The organizational structure of management can be. Organizational structure of the enterprise


3. Production management

4. Personnel management

5. Information system management

6. Economic Services And financial condition enterprises

7. Marketing management

8. Conclusion


Appendix 1. Scheme 1. Linear-functional organizational management structure in Partner Plus LLC

Appendix 2. Table 1. Analysis of Partner Plus LLC

Appendix 3. Table 2. Goals and objectives of Partner Plus LLC


Increasing the level of competitiveness of an organization, including in times of crisis, is decisively determined by the quality of existing personnel: their qualifications, potential, degree of cohesion, loyalty to the organization and motivation for highly productive work. Of course, the qualities of individual managers play an important role for the effective operation of the enterprise, but its stability and degree of “survival” depend, first of all, on the qualities of the “average” personnel, which in turn are determined existing system labor management.

In a market economy, the competitiveness of an organization is determined by how mobile it reacts to any change in the environment external to it, how sensitive it is to changes in market needs, and how ready it is for constant changes.

Under these conditions, it is fundamentally necessary new type employee: highly qualified, proactive, prone to innovation, ready to make decisions independently and bear responsibility for them, tying his personal goals to the goals of the organization in which he works, focused on long-term cooperation.

Based on this, the main goals of the internship are:

Consolidation of what you received during your studies at the institute theoretical knowledge, as well as mastering practical work skills;

Collection, synthesis and analysis practical materials on the topic of the thesis.

During my internship, I had to demonstrate my abilities, as well as my desire to acquire skills and specific knowledge and the ability to use them in the daily work of the company.

The specific knowledge that I should have 100% at the end of my internship is the following:

The knowledge necessary for effective participation in the information and documentary support of the company and the manager directly (possession of such technical means, such as a personal computer, telephone, fax, copier);

Knowledge related to the main activities of the company, its internal structure and external relations;

Knowledge of legal acts and applications regulating the work of the company and its employees;

Knowledge required for communication support of the company.

During my internship, I realized that the specificity and complexity of my work was due to the fact that I was always visible, in the center of communication with management, colleagues, and clients. I was at the center of the company's internal problems and its external contacts. Therefore, my work in the rhythmic effective functioning of the company, in creating a psychological climate in the team is extremely important and irreplaceable. The peculiarity of this work is the constant lack of time and work under stress. In this case, the ability to listen, understand correctly, remember tasks, evaluate and make quick and correct decisions helps.

Due to the fact that the topic of my diploma is “Evaluation business qualities personnel", I paid most attention to the topic "Human Resources Management". The organization where I did my internship is Partner Plus LLC construction firm carrying out sales and installation climate control equipment(Ventilation and air conditioning).

1. general characteristics enterprises

On the first day of the internship at the LLC “Partner Plus” enterprise, there was a familiarization with the facility and a study of the chosen area of ​​​​activity. Based on this, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The legal status of the enterprise is a limited liability company. The company owns separate property, which is accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal rights, perform duties, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The Company has the right to in the prescribed manner open bank accounts in the territory Russian Federation and beyond. The company is liable for its obligations with all its property. The company has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location. The Company has the right to have stamps and forms with its corporate name, its own emblem, as well as a trademark registered in the prescribed manner and other means of visual identification.

LLC "Partner Plus" is one of the largest and most dynamically developing entities in the domestic climate market. Today, Partner Plus LLC provides a full range of professional engineering services in the field of design, configuration, installation, commissioning, warranty and service maintenance of air conditioning, ventilation, heating, water supply, sewerage and water treatment systems.

Among the hundreds of climate companies existing on Russian market, few offer a full range of services. Having started operations in 1996 with retail and small wholesale trade in climate control equipment, Partner Plus LLC initially formed A complex approach to various segments of the climate market, aimed at deep practical development of each of them as strategically important. In the future, this made it possible to provide the most different groups consumers an impressive selection of competitive offers and the highest quality of service.

Society is legal entity and operates on the basis of the Charter and legislation of the Russian Federation. Led by the General Director.

Expanding the scope of activity and geography of presence, Partner Plus LLC is developing serious comprehensive programs, creating partnerships, creating extensive information resources, improving business technologies and schemes for working with its clients. As a result of this approach, Partner Plus LLC is today one of the largest dealer sales operators in Russia. Currently, the dealer network includes about 3,500 companies.

Along with this, Partner Plus LLC has the most developed specialized retail sales network operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Omsk, Togliatti, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Saratov, Kaluga, Barnaul, Tyumen, Novosibirsk , Chelyabinsk. The branch is also present in Zlatoust, and has been operating since 2003, which is where I did my internship.

