Plastering a concrete plinth. Finishing the plinth with plaster: features of various types of finishes, a step-by-step technique

The process of plastering the foundation is quite long and laborious. It takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, the best choice would be to seek help from professional builders. However, this is far from necessary. With the proper degree of perseverance and diligence, plastering the foundation with your own hands will turn out even better than that of professional builders.

Before starting work, the foundation must:

1. Thoroughly clean the entire surface of the foundation. Remove dirt, dust, grease stains. On surfaces made of stone or concrete that have stood without plaster for more than one year, be sure to apply a notch. To apply a notch, use any durable metal object. For example, an ordinary screwdriver. Clean and wash them thoroughly.

2. Eliminate obvious foundation defects. Weak spots that break off when notched or flake off during cleaning with hard brushes must be cut down to a solid base. If bricks or blocks were used in the construction of the foundation, the old mortar must be removed from all joints. To do this, use a spatula.

3. Prime the entire cleaned surface of the foundation. Suitable composition of deep penetration. You can buy a primer at any hardware store at a very reasonable price.

4. All obvious defects and unevenness of the foundation surface must be leveled with cement mortar before plastering.

5. Fill with the same solution all previously cleaned seams.

6. Apply a chain-link mesh to the entire surface of the foundation.

7. Dowels are used to fasten it. This is especially true if the foundation consists of blocks. The fact is that the plaster is not strong enough to adhere to a flat surface.

8. Install beacons. For this:

  • using a water level, draw a straight line along the wall. The strip levels the foundation. At the same time, it must be separated from the most protruding point of the foundation at a distance of at least 30 mm;
  • place a peg at the intersection of the wall with the strip. Its length should be equal to the height of the base;
  • fill the gap between the foundation and the peg with cement mortar. Align the resulting vertical hillock using the building level;
  • install several beacons along each wall;
  • drive three nails into the corner pegs, placing them at the top, bottom and in the middle;
  • stretch the cord between the nails. The resulting lines will play the role of a guideline in the plastering process.

On this, the preparation of the foundation for plastering can be considered completed. After the final drying of the beacons, we proceed directly to the plaster.

Mortar for foundation plaster

Usually cement mortar is used for foundation plastering. The cement mortar manufacturing technology is as follows:

1. Take the sand. Use quarry sand, not river sand. Sift it carefully with a sieve. In the presence of clean sand, without admixtures of stones, clay and other foreign inclusions, the sifting step can be skipped.

Tip: even the presence of small stones in the solution can significantly complicate plaster work. Take the time and effort to clean up the sand.

2. Mix sand with cements. The ratio of the ingredients of the solution depends on the brand of cement. Using cement M 400, add 4 buckets of sand to one bucket of cement. If cement M 500 is chosen, the amount of sand must be increased to 5 buckets.

3. It is difficult to name the exact amount of water. It depends on the moisture content of the sand. Add water to the mixture in small portions and mix the solution. The finished solution resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

4. If you use a concrete mixer to mix the mortar:

  • pour a bucket of water into it;
  • add a few shovels of a mixture of sand and cement;
  • during the operation of the concrete mixer, alternately add water and cement-sand mixture, achieving the required consistency of the solution.

Tip: recently, in addition to water, special plasticizing and waterproofing additives have been introduced into the composition of the cement mortar. This will significantly improve the quality of the foundation plaster, but the price will not increase much. A great example is PVA glue. Even a small amount of glue will give the solution plasticity, it will be more convenient to work with it.

Priming coat of foundation plaster

Foundation plastering is done in two layers. The first layer is a primer, and the second is decorative.

The thickness of the primer layer is about 8-10 mm. The order of work is as follows:

1. Moisten surfaces previously prepared for plastering with water. Places with cement mortar do not need to be wetted.

2. Using a trowel or bucket, apply a primer coat. The same cement mortar acts as a primer layer. The layer thickness should be approximately 10 mm.

3. Most often, the primer layer is applied in two stages:

  • “Spray” on the foundation cement mortar of the consistency of thick sour cream. Layer thickness about 9 mm;
  • let dry slightly.
  • apply a layer of more liquid cement mortar.

