Features of holding meetings and conferences. A meeting is a method of collective exchange of business information in which management invites

3.10.1. Definition of the concept of “business”

meeting, meeting.

Business meeting, meeting is a form

collective consideration of business

production situations,

economic, scientific and technical,

political and other problems

3.10.2. The difference between meetings and meetings.

Name of differences.

By the number of participants.

By directing his work.

issues discussed


Presidium is elected

Issues being discussed

coordination regarding

the entire team


Conducted by the leader

Selected problems

Special forms

teamwork except

meetings and meetings.






Main purpose

meetings, meetings.

Help in preparation and implementation

management decisions.

The benefits of meetings


Using collective intelligence according to the principle

"one head is good, but several are better"

More comprehensive consideration of problems in

attracting specialists of various profiles


More efficient preparation of solutions when

direct consideration in their preparation themselves


Opportunity for management to get to know

personal and business qualities subordinates

o their intelligence

This is a kind of means of production

education and moral education

An effective form of activity control


The “blowing off steam” mechanism - employees can

express your views, dissatisfaction,

criticize management, etc.


Disadvantages in conducting

meetings, conferences.

Time wastage associated with distraction

employees from performing direct tasks

official duties;

Due to insufficient preparatory work for

reinsurance or just regular ones they have

"tick" effect;

Often the results of the work of collective bodies are not

are brought to execution;

- “forgetting”

accepted at

Lack of control over the implementation of decisions and


Main types




Operational (control rooms)

Structure of the meeting.

Report (information)

Questions for the speaker

Developing a solution

Tasks of the “problematic


Through discussion, find the optimal

management, production,

social, etc. Problems


“Business communication” - how

a special type of meeting.

In foreign practice, a special type is used

meetings: " business conversation" Its features:

The permanent composition of participants, determined

by order of the head

Systematic fees in set days And

There is no single chairman, the meeting is led

all participants take turns

Referee is elected

business discussion on

compliance with regulations in

business discussions

Under development

"mechanism" of regular

information on the progress of implementation of decisions when

business discussion

It's kind of a standing council.

with a manager according to a certain

area of ​​activity


Tasks of the instructive


Involves passing orders from top to bottom

according to the control scheme for their fastest


Discussion of ways and means of implementing solutions

Familiarization with management documents

Can be replaced by bringing to execution

decisions in writing


Tasks of the operational

(dispatcher) meeting.

(so-called planning meetings, five-minute meetings,

Involves obtaining information from the bottom up

(at the meeting, employees report

to the manager about the state of affairs on the ground)

The manager, in turn, tries, based on

using the information received to resolve any issues that have arisen


The most common form of meetings in Russia,

but they usually last a long time and often

turn into “tearing down” subordinates, into

bickering between departments and services, etc.


increasing efficiency



Clearly define the agenda, issues and

Select exactly those participants from whom

problem solving depends

Introduce participants in advance to

topic of the meeting and necessary

materials related to the problem

Think over optimal timing and time of day

holding a meeting

Define optimal sizes premises with

required temperature, ventilation,

audiovisual means

Approve the regulations


Bring to consideration the simpler ones first

questions that require less time and

mental energy

Try to get rid of the “chattering” of reports

about successes, stating shortcomings, bravura

statements of readiness, etc.

It should become a rule that without constructive

there are no sentences to take words

The business spirit of meeting participants depends on

its beginning, from the behavior of the leader at the beginning

(sorting out subordinates at the beginning is a guarantee that

discussion will not work)

Skillfully use public criticism:

“poorly done work is criticized, not


Bright interesting fact mobilizes the audience

Reduces the impression of the performance

blank look, expressionless

Gestures hold the audience's attention



- “speaking from a piece of paper” reduces the impression

from speech and reduces its impact on


A speaker who is unsure of his arguments,

convinced of the truth of what is being stated, it is difficult

convince others that you are right

You should not speak while looking over your head or into

Listeners are irritated in the wrong way

spoken words misplaced

stress, repetitions of the same words and phrases

The impression of the performance may be influenced by

Negative influence appearance and behavior

During the performance you should not fiddle with

clothes, touching the face, twisting a button,

swing left and right, twirl in hands

objects, etc.

3.10.7. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ethical standards for discussions in

during a meeting, meeting.

