Do-it-yourself ebbs on the roof are square. Galvanized steel ebbs: do-it-yourself manufacturing, installation and repair of gutters

All types of roofs need water drainage, it is used to protect the roof and facade from leaks and moisture penetration. The accumulation of water can destroy the roof and walls of the house. In winter, fragments of frozen snow can fall on a person, so that this does not happen, it is better to install an ebb for the roof, it drains water well from the roof and will not allow moisture to stagnate.

The tide is made in the form of a semicircular gutter with an outgoing drain pipe. Water from the roofs enters the gutter and then exits the pipe to the place of your choice. It is made so that water always gets into the pipe, and does not pour out onto the ground or the walls of the house. They make special ebbs with a drain not through a drain, but to a specially equipped platform.

Low tides are installed on the outside of windows, loggias, balconies and are used to drain water, and they are also used to protect the lower plane of windows from water and wind. The tide looks very aesthetically pleasing when installed in the window opening of the facade of the building. They are used for various buildings in which there is a roof and windows so that there is no accumulation of moisture and collapse of the walls.

Price, advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, materials for installing roof tides can be purchased at a builder's store or a bazaar. The price of the sills depends on the material from which the sill was made, what kind of production, the manufacturer, additional fasteners, the size of the gutter, the supplier.

Approximate price, per meter of ebb: from zinc - from one hundred rubles, from polyester - from two hundred and forty rubles, aluminum tide - from three hundred rubles, plastic - from two hundred rubles.

Ebbs made of galvanized steel are very economical and are of good quality. A bit noisy as they can amplify the sound of the rain falling. Cast aluminum - light weight, high quality, easy to use. With the help of a slippery surface, they can keep their beautiful appearance for a very long time.

- have a protective coating, through which the sheets are strong and durable. High price.

Plastic ebbs– Silent, lightweight, easy to install. Installation does not require special skills.


Installation of roofs is used on structures that do not have a constant exit of people to the roof or the presence of large and heavy objects on it.

Roof structure- this is the creation of a rigid base or a special screed on top of the waterproofing layer. This method is needed in order to increase the strength of the structure and evenly distribute the load on it. The positive side of the roof is that it is not necessary to install a hard base installation on top of the waterproofing.

In this case, use a soft insulation. Roofs of this type are best used when there is no need to maintain the structure, because there will be no load on the top of the roof. In the case when roof care is needed, special walkways or ladders are used, with the help of which the load on the surface is equally placed.

Roof tides are made of galvanized sheet steel, the thickness of which is not more than one millimeter.

When such ebbs are made, they are additionally covered with pural, polyester, plastisol. This coating dampens the sound of raindrops, because the surface, made of uncoated steel, further amplifies the sound.


There are a couple of types of ebbs, they differ from one another in material, shape, size.

There are four types of roof drainage systems:

  1. With galvanized steel.
  2. From aluminium.
  3. With oxidized copper.
  4. With plastic or polymers.

Each of these ebbs has its own properties, which display a large role in use.

Outflows from zinc steel

Very economical and strong. They are a bit noisy because they can amplify the sounds of the rain falling. To get rid of this shortcoming, try using a coating with a polyester backing.


Lightweight, durable, easy to install. Due to their surface, they can maintain their appearance during the entire use. To prevent corrosion, treat it with a special solution. Thickness is approximately 0.8-1 mm. Additional protection occurs during coating with a professional solution on both sides, this is done in order to prevent corrosion and improve the appearance of the tide.


They have a durable protective coating. Through this, ebbs can be praised for their strength, durability, and aesthetics. The worst feature is the high cost. They are coated in the form of brass or oxidation. The appearance of these ebbs can be distinguished by their durability, high quality and good aesthetic appearance. For these pluses, the cost of low tides is a little more expensive than other low tides.

Made of plastic or polymer

Durable, silent, lightweight, inexpensive, easy to install. Installation does not require special training, you can install it yourself. A very diverse number of colors, thanks to this you can choose the right ebb. One of the bad qualities is that they do not withstand severe frosts. Polymer flashings can be praised for their high strength, light weight, UV-resistant, silent, high usage lines, non-degradable.

Do-it-yourself installation

For work you will need: a pencil or pen, take a tape measure and a square, you also need metal scissors, and a drill with nozzles. Grab the tide, side plugs, a dozen self-tapping screws, mounting foam, stepladder, file, hammer, some sealant. And do not forget a good mood - this is very important at work. Be careful and careful when installing.

To install the ebb, it is necessary to observe the desired slope of the gutter so that there is a correct flow of water. The inclination of the gutter should be approximately 3 mm per 1 m.

Pull the cord for the correct slope of the ebb, install fasteners along it. Place the rubber seal in the middle of the ebb and bracket, for better protection and good fastening. Install waterproofing and vapor barrier before installation of the tide.

You can hook the fasteners to the wall. After the ebb is installed, check if everything is correct. Fill the upper part of the tide with plenty of water and check how it drains so that when it rains heavily, water does not flow out of the gutter onto the walls of the building.

It is very important and necessary to install modern drainage systems for different buildings. When choosing and preparing for installation, pay attention to the location of the building, the strength of the coating, and the design of the roof.

Installation of the ebb can be carried out at any time of the year. If you do not install the drainage system correctly, it will not function properly. If you are confident in your abilities and capabilities, then try to install it yourself, and if not, then leave this matter to professionals in their field.

