Crucial moment. The worst injuries in football history

Football is the most contact sport. And his history was full of terrible traumas. Some of them lost their status as football players forever, others, often only thanks to the actions of doctors, returned back to the field.

The worst injuries in football - top 10

Perhaps we should start with the most terrible injury in history Russian football . This happened in 2001. Budunov, the Anji striker, tried to catch up with the ball. Sergei Perkhun, who at that time was one of the most talented goalkeepers in the country, ran across him, defending the goal. The collision was so strong that the CSKA player suffered cerebral edema, which led to a coma. Sergei Perkhun never left it.

20 years before this tragic incident, in one of the Bundesliga matches, Linen, who played for Borussia Mönchengladbach, demonstrated iron endurance. When colliding with Werder's player Norbert Sigman, the latter struck with such force that the midfielder suffered a wound 25 centimeters long. Instead of seeking medical help, Linen ran to his coach to sort things out. As a result, the Borussia player began training after 3 weeks.

A year later, another, more famous collision occurred, the culprit of which was the goalkeeper of the German national team, Schumacher. He ran out to meet Patrick Battiston from France, who was running towards the goal, and suddenly jumped. So much so that he hit the attacker in the head. The blow was so strong that Battiston immediately lost consciousness and then fell into a coma for some time. He returned to training six months later.

Another death on the football field also involved a goalkeeper. In 1986, Jose Marin from Malaga crashed into a striker in a match against Celta Vigo and died a few weeks later.

After 10 years, something happened that is considered today the worst injury in English football history. Coventry hosted Manchester United. David Bast, moving from the far post to the penalty spot when delivering a corner, collided with two Mancunian players at once: Irvine and McClair. As a result, the fibula and tibia were broken and came out. The injury was so terrible that, firstly, the match was interrupted for 12 minutes to clear the blood from the field, and, secondly, Peter Schmeichel from Manchester United began to treat his nerves.

In the same English championship, but already in 2008, Eduardo da Silva, who played for Arsenal, received a terrible blow. Martin Taylor from Birmingham drove into the leg of a Brazilian who had a Croatian passport, so that the latter's foot turned 180 degrees. Da Silva was treated for a whole year, after which he returned to the field.

And in the Norwegian championship, an incident occurred that not only put an end to the football player’s career, but completely changed the player’s life. Dagfin Energli from Fredrigstag had an unfortunate collision with his teammate. Moreover, the latter fell so that he broke his cervical vertebrae. As a result, Energly was diagnosed with complete paralysis of the body.

Francesco Totti from Roma and Antonio Valencia from Manchester United received similar injuries. But if the Italian himself fell on the field, then the Ecuadorian was “helped.” Both had their ankles rotated at an unnatural angle, resulting in a lengthy recovery. Totti also had to recover from a torn ligament. At the same time, the leader of Roma was injured shortly before the World Cup, where Italy won gold.

And finally.

It is worth understanding that football is a rather dangerous sport and sometimes injuries occur no worse than in fights without rules. And to finish with the words of everyone’s “favorite commentator” Viktor Gusev: “Take care of yourself!”

The worst injuries in the history of football and their consequences are often painless, but sometimes terrible.

David Basst (1996)

The worst injury in the history of English football occurred on April 8, 1996 in the match between Coventry and Manchester United. After a corner kick at the Mancunians' goal, Bastt rushed to the far post, where he collided with Manchester United defenders Irwin and McClair.

The result is a fracture of both the tibia and fibula. The sight of Bastt's right leg was a truly terrifying sight - a sea of ​​blood and protruding bones. Peter Schmeichel could not look at the injured David and then even had to treat his nerves. And the match was interrupted for 12 minutes while the field was cleared of blood. Bast healed the most serious injury, but the infections caused by it put an end to the footballer’s career.

Luke Nealis (2000)

In September 2000, already in the fourth minute of the match between Aston Villa and Ipswich, Belgian striker Luc Nilis collided with opposing goalkeeper Richard Wright. He suffered a double knee fracture and left the field on a stretcher. Left, never to return as a professional player.

Recovery was very slow, and the 33-year-old forward, who was, however, in excellent shape, made the difficult decision to end his career. After this, Ronaldo and Van Nistelrooy more than once recalled Nilis as one of the best attacking partners and regretted that his career in the English Premier League was so short.

