Paintball is not just a ball of paint. Comic fights: what is the name of the game where they shoot paint from a gun

Paintball is not just a ball of paint.

Do not be sad that no one knows you, But strive to be someone who can be known. Confucius

The number of people interested in playing paintball is growing every year. Suffice it to say that in 2000 the number of people passionate about this game was more than 7 million people. The figure is quite impressive. Among young people, pentball competes on equal terms with sports such as skateboarding and roller skating.

Today, almost every city in the post-Soviet space has a paintball club. And in large cities there is more than one. The name of the game comes from two English words- paint and ball. It is quite logical, since the main weapon of the game is gelatin balls with paint. The dimensions of the balls - bullets are about 20mm. in diameter. A shot from a marker (the so-called pneumatic guns and pistols that shoot balls) can fly up to 40 m. Food coloring is used to make paint, so this paint cannot cause harm to health. If it gets in, the paint can be wiped off quite easily with a napkin or washed off with water. Many people purchase paintball equipment and uniforms on their own. It is recommended to throw ammunition into washing machine immediately after you return home. Otherwise, over time the paint dries out and it becomes more difficult to wash it off. You don’t need any special washing powders, regular ones will do.

The game does not require much physical strength from you, but it will require sufficient attention and concentration from you, but if you play regularly for at least a month, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of your physical development.

Movement in short dashes between shelters. Choosing the optimal position for an attack. Monitoring the surrounding area and instant action in case of danger. All this together develops not only muscles and lungs, but also vision and the vestibular apparatus. The habit of using not only tunnel vision but also lateral vision is absolutely recommended for people conducting the lion's share of your time in front of a computer monitor. As for shooting skills, any of us sometimes wants to feel like James Bond. Experienced players can shoot with both the right and left hands.

If you decide to go to a paintball club for the day, ninety times out of a hundred, you won't have to take anything with you. Typically, club organizers provide related services. This is water for washing and rinsing clothes, and a nearby cafe for a snack. However, if you're heading out on a hot day, it's a good idea to pack a water bottle in your bag.

When playing in hot, sun-exposed areas, you should avoid overheating, which can lead to heatstroke. In normal weather, you can fully devote yourself to the game without any particular risk to your health.

The exhibition-adventure “Giant Insects” will open at the Moscow Zoo from October 15 to December 15. Trip to mysterious world giant insects can be performed in the just opened new art space “ZooDepo”. Visitors will find themselves in an unusual space of arthropods and arachnids “monsters”, full of amazing discoveries and adventures. Insects in nature amaze with their diversity; they can be beautiful and terrifying, large and small, dangerous and...

Have you met anyone in our purchases or in toy warehouses? This is a simple game from childhood: you shoot a ball and it ends up in different holes with points. I really need it. It’s available at ELC, but I won’t pay more than 2,000 for it on principle

Board sports games at the festival “My Alternative”

At the “My Alternative” festival, which will be held from April 28 to 30 in Gostiny Dvor, young people will get acquainted with street views sports, will take part in various master classes, play board sports games and support the winners of the All-Russian youth competition of the same name at the awards concert. Guests of the holiday will find a platform for workout classes and demonstration performances by the team of street athletes of the Workout24 Project. The project represents “spectacular, powerful, diverse...

Balls, all the new games in this genre.

It's time to get some rest. In order to relax and have fun, we recommend that you play various games with balls online. This can be done completely free of charge on the Fun Balls website. The majority of games in this genre are based on the same principle - the balls burst if there are too many of them. They can be assembled simply, in groups of three or more, or they must line up in a line, as in games of the Tetris balls category. These games often have...

Games Balls, Lines, Tetris, Zuma.

Online Games is a powerful and effective time killer. This computer killer of extra hours and minutes can give your brain a puzzle or, on the contrary, give your head a rest. The most popular toys among children and adults are ball games. They are loved for their simplicity, accessibility and versatility in learning. But few people know how the most popular time killers appeared and where they come from. Today we will tell you some useless facts about your favorite games. Let's start with a short...

Girls, my son will be 8 years old on August 5th, we bought gifts, we will celebrate in a provincial town in our own home, in nature. What kind of competitions can you come up with? I bought gifts for prizes, games, taking into account the fact that there will be few children. more adults? I'm leaving today, give me some ideas, please.


Mine is also August 5th :)) but 6 years old, we celebrate at the dacha, I write a script every time, we always have a lot of people, this time the plan is 26 people - 8 children, the rest are adults, I look for competitions on the internet, for example , the latest links (I haven’t looked at them yet, I just copied them):
This time they will probably look for the treasure with all sorts of competitions.
There must be prizes for all participants (I usually buy sweet prizes from the office - now the school fair has started in Auchan - last weekend I bought two packages of prizes - felt-tip pens, notepads, erasers, pens, etc.)

A little OFF What will you give as a gift :)? Otherwise, we have a BD in less than a month, but my head is a little empty... :)

Never played it, unfortunately. And I don't know the rules. We are going to spend our son's birthday in Drakino at the entertainment center. My husband thinks that paintball requires a team, but there are only four of us. How it's done? By what time will the group be formed? Or do I need to take another crowd of people with me? Well, if anyone is in the know, please enlighten me about what needs to be done, how to dress, etc. Thank you.


And how old is your son?.. In general, this is quite painful, although, of course, fascinating. My husband and eldest have large black bruises after paintball, which hurt and don’t go away for a long time... But they usually travel in large teams - no less than 5 by 5 people. And sometimes they’re already competing with someone else’s team right there.

1. Yes, a company of at least 8 people is desirable to play four on four. Otherwise, in general, there is no point. Basically, if there are other vacationers in this complex, then you can play with them. All this is decided on the spot, by agreement, but initially it is assumed that one company = two teams, so as not to interact with strangers. The sport is quite dangerous, requiring strict adherence to safety precautions, and in such matters it is better not to rely on the responsibility of strangers.
2. Dress in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, especially shoes. Some old sneakers. Get ready that everything will be covered in paint, although you will be given a rental camouflage, this paint will be everywhere.
3. Keep in mind that the balls are quite painful and leave noticeable bruises. It is advisable to wear a bulletproof vest and gloves; for some reason it often lands on your fingers.
4. Try not to shoot at each other from a distance of less than 20 meters. The main rule of paintball is that you should ALWAYS wear a mask on the field. It is also advisable to wear safety glasses in the support area, even just sunglasses, because from time to time balls fly in from nowhere. Getting a ball into the eye is very dangerous, including loss of vision.