Now all the firms that sell construction equipment have made it easier for buyers, by the fact that everything is sold in complete sets, there is no need to waste time walking around and picking up the part you are missing. Choose carefully the future design, its further work depends on your choice.

Before starting work, check the condition of the roof. After you have installed the gutter system, you need to clean the gutters with high quality, and also conduct an inspection at least once a year. Ebbs are best attached to the wall with special brackets. Do not forget about safety - stand carefully on the stairs, do not cross it. Before work, check the condition of the ladder on which you will work.

When snow melts and during rain, water flows flowing down from the roof can damage both it and the facade of the building, as well as lead to leaks and damage to the foundation. In order to avoid this, ebbs for the roof are installed - the necessary elements of the building. The article tells about systems for diverting water into the drainage system, types of drainage systems and their features. After studying the information, you can choose the best option for each specific case.

Why is the tide needed?

The device of low tides on the roof has several goals:

    gain roof stiffness;

    promotion resistance to temperature extremes, the effects of precipitation;

    aesthetic attractiveness;

    protection walls from getting a lot of water;

    additional roof protection;

    closing joints between materials.

The organization of a drainage system is not difficult if it is carried out in accordance with the requirements for installation and material selection. Currently, there is simply a huge range of systems that allows you to assemble a kit in accordance with your requirements for color and other characteristics.

5 basic requirements for a water drainage system

Before choosing one of the types of ebbs, you need to make sure that it meets the following important requirements:

    aesthetic attractiveness and compliance with the style of the building;

    anti-corrosion coating;

    stamina to deformation;

    high strength;


The ebb for the roof must be durable and functional

Drainage systems belong to two main groups: metal and plastic. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Production material: advantages and disadvantages of each

Rain tides under the roof can be:






Roof drains can be made from a variety of materials.

In rare cases, stone or ceramic castings may be made. Their low demand is associated with the complexity of production and a very high price. There are also drainage structures made of complex alloys, which usually have a higher cost.

For your information! Metal structures during rain are much noisier than plastic ones. Sometimes their surface is pre-treated with polymers for better sound damping.

Galvanized structures

Alloy steel has a thickness of about 1mm and is considered a good option for making a drainage system. Affordable price is combined with the strength of products and their resistance to corrosion.

A feature of the installation of such structures is the increased reliability of fasteners due to the fact that the metal has an impressive weight. It is important not to damage the coating, as this will begin the process of oxidation as a result of contact with moisture, which will lead to the destruction of the metal.

copper structures

This material is one of the most expensive in the manufacture of ebbs, but at the same time durable. Not every type of copper is resistant to corrosion processes, but only oxidized and brass-plated.

The copper tide is also heavy, so it requires a very secure fastening. The disadvantage of using this material is its high price.

Aluminum structures

Aluminum is a lightweight material with a thickness of up to 1 mm, it is quite easy to install. It is lightweight, but it is prone to oxidation when in contact with water.

Advice! To prevent the destruction of the structure, the surface of the gutters must be covered with a special protective compound.

Titanium-zinc structures

It is a durable, expensive and very durable material. It has a long service life. The zinc content in such an alloy exceeds 99%. It is a plastic material with good anti-corrosion performance.

The service life of such a system is more than 100 years. Among the advantages - a presentable appearance and environmental friendliness, no need for additional painting or other processing. Minus - high price.

Plastic structures

Plastic roof drains are considered the most popular. They are quickly mounted, have light weight, affordable price and good strength. At the same time, they do not fade and can serve for a long time. A large selection of colors and models allows you to choose the gutters in a suitable design. The disadvantage of plastic is brittleness at low temperatures.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services roof design and repair. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Choice of gutter shape

Gutters through which water flows can be:




It is in the gutters that water from the roof surface enters, which is then diverted in the right direction. Without them installed, drainage will not flow in an orderly manner, and water can cause damage to the home.

The shape of the gutter plays not only an aesthetic role. It depends on how well the water will pass.

Advice! Experienced craftsmen consider the rounded shape to be more functional. It is less likely to become clogged as a result of debris, dry leaves and dust. Therefore, it is less likely to have to be cleaned.


Vertical downspouts drain water from tides. Usually they are installed on the house after 5 or 6 meters from each other. The material of their manufacture and color must match the ebb under the roof. If the house has a complex structure and shape, then installation of downpipes is necessary even more dense - at least on each corner of the building.

Water flows through the drainpipe under great pressure. To compensate for the pressure, a bottom drain is made in the shape of a knee.

For your information! The distance from the knee of the lower drain to the ground should be no more than 0.5 meters.

It is important to choose the right location for the drain pipe. The water that will drain through it should not melt the foundation or flood the pedestrian part of the sidewalk. The best option for water drainage will be a storm sewer, a specially made recess in the sidewalk for drainage.

Sometimes, to collect rainwater, a drain is organized in a barrel or tank. In this case, its volume should be taken into account in advance and the fact that the container will have to be emptied periodically.

How tides are installed

The tides are fastened to the rafters. In the absence of an overhang, the ebb must be fixed on a cornice board or wall.

Installation of roof tides is carried out in a certain sequences:

    To determine the position of the ebb pull the cord under the roof taking into account the future slope towards the drain pipe (approximately 2 cm).