The reliability of cooperation is due to stability, impeccable reputation and highly qualified personnel who are aware of their professional responsibility and role in the context general development companies. In terms of the number of completed projects, sales volumes and range of commercial interests, Partner Plus LLC occupies the highest positions. Continuing to successfully realize its potential, it is growing steadily - first of all, qualitatively. It is the high quality of offers, services and services that are embedded in the company’s philosophy as the main rule of conduct in the business community.

The mission of the enterprise: “We strive to ensure that every person can furnish their apartment, house or office with comfortable and practical climate control equipment that meets all the laws of ergonomics and ecology.” The mission follows the goal of meeting customer needs for reliable, high-quality, durable aluminum structures.

Based on the mission, the goals of the enterprise follow:

Constantly search for new types of production (not to the detriment of, but in addition to the main one), ensuring stability and reliability of the functioning of the enterprise;

Treat business partners with respect, actively work with them, expand the scope of business relationships;

Be attentive and sensitive to the requests and needs of staff, help increase the impact of labor;

To promote in every possible way the formation of an economically and socially stable, environmentally friendly external environment;

Forming a climate of social responsibility of an enterprise to society and people: to integrate its economic interests with the interests of society.

Focus on these goals will allow Partner Plus LLC to carry out business strategy on organized development, development of new market segments, implementation of various kinds of innovations.

All types of work performed on the design, installation, operation and maintenance of climate control equipment for household and industrial purposes are fully licensed. All supplied equipment has appropriate certificates of conformity and is adapted for any climatic zones of Russia.

2. Organizational structure management

The structure establishes the relationship between levels of management and functional units that allow you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

The formation of a structure is a consequence of the division of labor between specialists of different types. Thus, labor is divided between technologists, mechanics, economists, etc. In the production of any product, work is divided into numerous small operations, which also represents a specific specialization of labor.

The Partner Plus enterprise has a linear-functional organizational management structure. It is presented schematically in Appendix 1.

The essence of a functional, organized management structure is that the performance of individual functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists, i.e. Each manager or performer is specialized in performing certain types of activities.







Completed by a group student


FZO: Orlov A.N.


Associate Professor Kovshova M.V.

Moscow 2013

1. The concept of the organization's management structure.

The functions of managing the activities of the enterprise are implemented by divisions of the management apparatus and individual employees, which at the same time enter into economic, organizational, social, psychological and other relationships with each other. The organizational relations that develop between departments and employees of the enterprise's management apparatus determine its organizational structure.

The management structure of an organization is understood as the composition (list) of departments, services and divisions in the management apparatus, their systematic organization, the nature of subordination and accountability to each other and supreme body management of the company, as well as a set of coordination and information links, the order of distribution of management functions across various levels and divisions of the management hierarchy.

2. Division of labor

Research into patterns of formal organizations shows that there is a level of vertical and horizontal division of labor. A top-level manager manages the activities of middle and lower-level managers, i.e. in a formal sense, has greater power and status. This is how management represents the vertical division of labor in a formal organization at the macro level.

Vertical differentiation is related to the organization's hierarchy in depth. The more steps there are between the top level and operational workers, the more complex the organization is. The vertical structure consists of levels of power arranged in a hierarchical order. Power is distributed among positions and the leaders who occupy these positions.

Horizontal differentiation reflects the degree of division of labor between individual units. The more different areas an organization has that require specialized knowledge and skills, the more horizontally complex it is. Horizontal specialization is aimed at differentiating functions and covers: defining the job (combining different individual tasks) and defining the relationship between different types of work that can be performed by one or many different people.

The horizontal division of labor provides examples of approaches to spanning control and functionalization. The top-level manager (TLE) has direct control over three managers: RSU - middle-level manager (production), RSU - middle-level manager (accounting), RSU - middle-level manager (marketing). In turn, RSU have direct control over the corresponding RNU - lower-level managers, and those - directly over a certain number of performers. This can be considered as functionalization, as a result of which certain specialized units are formed.

    Organizational management structures

There are usually several universal types of organizational management structures, such as linear, linear-staff, functional, linear-functional, matrix. Sometimes, within a single company (usually a large business), separate divisions called departments are separated. Then the created structure will be divisional. It must be remembered that the choice of management structure depends on the strategic plans of the organization.

      Linear structure

It is characterized by a vertical: top manager - line manager (divisions) - performers. There are only vertical connections. In simple organizations there are no separate functional divisions. This structure is built without highlighting functions.

