Open a cosmetology center. Your own cosmetics business from scratch

Cosmetology, unlike, always requires expenses from clients. It is worth noting that the services provided by cosmetology parlors have always been popular, but currently one can see a steady trend of increasing demand for them, because not very good environmental conditions in megacities have an extremely negative impact on the appearance of women, and the services of cosmetologists make it possible to slow down and hide the process aging. It is noteworthy that in last years Men who also want to look good also become regular customers. Taking these trends into account, it can be argued that the discovery of one’s own cosmetology salon is, although highly specialized, quite a promising type of business.

Today you can open a cosmetology salon ‘from scratch’, as a franchise, or purchase one already ready business. When purchasing a ready-made beauty salon, you must carefully study all the documentation, reputation among clients, as well as the presence of debts. Starting a cosmetology business as a franchise can be recommended for those who do not want to devote too much time to development marketing strategy, market promotion and supply Supplies. A significant disadvantage in this case is the complete dependence on pricing policy and goods of the franchise seller. Third option will do entrepreneurs who want to gradually occupy their niche in the cosmetology services market and work specifically for their reputation.

Form of business

To open your own cosmetology salon, it is enough to have the status individual entrepreneur, the status of an LLC is quite popular in this area, and a little less often a closed joint stock company. The last two options are suitable for businessmen planning to expand and also provide such surgical cosmetology services.


From the right choice premises for a cosmetology salon directly depends on its profitability. The most profitable places are considered to be residential areas of megacities. The following office locations can be noted as working options:

  • First floors of residential buildings;
  • Squares nearby mini-markets;
  • Premises in shopping centers;
  • Premises located close to and, provided that similar services are not already provided there.

The area of ​​the beauty salon must be at least 60 square meters. m., and one workplace should occupy at least 8 square meters. m. This is exactly the area that is enough to accommodate all the necessary equipment. It is best to open a cosmetology salon with five jobs, since if there are fewer of them, a queue may form among clients, which will adversely affect the reputation of the salon. In addition to workplaces, for the normal functioning of the office it is necessary to organize:

  1. Wardrobe;
  2. Utility room;
  3. Waiting room;
  4. Toilet room;

After signing a lease agreement, the premises need to be renovated, and the materials used should have light, soothing colors, which will allow visitors to relax and tune in to the desired mood. It is worth noting that each workplace must be equipped with a good light source, otherwise the specialist will not be able to provide high-quality services.

Costs and payback

Monthly expenses include the following:

  1. Rent of premises - about 60 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of consumables - 10 thousand rubles;
  3. Advertising - 5 thousand rubles;
  4. Security - 5 thousand rubles.

Total budget fixed costs is about 80 thousand rubles.

Directly for launching a cosmetology business, the initial cost is about 1.1 million rubles, which will be distributed as follows:

  • 2 sets of equipment for the provision of cosmetology services for the body - 300 thousand rubles;
  • 3 sets of equipment for the provision of cosmetic services for the face - 600 thousand rubles;
  • Furniture for the premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Carrying out repairs - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.

Payment for specialists today most often represents a certain percentage of the revenue they bring in, in particular:

  • Pedicure and manicure specialists - 35%;
  • Cosmetologists - 10-30%;
  • Massage therapists - 25%.

According to statistics, the monthly profit of a cosmetology salon with five jobs after deduction fixed costs, wages and taxes is about 90 thousand rubles. Taking into account the fact that the beauty salon will hardly pay for itself in the first six months, the estimated return on the initial investment will be about 2 years.

There is a little trick when opening a beauty salon.

Everyone knows, and if anyone doesn’t know, they will now find out that the first peak of customer flow occurs in the spring, when people take off their hats, and the second peak on September 1 (give or take a week), when people come from the sea.

Option 1 is fast.

If you manage to do everything over the summer, then your costs will begin to “recoup” in the fall.

Option 2 is lazy.

If you don’t have time, you can acquire more clients by spring.

When starting a cosmetics business from scratch, forget about what “profitability” is, at least in the first weeks of work. When setting the cost of services, you will have to take into account the prices of competitors, so to attract clients you will have to work even at a loss.

Payback period for beauty salons is from three to five years

Beauty salon

It differs from a beauty salon only in the smaller range of services offered

1. To open an office – $10-15 thousand,

2. to start a salon - $60-80 thousand,

3. clinic – more than $250 thousand.

Are we talking about a beauty salon?

2) We reduce the cost of equipment, namely, we buy domestic tables for manicure and pedicure. They are cheaper than foreign ones.

