Portable toilet for the cottage. Country toilet: overview of types of garden models for country toilets and features of their installation

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T a traditional country toilet causes only unpleasant associations associated with a swarm of flies and bad smell. But modern market offers a lot original ideas. One of them is editing. In this case, the installation of a full-fledged drainage system is not required. Owners of country houses can choose a high-quality peat toilet for their summer cottage. Which better option choose, will tell you Additional Information about the properties of individual models. A closet for a dacha can be arranged in the form of a plastic cabin or wooden structure. The operating principle of this design is based on waste mineralization processes. Moreover, this option is cheaper than standard dry toilets and easier to maintain.

The peat device does not take up much space. You can not only buy it, but also make it yourself

Peat-based closets operate on the principle of composting. With the help of biologically active ingredients, waste is processed into compost mass. Peat mixture is used as such ingredients.

Peat has bactericidal properties, so in addition to decomposing waste, it helps eliminate odors. In addition, the natural filler allows you to absorb excess liquid. In this case, cleaning is carried out once every two months.

Electricity and piping systems are not required to service a peat toilet for a summer cottage. It’s worth deciding which option is best to purchase for your home. The mixture obtained after processing can be used as an environmentally friendly fertilizer.

Helpful information! The peat structure is easy to maintain. It is necessary to clean the storage tank on time and add peat. No chemicals are used when cleaning the container. It should be washed with a simple soap solution. Do not add lime and ash to the peat mixture.


May be considered various options peat toilet for a summer residence: which one is better to choose depends on certain properties of a particular model. This has the following advantages:

  • mobility, it can be moved anywhere;
  • can be installed when renovation work is being done in the house;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors without the use of deodorizing agents;
  • characterized by easy maintenance and affordable price.

Helpful information! After cleaning the container, you can get a large amount of fertilizer.

Operating principle

When deciding which peat toilet to choose for your dacha, which one is better to buy, you should first study the structure of such a system.

The closet consists of the following elements:

  • the upper box is used to place the peat composition, in this part there is a mechanism for distributing raw materials;
  • a lower tank is used for waste treatment; a toilet with a lid is mounted on it;
  • A ventilation line is removed from the lower container, through which liquid is removed and unpleasant odors are removed.

When waste enters the tank, it is mixed with peat and transformed into a nutrient medium for soil microorganisms. In this case, the waste is divided into the following parts:

  • the liquid turns into vapor, which is discharged into the soil or evaporates through the ventilation hole;
  • compost;
  • carbon dioxide, which is removed through the ventilation line.

The ventilation line should have few angles and be located higher. If there are a large number of users, a forced ventilation unit should be installed.

Important! Do not fill the peat all the way. This may cause problems with the mechanism for supplying the mixture to the lower tank.

Related article:

Peat toilet for a summer residence: which one is better to choose?

When deciding which peat toilet to buy for your dacha, which one is better, reviews will help you choose the best option.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • dimensions, the design must fit into the previously prepared place;
  • the volume of the lower container, on which the frequency of cleaning the device depends;
  • a fill sensor that signals that it is time to clean;
  • the amount of load on the seat.

Peat structures come in the following varieties:

  • biological or compost;

  • chemical or liquid;

Depending on the manufacturer, chemical structures may have different designs.

  • The electric model works as a composting option, but requires a connection to the network.

Popular manufacturing companies and prices

You can buy a peat toilet for your dacha at different prices. The cost is influenced by the chosen brand and certain design properties.

Helpful information! You can buy an ecomatic peat toilet domestic production. It, like the Finnish model, has many advantages. The package includes a special thermal seat.

How is a peat toilet installed?

The contents of the peat structure container are used as fertilizer. But for the composition to become useful, it must be kept in a compost pit.

For this purpose, a thermal composter is created. A hole is dug and a reservoir is placed inside.

You can make a peat device with your own hands. The following actions are performed:

  • a box is assembled into which a plastic container will be placed. The box is made of 4 boards, which are mounted with self-tapping screws;

A special coating will protect the structure from rotting and fungi

  • To drain the liquid, a hole is made at the bottom of the tank, where the drainage line is led. To avoid blockages, the hole should be covered with a special pipe with a grill.

Then the toilet is installed in a pre-selected location and a wooden stall is constructed. About 5 cm of peat is poured into the bottom of the container. When using the structure, one bag of peat mixture is enough for the season.

To make the composting process even faster, you can purchase special biological accelerators.

Helpful information! If the raw materials in the compost pit are covered with black color, then the speed of processing of the composition can be affected.


We are probably in the sanitary room most often during the whole day. Therefore, it should have the same convenience requirements as the rest of the rooms in the apartment. The main equipment that is located in this room is the toilet. Concepts such as convenience, comfort and economy also apply to it. If you want to get exactly this option, then you should purchase a vacuum toilet for your home.

What is this device

The name itself may confuse some, but in fact, a vacuum toilet is practically no different from the designs we are familiar with. Its most important difference lies in the amount of water it spends on flushing and the mechanism of this flushing. The fact is that such devices in their work use not only water, but also air masses for flushing, so the amount of necessary liquid is reduced significantly.