Any discussion requires respect.

attitude towards other people's opinions, even if he is the first

the look seems absurd

We must strive to understand other people’s opinions, and to

First of all, you need to be patient,

mobilize attention to listen to him

Must stick to one thing

spore. Avoid the situation expressed in

popular saying: “one is about Thomas, the other is about

Avoid turning the discussion into

conflict. In any dispute you need to look for points

convergence of opinions and judgments, and strive to find

general solutions. The discussion should lead to

cooperation rather than confrontation. This is in no way

case does not mean giving up your own opinion when

confidence in one's rightness, but to question

your opinion is useful. Let's remember the wise saying

Socrates: “I know only that I know nothing”

Even the most heated discussion with irreconcilable

points of view should not contain swear words,

categorical statements like this is wrong, this

nonsense, talk nonsense, etc. They don't shorten

the path to truth. Irony and sarcasm can

attend. But they must be used very

skillfully, without insulting or humiliating opponents

The main weapon in the discussion may be

only facts, their conscientious interpretation

Admit you're wrong. Noble

treat your opponents if they have suffered

defeat in the discussion. Give them a chance to save

your reputation, noting positive sides their

positions. Don't gloat over their defeat.




the leader of the discussion (meeting) must be

competent in discussing problems

Possess discussion skills

Of course, to be a well-mannered person

He must not only give the floor

those wishing to speak and follow the regulations,

but also to direct the discussion into constructive

Contain the emotions of participants

in case of statements that go beyond the bounds of decency

deprive them of their word

Start a discussion

can be said:

I ask for your attention.

Shall we start?

Shall we get to work?

Let me open (begin)...

It is with great pleasure that I open


Examples of forms speech etiquette V

during the meeting.

Let's discuss...

The first thing we need to discuss...

Are there any comments (additions, questions)?..

Please, comrade (sir)... Your question...

Let me address this question...

I don't think this question can be answered

immediate response...

I think this question can be asked later


Let's continue discussing the issue...

The next one takes the floor to speak

comrade (sir)...

Comrade (Mr.) speaks...

Please speak into the microphone (a little

louder, from your place).

Let me move on to discuss the following

agenda item.

I would ask the speakers to speak briefly

(adhere to the regulations).

Unfortunately. Your time is up...

Please don't deviate from the topic...

Let's get back to the topic (problem, question)...

This issue will be discussed at the next


I'm very sorry, but our time is up and we

forced to stop


The discussion will be resumed...

At the end of our meeting I would like to make


I hope we all benefited from participating in

this discussion.

Let me close the meeting (meeting).

The meeting (session) is declared closed.

Ethical Forms

wording of questions.

Let me ask a question...

I have a question for...

I would like to ask a question...

I'm interested in...

Can you explain...

Answers to questions may

phrases or beginnings of phrases:

This is a very interesting (difficult, controversial)

I thank (grateful) for this question.

It allows you to clarify (clarify,

detail) my (our) point

I would answer (answer) your question

in the following way...

I don't quite understand your question...

Repeat please. Your question...

Let me start by answering the last one.

If you don't mind, I'd like


I can't answer

your question is because

I'm afraid I can't answer this

question right away, but then we will discuss with you

this problem after the discussion (meeting).

As far as I know…

Sources of successful or

unsuccessful meeting

are in three areas:

1. in the personal characteristics of the participants.

2. in the interaction of participants with each other

3. in organizing the meeting process itself.

Recipes for neutralizing people playing blocking roles.

1. "Aggressor".

Criticizes everyone, belittles the status of the participants, does not agree with the fact that


To any of his statements and refutations, ask the question “What do you suggest?”

2. Remind him that excessive criticism extinguishes constructive ideas.

2. "Blocker".

Stubbornly does not agree with anyone, gives examples from personal experience, returns to

issues that have already been resolved.

1. Remind about the purpose and subject of discussion. Ask him questions like: “What do you

say, is it relevant to our goal or this discussion?" 2. Tactfully remind

"blocker" that he moves aside.

3. "Retired."

Doesn't want to participate, is distracted, talks about personal topics.

Invite him to speak out and make his suggestions: “What do you think about

about...?" or: "What suggestions do you have?"

4. "Seeking recognition."

He brags, talks a lot, asserts his status.

Ask questions that show that his statements are statements about himself, and

not about the matter: “What you told us, can it be used to solve the issue under discussion?


5. "Jumping from topic to topic."

Constantly changes the topic of conversation.

Stop with questions like: “Have we finished considering the problem?” or:

“Does what you say apply to our meeting?”

6. "Dominant"

Tries to seize power and manipulate those present.

Calmly and confidently stop his statements with counter ones:

"Your guess is just one of the possible alternatives. Let's listen

and other proposals."

7. "The Rake".

Wastes the time of those gathered, throwing dust in the eyes, telling entertaining stories,

careless, cynical.

Ask whether his statements correspond to the topic of the meeting.

8. "Devil's Advocate"

He deliberately asks deliberately sensitive questions that lead to a dead end and the failure of the meeting.

1. Assess the severity of his questions: “Your new question does not aggravate the analyzed

problem, but takes us away from it."

2. Focus on unjustified polemical or provocative nature of it

statements for the current situation.