I read the topic below about monster toys and the same question immediately arose about “military” toys (such as pistols/machine guns, tanks, etc.). Who buys these toys for their children and how do they play? Do you establish special rules for “war” games (for example, in another topic it was briefly mentioned that a child is forbidden to aim at people)? We haven't bought anything military yet, but we were visiting for the weekend - there was a whole bag of similar toys. Mine asked to play, he was allowed. He's happy...


I am categorically against "War" toys. Once my mother-in-law gave me a tank (tank) - I loved it, but the child quickly got tired of the tank. Then they gave him two pistols at once. One is of the “laser” type (mother-in-law) - it buzzes and sparkles in every way, the other is more real. He swore terribly, because... they knew that they were categorically against it.
Of course, I myself played with pistols, etc., but in the modern world the attitude towards weapons is completely different.
The question is not about banning “military” toys, but about explaining to the child what’s what. I haven't decided on this yet.

PS on Sat. 07/21/01, bought two water pistols. My son and I ran around the park and watered each other’s water.
ZZY Apparently I didn’t play enough as a child ;-)

As a child, I loved a pistol with caps :)
And how fine motor skills develop while you put this little roll in a pistol :)
I recently read about a girl whose parents only bought educational games, but she didn’t have dolls.
This girl tied ribbons around a pillow and nursed it...

I'll be interested if I buy the box balloons classical - for graduation in kindergartens and junior schools? There will be a redemption if there are people interested in only one article - for example, 12-14 inches - assorted matte colors - packs of 100 pieces???


won't there be big balls? which are thick and with elastic bands on the other side - Lord, they’re called something else, otherwise I’m tired of buying 70 rubles for 2 pieces in Auchan, I used to buy a large package on TNT - now they don’t exist or I can’t find them.

We changed our location, arrived to our historical homeland - to our grandmother :) And so my daughter and I got into my old games. Surely many remember them, because they were produced in millions of copies, and the assortment was not rich. Table football - my daughter immediately understood how the loudest sounds are extracted from football players on springs. Zoological lotto with captions in four languages ​​(and why didn’t I remember what the names of the animals are in French and German?). "Visiting a fairy tale" - in...

Tell me, how do you play (play) with a pistol with children at a time when they have not yet played with their friends? I know two extremes. 1. Dad and son open fire at each other, fall, writhe and die in agony. 2. pacifist opinion that weapons should not be aimed at a living person at all. (Where should I point it? Shoot at an imaginary tiger? Shoot into the air?) My daughter found a broken water pistol and enjoys playing with it, but doesn’t know how yet. Gives me and asks...


Okay, a pistol, we saw a set here in the store... for catching and obviously mocking a crocodile. Moreover, there was a simpler one - only with an iron collar with spikes, but there was also a more complicated one - with a harpoon, a noose, a spear... there was something else.... they couldn’t understand, someone was buying it??????

shooting at non-living targets... I also allow shooting at toys, but not at a living cat, not even with water.

100 gift ideas. Board games for toddlers and preschoolers

1. Lotto Teach-ka / Zingo is an exciting game that will help develop your child's verbal and associative abilities. Children's lotto "Teach-ka" will be an excellent gift for children from 3 to 7 years old. With its help, your child will be able to learn to correlate words and images, formulate their thoughts and concentrate. Lotto perfectly develops associative thinking and attentiveness. Colorful design and an abundance of pictures make “Teach-ku” an ideal gift for the most...

Hi all! I have no idea which configuration to write to, I’ll try here. So, on Sunday we celebrate our mother-in-law’s birthday. My husband and I decided to make a surprise and decorate the hall with helium balloons. Does anyone have experience or does anyone know how long it will take for people who are not particularly experienced in this matter to inflate and tie about 50 balloons? (We'll rent a helium tank). That is, should we start blowing on Saturday (I’m already sitting here laughing) or will we have time in a couple of hours on Sunday?))) *** Topic moved from the conference “About my own, oh...

In which you throw a dice and move chips across the field from point to point, with various adventures along the way? Which ones are known to everyone, from our childhood? I can't figure out how to search. And should I go to Sashka’s wives first to get them? Or where else? In any case, you need to call to search... Thank you!

Tell me what you play with your 4-6 year old children on a walk. My imagination has run out. Today we went to the park with a magnifying glass and looked at everything that moves and doesn’t move. After the rain, a lot of living creatures came out and it was very interesting. What else is possible?


Build some structures, for example, a tree house, a feeding trough, a bench, a swing (tire on a rope) - large and real. Dams on streams. Plant trees, flower beds, create a park :-)

In the city - collect observations, with a camera, video camera, or at least a sketch book. Statistics. Which is bigger - Volvo or Toyota? Who buys flowers more - men or women? Experiments: what can you buy with a dollar. Here, here or there. What happens if you give a flower to a person? What happens if you speak a foreign language? How it depends on the choice of language :-) For example, in Germany people respond to English better than to Russian. In France, on the contrary, Russian is better than English. In big cities, the reaction depends on the area.

Games of skill and skill. Learn to climb to the very top of a tree. Throw a knife so that it sticks at a certain angle (there is a game about this, I don’t remember exactly the rules). Throw the ball against the wall in a special way. Jump rope, bicycle, skateboard, rollers - they all have their own tricks and skills.