4. Using a scraper, apply wave-like lines to the plastered surface. The distance between the lines is about 30-35 cm. The depth of the line is 5 mm. This procedure will roughen the foundation surface, which subsequently guarantees a stronger adhesion of the primer and decorative layers of plaster.

5. Allow the primer to dry thoroughly. The drying process takes about a week. All this time, it is necessary to protect the plaster from wind and sunlight and moisten it with water at least three times a day. For protection, burlap, matting or sheets of parchment are perfect. It is unacceptable to dry the plaster using heaters and other heating devices. The fact is that the acceleration of the drying process of the plaster leads to a deterioration in its quality. As a result of the rapid evaporation of moisture, the solution does not reach the required level of strength.

Advice: it is desirable to carry out work on plastering the basement of the foundation in the warm season. A layer of plaster will surely crumble if applied to a frozen surface. Another reason for shedding plaster can be applying it to a dry surface or to too much dried cement mortar.

Decorative foundation plaster

The thickness of the second, decorative layer of the foundation is about 5 mm. The application of the decorative layer is carried out 7-10 days after the primer layer.

The solution used for the decorative layer should be thicker and more plastic in consistency than for the primer. It is desirable to introduce waterproofing ingredients into its composition. Before starting work on applying a decorative layer, the foundation must be moistened with water.

There are several methods for applying a decorative layer. The appearance of the finished foundation depends on the choice of a particular technique. Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Texture under "travertine". Cement mortar is not applied in a continuous layer, but in places. The edges are smoothed using a steel trowel. The result is protrusions of arbitrary shape and size on a smooth background. It looks very much like a decorative stone travertine. In order to achieve the desired color of the plaster, a special pigment is added to the cement mortar.

2. Terrazit plaster. This methodology is as follows:

  • moisten the foundation with water;
  • Apply an even layer of plaster over the entire surface of the foundation. For leveling, use a trowel;
  • Let the plaster coat dry slightly. This usually takes about 24 hours. If the top layer began to crumble during the grouting process, it's time to proceed to the next step;
  • take a specially prepared board. The size of the board is 15x15 cm, the thickness is 2-2.5 cm. Hammer the nails into the board in a checkerboard pattern so that they protrude by 1-1.5 cm. The distance between the nails is 1-1.5 cm.
  • guide the board over the plastered surface from top to bottom. Continue grouting until the surface is completely level;
  • grouting is a very long and laborious process. You can make it easier by using a trowel:
    • attach felt or felt pads to the disks of the trowel;
    • move the machine horizontally from side to side. Capture width - about a meter;
    • after processing one area, move along the wall and start processing the next. In this case, the areas should slightly overlap each other to avoid untreated areas;
    • when grouting, do not forget to wet or spray the plaster with water.

3. Plastering the foundation under a fur coat. This is an easy-to-perform and inexpensive method of decorative finishing. The technique for applying the finishing layer is spraying. An important role in this case is played by the density of the solution. An excessively liquid solution will drain from the foundation, and too thick one will solidify on the wall in the form of a lump. Start work only after achieving the required consistency of the solution. If you want to get colored plaster, add the desired pigment to the solution.

  • use a trowel to spray the foundation. Dial an equal amount of solution on it each time and throw it sharply;
  • Another option for a sprinkler is an ordinary broom. Dip it in the solution and shake it on the foundation. Do not forget to periodically change the angle and direction of spraying;
  • spraying through the mesh gives a good result:
    • take a wooden frame measuring 1x1 m;
    • stretch a mesh with a mesh size of up to 10 mm on it;
    • provide the structure with restrictive rails, the length of which is about 20 cm. Their purpose is to keep the frame from the foundation at the same distance. The result is a uniform spatter texture;
    • soak the broom in the solution. Shake the solution off the broom through the mesh.

4. Finishing under the stones. The essence of the method is the breakdown of the surface, which resembles masonry in appearance:

  • apply a decorative layer of plaster on the foundation. Level it up;
  • on the surface of fresh plaster, apply a drawing according to which the breakdown will be made;
  • attach a steel ruler to the place of the future recess, imitating the seam between the stones;
  • push the recesses by applying careful blows to the ruler with a hammer;
  • another option is to saw through the seams in a strengthened solution with a saw. To achieve a smooth cut, attach the saw to the rule;
  • you need a wide seam - make two cuts and select the cement between them.

