoned for your area. Southern hazelnuts will simply freeze, and of course you need to take care of them so that they give you a harvest every year.

Planting in holes

A year before planting, lime acidic soils and apply one square meter 500 grams of lime and dig it onto the bayonet of a shovel. It is better to plant hazel trees in autumn. it is possible in the spring, and the seedling must have a well-developed fibrous root system. We also plant several bushes at the border of the site for better pollination at a distance of 4 meters. In planting holes 50 centimeters deep and 60 centimeters wide, we pour a nutrient mixture, which consists of one bucket of humus, 50 grams of potassium salt, 200 grams of superphosphate and fertile soil, and you should definitely take the land from under mature hazel trees, if you have any.

This soil is rich in microsa and will help a young plant take root in a new place. We cut the branches to 20 centimeters before planting and dip them in clay mash. Make a hole after planting and water, using one bucket of water for each. After this, mulch with peat or humus in a layer of about 5 centimeters. Feeding and watering If the soil is fertile, then hazelnuts live longer and bear fruit well, and therefore fertilizers must be used when growing hazelnuts. But if you filled the planting hole well when planting. then in the first years it does not need feeding. And at the age of 6 years, plants need to be fed with mineral fertilizers.

We contribute nitrogen fertilizer during bud break in early spring, urea per square meter is about 40 grams. In the spring we feed fruit-bearing bushes, but we already apply 100 grams per square meter, we use complex fertilizer in the form of a solution in the summer, when the fruits are set and the ovaries are growing. For 10 liters of water we take 50 grams. We introduce organic matter - compost or humus once every 3 years, about 10 kilograms per square meter. To this fertilizer you can add superphosphate - 60 grams and potassium salt - 30 grams per square meter.

Irrigation is very important for hazel, especially for the formation of fruits and the formation of flower buds; if watering is not enough, then the yield is reduced. We water the hazelnuts several times: during the formation of the ovaries in June, during the filling of the kernels in July, and we carry out water-replenishing watering after the leaves have fallen. We feed the plants while combining them with watering.

It is better to mulch the soil around the bush, then you do not need to loosen it after each watering and rain, but if you have not mulched the soil, loosen it after watering and rain to a depth of 7 centimeters. We dig up the trunk circle 10 centimeters in the fall, do not dig deeper, otherwise we will damage the roots of the plant.

Trimming and shaping

Hazelnut bushes grow very large and need pruning. to form bushes. Before planting, we shorten all branches to 20 centimeters, as this stimulates the growth of root shoots. on next year we leave from 6 to 10 of these shoots, the strongest and growing from the middle of the bush to different sides. So we will create optimal conditions for ventilation and lighting of the bush.

Every year in the fall and spring we cut out the shoots; if necessary, they can be left to replace the knocked-out shoots. We carry out sanitary pruning, and at the same time remove dry and damaged branches. It is impossible to shorten annual shoots on fruit-bearing bushes, because the future harvest is formed on them.

We rejuvenate the bushes after 25 years of age, they yield less, every year we remove 3 trunks and leave 2 young shoots in return. We shorten the trunks slightly so that side branches appear, and we replace them over several years.

You can do it differently to rejuvenate the bushes. We cut out all the branches in one go and leave no stumps. We form a bush from grown young branches, select the strongest 10 branches for this and form a bush.

Protection from diseases and pests

Insects also love nuts, and we must fight them because they spoil them.

Hazel bud mite- This small insect and the earliest pest, it spoils flower and leaf buds, female flower buds become ugly and infertile.

Remedies - we spray the plant during the period of migration of the larvae, when they are on the surface of the leaves. At temperatures of 11 degrees and above and when 6 leaves appear and we begin to spray, the bud mite migrates within 50 days. We process it about three times every 10 days, for this we take karate for 10 liters - 20 grams, spark - for 10 liters - 1 g tablet, actara - for 10 liters - 10 grams.