3. Redirect his question to him for an answer: “What do you think about this?”

question?" or: "We would like to hear your answer to your own question."


Eight situations that threaten a successful meeting, and psychologically competent

leader behavior.

Many people tend to use dishonest or

unethical means and methods.

Your task as a leader:

a) identify these techniques and means,

b) neutralize their harmful effects.

Situation 1.

Obvious deception, distortions, dishonest representations.

Psychologically competent approach:

1. You should not rudely expose someone of deception, but if you decide to expose them, then do it subtly.

2. Demand justification and facts to support his statements: “You wouldn’t sell


3. Assume out loud that your opponent’s actions are dictated by unclear, but

probably with more beneficial intentions for him.

4. Invite him to identify his tactics and evaluate them.

5. Offer to jokingly take turns exchanging similar tactics. "First you tell me

you promise and don’t sell, then I will.”

Situation 2.

Someone went all-in.

1. Don't give in to his pressure.

2. Do not focus on his tactics, as if not attaching importance to them. Then he too

it will be easier to retreat.

3. Give a non-offensive description of his, in general, childish position.

4. Compare the benefits and losses for him in case of continuation of the game, all-in and in case


Situation 3.

Someone is “stuck” on explaining the reasons or identifying the culprits.

Say that understanding the reasons is important, but finding ways out of the situation is even more important,

so let's not waste time on things that are less important.

Situation 4.

The initiative has been monopolized.

Offer to evaluate what is better: one __________ mind or several. "Let's listen to others too."

Situation 5.

Low criticality and conformism in accepting everything that is offered by you.

1. Ask: “Are there any shortcomings in these proposals?”

2. Enter specifically the role of the “black opponent”.

3. Ask: “What negative consequences are possible?” or:

“Is it possible to refute these proposals?”

Situation 6.

One of the meeting participants uses “psychological warfare” techniques

(attacks, threats and accusations).

1. Reveal his tactics, because he may not understand that he is fighting a “battle” and is aggressive.

2. Draw possible consequences, warn, but do not threaten.

3. Do not evaluate his behavior, but only describe his tactics, reflect how

4. Convey your feelings on your own behalf: “After your attacks, I felt a

pressure and I feel very bad."

5. Suggest using his tactics one at a time: “First you attack, then I.”

6. Try to speak in a calm tone and have a confident posture.

7. Let the “aggressor” speak out.

8. Neutralize his behavior with positive emotions: “You’re even more beautiful when you’re angry.”

(for a woman)" or: "You are an intelligent and balanced person, and there are probably serious

reasons for you to go into battle."

9. Switch his attention to advice or help to you: “What you say is very

important. You probably see what is hidden from us. And it will be more clear if you

calmly explain what you don't like."

10. Admit your mistakes, if any.

Situation 7.

The meeting turns into a conversation on other topics, some jokes begin and

stories that are not related to the problem.

All statements that lead to the side and are not related to the stage or topic

stop with a question: “What you are saying relates to our conversation (topic) or

stage of the adopted strategy?" or: "Because this deserves a special discussion

(“Deserves”!), and I value your and my time, then let’s finish first

talking about..."

Situation 8.

An attempt is made to refute what _________ is said at the meeting.

1. Don't accept rebuttals without evidence. Demand clear counterarguments.

2. There is no point in arguing and refuting; it is better to accept his arguments, but give another

a turn, highlighting the negative side of his statement, thesis (the “Yes, but...” technique).

3. Apply the Socratic dialogue technique: ask questions that you

you expect to receive a “yes” answer.

4. Don't get irritated, don't react to small pricks and don't make excuses.

Help alleviate the situation

avoid confrontation

the following forms of expression


I can agree with your opinion, but only with

with a reservation...

I agree with many points, but I think


I would like to support... but...

I have some doubts...

I'm not sure this approach is justified...

I would be very careful...

This is an attractive idea...

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree...

I cannot share an opinion... on this


I don't want to seem critical

moody, but my attitude in general


I have a few comments...

I would like to draw your attention to...

In my opinion, we should discuss this

question more carefully...

in the speech of comrade (Mr.) ... were

delivered current issues(affected,

problems were considered), interesting

offers. Taking into account what has been said, I want

note that...

How are the materials of meetings and meetings recorded?

The progress of meetings and meetings is usually recorded

The protocol consists of:

Introductory part

Protocol number

Date, place of meeting

Type of collegiate


collegial body

Chairman's name

secretary and members

collegial body


Speakers' names and

from office

Main part:



Approved Action

Its performers


Shorthands or texts


The minutes are signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting


3.10.10. 27 "moves" of the leader to manage the meeting.

Before the meeting

During the meeting

12. Start exactly on time.

20. Summarize.

After the meeting

Questions for self-testing knowledge.