For comparison: a German manicure table costs $1.6 thousand, a little mermaid costs from $120 to $200.

Teach?.. Or will he die ignorant?

You can save on chairs, but you cannot save on staff. Especially in terms of improving his qualifications.

Specialists with medical education are now being retrained as cosmetologists at the same pace as in 1941, medical students were retrained as military field surgeons.

Basic training– from $300 to $1000.

Retraining and advanced training - training in hardware cosmetology, and all other tricks - requires additional costs.

You or your master can pay for the training. If you pay, then do not forget to conclude an agreement under which he undertakes to work for you, as “assigned,” for at least one year.

-And pay? -To whom how much?

So, 1) Cosmetologists can receive from 10% to 30% of the daily revenue they bring in,

2) manicurists - 20-30%,

3) pedicurists - 30-40%,

4) massage therapist - 20%.

It is best to open a salon with five workplaces.

The most common services:

a) care facial skin,

b) body care,

c) manicure,

d) pedicure,

d) hairdressing services.

If you are not a beauty salon, but a hairdresser with a beauty salon component, then for you it’s the other way around. First - hairdressing services and at the end - facial skin care.

And further…

Equipment costs – $3-4 thousand.

$0.7-1 thousand for the purchase of consumables,

Rent is about $150-200 per month.

Let's clarify...

Salon for wealthy clients. Initial costs – at least $60-80 thousand.

They consist of:

rental in the city center (per month for 1 m - from $10),

stylish renovation (from $100 per 1 sq. m),

Equipment from famous German brands - Italian ones - break down, keep in mind. ($40-50 thousand without laser). A laser system for removing pigmented lesions costs $54 thousand.

cosmetical tools expensive brands, an entire line worth $4-5 thousand at once.

Arrangement of a manicure and pedicure room – $5 thousand.

massage room and administrative hall - $1.5-2 thousand.

middle class,

rent in the bedroom sector for 1 sq.m – $5 per month. That is, for 60 sq. m monthly $300,

repairs – $1.5-2 thousand,

Polish or Taiwanese assembled equipment

for a beauty salon - $2-4 thousand,

for a manicure/pedicure salon - $2 thousand,

for a massage room - $300).

But the main thing you always need to remember is that a beauty salon is opened “under the guidance of a master with golden hands,” like a restaurant under a chef. And therefore, if you do not have connections in the world of cosmetology, then it is better not to take risks. It’s just that people who don’t respect themselves go to unfamiliar salons only for eyebrow correction.

Cosmetic services have always enjoyed considerable popularity among the population. major cities. Now this t The trend continues to develop, because the ecology of the metropolis leaves much to be desired.

For many people, visiting a cosmetologist has already become a habit, and every year the number of male clients in such salons is increasing, which indicates the demand for the services of beauty salons. So why should those who want to start new business not consider this type of activity as an additional, and perhaps the main type of income? Let's try to figure out how to open a beauty salon.

Let's get started

So, first you need to understand how you see your business. Will it be a small office offering just a few services, or a large business that involves a large number of specialists? Depending on this, it is necessary to calculate costs.

How to open a beauty salon and where to start? The first thing you need to pay attention to is the premises where all services will be provided. It is worth choosing a place in the city where people are constantly “circling”. It is desirable that this be a residential area. Not a bad option is the first floor of a residential building not far from a medical or entertainment center, market, sauna, etc. Sometimes it will be very useful to equip your cosmetology office not far from a beauty salon.


It is allowed to hire only persons who have a secondary or higher education medical education or, as a last resort, a certificate of completion of cosmetology courses. Each employee must have a medical examination certificate (or better yet, a medical book). It must be done once a year.

Next, before opening a cosmetology office, it is necessary to establish strict rules for the staff: each employee must be dressed in a white coat and have their hair tucked under a headscarf or cap. Special requirements are presented to the masseuse - she needs to cut her nails short so as not to injure the client, it is forbidden to wear dresses with narrow sleeves (they must be wrapped freely), all rings and other jewelry must be removed from the hands.

How to find good specialists?

The most the best option is luring professionals from long-established beauty salons. This is very convenient, but far from safe. For example, after working for you for a couple of months and having scouted out all your “tricks”, an employee can simply run away to the previous owner and pass on all the information to him.

Also, before opening a beauty salon, you can advertise in the newspaper about a vacant vacancy for a cosmetologist (or other employee). If desired, organize something like a competition for a place. If you understand little about cosmetology and don’t even know how to choose a professional, then you can invite a specialist from a popular salon to act as an expert (provided that his owner allows him to do this).