Patrick Battiston (1982)

The French national team player came on as a substitute in the 1982 World Cup final and, after a pass from Platini, found himself face-to-face with West German goalkeeper Schumacher. He took a shot, but missed the target. And a second later he was knocked out - the goalkeeper, who jumped out to meet him, crashed into Battison’s head. The Frenchman lost consciousness and soon fell into a coma. He was immediately hospitalized, and after some time he came to his senses. Doctors diagnosed a fracture of the cervical vertebrae and a jaw injury with the loss of a number of teeth.

The German national team then became vice-world champion, but Battiston, fortunately, was able to continue playing football. Six months later he began training again, and two years later he became the European champion as part of the French team.

Sergey Perkhun (2001)

However, collisions in the penalty area are fraught with problems not only for field players, but also for goalkeepers. Sometimes seemingly playful episodes become a real tragedy. In August 2001, a tragedy occurred in the Russian championship.

The young and very talented CSKA goalkeeper Sergei Perkhun selflessly rushed to the ball and collided with Anzhi forward Budunov. At first it seemed that everything went well, the goalkeeper was conscious, but soon fell into a coma. Both in Makhachkala and in Moscow, where he was delivered a few days later, they did not lose hope until the last, but Sergei’s body was unable to overcome the swelling of the brain. On August 28, the goalkeeper passed away.

Jose Marin (1986)

In December 1986, Malaga goalkeeper Jose Marin, playing on the way out, collided with Celta striker Baltazar. Already in the hospital he had an operation, but it did not help - for several weeks Jose Antonio was in a coma and died without regaining consciousness.

Ewald Linen (1981)

The Borussia Monchengladbach midfielder suffered one of the most horrific-looking injuries in football history. In the match with Werder, Lienen got a boot from Norbert Siegmann, so much so that an open wound 25 centimeters long formed on the footballer’s leg. Despite the painful shock, Linen rushed to Bremen coach Otto Rehhagel, blaming him for the injury - the Werder coach called on his players to act tougher.

Linen needed 23 stitches on his wound, but Ewald demonstrated amazing willpower and began training three weeks later. And at the end of his career, Linen became a coach. Is it possible to get even with Rehagel?

Djibril Cissé (2006)

In a friendly match with the Chinese national team on the eve of the 2006 World Cup, already in the 10th minute, the French team's forward Djibril Cissé suffered a broken leg in a fight with the opposing team's captain Zheng Zhi. The striker accelerated along the right edge when Zhi, who was running next to him, involuntarily full speed ahead Cisse crashed into his supporting leg. She arched unnaturally, the forward screamed, and doctors urgently took him off the field. Six months later, Djibril returned to the field, but no longer as part of Liverpool.

By the way, Merseyside doctors have already come to the aid of the Frenchman before - in 2004, in a match against Blackburn, he broke his leg so that the bone cut off blood circulation and the forward could have lost a limb altogether - fortunately, he was saved.

Francesco Totti (2006)

Another memorable injury in 2006, received on February 19 during a game against Empoli, did not prevent Francesco Totti from playing at the World Cup and becoming world champion. Although initially it seemed that the Roma leader would be out of the game for at least a year. He got it from the defender, and Totti also landed unsuccessfully - the foot arched in an unnatural way, and Francesco, with a fracture of the fibula and torn ligaments, went under the surgeon’s scalpel.

Immediate surgery helped Totti quickly get back on his feet. However, problems with his left leg have been making themselves felt periodically since then.

Eduardo da Silva (2008)

During the match with Birmingham one of the most serious injuries recent years received the Croatian Brazilian of Arsenal Eduardo da Silva. Martin Taylor played outrageously rudely, flying straight into the striker's shin with his straight leg. A red card followed, but Eduardo was no better off from the referee's justice. The lifelessly dangling foot was a truly terrifying sight, and a number of English channels even decided to refuse to repeat this episode so as not to injure nervous system TV viewers.