    During installation markup begins with the installation of a funnel. Water from the gutter should drain to the edge of the funnel, and then fall into the downpipe.

    The gutters must be higher than the beginning of the vertical pipe.

    Installed every half meter brackets.

    At severe drainage structures (made of copper or steel), the installation sites of the brackets are additionally strengthened.

    Separate elements of the gutters are installed in brackets and connect between themselves.

    Joints can be processed sealant.

    Installation is completed checking system functionality.

What to look for when buying and installing

Even with the choice of good material, poor-quality installation can ruin everything.

In order for roof drains to serve for many years, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

    Gutter size must match the area of ​​the roof slope. The larger it is, the larger the diameter of the gutter should be. Otherwise, the design may not be able to cope with the removal of water during heavy rain or intense snowmelt.

    Fittings and all materials for fasteners must correspond designs in size and material.

    When ordering ebbs, you must add to the desired length 15% margin or slightly less for mounting joints.

    Drip (drip) will prevent splashing. It starts up under the roof, and its bottom enters the gutter.

    Every slope usually supplied with two drainage pipes.

    Necessary sufficient the number of downpipes providing complete drainage of water.

    The tides should be away from the edge of the roof a few centimeters. Otherwise, they may be damaged when the snow melts.

    tide color in most cases, it is selected to match the color of the roof or building. The approach to external design depends on whether this element should serve as a decorative element or whether it should be practically invisible.

Video description

From the video you can learn the details of the installation of the drainage system

Installation of roof drainage systems allows you to protect the building from the adverse effects of precipitation. Installation of the structure must be carried out carefully, in compliance with all technological requirements and using the necessary tools for this.

An integral element of the system of protection of any house from waterlogging are low tides. Experts recommend installing them to protect the walls and foundation of the house from dampness and mold. If you do not provide adequate protection, the walls may lose their thermal insulation properties, while the building will gradually lose its aesthetic appearance and collapse. From the point of view of places of protection, basement, window and roofing ebbs are distinguished.

In the article we will tell you how to make roof ebbs with your own hands from various materials (galvanized, plastic pipes, stainless steel), consider the process of installing ebbs, and also give photo and video instructions.


  1. High strength, resistance to mechanical deformations and heavy loads.
  2. Durability - due to resistance to corrosion, temperature extremes and precipitation.
  3. Attractive appearance.


Due to the constant impact of adverse environmental factors (precipitation, temperature changes, sun, wind), the right choice of material for ebbs is extremely important.

Modern ebbs are made from different materials.

Galvanized steel. For the manufacture of ebbs, steel is used in sheets up to 1 mm thick. Polyester, pural or plastisol coating is used for additional protection against corrosion and aesthetics of the structure.

Aluminum. The thickness of the original sheets is 0.8-1 mm. To protect against corrosion, a special multi-colored varnish is used, which also improves the appearance of ebbs.

Copper. It can be used both without processing, and with oxidation or brassing. It is considered the most beautiful, high-quality and durable material for the manufacture of ebbs. It has a significant disadvantage - a high price.

Polymers. Due to low cost, increased strength, noiselessness, UV resistance and durability, polyester and plastisol have become widely used in the manufacture of ebbs. Due to its light weight and ease of installation, it is quite possible to mount roof tides.

System Composition

The drainage system consists of several elements.

Gutters. Designed to collect water flowing from the roof slopes.

Funnels. They are used to receive water from the gutters and further direct it into the pipes.

Pipes. Are applied to transportation of water to special water receivers.

Various twists. They are used to bring pipes closer to the walls of the building, provide the ability to bypass obstacles and prevent water splashes from entering the basement of the building by installing them at the bottom of the pipes.

Stubs. Designed to limit water runoff. They are mounted at the ends of gutters.

Fasteners. Special brackets are used to fix the gutters. To fix the pipes, clamps of the required sizes are used.

Calculation of the amount of materials

The number of gutters corresponds to the length of the roof slopes.

The number of drain funnels is determined based on the length of the slopes. Usually one funnel is installed per 10 linear meters of a ramp. For larger roof lengths, multiple drain points must be provided.

The number of pipes (total length) is calculated based on the number of drain points, the distance from the installation sites of the funnels to the ground, taking into account the characteristics of the facade.

The calculation of the number of turns is made based on the features of the facade of the building and the drain points.

The number of brackets is determined based on the calculation: at least one bracket per linear meter of the installed gutter.

The number of clamps used to fasten pipes depends on the number and length of pipes (at least 2 for each pipe). In addition, each section of the pipe must be fixed at least in one place with a special clamp.

Installation of ebbs

Modern outdoor drains, in fact, are a constructor that should be properly assembled. The tightness of the connections is provided by the manufacturer. The presence of an assembly drawing describing the principle of assembly of the structure will greatly facilitate the installation process.

When installing the gutters of the drainage system, it is necessary to follow the basic principle - the principle of the presence of slopes and the tightness of the joints. To ensure a fast runoff, it is required to provide a slope of 2-3 °. Visually, such a bias is not noticeable and does not spoil the appearance. If desired, the slope can be increased to 5 °, but in this case it will become noticeable and the view of the building may be spoiled.

The individual parts of the gutters should be assembled in the direction of water flow. For additional sealing of joints, sealant can be used.

When assembling pipes, it is enough to ensure the tightness of the joints.