3.10.1. In the definition of the concept “business meeting, meeting” the missing words are:

form, consideration, situations

A business meeting, meeting is a form of collective consideration of business situations

on production, economic, scientific, technical, political and other


3.10.2. .The table below provides comparative characteristics of meetings and


Name of differences.

By the number of participants.

By directing his work.

issues discussed


Presidium is elected

Issues being discussed

coordination regarding

the entire team


Conducted by the leader

Selected problems

Fill the table.

In place of the questions, insert the words “meeting” and “meeting.”

3.10.3. Below are the benefits of meetings and meetings

Advantages of meetings and meetings.

Using collective intelligence according to the principle “one head is good, but

a few is better"

More comprehensive consideration of problems when attracting specialists

various activity profiles,

More efficient preparation of decisions when directly taken into account in their

training the performers themselves,

Opportunity for management to get acquainted with personal and business qualities


o their intelligence

o ability to analyze business situations

o ability to find optimal solutions

This is a kind of means of industrial training and moral


An effective form of monitoring the activities of a manager

“Blow off steam” mechanism - employees can express their thoughts,

dissatisfied, criticize management, etc.

Do you think they fully reflect the merits of collegial bodies?

3.10.4. In addition to the three types of meetings listed below:



Operational (control rooms)

are there other types?

3.10.5. What are the features of “business discussion” as a special type of meeting?

The permanent composition of participants, determined by order of the director;

Systematic collections on set days and times;

There is no single chairman; all participants lead the meeting in turn;

Elected ... business ... for compliance with regulations in business discussions;

A “mechanism” for regular information on the progress of decisions is being developed

during business discussions;

This is a kind of permanent council under the head for a certain

direction of activity;

During the discussion, information is received “from below” and “horizontally”;

Problems are quickly resolved at the meeting;

Discuss ways and means of implementing solutions.

Eliminate three incorrect statements.





Folk (traditions);


Keep the three types mentioned in the text.

3.10.7.In the following ethical standards for discussions during meetings and meetings

individual words are missing: respectful, understand, dispute, transformation, shorten,

being wrong

Arrange them.

In any discussion, respect for other people's opinions is necessary, even

if at first glance it seems absurd;

We must strive to understand other people’s opinions, and for this, first of all, we should

be patient, mobilize attention to listen to him;

It is necessary to stick to one subject of dispute. Avoid the situation

expressed in the popular saying: “one is about Thomas, the other is about Yerema”;

Avoid turning the discussion into a conflict. In any dispute you need to look for

points of convergence of opinions and judgments, and strive to find common solutions. Discussion

should lead to cooperation, not confrontation. This in no way means

giving up one's own opinion while confident one is right, but subjecting

Doubt your opinion is useful. Let us remember the wise saying of Socrates: “I know only that

that I don’t know anything”;

Even the most heated discussion with irreconcilable points of view should not

talk nonsense, etc. They do not shorten the path to truth. Irony and sarcasm can

attend. But they must be used very skillfully, without insulting or humiliating


The main weapon in a discussion can only be facts, their conscientious


Admit you're wrong. Treat your opponents kindly if they

were defeated in the discussion. Give them a chance to save their reputation,

noting the positive aspects of their position. Don't gloat about them


3.10.8. How many types of people are named in the section that block a successful move?


presenter at the meeting is given in the text?

3.10.10. Below are 27 “moves” a leader can take to manage a meeting.

Sort them into three areas:

before the meeting

during the meeting

after the meeting

before the meeting

1. Is a meeting required at all?

2. What is the alternative to a meeting?

3. Do I have to take part personally?

4. Or maybe reduce your participation to a minimum?

5. Reduce the number of participants to a minimum?

6. Is the time chosen convenient or should it be rescheduled?

7. Is the premises closed to outsiders?

8. Is there visual information?

9. What are the objectives of individual agenda items?

10. Are times indicated for specific discussion topics?

during the meeting

12. Start exactly on time.

13. Report the cost per minute.

14. Agree on work rules.

15. Appoint someone responsible for the regulations and protocol.

16. Eliminate unnecessary pauses and “killer” phrases.

17. Do not miss critical points in the discussion.

18. Monitor progress towards set goals.

19. Repeatedly name decisions and planned measures.

20. Summarize.

21. Finish at exactly the appointed time,

22. Final word on a positive note.

after the meeting

23. Recheck the progress and results of the meeting.

24. Draw up a protocol of results.

25. Copy and distribute a short protocol.

26. Monitor the implementation of decisions.

27. Unfulfilled items should be put forward at the next meeting.

Test: Can you conduct a business discussion?

Most managers cite meetings as one of the main reasons

lack of time, missed deadlines and, finally, just fatigue that sets in

end of the working day. Meanwhile, if you skillfully organize and conduct a meeting, then it will

can be a great help in the work of a manager. Unfortunately, almost nowhere

future managers are not even taught the basics of the art of holding meetings.