5. Stone-like plaster. The plaster imitates the texture of marble or granite. Differs in durability. Throughout the entire period of service retains its decorative properties. The algorithm for performing work on applying this type of plaster is as follows:

  • moisten the primer layer of plaster;
  • apply cement mortar to it with a layer of 2 mm. The consistency of the solution is thick sour cream;
  • prepare a decorative mortar with aggregate in the form of granite or marble chips;
  • apply a decorative mortar with a layer of about 8 mm. Use a trowel to apply.
  • level the surface;
  • clean it from traces of cement and crumbs using a spray gun;
  • compact the plaster using stamping. The stamping size is 15x15 cm. It is made of steel or bronze. In this case, the surface is made in the form of protruding teeth;
  • let the decorative layer dry;
  • daily for 4 days, treat the surface with a 10% hydrochloric acid solution, rinse with water.

It will help to better understand how the foundation is plastered with your own hands, the video below.

To protect the house from dampness, and the walls from destruction, it is important to make the foundation and basement of the building protected and waterproof. If we are talking about a brick foot, then they make an exterior finish and cover the masonry with a protective layer. There are a lot of materials for external cladding, among which plaster is considered the traditional coating.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastering, like any other type of exterior decoration, has positive and negative sides. The pluses include:

  • the possibility of self-application;
  • affordable prices for materials and work;
  • ready mixes;
  • aesthetics;

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • fragility;
  • the complexity of the application process;
  • drying time for each layer;
  • coverage only in the warm season;
  • necessary skills for independent work;
  • the presence of dirt and dust during the preparation of the solution and application to the wall.

What to expect from plastering a brick basement at home?

The cover for the base performs the functions of protecting against moisture, destruction and freezing, as it essentially continues the foundation above the ground. Therefore, the following requirements are set for finishing the lower part of the house:

  • The margin of safety of the coating should protect against mechanical damage.
  • Reliable grip with the plinth, which will be the defining moment of durability.
  • The moisture resistance of the layer will keep dry not only the brickwork, but the whole house.
  • Immunity to biological factors of destruction (ants, mice, fungus, bacteria).
  • Chemical resistance, since cement is an aggressive medium that can affect the integrity of the coating.
  • Resistant to solar radiation.
  • Frost resistance provides a significant layer of application.

What materials are needed?

There are 2 options for making mortar for plastering:

  • Dilution with water of the finished mixture.
  • Do-it-yourself recipe.

To prepare the solution, you need a mixture of cement and sand.

In the first case, you only need to buy a ready-made mixture and take care of a sufficient supply of water. Choosing the second option, you will have to prepare all the ingredients in the right proportions, according to the recipe. Moreover, the sequence of mixing the components matters. For a cement-sand mortar, cement and sand are purchased. Special additives, which are sold in powder form, are capable of increasing moisture resistance.

Stages of work

Knowing the sequence of work, plastering a brick base on your own is not difficult:

  1. Cleaning the surface from dust, dirt, remnants of the previous coating.
  2. Surface primer.
  3. Fixing the reinforcing mesh.
  4. Installation of beacons.
  5. Mortar application and leveling.
  6. Time to set and remove beacons.
  7. Grouting with a grater and drying for 1.5-2 weeks.
  8. Primer and top coat.

It is important not to violate the technology for preparing the solution and not to exceed the time of its use, otherwise in this case it will not be possible to obtain a high-quality coating.

How to prepare the surface?

First, the masonry is treated with soil.

The first, preparatory stage of plastering work cannot be neglected, since the adhesion strength of the plaster to the brickwork depends on it. The primer adheres the brick surface to the plaster. It is applied to a clean surface, so the old coating layer, along with dirt and dust, is removed. To do this, use metal brushes, scrapers. Wash the surface with detergent and allow to dry. After that, they are primed with a special solution using a brush, roller or spray gun. After this layer has dried, they begin to reinforce the wall and install beacons. As a reinforcing layer, special meshes are used or a crate is stuffed. Vertical metal slats act as beacons. Expose the level through the same distance. At this preparatory stage ends, after which they begin to apply the plaster solution.