Is the most popular view sports all over the world. Millions of people watch it, hundreds and thousands of clubs fight among themselves to win cups, billions of euros circulate in this industry every year. It's safe to say that football brings incredible pleasure to people all over the world. However, it is worth noting that the football players themselves are not always happy that they are taking to the field. Of course, they also enjoy the game, because for them football is life. Moreover, they receive incredibly large amounts of money for their participation in matches and their performance. But it happens that a football player gets injured during a match, due to which he can suffer greatly.

Damage may be varying degrees gravity, and the player can miss either a week or a whole year. Injuries in football are inevitable; it is extremely rare that an opponent deliberately tries to injure a player. Most often this happens unintentionally, but the results are sometimes terrifying. In this article you will learn about the most serious injuries in the history of football. Here we will describe those injuries that actually looked terrible, and from which the players then recovered for a long time and with difficulty.

Ewald Linen

There are a wide variety of injuries in football, but most often spectators cannot notice what exactly went wrong, because all the actions take place inside the football player’s body. Tendon stretching or damage, even a fracture - all this is invisible from the outside. However, in 1981, football player Ewald Linen, who was then playing for Borussia from Mönchengladbach, received an injury that absolutely everyone noticed. The fact is that the enemy drove into his leg with the spikes of his boot so that an open bleeding wound almost thirty centimeters long was left on his leg. The spectacle was terrifying, but the footballer, not paying attention to this, went straight to the opposing coach to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that he openly instructed his players to play more roughly. As a result, more than twenty stitches were placed on the wound - fortunately, it did not have serious consequences for the player’s health, and the worst thing about it was appearance. However, not all football injuries turn out so well.

Patrick Battiston

For example, some terrible injuries in football can even lead to a coma - this happened at the World Cup in 1982, when Battiston from the French national team went one-on-one with the goalkeeper of the German national team. When Patrick shot at goal, all he could see was that he missed the target - a second later a huge Schumacher crashed into his head. Battiston lost consciousness and fell into a coma. When he woke up some time later, he was diagnosed with both jaws and loss of large quantity teeth. Fortunately, Patrick was able to recover in just six months, after which in 1984, together with the French national team, he was able to win the European Championship. As you can see, the worst injuries in football do not always end badly, even if the player ends up in a coma.

Jose Marin

But, unfortunately, there are also cases when such injuries to players end extremely sadly. Football is a rather dangerous sport because injuries occur very often, and there is a great danger that the player will harm himself in such a way that he will regret it for the rest of his life - if he has the opportunity to continue it. Jose Marin, the Malaga goalkeeper, was denied this opportunity. In 1986, he was on goal in a match against Celta Vigo and, as he was coming out, he collided with an opposing striker. He fell and instantly lost consciousness. Marin was immediately taken to the hospital, where he underwent a severe operation, but this did not help - a couple of weeks later Jose died without regaining consciousness. Horrible injuries in football are inevitable, so we can only hope that there will be as few as possible.

Yuri Tishkov

As mentioned above, often the injuries cannot be seen externally, but the most brutal injuries in football are generally more than obvious. For example, in 1993, in the Russian Cup, Dynamo Moscow forward Yuri Tishkov was seriously hit in the legs by a defender who played incredibly rudely. But the situation got out of control because the tackle ended with the young striker in a state of painful shock due to the fact that the shin bone was sticking straight out of his leg. Tishkov was preparing to move to the Italian league, he was one of the most promising strikers in Russia, but this injury completely ruined his career. When he recovered, he could no longer play at the same level. The worst injuries in football are not only horrifying in how they look, but also in the consequences they cause.

David Basst

The case of David Basst was one of the most shocking in the history of English football and turned out to be even worse than the previous case with Tishkov. After all, during a horse fight for the ball from a corner, Basst collided with two enemy defenders at once, as a result of which he received multiple leg fractures. And the terrible thing is that they were open, that is, there was a player lying on the field with several bones sticking out of his leg, and the entire lawn around was covered in blood. As in the case of Tishkov, Basst recovered from the injury, but never reached the previous level.

Luke Nealis

In 2000, 33-year-old Belgian Nilis suffered a very complex knee injury, including a double fracture. The knee is the most dangerous place for an athlete, and such an injury for an already aged player was the real end. He was never able to return to the field, so he was forced to announce his retirement from his professional career, although he was ready to play for quite a long time, as he was in excellent shape.