If you have the financial opportunity, you can send specialists to advanced training courses. Although in some cases, masters pay for their training themselves or pay off their debt by working hard.

Or maybe it's better to buy?

There are several options that are possible when running a cosmetology business. The first is to open it from scratch. This is quite suitable for those who do not like to correct other people's mistakes and are used to doing everything themselves. In this case, you will occupy your niche in the cosmetology business gradually, gaining your own reputation, and not using someone else’s.

If you don’t have time for this, then you can purchase a ready-made business. But it’s worth considering that when buying a cosmetics business, you need to carefully review all the documents, make sure there are no debts and study the salon’s reputation with clients.

Well, the third option - entrepreneurial activity by franchise. In other words, you take a ready-made business of a company and run it under its own brand according to the scheme it has developed. This option is suitable for those who do not want to delve into the details of promoting their brand on the market and devote time to a marketing strategy. But there is also a drawback here - the complete dependence of the quantity and quality of goods and prices on the franchise seller.

Project payback

Before opening a beauty salon, you need to calculate its profitability. To start a business in this area, 400,000-500,000 rubles will be enough. But even with such costs, you should not expect instant profits. When you set prices for services provided in your office, pay attention not only to the amount of money invested in the project, but also to the prices of competitors. It is possible that for the first few months you will have to work even at a loss.

Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about the payback period of a business. On average, with constant investments in business development, this will take from 2 to 5 years.

Services that a cosmetology office can offer

Experienced specialists already advise opening your own business in this direction with the condition that the salon will have at least 5 jobs, with different directions. For example, the most common services include:

  • facial skin care;
  • body care;
  • hair removal;
  • massage;
  • hairdressing services;
  • manicure and pedicure.

Some of these types of services can be combined depending on the busyness of the craftsmen. In this case, attracting clients with some kind of “zest” can be considered a guarantee of success. You can, for example, purchase equipment for laser hair removal.

What do you need to open a cosmetology salon?

We have already talked about where it is best to locate your mini-salon. Now let's get on topic necessary equipment and tools.

So, a small list of equipment needed to open a cosmetology business:

  • dressing table with mirror, cabinets and special screw chair;
  • there must be a separate table for performing steam procedures;
  • special cosmetic linen - napkins, sheets, aprons, towels, bathrobes, hats, scarves, etc.;
  • a massage table;
  • special equipment: iron, hair dryer, curling iron, steam bath, sterilizer, etc.;
  • various trays, jars with lids, bottles, containers, etc.;
  • tools: probes, eyelash tweezers or with a clamp, eyelash curlers, scissors, spoons and special needles for cleaning the skin, etc.

All equipment for a beauty salon must be constantly disinfected, and instruments used in procedures must be sterilized after each use.

If speak about necessary documents, which will be needed when opening a cosmetology salon, then their approximate list is as follows:

  • registration documents and certificates for equipment;
  • diplomas confirming that specialists have the necessary education;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • documents confirming the approval of the opening of the office by the fire department and the SES;
  • an agreement for periodic maintenance of medical devices and devices concluded with relevant companies.

Once you have all the above papers in your hands, you will be given the main document, without which you simply will not be able to open a cosmetology salon - a license.

Price issue

Before opening a beauty salon, you need to carefully calculate all the upcoming costs. On average they look like this:

  • Renting premises will require from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles per month, depending on the location.
  • To purchase cosmetics (and it is advisable to choose one line) you will have to fork out from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. As they say knowledgeable people, you certainly can’t save money on this.
  • To purchase equipment you need about 100,000-20,000 rubles. This amount does not include laser devices. With them it will be from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Setting up a manicure and pedicure room will cost at least 150,000 rubles.
  • Don't forget about high-quality repairs, which visitors look at first. You can spend endlessly on it, but, on average, it will “take away” from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles per square meter from you.
  • The administrator's room and massage room will cost you about 50,000-70,000 rubles.

But keep in mind that a lot depends on the income level of people your beauty salon will be designed for. The business plan given above is more suitable for more expensive salons.

And further

If your priority is middle-class clients, then you can save some money here. For example, you can choose a place to set up your beauty salon in a residential and not very noisy area. Renting such a room will not cost too much - from 250 to 400 rubles per square meter.

You can purchase equipment from a not very expensive manufacturer - Taiwanese or Polish assembly. So, for example, you will have to spend about 70,000-80,000 rubles on a pedicure and manicure room, and no more than 20,000 rubles on a massage room. By the way, when purchasing equipment and tools for your beauty salon, you can pay attention not only to foreign manufacturers, but also to our domestic ones. As practice shows, they are practically inferior in quality.