Figure 1. Linear management structure

Advantages: simplicity, specificity of tasks and performers. Disadvantages: high requirements for the qualifications of managers and high workload of the manager. The linear structure is used and effective in small enterprises with simple technology and minimal specialization.

      Line-staff organizational structure

As the enterprise grows, as a rule, the linear structure is transformed into a linear-staff structure. It is similar to the previous one, but control is concentrated in headquarters. A group of workers appears who do not directly give orders to the performers, but carry out consulting work and prepare management decisions.

Figure 2. Line-staff management structure

      Functional organizational structure

With the further complication of production, the need arises for the specialization of workers, sections, departments of workshops, etc., and a functional management structure is formed. Work is distributed according to functions.

With a functional structure, the organization is divided into elements, each of which has a specific function and task. It is typical for organizations with a small nomenclature and stable external conditions. Here there is a vertical: manager - functional managers (production, marketing, finance) - performers. There are vertical and inter-level connections. Disadvantage - the functions of the manager are blurred.

Figure 3. Functional management structure

Advantages: deepening specialization, improving the quality of management decisions; ability to manage multi-purpose and multi-disciplinary activities. Disadvantages: lack of flexibility; poor coordination of the actions of functional departments; low speed of making management decisions; lack of responsibility of functional managers for the final result of the enterprise.

      Linear-functional organizational structure

With a linear-functional management structure, the main connections are linear, the complementary ones are functional.

Figure 4. Linear-functional management structure

      Divisional organizational structure

In large companies, to eliminate the shortcomings of functional management structures, the so-called divisional management structure is used. The distribution of responsibilities occurs not by function, but by product or region. In turn, divisional departments create their own units for supply, production, sales, etc. In this case, prerequisites arise for relieving senior managers by freeing them from solving current problems. The decentralized management system ensures high efficiency within individual departments. Flaws: increased costs for management personnel; complexity of information connections.

The divisional management structure is built on the basis of the allocation of divisions, or divisions. Currently used by most organizations, especially large corporations.

Divisions can be distinguished according to several characteristics, forming structures of the same name, namely:

    Grocery. Departments are created by type of product. Characterized by polycentricity. Such structures have been created at General Motors, General Foods, and partly at Russian Aluminum. The authority for the production and marketing of this product is transferred to one manager. The disadvantage is duplication of functions. This structure is effective for developing new types of products. There are vertical and horizontal connections;

    Regional structure. Departments are created at the location of company divisions. In particular, if the company has international activities. For example, Coca-Cola, Sberbank. Effective for geographical expansion of market areas;

    Customer-focused organizational structure. Divisions are formed around specific consumer groups. For example, commercial banks, institutes (advanced training, second higher education). Effective in meeting demand.

Figure 5. Divisional management structure

      Matrix organizational structure

In connection with the need to accelerate the pace of product renewal, program-targeted management structures, called matrix ones, arose. The essence of matrix structures is that temporary working groups are created in existing structures, while resources and employees of other departments are transferred to the group leader in double subordination.

With a matrix management structure, project groups (temporary) are formed to implement targeted projects and programs. These groups find themselves in double subordination and are created temporarily. This achieves flexibility in the distribution of personnel and effective implementation of projects. Examples include aerospace enterprises and telecommunications companies carrying out large projects for customers.

Figure 6. Matrix management structure

Advantages: flexibility, acceleration of innovation, personal responsibility of the project manager for work results. Flaws: the presence of double subordination, conflicts due to double subordination, the complexity of information connections.

A corporate organization or corporation is considered as a special system of relationships between people in the process of their joint activities. Corporations like social type organizations are closed groups of people with limited access, maximum centralization, authoritarian leadership, opposing themselves to other social communities on the basis of their narrow corporate interests.

The concept of traditional, or so-called hierarchical, organizational structures was formulated by Max Weber. According to this concept, structures are linear and functional.

IN linear structure The division of the control system into its component parts is carried out according to production characteristic taking into account the degree of concentration of production, technological features, breadth of product range and other characteristics.

The linear structure functions well when solving problems with repetitive operations, but it is difficult to adapt to new goals and objectives. The linear management structure is widely used by small and medium-sized firms engaged in simple production in the absence of broad cooperative ties between enterprises (Table 5.6).

Table 5.6

Linear organizational structure

Application area functional structure– these are single-product enterprises; enterprises implementing complex and long-term innovative projects; medium-sized highly specialized enterprises; research and development organizations; large specialized enterprises (Table 5.7).