We offer you a test that will help you analyze your behavior


Give yourself points from 1 to 5 and write them down next to each question (this is necessary

done correctly and objectively). Don't be afraid to give extreme ratings.

The ratings mean: 1 - no, that doesn’t happen; 2 - no, as a rule, this does not happen; 3 -

uncertain estimate; 4 - yes, as a rule, this happens; 5 - yes, this always happens.

1. I give instructions to subordinates even if there is a danger that

If they are not fulfilled, I will be criticized.

2. I always have a lot of ideas and plans.

3. I listen to the comments of others.

4. I am mostly able to make logical and correct arguments when


5. I encourage employees to solve their problems.

on one's own.

6. If I am criticized, I defend myself no matter what.

7. When other people present their arguments, I always listen.

8. In order to hold an event, I have to build

plans in advance.

9. For the most part, I admit my mistakes.

10. I offer alternatives to others' suggestions.

11. I protect those who have difficulties.

12. I express my thoughts with maximum conviction.

13. My enthusiasm is contagious.

14. I consider other people's points of view and try

reflect it in the draft decision.

15. I usually insist on my point of view and my hypotheses.

16. I listen with understanding to aggressive statements


17. I express my thoughts clearly.

18. I always admit that I don’t know something.

19. I vigorously defend my views.

20. I try to develop other people's ideas as if they were mine.

21. I always think about how they could answer this or that question.

others, and am looking for arguments.

22. I help people with advice on how to organize their work.

23. Being carried away by my projects, my plans for the future, I

I'm usually not interested in other people's plans.

24. I also listen to those people who have a point of view,

different from mine.

25. If someone does not agree with my project, I look for new ways.

26. I use all means to force people to agree with me.

27. Talk openly about my hopes, fears, and personal difficulties.

28. I always find an opportunity to organize support for my projects.

29. I understand other people's feelings.

30. I try more to express my thoughts than to listen to other people’s.

31. Before defending myself, I listen carefully to criticism.

32. I present my thoughts systematically.

33. I give others the opportunity to express their point of view.

34. I carefully follow the contradictions in other people’s reasoning.

35. Changing my point of view to show others that I am following the progress.

their thoughts.

36. As a rule, I don’t interrupt anyone.

37. I don’t pretend to be confident in my point of view if I’m not.

38. I spend a lot of energy trying to persuade others to do what they want.

do the right thing.

39. I speak emotionally to inspire people to work.

40. I strive to ensure that when summing up the results, those who rarely

asks to speak.


Sum up the points you gave against the statements.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37 and 40th, and indicate the amount

through A (it ranges from 20 to 100). To get sum B add

points for statements 2, 4,6,8, 10,12, 13, 15, 17,19,21,23,25,26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38 and 39.

This value should also be in the range from 20 to 100.

The test results show whether your behavior in meetings is

If sum A is at least ten points higher than sum B, then you are good


If sum B is at least ten points more than sum A, then you lead

If both amounts differ by less than ten points, then your behavior is not

receives an unambiguous assessment in the team. It can be either positive or

negative - depending on the circumstances.

Let's say your behavior style is uniquely determined using this test. In such

In this case, a diplomatic style means that you have a desire to consider the opinions of others and

make sure your ideas are consistent with those of other employees. Wherein

compromises are inevitable, but the meeting participants are convinced that there is their contribution to

deciding that you, as a leader, care about their cooperation.

Some meeting participants strive to “push through” their projects, act

assertively. Meeting partners rarely have the opportunity to speak. At

board, submits many proposals, reports new information, formulates

seeks the support necessary for its implementation.

The choice of behavior depends on the goals set, as well as on the specific

the situation in which you will conduct a particular meeting or conversation. Diplomacy

appropriate in communication following cases:

​ Enough time to discuss all the arguments;

​The solution will be successfully implemented only when everyone accepts it

discussion participants;

​The meeting participants understand the problem and know the options for resolving it;

​Great disagreements have arisen, and it is necessary to convince those who disagree

correctness of the decision made.

the help of partners neither in creative discussion, consideration of this issue, nor

during its subsequent decision. This happens when it is necessary to

make a decision faster.

Psychologists working in enterprises confirm that both styles of behavior are

conducting a meeting should be considered an undesirable exception, especially if it

No amount of diplomacy will help.

Federal Agency for Education

Magnitogorsk State University them. G.I.Nosova

Department of Psychology

Abstract on business communication

On the topic: “Business meetings and meetings”

Completed by: student of FFK group 06-1

Grebenshchikova V.I.

Checked by: Orinina L.V.

