Remodeling an old house with your own hands. Before and After: How an old village house became a stylish dacha

According to existing Russian legislation, redevelopment and reconstruction of an apartment or house must be reflected in the technical passport. The redevelopment of an apartment or house can include the construction of new walls or dismantling of old ones, as well as possible changes or removal of door and window openings. Redevelopment of a private house involves changing all engineering systems: electrical, technical, gas or other systems.

Let's look at a simple way to remodel a residential building.

Below we provide a list of required documents:

  1. Technical passport plan and its copy received from the BTI.
  2. Extract from the house register issued by the house management.
  3. IN construction company who is remodeling a house, you need to take a copy of the plan of the future house.
  4. A copy of documents confirming your legal right for this residential premises.
  5. Written statement.

Having collected required package documents, contact the administration at your place of residence in order to obtain official permission to conduct of this type works

Once you have collected the necessary package of documents, and your future house project does not contradict government norms and rules, the administration will approve your request.

After certain repair work and carry out the transformation, which is also called redevelopment, you will need to call specialists - technicians from the BTI, who will document all the new changes and on this basis will issue you a new technical passport of the house.

They can be demolished during redevelopment, subject to certain details. If you decide to break a brick partition and move it to another place, then over time it may fall.

The reason for this problem is that the floor slabs can only withstand a certain load, which varies differently in various parts Houses.

Brick walls 2.6 m high weigh much more than a person’s weight, so the panel will not support the weight of a heavy partition. Over time, it will begin to sag and eventually simply collapse.

To avoid this situation, when moving the wall, use structures made of slabs treated with special

When deciding to redevelop an old house, you should choose a reliable construction company, which can cope with this important task.

Redevelopment and construction of a house- these are different things, so when reconstructing a house, leave the work to the professionals, and you will definitely be confident in the reliability of the redevelopment and the absence of any emergency situations in the future.

And of course, it is better to contact specialists or a construction company with whom you can enter into an agreement for the development of the entire project, redevelopment and all related work.

You will need to specify the exact terms of production and quality of redevelopment, as well as penalties that may be applicable in case of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract.

Construction of a new country house- it is quite long and difficult process, which requires significant financial costs. That is why the reconstruction of an old wooden house still remains a relevant and budget alternative. It is advisable to entrust the work to the team professional specialists who will be able to restore the aesthetics of the house efficiently and as quickly as possible.

If for certain reasons this is not possible, then you can try to do everything yourself. But to do this, you should study the relevant literature on the Internet and read our article. This will allow you to understand the principle of performing the work and get the desired result.

Reconstruction of a wooden house cannot be carried out as often as major and planned repairs. But the costs of this work will be significant, so it’s worth trying to extend the life of your home through timely repairs.

How to understand that reconstruction is required

The first signs of the need to reconstruct a house may be the presence of deformations of the frame, depressions and bulges. In addition, the walls begin to noticeably let in much more moisture and the condition of the roof becomes more dilapidated.

It is quite possible that cracks, destruction of the base and gaps between the logs will appear. Having noticed such changes, it is important to immediately begin major repairs. Otherwise, you risk your life.

To determine the condition of the house, an ordinary awl, knife and hammer will be enough. With these tools you can easily determine the presence of defects in upper layers logs, and also evaluate the condition of their interior. But before you begin the reconstruction itself, you should definitely complete the design work.

Initial stages of reconstruction of a wooden house

Now the reconstruction of a wooden house is carried out in several successive stages, the importance of each of which should never be forgotten. First of all, work is carried out to restore the external part of the house. At this stage, it is possible to redevelop the premises, as well as increase the building area.

The old paint layer is being removed and finished modern materials High Quality. Siding is often used for these purposes. It is also possible to dismantle some walls, which is necessary to expand some rooms, if these changes are suggested by the plan.

Reconstruction of the house. Extension of new premises

Development of a sketch of the house is required regardless of the degree of its damage. Entrust this work to professional architects who can change your home beyond recognition. They will take into account all your wishes and preferences. The sketch is important at every stage of reconstruction: choosing materials for finishing and construction, drawing up estimates, and also performing the work.

On next stage The roof, walls and foundation of the house are being reconstructed. The comfort and functionality of a wooden house in the future will depend on the quality of work that was performed at this stage.