Typically vacuum models have a wall or floor installation. They appeared quite recently, but have already gained popularity. Typically, such toilets can be seen in the following places:

In all other respects, such a device is no different from others and has all the same components as all other toilet models.

Mechanism of operation

Based on the fact that such equipment has a very simple operating mechanism, it is installed even in transport, and there, as you know, there is no running water. Vacuum toilets include:

  1. Vacuum pumps that create a vacuum space.
  2. Valve that opens at the touch of a button.

The water valve is connected to the flush hole using a hose. After pressing the button, the flushing mechanism is activated. After a set period of time, the vacuum valve closes, and the water valve will close after a set time, it can be adjusted by the screw on the button.

The drainage is completed and water fills the tank again. If you press the button, the valve opens and air begins to be sucked into the toilet. It is able to remove not only all waste, but also unpleasant odors. Only after this, the water supply control flushes the toilet with a very small amount of liquid. After this procedure, the valve returns to its original position.

It turns out that air and water work in tandem and in the end everything is done efficiently and at minimal cost.

Positive qualities of vacuum toilets

The great popularity of such equipment is due to the mass of its advantages, the main advantages include:

  1. Highly environmentally friendly. These are some of the most environmentally friendly toilets.
  2. Installing a vacuum toilet allows you to use smaller diameter pipes.
  3. Position sewer pipes You can do whatever you want, it will not affect the quality of the work.
  4. It is possible to exercise autonomous control over the system.
  5. Most often they are made from corrosion-resistant alloys, so they can be used in aggressive environments.
  6. The entire sewer system reduces its weight due to the low mass of the pipeline.
  7. If such a toilet is located on the first floors of a building, then there is no need to install a pumping station.
  8. Due to their features, they can be installed on any type of transport.

Installing such equipment with your own hands does not present any difficulty, since it has a simple device that is practically no different from ordinary toilets.

Since the water supply is controlled in such a toilet, very little is required to flush. Depending on the manufacturer and the place where you put it, the amount of liquid required may vary, but it is still several times less than in conventional devices.

How to install a toilet

Many masters will tell you that major renovation It’s best to start not from the bedroom or living room, but from the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Why is that? Yes, because the bulk of all communications are located here. Installing them will require not only your skills, but also time and money.

With a little effort and diligence, installing a new toilet will not cause you any difficulties. The whole work consists of just two stages:

  1. It is necessary to remove the old equipment, clean out all the garbage, and purchase a new toilet.
  2. Install a new toilet and check its operation.

In order to implement all these plans, you will definitely need tools: a hammer, a chisel, keys and possibly a grinder.

You need to start dismantling the old toilet when you have everything ready. It is worth considering that this is a very important stage, since the most important thing here is to do everything without damaging the sewer system. All work can be done in this order:

  1. Disconnect the system from the water supply and drain the water from the tank.
  2. Disconnect the drain column if it is connected directly to the toilet.
  3. Carefully remove all toilet fixtures if necessary to remove caulk or cement mortar.
  4. Carefully remove the toilet and remove all debris.

Once the space is cleared, you can begin installing new equipment. Just for installation you will additionally need a drill, sealant and material or cardboard.

The most important thing when installing is to place it symmetrically, and for this you need to pre-measure everything. Earthenware toilets are very fragile, so it is advisable to place cardboard or a rag underneath during fitting.

Having installed the toilet in the right place, you need to mark the holes for the bolts. Then we remove it and drill holes for the dowels. The toilet should come with a gasket on which it must be installed. If it is missing, you will have to use silicone. After installing the toilet, you should screw it with bolts and you can install the flush tank.

The drain column is attached to the toilet with bolts and a rubber gasket is placed between them to reduce friction. Once the tank is installed, you can begin connecting the water supply. After this, all that remains is to install the filling valve, adjust the float and the drain-overflow system. If after all the manipulations the system works normally, it means that the instructions helped you, and after a couple of hours you will be able to use the toilet.

If you decide to install a vacuum toilet at home, then in these models, to ensure tightness and increase installation speed, a quick-release connection made movable is provided. Such toilets are quickly installed and also dismantled without problems.

Variety of vacuum toilets

Despite the same operating mechanism, such toilets may differ in their appearance, the material from which they are made. For example, you can name the following options:

  • A completely pneumatic model, this variety is quite new. It uses a single-nozzle flush system, which is built into the drain mechanism. Most of the parts are firmly connected to each other, which greatly simplifies installation.
  • Ceramic toilet. The seat and lid are made of antibacterial material, which is even more hygienic compared to other models. This surface is resistant to damage and will even withstand being set on fire by a cigarette.
  • Toilet from of stainless steel. It was originally developed for the armed forces, it is so durable.
  • Built-in model. It can be mounted into the floor.

Choosing a toilet

When choosing plumbing fixtures, ease of use should be taken into account above all. It should fit the size of your toilet room and work efficiently and effectively.

The range of this equipment is now large, so making a choice can be difficult. Big choice toilets from the most different materials will help you choose the model that best suits the style of your bathroom.

It is necessary to take into account the design of the flush; it can be vertical, horizontal or inclined. Based on your sewer system, it is necessary to choose a model.