At this age, we had the following types of activities during walks:
- mobile (preferably with a group of children), because many of them are not interesting together, for example - edible-inedible, above your feet from the ground, 12 sticks (like hide and seek), classics, bouncer, I know 5 names..., etc., some were invented along the way. If this part is interesting, I can tell you more :)
- “hike”, i.e. The child just didn’t like “walking”, so they chose an attractive destination (a visiting mini-zoo) or a pet store, etc., and walked towards the goal, chatting along the way (usually I stressed the child with orientation, life safety-type traffic lights - I asked transfer me, etc.)
- a research walk - we tried to watch birds and squirrels in the forest with binoculars, collected materials for crafts (cones, acorns, sticks, etc.), and then decorated the houses,
We walked around the area with a compass (I wanted to try to cook up a plan for the yard together, but I didn’t get around to it, it would be interesting), after watching the children. encyclopedias about forest plants tried to classify all the plants along the way, strangers took them home to figure it out further, caught butterflies with a net, collected beetles (the same as with plants, only the insects were then released back), in a sandbox with a company they once built a city for small dolls, with trees and a “lake” (buried yogurt container). Look like that's it:))

07/07/2004 14:17:18, SM*

Dear forum members. please help me find a topic. There was once about games with children when you are sitting in line or something like that. My search didn't work. A friend’s daughter is in the hospital with a compression fracture of the spine. I would like to come up with something other than cartoons. Thank you.


oh, we just spent 2 months with a compression fracture.
At first I was terrified, how can you persuade a 4.5 year old child to lie down for 4 weeks, and most on the back in a hood.
but then we quickly got used to it. We were allowed to lie on our stomachs, and it was more comfortable to play than on our backs. I immediately bought glue, paper, plasticine, paints, felt-tip pens, various pencils, glue for decorating, cereals for crafts, beads, beads, ropes for weaving, books with tasks, they gave us new toys, mosaic books, sets with sand. looked at books - encyclopedias. but the most entertaining and interesting thing is the games with the game expert. we had set, her my fish, carcassonne, uno, sudoku, rummikub, lost world, expedition. there are many more interesting games for any age. after these 2 months, my daughter plays the set on equal terms with 11 and 14 year old children)) of course there were cartoons, but not many. in the evenings the whole room watched filmstrips on the wall. The older children from the ward took turns reading. they gave us gem-boy to play. we also played the game name everything yellow or red-green-blue, etc. played the word game name the letter A, B, C etc. taught me to play cards)))

for the future - with such a diagnosis, no outdoor games are allowed for a long time (((so on the street we painted in the snow with paints, sculpted while lying on the snow, poured colored water from bottles, now we are lying in the puddles, launching boats, playing a little ball.

My child is not walking. I often have to stay in hospitals. And PSP has other nonsense for playing games while lying down, but now I thought that there is nothing better than a laptop. And my child has been playing it easily since he was 3.5 years old. What's good about a laptop: you can play any game, you can have a movie, you can play chess and checkers, you can do puzzles - just have time to download pictures, listen to fairy tales and songs - plug in your headphones and you won't bother anyone, there are plenty of development tools on the disks, it helps you learn and draw with counting and writing. One drawback is that it is a little heavy to put on a child, but for this purpose such mini-tables for recumbents are convenient, they are placed on top of the recumbent on low legs, and on top is whatever you want.

Outdoor scenario for adults. Game "Ford Boyard..."

I present to you the Ford Boyard program with a modern twist. In the world of innovation and the rapid pace of development, I couldn’t ignore the innovations in choosing the designation of actions - this is # (hashtag). We will follow these notations. As everyone remembers, the essence of the game Ford Boyard is going through stages to ultimate goal. So in this modification, you need to go through certain #bases, where for completing tasks, the team will receive a #head start in the final #seventh base. First, let's do...

Eh! The Japanese are right after all - a person sometimes needs to take part in something extreme in order to maintain the overall tone of a good mood. :)) This Saturday my gang and I went to play paintball at “Advanced”. What a weekend it turned out to be!!! 4 boxes of balls were shot for 16 people. The adrenaline wasn't gushing out of my ears... :) Not to mention how everyone later discussed the smallest vicissitudes of the battles. And how charming women in camouflage and armored armor are on the battlefield - that’s a whole other story...


Sinister! I haven't been able to go for a year now!

Games for the little ones.

Is it stormy weather outside? Does your child not go to school yet? kindergarten Moreover, he is very active and does not sit still. Many mothers do not know how to usefully spend this day, they do not know how to fill this fertile time for the development of the child. But there is so much you can do, and with benefit. What to do with your child so that communication brings you joy? Firstly, during the day you need to change types of activities, these should be active activities and calmer, educational and simple games...

My son wants to celebrate his 10th birthday by playing paintball with friends. Can you advise where it is better to go, so that it is not too far from Moscow and so that children from 8 years old can participate? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"

Sensory box for a child from 3 years old: container, filler, toys
...mi), semolina, oatmeal, flour, cocoa, ground coffee, starch, coarse salt, all kinds of pasta, beans, peas in winter: snow or sand, it’s so cool when you can play in the sandbox not only in summer, but also at home in winter, pebbles aqua soil natural materials: acorns, chestnuts, pine cones, grass, leaves, rose hips, earth, stones, shells, moss cut paper, cotton balls, paper balls, paper napkins What “tools” can be used in sensory boxes: spatulas, spoons, scoops, ladle, slotted spoon plastic cups, buckets, egg cartons, muffin tin, ice cream spoon, salad spoon, funnel, sieve, small molds, ice mold, cookie cutters, tongs, toy tweezers...
...If you have plastic flowers at home, they will be very useful to you, because they are so easy to bury and seem to be “watered” from a toy watering can. You can create a vegetable garden game using a cardboard egg carton. You will need: an empty egg carton cardboard scissors paint (for example, gouache) and a brush chenille wire several buttons or beans Cut the egg carton into small cells. Paint them different colors, such as purple for eggplant, burgundy for beets and orange for carrots. When the “vegetables” are dry, make a hole in the upper part (I made it with ordinary scissors...

Games with a child in nature

With baby preschool age In summer you need to spend a lot of time in nature, because Fresh air has a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on the psychological and intellectual development of the baby. At any time of the year, you can come up with many activities that, by the way, will allow not only children, but also their parents to have fun. Farming and flowers You can captivate your child by sculpting figures from the earth, the energy of which has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state. With a child you can...

Cut the paper to the shape of the baking sheet in advance. You can take paper of different colors. Drip some paint into the middle of the sheet and place a few balls there. Let your child tilt the baking sheet in different directions. Be prepared that paint-stained balls from a shallow baking tray can easily fall to the floor. When the paint dries, you will have pictures. Painting with an iron For this lesson you will need unnecessary wax crayons, which you don’t mind using on shavings. You will need: wax crayons thick paper (white/black) towel iron sharpener Let the child sharpen the wax crayons with a regular sharpener...