When installing the drainage system, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for mounting methods. You also need to be careful, because the work is carried out at height.

Proper use of low tides will protect your home from the negative effects of precipitation, decorate it, preserve the appearance of the building for a long time and significantly extend its service life.


Learn how to install roof tides by watching the following video:

Installation instructions low tides

Drains are designed for protection from adverse weather conditions. Ebb tides allow water and snow to flow down to the ground and not accumulate on the ledge of a window or foundation. Ebb tides significantly extend the life of the facades.The main material for their manufacture is aluminum and galvanized sheets.

The tides are divided into

window sills

Ebb for the foundation

Ebb for fences

Listogib master manufactures ebbs of any complexity and configuration. The term of production of a product from 10 minutes.

To calculate the cost of manufacturing ebbs, contact our manager, or use

Installation instructions for window sills

The purpose of window sills is a window sill, the final element in the installation of windows, it removes water from the window, preventing it from falling onto the window ledge. Window sill must be installed immediately after installing the window, especially in the winter season, otherwise moisture will very quickly begin to destroy the window ledge.

Window sills are made on a special bending machine. Usually, thin sheets with a thickness of 0.45-0.5 mm are used. The sheet is cut to the size of the customer, then the blanks are given the necessary shape on the machine. In this article we will tell you how to properly install window sills.

For installation of ebbs you will need:

  • Screwdriver with ph2 bit
  • tinsmith's pliers
  • Metal shears
  • Self-tapping press washer 16mm

To begin with, we will prepare the window ledge, clean it from dust, cement and plaster residues. Next, measure the length of the opening and add 4 cm to the bends. Cut the workpiece to size. Next, we cut the ebb according to the principle shown in the picture. We bend the trimmed edges of the ebb with the help of tinsmith pliers. We try on the ebb in place, if nothing interferes, we proceed to the next stage of installing the ebb. Temporarily set aside the ebb. On the prepared surface of the window ledge, we apply mounting foam in a zigzag pattern from edge to edge and along the bottom. We apply the ebb, turning the back part under the window, and press it against the window profile, fix it with self-tapping screws to the window frame. It is important to maintain an angle of inclination of at least 110 degrees. After you have fixed the ebb with self-tapping screws, it must be loaded. To do this, you can use cans of water or other loads that will not damage the ebb. Ebb tides must be loaded for at least 12 hours. The ends of the ebb in contact with the walls can be additionally sealed with sanitary sealant. After installing the tide, do not forget to remove the protective film.

Video instruction for installation of window sills

Installation instructions for foundation flashings

The ebb of the basement is a bar that is used at the junction of the foundation protrusion with the wall of the building. The ebb of the basement prevents moisture from entering the joints and premature destruction of the foundation. Most often, foundation ebbs are made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating in the color of the building finish. Galvanizing of ebbs and coating them with polymer paint reliably protects the product from damage and corrosion. Due to the variety of engineering and design solutions, the foundation sills are made according to the customer's drawings in the dimensions required according to the building project plan.

For installation of ebbs you will need:

  • Screwdriver with ph2 bit
  • tinsmith's pliers
  • Metal shears
  • Low expansion foam
  • Self-tapping press washer 16mm or dowel nails

Installation of the ebb for the foundation is carried out after finishing the basement, before finishing the walls. The plinth is leveled in order to prevent bending of the ebb, it is cleaned of dust and mixture residues. To reduce noise, during rain, before installing the ebb along the entire length of the base, glue the vibration-absorbing tape psul or analogues. The ebb is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws or dowel nails. The optimal indent (protrusion) of the ebb from the edge of the base is 1-1.5 cm. When installing the ebb of the foundation, be sure to observe an angle of at least 110 degrees . The joints of the ebbs are sealed with bituminous mastic or silicone sealant. The corners are formed from a single ebb. To do this, we cut the ebb as shown in the figure (Detailed video instructions for forming the ebb angle for the foundation are given below). We bend and start one edge of the ebb on the other, seal the joint, fix it to the wall of the building. We check the angle of inclination of the ebb along the entire length of the foundation. Drainage installation completed.

Video instruction on the formation of the corner of the ebb of the foundation

Answers to frequently asked questions!

How to fix the ebb of the basement?

How to attach the basement tide to the rails?

1. Fastening of the ebb to the guides - the installation of the ebb is carried out before the cladding of the facade and is attached directly to the guides. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. It is best to use roofing screws with a rubber pad that will not allow water to flow under the fastener. In this method, it is very important to maintain a negative slope of the ebb along the entire length. The ebb must not hang in the air, make sure it rests on the foundation, to prevent webbration during wind and rumble during rain, it is highly recommended to use foam in the gap between the ebb and the plinth. Choose a foam that has the lowest degree of expansion. After applying the foam and installing the ebb, be sure to load it with a heavy object, a can of water or a bar. Be careful, make sure that the load does not fall and damage the tide or injure people passing by. If you choose siding or any other facade panels for cladding, make sure that they do not rest against the ebb shelf, it is better to leave a gap of half a centimeter, this will protect the coating from the edges of the panels and the panels themselves from moisture, condensate and ice formed on low tides.

How to fix the basement ebb to the wall?

2. Mounting the ebb to the wall - in this mounting option, a dowel-nail is used. Using a puncher, holes are made in the wall according to the calculations and dowels are inserted. The upper shelf (fixing gate) of the metal tide is fastened with nails that are driven into the dowels.