Over time, the part of the foundation protruding above the ground level will inevitably collapse under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, if it is not provided with reliable protection. Do-it-yourself plinth plastering can protect it from the aggressive influence of melt and rainwater, sunlight, sub-zero temperatures and other destructive factors.

This type of exterior decoration, in addition to protective, also performs strengthening and decorative functions. This makes it very popular with both private and municipal developers, because the house must be not only reliable and durable, but also aesthetically attractive.

In order for the coating to serve for a long time and reliably, it is not enough just to follow the rules for preparing and applying the solution. It is necessary that the selected material in its composition and properties meet certain requirements.

What should be the basement plaster:

  • Moisture resistant. The lower part of the structure, more than other structures, is subject to the influence of moisture: snow, rain, melt water, often containing aggressive chemical compounds. The coating must withstand such exposure, not let moisture through to the base.

  • durable. No less harm can be caused by mechanical influences of a destructive nature. Finishing the basement with plaster is designed to provide protection against them.
  • frost-resistant. The plaster must withstand repeated cycles of thawing and freezing without losing its properties.
  • Resistant to UV rays.
  • Resistant to fungi, bacteria, insects and plants that cause biological corrosion.

It is especially important to comply with these requirements when insulating the basement, since heat-insulating materials need protection from all of the above influences even more than the base material - concrete tape, stone or brickwork.

What materials to use

Based on all of the above, you can decide how to plaster the basement of the house:

  • Gypsum mixtures are not suitable for this purpose - they are afraid of moisture and do not have sufficient strength.
  • The price of polymer plasters, taking into account the fact that the layer must be thick enough, is unreasonably high. They can be used as a thin-layer decorative coating after the main protective layer has matured.
  • Remaining compositions based on cement. It is they who best meet all the specified conditions, while having a low cost and availability.

Ready formulations

Many domestic and foreign manufacturers produce special cement basement plaster, in which, in addition to cement and fractional sand, chemical additives are introduced that improve the quality of the finished coating and the adhesive properties of the solution.

The following brands are most widely used by specialists:

  • Volma Sokol;

  • Ilmax (Ilmaks) 6820;
  • Eunice Silin basement;
  • Sokelputz Knauf.

Some cement mixtures contain solid mineral inclusions (for example, marble or quartz chips), which improve their strength characteristics and give the surface decorative properties. But more often, thin-layer polymer mixtures are used for decorative finishing of the lower part of buildings, which are applied to a surface leveled with cement compositions.

Another option for decorating the plinth is that a cement coating that has not yet dried up is given a certain relief with the help of special rollers (see. Rollers for decorative plaster and creating a relief surface), stencils, metal brushes and other devices. And its color can be changed by simple staining with permanent paints or by adding pigment to the solution during its preparation.

Homemade plaster for the plinth

The solution for finishing the basement can be prepared with your own hands, fortunately, cement and sand are quite affordable materials. But there are several nuances regarding the brand of cement and the origin of the sand. In addition, only these components are not enough, the solution must contain plasticizing and water-repellent additives.

The instructions below will help you cope with this task perfectly:

  • Sift quarry sand (not river sand) through a metal sieve with small cells to free it from clay, plant residues, pebbles and other foreign matter;

  • Pour sand into a container for preparing a solution or into a concrete mixer, add the right amount of cement and mix the dry ingredients;

Note. The proportions depend on the brand of cement. For one part of the M400 brand, three parts of sand are taken, if the cement is M500, then the number of parts of sand can be increased to four.

  • Next, a liquid for kneading is prepared by adding plasticizing and waterproofing components to the water. It can be PVA glue and Latex Profi polymer dispersion. Also at this stage, pigments or colorants can be introduced to give the plaster the desired color;

  • The finished liquid is gradually added to the dry mixture and mixed, achieving the desired density.

For reference. The solution for the primer layer should be liquid, fluid, and for the covering layer - plastic, convenient for application and smoothing.

Finishing the plinth with plaster

Let's move on to how to properly plaster the basement of the house. The process consists of several stages - surface preparation, primer, installation of beacons, application of the main and decorative coating.