Can games be educational at the same time? Yes, especially for kids! Simple games with a ball, music and using ordinary household items develop attention, gross motor skills, and spatial orientation skills. Today's games are designed for children 3 years old, but are also suitable for older ones. In summer, these games can be played outdoors. Your child will probably have an animal gait...
...Invite your child to build an obstacle course for you! Skills Learned: Cause and Effect Cognitive/Thinking Skills Gross Motor Skills Problem/Problem Solving Self-Awareness Spatial Thinking Balloon Race There are so many different games you can create with balloons that will teach your child something new! You will need: 2 balloons An empty floor or table Inflate two balloons, one for each of you. Place the marbles on the floor at one end of the room or yard. Get on all fours in front of the balls. Start blowing on the balloons to make them move to the other end of the room. The one who reaches the finish line first chooses the trail...

Girls, help with advice, please. The child saw an advertisement on TV (they play it all the time on STS): a TV store offers a set of paints that supposedly can be used to paint with several colors at the same time. The advertising is tempting, but I have no strength! But not only do I not believe these TV stores, not only do I not believe that all this can really be used, as they show, but these paints also cost an exorbitant amount! And the child asks: (((And he even refused daily kinder surprises: we’ll use paints...


I had this idea: what if we take a different path. Take some kind of device to put several brushes there. For example, a piece of polystyrene foam (block). And several thick brushes are inserted there. Then, one by one, putting forward each one in its own color. Then, holding this block, draw.
After all, the most interesting thing about these paints that are on TV, in my opinion, is the striped patterns. Not just rainbows, but all sorts of different ones.

Girls! Here's what I found: how to make Rainbow paints yourself!
So you'll need a lot of broken ones wax pencils or wax crayons, clean tin jars (according to the number of desired colors), hot water and directly jars for ready-made paint.

Sort the pencils by color and put each color separately in tin jars. Place in a saucepan filled with hot or boiling water, reaching to the edge of the jars, and hold until the pencil fragments melt. Pour directly into the paint can. Once the wax has hardened, you can add the next color. The result is a rainbow of colors.

Is this what the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long? :)

Three jars with basic watercolor colors: red, blue, yellow. Pipette. All this on a tray. A cloth or sponge. Working with material. The child places the tray with the material in front of him. He takes a pipette, picks up one of these paints and drops a few drops into the first test tube. Then he adds a few drops of other paint in the same way. Shakes the test tube and sees that the paint has changed its color. The child continues to work. Transferring balls Material. There are two small bowls on the tray (one of them with water), and a strainer with a handle. 3-4 plastic tennis balls float in the water. Little sponge. Working with material. The child brings material from the shelf and places it in front of him. A bowl of water and balloons is on the left....
...He shakes the test tube and sees that the paint has changed its color. The child continues to work. Transferring balls Material. There are two small bowls on the tray (one of them with water), and a strainer with a handle. 3-4 plastic tennis balls float in the water. Little sponge. Working with material. The child brings material from the shelf and places it in front of him. A bowl of water and balloons is on the left. The child takes a strainer in his right hand and uses it to transfer the floating balls into an empty bowl. He notices that water spills into the holes in the strainer and that the plastic balls do not sink in the water. A child works with his right hand, exercising fine motor skills. If drops of water remain on the tray after work, the child...

Zevachki, help, well, surely someone somewhere has already had a corporate party. I need to hold several competitions, we decided to get together ourselves, leadership in organizing a general corporate party they turned us down :((but we decided to get together ourselves :-))) Last year I already organized a “green crocodile” and a balloon battle, but this year I’ve been so busy at work that I don’t have the energy to look for anything specifically, but people still want to gather together on their own :-))) I will be very grateful to everyone!


At work, we had a great competition for the biggest soap bubble (well, this is when such a can and a ring with a handle are given to everyone or one for everyone).
Well, shooting from some pistol for accuracy. Very popular. Starting from a toy one that shoots balls, and to a pneumatic one - at a target on a box of newspapers.
From New Year's - a quiz about a mouse. Who remembers which famous mice (Mickey Mouse, little mouse, pockmarked chicken mouse). Who understands movies with mice? Who songs. Etc. In each nomination, the last one who remembers something, but only something known to everyone, wins.

I also wrote below about competitions - corporate and family. I'll give you links - maybe those who haven't seen it

Here, the first thing that came to mind (I’m also a “fan” of such things :-)): The competition (although this is actually not even really a competition) is called “Statue of Love”.
All party participants are expelled from the premises, leaving only the host and two people (preferably male and female). They stand facing each other at some distance. The presenter invites one participant from the corridor and says that in front of him is a statue of love. The player needs to change the position of the “statue” so that it more closely matches its name - to his taste. The player explains what needs to be done to the “statue” (For example, the husband should hug the woman by the waist or gently press her to him, etc. - as he wants). Then, after the player, having made fun of the “statue” with a satisfied look of the “sculptor”, calms down, the presenter announces to him that he must take the place of one of the participants in the “statue” he created :-) And the former participant in the “statue” takes the place spectator in the hall. The presenter calls the next victim - and everything is repeated all over again, only with the change that the second of the two very first participants sits down :-) That is. it turns out that everyone in turn must play the role of a “statue” :-) Laughter and fun during this competition (and especially after taking a certain amount of alcohol and with some playful mood of the participants :-)), as well as a good mood at the whole evening is guaranteed :-)
I hope I explained everything clearly - if there is anything, ask :-) I can look at something else if it’s still relevant :-)

But there are also special, especially magic balls, from which you can make funny figures, make funny carnival costumes or fairy-tale houses and objects for games on the dacha lawn. These are long thin balls of different sizes, they are called modeling balls, ShDM. Modeling balloons are made from latex. This is an organic plant resin white, a gift from the so-called “weeping” trees growing in the equatorial forests of Brazil, Mexico, and Malaysia. Latex is extracted in the same way as birch sap, from a cut in the bark, several millimeters deep. It flows down the groove into containers, then...
...No harmful or toxic substances are used at any stage of production. These balls can be given to even small children who want to try everything by touch. The balls should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. This way they will last longer, because water and sun are the enemies of latex balloons. Learning to model Modeling techniques are quite easy, however, as with any handicraft, it requires a certain skill, time and practice. To create amazing figures you will need modeling balloons of different sizes, a hand pump for...