When installing the basement molding strip, it should be taken into account that each part of the structure must be fixed at least in the center and at the junction points - this ensures the reliability of fastening. The ebb must not hang in the air, make sure it rests on the foundation, to prevent webbration during wind and rumble during rain, it is highly recommended to use foam in the gap between the ebb and the plinth. Choose a foam that has the lowest degree of expansion. After applying the foam and installing the ebb, be sure to load it with a heavy object, a can of water or a bar. Be careful not to drop the load and damage the tide or injure people passing by. If you choose siding or any other facade panels for cladding, make sure that they do not rest against the ebb shelf, it is better to leave a gap of half a centimeter, this will protect the coating from the edges of the panels and the panels themselves from moisture, condensate and ice formed on low tides.

*Definition: (1) - Ebb (2) - foundation (3) - Mounting foam (4) - dowel nail (5) - wall.

How to connect ebbs to each other?

The correct connection of the two parts of the future ebb ensures the reliability of the entire structure.

Lap connection

The easiest way is to join the ebbs with an overlap (the width of the overlap must be at least 3 cm) using a sealant that is used to coat the joint. Sometimes, for additional rigidity, rivets are used at the joints. This method has an advantage over a lock connection in that the tides will not deform during temperature changes due to the sealant, which acts as a thermal seam. This method is especially relevant when covering large areas with ebbs (tribunes, flat roofs, pavilions), so it significantly reduces installation time.

Connection of ebbs rebate lock

Second way Castle connection of ebbs(folded seam) is more troublesome, but at the same time the most reliable. There are several options for seam connection of ebbs. The most common option is a single recumbent fold is done as follows:

This type of connection does not allow moisture to pass through even in the absence of sealant, which saves money during the installation of the ebb.

Connection of ebbs with a strap

This method is most often used when it is required to cover a large area with a cast, but the overlapping method is not acceptable due to the high requirements for the durability of insulating joints. The advantage of this method is that the installation speed is higher than that of the method connections of ebbs with a seam lock, and the quality and appearance are better than the method flashing lap joints and at the same time, the connecting bar acts as a thermal seam, allowing the ebbs to expand freely on a hot day and narrow on a winter night. However, the use of a plank as an additional product will increase the cost of this stage of finishing.

How to connect the ebbs at the corners?

Docking corners is the most difficult stage of work, at which many inexperienced installers were burned. To connect the ebb, you can use 4 options.

First option - connect the corner of the ebb with a strap as shown in the photo above. This connection method is prepared in production, it remains only to assemble everything together in place.

Second option - if the outer corner of the ebb is formed from two parts, in this case rivets are used.

1. Both planks are cut at an angle of 45° from the front bend towards the fastening collar. IMPORTANT - on one of the planks, an allowance of 2-3 cm is left on all shelves - an overlap will form from it;

2. Planks are installed in place, and the allowance is brought inside the joint;

3. The ebb is connected with rivets, capturing the allowance;

4. The joint is carefully coated with sealant.

Third option - joining the ebb using a standing seam seam (locking the ebb) - this method is more complicated, but much more reliable. True, its use requires special equipment and a certain skill in tinsmithing.

Fourth option- Corners are formed from one ebb as follows:

1. With the help of a corner at the ebb, a right angle is marked, the top of which rests against the fold from the side of the dropper, and the rays diverge towards the fixing gate;

2. An accurate cut is made with scissors on one side of the corner;

3. An allowance of 1-2 cm is made from the second side;

4.IMPORTANT - only the fastening gate and the middle shelf are cut, and the front bend remains intact!

5. The casting bar is gently bent, and the allowance is wound inward.

6. The joint is coated with sealant and, if necessary, additionally fastened with rivets.

We have reviewed four main options for connecting the corner of the ebb Which one to choose is up to you.

How to install a visor (low tide) on the balcony?

To begin with, we will prepare the tools necessary for installing the visor (low tide) on the balcony. We will need a puncher, a gun for mounting foam or foam with a tube, a hammer, metal scissors and a screwdriver.

  1. We mark the place of attachment of the visor (ebb) with anchors and drill holes.
  2. We apply a sealant 0.5 cm wide along the edge of the upper shelf of the ebb. Use only bitumen-based roofing sealant for these purposes.
  3. We apply the ebb to the ceiling and fix it with anchors
  4. We fix the ebb with self-tapping screws with a press washer with a rubber gasket or a roofing screw to the window frame
  5. We foam the space between the tide and the frame, with mounting foam. Use foam with a minimum expansion ratio.
  6. Balcony installation completed.

The cross-sectional shape of the roof drain affects the appearance of the house, but not the ability to drain precipitation. And the number of drains, their location and the complexity of installation depend on the design of the roof. At the same time, any drainage system solves one problem: to collect water flowing from the roof and divert it into the ground, away from the facade and foundation. If desired, the homeowner can carry out the installation of the ebb on the roof of his house. The technology of these works is simple, while it is necessary to observe the conditions for fastening and assembling structural elements.

Differences in the installation of drainage

Drainage systems are made of galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, PVC. Do-it-yourself ebb assembly scheme does not change from the type of system, but the dimensional assortment of gutters and pipes may differ. An important value depends on this parameter - the distance at which it is necessary to mount the brackets.