Specific management tasks when using a functional structure:

kvvad careful selection of specialist heads of functional departments;

kvvad load balancing of units;

kvvad ensuring coordination of the activities of functional units;

kvvad development of special motivational mechanisms;

Table 5.7

Functional organizational structure

kvvad providing autonomous development of functional units;

kvvad priority of specialists over line managers.

The modern organizational structure is linear-functional structure, which ensures the division of managerial labor. At the same time, linear management links are called upon to command, and functional links are called upon to advise, help in developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, and plans. Heads of functional services exercise influence on production units formally, without, as a rule, having the right to independently give them orders (Table 5.8).

The linear-functional organizational structure has provided a qualitatively new division of labor in management, but when solving problematic problems it becomes ineffective.

Improvement of the linear-functional organizational structure led to the emergence divisional organizational structure management, when individual units with a certain independence enter into contractual relations with each other on the basis of self-financing. Strategic decisions are left to senior management.

Table 5.8

Linear-functional organizational structure

The need to use a divisional structure arose in connection with a sharp increase in the size of enterprises, diversification of their activities, and increasing complexity technological processes. The key figures in the management of organizations with this structure are not the heads of functional departments, but managers heading production departments.

The structuring of an organization into departments is carried out, as a rule, according to one of the criteria: products manufactured, customer orientation, regions served. Heads of secondary functional services report to the manager of the production unit. Assistants to the head of the production department control the activities of functional services, coordinating their activities horizontally (Table 5.9).

Table 5.9

Divisional organizational structure

Scope of application: multi-industry enterprises; enterprises located in different regions; enterprises implementing complex innovative projects.

Specific management tasks when using a divisional organizational structure:

kvvad justification of criteria for identifying projects and product groups;

kvvad careful selection of department heads;

kvvad ensuring a unified innovation policy in all product groups;

kvvad prevention of intra-company competition between product groups;

kvvad prevention of autonomous development of product groups;

kvvad development of special motivational mechanisms regulating intra-company cooperation;

kvvad priority of line managers over specialists.

When searching for an effective management structure, the focus has always been on the correct balance between centralization and decentralization in management. In practice, there are no completely centralized or decentralized structures. In organizations with highly decentralized structures, the most important decisions are often made only by employees occupying fairly senior positions (not lower than the head of a department). This form of decentralization in large firms is called federal decentralization.

To determine the degree of centralization of an organization compared to others, the following characteristics are used:

kvvad number of decisions made at lower management levels: than larger number the decisions made by lower-level managers, the lower the degree of centralization;

kvvad the importance of decisions made at lower levels;

kvvad consequences of decisions made at lower levels. If middle managers can make decisions that affect more than one function, then the organization is weakly centralized;

kvvad control over the work of subordinates. In a weakly centralized organization, senior management rarely reviews the day-to-day decisions of subordinate managers. Actions are assessed based on the total results achieved.

The solution to the issue of centralization and decentralization in management led to the emergence of organic type structures. Such structures are characterized by the individual responsibility of each employee for the overall result. The main property of such structures, known in management practice as flexible and adaptive, is their inherent ability to relatively easily change their shape, adapt to new conditions, and fit organically into the management system (Table 5.10).

Organic-type structures are focused on the accelerated implementation of complex programs and projects within large enterprises and associations, entire industries and regions.

As a rule, organic management structures are formed on a temporary basis, i.e. for the period of implementation of a project, program, solution of a problem or achievement of set goals.

Table 5.10

Comparative characteristics of hierarchical and organic types of management

Varieties of organic type structures are program-targeted organizational structures. Such structures are formed when an organization develops projects, which are understood as any processes of targeted changes in the system, for example, modernization of production, development of new products or technologies, construction of facilities, etc.

In the context of managing multifunctional programs that require an increase in the number of project and functional managers, it becomes necessary creation special headquarters-coordinator at the middle level. Its tasks: providing project managers with the necessary information, analyzing organizational and technical solutions, fixing program deadlines, etc. This structure is called matrix-staff. It reflects all types of management: linear, functional, divisional, ensuring coordination of activities between them.

One of the latest developments developing the idea flexible organizational structures, is their construction in the form of an inverted pyramid, in which top level The hierarchy includes professional specialists, while the head of the organization is at the bottom of the diagram (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Flexible organizational structure

Such organizational structures can be used where professionals have the experience and knowledge that gives them the opportunity to act independently and skillfully, to satisfy customer needs, for example, in healthcare and educational organizations, where there is a concentration of big number specialists working independently with the support of support or service personnel.