You can even arrange team competitions. So, let's start our games. First, stock up on snowballs, you can’t do without them. winter fun. Make a lot of snowballs in advance with your team members. As a “warm-up” we offer you one very fun and interesting game called “Two Cities”. Two cities On a snowy area, mark two “cities” with lines - at a distance of 30-35 steps from one another. Break into two teams. Players of one team will run, players of the other will hit them with snowballs. The "runners" occupy the city, the captain sends them one by one to another city, and the "tags", standing on the sides of the site, try to hit them with snowballs...
...Fortunately, the days of dueling are over, and we inherited a game called “Duel.” Duel Two opponents face each other at a distance of about 10 meters. Let each of them draw a circle around themselves with a diameter of a meter. The selected “second” casts lots as to who should start. At his own signal, the player who begins the game bends down, makes a snowball and throws it at his opponent. Then the second one “shoots”. If you both miss or both hit each other, continue throwing snowballs in turns. But if one hits and the other misses, then the loser gives up his place to the next opponent. You can dodge in any way (jump, etc.), but only without leaving the circle. Warning: try to...

If the ball slips from the player's hand and the referee confirms this, and the ball must not fly further than 25 cm, the shot is declared out of play and the player is given the right to retake the shot. The technique of playing the shooting ball is called "tou". It should be slightly larger than the rest of the balls. Place the ball on your palm between your index and thumb. Squeeze your palm, leaving your thumb behind the ball, and push the ball out with your thumb, giving it a rotational motion using index finger. The hand must touch the ground at least in one point. If the shooting ball...
...It should be a little larger than the other balls. Place the ball on your palm between your index finger and thumb. Squeeze your palm with your thumb behind the ball and push the ball out with your thumb, giving it a spinning motion with your index finger. The hand must touch the ground at least in one point. If the shooting ball flew too far, it means that the click was strong, or the ball was not given rotational motion. Most players play on their knees with the toe in front. If you are right-handed, kneel on your right knee and place your left foot on the ground. Left hand hold on left knee for balance. If you are left-handed, do the opposite. Do not move your shooting hand while firing, this is cheating and is punishable by removal from the game! Select your...


I always looked at the balls with interest and wondered, “Are they really just for beauty?” Thank you very much for the clarification. Now I will definitely buy it and play with my son.

06.26.2003 13:31:11, walleria

Oh, thank you very much, so good selection games. I have been looking for descriptions of such games for a long time, thank you very much!

Games and activities for kids with elements of experimentation: experiments with water and paints.
...A jar of colored water is placed next to it. “You see, the paint makes the water colored. That means the water can be colored,” says mom and offers to try other colors. Familiarization with other paints is carried out in the same way. After all the leaves have dried, mom collects them in a pile and puts her colorful leaves down. The entire stack is placed in a bag on which is cut out an image of a balloon (stencil) with a dark thread. The adult takes out the leaves one by one, and the “balls” change color: “What color is the ball?”, “What is this one?” etc. “What kind of ball? Multi-colored!” - says mom, showing the last picture in the stencil, where a painted balloon appears. "Magic colors" Goal. Show how mixing three primary colors produces others....

Summer is a mysterious time. It hides thousands important discoveries and opportunities for the little man. Sometimes, when we find ourselves in places where we spent the hot months, we adults wonder what we could do in such a wilderness? But the sprout of memories hatches, and our legs hum from the bicycle, and our faces remember the fresh wind.
...You can also make pyramids out of pebbles, comparing who is taller or building a “skyscraper” together. If you brought gouache paints or crayons, be sure to take it all to the beach: firstly, when sunny weather God himself ordered a body art competition to be held, the kids are incredibly happy to paint on their bodies. To make the paint wash off better, dilute it with baby shampoo. Secondly, paints in the hands of young artists will transform the dull gray coast into bright Hawaii. At the same time, you can study colors and build castles from multi-colored materials. So, fortresses, towers, garages and entire sand cities are built, tired and bored. It's time to populate our city with residents. Excellent little people come from thin air...

So what is paintball? This is a war game on a specially prepared site or on the ground. The game is played using a special weapon - a marker. The marker is similar to a small gun with one difference: above the barrel there is a special box with paint balls, professionals call it a feeder. These balls have a thin gelatin shell and break easily when hit, leaving a stain of bright color - most often red, orange or yellow. The paint is environmentally friendly, it washes off trees with the first rain, and it’s easy to wash it off clothes. There are several versions of the origin of paintball. Paintball was invented or...

It's no secret that yard games have almost disappeared from the lives of modern children. The same games that not only we, but also our predecessors played. The same games that taught children to find mutual language, helped resolve disputes and conflicts, and were the most effective and harmonious way of socialization.
...Let's try to remember what our balls, and we, together with them, could do. And then we’ll teach it magical games our growing babies. A whole series of games involved competition between participants in dexterity and the ability to masterly handle the ball. These games were called differently: “Parrots”, “Tens”. For some exercises you only needed a small ball (ideally a tennis ball), for others you needed a larger ball (volleyball) and a wall. These games are also good because they do not require a quorum to be collected. You can play together, and improve even alone. "Parrot" exercises can be like this: Toss the ball up and when it...

Physical activity during pregnancy. Which sports are ideal for pregnant women and which are contraindicated.

For whom is the ball a favorite form of transport? (For a mosquito). How many balls were in my hand when I entered the hall? Who tried to convince the bees that he was not flying on a balloon, and that he was a big cloud (Winnie the Pooh). Presenter: Kiryushka, Petrushka has already played with us, now it’s your turn! The game is called "Come on, sit down!" Balls are tied to two chairs. The clowns run around the chairs to the music, and when the music ends, you need to have time to sit down and crush the ball as quickly as possible. Presenter: Now sit and watch how our children play with the balls. "Kangaroo" - run around a flask with balls between your legs. "Rocket balloon" - inflate and release, whose balloon will fly away further. "Circus performers" - like...
...entered the hall? Who tried to convince the bees that he was not flying on a balloon, and that he was a big cloud (Winnie the Pooh). Presenter: Kiryushka, Petrushka has already played with us, now it’s your turn! The game is called "Come on, sit down!" Balls are tied to two chairs. The clowns run around the chairs to the music, and when the music ends, you need to have time to sit down and crush the ball as quickly as possible. Presenter: Now sit and watch how our children play with the balls. "Kangaroo" - run around a flask with balls between your legs. "Rocket balloon" - inflate and release, whose balloon will fly away further. "Circus performers" - hold the ball on your nose, knee, finger for as long as possible. "Strong Men" - inflate the balloon as quickly as possible so that it does not burst. “Dodgers” - flippers are put on one leg and you need to crush the enemy’s ball with this leg and protect your own. Presenter: Well done, guys! Clowns: Well done! It's time for us to say goodbye to you and go to another garden! And so that you don’t forget us, let’s dance together! Dance with balls. The clowns leave, the children with balloons go to the group. Vicky, [email protected]....