Preparatory work

Preparation of the base consists in its cleaning. First of all, the dried mortar is cleaned from brick or masonry, from the seams between the blocks. If the foundation is concrete tape with large cracks, then they are expanded - deepened and made wider in order to remove weakened areas.

The work is carried out with any convenient tool: a hard spatula, a chisel, etc. After that, the remaining small particles of dust and sand, fragments of plaster are swept out of the resulting recesses and from the entire surface with a stiff brush.

Before plastering the basement of the foundation, it must be primed with special compounds (see Primer for concrete - a preparatory stage for subsequent finishing), penetrating into the thickness of the base and strengthening it. This will also bind the dust remaining on the surface and increase the adhesive strength of the plaster mixture.

Advice. When priming, special attention should be paid to seams, cracks, chips and other defects.

Instead of a primer, it is allowed to use a liquid working solution, which is applied by spraying with a brush or broom.

Finishing work

Immediately after the primer layer has dried, work begins on the plastering of the basement, which is performed in the following sequence:

  • First of all, all recesses, cracks, masonry joints are filled with cement mortar;
  • Then a metal reinforcing mesh is mounted on the base. Grid plaster is more reliable and durable;

  • The next step is the installation of beacons. You can do this in any way convenient for you. For example, putting them on plumb lines, as is done when plastering internal walls. If a blind area has not yet been arranged around the house, even pegs can be driven into the ground along a horizontal line drawn on the ground parallel to the base and at a distance of at least 2 cm from it. In this case, the space between the pegs and the wall is filled with mortar from top to bottom, after which you need to wait for it to dry and remove the stakes;
  • The distance between the beacons must be less than the length of the rule that will be used to level the mortar. And the distance from the extreme beacons to the corners should be 20-30 cm;

  • The most difficult thing is behind, it remains to throw the solution in a thick layer between the beacons and level it with the rule.

Note. It is advisable to remove metal beacons from the coating, otherwise rusty spots will appear in their place over time. This is done 5-6 hours after application, and the remaining recesses are filled with a solution and leveled.

Further actions depend on how you are going to decorate the plinth. If painting, tiling or decorative plaster for the basement is chosen as the finish, then the coating must be created conditions for proper drying.

To do this, it is covered with a waterproof material to protect it from precipitation and sunlight and wait 2-3 weeks, depending on the thickness of the layer. During this time, the surface must be moistened with water twice a day. After drying, it is primed and a decorative coating is applied.

Note! In no case should the process of hardening and maturation of the solution be artificially accelerated by acting on the surface covered with it with heat guns and other devices.

But you can decorate the base in another way. To do this, a relief is created on a fresh layer of the solution by any improvised means. Lots of options.

For example, you can make a stencil in advance, the imprint of which will leave a pattern under a stone or brickwork on the surface. The same pattern is easy to apply with any long and thin object, making grooves in fresh plaster.

You can also use a notched trowel or comb, hard brush or textured roller. Or, with your own hands in rubber gloves, depict an ornament, an abstract pattern, etc. on the plinth.


Plastering a structure such as a plinth is a great way to practice for those who want to gain skills in this construction area. A relatively small area, no high requirements for leveling the surface, working at ground level without the need for scaffolding - a task just right for beginners.

After watching the video in this article, you will see that it is within your power. It is only necessary to responsibly approach the choice of materials and strictly follow the instructions for surface preparation.

Today, the number of manufacturers of finishing materials is so large that it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular product. It is especially difficult in the last stages of construction, when it comes time to think about exterior decoration. The basement plaster performs two roles at once. Firstly, it is an important decorative element that can be the finishing touch to your home. Secondly, it acts as additional protection for the foundation and plinth. In the article you will find all the necessary information about the features of the choice and technology for applying plaster for the basement.

Advantages of plaster coating

There are many materials that can be used to cover the plinth. The most popular choice is natural and artificial stone, siding panels that look like various stones, and, of course, plaster. Despite current trends and an abundance of newfangled materials for decoration, it always remains in demand. This is primarily due to the fact that it is considered the most simple and affordable way. And in terms of quality, it is in no way inferior to more expensive materials. In addition, it has other advantages:

  • relatively low price;
  • surface protection from moisture;
  • opportunity to do all the work with your own hands.