In market conditions, new forms of integration of diversified enterprises appear (Table 5.11). The principle of creating such structures: concentration of resources, capacities, production facilities of various profiles for the production of mass-market products, the ability to maneuver funds, reduce production costs, create prerequisites for the introduction of scientific and technical innovations.

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Calculation and graphic work consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The purpose of this work is to study theoretical foundations management and consolidation of practical skills in its use in practice. The objectives of this work are:

· Study and systematization of the theoretical and methodological foundations of management

· Using in practice the acquired knowledge in the field of management

· Developing the ability to generalize, analyze, compare theoretical principles in working with specialized literature

· Development of skills in theoretical work, formulating one’s own conclusions regarding the improvement of certain processes and phenomena.

In the theoretical part of the work, it is necessary to consider the issue of “Organizational management structures”. The choice of organizational management structure is one of the primary issues facing the management of a company starting its activities. This determines the relevance of considering all existing management structures in order to identify their disadvantages and advantages.

The functions of managing the activities of an enterprise are implemented by divisions of the management apparatus and individual employees, who at the same time enter into economic, organizational, social, psychological and other relationships with each other. The organizational relations that develop between departments and employees of the enterprise's management apparatus determine its organizational structure.

The organizational structure of enterprise management is understood as the composition (list) of departments, services and divisions in the management apparatus, their systematic organization, the nature of subordination and accountability to each other and to the highest management body of the company, as well as a set of coordination and information links, the procedure for distributing management functions at various levels and divisions of the management hierarchy.

The basis for building an organizational structure for enterprise management is the organizational structure of production.

Manifold functional connections And possible ways their distribution between departments and employees is determined by diversity possible types organizational structures of production management. All these types come down mainly to four types of organizational structures: linear, functional, divisional and adaptive.

First of all, the structure must reflect the goals and objectives of the organization, and, therefore, be subordinate to production and change along with the changes occurring in it. It should reflect the functional division of labor and the scope of authority of management employees; the latter are determined by policies, procedures, rules and job descriptions and expand, as a rule, towards higher levels of management.

In the practical part, the object of study is Alfa Promo LLC. In this work we will consider its organizational structure and style of enterprise management, study the main functions of management and their application in the enterprise.

Organizational management structures

In management theory, organizational structure is defined as an abstract structure characterized by three parameters: the degree of complexity, the degree of formalization and the degree of centralization. Complexity refers to how much distinctive features has an organization. The deeper the division of labor, the more vertical levels in the management hierarchy, the more structural divisions, the more difficult it is to coordinate the activities of people in the organization. The volume of developed rules and procedures, guided by which the organization directs the behavior of its employees, is formalization. The more rules and regulations that define what employees of an organization can and cannot do, the more formalized the structure of the organization is. Centralization determines the place where decision-making power is concentrated. If all decisions (or most of them) are made by top managers, then the organization is centralized. Decentralization means that the right to make decisions is transferred (delegated) from higher levels of management to lower ones.

In the process of implementing the functions of the organization, the task of management is to give all components of the organization such a form and “join” them with each other so that the enterprise represents a single whole and functions as efficiently as possible. Therefore, in any enterprise there is a subordination of its components, levels of management, a clear division of power, rights and responsibilities.

To depict the structural relationships of the main levels and divisions of the enterprise, their subordination, diagrams of the organizational management structure are used in practice. These diagrams are only the “skeleton” of the management system, since they do not reveal the composition and content of the functions, rights and responsibilities of departments and officials.

In business practice, several types of organizational structures can be used, depending on the scale of activity, production and technological features, strategic and current objectives of the enterprise (company).

1. Linear organizational management structure- this is a structure between the elements of which there is only one-channel interaction. With such an organizational management structure, each subordinate has only one manager, who performs all administrative and special functions in the corresponding structural unit. The advantages of a linear management organizational structure are: clarity of relationships, unambiguous commands, efficiency of preparation and implementation management decisions, reliable control. But the manager must be a highly qualified generalist, capable of solving any strategic and current issues of the activities of his subordinate units (units).

2. Basis functional organizational management structure is the division of management functions between individual divisions of the management apparatus. This means that each production unit receives orders simultaneously from several heads of functional departments. This organizational structure ensures competent leadership for each management function. However, this type of organizational structure has certain disadvantages: the principle is violated, there may be inconsistency in orders, difficulties in coordinating the activities of management services, and a decrease in the efficiency of the work of management bodies.