For example, for a plastic system, the maximum distance between holders is 600 mm. For steel - 400 mm. It is within these limits that brackets are installed, so for copper and aluminum ebbs it is advisable to take a step of 500 mm. It should be said that often the brackets are located at this distance for any drainage system.

Calculation of system components

For work, you will need the following consumables:

inner and outer corners.

If the drainage system of the roof will be located only in straight sections, the corners will not be needed. This option is suitable, for example, for a 2-pitched roof: 2 drains are located on the long sides of the roof.

The calculation is carried out as follows:

how many corners the roof has, so many corners will be needed for installation (except for straight drains);

to determine the number of gutters, the length of the roof along the eaves (perimeter) is divided by the length of the gutter (standard 3 m); the resulting figure is rounded up;

a funnel is installed every 10-15 m of the length of the gutter; the number of funnels is determined by dividing the perimeter by this figure; rounded down;

if the system is open, 2 plugs will be needed;

connectors are required to connect the gutters, their number is calculated by dividing the total length of the system by 3 (3 is the length of the gutter in meters);

by the number of funnels, it is determined how many downpipes are needed; the length of the pipe is equal to the height of the house, while pipes are sold in segments of 3 m;

one drain needs one elbow and 2 pipe elbows.

Important: the system must have a slope towards the downpipe. It is 3 mm per linear meter. To control this parameter, use the building level.

Stage 1: fixing the brackets

Begin the installation of drainage systems with mounting brackets. The element is brought under the cornice strip and attached to the batten board with self-tapping screws. As the system advances, the holders can be fixed to the rafter legs and the frontal board.

The first bracket is screwed to the place furthest from the downpipe. Then the last holder is attached, at the place where the pipe is attached. After that, intermediate brackets are installed.

The location of each of them is best marked in advance by pulling the cord between the first and last holders (taking into account the slope of 3 mm each meter). In this way, you can make the ebb on the roof as high as possible, as experts do. The correct slope will ensure the flow of precipitation in the required volume.

Stage 2: joining the gutters

A gutter connector is attached between each pair of holders. It is recommended to lubricate its rubber seals so that there are no difficulties during installation. Each gutter will connect to the other inside the connector.

Stage 3: exit into the funnel

In the cavity of the gutter (in its bottom), a hole for the outlet funnel is sawn out. You can make it yourself with a hacksaw. The assembled section is mounted on brackets. Here it is important to observe the temperature marks that the roof drainage system of almost any manufacturer has. The edge of the gutter should reach the mark corresponding to the air temperature.

Stage 4: fixing the corners

Each corner, internal or external, is first attached at one end to the gutter. After installing the resulting pipe with a corner on the holders, the 2nd gutter is brought to the corner (on the other side). The corner, like all components of the system, is fixed to the beams (boards) of the roof with self-tapping screws. You should know how to provide roof tides with good tightness. To do this, all joints are treated with sealant.

Stage 5: installation of downpipes

After installation of the suspension system, vertical drains are installed. Pipes are attached to the front wall of the house with clamps. The standard distance between the clamps is 1 m. The maximum allowable is 1.8 m.

Connectors are installed at the junction of two drainage pipes. The direction of the pipe is set using an elbow. This knee brings her closer to the wall of the house when the pipe joins the funnel with its upper end.

Clamps are always installed on 2 sides of the knee (at a distance of 150 mm). In this case, the following condition must be observed: each pipe section must be attached to the facade with at least one clamp.

Water drainage from the foundation

From the drainage pipe, precipitation should flow into the drainage system of the site. Sometimes the installation of such a system is ignored, and over time there is a threat to the integrity of the foundation. With a hidden drainage system, the pipe enters the ground, providing the entire system with a neat look, and the soil near the facade - the necessary dryness.

How to make ebbs on the roof with your own hands, installation of gutters

How to make ebbs on the roof with your own hands. Calculation of the necessary components. All stages of installation.

Roof drains: device, types and do-it-yourself installation rules

Water drainage is a vital measure during the construction of the roof, which eliminates leaks and prevents water from penetrating into the under-roof space and the facade of the building. Accumulated, it is able to destroy the roof structure and walls of the building. In winter, icing along with icicles break off and, falling, pose a threat to human life. This situation can be avoided only by eliminating the stagnation of water by organizing its removal from the roof.

Ebbs for water drainage are made with a high degree of strength, protection against rust and emphasizing the attractiveness of the structure as a whole. To make them, various materials and forms of the structure itself are used.

Different types of ebbs of water from the roof

The type of this roof structure is determined by the material used for its manufacture.

  • Ebbs, where thin up to 1 mm galvanized sheet steel is used. This material needs an additional coat of polyester compound to muffle the sound of dripping water. After all, even a small impact on a steel sheet is accompanied by an unpleasant sound.
  • Roof drains made of thin up to 1 mm aluminum sheets, on which it is desirable to apply a special coating with an anti-corrosion mixture.
  • Outflows for water drainage from sheet copper. A protective oxidized layer is applied to the sheets. Such ebbs are durable, strong, safe and decorative, but also expensive.
  • The use of polymers or plastic in the production of drainage. Such designs are quite solid and have ease and noiselessness of action.