The use of cement-sand mortar with subsequent painting

The easiest way is to treat the base with a special cement mortar, and then whitewash and paint it. The main advantages of this method are the speed of execution and the low cost of materials. During work, you will need sand, cement, mesh, screws and dowels.

Plinth covered with cement-sand mortar and painted.

With such a finish, you can do it yourself without the help of professional builders. This will allow you to save a lot of money, because this option is undoubtedly suitable for those who have a limited budget. In addition, it allows you to make some decorative details right in the process. For example, you can apply simple masonry patterns and highlight the seams.

For painting the basement, it is worth using coatings that have waterproof and protective properties. Silicone or acrylic based paints are perfect. But keep in mind that even the highest quality paints will require application in two layers.

The disadvantages of this method of finishing include:

  • possible cracking of the plaster;
  • fragility with constant exposure to moisture, severe frosts or sudden changes in temperature;
  • rapid paint wear and the need for frequent repairs, including treatment of cracks, removal of old paint and recoating.

If these disadvantages clearly outweigh the advantages, use a more modern method - decorative plaster for the basement.

The use of decorative plaster

Everyone who builds a house wants all its elements to be combined with each other. Stucco can bring harmony to the overall look of a building, so it's no surprise that many homeowners decide to use a decorative finish. With it, you can achieve very interesting effects and give the house a special charm.

Decorative finishing of the facade of the building.

In addition to the undoubted design advantages, decorative plaster has excellent quality. At the heart of modern plaster are polymer additives. They are able to enhance the protective qualities of the material. As a result, basement plaster better protects the house from adverse external influences.

This type of plaster for the plinth has such important properties as strength, resistance to moisture and frost, excellent appearance and durability. From this we can conclude that the higher cost of such coverage is fully justified.

Moreover, decorative plaster is easier to attach to the surface due to its adhesive properties. This allows you to create a durable layer that will last a long time.

Types of plasters

There are several types of decorative basement plaster. They differ in their properties and are used for different types of finishes. The choice should be made very carefully to find what best suits your needs. The division of plaster for external work into types is made depending on its composition. There are the following types:

  1. Mineral. It contains a crumb of natural stones.
  2. Silicone. This is the most expensive type, which has excellent working properties and a long service life.
  3. silicate. It is made of liquid glass.

All plasters for the basement also have the following subspecies:

  • structural, interspersed with stone chips, alum, etc.;
  • textured, which can be used to create drawings;
  • glazing, allowing you to create interesting effects.

Working with the latter requires certain skills. Therefore, if you want to achieve a stylish and unusual result, you should contact a specialist. The costs will be justified, because you will be satisfied with the appearance of your home, and the resulting coatings will be durable.

Granite-filled plasters.

The process of creating a decorative basement coating

Finishing the basement includes several stages. If you plan to do all the work yourself, carefully study the following instructions.

Surface preparation

The preparatory stage of work is carried out after the completion of the construction of the basement and before processing with a solution. The plaster will lie better on the prepared plinth and will last longer.

First you need to carefully inspect the work surface. If it has cracks or other damage more than 2.5 cm deep, you need to repair them. Without this, you cannot proceed to further work.

After you have cleaned and leveled the plinth, you can start priming. Apply several layers, each time waiting for complete drying. The selection of material is carried out depending on the type of foundation. Applying a primer will allow the plaster to better adhere to the surface.

It is recommended to wait at least 2 days before finishing. During this time, the primer is completely dry and fixed on the surface of the base. Drying times can vary considerably in different types of climates. In some cases, it needs to be increased to 3 days.

Stages of applying plaster

You can do all the rest of the work yourself. The result will be of high quality if you strictly follow the finishing sequence:

  1. Impregnation distribution.
  2. Lighthouse installation.
  3. Preparation and application of decorative plaster for the plinth.
  4. Disconnector application.
  5. Final processing.


Before applying the plaster, the plinth must be covered with a reinforcing layer. This leveling composition is selected individually for the selected finishing materials.