It is always worth starting the reconstruction with the conversion of the attic. Depending on its size, you will need to insulate the walls of the house or equip the attic space as a separate room. The main thing is to ensure the reliability of the floor by using logs made of timber.

Also, do not forget that the attic must have excellent thermal insulation, especially for the roof slopes. After the renovation, they will serve as the walls of the attic. Mineral wool - the best option for this purpose, even if you have a sufficient budget, you should still give preference to more modern options roll type.

Foundation destruction can occur due to various reasons. The process of its reconstruction can be carried out in several ways, which differ from each other by the possibility of achieving a monolithic foundation as a result of the work:

  • replacement is carried out gradually. Old sections are replaced with new concrete blocks in separate sections. This method quite simple, but oh monolithic foundation you can forget;
  • the foundation is completely replaced, and during the work the undisassembled house is placed on a temporary foundation.

Preparing the base for a new foundation

The main stages of reconstruction of a country house

Replacing old communications is rightfully considered one of the most important stages reconstruction of a wooden house. The comfort of living in the house, as well as its service life, will depend on the quality of its implementation. It is important to check all communications and replace them most, because they were installed quite a long time ago and it is quite possible that very soon they will begin to fail.

After this stage, the power supply system is replaced. In most older homes these systems require complete replacement to more modern ones, since they have not been considered effective for a long time. Pick up best option You can after you finally decide on your budget and wishes.

Remember that you should not save on purchasing an energy-saving system! It is best to give preference to innovative options in which it really makes sense to invest your cash. It is worthwhile to completely replace them even in those houses where the energy saving systems appear to be in excellent condition. This will prevent unpleasant surprises in the future.

If you want to give a more complete look to your wooden house, then you can install a stove or fireplace. Thanks to him, the atmosphere in the house will be warmer and more pleasant. Just imagine how pleasant it will be to sit by the fireplace on cold winter evenings! For those who have a large budget, you should pay attention to brick stoves. They will become a real decoration of your home.

Fireplace in wooden house

The last stage of the reconstruction involves cleaning construction waste. Great option It may be possible to cooperate with a specialized company, whose employees can easily remove all the garbage. The price of services from such companies remains affordable, so you should not spare money. Even self-cleaning requires contacting specialists for truck so that they take the garbage out of your yard.

These are all the stages of reconstruction of an old wooden house. Of course, each of them has its own nuances, which only an experienced specialist can know. Therefore, it is advisable to invite a team of professionals rather than waste your time on repairs. In any case, you will have to turn to an architect for help, because without finished project It is simply impossible to begin reconstruction of the house.


By purchasing a private house, everyone strives to bring not only comfort into the environment, but also to shape the space so that it can be used most comfortably. Sometimes it is required, but not everyone knows that such actions cannot be performed without permission. To make changes to the building plan, permission from the administration is required, otherwise your actions will be illegal.

We will tell you how to legalize the redevelopment of a private house and register it in our article. Even if changes have already been made to your home, it is never too late to formalize everything according to the law, otherwise you may face the need to restore the previous appearance of the house and a fine for unauthorized actions.

Many people wonder why such actions need to be formalized at all, since the person is the owner and can independently make decisions regarding his property? The thing is that not all operations of this nature are safe. It is possible that may be damaged during dismantling bearing structures, which can be dangerous.

Read what the consequences of illegal redevelopment are.

Without registering the redevelopment in accordance with the law, you risk encountering problems when selling real estate, since all actions of this kind must be registered in the cadastral documents of the structure. The technical passport of the object must be updated upon sale, which obliges the owner to invite an inspector who, having identified a discrepancy with the plan, can impose a fine on the owner and force him to restore everything according to the plan in court.


Therefore, the most the right decision will register the changes and make them legally. The cost of registration will be 2,500 rubles, and the period within which the permit will be ready will be 2 months.

What actions need to be recorded?

Regarding a private house, the following series of actions are considered redevelopment:

  • Laying gas, water and electricity supply systems, and changing their location;
  • Re-equipment and creation of additional bathrooms and bathrooms;
  • Installation of showers, Jacuzzis and other plumbing fixtures, as well as equipment of technical rooms that require greater water and electricity consumption;
  • Re-equipment of ventilation and installation of additional ventilation equipment;
  • Creating doorways;
  • Construction of additional residential premises and extensions;
  • Moving and dismantling partitions.