Except business conversations and commercial negotiations, in business practice, special forms of business conversations are widespread - meetings, which are a way of open collective discussion of certain issues. The forms of such discussion are very diverse. These are congresses, conferences, symposiums, meetings, sessions, seminars. Decisions made at these events are usually more effective than those made by a narrow circle of managers.

The PURPOSE of a business meeting is to ensure free discussion and reach a common decision based on a variety of opinions.

I chose the topic “Organizing meetings” because collective discussion as a form of business conversation has many positive aspects:

First, it increases the efficiency of thinking. The Russian proverb “a mind is good, but two is better” did not arise out of nowhere; it contains deep meaning. Indeed, the uniqueness of human thinking is that it is especially effective in conditions of joint intellectual activity, since intellectual results do not add up, but are multiplied. It is known that most fruitful ideas were born through a collective exchange of thoughts.

Secondly, during the meeting the creative community of workers is strengthened, interests are included individual workers V unified system collective tasks, and also improves the business qualifications of its participants.

Thirdly, in joint mental work it is revealed creative potential each of them.

Insufficiently well-prepared and poorly conducted meetings, convened on every occasion, cause great harm, as they “devour” valuable time, taking people away from their main work.

IN general view Preparation for a meeting includes the following actions: determining the topic, forming an agenda, determining the objectives of the meeting and its total duration, start date and time, composition of participants, approximate work schedule.

When determining the start time of a meeting, you should take into account the rhythm of work. In order not to force people to endlessly switch from one type of work to another throughout the day, it is advisable to hold meetings at the beginning or end of the working day or after a lunch break. Taking into account total costs time (not only directly for the meeting, but also for getting ready, moving, returning and getting back to work), the beginning and end of the meeting must be planned so that there are no empty periods of time left: if it ends 15 minutes before the lunch break, then these minutes can be considered lost.

It is required to notify the meeting participants in advance about its holding and familiarize them with the agenda and all the necessary materials so that their performances are thought out in advance.

You need to start the meeting on time and immediately agree with its participants on the rules of collaboration, for example, limiting the time of speeches or the procedure for making decisions. After which one of the participants should be assigned to keep the minutes.

These and other questions general organization We will consider business meetings and meetings in more detail.

A business meeting (meeting) is an oral communicative interaction of a group of people (team). This type of communication combines various genres: oratorical monologue (introductory and final word presenter, speeches by participants, report), conversation (exchange of information, putting forward and discussing ideas during a brainstorming session), discussion.

The effectiveness of a meeting largely depends on the talent of the organizer - on his speaking skills and management abilities, as well as on the right choice type of meeting and knowledge of its features.

Business meetings are:

1. According to the form:

1.1. conferences

1.2. meetings

1.3. meetings

1.4. seminars, symposiums

2. According to the form of the meeting by the leader:

2.1. dictatorial

2.2. autocratic

2.3. aggregative - first a report, a debate, where only those persons participate

which were appointed by the director.

2.4. discussion

2.5. free

3. By belonging to the sphere of public life:

3.1. party

3.2. trade union

3.3. business (administrative)

3.4. scientific

3.5. united

4. By scale:

4.1. international

4.2. All-Russian

4.3. republican

4.4. industry

4.5. regional

4.6. regional

4.7. urban

4.8. district

4.9. internal

5. At the venue:

5.1. local

5.2. visiting

6. By frequency:

6.1. regular

6.2. permanent

6.3. one-time

6.4. periodic

7. By the number of participants:

7.1. in a narrow group (up to 5 people)

7.2. in an expanded composition (up to 20 people)

7.3. representative (more than 20 people)

8. Regarding the stability of the participants:

8.1. with fixed composition

8.2. with guest cast

8.3. with a specific list for the meeting

8.4. combined

9. On the subject of questions:

9.1 administrative

9.2 technical

9.3 personnel

9.4 financial

9.5 technological

10. By task:

10.1 problematic

10.2 instructive

10.3 operational

11. By purpose:

11.1 making decisions

11.2 clarifying tasks

11.3 summary

One of the main tasks of the leader of a business meeting is to attract as many facts as possible in order to more fully assess the complexity of the problem being discussed, as well as to involve those present in the process of solving the problem. Of course, the presenter must have his own point of view on the current situation, but it is also necessary to know the point of view of others in order to understand whether they are right or wrong in their understanding of the problem. If someone else's point of view is correct, the meeting leader may change his or her view of the situation. If colleagues are wrong or are missing something important, he can provide the missing facts. The right questions are a great tool for steering a meeting in the right direction.

The effectiveness of a meeting largely depends on the talent of the organizer - on his speech skills and management abilities. Often the meeting is conducted by the manager himself.