When it comes to vacuum toilets, many problems disappear by themselves. Basically, all you have to do is choose the material from which the toilet is made, the one you like best. In all other respects, a vacuum toilet for the home is simply an ideal option.

For some reason, this topic is often passed over with delicate silence, and completely in vain. After all, a toilet is a necessity for every civilized person, no matter where he is at the moment - in his apartment or in a suburban area.

The usual approach is to summer cottage, in the corner farthest from the residential building, a cesspool is dug, over which a small wooden building, used as a toilet. However, over time bad smell may begin to spread throughout the entire area, drowning out the aromas of the forest and mown grass, so the owners of the site begin to come up with different ways to localize it. And, you see, it’s not very pleasant to run to the restroom across the entire site, especially at night or in inclement weather. That's why this was developed convenient device, like a dry closet, many of whose models allow you to do not only without cesspool, but also without building a latrine.

Currently, the range of these devices available for sale, convenient for a person’s comfortable stay outside the city, is very wide. And in order to figure out which dry closet to choose for your dacha, you should get acquainted with the characteristics and operating principles of various models.

Possibility of using biotoilets

The design diagram of a finished peat dry closet can be studied using this drawing, and using the presented dimensions as a basis, it will not be difficult to make it yourself.

You can find it on sale today plastic containers of a suitable shape, and all that remains is to make a comfortable toilet seat. It can be made, for example, from old wooden chair, shortening the legs for convenience and covering its lower part on three sides with boards or plastic panels.

This design has a lot of advantages, and these include the following points:

  • To use this type of dry closet, you do not need water.
  • The tank is cleaned of solid waste less frequently than a liquid dry closet of the same volume.
  • The peat toilet is absolutely environmentally friendly, and waste mixed with peat does not pollute the environment.
  • This type of dry closet has the most affordable price of all similar devices and instruments existing today.
  • The cost of the filler is also much lower than that of chemical and biological agents.

Like any device, a peat dry closet also has its drawbacks:

  • As mentioned above, this device requires the arrangement of a separate room with good ventilation.
  • To keep the container filled for as long as possible, it is recommended to install a tube for draining liquid into a separate container, for which you can use a canister.
  • The structure can only be stationary.

Filler for peat dry closet

To fill the dry toilet, you need to use only dry filler, and it can be safely and conveniently stored next to the toilet seat. Layers of filler are filled in every time, before using the toilet and immediately after that.

You can also fill the toilet manually when using the toilet - place a box with filler next to it.

Sometimes owners of such devices try to replace peat with small shavings or sawdust, but it should be understood that these materials will not give such an effect and will not contribute to the rapid processing of waste into compost mass. Sawdust can be used, but only by making a mixture of it and peat in 1:1 proportions, and only if a container with a volume of at least 50 liters is used under the toilet bowl. With this use of the dry composition, the layers of filler and waste will be provided with good aeration, which will help to activate the process of decomposition and mixing of the components into the total mass.

Models of peat dry closets

A few words need to be said about the most popular models of peat dry toilets, which can be purchased today in specialized stores, since many owners of country houses still prefer ready-made products to homemade ones.

Peat composting dry closet "Piteco 505"

Dry toilet company "Piteco" Russian production is a structure consisting of two parts. In its upper part there is a toilet seat and a block for filling the peat mixture, as well as a mechanism for feeding it. The lower block contains a drainage system, a storage tank and filter elements. The sections of the dry closet are easily connected and separated from each other if it is necessary to clean the tank.

The body of the dry closet is made of sanitary plastic. The contents of the storage unit are prudently closed with flaps that open only when using the toilet.

The manufacturing company produces models with different storage volumes, which range from 45 to 72 liters, with product heights from 400 to 600 mm. The dry closet is designed for a maximum load of 150 to 250 kg.

Price for different models, depending on their volume, can range from 325 to 530 USD, but it should be noted that you can also find simpler “budget” options at a price of 160÷170 USD.

Peat composting dry toilet "Biolan Naturum"

This type of dry closet is produced by the Finnish company Biolan, and is classified as a design with increased comfort. Thanks to this, it can be installed both in outdoor toilets and indoors. Almost all models are equipped with wheels, making it easier to move the product when it needs to be cleaned.

This product is a single body, not divided into blocks, and has dimensions suitable for installation in a room of the same area as the toilet room standard apartment. Its dimensions are: 840×740×810 mm, seat height 470÷490 mm, weight - about 40 kg, internal capacity volume - 30 l, compost tank volume - 7 kg.

The kit includes all the elements necessary for operation: ventilation pipes, drainage and a bucket for dosing the peat mixture. Since the dry closet is composting, you can compost any kind of toilet in it. organic matter. This model of dry closet has a waste separation function, which is convenient when cleaning it.

The Biolan company produces very a large number of models having different sizes and shapes. Prices for products vary from 130 to 560 USD.

Peat composting dry toilet "Ekomatic"

Another Finnish manufacturer, quite popular on Russian market– this is the company “Ekomatic”. The products of this brand are different high quality and a variety of shapes and sizes.

The shown option has a storage capacity of 110 liters, the seat height is 500 mm, and the weight of the dry closet is 24 kg. This and other models of this company are generally identical to Biolan dry closets.