3. Linear-functional O organizational management structure relies on the distribution of powers and responsibilities among management functions and non-decision making vertically (Fig. 3.3. c). It allows you to organize management according to a linear scheme (director, shop manager, foreman), and the functional departments of the enterprise management apparatus only help line managers solve management problems. At the same time, line managers are not subordinate to the heads of functional departments of the management apparatus.

This management structure, due to its hierarchy, ensures the rapid implementation of management decisions, promotes specialization and increased efficiency of functional services, and makes the necessary maneuver of resources possible. It is most appropriate for mass production with an established range of products and minor evolutionary changes in the technology of its production. However, in the context of frequent technological changes and updating the product range, the use of this organizational structure slows down the preparation and adoption of management decisions and does not ensure proper consistency in the work of functional departments (divisions).

4.Divisional organizational management structure is based on the deepening division of managerial labor. When it is applied, processes of decentralization of operational management functions carried out by production structural units and centralization of general corporate functions (strategic decisions, marketing research, financial activities etc.), which are concentrated in the highest levels of administration of integrated business structures.

Consequently, with a divisional structure, each production division of a corporation (concern) has its own fairly extensive management structure, ensuring its autonomous functioning. Only strategic management functions are centralized at the corporate level. With a divisional management structure, the grouping of activities of a business entity is carried out using the principle of division of labor according to goals. This means that an autonomous organizational community is formed around a certain production. In this case, three ways of grouping production units are possible:

1) grocery (production of a specific product);

2) by consumer groups (meeting the needs of a certain group of consumers);

3) by location (location in a certain geographical area).

The advantages of a divisional organizational management structure are: flexible response to changes in the external environment, faster adoption of management decisions and improvement of their quality. But at the same time, it requires an increase in the number of management staff and the costs of its maintenance.

5. When matrixorganizational management structure Along with the line managers of the enterprise, the functional management apparatus is also formed by temporary specialized units - project groups.

Project teams are created from specialists from permanent functional departments and are only temporarily subordinate to the project manager. After completing work on the project, they return to their functional units.

The project manager performs the role line manager in relation to the project team specialists.

The main feature of matrix organizational structures is their exceptionally high flexibility and focus on innovation. However, matrix management structures also have certain disadvantages: an increase in the number of management personnel and the number of information links between department employees, possible conflict situations between them.

The powers of a manager at any level are limited not only by internal factors, but also by environmental factors, the level of culture and value orientations society, its accepted traditions and norms. In other words, the management structure must correspond to the socio-cultural environment, and when constructing it, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which it will operate. In practice, this means that attempts to blindly copy management structures that operate successfully in other organizations are doomed to failure if the operating conditions are different. It is also important to implement the principle of correspondence between functions and powers, on the one hand, and qualifications and level of culture, on the other.

Any restructuring of the management structure must be assessed, first of all, from the point of view of achieving its goals. In a normally developing (not crisis) economy, reorganization is most often aimed at increasing the efficiency of the organization by improving the management system, while the main factors for improvement are the growth of labor productivity, the acceleration of technical development, cooperation in making and implementing management decisions, etc. d. During a crisis period, changes in management structures are aimed at creating conditions for the survival of the organization through more rational use resources, cost reduction and more flexible adaptation to environmental requirements.

In general, a rational organizational structure of enterprise management must meet the following requirements:

· have functional suitability, guarantee reliability and ensure control at all levels;

· be prompt, keep up with the progress of the production process;

· have minimal amount levels of management and rational connections between management bodies;

· be economical, minimize costs for performing management functions.

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Organizational structure- This the composition (list) of departments, services and divisions in the management apparatus, their systemic organization, the nature of subordination and accountability to each other and to the highest management body of the company, as well as a set of coordination and information links, the procedure for distributing management functions across various levels and divisions of the management hierarchy.

The basis for building an organizational structure for enterprise management is the organizational structure of production.

Main types of organizational structures.

1. Linear - direct vertical connections, high degree centralization, work plan and monitoring its implementation. Planning and control vertically from the manager to the production units. Suppression of creative activity, initiative, quick reaction to non-traditional ideas.

Advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the linear structure are due to its ease of use. All responsibilities and powers are clearly distributed here, and therefore conditions are created for an operational decision-making process, to maintain the necessary discipline in the team. Among the disadvantages of the linear structure of an organization, rigidity, inflexibility, and inability to further growth and development of the enterprise are usually noted. The linear structure is focused on a large amount of information transferred from one management level to another, limiting employee initiative lower levels management. It places high demands on the qualifications of managers and their competence in all matters of production and management of subordinates.