The following main tasks of business meetings are identified:

1) Find out and analyze the state of affairs (how the plan is being accomplished, what is happening in the team...); exchange information on the issue under discussion, coordinate efforts and draw organizational conclusions. These tasks correspond to the information type of meeting.

2) Inform the team about searches for solving problems, about new experience and opportunities for its implementation, and convince employees of the correctness of the ongoing economic policy. To solve these problems, an explanatory meeting or briefing meeting is intended.

3) Find a collective solution to the problem, produce, collect ideas. This type of meeting is problem-based, or brainstorming.

4) Select and accept Constructive decisions. This is the task of the meeting - the decision-maker.

5) Give to participants necessary knowledge, improve their skills. This type is called a conference, or training meeting.

If a manager is interested in constant contact with the team, he organizes regular meetings. Depending on the frequency of holding meetings, they can also be one-time or periodic.

If one of the meeting participants feels an irresistible urge to argue, the leader should, while maintaining equanimity, allow the group to refute the arguer's statements. Overly talkative disputants must be tactfully interrupted without listening to their speech to the end; as a rule, there is little benefit from such speeches. If you have to deal with a negativist (that is, a person who likes to contradict), you need to recognize and appreciate his knowledge and experience. Shy participants are encouraged to ask simple questions to strengthen their confidence in their abilities. If a disputant continually asks questions instead of making suggestions, his questions should be addressed to the group.

For a business meeting to be fruitful, the chairperson must master the technique of conducting discussions. First of all, we must strive to conduct a group discussion in a civilized manner. This presupposes the presence of delicacy in the relations of the disputants and, therefore, excludes the use of such means of arguing one’s point of view as ridicule, interrupting opponents, and sharp attacks against them. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the business dispute between the participants is definite and has time boundaries, as well as to avoid personal clashes. The terminology of the dispute should be clear to everyone present.

When preparing for a discussion, you should draw up at least the most general plan for the struggle for the truth, and select the most weighty arguments. Particularly impressive are the accurate digital data, which cannot be refuted.

In practice, there is a widespread division of meetings according to their tasks and goals. Hence, problematic, instructive and operational meetings are distinguished Personal management: Textbook / S.D. Reznik and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 622 pp..

The purpose of the problem meeting is to find the best management decision on the issue under discussion. Decisions at such a meeting are usually formulated as a result of discussion and adopted after voting. Such a meeting is held according to the following scheme: reports; questions for the speakers; discussion; development of a solution.

The purpose of the instructional meeting is to transmit orders and necessary information from top to bottom along the management scheme for their faster and more efficient implementation. At such a meeting, the manager brings to the attention of those gathered the administrative decisions made.

Operational meetings are the so-called planning meetings, meetings, five-minute meetings. They are not lingering. The purpose of such meetings is to obtain information from the manager about the current state of affairs in production. In contrast to the instructive operational meeting, information is transferred from the bottom up through the management scheme. Having received from meeting participants operational information, the manager identifies the presence of bottlenecks, the causes of lags and failures, and here he makes the necessary decisions, gives instructions, determining the deadlines for their implementation. On operational meeting don't make reports. the main objective- identify those production problems to which the main efforts of the team should be directed.

However, the main purpose of any meeting or meeting is to reach a joint decision after collective exchange information, i.e. achieving a certain result.

Classification of meetings and conferences

Meetings and conferences can be formal or informal. In order to conduct an event successfully, it is first necessary to determine its nature.

Types of meetings can be classified according to management functions:

1. Planning meetings, at which issues of strategy and tactics of the organization’s activities, resources necessary to implement plans are discussed;

2. Meetings on labor motivation, where problems of productivity and quality, staff satisfaction, reasons for low motivation, the possibility of changing it, issues of moral and material incentives are discussed;

3. Meetings on internal organization, where the subject of discussion are issues of structuring the organization, coordinating the actions of structural units, delegation of authority, etc.;

4. Meetings to monitor the activities of employees are devoted to discussing the results of activities, achieving goals, problems of breakdowns, low productivity;

5. Meetings specific to the organization, where operational management issues are discussed in connection with the situation in the organization, innovations and the possibility of their implementation, problems of survival, competitiveness, image, style.

There is also a classification of meetings by style:

1. Autocratic meetings, in which only the leader has the right to speak and make decisions. Participants in such meetings must listen and respond to questions asked by the manager. Such meetings are held when a manager needs to inform or give instructions to his subordinates.

2. Free meetings do not have an agenda. They can be held without a chairman. Such meetings are reduced to an exchange of opinions, decisions on which are not recorded. Such a meeting is held in the form of a conversation or conversation.

3. Discussion meetings - a way to obtain decisions on any issue by generating new ideas and analyzing proposed solutions as a result of the collective work of a group of people during a meeting held on certain rules. Characteristic feature this method is the lack of criticism and evaluation of the ideas expressed.