Prices peat dry closets"Ekomatic" range from 320 to 600 c.u.

Stationary composting toilet

Another version of a dry closet using peat as an active filler is more complex in design, since it is a building with a special compartment (chamber) underneath for processing waste into compost.

Such a building looks quite expensive, but it will pay for itself very quickly, since it will bring double benefits - it will serve as a toilet and be a place for producing and storing compost. In addition, you will not have to spend money not only on purchasing fertilizers, but also on their delivery.

Having built such a dry toilet once, you can be sure that it will serve long years, and all this time fertilizers for the vegetable garden and flower beds will always be at hand.

In this diagram you can see that the dry closet consists of an upper clean room where a block with a toilet seat is installed. Located under the toilet room closed chamber with a ceiling height of about one and a half meters, into which waste mixed with peat enters through a hole in the toilet seat. A door is installed in the lower part of the wall opposite from the waste disposal for raking out the finished compost. A slope of at least 30˚ is arranged inside the chamber - it is necessary for even distribution of waste. This slope is arranged from the wall located behind the toilet seat with a slope towards the cesspool door. Moreover, under this slide there should be space for free circulation warm air, which will come from solar collector, installed near the wall, and enters the chamber through an opening located above it. To allow warm air to penetrate deep into the mass of waste and peat, a perforated pipe is fixed in the wall, which will provide excellent aeration and recycling of waste into compost.

To remove compost from the chamber, you do not need to go down into it - you just need to open the door and use a shovel to take it out. required amount biofertilizers.

You can arrange a dry closet, which will be located directly under the house, but for this, the chamber for making compost (C) is made sealed, and liquid waste is collected in a separate container (item 5) installed outside the chamber, since it will need to be emptied sufficiently often.

In this case, the toilet room is located on ground floor(indicated by the letter B in the diagram).

In order to separate waste into different chambers, it is necessary to install a toilet seat (item 3), through which solid waste together with peat will flow into the compost compartment (C), and a urinal (item 4), connected to a container for collecting liquid ( pos. 5). A ventilation pipe (2) is installed into the sealed chamber with solid waste, which will remove all emitted fumes to the outside. Next to the container for collecting liquid, a door is installed in the wall (item 1), through which you can easily get compost to fertilize the soil in the garden.

It should be noted that, if desired, you can add biological agents for the lower tank of the dry closet to the liquid collection container. If you decide to use such a toilet constantly, then the tank for collecting liquid should be chosen in a dark color or at least opaque.

Criteria for choosing a dry closet for a summer residence

When choosing a dry closet for use in the country, you need to pay attention Special attention for some moments.

Filling tank volume

The frequency of cleaning the device will depend on this parameter. For example, as already noted, a container with a volume of 12÷14 liters is designed for 28÷30 uses, and a 20÷23 liter toilet is designed for 50. When choosing a dry closet according to this criterion, you need to take into account the number of family members who will use it and the expected frequency cleaning so that you don’t have to do it too often.

Weight of a filled storage tank

If a dry closet is purchased for an elderly person, then it is necessary to take into account its weight when filled so that it does not turn out to be too heavy to lift. In this case, it is better to rely on frequent but comfortable cleaning. Therefore, it would be optimal to choose a dry toilet in which the lower tank will have a volume of no more than 12÷14 liters, and the weight when filled will be only 14÷16 kg, since a 20-liter container together with liquid weighs at least 22÷23 kg.

When choosing a mobile toilet according to this criterion, you need to approach it by realistically assessing your strengths, so that subsequently cleaning the toilet does not become a painful procedure.

Height of toilet seat

This parameter is also important, especially in cases where there are small children in the house. You should probably choose a model of such a height that it is comfortable for all family members, that is, medium, since a high chair that is too high will be uncomfortable for children, and a chair that is too low will be uncomfortable for adults. If a dry closet is purchased specifically for a child, as a potty, then you should choose a height of approximately 300 mm.

Tank full indicator

Models that have an indicator that shows the filling level of the lower tank are slightly more expensive, but by choosing the option with this element, you will not need to worry about refilling the tank. In addition, the indicator will help save on consumables intended for waste recycling, since, fearing overfilling, most often users empty a half-empty container that could still be used for quite a long time.

Drain button

There are three options for the control that causes the drain:

The button is a corrugated pump, when pressed, waste is immediately flushed into the lower container.

To create the required pressure for flushing, it will require several presses - only after that water will begin to flow into the toilet bowl. Without a doubt, the first option is more convenient to use, but the price for models with a drain button is higher.

The electric pump is powered by a battery, which necessitates the need to always have the appropriate element in stock. But when you press the button, water immediately, without additional pumping, flows into the toilet bowl.

Winter dry toilet

If earlier in the winter months dachas were mostly empty, today many people prefer to live in suburban conditions even in the cold season. If the toilet is located in a heated room, there will be no problems with its operation. It’s another matter if all the “conveniences” are located on the street.

To make the use of a dry closet outdoors comfortable even in the cold months, you can purchase a design made from peat or one powered by chemical reagents devices. Chemical-based non-freezing liquids are produced especially for this purpose, and peat in a dry state will not freeze even in severe frost. Using these toilet models and the corresponding consumables will not require any significant additional costs.