..... (to the appropriate music, the children enter the room where the professors and the school principal are already waiting for them). McGonagall: When I call your name, you will come to me, sit on a stool, put your hand in your hat and pull out a note with the name of the house. I start! M.G. calls each child's name in turn. The child whose name is called puts his hand into his hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who loudly reads the name of the faculty. Children stand by faculties (teams). After the distribution procedure is completed, the floor is transferred to the headmaster of the school, Albus Dumbledore (hereinafter referred to as A.D.). We probably could have sung the anthem, but we decided not to do so so as not to delay the process. Props: sorting hat, name cards...

It’s so customary in our family that we pay attention to education Special attention. As far as I can remember, my mother always worked with me, took me to theaters, museums, and I attended a bunch of clubs.
...And I cut out these same vegetables/fruits from colored paper. And then we took turns pulling colored creations out of the bag, and the child had to correctly put everything into the pockets, at the same time determining whether it was a fruit or a vegetable. We mastered this game by the age of 2. You can do the same with animals - domestic/wild. And when we mastered letters, we played the game “A word begins with a letter.” We threw a ball to each other, and in turns, my daughter and I named words starting with a certain letter. I must say that when we learned letters, we had several stages. At first I simply showed the letters and named them (by sound). When the baby was already familiar with all the letters, and she could even name some herself, then I started...

After establishing trade relations with Venice (at the end of the fifteenth century), Russian merchants began to bring glass beads, pendants and balls from “fryags” (as Italians were called in Rus'), which Murano craftsmen called “conterie”, which in Italian means “to count” ". A game similar to marbles was also known in Russia, but it is noteworthy that Venetian glass balls were used in ancient Rus' as design material. Rich fashionistas of those times decorated mirrors and icon cases with wonderful balls and rhinestones, and wove them into kokoshniks and sundresses. But, as already mentioned, Murano products were unusually expensive, and unlike Russia, Europe has always lived in an economical mode. In the seventeenth century in Germany, the first stone processing machines were powered by water...
...As a rule, candlesticks or a pen cutlery, the end of which is decorated with a ball, was made in the form of a bird's foot with claws, tenaciously holding a polished pebble. But the imagination of jewelers of those times was, as they say, tuned to marbles. Here is a golden lizard wrapped around a ball of red agate, here are balls of orange Venetian glass, which were so loved by the ruler of France, the Sun King, suspended from a golden box, and here is a candlestick - a griffin proudly resting on an agate ball, flickering with a bluish light. In the mid-nineteenth century, glassblowers learned how to produce...

P. The noise of the motor should correspond to the size of the machine. A big car is loud, a small car is quieter. Trying to imitate the sounds of engines and beeps of different cars, the baby will thereby train his articulatory apparatus. Even just looking at the cars with dad is very interesting. Dad can tell his son or daughter what each part of the car is called and what it is needed for. Cars can be sorted by color and size. Playing train will cause a storm of delight in your child. And it doesn’t matter that the room will temporarily turn into a train station. First we'll play, and then we'll clean up together. So, we build a train out of chairs and stools, put toys in the cars and sit down ourselves. The kid is the driver. Tu-tu, chuh...

We don't want to end up here! Where, tell me? ... (In the hospital.) Sovunya: Well done, you solved all my riddles! Now let's go in for sports and play my favorite game - volleyball with balloons. Quickly grab the ball and throw it towards your opponents. Game "Volleyball" Children are divided into 2 teams. A rope is pulled or chairs are placed, and balls are placed on both sides of the barrier. The children begin to throw them around. At the signal, the game stops. The team that is left without balls or with fewer balls is considered the loser. Props: balloons, rope (or chairs). Sovunya: - Thank you guys, I really enjoyed playing with you! I also love to cook and will gladly share with you...

Maybe we can start the process together Mystery - “How does your garden grow” or “How Does Your Garden Grow”?? Nobody wants to join??? Otherwise, I saw Nadya’s kindergarten on Saturday and I can’t, I want it for myself.. (link to embroidered gallery)

GAME OF STRINGS - who remembers? (headings are glitchy) Yesterday I suddenly remembered and taught the little one, but it turned out that I know (remember?) little of it: (Maybe you remember, in childhood we played a game .. I found a description in the lingua: cat's cradle 1) “cat’s cradle” “thread”, “string” (a children’s game in which one of the partners stretches a thread tied into a ring on the fingers of both hands, and the second must remove the thread from his fingers and put it on his own, intertwining the thread in some way. in such a way that it turns out...

All adults know what effect a balloon has on children, how easy it is to create a festive mood for a child, and what a colossal role balloons play in the so-called holiday therapy. And those people who have not lost their admiration with age balloons, - preserved the purity and spontaneity of perception. In America and European countries, since the middle of the last century, there has been a whole trend - decorating holidays with balloons, the art of “sculpting” sculptures and large...
...When starting the creative process, do not forget that latex balloons from the Mexican company Latex Occidental are the only material suitable for these purposes. These balls are plastic, do not tear, as they say, “in the hands” and hold air for a long time. They are inexpensive, but made from environmentally friendly natural raw materials - juice tropical trees, do not contain harmful chemical additives. Neither in the extraction of raw materials, nor in dyes, nor in manufacturing are substances used that could cause allergies. Even the smallest children can play with these balls. In addition, latex balloons...

Our little one has awakened a passion for pistols. where did he ever see them? one option is to go for a walk, but the eldest did not have such a hobby, maybe this is something boys have by nature? rushes around the apartment and shoots at everything. The nanny feels bad, she hides the gun on the mezzanine, so he began to make them from construction sets - from Legos and from a schoolboy, yesterday on a walk he made them from a mitten. My husband and I calmly explain that you can’t shoot at people, you can only shoot at a target - he, of course, shoots “at...