Nut weevil- this pest spoils the kernels and leaves, this is the most dangerous pest hazelnuts and hazelnuts. Black beetles about one centimeter long settle in the crowns of bushes in mid-June. They first feed on the leaves, and then the females lay eggs in young nuts. The emerging larvae feed on the nut kernel and by mid-July they have completely eaten it. After that, they go 25 centimeters into the ground and spend the winter there. At a temperature of 16 degrees, beetles fly out of the pupae, damage to hazelnuts reaches up to 90%.

Hazel catkin gall midge- this pest damages male earrings, the earrings swell and become pear-shaped, and then dry out.

Hazel aphids damage young shoots. leaves, pluses, young leaves are eaten by leaf beetles, only veins remain from the leaves, bedbugs are very dangerous, because the damaged kernels dry out by bedbugs.

Protection - we treat all these pests with drugs against kidney mites, you can also folk remedies - onion pass through a meat grinder. to make one glass, ground red or black pepper 1 tablespoon, wood ash 3 tablespoons per bucket of water. Let this solution steep for 2 days, then filter and pour in one tablespoon of liquid soap so that the solution sticks better and spray the hazel with this solution.

Gray mold or moniliosis- a fungal disease, flowers may die, a burn appears on the branches or stem when infected with this disease. If the disease manifests itself after the formation of fruits, then they cannot be eaten as they are inedible.

During flowering, a massive disease of moniliosis occurs; the infection enters through the stigma of the pistil, and then goes to the ovary and peduncle, and then enters the fruit branch from the peduncle. The branch dies as soon as the mycelium envelops it in a ring. This fungus overwinters on annual twigs and diseased branches and infects the plant in the spring, forming sporulation.

Protection - first of all, we remove the source of infection, cut out the branches and burn them, this should be done not only in the spring, but also in the summer and autumn. In case of severe damage, we spray with Chorus three times per 10 liters, using 2 grams. We start spraying 3-4 days before flowering, then after flowering and 3 weeks after the second treatment.

You can also spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture; we spend up to 4 liters per bush. if the bushes are severely affected, then use a 3% solution and spray in the fall. Before the buds open in the spring, we use the drug HOM for 10 liters - 40 grams for prevention.

Anracnose is fungal disease, which is transmitted through plant debris and contaminated seeds. This disease is spread by insects and wind. with raindrops. This disease manifests itself in the form of brown spots, the spots merge, they impair movement nutrients by plant. When plants are severely affected by leaves, they dry out and the entire above-ground part dies. Lack of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. high humidity. acidic soil promotes the spread of the disease.

The means of protection we use are exactly the same as for miniliosis.

Pink mold - if nuts are stored incorrectly, they are affected by this fungus. The nut kernels become covered with a white and then pinkish powdery coating and become bitter.

Protection - the kernels must be sorted and placed in a dry, ventilated area.

Brown leaf spot- This is a fungal disease, large ocher-brown spots appear, and then become dirty white. The leaves appear severely burned, and the infection is transmitted through plant debris.

Protection - we burn fallen leaves, because pathogens overwinter on them.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects leaves on the underside. A powdery coating forms and instead of plaque, fruiting bodies mushrooms in the second half of summer, they become golden and then black.

Protection - upon appearance white plaque Spray with ash infusion twice every 10 days. To prepare the solution, take two glasses of ash per 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. Then strain and add two tablespoons of liquid soap. We spray in the afternoon, while trying to wet the underside of the leaves well.

You can also use chemicals if many leaves are damaged. We spray Vectra before and after flowering with a 0.02% solution. Once a year, the same concentration as with Vectra Strobi after flowering and also after flowering with a solution of thiovit jet.

Wood rot - a grayish-waxy film appears on the wood of the branches and reaches up to 50 centimeters in length when affected by the fungus. Branches break easily and become rotten.

Protection - we cut off all diseased branches and burn them, thin out the bushes so that air can circulate freely.