Another, more comfortable option could be a thermal toilet, which can also be purchased today both in stores and online.

One of these devices is the all-season summer cottage dry toilet “Termotoilet”, produced in Finland, which runs on peat and composts waste.

Peat composting dry closet "Termotoilet"

In this model, the designers took into account all the wishes of summer residents living outside the city all year round– this is ease of use, durability and ease of removal of finished compost.

Waste composting in this model occurs all year round. The dry closet has a durable, heat-insulated body; in addition, it is designed to neutralize unpleasant odors.

The thermal toilet has a wear-resistant warm seat that does not require power or water for heating. Storage tank This model has a volume of 230 liters.

Dimensional parameters of the dry toilet "Termotoilet":

  • Its total height is 980 mm.
  • The height of the lower part to the seat is 425 mm.
  • Seat width – 800 mm.
  • Seat depth – 600 mm.
  • Diameter vent– 110 mm.

The body is made of hygienic, wear-resistant plastic that does not react to temperature changes. The seat is made of polypropylene foam, so it always remains warm. The metal dispenser handle is powder coated.

The price of thermal toilets can vary from 200 USD. The presented option will cost about 300 USD.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the solution to the problem country toilet directly depends on the financial capabilities and preferences of the owner country house:

  • This can be a compact device with liquid waste processing.
  • An electric drying toilet that processes waste through evaporation and drying is expensive and requires permanent installation.
  • A comfortable thermal toilet that will actively recycle waste at any time of the year, regardless of the installation location and outside temperatures.
  • A continuously functioning peat dry closet, installed in a separate building built for it or installed in a dedicated room.

The main criterion that must be met is the comfort of using the device for all family members.

And in conclusion, a short video with tips on choosing a dry closet for a country house:

Video: how to choose the right dry closet

Owners of buildings with “conveniences in the yard” perceive an ordinary dry toilet for a summer residence without smell and pumping as a fantastic object, the sale of which borders on an attempt to deceive the buyer by selling a product that is obviously non-functional. However, to the delight of modern summer residents, such toilets still exist and have been pleasing their owners for many years.

Today we will look at their varieties, focusing on the most popular models, the effectiveness of which has been proven over time..

There is no mystery here. This toilet is built on the principle of a classic “chamber pot”, and all “innovative solutions” consist in the subsequent processing of fecal and liquid waste using biobacteria or peat and the introduction of a “pot” into the design. check valves preventing the spread of odor.

Dry toilet for a summer residence without odor and pumping

A simplified diagram of the operation of a modern toilet looks like this:

  • The wastewater passes through the valve and flows into the sump. Solid waste will have to be washed away using a very small volume of water.
  • The valve locks and cuts off all unpleasant odors (we have already created an odorless dry closet for our home).
  • In the settling chamber The wastewater is separated, after which special preparations and fillers come into play, breaking down organic matter and volatile compounds (the source of the unpleasant odor). The result of the effect of drugs on solid waste is their softening, followed by the release of liquid and gas. This reduces the volume of wastewater and solves the problem of pumping.

  • Settled and treated liquid waste is discharged into an autonomous sewer system or drainage system, or into the ground, after which only solid masses remain in the settling tank, subject to the continuous influence of active drugs (biobacteria or peat - for peat dry closets).
  • Gas leaves by connected to the sewer. At the same time, the volume of residual sludge (solid sediment) is incomparable with the volume of wastewater, so a container of several tens of liters can be used for a long time - from 1 to 6 months
  • After filling the sump to a certain level, the storage tank is removed and emptied. When removed, the storage container itself remains sealed and does not emit a stench. Undissolved sludge is dumped into trash container or into a compost pit, receiving high-calorie and absolutely safe fertilizer.

A toilet built on this principle will suit both “weekend summer residents” and seasonal residents of the suburbs who live in their country houses from May to October. Moreover, such a structure can be installed both in the yard and in toilet room or bathroom.

The frequency of emptying the septic tank depends on the number of users of the toilet and the volume of the storage tank. (for example, the volume of the Ecomatic Trio toilet from Kekkilä is enough for continuous use by a family of 4 people for 60 days) . The location for solid waste disposal is selected based on the type of preparations used in the sump. Be sure to take these nuances into account when deciding which odorless dry closet to buy for your home.

Types of modern toilets for summer cottages

Country toilets, odorless and without the need for pumping, come in several types. Depending on the principle of waste movement in the container:

  • Natural flush toilets(gravity), which involves the movement of wastewater by gravity. Such toilets do not need to be connected to the network; they are completely autonomous, so they can be placed both in the yard and in the house.
  • Dry toilets with mechanical drive(electric), which involves generating pressure using a pump. In this case, liquid waste is pumped out of the sump using a special pump connected to the electrical network. These toilets are only used indoors.

Depending on the active substance that promotes the decomposition and processing of waste:

  • Chemical toilets , using biobacteria and reagents that break down organic matter as drugs.
  • Peat (composting) toilets , using an absorption filler that absorbs unpleasant odors and clarifies wastewater. It processes the solid part of wastewater into fertilizer (compost) using biologically active preparations.