Drains made of plastic

Plastic roof tides are different from other structures due to their low cost and easy installation. They can be easily installed by the homeowner himself, who does not have special skills. However, they have a rather significant drawback - a low level of frost resistance. Ice formations in plastic pipes can lead to their rupture.

The ebbs can be made in various colors, the choice of colors is made by the homeowner himself to his taste. However, it is recommended that the shade of the tides and the color of the roofing carpet or walls be combined. This will give the whole building more decorative effect.

How to make do-it-yourself drainage

Plastic, galvanized steel sheets and aluminum are considered the easiest to work with. In this regard, you can not invite professional workers, since you can easily and much cheaper make drainage with your own hands.

The simplest way is to cut a metal thin-walled pipe with an approximate section of 150 mm along its length. Thus, two gutters for the catchment are obtained.

Following the recommendations of specialists, both received parts are covered with a special mixture or varnish of the appropriate color, which will ensure the anti-corrosion resistance of the material. Then the gutters are installed with fixing brackets on the catchment area.

There is another simple solution to how to make roof tides, if you use galvanized steel sheets, which are given a rectangular shape, to obtain them. You need to have the following items available:

  • steel sheet with a minimum thickness of 7 mm,
  • machine on which the metal structure will be bent.

In general, you can get by with a hammer or mallet and a piece of corner or rail, but the design will lose its decorative properties and is unlikely to become an ornament of the building.

The steel sheet is cut into strips of the desired width, and are approximately 3 m long. Then each metal strip is placed in a machine to form a fold. After they are covered with a protective compound, dried and the finished ebb is prepared for installation.

Installation rules by stages

It is necessary to prepare special brackets and fix them correctly at a distance of about 0.5 m from each other, then you can begin the installation of roof tides.

  1. It is necessary to organize a good weir, which depends on how accurately the required slope of the gutters is made. The slope of the gutters is approximately 3 mm per 1 m of the length of the outflow structure.
  2. In the installation area of ​​the ebbs, the lace is pulled while observing the inclination of the ebbs. Along it is the installation of brackets. This stage of installation should be taken carefully, since it is he who guarantees the maximum possible drainage, the absence of stagnation and will eliminate frost from low temperatures.
  3. A rubber seal is laid between the ebb and fasteners, or another soft material is used that will allow you to firmly connect both elements, protect the surface of the gutter from rust and prevent changes in the size of the structure due to temperature changes.
  4. Before installing steam, waterproofing and roofing, it is necessary to install roof tides. The battens are reinforced with boards underneath to help support the weight of the gutters. It is to its edge that the brackets are attached. When the cornice overhang is small, then reinforcement is not necessary. Then the brackets are attached directly to the wall of the building.
  5. Upon completion of the installation of ebbs, they should be checked.

Drainage attachment scheme

It is necessary to fill the upper section of the ebb with a large amount of water and observe the rate of its flow. Water should not overflow from the gutter during heavy rains and moisten the walls, otherwise their destruction will begin over time.

We carry out the calculation of the diameter of the drainage

The accuracy of drainage calculations is explained by its width and height. If they are insufficient, then it is possible for water to overflow over the edge of the gutter with a further hit on the walls. As a result, the facade begins to collapse.

For the calculation it is necessary to determine:

  • the total area of ​​the roofing carpet;
  • interval from the drainage system to the place where the gutter turns.

After that, the location of the gutter is taken into account - above the drainage system. The turns are carried out taking into account a certain gap to the drainage systems passing in the middle of the drainage system. On the slopes, the ebbs under the roof are arranged in two, the slope of which is directed in the direction of the drainage pipe. Based on the roof area, the desired gutter diameter is selected.

For example, to completely remove water from a roof with an area of ​​90 m 2, it is necessary to choose a diameter of about 8 cm. For an area of ​​​​160 m 2, the section size will be 10 cm.

In addition, the average rainfall per year in the region where the building is located is taken into account. In order to exclude frost with icicles in winter, it is better to install heating of the drainage system with specialized devices powered by electricity.

The equipment of roof tides turns around for the homeowner with a number of advantages:

  • frost with water does not act destructively on the roof and walls;
  • you can independently build a gutter structure, as a result you will get a not very high price of ebbs for the roof;
  • significantly increases the strength and safety of the roof;
  • by blocking the joints of structural parts with drainage elements, it is possible to give the building structure more decorative effect;
  • the roof structure and the structure itself are operated longer.

It doesn’t matter which ebbs are installed under the roof, the main thing is that they need to be looked after, namely, periodically clean out the dirt and debris brought by rainwater from the roof.

Particular attention to low tides must be shown in the late autumn period, because with the onset of frosty weather, the remaining water can break the tightness of the low tides.

Roof drips: do-it-yourself installation video, installation steps

"Roof drains" are roof spillways with gutters, funnels and downspouts.

Plastic drain: how to make do-it-yourself roof tides - installation steps

What are the advantages of installing plastic tides on the roof of a private house?

It is no secret that the elements of the drainage system differ not only in diameter, but also in the type of material from which they are made. Many are still make gutters and galvanized metal pipes independently. However, if we take into account the features of plastic products, then preferences can change dramatically:

  • Ease of installation work.
  • Affordable price.
  • Light weight design.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Wide range of colors.
  • No noise during rain.

Before you make ebbs on the roof with your own hands, for an objective assessment, the disadvantages of plastic material should also be added to the above. These include: the impossibility of self-production and repair of system elements. In addition, PVC gutters are only suitable for low-rise construction.