ID: 2129


Hazel, hazelnut, hazelnut, avellan.


Harvesting nuts.

The fruits of the nut ripen in August-September. The main sign of ripeness is yellowing and browning of the wrapper and shedding of nuts. After harvesting, the fruits are dried and cleared of wrappers. Then the nuts must be completely dried. In properly dried fruits, the moisture content does not exceed 12%. The harvest from a bush can reach 10-15 kg.

Pests and diseases of hazel.

The same must be protected! Like any other crop, hazelnuts have their own pests. Although little has been written about this in the literature. At the end of summer, when the nuts are well colored but still immature, they are damaged by the weevil. It makes a hole in the soft nut shell with its proboscis and lays 1-2 eggs there. The hatching larvae eat the nut from the inside and, before it has time to ripen, it dries on the branch. Such nuts do not fall out of the pluses (leaf-shaped wrapper), but fall in the fall along with the wrapper to the ground. By November, the larvae go deep into the ground and pupate. If you collect all the holey nuts in a timely manner, you can significantly reduce the number of pests.

In addition, at the end of summer, entire “colonies” of leaf beetle caterpillars hang on hazelnut leaves. They eat the leaves, leaving behind skeletons of veins. Caterpillars can be collected by hand. But if there are a lot of pests, then you can treat the garden with insecticides against gnawing insects. Lepidocide can be recommended as a biological drug.

Other features. During the “filling” and ripening of nuts at high temperature watering is required. Otherwise, they may drop the fruits.

You can fight the main pests of hazelnuts by protecting the bushes with Intavir. This way you can get rid of: nut weevil, bud mite, caterpillars, aphids, scale insects. The first treatment is carried out before the buds open, the second after the leaves open. Colloidal sulfur and three-time treatment of the bush with Bordeaux mixture help well against fungal diseases.

In addition to the above pests, nuts are eaten by borer beetles, the females of which lay eggs in unripe fruits, and the larvae formed from them destroy the grain. Simply shaking the bush can get rid of many beetles. They are removed along with the fallen nuts. Hazelnuts are also damaged by nuts, woodpeckers and squirrels.

Did you know? Walnut is also called Voloshsky, Greek, royal, and sometimes mahogany.

Methods of combating walnut diseases

The main reasons why hair nut can get sick:

In order to identify walnut diseases in time and begin their treatment, it is necessary to inspect the tree more often for changes in appearance. As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear as various kinds spots on leaves and shoots.

And in order to avoid illnesses, it is important to carry out spring preventive spraying, sanitary pruning, and cleaning of fallen leaves and fruits. You need to know what to spray nuts with in the spring to prevent various diseases.


Favorable conditions For the development of bacteriosis on walnuts, they appear during warm and damp spring weather. The disease manifests itself as dark spots on leaves, shoots, fruits, and flowers. It can cause the greatest damage during flowering, destroying most of the flowers. If bacteriosis develops after flowering, then the wood of such trees becomes brown, and young shoots die. The fruits become covered with dark spots.

Control measures. To prevent bacteriosis, walnuts should be treated in the spring before flowering with a 3% Bordeaux mixture. Repeated spraying must be done two weeks after flowering.

Important!To make treatment with Bordeaux mixture have a greater effect, you can add a 0.3% urea solution to it.

One of the most serious diseases of walnuts is bacterial blight. It affects leaves, flowers, shoots and fruits. This disease is the reason why walnut leaves turn black. At first they become covered with watery spots, then become black, however, even when they die, they do not fall off the tree, but long time remain on the branches. Walnut stems become covered with cankers. The shoots wither, the buds die. The affected parts of the plant are covered with drops of liquid.

Bacterial burn also causes nuts on the tree to turn black. First, black spots appear on the fruits, and then the entire kernel turns black and becomes unsuitable for food.

Factors that are favorable for the development of bacterial blight on nuts are prolonged heavy rainfall. The causative agent of the disease is spread by insects and wind.