Both peat and chemical and biological preparations can be discharged into gravity and electric toilets, so it is better to take the latter characteristic as the basis for the classification - the type of active substance. And further in the text we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each group from this list.

Chemical (biological) toilet

A special preparation is poured into the storage tank (lower tank) of the dry closet, which breaks down organic matter and kills bacteria.

Such a toilet consists of two containers - one contains flushing fluid, and the second contains fecal waste with a reagent. For pumping (flushing), either manual or electric pumps are used. Therefore, most electric dry closets belong to this group.

Advantages of this option:

  • High mobility. Toilets with manual pumps do not need to be connected to an electrical outlet or sewer system, and disinfected liquid waste can be discharged directly into the ground. This option is suitable for use in any conditions.
  • Light weight - from 3 to 5 kg and compact dimensions
  • The degree of biological decomposition of wastewater is high. The waste from the storage tank of such a toilet does not smell of feces or urine.

Among the shortcomings it is worth noting more frequent (compared to composting toilets) need to dispose of liquid off-site.

Popular models of odorless chemical toilets

Thetford Porta Potti Qube 165– chemical toilet with a lower chamber of 21 liters. Equipped with a manual pump for pumping wastewater and draining water. Perfect option“winter” country toilet for those who want to live in the countryside for a few days. Suitable for seasonal summer residents who do not expect large groups to visit.

  • — Volume of the lower tank — 21 l
  • — Volume — upper tank — 15 l
  • The cost of the toilet is from 5500 rubles

  • Overall size— 414 x 383 x 427 mm
  • — Weight — 3.9 kg
  • — Height — seats — 408 mm

Two bottles of liquids (for the lower tank and flush) are included with the dry closet.

Thetford Porta Potti Excellence Plus with electric pomp

A Dutch chemical toilet with an electric pump that pumps waste from the upper tank to the lower tank. This model has a full indicator and an electric drain button, so an electrical connection is required. Popular among homeowners without a sewage disposal system. This model can replace a stationary toilet for 2-3 summer residents.

  • Volume of the lower tank – 21 liters
  • Volume - upper tank - 15 l
  • Cost – from 12,500 rubles.

  • — Weight — 5.8 kg
  • — Warranty — 3 years
  • — Height — seats — 443 mm

2 bottles of liquids for the first refill + toilet paper holder included.

Peat (composting) toilet

A peat mixture is introduced into the reservoir of such a toilet, which absorbs unpleasant odors and processes fecal matter due to the presence of anaerobic bacteria. The peat composition is added to the container from time to time. It should cover the fecal matter with a slide. It is best to understand the principle of operation of a composting dry toilet for a summer residence by watching the following video:

Advantages of peat toilets:

  • Large storage capacity. Such toilets serve 4-6 users.
  • The possibility of waste disposal within the site - a mixture of peat and feces is stored in a specially designated area, where it matures into compost in a matter of months.
  • You can avoid water and drainage using special designs with a damper that cuts off the container from the environment.
  • Availability of structures continuous action, with huge storage tanks in which the compost fully matures.
  • High autonomy - such a toilet does not need to be connected to the mains, so it can be installed both at home and outdoors.
  • The ability to use recycled wastewater as a natural fertilizer for the garden or flower beds.

The most noticeable disadvantage of this option is the inability to use the toilet outside in winter or in a cold room. At low temperatures the process of decomposition of organic matter stops almost completely. However, this drawback can be easily eliminated by using a heat-insulating housing.

Peat toilet for a summer house (140 liters)

Storage capacity holds up to 140 liters of waste, so there are wheels on the toilet body that can be used to transport the sump to the compost pit. This toilet can be used inside or outside the home. It is completed with a hose for draining liquid and a drain pipe (75 mm long 1820 mm).

  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Cost - from 11,500 rubles

After installation, you can service the toilet without moving it or disconnecting the hoses; just turn the exhaust pipe adapter. The lower part is separated and conveniently transported on wheels to the compost heap.

Kekkila Ecomatic Green (110 liters)

Eco-friendly toilet for a country house without autonomous sewerage. Equipped with a reservoir for peat mixture and a removable sump capacity of 110 liters. Are you looking for a dry toilet without pumping and no smell for your dacha? Then take a closer look at this model. It does not require complex care and Serves a family of 3-5 people, even if permanent residence in a country house.

The delivery set includes all related accessories - from a thermal seat to fan pipe. Any home handyman can handle the installation.

  • Production - Finland
  • Dimensions - 78x60x50 cm
  • Weight - 14 kg
  • Cost – from 13,500 rubles

Comes with

  • body with peat tank, bottom waste tank, lid and seat
  • fan pipes (2 pcs) diameter - 75 mm, length - 80 cm
  • corrugated pipe with a diameter of 82 mm and a length of 2 meters;
  • clamps for attaching pipes to corrugated pipes (2 pcs)
  • drainage hose - 2 meters
  • peat mixture Kekkila 50 liters (Hajusieppo)

Septic tank - a radical solution to the wastewater problem

Compact, odorless and pumping toilets for summer cottages have many advantages, but they do not solve the main problem - the need to dispose of wastewater without human intervention. Even a continuous cycle composting toilet requires some maintenance.