The order of mixing the plaster mixture can be found on the packaging of the plaster. Most often, the instruction recommends placing the mixture in a container, pouring water or a special solution and mixing with a drill. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, spread it over the plinth with a spatula. It is important to ensure that the thickness of the coating does not exceed 6-7 mm.

You need to move on to the next step right away. Without waiting for the layer to dry, press the mesh into it. Next, you should align the solution on the grid. To do this, you can use special equipment or a metal trowel. This will help make the layer absolutely smooth.

If the walls were thermally insulated, and the reinforced layer was applied to the insulation, then a primer is applied to it. It is necessary to act in the same way as with a bare wall.

Now you need to wait for the base to dry completely. This will take 48 hours. Then apply an acrylic primer on it. It is most easily distributed with a paint roller.

Installation of beacons

A beacon is a special element that helps to level the plaster. Installation of beacons is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or the requirements available in a particular case. Ideally, the thickness of the plaster should be at least 1.5-2 cm. With self-leveling, 3-4 cm is most often obtained.

Mixing and coating

Carefully study the instructions for the plaster and prepare it. Apply the material in a thin layer with a spatula and level with the installed beacon. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the plaster is as smooth as possible without visible differences.

Coating mixing.

Disconnector Application and Finishing

After smoothing is completed, a release agent is applied to the plaster. This special composition is necessary to ensure that the material is not imprinted on the matrix or finish.

The final stage of work is drawing and printing. To facilitate the work, it is worth preparing the matrix in advance. Determine the required location and install the matrix. Gently press it against the wet plaster surface. All smudges that appear should be removed immediately with a sponge or spatula.

After the plaster has completely hardened, that is, after 2-3 days, its surface is treated with diluted hydrochloric acid. The concentration of the solution should be 3%.

Thus, the use of plaster is the simplest and most practical way to process the plinth. Materials for work are not high in price, and you can do everything yourself.

To begin with, let's deal with the concept of "basement" in construction. A basement is a part of the foundation of any structure that rises above the soil surface.

It turns out that it is an intermediate part between the walls and the foundation buried in the ground.

The basement structural element performs important functions:

- prevents wind-air penetration into the underground;

- blocks the capillary ascent of moisture to the walls.

The decorative function is also important, which can disfigure the building or, on the contrary, create a neatly designed general appearance. A neatly executed plinth section can add seriousness, creativity and solidity to a business building or residential building.

The simplest and, with high-quality performance, effective is finishing by plastering the main surface. A properly plastered plinth significantly improves the aesthetics of the building and allows you to enhance moisture protection.

Let us consider in more detail the competent technology of plastering the basement of the building.

Preparing for plastering

The basement part of the building can be not only an extended foundation monolith, but also various superstructures made of other materials (foam fiber block, brick, etc.). With each version of the basement, the preparatory measures will vary.

1. Brick base

Its peculiarity lies in the presence of suture gaps filled with cement mortar. After a while, the solution begins to actively dry out and crumble, which is manifested by the presence of cracks and significant gaps.

Here, each suture gap must be scrupulously cleaned, with the obligatory cleaning of all, even weakly adhering, particles or fragments. It is easy to do this with a narrow-sized spatula, chasing with a hand screwdriver or intensive sweeping with a brush with metal bristles.

After removing the destroyed fixing solution, the gaps formed between the bricks must be cleaned, sweeping out the fragments, sand and dust.

Watch a video on how to prepare a plaster mortar for finishing a basement

2. Reinforced concrete base

Here, the pre-preparatory stage is parallel to the processing of bricks. However, the emphasis is to increase the strength of the fixation of stones placed on the basement (foundation) part of the house. When staggering elements are detected, they should be dismantled, cleaned and immediately returned to their place, after treatment with a freshly prepared on-site cement-sand mixture-fixative. This need is due to the loss of strength of the old rubble concrete masonry, which loses its bearing stability, which is fraught with deformation changes in the base of the house.

Read also: Strip foundation device

3. Concrete-cement plinth

If during the control inspection defects (deep cracks) are detected, it is necessary to check the degree of strength of their edges. Crumbling, weak areas must be destroyed to a solid foundation and the resulting debris removed. If a partial displacement of the foundation structure occurs, it is necessary to reinforce the base. When the defects are small, you can apply the classic cement mortar leveling technology, which can be carried out during finishing work on the basement of the building.