Control measures. If symptoms of a bacterial burn are detected, treatment with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux mixture, Zineb, HOM, etc.) will be required. The affected parts of the tree must be destroyed.

Important! Treatment of walnuts against diseases should be carried out in dry, windless weather with mandatory observance of personal safety measures. Eyes should be protected with goggles, hands with gloves, nose and mouth with a mask.

Brown spot (marsoniosis)

Brown spot spreads to fruits, young shoots and leaves of the tree. The first symptoms are oval spots irregular shape brown color on the leaves. These leaves dry out quickly and fall off prematurely. The disease is especially dangerous during the flowering period, as it can harm up to 90% of flowers. Accordingly, the crop loss will be very significant.

Contribute to the development of the disease wet weather and prolonged precipitation.

Control measures. In order to prevent brown spotting, walnuts must be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture before budding. Repeated treatment is carried out in the phase of leaf appearance, the third – two weeks after the previous one. Affected leaves and shoots must be destroyed by burning.

Root cancer affects the roots of the plant and penetrates them through cracks and damage.
As a result of the disease, growths form on the root system. In case of severe damage, the tree may stop growing and stop producing fruit.

Control measures. If this disease is detected, growths from the roots should be removed, then the rhizome should be treated with a 1% solution of caustic soda. After treatment, the roots should be rinsed well with water.

Did you know? Depending on the growing conditions, a walnut tree can produce from 10 to 300 kg of fruit per season.

Walnut pest control products

The main measures to combat walnut pests will be regular inspections to detect caterpillars - the sooner you notice their settlement, the faster and easier you can get rid of them. You also need to promptly trim and burn damaged branches to avoid the spread of pests to the entire tree.

American white butterfly caterpillars pose a serious threat to walnut trees, as they produce two to three generations per season. For the same reason, it is very difficult to fight them.

The first generation goes to harmful fishing in July - August, the second - in August - September. And the third eats leaves in September - October. Thus, an invasion of these insects can destroy almost all the foliage on a tree.

Control measures. You can fight American white butterfly caterpillars by mechanical means, discovering and burning their nests. You can also use catching belts to prevent the caterpillars from reaching the leaves, but to catch them on the trunk, then destroying them by burning. At advanced cases microbiological preparations are used: “Bitoxibacillin”, “Lepidocid”, “Dendrobacillin” or insecticides.

It is impossible to detect a walnut pest such as sapwood at the initial stage of damage, since it settles under the bark. The first generation of beetles appears in May, the second in August. Gradually, the beetles gnaw out the bark, and their presence can be seen in curved canals that are located next to the buds and bases of the petioles. It starts at the tree oozing.

As a rule, sapwood settles on weak plants.

Control measures. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out timely sanitary pruning of the nut, which involves the removal of diseased, weak, damaged branches. If the tree is infested with a beetle, it must be sprayed with insecticides.

Did you know?The vitamin C content in walnuts is almost 50 times higher than in citrus fruits and 8 times higher than in currants.

Walnut warty mite

Sucking insects are usually miniature in size, and cause enormous damage to the plant. Thus, the walnut warty mite reaches sizes of up to 1 mm, and can significantly damage the leaves already at the stage of their formation. Signs that a mite has settled on a nut are small “warts” dark brown on the leaves.

Control measures. If symptoms of walnut wart mite infestation are detected, the tree should be treated with any acaricide approved for use on nuts.

Mole in walnuts It is difficult to notice, since it has a protective color and, with its wings closed, is practically indistinguishable from the bark. Its caterpillars damage the leaves by gnawing out the pulp.

Control measures. To get rid of nut moths, use systemic poisons recommended for fruit plants, at the same dosage.

codling moth

The nut moth causes serious damage to nut kernels. The first generation of its caterpillars damages the kernels, causing them to fall from the tree. The second brood settles inside the fruits and eats away the cotyledons. One caterpillar can damage several nuts.