Fully autonomous system waste disposal that does not require daily care, can only be built on the basis of a septic tank that works as follows:

  • Fecal waste flows through the sewer pipeline into a volumetric settling tank - the first chamber of the septic tank.
  • In this chamber, gravitational separation of wastewater into liquid and solid components occurs. Moreover, the liquid flows through the overflow pipe into the adjacent chamber, and the solid part settles to the bottom of the gravity settling tank, forming a breeding ground for colonies of anaerobic bacteria that break down this sludge into gas and water.
  • In the second chamber, connected to the settling tank by overflow, aerobic decomposition of the remaining solid particles contained in the clarified waste occurs. The purified liquid is re-settled and goes into drainage well or filter field.
  • From a well or pipeline, water with the remains of solid inclusions goes into the soil, where the residual process of aerobic decomposition of organic particles occurs.

A wastewater disposal system arranged in this way only requires timely replenishment of the first and second chambers of the septic tank with anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. In addition, every 3-4 years the owner of the septic tank will have to clean the gravity sump from silt and grease deposits.

At the end of winter, my neighbor at the dacha announced that he was going to divorce his wife. They lived, as it seemed from the outside, amicably and, having announced their intentions, gave rise to many speculations. My neighbor started his dacha in the late 80s, when he was a young specialist.

At the end of winter, my neighbor at the dacha announced that he was going to divorce his wife. They lived, as it seemed from the outside, amicably and, having announced their intentions, gave rise to many speculations. My neighbor started his dacha in the late 80s, when he was a young specialist. The trade union committee literally forced the plot on him - there were almost no people willing to run a farm at such a distance from Moscow. For twelve years the plot was overgrown with grass and bushes, until at the beginning of the 2000s our neighbor remembered that he was the landowner. Some nomadic brigade built him a house and furnished another small house known destination at the very edge of the site. So it turned out to be a stumbling block in their otherwise wonderful marriage.

Later, when the situation was successfully resolved, the neighbor told me that his wife never agreed to use this traditional “latrine” and that was the only reason why their increasingly rare joint visits to the countryside were one-day ones. He himself was not exactly indifferent to comfort, but he believed that when coming to the dacha, one should leave sybaritic habits in the city and live the way, in his opinion, they had lived in Rus' from time immemorial. Therefore, the wife’s urgent requests to organize a septic tank or something similar were indignantly rejected. In his opinion, the delights of dacha life certainly outweighed the “light everyday inconveniences.” In addition, he reasonably objected to her, everyone around them has two plots, and some have all four. There is space for laying pipes, digging trenches and creating miniature aeration fields. He missed the opportunity to buy an abandoned adjacent plot, and is forced to remain on his “starting” six hundred square meters.

As a result, on the eve of the next dacha season, an ultimatum was given - look either for the opportunity to equip a comfortable toilet, or for a new wife! And he began to search, and I began to help him.

The initial data for the search were as follows: to organize a bathroom that does not require access to the open sky, but from the point of view of comfort and smell, is as close as possible to the usual urban level. At the same time, the shortage of space and time was taken into account - I wanted comfort quickly, but there really wasn’t enough space. The barn attached to the house, where the shower was already located, was chosen as the location.

However, clones!

It was obvious that the solution should be sought among dry toilets. Liquid dry toilets were the first to be studied; fortunately, in any “country-oriented store” they catch the eye. Despite the huge number of models, they are structurally very close and consist of easily separated parts: the upper one, which includes a container for water mixed with deodorant, a pump for draining it and a seat, and the lower one - a tank for collecting “life waste”. Both parts are usually made of polypropylene. Toilets differ in the volume of this tank - from 10-12 to 24 liters and the presence of an indicator for filling the lower tank - in simple models he's not there. Sometimes there are electric water pumps; they run on 6 AA batteries.

So, as the famous advertisement of the 90s stated, “with all the wealth of choice, there is no other alternative!” An alternative appeared when we moved on to the choice of liquids for these devices. Then my eyes widened... Blue and green, expensive and cheap, smelly and not so smelly... (By the way, the manufacturers of such toilets also offer special instant toilet paper as a consumable material). But let's return to the choice of liquids. Here you need to decide how the waste is supposed to be disposed of.

If you plan to pour them, say, into compost heap, then liquids based on formaldehyde compounds (“blue”) in combination with cosmetic fragrances are strictly contraindicated, although they very effectively process the contents of the lower tank. To dispose of waste on your site, you need “green” liquids based on chemical compounds, decomposed by oxygen. Liquids based on living bacteria have appeared relatively recently. They, as manufacturers claim, turn waste into complete fertilizer. True, their cost is quite high. Strictly speaking, only this type of liquid gives the right to a liquid toilet to be called a dry toilet, the first two options are a chemical toilet...

In addition, any liquid poured into the tank loses its decomposing properties after 7-10 days, therefore, if you visit the dacha after a long break, the toilet will have to be “recharged”.

The undoubted advantages of toilets of this type are balanced by noticeable disadvantages. As a result, time passed, the summer season was inexorably approaching, but no choice was made.