I, too, was worried about this question at one time; I didn’t even want to buy all sorts of guns and pistols for my son. And then somewhere I read the words of one smart person who said that a boy in childhood should play enough of war games so that in adulthood he no longer wants to. I liked it, I believed it.

12/15/2002 22:15:14, Muchacha

About a year or so later, when the idea is finally established that a woman’s purpose is in self-realization, and not in giving birth and raising children, mothers will lament in the same way: “I’m hiding all the dolls from her, but no, she’ll wrap the chick in a rag and feeds her and lulls her to sleep. Well, what can we do with her?"
Genes, you know. Memory of ancestors. Men have been warriors and protectors of their women and their country since the beginning of time, and only in recent years has this suddenly become indecent. There's nothing you can do about it. Read him books about heroes, and he will be a grateful listener.

Let's exchange experiences. Here we have some information on _general_ development for the little ones: Sesame Street. Elmo is getting ready for school (Fargus). Winnie the Pooh for the little ones (Fargus) To kindergarten with Winnie the Pooh (Fargus) Dunno's letter (Buka) Freddy the fish. Sea cares (Fargus) Magical dream(Nikita) In plan general development(attention, memory + motor skills, shape, color, size, logic, etc., etc.) I would put it in first place Winnie the Pooh for the little ones. There are four games: 1) Search for opposites...

All boys love to play war games and shoot imaginary enemies with fake machine guns. When childhood ends, we miss such innocent pranks. You can experience the same emotions and sensations now. Paintball is a great way to relieve accumulated stress and recharge your batteries for a long time.


Paintball is an active and exciting game. It involves two teams fighting by shooting paint balls from air guns.

There are several types of paintball:

  • sports;
  • entertaining;
  • away;
  • corporate;
  • winter.


The battle begins with the teams starting from their bases located at opposite ends of the battlefield. They need to take as many of their opponents out of the game as possible. Other nuances depend on the specific battle scenario.

The rules of paintball are as follows: a player is considered “killed” if there are paint stains the size of a five-ruble coin on him or his equipment. A defeat is also considered if a participant leaves the field boundary. In addition, the judge can remove from the competition any person who violates the rules. The “killed” must also immediately leave the battlefield. The duration of the battle depends on the number of participants, the size of the area and the selected scenario.


There are several basic scenarios in paintball. Of course, in each specific case, players can come up with own order competitions. The rules of the paintball game allow you to do this.

We present to your attention a list of the most popular scenarios with a description of the process:

  • "Capture the Flag". The idea is to capture the opponents' flag, which is located at their base, as quickly as possible and bring it to your camp.
  • "Attack and Defense". This is a variation of the first scenario. Only in this case, a flag is installed on one of the bases, but not on the other. One team attacks, the other defends. Victory will be counted if you manage to capture the flag. The attacking team must carry it a certain distance from the place where it was installed.

  • "Defeat". The group in which all the shooters are “killed” is considered the loser.
  • "Release the hostage." There is a hostage in the building without a weapon. The attacking team must free him from the terrorists. You cannot shoot a hostage while he is still in the building. If the attackers are able to get their player out of the building, the opponents can immediately start shooting.

Marker selection

Paintball is a very exciting and interesting activity. If you also decide to take part in the competition, you need to stock up on a special marker for shooting.

These weapons can be divided into the following classes:

  • rental;
  • personal;
  • sports.


Of course, paintball is quite safe look sports But the participants shoot balls with colored paints at each other, so each fighter must have a special mask on his face that can withstand at least 15 shots per second. Without this equipment you simply will not be allowed to play. The mask must be made of durable plastic. Nowadays they even produce models with thermal glass that does not fog up from human breath.

All necessary ammunition is given out at the clubs. This also applies to special suits designed to protect clothes from paint. But shoes are not issued in clubs. The player will have to bring comfortable sneakers or combat boots.

Places for games

Where can you play paintball? This question is asked by people who have heard something about this game and have at least a little idea about it. The popularity of this shooting has reached such heights in our country that in almost every city you can find a club for fans of this sport. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are several dozen playgrounds designed for competitions.

Places prohibited for games

Playing paintball is fun! But it is prohibited to hold competitions in all places not intended for this purpose.

These include:

  • Beach.
  • Construction.
  • Suburban area.
  • Playground.

In all in public places You cannot shoot with air guns. Even on your own suburban area It is not advisable to do this. For such violations, players may be subject to administrative punishment.

Security measures

Paintball is a very interesting game. In order for the exciting process to bring only pleasure, you must follow certain rules security.

  • Shooting should begin and end as soon as the referee gives the signal.
  • You can only be on the site fully equipped. You cannot start fighting without a protective suit and mask.
  • Outside the game, the marker (weapon) should always be kept with the barrel down. It is important to always put it on safety.

Clubs always strictly punish members who violate certain safety rules. For example, during the game it is strictly forbidden to remove a mask or helmet, shoot at the “dead”, or use a personal, own marker. The rules of the game of paintball allow the judge to deal with violators seriously. If he sees that the participant is under narcotic or drunkenness, behaves aggressively, swears, he has the right to remove the troublemaker.

Legends and facts

The history of paintball is shrouded in many legends. Some believe that the game was invented by CIA agents in the 70s of the last century. Others attribute the invention to Israeli intelligence services. And some believe that paintball was intended for Vietnam War veterans.

Most historians are inclined to the following version. At the end of the 19th century in France, guns that shot paint began to be used to train soldiers. Such exercises bore fruit during the Algiers Campaign, as not a single person was killed. It is believed that Russia could also use this method of training soldiers. After all, our attaché was present during these trainings. Several sets of equipment that shoot paint were brought to Russia. However, these unusual paint throwers have not taken root in our country. And in France too.

Even Hitler’s army was involved in the development of paint launchers. It is believed that during the experiments it was possible to obtain a more advanced model.


In conclusion, I would like to say that such a dynamic and extremely exciting game will be a great way to spend your leisure time and even celebrate a birthday. Paintball will help you shake yourself up and gain new strength. You definitely won’t get bored with this game, because it requires composure, accuracy, self-confidence and endurance. There are many options, so everyone can choose the scenario that suits them best. Choose where to play paintball and enjoy the process!

In our time, weapons have become not only an object for wars and hunting, but also as a means of entertainment. All more people they purchase air rifles for target shooting or small-scale hunting of birds or animals, and sports shooting is rapidly developing. But in the 21st century, another type of entertainment with weapons has come - the game “Paintball”.