This set of actions needs permission to prevent actions from being performed that fall into another list containing a series of actions for which you will not receive permission. The law prohibits the following work:

  • Repair and re-equipment of premises that can worsen living conditions your neighbors or cohabitants;
  • Installation heating devices on balconies and loggias;
  • Installation of balconies above the second floor, if this was not intended by the original design;
  • Carrying out work in an emergency building;
  • Increased load on the load-bearing walls of the house;
  • Creation of an internal additional room without windows and heating systems;
  • Interfering with the room ventilation system;
  • Dismantling load-bearing walls, weakening the strength of the structure.


If your desire to refurbish your home is not on this list, do not rush into action. First, you should prepare the documents and, after receiving permission, carry out the redevelopment of a private house.

Read about the cost of remodeling an apartment.

Legislative regulation

The main laws that regulate the redevelopment of a private house are:

  • Articles 25 to 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, where legal and illegal actions for redevelopment and reconstruction are regulated interior spaces Houses;
  • Government Decree No. 266 of the Russian Federation contains the form of the document and application for redevelopment and regulates the coordination of work with administrative authorities;
  • Article 7.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses dictates the responsibility of the owner who decided to carry out redevelopment without permission from the authorities.
  • Moreover, at the regional level Additional legislation may apply regulating such actions in residential premises.

Types of jobs

Depending on how large-scale actions you have planned, There are several types of work on redevelopment of a private house:

  • Indigenous, which implies both internal redevelopment of the house and facade work. These include changing the number of storeys of a building, constructing an extension or attic, and rebuilding the foundation. To carry out such work you will need to submit individual project, since standard design does not imply such redevelopment in the house;
  • Internal redevelopment involves re-equipping the premises according to the personal needs of the owner. If you are absolutely sure that your actions are legal, then you can start them immediately and get permission later. To record changes in the building plan, a BTI employee is called to the house. It records all changes and compiles new plan buildings, on the basis of which changes are made to the technical passport of the facility.
  • External redevelopment involves updating the facade, changing window openings, moving front door, refurbishment of the roof with a new roof. To decorate the facade with insulation or other modern materials, the consent of the authorities today is required only if the building is classified as a cultural monument of architecture;
  • Restoration work involves restoring the appearance of the building, rebuilding worn-out and damaged parts of the structure. Such work requires permission from the BTI.


Depending on the type of your private home, it may different actions. So, for example, if the building is frame, then you can turn almost any of your ideas into reality. In situations with brick houses things are somewhat more complicated, since some walls are parts of load-bearing structures.

Read about redevelopment in a mortgaged apartment.

How to apply?

If you are planning a large-scale redevelopment, then the approach to it will be quite serious and will include several mandatory stages, the observance of which will allow you to do everything competently and according to the law. The main one can be considered a study of the technical condition of the house, within the framework of which a study of the building will be carried out in order to identify weak points structures and the possibility of redevelopment work.

Read how to get neighbors' consent for redevelopment.

Then, based on the research, the owner draws conclusions about how feasible it is to carry out the work he has planned. It is required to prepare a sketch, and in some cases a project of the upcoming work. Design will be required in the following cases:

  • If you have to make a change to the load-bearing walls;
  • If it is intended to build or modify existing stairs, loggias and balconies;
  • When moving and creating new bathrooms;
  • When installing additional partitions;
  • When glazing loggias and balconies;
  • When making changes to architectural view building.


The project must be drawn up by a licensed design organization, with which the owner must enter into an agreement. In all of the above cases, you will be required to submit redevelopment.

Having the following series of documents in hand, You can submit them to the district administration:

  • Application for redevelopment;
  • Consent of cohabitants and neighbors if the redevelopment affects them;
  • Passport and building plan from BTI;
  • Copies of documents confirming ownership;
  • An extract from the house register, where everyone living in the house is noted;
  • Sketch or redevelopment project;
  • Agreement with projectors;
  • Conclusion about technical condition the buildings.

After a while, the administration will issue you a permit with a list of actions that you can perform in your home, after which you can begin work.