The process of priming a concrete surface

A high-quality result can be obtained only with the use of deeply penetrating primers. To process the base, it is necessary to thoroughly purchase material so that it is enough for the entire surface area. Also, you need to take into account the fact that a two-layer application of a primer is applied before plastering and immediately before painting (or an alternative finish).

Recommendation! Before painting, use only a facade primer with maximum drooping ability!

Some homeowners deliberately ignore these steps, believing that priming is not entirely necessary. Of course, this decision is wrong. If the technology for applying the plaster mixture, stipulated by the rules, is observed, the operational period of service of such a finishing and covering layer is significantly increased. The unpleasant sight (after a few years) of cracking and flaking finishing mortar can be prevented by the obligatory execution of priming the basement.

What primer to choose?

Definitely, you need to purchase and use deep penetration solutions. The directed goal of such compositions is to penetrate as deep as possible into the surface with its concomitant strengthening.

When the plinth is plastered with lime compounds, traces of finishing remain on the main surface of concrete or brick. Such a mixture is loosened and creates a significant obstacle to the adhesive bonding of the newly laid layer of plaster mass.

Here, without a special primer (alkyd), deep penetration is practically indispensable. The composition will fix an unreliable lime-porous surface, eliminate "chalky" manifestations, and become a binding component for old and new compound mixtures.

The best preference will be a primer mixture with deep structural penetration, which has a water-repellent ability. The basement of any building will provide additional protective waterproofing. The packaging container must have an inscription, approximately: “Facade primer (water-repellent)” or “Primer for the production of exterior finishes”. Such good categories include Beto-kontakt or Knauf-Isogrunt products.

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In order for the painting to be carried out evenly, with a monophonic, externally attractive, without dripping surface, it is necessary to use a special acrylic primer.

In direct dependence on the base base and the component composition of the paint, it is recommended to use:

- "Proacryl-Contact" or "Acrylate-Grunt" - for decorating mixtures on the main substance acrylic;

- "Proacryl-Grunt" or "Facade-Grunt" - for paints created on a water basis.

Method of preparation of plaster mortar for basement finishing

Attention! To finish the basement surface, you can only use a cement mixture, but not lime or gypsum!

To create a durable, optimally strong plaster layer, the mortar proportions must necessarily correspond to the recipe: 1.0 part of cement (binder) M-400 or a large brand plus 3.0 parts of fine sand purified. The last ingredient must be carefully sifted, cleaned and certainly mined in quarries. Sand of river origin is not entirely suitable due to the fine grain, which will not provide the proper density of the base of the plaster layer.

It is required to make the mixture more plastic, so that the application is easier, and the surface is smooth and even. Certain plasticizing additives help to optimize the properties of the composition. At the same time, color pigments can be included in the composition, which can give the basement "belt" of the house the necessary color and form an additional decoration of the building.

Important! It is desirable to improve the plaster mortar with additives that give it water resistance properties. The facade of the building regularly comes into contact with adversely aggressive environmental factors (hail, rain, snow, gusts of wind, etc.)!

The basement part of the building, "closed" with a waterproof finish, will last much longer and retain an aesthetically attractive appearance.

Cement mortar for finishing

The correct technology for preparing a mixture for plastering consists of the following steps:

- carefully sifted sand;

- the required amount of cement is added and mixed with sand;

- pigment additives are added;

- additional additives are dissolved in a measured amount of water and a prepared dry mixture is added;

- the composition is kneaded until the desired consistency is obtained (thick sour cream).

Explanation! When it is not possible or time to prepare the composition on your own, you can purchase a dry mix prepared at the factory. A great version of the M-150, although it may require additional addition of some components when diluting it!

Step-by-step technique for applying plaster to the basement surface

Plastering the surface of the basement is carried out in stages, according to the following scheme:

1. Notches are made with a heavy sharp tool on the basement surface of the foundation. You can use an unnecessary ax, screwdriver or chisel. The depth of the notches should be more than 1.0 mm.