Rice. 4.1.1. Linear management structure: R - manager: L - linear management bodies (line managers); I - performers

2. Functional - functional specialization at all levels of management, which is usually used when performing clearly structured individual tasks. Planning and control are carried out by functional departments, work is carried out by production units for each function. Specificity - coordination various types activities, the emergence of discussions when solving complex tasks, which is typical for the process of introducing innovations. The functional structure (Fig. 4.1.2) has developed as an inevitable result of the increasing complexity of the management process. The peculiarity of the functional structure is that although unity of command is preserved, individual management functions are formed special units, whose employees have knowledge and skills in this area of ​​management.

Rice. 4.1.2. Functional management structure: R - manager; F - functional controls ( functional managers);

I - performers

3. Linear-functional – inherent in most subsystems, has traditionally wide application and is based on the advantages of functional specialization. Work planning is carried out by the functional unit, and carried out by production. Everyone reports to the leader. Under line management, specialists form a headquarters that prepares data for him to competently resolve special issues. In this case, the functional bodies are subordinate to the line manager. Their orders are given to production departments only after agreement with them, which contributes to more competent resolution of issues. But with a linear-functional management structure, the load on the line manager, who must play the role of an intermediary between functional services and his subordinates, increases sharply production units. He receives information flows from subordinate departments, gives tasks to functional services, develops decisions, and issues commands from top to bottom.

Currently, the linear-functional (headquarters) structure in industry plays a leading role. The basis of this structure is linear management. The role of functional organs varies depending on the level of management. The higher the level, the greater the role played by functional organs. At the site management level, the influence of functional services is insignificant, but at the enterprise management level they perform a huge amount of planning work, technical training production, development of management decisions. Minus: The larger the production and the more ramified the management apparatus, the more difficult it is for the line manager to coordinate the work.

Rice. 4.1.3. Linear-functional management structure: R-manager: F - functional management bodies (functional managers): L - linear management bodies: I - executors

4. Matrix – characterized by adding to L-F managers on projects that are responsible for the competitiveness of the system. In the case of large projects, the coordinating body takes on the leadership function. This structure allows management to make decisions quickly, competently and informally. Reduces bureaucracy, creates Better conditions for creative work.

5. Divisional – for multi-product concerns, divided into production facilities according to product types (divisions). Both production and concerns as a whole have functional divisions. This type structures are often characterized as a combination of centralized coordination with decentralized control (decentralization while maintaining coordination and control).

The key figures in the management of organizations with a divisional structure are not the heads of functional departments, but managers (managers) heading production departments.

Marketing organization- this is a structural structure designed to manage marketing functions, which establishes subordination and responsibility for the implementation of certain tasks. Marketing structure is critical to the successful implementation of a marketing concept. Management structure is understood as an ordered set of steadily interconnected elements that ensure the functioning and development of the organization as a single whole.

Marketing organization at the enterprise includes: building (improving) the organizational structure of marketing management; selection of marketing specialists with appropriate qualifications; distribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities in the marketing management system; creating conditions for efficient work employees of marketing services (organization of their workplaces, provision of necessary information, office equipment, etc.); organizing effective interaction of marketing services with other services of the organization.

Organizational structure of marketing activities at an enterprise can be defined as a set of services, departments and divisions, which include employees engaged in one or another marketing activity.

The choice of marketing organizational structure is determined by:

· characteristics of target market segments and the company’s product range;

· functional specialization of departments;

· type of distribution channel;

· presence of sales personnel at the company;

· territorial factor, since the local management structure must correspond to the specifics of the work of sales personnel with consumers;

· flexibility of organizational management structures, i.e. the ability to quickly and timely respond to changes of various kinds, which is a necessary condition adapting the organization to new realities of life.

The choice of organizational form must be justified by an analysis of the enterprise’s economic activities and the degree of its independence. The choice of a particular policy is determined by the level of development and stability of the market.

In practice, large organizations operating in more stable markets often use more centralized structures to achieve greater integration.

Companies that profess a high level of decentralization of management - for example, in the case of producing a very different range of products supplied to equally different markets - may not generally develop at the level of their headquarters any kind of uniform policy for the company in the field of marketing activities.

Let us recall the types of company-wide organizational structures:

  • functional,
  • grocery/commodity,
  • geographical (matrix)
  • market.
  • and various combinations of these principles.