An official event has a clearly defined status and is held in accordance with established rules. Specially invited people are always present at such a meeting. Main components of the event:

1. Agenda (list of issues to be discussed);

2. Reports (statement of the essence of the issues);

3. Speeches (discussion of agenda items);

4. Amendments (discussion of changes that are proposed to be introduced into the discussion);

5. Debate (conducting a discussion);

7. Drawing up a protocol (written statement of events);

8. Miscellaneous (discussion of issues that were not on the agenda).

People feel more at ease at informal meetings, but you should also prepare for such events. To conduct informal meetings you need:

1. List of topics for discussion;

2. Event host;

3. Protocol of agreements reached.

Unofficial events take place in a more relaxed atmosphere, but you still need to remember that only good organized meeting or the meeting produces a positive result.

Every meeting should have an agenda, which needs to be thought through in advance. An agenda helps you save time and not linger too long on secondary issues.

A well-prepared agenda consists of:

* purpose, date, time and location of the meeting;

* list of invited persons;

* list of issues discussed;

* main topic;

* miscellaneous;

* dates of the next meeting.

Businessmeeting - a form of organized, purposeful interaction of a group of interested parties through the exchange of opinions to develop and make a decision.

1. By belonging to the sphere of public life distinguished: administrative, scientific or scientific-technical, political, trade union and joint meetings.

2. By scale of attracting participants: international, republican, sectoral, regional, regional, city, district, internal.

3. By venue: local and visiting.

4. By frequency: one-time, permanent, periodic.

5. By number of participants: in a narrow composition (up to 5 people), in an expanded composition (up to 20 people), representative (more than 20 people).

6. By main task: instructive, operational (planning meetings), problem-based.

8. By distancing of participants: face-to-face and intercom (using automatic telephone exchanges that establish a connection between the manager and the meeting participants who are at their workplaces).

Management theory offers the following classification of meetings and conferences according to their purpose:

informational interview. Each participant briefly reports on the state of affairs to the boss, which avoids submitting written reports and allows everyone to get an idea of ​​the state of affairs in the institution;

meeting to make a decision. Coordination of the opinions of participants representing different departments is subject to

dividing the organization to make decisions on a specific problem; ■ creative meeting. Using new ideas, developing promising areas of activity. Any meeting or meeting is effective only if it is conducted in compliance with ethically oriented standards of behavior of people in the process of business communication. M. Brahim notes that in a discussion it is necessary to respect the opinions of others, even if at first glance it seems absurd.

Business meetings can involve 7-9, maximum 12 people; a large number of participants can already reduce work efficiency. The topic of discussion should be determined in advance so that participants can prepare professionally, think through their proposals, and even prepare relevant reports. The spatial arrangement of the participants in the form of a “round table” is important to enhance interaction. The leader of the meeting must first express the hope that the meeting will be businesslike and constructive in nature, during the meeting follow the rules, “keeping” speakers within the framework of the topic under discussion, involving “inactive” ones, stopping “talkative” ones, determining the order of speaking, asking the necessary questions , paraphrasing and summarizing interim results, giving a final comment on the meeting. It should be remembered that a business meeting involves the possibility of criticizing subject positions, and not the personal characteristics of the one who expressed it, and it is recommended to follow the rule: first note the coincidence of positions, and then discuss the differences between different positions and approaches to solving the problem, convincingly arguing the advantages and disadvantages of each alternatives. If you come under fire from criticism, it is useful to turn the attack on yourself into an attack on the problem: “I am glad that you are concerned about the same issue and are trying to find the best solution...”. The main thing is not to win the argument, but to move forward in solving the problem. It is important to treat your position not as the only possible and only correct one, but to be able to understand and even accept a different opinion, to be permeable to a different opinion. In order to remove the passivity of participants, the following can be used: 1) statements in a circle or 2) the brainstorming method. Conflicts of opinion can take two forms: competitive or coope-cooperative and cooperative. In order to reduce hostility in the competition of opinions, conciliation commissions or groups can be created, including participants with opposing views, who must determine the points on which their opinions converge, find points in someone else’s position that they like or may be useful for an optimal solution to the problem.

Business meetings are often directive in nature, when the leader from the “Parent” position indicates his opinion as the only solution to the problem and the rest of the participants from the “Child” position accept this decision for execution. Most effective business meetings, which are collegial in nature, equal interaction from the position of “Adult - Adult”. However, there are also manipulations when outwardly the interaction is carried out as “Adult - Adult”, but in fact “Parent - Child”, i.e. the leader seems to be asking everyone to speak out, even the silent ones, but after everyone has spoken, the leader, paraphrasing everyone, places the necessary emphasis and, as a result, makes the decision he needs, obliging the participants to implement this decision virtually from the position of the “Child.”