Sergey Perkhun

Another fatal incident occurred in 2001 with a Ukrainian goalkeeper who collided with a defender and seemed to be able to even continue the game. But he soon lost consciousness, fell into a coma and was no longer able to get out of this state. He died less than a month later.

Djibril Cissé

Cissé was one of the most prominent black players of his time, but even the best of the best are plagued by injuries. In a friendly match against the Chinese national team, the Frenchman was breaking through his flank to attack when something terrible happened - an opposing player unintentionally crashed into Jibril's supporting leg. Just by the way it looked outwardly, one could understand that everything was bad - the leg was bent at an unnatural angle, and the attacker simply could not get up from the lawn. By the way, this injury might not have happened, but not at all good reasons- the fact is that two years before this incident, Cisse received a terrible injury. He had a broken bone in his leg, which cut off his blood circulation, and Jibril faced amputation. Fortunately, doctors were able to save the football player’s leg, and he will continue his career.

Francesco Totti

The most dedicated player in the history of football is about to turn forty years old - and he still plays for Roma, where he began his professional career at eighteen. But in 2006, his career could have been cut short, as in a match with Empoli he received a terrible injury - the player’s foot bent at an unnatural angle. Only a quick and effective operation helped Totti not only not to end his career, but also to recover quite quickly and go to the 2006 World Cup to help the Italians win it. Ten years have passed since that injury, but Francesco’s injured leg still often reminds him of itself. However, he continues to play for his club and still works football miracles, saving the team from defeat by coming on as a substitute ten minutes before the end of the match.

Eduardo da Silva

Over the past decade, the worst injury to Arsenal player Eduardo da Silva seems to be. He received it in 2008 when the Gunners faced Birmingham. Then Eduardo did not suspect that his opponent would play very rudely and dirtyly against him in a tackle, slamming into his shin with all his might. People with faint hearts should avoid watching this episode because the spectacle was truly horrific. The player's foot dangled completely limply, separately from his leg - many channels broadcasting the match at that time did not replay the episode so as not to injure the viewer. The fouling player was shown a red card, but this did not help Eduardo in any way - he was out for a very long time. He started playing again only a year later, but, as expected immediately, he could not return to the previous level.

As you can see, horrific football injuries happen for several reasons - not only are they visually horrific, but they also have a very serious impact on a footballer's career. On this list, only a few players managed to continue their careers, and almost none were able to play at the same level.

12 serious injuries in the history of football

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Sport is health! Unfortunately, this slogan does not always work. The life of professional athletes is always fraught with risk, this is especially true for football players. Almost no game is complete without traumatic moments. Sometimes, due to a serious injury, players are out of the game for many months.

During a match between Arsenal and Birmingham in February 2008, Martin Taylor, a Birmingham defender, fouled Eduardo. As a result, Da Silva broke his left leg and dislocated his ankle. It took him a year to fully recover.

In April 1996, at Old Traford, Coventry defender Bust collided with United defender Deniso Irvine. As a result, Boost suffered a horrific open fracture to his leg. He never played professional football again.

3. Kieron Dyer

The Bristol Rovers player broke his right leg in a match on 29 August 2007. It took a year to treat a severe double fracture, and then another six months after a relapse in 2008.

4. Francesco Totti

On February 19, 2006, in an Italian Championship match against Empoli, Totti suffered a fracture and tore the ligaments in his ankle. That same night he was operated on by a famous Italian orthopedic surgeon.

5. Jacob Olsen

Danish striker Olsen had his ankle blown off in October 2006. It took 6 months to recover.

6. Ewald Linen

This terrible grass was inflicted on German midfielder Ewald Linen by a Werder Bremen defender in 1981.

7. Henrik Larson

Larson was out of football for 8 months as a result of a broken leg in 1999. The consequences threatened the career of the eminent Swede, but miraculously he returned to football for the 2000 European Championship.

8. Luciano Almeida

Brazilian footballer Luciano Almeida was seriously injured during a match between Botafogo and Flamengo in 2007. Full recovery took 5 months.

9. Inigo Diaz De Cerio

In 2008, in Spain, Inigo, after a collision with the Eibar goalkeeper, Zigor, broke his right tibia and tibia. After a successful operation and a slow recovery, he returned to football exactly one year later.