Installation features not only save time, but also money for the homeowner, because drains can be installed at the same time as the roof is being erected. Any hardware store offers numerous sets of plastic gutters of various configurations and sections. The number of elements and their parameters are to be determined at the preparatory stage.

What is the price of plastic gutters for the roof of a private house?

The cost of the current components of a plastic drainage system is available to a wide range of homeowners. Such elements are much cheaper than copper or titanium counterparts. At the same time, vinyl products are highly aesthetic and environmentally friendly. The tightness of the plasticized system practically does not suffer from temperature changes, because the connection of the elements is equipped with a rubber seal.

It must be admitted that for high-quality plastic roof tides and the price is appropriate. Below is the cost of products of some manufacturers popular among developers:

  • Gutter 3 meters Docke - from 437 rubles.
  • Pipe 3 meters Docke - from 529 rubles.
  • Docke gutter funnel - 275 rubles.
  • Gutter 4 meters Nicoll - from 840 rubles.
  • Pipe 4 meters Nicoll - from 1120 rubles.
  • Gutter funnel Nicoll - from 597 rubles.
  • Gutter 4 meters Roofart - from 787 rubles.
  • Pipe 4 meters Roofart - from 1294 rubles.
  • Roofart gutter funnel - 512 rubles.

Each of the plastic systems has its pros and cons. For example, Rufart has special stiffness profiles that make it possible to withstand severe mechanical stress in the event of icing or heavy rain.

Calculation of materials for drainage from the roof

You can set the required sectional area of ​​the groove using SP 17.13330.2011. The document states that per square meter of roofing area should account for 1.5 cm² of the gutter section. Any competent installation of low tides on the roof is also accompanied by a calculation of the average annual rainfall in the region. The procedure makes it possible to find out the cross-section of downpipes in accordance with the recommendations of SP 32.13330.2012. It remains to determine their diameter in accordance with the instructions of SP 30.13330.

Some manufacturers provide their own tables for selecting an effective drainage system. Having decided on the standard size of the drainage system, it remains to select the elements of the kit. For example, on a straight wall for a riser you will need:

  1. Funnel groove.
  2. One elbow for the bottom outlet.
  3. Two elbows for supplying pipes to the wall.
  4. One mount for the funnel assembly and two for each pipe.

To get around the ledges on the wall, you will need 4 more elbows and 2 pipes for connection. The ends of the gutter must be closed with plugs. The segments are arranged in such a way as to obtain a minimum of waste. The number of joints counts the number of connecting elements with seals.

Each component of the gutter is fixed with brackets at the ends with an offset of 150 mm. For the rest of the length, the fasteners are distributed at a distance of no more than 600 mm from each other, which corresponds to the pitch of the rafters. To mount the gutter at 3 meters, you need 6 brackets with a pitch of 500 mm.

Technology: how to make plastic ebbs on the roof of a one-story housing construction with your own hands?

Practice has proven that the best mounting option is on a cornice board using brackets. If this is not possible, then they are attached to the crate or rafters until the roofing material is laid. The choice of fastening material must be clarified at the stage of system selection.

The procedure for installing plastic ebbs on the roof of a house is as follows:

  • Fix one bracket at the highest point, and fix another bracket on the opposite side of the funnel. The central axis of the gutter should be under the roof edge, and the outer edge should be 20-30 mm below the roof plane.
  • The end bracket is fixed on the basis that each subsequent one is fixed 15 mm lower than the previous one. Tie a piece of twine to the fixed brackets. Thus, the process is no more difficult than radiator mounting markings heating.
  • The location of the tee is marked with vertical lines.
  • The second bracket is fixed at a distance of 150 mm from the tee line.
  • Distribute and mark the position of fasteners.
  • Install tees and funnels, and then the rest of the gutter elements.

In order to compensate for thermal expansion, the gutters are fixed with a gap of 10-15 mm. After assembling the horizontal drain line, they begin to install vertical risers.

Fixing downpipes

There are two types of fasteners - for wooden and brick walls. In the first case, this is a V-shaped plate with 2 fixation points, and in the second case, it is a single-point anchor. The pipe itself in both cases is fastened with a clamp.

In the variant with anchors on the wall, places for drilling mounting holes for mounting are preliminarily marked:

  • lower final knee;
  • for each pipe section, two fasteners with an indent from the edges of 150 mm;
  • upper knee, suitable for the wall.

When using a V-shaped mount, a clamp with a bracket is put on each elbow and pipe, after which the vertical pipeline is assembled on the wall, and the mounts are fixed with self-tapping screws. Before you make plastic ebbs on the roof with your own hands, it is important to remember that the connection to the socket is not made to the end, but a gap of 15 mm is left to stabilize thermal expansion.

To bypass obstacles in the way of the drainage installation, corner elements are used for external and internal rotation of the gutter. They are fixed taking into account the general slope, bypassing the edge of the roof along the contour. The end of the installation should be completed by checking the operation of the system, for which water is supplied to the extreme points of the grooves. When properly assembled, it should move evenly towards the funnel along the entire length of the channel.

How is the installation of ebbs on the roof: installation of a plastic drain yourself

Gutter: how to competently make plastic ebbs on the roof with your own hands, the main installation steps and the price of gutter kits.