Will return to the earth

Then, in a conversation with a neighbor, I remembered how in the early 90s I came across a curiosity in a shop in the center of Moscow - a tank, pot-bellied, like the back of a retro scooter, was equipped with a pedal, some kind of control knobs, a long thick pipe and had an electric cord with plug. On top of all this was a plastic toilet seat. It was the only thing that revealed the purpose of the device. This sudden memory helped us discover the class of peat dry closets. They use a natural material that absorbs moisture well - peat - as a filler. One liter of peat mixture, specially prepared for use in such toilets, can hold up to 10 liters of liquid. These mixtures contain, in addition to peat, sawdust and special additives that accelerate composting. By the way, and the usual toilet paper, thrown into the tank, contributes to the process.

In this case, composting itself can occur both in a compost pit (or heap) and inside the device body. Depending on this, a distinction is made between simply peat dry closets and composting peat dry closets.

Composting composting toilets

“Simple” toilets represent a broad class of devices, the design and principle of operation of which are similar, but the price can differ several times depending on ease of use and country of manufacture. They, like liquid toilets, consist of lower and upper parts made of frost-resistant durable plastic. The lower part - the toilet tank - serves to receive human waste products and mix them with peat. Depending on the design and class of the device, waste can be placed directly in the tank, or in a special container. In this case, when the toilet is full, only the container is removed and emptied. Large capacity toilets and their containers are equipped with wheels to make emptying easier.

The upper part - the lid - includes a seat and a peat tank with a peat spreading mechanism. It should be used after each use to eliminate unpleasant odors and “start” the composting process.

The design of most “simple” toilets includes a drainage tube that removes the liquid fraction of waste. All of them, regardless of the class and complexity of the design, also have an exhaust pipe that provides ventilation to the tank.

The range of such devices is huge. The most “budget” options belong to this class. The smallest of the "simple" peat toilets look like regular toilet, have a tank with a volume of 35-50 liters and are designed for 2-3 people leisurely relaxing in the country; the largest ones are based on a plastic trash container and can easily serve a large family whole year.

Expert commentary

Alexey Lyubimsky, supplier of dry toilets since their production began in the USSR in the 1980s in Odessa
“Veterans of the dacha movement can easily recognize in the devices described what was called a “powder closet” in the specialized literature on rural construction. Only the sizes and materials change. This is the main difference between the peat toilet - the “indigenous villager” and the liquid one, the widespread use of which began in warehouses, in sales tents and other similar objects that do not have a sewerage system, but are located close to it.”

More complex and expensive device is a peat toilet with a separator. The specificity of this toilet is 2 tanks, for the liquid and solid components of waste. Its advantage is a longer period between cleanings. The disadvantage is the need to have a special large container for receiving the liquid component, or a filter device for releasing liquid waste into the soil, or some space outside the toilet that receives and evaporates this waste. (This may be an area of ​​several square meters, covered with a layer of the same peat and protected from precipitation). In addition, the instructions require using this toilet only while sitting.

Lisa Picard’s book “Victorian London,” recently published in Russian translation, provides an interesting fact from the history of the issue that interests us: “In 1860, Reverend Henry Mole invented an earthen toilet, which deserves to be told in more detail. Behind the seat was a box with clean, dry soil. Dry so that it can flow freely. Suitable land could be dried in the kitchen oven. In a durable wooden slab, reminiscent low table on four legs, was done round hole in the middle with a metal bowl fixed underneath, inside under right hand Another smaller hole was made, with a handle, to pour soil from the box into the reservoir under the seat. The earthen toilet was easy to maintain and repair, easy to clean, and the floor underneath could be swept and mopped.”

Composting peat dry closets

The next large class is toilets, the “output” of which we get ready-made organic fertilizer. They have more complex design and waste treatment technology. Besides ventilation pipe and the drainage tube must be connected to an electrical network. In the lower tank of such toilets there is a a heating element, maintaining a temperature comparable to that produced by natural composting. This promotes intensive evaporation of the liquid fraction of waste. To increase the efficiency of this process and remove odors, an electric fan is installed in the exhaust pipe. In addition, a special stirrer with an electric drive (in “younger” models the drive is manual) mixes the contents.

The delivery set includes several drawers, which are located in the lower part and are replaced as compost accumulates in them.

Operation of such a toilet is allowed only at a temperature of at least +16-18 degrees Celsius. It cannot work properly in cold weather, but it will not deteriorate, even if left “as is” at the end of the season. (This also applies to “simple” peat toilet). Before starting use after a long break, you just need to pour water and loosen the contents to avoid damage to the stirrer drive.

Compact composting toilets have this design. Formally, this class also includes rotary-type toilets - huge structures with a volume of 700-800 liters, having several containers in the form of sectors of a cylinder, which rotates around a vertical axis as they are filled. By the way, this toilet can also be used in winter, thanks to the fact that full cycle composting takes place directly in the container.

When the last of them is filled, compost is already ripening in the first, and it’s time to unload it.

To be fair, it should be said that such a toilet costs more than another septic tank and requires a separate booth for installation with a convenient approach from behind - for unloading containers.