10. Luke Nealis

Four minutes into the game, Belgian striker Luc Neelis suffered a double ankle fracture as a result of a collision with Ipswich goalkeeper Richard Wright in September 2000. Luke left football after this incident.

11. Djibril Sise

A shocking photo shows Cece's leg being broken in a 2006 match. The culprit was defender Shandong Luneng during a friendly game in Saint Itien.

12. Edgar Andrade

During a match between Cruz Azul and Tecos in June 2007, Mexican player Andrade broke his ankle. It took him many months to recover.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

We kindly ask you not to read further if you are faint of heart!


In the 2001 Manchester Derby he caused Alf-Inge Holland a severe knee injury, which put an end to the Norwegian’s future career. Keane later admitted that he “broke” Haaland on purpose. This was revenge for an episode that happened in the 1997/98 season, when Keane was injured in a collision with Haaland, but he did not believe it and blamed the Mancunian for simulation.

In that ill-fated match in 2001, Keane dealt a terrible blow to Holland, after which he came up and said something like: “I've been waiting for this for a very long time.” (profanity). Receive (profanity). And next time don’t even think about blaming me for simulation!”

As a result, Keane got away with a minor disqualification and a fine, and Alf-Inge Haaland ended his career at 29 years old.

Keane later admitted that he “broke” Holland on purpose


Due to two serious injuries, the career of one of the most talented football players of his generation was virtually ruined. The Frenchman received his first injury on October 30, 2004: as a result of a collision with a Blackburn defender. James McEavley Cissé received an open fracture of the tibia and fibula. Only thanks to the timely intervention of doctors, the attacker managed to avoid amputation of his leg, since the injury impaired blood circulation.

Cisse managed to recover and return to his previous level, but in a friendly match with the Chinese national team he again suffered an open fracture of the tibia. Jibril managed to recover from that injury, but never returned to his previous level. Now the Frenchman plays for Kuban Krasnodar.


On February 23, 2008, in a match against Birmingham, he was injured, which shocked the whole world. After a collision with Martin Taylor The Brazilian suffered an open fracture of his leg. It took almost a year to recover. In his first match after returning, Eduardo scored two goals. However, the naturalized Croatian failed to return to the previous level. Now he plays for Shakhtar Donetsk.


February 18, 2006 in an FA Cup match with Liverpool Alan Smith, coming on as a substitute in the last minutes, unsuccessfully threw himself under the Norwegian's attack Jona-Arne Riise... A severe leg fracture and a long recovery. A week later, Manchester United won the League Cup, and the team dedicated that victory to Alan Smith. After his return, the Englishman failed to gain a foothold in the main team of Manchester United and moved to Newcastle. Smith currently plays for the English First Division club Milton Keynes Dons.


February 27, 2010 in the match Stoke City - Arsenal Ramsey as a result of a collision with the home team's defender Ryan Shawcross suffered a fracture of the tibia and fibula. The treatment took eight months. Shawcross, who received a red card, left the field in tears.


On February 19, 2006, in the match between Roma and Empoli, he received a serious injury: a fracture of the fibula and torn ligaments in the ankle. This injury should have knocked out the Roman captain for a very long time. long term, however, he managed to recover and in the summer of 2006 became world champion.



26 December 1962 Bury defender Chris Harker at full speed, my shoulder hit my knee Brian Clough. A cruciate ligament rupture - at that time there was no worse injury. It was almost impossible to return after it.

“For almost the first time in my life, I lost my balance and hit my head on the ground,” Brian later recalled what happened. - I blacked out for a second or two. When I woke up, I saw that Harker had released the ball. The striker's instinct gave me the command to rush after him. I tried to get up, but couldn't. And then I crawled after the ball! Someone nearby shouted: “Get up, get up!” And the defender “Take it!” Bobby Stokoe yelled: “He’s being a fool!” To which the referee, stopping the game, replied: “Not this guy.” Our doctor jumped onto the field Johnny Watters. Blood was pouring down my face, but the real pain was in my knee.”

Clough returned to the field in September 1964 in a match against Leeds and scored a goal in the first meeting. However, Brian only lasted three games, after which he decided to leave.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of similar injuries in world football. It is almost impossible to tell about everyone. Therefore, we have chosen, in our humble opinion, the most famous cases.