After carrying out the work, you should contact the BTI to take measurements and make changes to the documentation. After which the owner will receive a certificate, which must be submitted to the district administration. Based on this appeal, BTI will make changes to technical documentation and within a month will issue you a new cadastral passport of the property. Then, with the received documents, the owner must appear at the Service Department state registration cadastre and cartography. Here, all changes will be finally registered and a new certificate of ownership will be presented to you. The longest of all stages is obtaining permission for redevelopment; otherwise, the procedure should not take much time.

What if the work has already been done?

If you have already made changes, the outcome of the situation may be different, depending on how serious the work was carried out. You should follow this procedure:

  1. Write an application for redevelopment;
  2. Receive a technical opinion;
  3. Obtain the consent of residents and neighbors;
  4. Obtain an extract from the house register;
  5. Submit everything collected documents to the district administration;
  6. After receiving permission, go to the BTI to draw up new technical documentation;
  7. An inspection must be carried out confirming that all actions were carried out according to the rules;
  8. A conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service will be required on the premises’ compliance with standards;
  9. You will also need to draw up a project if the changes made require it;
  10. Only after submitting all documents to all involved organizations can the redevelopment be considered legal; most likely, you will have to pay a fine.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: In the summer, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves.

In the summer, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. What to choose – a house in a holiday village or in a village?

Having decided to buy their own mini-resort, asphalt children with no experience of country life, as a rule, are inclined to buy a house in a dacha cooperative, not suspecting that the reasonable price hides the almost complete absence of infrastructure - shops, post office, pharmacy and a relatively small land area.

Much more optimal solution For those who dream of real estate far from large populated areas, buying an old village house may be an option. This is exactly what the heroes of our story did today - a young married couple who purchased an abandoned building in a village in eastern Poland, and, together with designers from the Ynox studio, turned it into a stylish, modern home.

Looking at this building before renovation, it is difficult to imagine that very soon it will turn into an oasis of relaxation and tranquility. It is clear that the house is in poor condition. It seems that he cannot withstand even strong winds.

This photo is the best confirmation of what talented architects and interior designers are capable of. As a result of the reconstruction of the exterior, which took only a few months, the frame of the building was strengthened, the façade was painted on all sides in a dark chestnut color, which perfectly matches the graphite tiles that decorated the updated roof, and the dilapidated windows were replaced with new ones.

U wooden houses great amount benefits. First of all, wood is a highly environmentally friendly material that allows oxygen to pass through, so wooden buildings breathe easily and sleep soundly. Thanks to low thermal conductivity, you can save on heating costs, and even in the harshest winters you will not be in danger of freezing in a wooden house. However, such houses also have their drawbacks, the main one of which is the poor resistance of wood to the effects of sun, rain and snow, as a result of which wooden houses They fail much faster than buildings made of brick or concrete.

After overhaul a wonderful terrace appeared at the entrance to the house, allowing you to enjoy the beauty surrounding nature, relax with a cup of coffee, and in the summer, have breakfast in the fresh air.

The best days of this house are in the distant past. Flooring and the surface of the walls urgently required prompt replacement. Old, time-worn furniture had a depressing effect on the new owners and was immediately sent to a landfill.

This is what the kitchen looks like after the renovation. Modern furniture, multi-colored textiles, a bouquet of flowers and paintings on the walls completely changed appearance premises, creating in it great mood, conducive to spending as much time as possible with the family in this cozy kitchen.

The fashion for rustic interiors appeared several years ago and has firmly established itself in the world of design. At the request of the owners, the rooms of the house were decorated in this style. A little rough, but very cozy furniture, hammocks made of colored fabric, the floor, walls and ceiling are lined with boards. This interior is perfect for those who live for today, but do not deny themselves the pleasure from time to time to plunge into a slight nostalgia for a carefree childhood spent in the village.

Almost all home buyers in the village are faced with the need to completely renovate their bathroom. This house was no exception. It took a lot of time and effort to turn this room into a modern bathroom. The result of the designers' work exceeded all expectations.

The new owners of the house prefer warm and cozy tree. In this bathroom, as in all other rooms of the house, the floors and walls are made of light wood. In contrast are modern washing machine and a large shower with tray. published

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