Functional Marketing Organization The simplest organizational management structure is in which the activities of specialists in marketing departments are organized based on the marketing functions they perform. The functional approach is often used when a company promotes one product or a narrow product range addressed to one target market segment. However, as the company’s product range and markets grow, this scheme rapidly loses its effectiveness.

Main dignity functional management structure means ease of management.

Product (commodity) organization- an organizational structure of marketing management in which the product manager is responsible for the development and implementation of strategies and ongoing marketing plans for a specific product or group of products, who reports to employees who perform all the marketing functions necessary for a given product. Often, such an organizational structure is an addition to the functional organization, another level of management.

Matrix/Geographicalorganizational structure

allows you to specialize in certain territorial areas, knowing their consumers well. It often serves as a complement to commodity structure. Localization is carried out on a territorial basis, and product orientation is supported by product line managers. It has great flexibility. The disadvantage is the need for well-established coordination with other “geographical” departments and the dispersal of responsibilities and powers. This approach is based on a focus on both the products the company offers and the markets it serves.

Manager functions. Product line managers coordinate advertising activities and market research, as well as interactions with sales representatives.

Organizational structure according to the market principle

This approach is used if the company serves several target markets and each of them is dominated by different purchasing habits. The main advantage of such an organizational structure is the focus on the consumer, the concentration of market activities in target markets.

Functions of the market manager are in many ways similar to the functions of a product line manager, but involve responsibility for planning and market research, advertising and coordinating the activities of sales personnel.

Despite all the uniqueness of organizational forms of marketing, each of them must meet the following criteria.

1. Flexibility, mobility, adaptability.

2. Simplicity of the marketing organizational structure- an indispensable condition for its effectiveness. The complexity of the structure always increases the cost of the management process, makes it more cumbersome, and therefore less susceptible to changes. Simplicity is also one of the conditions for the effectiveness of communications between divisions of the marketing service and the presence of a small number of its links.

3. Correspondence of the scale and complexity of the structure of the marketing service with the structural and spatial division of the organizational structure of the company, the characteristics of the profile of its activities, the nature of the strategic goals and the tasks corresponding to them.

4. Compliance of the organizational structure of marketing with the nature of the products produced, the breadth, completeness and depth of the assortment. This means that any organizational structure must include, to one degree or another, the commodity principle.

5. Orientation of the marketing organizational structure, with all its competitive differences, towards end consumers. Any organizational structure that does not adhere to this principle is ultimately doomed to failure.

6. Endowment of the marketing organizational structure with due rights, including coordination ones, which allow it to integrate all economic activity firms to achieve market goals.

Table 12.3. Advantages and disadvantages of organizational structures of the marketing service 4
Advantages Flaws
I. Functional organization
Ease of management Unambiguous description of the responsibilities of each employee Competition between individual participants as a stimulus for increasing work efficiency clear division of responsibility and competence; ease of control; fast and economic forms of decision making; simple hierarchical communications; personalized responsibility Decrease in the quality of work when expanding the range of goods. Competition between individual functional participants - the struggle for private, rather than general company interests; lack of specialized product divisions; due to the lack of special services for regions, their specifics are not taken into account or difficulties arise with introducing the product into certain markets; complex communications between performers; pronounced authoritarian leadership style; overload of managers. difficulties of coordination; lack of motivation among employees due to lack of understanding of the ultimate goal.
II. Commodity organization
Complete marketing of each product Possibility of studying the specific needs and main consumers for each product; a manager dealing with a specific product has the opportunity to coordinate various marketing costs for this product; the manager can quickly respond to market demands; Full awareness of the manager makes it easier to identify capable employees, since they are involved in all areas of operational marketing activities. clearly assign responsibility for the market performance of individual products A wide range of responsibilities of one employee, which makes it difficult to increase qualifications The presence of overlapping (in a functional sense) divisions of a product organization often requires greater costs than expected (initially, managers are appointed responsible for the main product; however, soon managers responsible for a less important product appear in the structure of the enterprise , each of which has its own staff of assistants). Excessive concentration on the product can distract attention from the current market situation. excessive pickiness about financial performance in the short term.
III. Market organization
Better coordination of services when entering the market Development capability comprehensive program market entry More reliable market forecast taking into account its specifics Complex structure Low degree of specialization of departments Duplication of functions Poor knowledge of product range Lack of flexibility
IV. Commodity market organization
Best organization work when entering the market Possibility of developing a comprehensive program for entering the market More reliable forecast of the market, taking into account its specifics Sufficiently complete knowledge of the product The highest cost of maintaining a service Possibility of conflict in case of ambiguous resolution of issues on the same market by different services (intersection of marketing results)