A little history of the creation and development of the game

Paintball – team game using a specially adapted weapon that shoots paint balls that break and spray on impact. The history of paintball begins back in 1981. Initially, the weapon (marker) was used for combat training, and was effectively used in France. The gun was similar to a syringe, and the operating principle was similar to current air rifles. Later, these rifles were used by lumberjacks to mark trees for felling. The Americans bought several of these rifles, and, inspired by films about the war, decided to stage a battle using these rifles. Their friends joined them, and later, a few years later, almost every American tried to play this game.

Now the game of paintball is developing with huge strides in Russia. There are a lot of specialized stores where you can buy markers, paint, camouflages and workwear. A large number of clubs have been opened that organize scenarios and games.

But the question often arises about choosing a weapon for the game, especially for beginners. I want the marker to be of high quality, fast-firing, and at the same time affordable.

So, let's look at some models of rifles designed for paintball.

Proto Rail 2011 is one of the newest models of paintball markers. The developers of this model put into it all the qualities of previous models, and, of course, added many new functions. First of all, the good news is that Proto Rail 2011 comes with quality system Obstacles split paint balls. It's comparative inexpensive model rifles, but has a very good characteristics. Here are the main characteristics of this model:

One-piece 11" Proto barrel; Inline regulator Increased Flow Hyper; System to prevent balls from splitting; Operating pressure 155psi; LED indicators displaying settings for 4 tournament modes and rate of fire; Ergonomic Ultralite 45 Frame handle; Aluminum Ultralit trigger; Adjustable collet; Eye Pipe eye self-cleaning technology with built-in balldetents; Bolt with metal back threaded connections for easy access.

The board has 4 types of shooting: semi-automatic; Millennium; PSP; automatic, as well as an adjustable rate of fire setting.

In general, this newest model paintball markers are more suitable for experienced shooters.

Sport Tech - Patriot - PA4000 TU60031

Sport Tech - Patriot - PA4000 TU60031 is a powerful gun designed for professional paintball. This model has the realistic appearance of a real gun. It is very simple to operate, very easy to discharge and charge. The model is equipped with a device automatic feeding paintball bullets. Despite the fact that the manufacturer of this model is China, it is of good quality and high performance. Even a child over 8 years old can shoot with such a gun.

Sport Tech – Supa Splat – SS1000

Sport Tech – Supa Splat – SS1000 is a paintball pistol designed for those new to the game or children. Very easy to operate and clean. It can shoot both paintballs and water. As a rule, the kit includes a gun, a target, glasses and 10 balls. Of course, this model cannot be compared with the previous ones, but it is quite suitable for inexperienced shooters.

Shocker Sport is one of the first rifle models and at the same time one of the most popular. This is a true legend in the development of paintball in general and in the development of weapons. Legally, this model can be considered the progenitor for many new marker models. But it has significant disadvantages: this model is heavy, has a low rate of fire (which cannot be said about power), and has an ineffective air system. But the accuracy of the Shocker Sport is incredibly high, and that is why this model has remained in the paintball market to this day.

    A game in which paints are shot is called paintball.

    The players are divided into 2 teams, the task is to hit the enemy with paint more times.

    To do this, select a site with all sorts of obstacles.

    This game is called paintball.

    Can be played by 2 people or more. Players are divided into teams, usually two.

    After the signal, they start a war with the opponent - they shoot at others with paintball markers.

    If a person is hit and a solid spot of paint of a certain diameter appears on his body, he is eliminated from the game.

    Sometimes there is a respawn - after being hit, the player returns to the Home position and continues to play.

    The game is called paintball. The rules of the game for tactical and sport paintball are slightly different. For tactical there is a short list of rules that looks something like this:

    You can't shoot point blank

    A player is eliminated from the field if there is a mark on his equipment from a broken ball the size of a coin (splashes usually do not count as a hit, variations on the theme of whether or not hitting a marker are counted are also possible),

    You cannot be on the playground without a mask,

    You cannot play while intoxicated.

    A game in which paint balls are shot is called paintball. Usually there are two teams with guns - markers loaded with balls of different colors. The players' task is to shoot the enemy who is hiding behind cover. And although the balls contain food coloring, players must protect their face with a special mask. Players also wear special suits, because being hit by balls can cause bruises. A player is considered killed if there is a colored mark on his clothing from the ball that hit him. Paintball is played not only by young people, but also by respectable guys. This is an excellent release and good physical activity.

    It's called paintball, but I don't know the rules, I haven't played it. I think there are no rules - war is war).

    This game is called paintball. First, the players put on a special uniform so as not to get dirty themselves and to prevent paint from getting into their eyes, otherwise they could go blind. The uniform is a jumpsuit or a special suit, as well as a helmet, like those worn by a welder or a worker in radioactive or chemically toxic laboratories. Then they are divided into two teams and take special guns. Typically, one team's guns are loaded with one color of paint, and the other's are loaded with another. Then each team hides behind its own cover. In the future, everything depends on the contractual scenario. They can agree that one team will storm the other or simply shoot from cover. Whoever is hit leaves the game. The paint on the uniform is proof that the person was hit. The team that has unkilled players remains wins.

    I don’t remember what the rules are) But the game is called Paintball)

    Many of our guys, my friends, are into it)) And it seems to be fun, excitement awakens and on the other hand, there is a small risk. because the bruises remain small

    The game paintball was specially created for those who were in the army at one time, and now they are playing it, trying to feel like men. Laughter, but it’s a sin to laugh at the poor!

    This game got its name from a combination of two concepts: Paint and Ball - English. Paintball, that is, a paint ball, a ball with paint. The game has a number of rules that relate to equipment and behavior on the court. Players must have special clothing, a so-called paintball mask, camouflage, a container for balls, a marker (the very weapon from which the paintballs will fly out), a cleaning rod for cleaning the marker and some other convenient and practical things, for example, elbow pads, gloves, in general, devices for protecting the body and head.

    It is strictly forbidden to violate safety rules: play without a mask (the ball flies out with force sufficient to mutilate the face), while intoxicated, if there is play area strangers.

    There are many types game scenarios, which are selected for the occasion.

    A player is considered killed if there is a paint stain about two centimeters in diameter on his clothing; other marks (splashes, strokes, drops) are not counted.